Defender of the Fatherland Day will give Russians an extra day off - a calendar. Defender of the Fatherland Day declared a public holiday Holiday February 23 how much rest

The amount of a one-time payment is only 109 rubles.

The young calendar quickly flips through its holiday pages: official - New Year and Christmas, unofficial, but no less beloved - Tatyana's Day and Valentine's Day.

By the way, Russia is one of the few countries in the world where the holiday period can be equated to small holidays or vacations.

And now the day is approaching that women are waiting with trepidation, and men with pride - February 23rd.

How do we rest on February 23? How not to "overwalk" and not get into truants? How not to get confused with the transfer of days?

Maxim Anatolyevich Topilin, Minister of Labor and Social Protection, with the production calendar approved by him for 2017, will help deal with weekends and holidays.

According to the calendar, February 23 is an official non-working holiday. According to this year's calendar, it falls on a Thursday. January 1 (Sunday), as a holiday, was moved to February 24, making it automatically non-working.

As a result of these transfers, our beautiful half has a happy, unique opportunity to congratulate their "knights" for four days in a row.

The clipping from the February calendar looks like this:

  • We will congratulate the Defenders of the Fatherland on a holiday weekend on February 23 ;
  • February 24 - postponed from January 1, day off;
  • February 25 and 26 are days off.

Tradition 23 February celebrate solemnly and with love for men - in the soul of Russians.

How can you celebrate holidays and weekends on February 23?

Of course, during the February cold, you won’t go out in nature especially. But paraphrasing a popular slogan from a children's film magazine of the 70s, we can say in the affirmative: "The February frost is strong, but we are not used to retreating ...". Especially when it comes to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Natural Eco Options:

  • Going to the forest with family or with friends;
  • Mass or family sports holidays;
  • Collective horse riding;
  • Joint fishing trip;
  • Paintball competition;
  • Visits with children of a natural quest city;
  • Organization of a competition in an open shooting range: trap shooting, archery, cymbals or targets.

Collective holiday indoors:

  • Competitions in the bowling club;
  • Swimming pool and billiard room;

Cultural activities:

  • Visiting the theater, cinema, museums, exhibitions;
  • Musical and poetry evenings dedicated to this date;
  • Excursion trips to the places of battles and visits to the cities of military glory;
  • Concerts of your favorite artists and bands;

Family holiday:

  • Festive dinner;
  • Organization and holding of the above events, but already in the circle of relatives and friends;
  • Preparation by the "amateur arts" of a festive mini-concert for the male part of the family;
  • Thematic contests, quizzes, screenings and discussion of films;

"Adult" part of the holiday:

  • Going out with friends or "family style" to a cafe, restaurant, sauna;
  • Visiting thematic programs in the cultural institutions of the city: "A soldier is always in the ranks", "Our army youth", "It's too early for us to rest."
  • Prepare and spend an evening of memories with friends - February 23 dates, history, memory. On it you can read preserved letters from the army, see army photo albums. Or maybe you can chat with friends and colleagues on Skype.

On February 23, you can officially congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland both at the enterprise and in a narrow circle of colleagues. But in order for the celebration to be remembered and pleased, try to think over a fun and entertaining part. To make this day truly festive: put all your soul and heartfelt warmth into its organization.

After numerous New Year's holidays in January, February 2019 comes, in which there is a traditional additional day off - February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day. And more and more often the question is of interest: how do we relax on February 23, 2019, so that we can go to the dacha and work in the garden.

February 23 is the main men's holiday of 2019. In addition, Defender of the Fatherland Day is a public holiday and an official festive additional day off.

How to relax on February 23 in Russia

February 23 this year falls on a Saturday. It is followed by only one calendar day off - Sunday.

Thus, on Defender of the Fatherland Day we will rest only two days in a row.

At the same time, Friday, February 22, is a pre-holiday day, and in many organizations on February 22 there will be a shortened working day.

Reduced working hours and production rates in February 2019

In February, we expect a single shortened working day, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day. To put it bluntly, many enterprises (except for regime ones, of course) organize corporate holidays on this day and congratulate their employees.

Pre-holiday bustle reigns in offices and shops, on the eve of the celebration it is difficult to talk about high-quality work processes, however, the labor calendar remains on the side of employers and February 22 this year remains working.

According to the production calendar of Russia, in February 2019, there are 20 working days in the country (including 1 shortened one) and 8 days off and holidays.

Working hours norms:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 159 hours (20 x 8 - 1, where 20 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift, 1 is the number of reduced working days);
  • at 36 hours - 143 hours (20 x 7.2 - 1);
  • at 24-hour - 95 hours (20 x 4.8 - 1).

Why there won't be a long weekend in February 2019

February 23 is a public holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is an official non-working holiday.

In 2019, it falls on a Saturday. If a public holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, then the day off is transferred to the next working day (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, according to the Decree of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2018 “On the postponement of days off in 2019”, the holiday on February 23 is postponed to May 10. Therefore, Monday 25 February will be a working day.

Every Russian knows a holiday dedicated to the strong half of humanity - men, as Defender of the Fatherland Day. He has been revered for many years, although not everyone knows where he came from and why we love him so much today. But every citizen of our country knows exactly when it is celebrated: in Russia Defender of the Fatherland Day celebrated every year on the same day - 23 February. Our article will help you find out how the weekend will be planned in honor of this event, as well as the main points of the celebration of this wonderful day in modern Russia.

Holidays and days off on February 23, 2018

A planned weekend will help you plan a vacation, have time to get somewhere on a short vacation or just see your loved ones. And the production year for 2018, which is compiled for each year separately, will be able to help you in this matter, so that it is possible to more rationally use time for work and leisure.

According to the prepared draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, it is already possible to judge which days will be considered holidays. Based on the data provided by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, we can say that in honor of the Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2018 we will rest from February 23 to February 25 inclusive.

Weekend calendar for February 23, 2018

According to the calendar for next year, you can see that February 23rd falls on a Friday. With a five-day working week, as many as three days off (non-working) days are actually organized on February 23. But due to the decision put forward at the highest level, those teams that operate six days a week will adhere to the same schedule.
Defender of the Fatherland Day will be celebrated on a grand scale, because the main events will be held on Friday directly on the holiday itself, and the rest of the weekend you can relax and do your favorite things - the working week will begin only on Monday, February 26th.

How is Defender of the Fatherland Day celebrated in Russia?

For the first time, this holiday began to be celebrated back in the twenties of the last century and was called the Day of the Red Army. This event was not solemn, for that it was very patriotic. On this day, ordinary people collected things and products and gave them to the soldiers. After the Revolution and during the birth of the Soviet state, the army was very poor and in many ways survived only at the expense of ordinary people.

Today in Russia, this day applies and is especially revered. In honor of this holiday, concerts are held, the Kremlin rewards those who distinguished themselves in the service of the military, not forgetting about women if military service has become their profession.

Every working person looks forward to the weekend. These days provide an opportunity to relax, do what you love, communicate with family and friends, get out into nature, etc. In addition to the usual weekly weekends, there are also public holidays. February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day - is just around the corner, so the question arises how and how much they will rest on this holiday in 2018.

As a rule, at the end of the previous or at the very beginning of the coming year, a list of holiday dates for the year is approved at the state level. This list contains a number of public holidays that are celebrated from year to year on the same date. February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day - just one of these holidays.

February 23rd falls on a Thursday, extending the weekend in 2018

Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of the most beloved holidays of millions, which makes it possible to congratulate not only the military directly, but also their beloved men and work colleagues. And here the question arises of how the working population of the Russian Federation will rest on this day.

This question is legitimate. After all, there is an opportunity not only to spend a holiday in the family circle, but also to go out of town, go to visit parents or friends, go to a rest house, etc. A good rest of an employee is the key to his production success.

Due to the fact that February 23, 2018 falls on a working day (this is Friday), employees will be able to rest for three days (February 23, 24 and 25). Therefore, in this case, the Government of the Russian Federation does not raise the issue of postponing the day off.

In addition, February 22, 2018, as a pre-holiday day, according to the current legislation, should be shorter than a regular working day.

Postponement of working days in connection with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2018

The issue of postponing working days, taking into account holidays, always worries the heads of companies, enterprises and organizations.

Some of them draw up a schedule for the current year in advance, according to which they will go to work in the event of a postponement of working days.

Adjustments to the calendar of working days can be made by:

  • transfer of a specific date of the working day to one of the next days off;
  • implementation of mining by increasing hours of work (individually);
  • transfer of the holiday from the middle of the week, if this happens, to the last working day (Monday or Friday).

It should be noted that in the event of a postponement of the holiday, the working off is carried out in full (i.e., the working time is not reduced). It is also practiced to combine individual holidays with Monday or Friday (depending on their calendar location).

Without this date, it is difficult to imagine the history of Russia. On this day, a lot of significant events took place, which few people know about. The majority of the population is only interested in two questions: what day does February 23, 2019 fall on and how do we relax.

The origin of the holiday

To honor the soldiers who defend their native land is a long tradition of our state. The men who stand guard over our borders have always enjoyed the respect of citizens. It was from time immemorial. Before the revolution of 1917, the holiday of the soldiers of the Russian army fell on the sixth of May. On this day, George the Victorious was honored. It symbolized the power of Russian weapons and the victory of the Russian people over all sorts of enemies who tried to destroy our country.

During the holiday, the best soldiers were awarded St. George's crosses and other medals. On the sixth of May it was also customary to visit temples. Prayers were held there for the soldiers who died defending their homeland.

Everything changed in 1917, when the Bolsheviks came to power. The new government abolished the old traditions, but at the same time organized the Red Army to defend the revolution. These were really troubled years for our country. At this time, the Civil War was going on. In addition, foreign troops were moving towards Russia from all sides. Foreign intervention began to seriously threaten the young republic. It was at this time that the leader of the proletariat, V. Lenin, called on ordinary people to stand up for the revolution. Thus the Red Army was formed.

In honor of her first victories, a new holiday was established in 1922 - Red Army Day.

The tests of the army did not end there. In 1941, Nazi Germany treacherously attacked Russia. The soldiers of the Red Army, together with all the citizens of the USSR, began to defend their native country. During the war, our army won a huge number of battles. Among which are the decisive battles:

These battles showed the courage and heroism of the soldiers of our army. They turned the tide of the war, and on May 9, 1945, the enemy was defeated.

In 1946, the holiday was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army. This name of the holiday was preserved until the collapse of the USSR.

In 2006, the holiday began to be called. By the way, the Resolution of the State Duma clarified who can consider himself a defender.

How do we relax

Well, now it's time to find out how the Russians will celebrate the holiday in 2019. This can be found from . It has the status of a state document. The calendar is revised every year in order to determine the optimal organization of the production process throughout the country. This document is used by most of the enterprises and organizations in the Russian Federation. The government determines how best to organize the work and leisure of citizens of the country. Based on this document, you can find out for sure:

  • what days will be weekends and working days;
  • how holidays will be distributed;
  • which days will be shortened;
  • working hours for different working weeks.

So, if you look at the February production calendar, you can see:

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if a holiday coincides with an official day off, then the day off is postponed to another day. Which day, the Ministry of Labor decides. In 2019, it was decided to move Saturday 02/23/19 to 05/10/19. The government considered that two days were enough to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, but on May 9 - Victory Day, you can relax longer, including 05/10/19.

Celebration traditions

If in the early years of Soviet power this holiday had an ideological connotation, then in the last years of the Soviet Union it turned into not only a day of honoring the army and navy, but also a purely holiday for men. On this day, solemn events were held, where they recalled the exploits of our army and honored war veterans. Also, the current defenders of our Motherland, including the representatives of the fair half, were not forgotten. After all, thousands of women serve in the current Russian army.

In addition, women congratulated their men for their strength, courage and for the fact that, if necessary, they will always defend their family, land, and Motherland. In modern Russia, all these traditions are preserved.