The name Gosha meaning of the name. Why does the name Georgy have so many different abbreviations? Hobby and profession

According to Mendelev

Breaking with tradition, let's start with the diminutive form. Zhora has a rare combination of traits, both in their selection and intensity. “Big”, “rough”, “heavy” and “mighty”, “brave” and “evil”. The general impression of the name quite well conveys the sign of “dangerous”, expressed very clearly. According to the emotional impression, confirmed by analysis, this is a young man prone to adventure, reckless, desperate and, quite likely, at odds with the law. The “rough” sign in this case precisely shows the presence of friction with society. The name Zhora paints a portrait of a hot, fast personality.

Georgy is smaller and smaller than Zhora. He's not as hot, more slow than fast, and not as dangerous or angry. His mind is resourceful and flexible, but an excessively high opinion of himself does not make him particularly attractive in the eyes of others. A down-to-earth person, Georgy takes on any task, but rarely achieves success: brute force does not solve everything. The contradiction between “ambition and ammunition,” that is, desires and real possibilities, is constantly present in George; It happens that he drowns this conflict in wine. It is necessary to pay tribute to the perseverance of this person in troubles and misfortunes: he tries not to give away his condition in any way and continues to behave as if nothing had happened to him.

Georgy can often change his occupation and even profession, but everywhere, as a rule, he achieves very mediocre success. It performs somewhat better where an instant reaction is required. A long and happy family life for George is the exception rather than the rule.

In turbulent, transitional, troubled times, Georgy is visible: some like him, some hate him, but in stable and calm times, Georgy becomes invisible.

The colors of the name are green, white and blue.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

This is a very emotional and sexual person. At the same time, he has a sense of humor, he is able to smile at his partner, attract her to him and win her over, relax her. With a partner like George, a woman will always experience the highest pleasure. He achieves complete satisfaction with the one he has known for a long time, and often and regularly enters into sexual contact. But first of all, he needs his partner to caress him, touch his body with her lips, and say crazy words.

Sexuality of the name

It’s rare that Georgy shows impatience and persistence; usually foreplay is very important to him; kissing his partner’s breasts excites him in particular. Georgy belongs to the type of man who may not light up for a long time (this is especially true for the “winter” man), so his partner must master a wide variety of techniques and positions. His sexual behavior is largely determined by the environment in which intimacy occurs and his psychological state. Experiences associated with George's success in sex make him more open, active, more spiritual, and his performance increases. His satisfaction with his sex life largely depends on whether he is able to regularly bring a woman to orgasm. The fullness of the partner’s erotic sensations is George’s greatest source of happiness in sex. He is not inclined to change girlfriends often. He is attracted to women who are passionate, easily aroused, and able to enjoy foreplay for a long time.

According to Higir

From the ancient Greek word "georgos" - farmer. Little Zhorik is unlikely to eat candy that has been bitten by someone. He has been disgusted from childhood to old age.

At school age he stays a little aloof from his friends, but not to such an extent that they regard it as arrogance. As soon as it comes to the point at which opposition to the team begins, he immediately takes a step back, and warmth reappears in his relationships with his peers. What attracts people about George is his ability and willingness to listen to his interlocutor, and this is already a lot, especially since he can also keep other people’s secrets. He has a talent for beautifully expressing his thoughts on paper. He prefers to entrust his angry philippics to a piece of paper. Wherever he works, he always treats the assigned work with great responsibility. In the company of strangers he is reserved, but in his own circle he is not averse to gossiping, although he is kind and treats people kindly.

Name compatibility and marriage

Purposeful and somewhat cunning; Indecisive with women. Family life with George usually goes well. You just need to remember that the only thing he cannot tolerate is lies. Even a woman’s sweet lies make him different from himself. True, after shouting, he quickly calms down. He is cheerful, a lover of cheerful companies and parties, and he is looking for a wife who is cheerful and easy-going. He does not strive for leadership in the family; power, as a rule, is reasonably divided between both spouses. He doesn’t mind that the family money is kept by his wife, even considering it convenient for himself, since it saves him from unnecessary hassle. What is positive about George is his forbearance; He makes fun of those he doesn't like a little, but without anger or caustic irony. After drinking, he becomes thoughtful. In his free time he likes to walk with his children, but constant communication with them quickly tires him.

In marriage, he will most likely be lucky with Varvara, Vera, Galina, Natalya, Nina, Svetlana. A happy marriage with Alevtina, Angelina, Anna, Valentina, Ekaterina, Zinaida, Maya, Marina, Rimma is problematic.

By D. and N. Zima

Meaning and origin of the name:“Tiller of the land” (Greek). This name in Greece was an epithet of Zeus as the main “cultivator of the land.” In Russian there are also other forms of this name: Yuri and Egor

Energy and character of the name: It conceals a tendency towards ambition, perhaps even towards some arrogance, but it seems to hint to its owner about the fraught nature of such an elevation above people. Listen to the sound of this word: it begins on the rise, then its tension increases and at the end - uncertainty. Perhaps this is why Georgy often prefers to call himself simply Zhora, while the diminutive version could sound differently - Hera. No, the name Zhora more smoothes out or masks dangerous ambition.

This name also has another characteristic feature - it revives a heroic image in the memory, and those around you involuntarily have an association - Victorious. And if so, then, having suffered defeat or retreated from difficulties, George may rightly fear ridicule: they say, I am also a Victorious One! In their youth, when most boys feel the need for self-affirmation, such ridicule can hurt their pride and undermine their authority. On the other hand, it is incredibly difficult to match this image in character and strength always and everywhere. But no one will think of such a parallel with Zhora: Zhora the Victorious - this is no longer useful.

All this has a rather interesting effect on the character of George. Usually, Zhora, following the humorous energy of her diminutive name, easily fits into the team and sometimes even becomes the soul of the party. He can cheer you up, cheer you up, start something interesting, but he also has another life, the life of a dreamer and ambitious person. Companies do not involve Zhora too much; most often he spends a lot of time reading books, although in public he is inclined to laugh at this hobby of his.

It is interesting that when Zhora manages to achieve a high position or when he has good chances for this, he will most likely prefer to be called Georgiy, forgetting about the diminutive name. It may seem to many that Zhora has completely changed, that his luck has gone to his head, but this is not so; he just finally stopped hiding his true thoughts and became the way he always felt in his dreams.

In relationships with women, George’s success is ensured by his external cheerfulness and internal dreaminess; being with him can be easy and interesting. Zhora often has a large selection, which usually makes it difficult to make it right. Something like in a supermarket, when your eyes wander and in the end you take what is closer and brighter. In a word, he has little chance of a successful marriage, and besides, success with women can lead to him being frivolous about family life.

Professionally, he should try himself in creative fields or in science, where his developed imagination is likely to find worthy use. Many Georgievs are attracted to a military career or professions associated with romance and adventure.

Secrets of communication: If you want your conversation with Zhora to take a more confidential direction, you can risk opening your soul to him, tell him a little about your dreams, and dream a little. Most likely, he will respond with sincerity to sincerity. The easiest way to mortally insult George and become his enemy is to doubt his merits. On the contrary, he loves well-deserved compliments and praise, which others often take advantage of.

Sl unit of name in history

Georgy Zhukov

People usually say about people like Georgy Zhukov (1896–1974): “He has a talent from God.” And indeed, who would have thought that a boy from a peasant family, having completed only three years of school, would have the opportunity in 1915 to enter the non-commissioned officer school and show miracles of courage in the Civil War. Those around him were amazed at his unmistakable intuition, his ability to instantly assess the situation and make the only right decision. This talent was especially revealed during the Great Patriotic War, when Stalin trusted Georgy Zhukov (by that time already Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief) to lead the most critical areas of combat operations. Perhaps there was even a share of some superstition in this (and superstition, as we know, is by no means alien to the powers that be), since more and more people began to believe that the mere appearance of Zhukov on one or another section of the front could bring victory. So, it was Zhukov in the winter of 1942–1942. coordinated the course of military operations at Stalingrad, as a result of which more than three hundred thousand German soldiers were killed.

A legendary man, Zhukov hosted the famous Victory Parade on June 24, 1945, when two hundred trophies - German banners - were thrown at the Mausoleum. So, to the image of St. George the Victorious, who slayed the serpent, was added the no less heroic image of his namesake - Georgiy Zhukov, who played a huge role in the victory over fascism.

When parents choose a name for their child, they try to find out its origin, meaning and destiny, which is prescribed for its owners. After all, every name contains a code that determines the character and personal qualities of a person.

What awaits boys, boys and men named Gosha? What are their strengths and weaknesses?

Full name: Georgiy. Name forms: Goga, Zhora, Zhorik, Egor, Yuri, Georg, Gera, Goshka. Translated from ancient Greek, George means “farmer.” According to Wikipedia, this name came to Rus' with the adoption of Christianity. Its patron is the Great Martyr St. George the Victorious.

Character traits

Little Goshka is curious and restless. He doesn't like to be alone, he constantly needs attention. The boy loves noisy games, walks in parks, and attractions. He also likes it when a lot of guests come to him.

Gosha is overly squeamish. He will never eat bitten candy, even if it is his favorite treat. He remembers to wash his hands before eating and obediently brushes his teeth twice a day. Zhorik asks adults a lot of questions and expects truthful, comprehensive answers from them.

The name Georgiy is a self-confident guy. He often catches the admiring glances of representatives of the opposite sex. This pleases his pride and gives him even more confidence in his own irresistibility.

Gosha is the life of the party. This name harmoniously combines a wonderful sense of humor, sociability and natural charm. That is why Goga is invited to all holidays and events.

The man who proudly bears the name George is smart and enterprising. He always has everything under control. Gosha often holds leadership positions. At the same time, he is attentive to all his subordinates, understands their position, and knows their personal problems.

A man named Gosha has many friends. He attaches special importance to each of them. Zhora easily solves other people's problems without demanding anything in return. His friends love and appreciate him. Usually such friendship lasts for many years, until old age.

The name Zhora is synonymous with gallantry. These men, like no one else, know how to behave with women. One gets the impression that they read the minds of the fair sex. Gogis are never deprived of the attention of girls.

Despite the fact that Gosh may seem like a womanizer, he is an exemplary, faithful husband. Georgy completely devotes himself to his family, does everything to ensure that the household members are happy and do not need anything. Children are of great importance to him. He loves them very much and spoils them often.

In sex, the main thing for Zhorik is that his partner gets pleasure. Gosha is attentive to her wishes, acts carefully and tenderly. He is a proponent of classic lovemaking - in bed. Extreme places (rooftops, cars, beaches, etc.) are of little interest to him.


An interesting fate awaits a man named George. If for others life flows quietly and measuredly, then for Gosha it’s the other way around. A lot of vivid feelings and impressions, rapid ups and minor downs, joyful meetings and positive emotions - this is how his future can be briefly described.

A guy named Zhora gets married quite early. Love and mutual understanding will reign in his marriage. Usually two, less often three, children are born in a family. Divorce is an extremely rare case. If it happens, it is on the initiative of the wife.

The name Gosha contains information that it will be easy for its owner to achieve success in business. There will come a time in life when you need to devote yourself completely to work. If Gosha does not miss him, then he is guaranteed a secure future.

Business areas in which Gosha can succeed:

  • Agriculture.
  • Providing various types of services.
  • Food production.
  • Sailing.
  • Theater arts.

Gosha's health can be undermined by bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol must be, if not eliminated, then strictly rationed. It is also worth paying more attention to the musculoskeletal system: doing morning exercises, playing sports, and not neglecting prevention methods.

Experts recommend men named Gosha to travel outdoors more often. Often they are so carried away by work that they themselves do not notice how internal irritation and nervousness appear in them. At least once a month, or preferably a couple, you need to relax, not think about business and spend the weekend in a pleasant company somewhere outside the city.

The name Zhora implies the favor of fate. Sometimes events will occur in the life of its owner that do not depend on him. In this case, Gosha can completely rely on fate - all unforeseen situations will be resolved in his favor.

The meaning of the name George implies many victories. In youth, this could be the attention of girls, good studies. At a more mature age - success in business, a successful marriage, respect in certain circles. The fate of the athletes will be most successful.

This male name is most compatible with the following female names: Galina, Iya, Tomila, Renata, Clara, Lyudmila. With these women, Goga is guaranteed a strong, happy marriage. And in relations with Karina, Taisiya, problems are possible.

Every Gosha has the opportunity to celebrate his name day many times a year. But the main holiday is May 6 - the day of St. George the Victorious. On this day you need to go to church, where the memory of this great martyr is honored.

When you're researching which name means what, be sure to consider the person's personality traits. There are no absolutely identical people in the world, so their characters may differ slightly depending on their social status, living conditions, financial situation, etc.
Author: Vera Drobnaya

The name George is very common. It endows its owner with masculinity, generosity, and responsiveness. The opinions of others rarely matter to George. A man has his own point of view on everything, which he will adhere to until the end. Georgy's distinctive character traits include honesty and integrity, but sometimes he can show cunning and ingenuity.

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    The history of the name Georgiy

    The history of the origin of the name George goes back to distant Ancient Greece. It is formed from the Greek word “georgos”, which means “farmer”, “ploughman”, “cultivator of the land”. In Rus', this name, like many others, appeared after the adoption of Christianity. Initially it sounded like Georgi, but after some time it split into two independent name forms: Georgiy and Yuri.

    In ancient Rus', only the descendants of noble families were named Georgies; commoners gave their children the name Yegor.

    Name forms

    Derivatives from the name Georgiy:

    Patronymic names formed from the name Georgiy: Georgievna, Georgievich.

    Name day and heavenly patrons of George

    According to the Orthodox calendar, Gosha celebrates his name day several times a year:

    • January – 1, 21, 30;
    • February - 4,10,17;
    • March - 6, 23, 24;
    • April – 5, 17, 18, 20;
    • May - 2, 6, 10, 26, 29;
    • June - 8, 19, 27;
    • August - 3, 13, 31;
    • September – 6;
    • October – 15;
    • November – 10, 16;
    • December – 9, 31.

    George is under the patronage of 16 saints. One of the most revered is St. George the Victorious - the legendary defender, after whom the order is named, awarded to military personnel who have distinguished themselves in the service of the Fatherland. According to legend, Saint George was brought up in a wealthy family. His parents were true believers, so they tried to introduce their children to God from early childhood.

    At a young age, Georgy entered military service. During the same period, King Diocletian issued an order to exterminate Christians. Having learned about this, George publicly declared himself a follower of the Orthodox faith. Having distributed all his wealth to the poor and freed the slaves, the warrior went to the ruler and accused him of cruelty and injustice. Diocletian became furious and ordered George to renounce the Christian faith. Having received a refusal, the king first ordered the saint to be subjected to the most severe torture, and then his head to be cut off.

    However, even after finishing his earthly journey, St. George the Victorious did not stop helping those in need. The day of his memory is popularly called "St. George's Day". On this date, peasants dissatisfied with their landowner could leave for another owner.

    Celebrities named George

    Famous personalities with the name George:

    • Georgy Tovstonogov – director;
    • Georgy Vitsin - actor;
    • Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov - Soviet military leader;
    • Georgy Markov – writer;
    • Georgy Yartsev is a football player.

    Childhood and youth

    The boy's character will depend not only on the meaning of the name, but also on what his parents call him at home. If they call him by his full name - George, the child will be a real angel. This is an obedient and shy little boy who will not cause any trouble for adults. He is not attracted to noisy pastimes. Georgy prefers calm and intellectual games. He can always occupy himself without bothering adults over trifles and without interfering with their questions.

    George's friends are much older than him. An inquisitive, well-read, erudite boy is simply not interested in being with his peers. His main qualities are honesty, reliability, fairness. The guy will never reveal other people's secrets and will not weave intrigues behind his back.

    If in the family the boy is called Zhora or Gosha, his characteristics will be completely different. He won't give anyone peace. Such a child is restless and a bully. During childhood and adolescence, parents will often have to listen to complaints from others about their son’s behavior. His main qualities are arrogance, stubbornness, and love of adventure.

    Zhorik, despite the analytical mind given to him by nature, is not a very good student. He is more attracted to various sports sections, where he can throw out his energy.

    Character and destiny

    The adult Georgy is a fair, principled, self-confident person. He is purposeful, if fate gives him a chance, he will definitely take advantage of it. Despite these character traits, the man is modest and does not like to stand out from the crowd. In unfamiliar company he behaves very reservedly and even a little distantly. However, among close friends he is always cheerful and friendly.

    The character of a guy is also influenced by the time of year during which he was born:

    1. 1. Winter. This person is romantic and sociable. He tries not to get into arguments, but if it doesn’t work out any other way, he defends his position with the help of “iron” arguments, and does not simply shout down his interlocutor.
    2. 2. Spring. A cheerful, generous and cheerful person. From early childhood he behaves like a real gentleman. The only problem is that such a person does not know how to understand people at all and often chooses the “wrong” friends.
    3. 3. Summer. An open and courteous guy. He knows how to empathize and will never refuse to help a loved one. However, in moments of rage he does not control himself and can say unnecessary things, which he later greatly regrets.
    4. 4. Autumn. A comprehensively developed, intelligent and talented person. In the professional sphere he achieves great heights. Does not tolerate lies and betrayal, always keeps his promises.

    George's secret is his arrogance. He tries to hide this character trait in front of everyone, but in some situations this does not work well.

    Characteristics of George in various areas of life:

    Sphere Description
    Talents and hobbiesHe loves to draw, is interested in poetry, and often writes poetry himself.
    Professional qualityGosha can often change jobs in an effort to “find himself.” He will never take on a task if it is not interesting to him. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you give yourself completely to it. Zhora often combines hobbies with activities. He loves to travel, so he can become a sailor or geologist. He will also make a good engineer, teacher or doctor
    BusinessA man has all the makings of a good entrepreneur, so it will not be difficult for him to develop his business
    Friendly relationsZhora is sociable, responsive, always ready to help
    LoveThe young man is not deprived of the attention of women. However, in his relationships with ladies he is modest and indecisive. Therefore, it is impossible to call him a ladies' man. Each of his connections is serious and thorough. He does not accept fleeting novels. Zhora likes long-term courtship, which gradually transforms into passionate feelings
    SexualityGeorgy is an emotional and passionate man. He loves liberated partners with whom he won’t be bored in bed
    MarriageGeorgy chooses his wife carefully. As a rule, his companion becomes an attractive and thrifty woman who could create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house
    FamilyGosha is an excellent family man. He helps his wife in everything, without dividing responsibilities into “male” and “female”. She adores children, but does not spoil them too much. Pays special attention to their education


    Compatibility of George with female names:

    Name Astrology

    Talismans and symbols that will bring good luck to George:

    Name horoscope

    Description of a man’s character depending on his astrological affiliation:

    Zodiac sign Character
    AriesLeads an active lifestyle and travels often. Sociable and cheerful, has a lot of friends and acquaintances around the world
    TaurusA little shy, prefers to communicate only with very close people. His work is a priority, his personal life is in the background.
    TwinsAn adventurer, he quickly changes his life goals and priorities. In relationships with women he is selfish, prefers to “take” rather than “give”
    CancerAmbitious, ambitious, never listens to other people's opinions, preferring to learn from his mistakes
    a lionPersistent, decisive, has leadership qualities. Able to achieve any goal set for himself
    VirgoA soft and indecisive person. Prefers to be in “second roles” because he does not like to take responsibility
    ScalesHe often goes to extremes and makes many rash decisions. Easily forgives insults, has no vindictiveness
    ScorpionA straightforward and principled man. Rarely makes compromises, believing that his opinion is the only correct one
    SagittariusHas a good sense of humor and imagination. His main disadvantages include laziness, which the young man does not even try to overcome
    CapricornA principled and active person who thinks one step ahead. At the same time, he is very touchy, so those close to him should be more careful about their words when talking to him.
    AquariusAn eloquent and sociable person. He doesn’t like conflicts, so he tries not to participate in disputes or easily gives in to his opponent
    FishA reckless romantic, charming and courteous. Often idealizes people, attributing to them non-existent merits and awards, which subsequently leads to disappointment

Georgy is a reserved and taciturn person. The main traits of his character are modesty, cleanliness, caution and thoughtfulness.

From Greek, George is translated as “Tiller of the Earth.”

Origin of the name George:

George was one of the names of the supreme god of the Greeks - Zeus. In our language there are derivative forms of this name - Yuri and Egor, which are more common than Georgy.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name George:

Little Zhorik has been very squeamish since childhood. Disgust accompanies him throughout his life. During his school years, he keeps a mute in the shadows, but this is not so obvious as to be regarded as arrogance. He will never go against the team. As soon as such a moment comes, he immediately retreats and tries to “smooth out the corners.” Because of this, he has warm relationships with his classmates. As a child, Gosha is a bully and restless, loves to be in society. He listens only to those who respect his opinion. He is stubborn. At school he tries to stay away from his classmates and is a little arrogant, but he carefully hides this trait from others.

Georgy is a handsome man, he is naturally talented and creatively gifted, but he can only succeed as a person under favorable conditions. It is important for him to cultivate willpower in order to be able to achieve his plans and not give up.

Gosha is the keeper of other people's secrets. If you need to keep a secret or express yourself to someone, Georgiy is perfect for this. He knows how to listen and does not impose his opinion. Gosha knows how to write beautifully and would rather entrust his secrets to a diary than to anyone else. He often writes entire memoirs. Conscientiously treats the work that is entrusted to him.

In the company of unfamiliar people, he keeps a low profile and does not carry on a conversation, but in his own circle he is not averse to chatting. Although he treats all people with kindness and understanding. Gosha is cunning. A positive feature of George is his forbearance. He likes to make fun of those he doesn’t really like, but without irony and in a kind way. As soon as he drinks, he becomes depressed and starts thinking about something.

Georgy is responsible, so he can build a successful career, most likely in the military, but he can also succeed in medicine, science, and business. Gosha manages to work where a lightning-fast reaction is needed. He is attracted to professions that are associated with romance and adventure.

The bearer of this name is an emotional and sexual man. He is attracted to passionate women. Before marriage, he enters into intimate relationships with many women.

George's marriage is often successful. The only thing he will not tolerate is lies. Even a naive female deception can infuriate him. Gosha is cheerful, loves noisy companies and parties, and prefers to relax in nature. He chooses a wife who is cheerful and ready to instantly get ready and go with him to the sea or to the river. In the family he tries not to take a leading position, prefers equality. He gives all the money he earns to his wife. For him, this approach is liberation from unnecessary hassle and problems. He devotes his free time to children, but he gets tired of constant communication with them.

This name is rooted in the ancient Greek word “georgios”, which is translated into Russian as “farmer”. After the adoption of Christianity, the name appeared in Rus'. The patron of this name is Saint George the Victorious, one of the most famous holy great martyrs. It is known in both Christianity and Islam.

When choosing a name for a child, you first of all rely on its sound. The presence of affectionate nicknames and compatibility with patronymics are also taken into account.

Only then do they look at the interpretation of the name itself. In addition, sometimes parents choose an option so that both the full name and its abbreviation are simple, but at the same time original. After all, the child has to live with this. The name George is quite common these days. It sounds majestic and has a lot of different forms. What is the meaning of the name George? Let's consider this question.

Origin and characteristics

According to official data, this male name can only come from Greece. Translation from Greek – “farmer”. The very origin of the name Georgy was reflected in Russian canons. It is enough to recall the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious.

This name is very revered in the modern world. The variety of diminutive forms attracts many parents. For those who decide to name their child this way, it would be nice to know what the name George means, and also take an interest in some other facts. No wonder there is a saying: “Whatever you call a yacht, that’s how it will sail.” These words also apply to people.

The history of the name George dates back to ancient times. Since then it has become increasingly frequent and popular. And no wonder: his sound captivated many people. Today there are countless variations. Many languages ​​have their own George:

  • Givi (Georgia).
  • Gevorg (Armenia).
  • George (England) and others.

Those who have read the book “Land of the Moon Grass” will definitely remember the names Gyurga, Durga, Duke. But they were famous in Ancient Rus'. No matter how much it may seem that these are just cute children's nicknames, but in fact, the existence of such names has been confirmed. And they are precisely derivatives of George.

In addition, there are also affectionate options! Gosha, Hera, Zhora, Zhorik... This is an excellent name for a boy, filled with mystery and has a lot of its own unique features. Despite a certain number of not very positive traits, they still outweigh an impressive number of good ones.

Georgiy sounds serious as a full name. It often happens that other children are even afraid to bully such a boy. And this happens precisely because of some inexplicable respect for the name itself. Apparently, even the sound itself fascinates people.

In general, Gosha usually grows up as a rather quiet and reasonable boy. His natural shyness often prevents him from actively communicating with his peers. Upon reaching adolescence, a boy demands to be told his name in full. This is explained precisely by the fact that the child wants to have authority among his peers.

Diminutive versions of the name Georgiy do not sound so proud. You can (and even need) to meet the boy halfway. This will help him rise in the eyes of his classmates or friends in the yard.

The characteristics of the name Georgy indicate that the boy Gosha is a neat and diligent child. Punctuality and intelligence, coupled with the ability to keep secrets well, make him an excellent friend. But there are also disadvantages: vanity begins to appear at an early age, which can develop into arrogance.

Little Zhora usually doesn’t do very well at school, but he doesn’t even get the worst grades. He loves to make things, so he is often a member of various circles. It requires self-respect even at school age (this, by the way, can also lead to an arrogant type of behavior in the future).

The man George retains all these qualities since childhood, but his shyness can play a cruel joke on him. It is shyness that often prevents the owners of this name from finding family happiness. But fate inevitably brings Zhora together with his “soul mate.”

Nevertheless, he is very critical of women and tends to choose his betrothed carefully. It’s quite difficult for Zhora to get along with people, but if he has a friend, it’s for life. You can trust George with any secret, he will keep it secret forever. As the owner of high intelligence, Zhora can freely communicate on any topic in his company.

Positive and negative sides

All names are endowed with their own characteristics - the name Georgy (Gosha, Zhora) is no exception. His good traits include diligence and responsibility, as well as decency and kindness. In addition, Georgy easily forgets insults and has a good sense of humor. This is a very interesting and unusual person.

Fate usually likes to play leapfrog with Zhora and presents him with continuous surprises. True, they are not always pleasant. But, nevertheless, the owner of such a name can always get out of any situation. There is also a significant amount of cunning in George’s character. It is she who helps him out of most troubles.

Daydreaming often prevents Zhora from realizing her plans. And if you consider that the secret of his name is sometimes hidden by arrogance, then it becomes clear why Georgy has such difficulty joining a new team. His penchant for ironic, daring jokes often turns people against him.

It is very problematic for this person to decide on any serious action. And because of long thoughts, he may miss his chance. Severity is also inherent in George. If someone tries to use him for their own purposes, then a completely different, very aggressive Georgy will appear in front of such an impudent person.

It is very interesting that this name has acquired a huge number of different variations. For example, Yuri is an analogue adapted to the Russian language that has not existed for as long as Georgy (meaning “farmer, farmer”).

This means that these options are similar in character traits and with the source. And the sheer variety of wording for such a name as Georgy already exceeds several dozen in number. Among them are diminutive variants, foreign ones, and others.

Given his character traits, Zhora is advised to avoid alcoholic beverages. In a state of intoxication, his shortcomings are more visible than ever. Both aggression and excessive self-confidence may appear. The ironic side of a man’s character can cross the line of morality, and then he risks significantly spoiling the opinion of others about himself.

The shortened name, by the way, may somewhat diminish the obviousness of the negative traits in George’s character. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, even if you regularly call a man “Zhora” or “Hera,” his excessive arrogance will gradually decrease. But if you use only your full name when addressing someone, then the so-called “sharp corners” will not take long to appear. Therefore, of course, it is up to the interlocutors themselves to decide what to call their friend.

The meaning of the name George shows a complex person, sometimes arrogant, but still possessing a considerable amount of goodness. And, undoubtedly, this good more than offsets the existing shortcomings. It’s just that in order for people to perceive him adequately, Zhora should somewhat restrain his bad traits. And then they will always be happy to see him.