Do you have a good memory? Test: do you have a good memory? Do you have a better memory than

Are you familiar with this situation: you got up from the sofa, went to the table and suddenly forgot what you actually wanted to do. But there was some kind of thought, there was! This kind of forgetfulness is quite common, and it's a little comforting, but... only a little.


Whether a person has a good memory or not, as a rule, a person learns during the learning process. Students understand this especially clearly during sessions: try to memorize an entire book for a semester in three days, and then deliver this valuable load to the teacher. This is when the problems begin - some people can easily memorize a seemingly meaningless text, while others are simply unable to do this.

Memory, as wisely noted in the encyclopedia, is a person’s ability to remember, store and reproduce information. It can be different - visual, motor, emotional, auditory, tactile, olfactory... It all depends on which organ of perception is better developed. Therefore, some people read thoughtfully and then retell it several times, while others immediately sit down to take notes and write a plan. Some people suffer from topographic cretinism all their lives, while others remember the most difficult routes the first time.


And yet, memory—whether visual, auditory, or motor—no matter how remarkably developed, sometimes fails. If this happens to you infrequently, then there is no need to worry, but what about those who begin to think: “Do I have sclerosis?” Don't worry, most likely not. It’s just time to train your capricious memory a little...

A great way to remember the text is to sing it to your favorite music or combine it with movement exercises. For example, you read the first paragraph and jump, in the second you try to make a swallow, and in the third you perform to the tune of “Oh, the viburnum is blooming.” Try it, it's very effective.

Our lady’s memory, although selective, will definitely sink into her soul, and for a long time, information,
associated with emotional uplift. Here’s another way for you: while memorizing something, try to find some emotions, laugh at the funny ones, cry at the sad ones, remember something similar from your life, draw, so to speak, parallels.

Don’t concentrate too much on the subject or strain yourself. The more you stress, the less you learn. It’s better to play a game with yourself: open a random text and read a couple of paragraphs just like that, without trying to remember them. We guarantee that later it will turn out that you remember the text exactly.

It is best to train your memory in the morning. And here's how.

While lying in bed, count from 100 to 1 as quickly as possible.

Name the letters of the alphabet one by one, coming up with a word for each of them.

Come up with male names for each of the first 20 letters of the alphabet, counting to yourself: “Alexey - one, Bogdan - two, Victor - three, Gabriel - four,” etc.

In the same way, think of:

20 female names;

20 product names (for example: watermelon - one, bagel - two, ham - three. Walnut- four, etc.);

20 names of objects starting with one letter (one - mask, two - potion, three - muslin, four - haze, etc.).


Protein-rich foods will help improve memory. Lean on meat, milk, eggs, fish - they contain substances necessary for the brain: phosphorus, taurine, lecithin, arginine, vitamins and microelements. Don't forget about vegetables, especially carrots, as well as nuts and bananas. If possible, treat yourself to pineapples and avocados: pineapples improve brain activity, and the unsaturated fatty acids contained in the oily pulp of the exotic avocado strengthen the membranes of gray cells.

Here's another tip: drink as much fluid as possible! It is known that water drinkers who drink 1.5-2 liters daily have a much better memory than those who limit themselves to three cups of tea or coffee a day. And as a dietary supplement, be sure to take B vitamins, choline and inositol, as well as lecithin. These drugs improve brain function.

It turns out that our brain is also an esthete; it loves good smells. If you are preparing for a performance or have a lot to remember, mix three drops essential oils lemon. orange and lavender, place a drop of this mixture into a mug with hot water and place it in the room where you work. From time to time, take short breaks and smell a mixture of lavender, lemon balm and mint oils for 4-6 minutes. This will calm a tired brain and increase its efficiency.


If you need to remember something (for example, the last name, first name and patronymic of a new acquaintance), repeat it several times out loud or to yourself, and then seal it. How? Yes, very simple. Close the big ones and index fingers both hands into the ring, press tightly and hold for 15-20 seconds. Practice shows that this gesture increases the efficiency of memorization by 70, or even 100 percent.

But the most important thing is to develop memory! You can do this at any age, but the earlier you start, the better.

Do special exercises every day - neurobics.

Several times a day, perform simple, habitual actions (get dressed, wash, make the bed) with your eyes closed.

If you are right-handed, write a few lines with your left hand, if you are left-handed, do the same with your right hand.

Walk backwards for at least five minutes a day. Does not work? This is just the beginning. Two or three workouts - and you will be surprised at how easy this exercise is for you.

But the most important thing is to constantly, day after day, train your memory, force your brain to work. You can solve crosswords or scanwords, learn songs and poems, solve chess studies and math problems, learn foreign languages ​​and even play cards! The main thing is that you do all this with interest and passion. Then the information will be better absorbed and your memory will not let you down.


Time yourself and try to remember as many of the 25 words below as possible in one minute. Then take a blank sheet of paper and write down all the words that you managed to remember. But keep in mind that you only have five minutes to do this job.


Straw, border, castle, century, helicopter, TV, train, perfume, landscape, Carpathians, year, Himalayas, singer, stillness, radio, day, roses, man, mountains, woman, car, artist, heart, rocket, bouquet.


✓ From 6 points and less

Your memory (primarily visual) is not in the best condition. But it is not at all hopeless. Train her, load up on vitamins, and then even at 85 years old you will be able to recite “My uncle has the most honest rules...” by heart.

✓ From 7 to 12 points

Your memory is not that bad, but you apparently don’t know how to concentrate, and this always interferes with memorization.

✓ From 13 to 17 points

Your results are quite decent, and you can count on your memory not to let you down in most cases.

It is worth training and exercising your memory at any age. And you shouldn’t be afraid of overtraining here. For it is known that a person uses no more than 10 percent of the potential capabilities of his memory in everyday life.

But what’s interesting: most often, it’s not the elderly who are guilty of poor memory, but the same students who don’t know how to properly organize their learning process, break, ignore the rational regime of mental work and rest, or are simply lazy people.

And now some tests.

Now you will read the task 5 times, and from memory you will try to write everything that is listed in it.

So, your spouse has compiled a list for you that you need to buy:

  • in the grocery department - noodles, rice, sugar, matches;
  • in the meat department - sausages, minced meat, cervelat, cutlets;
  • in the bakery - cookies, cupcakes, cakes, bagels.

Have you written down everything you remember?

If you correctly listed all 12 items, you can score 10 points. But for each mistake made or violation of the order of listing, deduct 1 point from 10.

Test No. 2

Try to quickly, without thinking, answer each of the questions below:

1. Who was more gluttonous: Gargantua or Pantagruel?

3. What was Richard Nixon's party affiliation?

4. How many humps does a camel have?

5. What is the value of pi (to four decimal places)?

6. What is the name of the second Soviet cosmonaut?

8. What is Dostoevsky’s first and patronymic name?

9. In what year was US President D. Kennedy assassinated?

10. Are you able to remember witticisms (anecdotes) you heard a week ago?

Now write down 1 point for each correct answer to questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and for each “yes” answer to questions 2, 7, 10.

Just don’t rush right away (already in the process of answering questions asked) look at the correct answers given below!

Add up the points scored in the two tests.


16 points: You have a very good memory! But aren’t you exploiting it too much, burdening it with small, insignificant details, details that it would be better to simply forget about?

From 16 to 10 points: you good memory. The fact that you sometimes forget something is not a problem. You can easily develop and train your memory with little effort.

Less than 10 points: Perhaps, with your memory, you should use a pocket notebook or tie knots for memory. But then try not to lose this book and don’t forget your scarf at home!

Answers to test No. 2

1. Both Gargantua and Pantagruel were gluttonous; 3. Republican; 4. Two, but there are also one-humped camels; 5. 3.1416; 6. German Titov; 8. Fedor Mikhailovich; 9. In 1963.

1. Do you have difficulty remembering the name of a particular street?

a) No.
b) Yes.

2. When you leave home, do you often find that you didn’t take something you needed with you?

a) No.
b) Yes.

3. Is it hard for you to remember a person’s face?

a) No.
b) Yes.

4. When you go to bed, can you easily list the events of the day?

a) Yes.
b) No.

5. Does it happen that you miss your favorite TV show because you simply forget about it?

a) No.
b) Yes.

6. Sometimes, when you hear a sound, you think for a long time in your head, what does it remind you of?

a) No.
b) Yes.

7. Do you sometimes leave things in public (or personal) transport?

a) No.
b) Yes.

8. Do you easily remember PIN codes and passwords in general that you often use?

a) Yes.
b) No.

9. Do you often have to look for different objects at home or at work?

a) No.
b) Yes.

10. When you go to the store, do you sometimes forget to buy something you planned?

a) No.
b) Yes.

11. Sometimes you might miss an important memorable date?

a) No.
b) Yes.

12. Can you confidently list what you ate for lunch yesterday?

a) Yes.
b) No.

13. Is it difficult for you to retell the content of a text you read without missing important details?

a) No.
b) Yes.

14. Does it ever happen that you forget about an appointment or even a date?

a) No.
b) Yes.

15. Can you easily retell a joke you recently heard?

a) Yes.
b) No.

Add up your scores and see your findings.

For each answer “a” give yourself 2 points, for answer “b” - 0 points.

0-12 points. Your memory is probably not in the best condition. For its restoration and development, it is very useful to learn poems and entertaining quotes by heart. Try to transform information into images. So, while walking down the street, pay attention to the license plates of the cars and try to make sentences from the letters on them. For example, KSM - “Beauty will save the world.” The exercise is simple, but effective. Vitamins will have a beneficial effect on your ability to remember, do not neglect them. And you should abstain from alcohol and especially smoking.

14-22 points. Overall the result is satisfactory. So that your memory does not let you down, it must be made to work! Using your address book less often when dialing phone numbers is one of the excellent methods for training your memory. In the memorized material, clarify all the details, even the smallest and most insignificant. If you need to learn something difficult, do it in parts at short intervals. Don’t be lazy to read the text out loud, it will be absorbed much better. Try the following: try to link everything that is difficult to remember with some information or concept you know - vivid associations help many.

24-30 points. Your memory is good. Just don’t try to keep everything in your mind. In our age of aggressive advertising and negative news, this is fraught with overwork and increased anxiety.

It is said about older people that due to increasing sclerosis, they become absent-minded and forgetful. In reality, forgetfulness is not just a “privilege” of the elderly. Alas, people of different ages can have “leaky” memory.

What is your memory like? To answer this question, use the following test.

Within 1 minute - put a watch in front of you - read 25 words, close the text and in 5 minutes write down in any order all the words that you managed to remember. Count the number of words written and score each written word 1 point.

Based on your total points, determine which category you belong to.

Test words:

hay, sidewalk, key, century, plane, film, train, aroma, picture, Carpathians, month, Himalayas, singer, stillness, radio, calendar, grass, man, pass, woman, car, abstraction, heart, helicopter, bouquet

Test results:

6 points or less. Your memory (primarily visual) is not in the best condition. But this is not at all hopeless - engage in regular memory training exercises, for example, reading books, memorizing texts, etc. Mental arithmetic also helps. Take vitamins. If necessary, consult with a doctor or psychologist about individual methods of preventing forgetfulness.

7-12 points

Your memory is not that bad, but you apparently don’t know how to concentrate, and this always interferes with memorization.

13-17 points

Your results are quite decent, and you can count on your memory not to let you down in most cases.

18-21 points

An excellent result that proves that you have an extraordinary memory. You can force yourself to concentrate, therefore you have sufficient willpower. Don't worry about your memory.

Over 22 points

You have an excellent, if not phenomenal, memory!


In Latin American television series, characters lose their memory through various disasters in order to make the plot more interesting. In reality, true amnesia is much less common, but everyone's memory fails them from time to time. We can’t remember the name of a work colleague, we forget about the birthdays of our family and best friends, and the plots of recently read books are completely lost in our heads. This greatly complicates both work and personal life. It’s not for nothing that truly great people usually have excellent memories.

For example, Napoleon not only knew many of the soldiers of his huge army by name, but even remembered which of them were brave and steadfast, and which were drunkards and lazy. Do you have a good memory? This will help check today's test.

completely agree - 3 points;

more likely yes than no - 2;

rather no than yes -1;

completely disagree - 0.

1. You don't remember the name of your first school teacher.

2. It's hard for you to remember the name of the last movie you saw in the cinema.

3. It is difficult for you to concentrate on one task, you are constantly distracted.

4. You always use a notebook, pieces of paper, a notepad, and write something down so you don’t forget.

5. You have difficulty remembering the faces or names of new acquaintances.

6. You often forget things while visiting, in transport, in a store, or in a cafe.

7. You don’t remember well the birthdays of close relatives and friends.

8. When making calculations, you almost always use a calculator to avoid mistakes.

9. You often have “lapses” in your memory: you can’t remember the name of a famous actor, the name of a movie, or streets.

10. You can get lost even if this is not your first time in the area.

11. At school you always had serious problems with memorizing poetry.

12. You cannot remember the layout and arrangement of furniture in the apartment where you lived as a child.

13. Memory loss, complete or partial, is a minor loss.

14. You will not recognize the voice of a friend on the phone if he does not identify himself.

15. Even if you know a person well, it is very difficult for you to create a verbal portrait of him.

12 points or less. "Napoleonic" memory. Yes, your memory is truly imperial. You perfectly remember the faces and names of people you once knew, and even if you look at a group photo of your first class, you can easily remember the names of all your classmates. People like you are called “encyclopedists.” You know everything about everything - you can remember not only the capitals of all European and Asian countries, but also the name of the UN Secretary General in 1980. Perhaps the only negative is that you “clutter up” your wonderful memory with unnecessary or low-value information. But perhaps this also has its advantages: you never know what you will need in a minute. Where, how much, what to buy, how to remove stains, where to go on vacation?..

13-24 points.Normal memory. Your result is good, it can be rated as a solid “B”. But sometimes your memory fails you. There are offensive “failures”: at the most inopportune moment you may forget the name of a popular film, the name of an actor, or some well-known fact. It drives you crazy. Treat such things more calmly: memory cannot quickly “get” something from the far shelf of its “archive”. You'll remember everything soon. And to speed up this process, do not forget that memory, like muscles, needs to be constantly trained.

25-36 points.Selective memory. If you put aside false delicacy, your memory, frankly speaking, is “leaky.” You may remember something from the distant past, but forget something that happened recently and is important to you. You forget the name of a good friend, but you don’t forget the neighbor you once saw from another house. It is contraindicated for you to rely on your memory. But it's not as scary as it seems at first glance. Modern world gradually turns to face you. Phone numbers have long been stored in mobile phones, which can also remind you of important matters in time. It is now fashionable to navigate the area using satellite navigation systems, and any information can be quickly clarified on the Internet. But it still won’t hurt you to train your memory - after all, any electronics tends to fail at the most inopportune moment.

37 points or more. "Girl" memory. You live like a hedgehog in a fog - you need to go somewhere and do something, but something constantly distracts you from your intended goal. As a result, by the end of the day you often can't remember what you did. You regularly lose something, forget things everywhere, being in the world of your own dreams. Therefore, it is very easy to deceive you. You need a worthy guide in life who will be able to appreciate your “charm” and will constantly bring you back to reality. Without such a companion, you are better off staying at home - you will be safer.

"KNOW YOURSELF!" psychological and pedagogical orientation, designed for 4 years of study.

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