How to take l-carnitine correctly for weight loss. L-carnitine for weight loss: which is better, reviews. Impact on the body

At all times, man has strived to bring his body to perfection. And if earlier you had to exhaust yourself with diets or limit your diet, today there are special supplements that allow you to lose weight faster and more effectively. One such remedy is l-carnitine.

Characteristics and benefits

L-carnitine is an amino acid that is independently produced by the human body. To be more precise, this substance is produced by the liver if it receives enough protein. This amino acid contains vitamins

B group and levocarnitine, which determine the benefits of L-carnitine for the body, and, more precisely, contribute to:

  1. Accelerates the breakdown of fat deposits.
  2. Release of energy.
  3. Multiple reductions in blood cholesterol levels, which reduces the possibility of heart and vascular diseases.
  4. Increasing the body's endurance, including during training.
  5. Reducing the level of fatigue, even if it has already become chronic.
  6. Cleanses the body by promoting the removal of toxins.
  7. Increasing the regeneration of body tissues.

If we talk specifically about the issue of losing weight, then the most important property of this useful amino acid is fat burning. This process is ensured due to a number of properties:

  1. L-carnitine does not easily burn accumulated subcutaneous fat, but transforms fatty acids foreign to the body into energy, which gives strength for life and sports.
  2. Fat molecules quickly penetrate mitochondria - part of the body's cells that are responsible for breaking down nutrients to produce useful energy.
  3. Another plus is the breakdown of not only existing fats for the benefit of the body, but also those newly received with food.

L-carnitine: how to get it

As already mentioned, the liver itself synthesizes the amino acid carnitine, using proteins entering the body.

Accordingly, to enhance its production, you need to eat foods rich in proteins:

  1. Any types of meat.
  2. Beef and pork liver.
  3. Fish.
  4. Milk and dairy products.
  5. Chicken or beef broth, which is taken during illness to strengthen the body, also contains a large dose of carnitine.

However, during heat treatment of these products, the beneficial properties of the protein are weakened and the level of beneficial amino acids decreases.

To replenish reserves and enhance fat burning, l-carnitine is taken additionally in the form of food supplements. Currently, there are several types of them:

  1. In tablets, including effervescent ones. This is one of the most popular forms of release because it is the most convenient to take. Moreover, the cost of a tablet drug is less than a liquid one or in ampoules. But there are also disadvantages - the tablets are made in a shell, so they are absorbed more slowly in the body. This option is best chosen by those who want to improve fat metabolism in the body to improve blood quality, and not by those who want to lose weight.
  2. In liquid form. This l-carnitine is absorbed better and faster, which promotes faster fat burning, and it is also quite convenient to take. The disadvantages include a higher price than other types, and a not entirely useful composition– Manufacturers sin by adding preservatives to the liquid form for longer storage and flavor enhancers.
  3. In capsules. This method of use is more effective, since the capsule, consisting of gelatin, dissolves faster in the stomach and, accordingly, begins to act faster. Capsules are in the middle price category between tablets and liquid substance.

Admission rules

Experts believe that carnitine will not harm the body, even if taken in high doses, but this will put unnecessary strain on the kidneys.

In addition, it is worth deciding what you want to get from taking this amino acid - weight loss, muscle growth or healing of the body - and based on this, choose the form of administration and the correct dosage:

  1. Having chosen L-carnitine tablets, read the instructions. General recommendations for taking pills are as follows:
    • Take equal doses of 200 mg 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals - breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. The effectiveness of the drug increases when taken in the first half of the day.
    • Before each daily workout, drink another 500 or 600 mg of the drug. This will increase the effect of the training.
  2. If you choose a liquid form - in the form of syrup, then you should take it depending on the purpose of administration:
    • For those who decide to lose weight, you need to drink 5 ml of carnitine three times a day on an empty stomach - before breakfast - or on an empty stomach before lunch and afternoon snack.
    • For athletes during intense exercise, this scheme works - 5 ml three times a day before meals and another 15 ml of syrup 20 minutes before the start of training in the gym.
  3. The capsule drug should also be taken depending on the desired effect:
    • For weight loss or as indicated by doctors, take from 250 to 500 mg of the drug three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.
    • Professional athletes are prescribed 500 to 1500 mg of amino acid in capsules three times a day before meals and before each workout. L-carnitine should be taken without interruption for no longer than six weeks, after which the body needs to “rest” for two weeks.

Diet and exercise when taking L-carnitine

L-carnitine itself is only an assistant in burning fat. Without the necessary diet and constant training, the drug will not give the desired effect. Research into the effects and physical activity on the human body when taking the substance l-carnitine began back in the late 1990s.

The experiment involved 100 people diagnosed with obesity. Specialists drew up a nutrition and exercise program for them - both were moderate - and introduced a separate intake of L-carnitine into the diet.

According to the results of the study, carnitine increased the loss of body fat by 25% and reduced the body mass index by 1.5 times. In addition, dangerous levels of blood sugar and blood pressure in the subjects decreased.

Modern experts and fitness trainers advise following:

  1. For the duration of training. While taking l-carnitine, your workout time should not be less than 25 minutes. Only during this time will physical activity be able to start the process of burning fat deposits, which accelerates carnitine.
  2. For a meal plan. You cannot limit yourself too much in nutrition and go on strict diets. By doing this you will only exhaust yourself and will most likely “break down”.

Train yourself to split your diet into 5 or 6 meals and divide these meals proportionally throughout the day. To enhance the effect of the amino acid on the body, a couple of hours before training, eat 200-300 grams of quickly digestible protein, such as cottage cheese or fish.

Effect of taking

Each person’s body is individual, so it is impossible to say with certainty how and who will be affected by taking L-carnitine.

However, over the years of research into the effects of this amino acid on fat burning, the following results were obtained:

  1. You can lose up to 15 kg in one month. Probably, such results are achieved in people with an accelerated metabolism or in those who have tormented themselves with a strict diet.
  2. More energy and stamina appear. Already after the first workout, people feel that, although the weight did not begin to rapidly melt away, much more strength appeared to burn it during training.
  3. The fat burning process has intensified. The carnitine produced by our body is not enough for intensive loss of subcutaneous fat, and additional intake promotes this and reduces the time for weight loss.

Introduction to the diet of L-carnitine: what people say

Before starting to take the drug, the best decision would be to consult a doctor or consult a professional trainer. Another option is to study reviews of people who have already tried the effects of l-carnitine.

Here are some examples of such reviews:

  1. 26-year-old Irina writes:“While taking carnitine, I was on a strict diet - I only ate lettuce leaves - but I urgently needed to lose a lot of weight. I managed to get rid of 18 kg within three months, while training only on the elliptical in the gym. I only had enough strength for the first 40 minutes of training, then it became not very good.”
  2. Here's what Marina says:“I bought a liquid drug, yesterday I just drank it for the first time before training. I can’t say anything about fat burning yet; I also lost 60 grams during the workout, but I definitely have more strength. Time will tell the effect."
  3. Tatyana – 43 years old – writes:“I can’t say that there was no effect from taking it at all - I did an hour of cardio at a fast pace. After training I was all wet. I followed the rules, trained conscientiously, but didn’t lose anything at all.”

Drawing a general conclusion from this, it is impossible to say unequivocally about the benefits of taking L-carnitine, but, if you believe people, it does not cause harm to the body. Some claim that the drug is absolutely harmless, but this is not entirely true.

Side effects and contraindications for use

When taken correctly, the drug will not cause complications on the body, but points have been identified due to which carnitine may be contraindicated:

  1. It increases appetite by accelerating metabolism. But experts say that if it is done correctly, there will be no such side effect.
  2. May cause increased levels of anxiety or excitability. This is explained by the fact that the drug increases excitability. To prevent this from happening, eliminate increased caffeine consumption from your diet.

Contraindications for use are: increased excitability or insomnia, as well as intolerance or allergy to the components in the composition.

  1. For those who are on a diet, especially a carbohydrate diet, since the body does not receive enough protein for amino acid synthesis.
  2. Vegetarians, because by giving up meat, they lose the opportunity to get much-needed protein for building muscles.

A remarkable fact is that L-Carnitine is taken for both weight gain and weight loss. In fact, the drug improves metabolism. Fat people lose weight, and skinny people gain weight. To understand how effective L-carnitine is and whether it is worth using for weight loss, we conducted a small study.

L-carnitine is a natural substance related to B vitamins and performs a number of important functions in the body.

L-Carnitine, or levocarnitine, was isolated from the muscle mass of animals in 1905. They began to create it artificially in the sixties, and already in 1980, during the Olympics in Moscow, it was first used by athletes from Italy in the form of a dietary supplement.

This is a metabolic compound that is produced in the human body and is involved in an important process - converting fats into energy.

It’s like a stove that takes in firewood and outputs a product in the form of strength and energy. At the same time, L-Carnitine processes not only fats that have been consumed, but also accumulated ones.

In the case of certain diseases, or poor nutrition, as well as physical activity, the required amount of this compound does not have time to be produced by the body. Its deficiency most often leads to a gain of fat mass, and the body begins to take the necessary energy from the muscles.

  • When taken correctly and in combination with significant physical activity, the drug helps:
  • reduce fat mass;
  • avoid accumulation of fat from incoming products;
  • achieve some visible results in muscle formation. Due to the reduction of adipose tissue, the relief becomes more noticeable;
  • add energy during training;
  • normalize blood cholesterol levels;

increase performance;

This drug is absolutely necessary for vegetarians, since the main source of levocarnitine is meat.

It begins to be fully produced in the body after fifteen years.

Therefore, it is important for children to consume dairy and meat products in their diet. The drug is used in the treatment of anorexia and poor appetite in adolescents, this is due to the fact that it causes appetite due to the active burning of fat. When taking the drug, you should never follow a mono-diet. The body must receive a complete set of necessary substances. While taking the drug, it is necessary to significantly increase its quality and load.

Instructions for using liquid l-carnitine for weight loss

For each case, most likely, there is its own recipe and the purpose of administration, as a rule, answers this question. Let's consider the option of diet in combination with physical activity, which is optimal.

Make a training plan, or better yet, seek help from a trainer according to the conditions that we accept.

And so, physical activity:

  • Cardio training should be 4 – 6 times a week for 30 – 40 minutes;
  • Strength training will take 2 – 3 times a week for 25 – 30 minutes;
  • Exercises where the heart rate increases by 60% of the maximum are suitable.

In addition, take your fitness diet seriously. This point is as important as physical activity. Only by following these rules will you achieve results.

  1. Watch your table's caloric intake. It should not exceed 1600 per day. For proteins, calculate 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of your weight. Fats – maximum 60 grams.
  2. Determine for yourself the opportunity to eat at least five times a day. Each dose should be 300 grams. Never skip a meal.
  3. The drug causes appetite, but you should not have snacks between meals.
  4. Do not drink alcohol, sugar, white bread. Eliminate fast carbohydrates from your diet.
  5. Before training, approximately 30 minutes before, eat 200–250 grams of protein food.

L-carnitine liquid

The correct dose to take with this regimen is 1200 mg of the drug per day. Preferably in liquid form. But you need to divide the reception into several times. This is important for a comfortable appointment. In this case, you will not experience a constant feeling of headache.

  • The first dose is 20-30 minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach. 200 mg.
  • Second dose 15 - 20 minutes before lunch (first half of the day) 200 mg.
  • The third dose is 20 - 30 minutes before the afternoon snack, closer to 15-00. 200 mg.
  • The fourth dose is 10 minutes before the start of training, 300 mg.
  • The fifth dose is 20–25 minutes after training. 300 mg.

The drug is known to cause appetite. Due to improved metabolism and active fat burning during intense training, rumbling in the stomach will become a frequent irritant. You need to be prepared for this and not interrupt your nutritional system and diet.

It is recommended to take the drug for a month; it is better to monitor and do tests before taking it and at the end of the course. This way you will be completely confident in the work of the drug, and the doctor will be able to assess the dynamics or, on the contrary, prohibit taking it in the future for various reasons.

The drug has a somewhat stimulating effect, so avoid late workouts. This threatens sleep disturbances and, consequently, significant loss of performance.

Intestinal problems may occur when taken. If this problem does not resolve within two days, consult a doctor!

Important!!! Forget about scales. Due to the fact that fat mass will be replaced by muscle mass, weight may even gain. Take measurements. Better - once a week at the same time. With the right diet and exercise regimen, you can become 1 to 2 sizes smaller in a month.

L-carnitine is a universal assistant for everyone who wants to look good and always be “in shape”

For women– keep in mind that at the moment of ovulation the body gains fluid, and then there is a significant loss of body weight. Take this into account. Keep a diary of observations, otherwise you will replace the usual process with taking medications.

Take a break from taking the drug. Its effect will weaken if you take the drug frequently. It is better to start the next dose no earlier than four months later.

Which L-carnitine is better, liquid or capsules?

Should I take liquid or capsules?

There is no consensus here; experienced athletes usually make a choice based on experience and the effect of the drug directly on themselves.

It is convenient to take the liquid drug immediately before and during training. It starts to work faster.

The liquid preparation is more expensive and some options are generously flavored. Many people prefer a combined dose - capsules in the first half of the day, liquid preparation in the second half.

You can personally decide on the application for yourself, and in the process choose a convenient option.

It is believed that levocarnitine in tablets takes longer to be absorbed by the body, and is more suitable not for weight loss, but for medical purposes. But the price of syrup is significantly higher. But these are all speculations and myths. The active drug has one composition.

Solutions, syrups, ampoules and special drinks – the choice of liquid preparations is wide. The coach’s advice in this matter will also be appropriate.

L-Carnitine content in natural products

This magical enzyme is found in animal products such as meat, red poultry, butter, cottage cheese.

A higher percentage is found in red meat. Its use is necessary for the natural production of levocarnitine. You need to remember that the body produces it itself, and perhaps, if your loads are not great, this amount is quite enough for you.

Consult a doctor if there are signs of levocarnitine deficiency, such as: constant fatigue, depression, a tendency toward obesity, and you have not changed your lifestyle and diet. After the necessary tests, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. It is better to approach this issue responsibly.

Taking L-Carnitine in combination with other drugs

The study of the drug is ongoing, and currently there are no known abnormalities caused by taking the drug in combination with others.

Taking the drug together with other nutritional supplements will not cause harm, but you should avoid taking it with serious medications, and most importantly, with alcohol.

Do not take this medicine if:

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding. The effect of the drug on the fetus and infants has been little studied;
  • If you have cardiovascular diseases. A doctor’s appointment and consultation will provide answers to all questions;
  • You have epilepsy. There is a suspicion of a direct relationship between taking the drug and the number of epileptic seizures;
  • You are allergic to the composition of the drug.

Listen to the words

Be attentive to your body, learn to separate the wheat from the chaff. Don't believe everything that is stated to be true. Study the medications you are taking. Love sports and try to make it natural and healthy.

Be sure to read about it

Sports nutrition manufacturers offer liquid and solid preparations with elcarnitine.

  • Various drinks, syrups, cocktails, and ampoules are sold in liquid form. The composition of such drinks necessarily contains acetyl-levocarnitine. The liquid supplement is convenient to use before training, and it also has a pleasant taste. However, the concentration of the active substance in such a product is low, and the product itself is more expensive than other forms of the drug.
  • It is easier to find tableted l-carnitine in its pure form, although some manufacturers may add a sweetener to make the tablet easier to consume. The drug must be taken with water or unsweetened juice, so athletes will have to bring a suitable drink for training. Unlike liquid l-carnitine, the tablet takes about 30 minutes to be absorbed. The same applies to l-carnitine capsules.

How to take l-carnitine correctly to burn fat

Consuming l-carnitine allows you to quickly burn fat reserves in the body. However, lovers of magic recipes and universal diets will not be able to quickly lose weight just by using supplements and lying on the couch. Intense training is required for elcarnitine to work. The body starts the process of burning fat after an hour of aerobic exercise, and the supplement allows you to start this process in half an hour of training on a treadmill, exercise bike or other type of training.

How to take l-carnitine during training? First of all, forget about fashionable diets for weight loss and accustom yourself to protein foods. Secondly, follow the dosage and avoid side effects. Thirdly, you can combine the supplement with other types of sports nutrition, but taking elcarnitine with BCAA amino acids is considered the most effective.

L-carnitine dosage

The adult body requires 0.2-0.5 g of l-carnitine, and with heavy physical activity this number increases to 1.5-2 g. A certain supply of the substance is contained in the liver and striated muscles, and some more comes from food , rich in protein, but this amount of l-carnitine is rarely enough for athletes, for which sports supplements are used. The exact dosage of the drug is indicated on the packaging, but there are general recommendations.

  • Liquid l-carnitine for women and men is consumed in a volume of 5 ml three times a day. Athletes can also drink the daily dose in one dose half an hour before the start of training.
  • The dosage of tablets and capsules varies depending on the concentration of the substance and is 250-500 g three times a day or 1000-1500 g before training. If this amount is not enough, after consultation with a therapist or sports doctor, the dosage can be increased to 2000-2500 g.

When to take l-carnitine

Preparations with l-carnitine are taken according to various regimens. Thus, capsules and tablets are often taken on an empty stomach in the morning, before training or after training. The daily dosage is divided into 2-3 servings and is 0.5-2 g. There is no point in exceeding the dosage: excess drug is eliminated naturally and does not bring any benefit.


  • L-carnitine for weight loss

L-Carnitine was first isolated by Russian scientists V.S. Gulevich and R.Z. Krimberg in 1905. In 1962, the physiological role of carnitine was revealed - it transports long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria through the inner membrane.

L-Carnitine is a transporter for the oxidation of substances in mitochondria (energy stations of cells). When you have a daily calorie deficit, the body is forced to break down your fats and use them as energy. In order to transport broken down fats into mitochondria and burn them, L-Carnitine is used, which facilitates and accelerates this process.

Dosages of up to one gram, which are contained in various coffees and dietary supplements, will not have the desired effect, and more often, you simply will not feel the effect. The recommended daily dose of L-Carnitine is 2-4 grams. In the professional period of preparation for competitions, as well as during maximum loads, the dose of the drug is increased to 8-10 grams daily. We should not forget that taking L-Carnitine on an empty stomach can provoke dyspeptic disorder. For gastrointestinal diseases, it is not recommended to exceed a dosage of more than 5 grams per day.

L-Carnitine performs its functions under appropriate conditions (diet, peak loads, dosage), bringing tangible results in physical activity with a regular calorie deficit. It is not a panacea and, being quite expensive, does not require mandatory use. I personally tested L-Carnitine by consuming 5 grams per day, dividing a 150 gram package into a month. I didn't notice anything special until I stopped taking it. The fact is that at that time I was just seriously thinking about the process

Sports nutrition suggests taking liquid L-carnitine as . The drug is very popular due to its effectiveness and simple method of use. Interestingly, L-carnitine is present in every person’s body. Its main feature is the transport of fatty acids into the cellular mitochondrial matrix, where fat is destroyed and a certain amount of energy is released. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to consider the regimen and duration of administration, dosage and other nuances.

What is L-carnitine?

Before you learn how to drink this drug correctly, you need to find out what it is, what properties and functions it has. It can be taken not only, but also for weight gain. This is due to the fact that liquid helps improve metabolism. Considering numerous reviews, you can find out that if thin people take the supplement, they gain weight, and fat people lose it.

The synthesis of levocarnitine, or vitamin B11, occurs in the liver, provided that a balanced diet with a lot of animal protein is followed. This is a special natural metabolic compound that improves and accelerates lipid metabolism. Allows you to normalize tissue regeneration and the activity of the muscular system. The daily human need for L-carnitine is about 250-500 mg. As for production by the liver, the total amount is 10%, and this is extremely small. A deficiency of the substance promotes fat gain, and energy is taken from the muscles. Knowing how to take L-carnitine correctly, you can achieve good results in weight regulation.

How does he work?

The drug helps:

  • increase performance, endurance ;
  • get rid of fat mass ;
  • increase the amount of energy during training ;
  • achieve noticeable results in muscle building , this is possible by reducing excess fat in the body;
  • normalize cholesterol levels ;
  • prevents the accumulation of fat from food .

A dietary supplement is required for vegetarians. Levocarnitine is found in meat, but they don’t recognize it. The vitamin begins to be produced in full after the age of fifteen. That is why meat and dairy products should prevail in the diet of children.

Mechanism of action of the dietary supplement

The point of taking levocarnetine is that it helps oxygen reach all cells of the human body and enhance the transport of fatty acids from the depot to the metachondria for breakdown. After this, thermolipolysis products are removed, so the cells of the energy base are cleansed. Thanks to similar processes, during training, fat cells are converted into energy and sweating increases.

The positive side of the fortified drug is that it has an anti-catabolic effect. The latter helps slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins. This causes the body to process fats to obtain the required amount of energy.

Is it possible to take a supplement for the purpose of losing weight, but not engage in exercise or sports? If there is no physical activity, the drug will stimulate appetite. And you won’t be able to lose weight without accompanying it.

Large dosages of L-carnitine are non-toxic and have no negative effect on the cardiovascular system.

When to take

L-carnitine is indicated for use in the treatment of anorexia. The drug increases appetite. Takes an active part in metabolism. It is prescribed to people who suffer from pathologies of the cardiovascular system, pancreas, liver, and endocrine system. Doctors recommend taking the drug to older people to improve memory and concentration. The drug is great for adults and teenagers if they have decreased appetite.

It is useful to drink for people who are overweight to correct their figure (subject to diet and exercise). It is indicated for use by vegetarians to compensate for the lack of this vitamin, as well as by athletes to support training efficiency, endurance, and accelerate muscle building.

How to take L-carnitine to lose weight? Taking into account the feedback from fitness trainers and nutritionists, it is recommended to increase the daily intake of vitamin B11 to 1500 mg. The dosage is enough for girls trying to lose extra pounds, whose weight is 50-60 kg. To do this you need to do anaerobic exercise. For young ladies with more significant volumes and men involved in strength training, the dosage is increased to 2500-3000 mg per day. It is still irrational to increase the dose of the supplement - the human body cannot process more than 3000 mg in 24 hours. Excess drug is excreted naturally through the intestines.

It is recommended to divide the daily dosage into several doses - for example, take half before training, divide the remainder into 2-3 more times and drink half an hour before meals. You should not take carnitine after 16.00. This may cause insomnia.

You can buy liquid carnitine in any volume. A liter of the substance costs from 2 thousand rubles.

Main contraindications to the use of the drug

Vitamin B11, which has a general strengthening effect, is considered completely safe for the human body. True, with the onset of pregnancy, women stop taking L-carnitine; it is not advisable during this period. However, there are special cases and clinical indications when the liquid supplement is used by pregnant and lactating women.

Doctors strongly advise against taking the drug if you experience insomnia, excessive excitability, or intolerance to the supplement.

Which release form works best?

Liquid is recognized as the most convenient and practical: ampoules, concentrate, syrup. Compared to tablets, the effect is much better and faster, because the liquid enters the blood faster.

Liquid L-carnitine is consumed without diluting with water. Solutions for quenching thirst during training are excellent. The proportion is 0.75 liters of water and 1.5 grams of substance. The liquid from the ampoule must be drunk before cardio exercise. Ten minutes after taking it, the concentration of vitamin B11 in the blood increases noticeably, a surge of strength and energy appears, so the workout becomes more intense and productive.

L-carnitine powder can be dissolved in water. Despite the fact that this form is absorbed more slowly than liquid, it is better than tablet form. The powder form helps to obtain the most accurate dosage.

The main difference between all forms of levocarnitine is ease of use. As for capsules and tablets, they are easy to use both at work and at home. Syrup and powder can be prepared directly during training. The drug goes well with BCAAs, thermogenics, vitamins, coffee, tea. Do not forget that vitamins have a positive effect on the human psyche. But you should not overuse drinks containing caffeine, especially after twelve o'clock in the afternoon. This negatively affects blood pressure.

Summarizing the above, we need to focus on the fact that L-carnitine is safe and harmless. This is the best remedy for normalizing metabolism, so you can drink it not only for weight loss, but also for weight gain. The secret to the effectiveness of the drug lies in its benefits with strict and regular training and a balanced diet. Before use, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

In the mid-2000s, L-carnitine gained popularity among athletes as a mild and effective means for weight loss.

Almost immediately, the demand for this supplement was picked up by people who were very far from fitness. Someone has achieved impressive results, but someone's dream of losing weight with the help of a magic pill has remained a dream.

Why does this happen and how to properly take L-carnitine in liquid or solid form for weight loss?

L-carnitine (outdated names ㅡ levocarnitine, vitamin Bt) ㅡ a general tonic that is prescribed for exhaustion, heart failure, and decreased performance. There are a number of pleasant bonuses for a person losing weight:

  • improvement of well-being against the background of diet;
  • increasing endurance both during aerobic (running, walking) and anaerobic (weightlifting, powerlifting) loads;
  • increased fat utilization by muscles simultaneously with a slight anabolic effect;
  • expressed anti-catabolic effect;
  • prevention of sore throat after training.

L-carnitine is found on the market in the form of a drink, capsules and tablets. An injection solution is also used in medicine.

The human body is capable of synthesizing small amounts of L-carnitine itself. Often this process is disrupted with the onset of old age, due to nervous tension or a strict diet.

During training, the need for carnitine increases sharply, and endogenous (own) carnitine is no longer able to cover it.

Instructions for use of L-carnitine for fitness professionals

A short preamble is needed here. For that, so that fatty acids released during diet and exercise can “burn” in muscle tissue, they need to penetrate the membrane of the mitochondria - a cellular organelle with the functions of an energy station.

This is possible only in the presence of special conductor molecules. L-carnitine plays the role of such a conductor.

When there is a shortage The released fatty acids, circulating in the blood, are converted back into subcutaneous fat without releasing energy.

After meals energy is drawn directly from blood glucose. In this case, part of the glucose is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of animal starch glycogen. These reserves (total 120ㅡ150 g) are consumed only when blood sugar declines and the body’s physical activity remains.

Only if the amount of glycogen is approaching zero and no new food is being supplied, ㅡ fat is included in the consumption. Because a decent amount of energy is spent to support vital functions during sleep, fat is most actively consumed in the morning on an empty stomach.

When exercising not on an empty stomach, the “turn” of fat reserves comes in about 40 minutes. intensive work.

It means that Carnitine is most effective if taken immediately before cardio training in the morning on an empty stomach.. In liquid form, carnitine is absorbed almost instantly, but in capsules and tablets it is better to take the supplement within 15-20 minutes. before load.

Bioavailability is quite low, so the recommended dosage of L-carnitine for weight loss ㅡ not less than 1500 mg.

It makes sense to take carnitine on days of strength training, first of all, as an anti-catabolic. Considering that a sufficient supply of glycogen will remain in the muscles during the first 40 minutes, the optimal time of administration is mid-workout or before the final 20-minute cardio session.

Almost any food reduces the absorption of carnitine, so It's better to take it separately. Although carnitine combines well with tea, coffee, vitamin supplements, as well as BCAA and thermogenics.

How to drink without exercising?

We have already found out that carnitine does not increase energy consumption, but only accelerates its production from mobilized fats.

It is necessary to understand that “fuel” from fat depots ㅡ this is a strategic emergency reserve, which is always used last.

It will not be possible to activate it without physical activity.

If you don’t have enough time to train, you should take carnitine as described above, but replacing the training with any available physical work or walking. Since such loads are much lower in intensity, it is especially worth considering the nutrition factor. Certain intervals between food, carnitine intake and physical activity will help you get the most out of this supplement.

So we have two options for losing weight with carnitine without training.

Firstㅡ in the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink a portion of a weight loss drink with a dosage of 1500 mg of L-carnitine (or the equivalent in tablet form) and then go for a walk.

Optimal walking duration ㅡ 1 hour. Another 1.5 hours after this load, free fatty acids circulate in the blood. If you eat food at this time, they will return back to fat depots.

Second optionㅡafter any meal, you maintain an interval of 1.5ㅡ2 hours (about how long it will take for absorption), and then devote 40 minutes to physical activity. Take a dose of L-carnitine for weight loss and go for a walk.

You can increase the time of the same walk by 40 minutes, then you will have to take a break to take a supplement. After a walk, try not to eat for 1.5 hours.

In this way, you can increase the rate of weight loss and protect muscles from destruction.

Until now, we have ignored another significant source of “fuel” for the body ㅡ amino acids of muscle tissue.

Muscle catabolism (breakdown) always accompanies fat loss, and often the ratio of muscle loss to fat mass reaches 1:1. Not only muscle tissue protein is destroyed, but also collagen and elastin that support the skin. It means that Carnitine will help prevent unsightly sagging skin as a result of weight loss.

Is there any harm from taking it?

The body itself regulates the amount of carnitine in the blood plasma, so its excess without any problems excreted in urine.

As we have already found out ㅡ daily dosage should be at least 1500 mg, while its increase will not lead to a significant increase in efficiency, as well as side effects.

Sometimes dyspeptic disorders are observed while taking carnitine.ㅡ they are most often caused by a high content of ascorbic or citric acid in the liquid form of the drug.

The most convincing evidence of the safety of carnitine is its widespread use in the practice of pediatricians. However, a 2013 study on mice showed the ability of L-carnitine to be converted by intestinal microflora into TMAO, a substance that provokes cardiovascular disease in rodents.

Apparently, this risk does not apply to humans. At least the likelihood of this does not outweigh the potential benefits of carnitine.

Another nuance: long-term (more than 2 months) use of L-carnitine leads to withdrawal syndrome - a decrease in the body’s independent synthesis of carnitine. So The optimal duration of treatment is ㅡ 1ㅡ 1.5 months.

Let's summarize how to take L-carnitine for weight loss and how it works with this video:

According to the principle of action, L-carnitine is fundamentally different from stimulating sports supplements. Thanks to this, it is safe, but practically useless for a passive lifestyle. Research and practice confirm: the supplement works only “in duet” with muscles. For them ㅡ no.