Stories about an impudent mother-in-law and her husband's sister. Mother-in-law is a killer. Mother-in-law is an honest woman

I don’t know how to tell scary stories, I’ll just tell you how it happened, from my dad’s words.
A couple of years ago, my dad’s cousin died, my dad and I went to the funeral, we were returning by bus, and dad, as usual, got a little drunk at the wake, but he was frozen - he got wet in the cemetery, and in the warmth of the bus he apparently got a little carried away - he started talking. My dad is a stern, taciturn man, but here...
“My father died at thirty. He was a pilot. After the flight, as usual, I came home and drank alcohol - they were given alcohol after the flight. He drank and fell asleep. And he never woke up again. Mom was only twenty-eight at the time, and Galka (Dad’s twin sister) and I were four years old. And a year later, my mother passed away. Cancer. Tell me, where does cancer come from at twenty-nine?
I listen with half an ear. It’s not that I’ve heard this story a million times, but I’ve heard it before. And dad continues:
“Galka and I were raised by Grandma Masha, my mother’s mother.” She was a good grandmother, may she rest in heaven. And my father’s mother, Baba Sima, lived in the Urals, far away...
I also heard about Baba Sima. Once. When dad said that somewhere in the Urals his grandmother Sima, one hundred and five years old, died. I was dancing at a wedding, fell and broke my hip. That's why she died. And so, I guess, for another three hundred years the Tortilla would have creaked.
I also remember that I was surprised then that I had never heard of that great-grandmother before. Dad didn’t go to see her and didn’t even write letters to her. Yes, and he spoke about her death somehow casually, without regret. But now dad clearly wanted to speak out.
– ... and then your mother and I got married, and you were born. I often wrote letters to Baba Sima and sent photographs. And she answered: “What do I need your scribbles for, Slavik? Well, he sent me the photos - what good are they to me? It would be better if they came to visit me themselves. Otherwise there’s no hug or drink.”
You were little, not yet a year old. Where should I take you with me to such a distance? I went alone. Grandma was already old then, and I only saw her once, in childhood...
Dad fell silent and closed his eyes. And I was already wondering: what next? I shove my dad in the side:
- So what's next?
Dad put his hand into the pocket of his wet jacket, took out a caramel, twirled it in his fingers and put it back.
- I came to see Sima. The old lady was so pretty when she got drunk. We celebrated our meeting with her for three days. I, a young guy, twenty-five years old, couldn’t stand it. On the third day I woke up and felt that I couldn’t do it anymore. I need to get home before my grandmother ruins my liver. And she laments: “Oh shit: the vodka is out! You just lie here for now, I’ll run to my neighbor Valya. I’ll borrow a bottle from her.” I started to moan. What bottle? Which Valya? I wish I could take my feet home. Grandma left, and I fell asleep again...
I wake up, and there are two faces above me: one is a woman’s, the second is that of some unfamiliar woman. She looks at me and cries. Cries and laments: “Borenka, Aunt Sim! He looks like Borenka!”, and the grandmother said to her: “Well! What did I tell you? One person!"
And these tears, from that aunt, are dripping onto my cheeks. Unpleasant. I sat up on the bed and said: “Bab Sim, I’ll go home in the morning,” and she said to me: “Well, hello! I haven’t seen my grandmother for twenty years, and I’m already getting ready to go home. You won’t go anywhere until you have a drink with Valechka.” What kind of Valechka do I need if I can’t drink anymore? But somehow they forced me to drink a glass, and then everything just started pouring out. The aunt had already left, and my grandmother and I were left alone. Grandma is pretty drunk. And suddenly she burst out: “Do you know who this Valechka is? This was supposed to be my daughter-in-law. The bride of your dead father. She was waiting for him from the army, my mother prepared a dowry for her, I saved money for the wedding, my grandfather began to build a house when he was young. And your father came out of the army with some kind of larva - your mother, so that she could die again in the next world, you freak. Got married, you scoundrel! What did she do to get him? No face, no skin! Look, she was good in bed - so he couldn’t resist. He suddenly forgot that he had a fiancée here, that he would make his mother and father famous throughout the village - he didn’t hesitate to drag her here. As soon as I saw her, I immediately said: she will bring Borya to the grave, mark my words. And how she looked into the water. She, the brute, couldn’t give birth for five years, she was a barren creature. I told Borya: leave this empty-bellied woman, why should you suffer with her? Now Valyushka would give birth to ten for you. But no, I didn’t quit, you fool. Well, thank God, Mother Theotokos had mercy - you and Pebble were born. I went to them specifically to see the babies - what if they weren’t mine? But you both looked like Borya. At least I didn’t deceive you, the reptile... And then Borya died. She calls me: “Mom, Borechka has died!” What kind of mother am I to you? Mom, look! I remember I screamed then: “It’s you, it’s you, you scoundrel, who killed Borya! I swear to God - you won’t stay in this world long!”
Dad coughed convulsively into his handkerchief. It’s strange that he coughed like that. I even thought he cleared his throat: “Ssssssssss.” Clearing his throat, he unwrapped the caramel, put it in his mouth, and crunched it. I couldn't stand it:
- So what is next?
- Further? And then the grandmother said that she swore in front of witnesses: “I’m crawling all over the Urals on my knees, but I’ll find a man who will nail this bitch into a coffin. Not even a year will pass.” She found some old woman somewhere. A witch, not a witch - I don’t understand them. Sima paid that witch a lot of money. But the result was worth it: a month before the anniversary of my father’s death, my mother died. Do I believe in this nonsense? I believe. I saw many things with my own eyes. I saw everything, Lida... Of course, people later said that it was my mother who got sick and withered out of longing for her father. Maybe it is so, who knows? Do you want some candy?
- Don't want. And then what happened?
“Then...” Dad unwrapped the third piece of candy. - Are you sure you don’t want to? I have a whole pocket. At the wake, Ninka showered herself with generosity. And then I hit Sima. No, I didn’t hit her, I didn’t slap her, I punched her. He hit me heartily, like a big guy. And to this day I regret it. I hit it a little. The old bastard should have been killed. I, Lida, hardly even remember my mother, can you imagine? I remember her smell, voice and eyes - you have her eyes... But I don’t remember anything else... But Sima has been creaking for more than a hundred years, the old reptile.
Dad turned away and fell silent.
I waited for him to say something else, but dad, as they say, slammed himself shut. This happens to taciturn people - once every ten years they break through, and then they remain silent again.
We didn’t return to that topic again, but I often think: what would I do in my dad’s place? And guess what? I wouldn't hit the old woman. And not because I feel sorry for her - not at all, but because it’s too easy. I would also find a witch. And I would pay too. As much as they would say. Because in such things the trick with Christian virtue and so on somehow doesn’t work. I can forgive a lot, but not this.
I probably would have made a worthy great-granddaughter of Baba Sima...

My husband and I met at the cinema. So, we exchanged phone numbers, I immediately really liked him, but I didn’t even think that something would come of it. But he called the very next day, we started dating, a month later he introduced me to his mother, and six months later we got married.

I won’t describe our relationship, I’ll just say that I was the happiest in the world! My husband is the kind of man any girl could dream of. We immediately rented an apartment, at first my parents helped pay, then, when we paid off the debts for the wedding, we had enough of our own money. He immediately said that he didn’t want his wife to work, and I didn’t resist, I like to tinker around the house, I like to cook delicious things and create comfort.

His mother, my mother-in-law, often comes to us. My relationship with her was immediately excellent. I didn’t even believe that this could happen, sometimes it seemed to me that she treated me even better than her son. She advised me about housework, always gently, unobtrusively, just like a friend. We often just chatted about everything under the sun. I even began to communicate less with my friends; I was really interested in her, even though she is my husband’s mother.

But after a few months, I honestly don’t even remember when it started because I didn’t pay attention, my husband started asking me questions about my relationship with his mother. I answered him that the relationship is just wonderful, I really like her.

But then I noticed that after these questions, he was in a bad mood, he seemed to withdraw, or something... I got the impression that he either didn’t trust me, or was hiding something... In general, there was some kind of disunity, although in other days, when his mother did not come, we were the happiest couple.

I started asking him what was wrong with him, but he kept moving the conversation somewhere else. But these are the first months, and the further it goes, the worse. I began to clearly notice that he did not trust me. No matter what I said, he began to find fault, asked again several times, in the end all our conversations became like interrogations, where I was a suspect. But I couldn’t understand what they suspected me of!!! And to my questions he answered: “Don’t pretend, you know it yourself.”

It became simply unbearable. Scandals began, without any reason at all, out of nowhere. He constantly accused me of lying over trifles, said that he could not live with a woman who constantly lies to him. But I never lied to him! And there was no reason. What could I lie about? About going to the store, to the salon, to the pool, meeting a friend, cooking dinner? He began to demand a full report of everything, and each time he accused me of lying.

And then one day I lost my keys and came to his work. When I approached his office, I heard him talking to someone on the phone and calling my name. I stopped at the door and began to listen. I didn’t hear what they said to him, I only heard his answers, but it was clear that someone was telling him about me, where I go and what I do. And I also realized that what they were telling him was not what was really happening.

I couldn't stand it and went in. He immediately ended the conversation. I asked who he was talking to, he said that he was with his mother. Of course, I didn’t believe it, I had a wonderful relationship with her, and why would she slander me? But I got very angry, and so I went up to him, took the phone and looked at the number. It was my mother-in-law's number. I was shocked! I couldn’t understand anything at all!

I came home and called my mother-in-law and asked why she was lying to my husband about me. I thought that she would at least explain something, but she said this... “When my son brought you, I thought that he had found a worthy girl, and accepted you as my own daughter. But you turned out to be an adventuress, you fooled my son, sat on his neck, only stealing money from him, and when he, as a decent person, earns money to support you as a queen, you have fun on the side.”

Am I having fun on the side?!!! From surprise, I was even speechless and passed out. I just sat there stupidly until the evening, but I couldn’t come to my senses. And when my husband returned from work, he said that my mother called and said that I gave her a scandal on the phone, insulted her with unnecessary words and simply mocked her. Like I told her that I screwed her son up so much that he fell in love with me and would never leave me, that I was cuckolding him, but he was stupid and didn’t see anything, that he only trusted me and spit on his mother. That I openly laughed at him...

“How could you do this?! Not only are you lying to me, how could you offend my mother like that?! Did you say that I’m a mattress and won’t get away from you? I'll never get around to it. If you don’t know how to behave decently, live alone!” Something like that, it was such a shock that I can't even remember what he said to me.

He took some things and left that evening.

I cried for two weeks. I tried to call him, but he hung up. I came to his work, but he didn’t talk to me, and then the security stopped letting me in. Then the money ran out, and I had to pay rent and eat something. I went to my parents. I had to admit that we had a fight. Although, can this be called a quarrel? My parents helped with money, and then I got a job.

A month later, I saw that in my absence he took all his things. This was a new blow, because before that I still hoped that he would return... And now I’m waiting, because I love him, and we are still married...

Now almost six months have passed. I live somehow... But I still can’t come to my senses. How could this happen? Why? Why did my mother-in-law need to separate us in such a vile way? Can not understand…

It seemed to me that my mother-in-law was turning her son against me, emphasizing my ineptitude and inability to cope with life in comparison with her. And I tried. I tried to be better. It's more delicious to cook. It is more economical to run a household. Cleaner. To be gentle and caring, even if you were tired. Finally, five years after the wedding, I insisted on my husband and I moving from Moscow to Vladivostok, where he was offered a job. I wanted to be as far away from my mother-in-law as possible so that she would not have the opportunity to interfere in our lives. And we left. Years later, remembering that time, I realized that my mother-in-law practically did not interfere.

She simply counted on a good attitude from her son. It was well deserved. After all, she raised him and educated him at the institute, despite a lot of difficulties and a constant lack of money. Despite chronic fatigue from hard work as a nurse in the surgical department and a poorly arranged life.

My husband's father died of cancer when his son was only ten years old. Grandparents lived far away - in neighboring villages of the Kirov region. The mother-in-law and her son visited them in the summer for a couple of weeks and sometimes in the winter for the New Year. They did not come to Moscow for fear of leaving their gardens and animals unattended. And it was not easy for them to travel simply due to their age and health, especially since the capital with its bustle tired them. In the villages it was more familiar and calmer - under the supervision of children and grandchildren, who did not betray their homeland, like some, did not leave to explore the cities. Subsequently, contact with them was completely lost. My mother-in-law often lamented this and added that her son and I, her daughter-in-law, were the only people close to her. This both touched me and alarmed me at the same time.

I almost physically felt the burden of responsibility that my mother-in-law placed on us without asking our desire to bear this burden. Although the burden was actually small. All that was required was to inquire about her well-being and do what the mother-in-law herself could not do. Bring or move something heavy. Fix a leaky faucet or replace a sparking electrical outlet. Whitewash the ceiling and put up wallpaper after the upstairs neighbors flooded it. And just sit next to me and listen to the sore point. No one required daily participation. But I perceived even my husband’s weekly visits to my mother almost as a betrayal towards myself. After all, I made plans for the weekend, dreamed of trips to nature and cultural events like visiting museums and theaters, invited friends to visit and accepted invitations myself, and I just wanted to go shopping with my husband so that he could look at my new clothes and appreciate them with his own eyes. . And first of all, he was eager to see his mother and only then, if there was time left, did he pay attention to me. I was sulking and offended. I took his every word about my mother with hostility. I used my own mother as an example, who managed perfectly well without our constant care.

At that time, my mother already had her fourth husband. She fluttered like a butterfly in her early forties. I attended aerobics and English courses to keep up with modern trends. As soon as the borders opened, I rushed to Europe, and from there to America. I later wrote from Chicago that I had found true happiness in the person of some Bob. I attached a photograph of him to the letter. For a long time I looked at the black face with a shiny, ebony-like bald head and could not understand what my mother saw in him. I categorically refused to recognize this person as my new stepfather. And my mother disappeared completely. This, however, did not upset me. I focused on my own family. She built a nest and prepared to become a mother herself. Everything was going great, only my mother-in-law annoyingly interfered with our idyll. No, no, yes, she expressed her opinion on how to live. She judged my mother. She didn’t leave us alone for a week. She even tried to go on vacation to the sea with us, which I resolutely stopped by throwing my husband into hysterics with breaking dishes.

Now I am ashamed to remember how disgustingly I behaved. How it was dripping into my husband’s brain that his mother was demanding the impossible. What niggles at me. Which, apparently, doesn’t love me and wants to destroy our marriage.

Are you serious? - he was surprised. - This is the other end of the country. Even my mother and I can rarely talk on the phone due to the time difference. And to meet... it’s generally unknown when it will happen.

But every meeting will be a real joy, and not a duty,” I insisted.

My mother-in-law cried when we told her about our decision to move. She expressed the hope that we would not be gone forever. And if we are delayed, we will take her with us, because she has nothing to do in Moscow without us. I didn’t object out loud, but I thought to myself that it was time for her to make friends or find a man so she wouldn’t get so attached to us. There's my mother, she lives without me. Why can't this one? Why is he clinging to us? Later, I did everything that depended on me so that she would not come to us often and would not stay for a long time. She apparently felt my attitude and stopped communicating with me completely after her son - my husband - died in a car accident. She herself did not survive him much. Two years later she died due to a detached blood clot.

I was barely forty-three years old when I was left completely alone with my twelve-year-old son. That's when it started to dawn on me how cruel and selfish I used to be. But I was able to fully understand my disgusting behavior later, when my son grew up and got married.

I didn’t like his chosen one from the first meeting. She behaved arrogantly towards me. She immediately made it clear that she did not need my advice. And in general he expects to live separately and see each other rarely. Coming from a wealthy family, she was embarrassed by my simple appearance. I considered my borscht and cutlets a relic of the past. I fed myself and taught my son to vegetable soups and steamed fish. I monitored calories and waist size. She drove my son to the gym, and when he visited me, she made sure that he didn’t try unhealthy food again, so that he didn’t fall under my dangerous influence.

“I don’t ask you to have dinner with me every night or just sit next to me,” I was indignant. - But is it possible to simply help move furniture or fix a broken washing machine?

Should I give you the technician's phone number? - the daughter-in-law curled her lips. - Or will you find it yourself in the reference book?

I watched as my son cared about her well-being. He worked six days a week, ten or even twelve hours. She didn’t get a job, nurturing the image of a social diva. Slow mornings, strict instructions to the housekeeper, spas and shops, fitness centers and cafes with girlfriends, dinner delivered from a restaurant - this is her schedule and range of interests. She was in no hurry to give birth, but when her friends became pregnant one after another, she succumbed to the general mood.

I was happy to myself. I thought that now I would finally be useful as a nanny, if they didn’t want to see me in any other way. However, my daughter-in-law invited a professional teacher and asked me not to interfere.

“Love won’t hurt,” I told her.

“First of all, you need to love yourself,” she answered me instructively.

Everything inside me sank with resentment. I tried to express my pain to my son.

Mom, don’t be dramatic,” he waved me off tiredly. - My wife does everything right.

She convinced him that paid services were better than his own grandmother. Grandma may get sick, and then all plans will be disrupted. And the teacher is obliged by contract to find a worthy replacement if something unexpected happens to her. It is difficult to demand from a grandmother the exact fulfillment of parental wishes. You won’t speak strictly to her in front of the child, it’s not pedagogical, but you don’t have to stand on ceremony with the invited governess. Grandma will have to be taken into account, and the servants can be asked to leave at any time and not loom before their eyes.

At least on a day off I can take a walk with my grandson? - I begged.

On the weekend, we go for a walk ourselves,” the daughter-in-law immediately got into the conversation. - On weekdays, we don’t get to spend time together as a family.

This will be given to you in the future,” I couldn’t restrain myself. - You will feel on your own skin what it is like when you are separated from your son and grandson.

How dare you curse?! - the daughter-in-law squealed. - Old hag!

Did you hear that?! - I turned to my son, dumbfounded.

Calm down, girls,” he said conciliatoryly. - Please!

At the same time, his face expressed wild fatigue. And only for his sake I did not stir up a scandal. I was also afraid that my daughter-in-law would completely cut me out of their lives, declaring me a danger to society. And so she tried not to leave me alone with my grandson. Even when I became pregnant for the second time and gave birth to a girl.

With the advent of her third child, the daughter-in-law began to behave like a heroic mother. And more and more often she sarcastically said to me that it was my own fault: I gave birth to only one son. If I had more children, there would not be such a problem as lack of attention. And I wouldn’t actively seek attention myself. In my youth, I would have suffered with upbringing, and then I would not be drawn to my grandchildren, I would live my life calmly. I listened to her and could barely contain myself. On the one hand, I wished her well-being, as the wife of my son and the mother of my grandchildren. On the other hand, she promised to experience the same mental pain that she herself experienced. And then I caught myself remembering how unfair I was towards my own mother-in-law. I knew what I was punished for. And one could forgive the unreasonable daughter-in-law. But I did not and still do not have the strength or wisdom to do this. Even now, when my son repeated the fate of his grandfather and father and died early.

For me, his death from a heart attack was a terrible tragedy. The daughter-in-law also cried and lamented. She probably truly loved him after all. However, this did not stop her from soon getting married a second time.

“Only for the sake of the children,” she explained to me before leaving.

She left with her children for Australia. After all, her new husband emigrated there ten years ago. Of course, she didn’t invite me along. However, her husband now often calls me and inquires about my affairs. I don’t know if my daughter-in-law knows, but he has actually been making plans for a long time for me to move in with them, because he believes that grandmothers should be close to their grandchildren. This touches me and makes me believe that I have already redeemed myself and everything can still be good for me.

Vitalik was already working at one of the Moscow ambulance stations when Olesya came to them. The young people liked each other and, after some time, they got married. The couple turned out to be really beautiful: both of the Nordic type - fair-haired, blue-eyed. Vitalik has a strong build and stocky build. Olesya is a fragile girl with a good figure and a pretty face.
Problems with his mother began even before the wedding, but the guys did not lose heart - they say, he will get to know each other, get to know him better, and will be glad to have such a daughter-in-law. But it was not there.
The young paramedics had nowhere to live: they didn’t have their own corner, and renting an apartment on their salary was completely unrealistic. Olesya’s parents lived in the Nizhny Novgorod region and, of course, they did not want to move there from the capital. Therefore, I had to live with his mother.
They worked in different shifts so that while one was at work, the other could go to the grocery store and cook food. When Vitalik was not on shift and was doing all the things, nothing unusual happened. But the mother tried her best to persuade her son to part with “this rubbish”, which is unworthy of him: she is poor and not smart enough (that’s with honors!) and not too beautiful and will go out on night shifts with just anyone...
If Olesya prepared food for at least two days, it would spoil the next morning. The milk the girl bought had turned sour, and the bread had become moldy. If she ironed when her mother-in-law was at home, she would definitely get burned on the hot iron or burn things through.
In their small room there were a huge number of cockroaches, which for some reason did not spread throughout the entire apartment, but modestly clustered in the corners, in the linen closet, even in the sewing machine. Then the cockroaches disappeared as suddenly as they had appeared, but mice appeared out of nowhere. They gnawed everything they could - computer wires, clothes, books... Olesya constantly fainted from the mere sight of these rodents during the day and woke up at night when they darted around the bed, stepping on her arms, legs and even her face.
Then, along with the mice, the harmony in the sexual relations of the spouses disappeared. Olesya kept saying that she felt like they were being peeped through the keyhole. Several times she clearly felt how the bed, at the very peak moment, sagged under the weight of a person who sat down on the edge. Therefore, they even conceived a child outside the walls of the apartment - after going to the lake for a few days.
The pregnancy was difficult. Several times Olesya was kept in the obstetrics and gynecology department. The doctors shrugged their shoulders - the fetus was developing normally, no pathologies were observed. No one could understand where the severe pain and bleeding came from. Unfortunately, in the sixth month, when the baby was already kicking sensitively, a miscarriage occurred, which almost cost Olesya her own life.
After this, the young wife gave her husband an ultimatum: “Either me or her!” They moved out of the apartment. Life returned to normal, Olesya easily became pregnant, carried her to term and gave birth to a healthy child. The mother-in-law did not even come to look at her grandson and did not congratulate the newlyweds.
After this, Olesya severed all ties with her mother-in-law and never saw her again.

I met (then a single young mother with a three-year-old son in her arms) on the path of life a good guy. He called me to the registry office. It calls for a week, a month, a year, a second, a third. What, I say, dear, are you missing in your life? And so, they say, we live well. But no, give him a stamp in your passport. I finally persuaded him. Wedding, rings – everything is like people’s.

- the woman, in principle, is not evil, but one of those people who is popularly called “black-mouthed”: shouting, swearing, being rude to a website is a favorite and common thing. At the same time, she did not hold a grudge against anyone for a long time and did not hide her resentment in her bosom, but, as if with a tub of slop, she immediately showered her opponent with “arguments.” It almost never bothered me (my husband and I began to live in his parents’ apartment after our wedding), and, one might say, there were no conflicts. But behind the scenes, on a bench near the house, all the discontent of the mother-in-law was regularly poured out in a stormy stream. Let him talk, I think it’s not my tongue that hits my teeth and earns calluses. And where have you met a mother-in-law who is happy with her daughter-in-law?

I became pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful daughter on time. And by that time my husband was completely out of control. From mom's hands. And he doesn’t wash the dishes for the whole family, as he used to (he only rinses his own plates in the sink, as his wife taught him). And he doesn’t put dirty socks under the bed, but in the laundry basket, and doesn’t wait for his woman to clear away the “fragrant” rubble. And he doesn’t want to discuss his mother’s TV series over evening tea anymore. A scoundrel, in a word, a traitor and a traitor. The grandmothers in the yard unanimously decided that he was a scoundrel and a traitor.

The mother-in-law, being in fierce sadness, decided to return everything to normal. In fact, we need to return our eldest and beloved son to his usual state! She picked it up and went to stay with relatives in the outback. She left for a short time, was absent for about a week. She came back so joyful, she flies around the house, chirps, and makes no complaints. Thank God, I think I’ve calmed down, rested, and maybe at least I won’t worry or be nervous.

About a week after my mother-in-law arrived, I overheard her conversation with my mother. Baba Katya, apparently, reprimanded my mother-in-law, her daughter, for something, and she loudly made excuses, saying, why are you, mom, saying such things, that grandmother is faithful and nothing bad will happen from what she did. Yeah, I think it’s “b-z-z-z” for a reason!

I started cleaning the house and for some reason decided to dismantle the winter locks that were standing on the mezzanine, located above the corridor in front of the kitchen. I’m washing the jars, wiping the dust, and suddenly I feel at the very edge, near the door... an egg. An ordinary chicken egg. I don’t put my hands on the nest egg - but how about something starts hatching from there right now! She took a towel, pulled out the “treasure” and called the family for a council. I even quoted the classic to everyone who came running - how, I say, your mother, I apologize, understand?! What, I say, are these undeclared products stacked here? Surely a reserve was made in case of nuclear war?!

The mother-in-law was all running around for some reason, fussing about, and blushing fieryly. This, he says, is from the village, homemade. Like, she brought a whole package, put it on the mezzanine, and apparently the site just rolled out. I popularly explained that there was a refrigerator in the kitchen, so there was no need to arrange chicken products in an unconventional way. “The fish didn’t say anything, it just splashed its tail in the water.”

I looked with my impudent gray eyes straight into the eyes of my embarrassed relative and said: “As long as I’m alive, no one can offend me or my children. Nobody and no way!” Of course, I wanted to add more demonic laughter and shout, like Good Eeh from the cartoon: “You will remember me forever!”, but I decided not to make it worse.

My husband, wanting to defuse the situation, took this unfortunate egg from my hands and took it somewhere outside. And I, remembering the advice of my beloved grandmother, smiled mentally and with all my heart wished happiness and health to the one who started evil against me. My grandmother told me: “You, granddaughter, forgive them and imagine that a mirror is growing around you. Clean, washed with dew and dried by the sun.” So I imagined such a mirror and hid myself and the children under it.

We lived for some time, and suddenly everything started rolling. The father-in-law started drinking like crazy, so much so that soon he was rushed to the hospital with a stroke, his arm was paralyzed and he was drying up before his eyes. My dad got into a terrible accident, was badly burned, and was barely saved. My husband fell ill in the hospital, almost went to the next world - they could not make a diagnosis for a long time, and at that time the disease was gnawing at the heart valve. My husband’s younger brother, a healthy guy, seemed to have gone off the rails: he began to get involved in any small conflict, he was beaten more than once, he was beaten brutally, almost to death, the police often visited.

In general, all the men in two families suffered in a way that you wouldn’t wish on your enemy. Everyone except my little son. I once approached my mother-in-law and said: “You see, mom, how your testicle behaves? I warned you - the harder you spit at me, the more you will be showered! But your village grandmother screwed up somewhere, it wasn’t you who got drenched, but our men. You should at least feel sorry for your relatives! The mistake needs to be corrected."

Mother-in-law left. Not for long again. And upon returning to church, she began to go to church, read prayers, and brought me icons so that I could embroider them with beads. I did the embroidery. With joy and peace of mind.

Peace has been in our family ever since. Nowadays we live separately with our in-laws, and on holidays we go to visit each other. And the mother-in-law, when she is nevertheless overcome by the desire to express her dissatisfaction to me, catches herself in time and falls silent. You can only sometimes hear him muttering under his breath as he leaves: “Witch!” And I just laugh. Maybe the site really is a witch. Only kind and happy.

Peace and joy to you, lady-in-law!

You can see how to easily and quickly make believable and creepy makeup for Halloween in this instruction (photo and video). Don’t be lazy to celebrate this mystical holiday fully armed!