How to properly take protein for muscle growth. Optimal time to take protein. What happens if you mix protein with other ingredients?

Protein is an essential protein for the human body. All organs and other components consist of it. It accelerates tissue regeneration, reduces triglyceride levels, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol, enhances immune defense, gives more endurance during training, and is even prescribed by some doctors to treat patients.

Today everything is known about protein. Comprehensive information is provided on how to take it, dosages and mixing with other drugs.

However, several decades ago, many did not think about what kind of protein to take. They also did not know that there is a certain time for taking protein when it is absorbed most quickly, and there are hours when its absorption is greatly inhibited.

How to take protein correctly? Dosage

Physiologists have long carried out all the research they are interested in and have found that for effective muscle growth, a person needs to consume at least one and a half grams of protein per day per 1 kilogram of weight. Or better yet, 2-2.5 grams. This means that the dosage will be different for each person. A person who weighs 80 kilograms should not consume the same amount of protein as a person whose weight is around 120 kilograms. You can always get the information you need on this topic by reading the directions on the package. It always contains information about dosages and all the necessary recommendations.

How to drink protein correctly: optimal time and type of protein

There is slow, complex and fast protein. Protein bars are also available for sale. Let us list in turn the methods and times for taking each type of protein.

Fast protein (isolate)

Fast protein is a protein that is absorbed as quickly as possible in the human body.

Fast protein is ideal for increasing muscle mass, and to be precise, for quickly replenishing amino acids in muscles.

It is absorbed in a few minutes, as a result of which the recovery process is as painless and fast as possible.

Taking fast protein

You can drink protein several times a day. Most often this is done in between meals. 2-3 doses of 30-60 grams are enough.

Before training
To gain muscle mass, it makes sense for athletes to drink a protein shake 1 hour before training. Immediately before training, bodybuilders recommend taking 6-8 grams of BCAA amino acids to enhance the effect.

After training
You should drink fast protein immediately after training. At this time, the body needs carbohydrates, proteins and other components. The isolate will help effectively ease the work of the stomach.

In the morning
The isolate is actively taken in the morning. It is better to do this immediately after waking up.

How to cook quick protein?

When you buy protein, the jar always comes with a measuring cup, usually 30 grams. You can dilute the protein with water or milk. 1 glass is diluted with 180-200 milliliters of liquid. If you cannot tolerate milk protein, give up milk. Complex and slow protein are prepared in the same way.

Complete protein
Complex proteins are a mixture of different types of protein. This is the best type of protein in terms of digestibility and effect on the body. In one complex you get casein protein, whey, egg and soy, and, therefore, all their best indicators.

Whey protein is made from whey. It has a high rate of biological activity. It is better to take immediately after training. Its advantage over others is its low cost. We will tell you more about this type of protein below.

Soy protein is not always quickly processed in the body, especially when it is not completely purified. But today this protein is in demand. One of the benefits is a reduction in the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Casein protein is a milk protein with a high biological value. It is absorbed very slowly, so it is better to take it before bed. It dissolves poorly in water and has an unpleasant taste. We will tell you more about this type of protein below.

Egg white takes a long time to decompose in the body - 4-6 hours. It is expensive, but has a high biological value.

When building muscle mass, it is best to take complex protein 2 hours before the start of a workout, between meals and before bed. After training, it is better to drink a portion of fast protein. When losing weight, the order of administration does not change.

Slow protein
Slow protein is one that is absorbed by the body for a long time, over the course of six to eight hours. Slow proteins are actively used by people who want to have a sculpted figure and reduce excess weight.

When gaining muscle mass, slow protein should be taken before bed. Overnight, the muscles will receive the necessary portion of amino acids. Protein can also be consumed between meals.

When losing weight, slow protein intake is carried out according to the same scheme. If desired, they can replace one or two meals.

How to take whey protein?

Whey protein is divided into three types:

  • Hydrolyzate.
  • Concentrate.
  • Isolate.

Whey Protein Hydrolyzate is a mixture of components formed as a result of the breakdown of the isolate.

Concentrate- a form of protein that is very common among consumers because it costs little but works effectively. In addition to protein, it contains minerals, carbohydrates and saturated fats.

Isolate. If we compare it with concentrate, this form has a higher degree of purification. The proportion of impurities does not exceed ten percent.

Taking Whey Protein

Hydrolyzate, isolate or concentrate are taken in different ways, depending on the needs. Thus, whey protein hydrolyzate is necessary if it is necessary to quickly compensate for the lack of amino acids, since it begins to be quickly absorbed. It is often taken at the end of a workout, as well as before it begins. There are no digestive problems after taking whey protein hydrolyzate.

The duration of absorption of isolate is longer - 30-40 minutes, so it is better to consume it 30-40 minutes before the start of training.

Protein concentrate can be taken after the training process, as well as during it. You can drink it in the morning, immediately after sleep, and also before bed.

How to take casein protein?

Casein takes several times longer to break down than whey protein. It is often used by people who want to lose extra pounds, as well as bodybuilders who want to quickly build up the necessary muscle mass, provide the muscles with the necessary amino acids, and prevent their destruction.

Casein is actively used when burning fat because it gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, blocking hunger. It contains very little fat and no carbohydrates. Casein blocks destructive processes in tissues.

When pumping up muscles, casein is also indispensable; it actively supplies muscle fibers with essential amino acids for several hours, this is important at the moment when the workout ends. After the training process, muscles begin to actively use amino acids from the body for recovery.

When to take casein protein?

If your goal is to gain muscle mass, casein should be taken between meals, especially when there is no opportunity to snack for several hours. At this time, a serving of food can be replaced with a serving of casein.

Casein can be taken before bed. At night, the muscle growth process starts. There is no point in taking casein protein after or before your workout. At this time, the body requires proteins that are quickly absorbed and carbohydrates. Whey protein is better suited for these purposes. It turns out that when gaining muscle mass, it is enough to take casein protein before bed in the size of one serving of 40 grams.

If your goal is to get rid of extra pounds, casein is also suitable in this case: it will satisfy your hunger and at the same time prevent muscle breakdown. You should drink casein two to four times a day. One serving – 25-35 grams. This can be done both before bedtime and between meals.

How much protein should you drink per day?

Protein dosage is individual for each person. It is known that you should consume 1.5-2 grams per 1 kilogram of weight per day. But according to manufacturers' standards, the average is 30-60 grams of protein per 0.2-0.3 liters of water or milk. Or 1-2 measuring spoons per 250-300 milliliters.

What foods contain protein?

Food of animal origin contains the most protein. This is meat, including fish, cottage cheese, eggs, and other dairy products.

There is quite a lot of protein in cereals, it is not for nothing that parents forced many people to eat cereals from childhood. Rice, buckwheat, oats, wheat, oatmeal will give you the required portion of proteins.

A rich source of protein are nuts. These are cashews, almonds, pine nuts. Some people have an intolerance to certain types of nuts. In general, almonds, hazelnuts and cashews are very healthy fruits. They are very useful for the human body.

Legumes are another source of protein. These include: peas, beans, lentils.

But to replenish protein with vegetables and fruits, it is enough to eat cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, avocado, and figs.

Everyone needs protein, but you shouldn't just take it. The body has enough protein for its normal functioning. Protein is only necessary if you need to build muscle, lose weight, or have protein deficiency. Drink protein only when needed and do not replace it with food.

Most athletes who go to the gym sooner or later realize that You simply can’t do without protein in bodybuilding. After all, it is Protein is the basis for gaining muscle mass.

Well, you have purchased this miracle powder, but what to do with it, how to take it. This article will tell you about all this.

Protein For quite some time now it has occupied a leading position in the diet of people who exercise. strength sports. In the past, little was known about the patterns of taking such cocktails. Everyone knew that they just needed to drink a couple of cocktails during the day.

It was also not known that there is a certain time when the body uses protein foods to the maximum for beneficial purposes, and there is a time when the protein simply begins to rot in the intestines or is completely eliminated from the body by the kidneys and protein cannot be taken.

Nowadays, thanks to a lot of scientific research, steel intake is taken much more seriously. Many protein complexes have been developed, and in addition, the dependence of the time of administration on the type of protein has been monitored. Nowadays, athletes are trying to use all supplements to the maximum, and they know that rational protein consumption plays an important role in the formation of body shape and training performance.

Popularity of Whey Protein

Today, whey protein is in greatest demand, due to the fact that it has high biological value and a high absorption rate. Therefore, when it is consumed, the level of amino acids in the athlete’s body actively increases and this level is very significant, and anabolic processes in the muscles of the body are also activated. It has already been mentioned that there are periods when the body absorbs protein as much as possible, so now we will try to determine the daily requirement depending on the periods.

What time of day should you take protein?

The most favorable time for the absorption of protein is in the morning, one might say right after sleep. If you take protein after 8 pm, the benefit from this intake will be minimal and the level of amino acids in the body will not increase. Moreover, even increased dosages of protein will not affect this process.

What is the reason for this pattern of protein digestibility? Scientists, as always, have found an answer to this question. According to their hypothesis, which was later confirmed by practical experiments with the participation of bodybuilders, the level of amino acids in the blood and the digestibility of protein are controlled by two hormones: thyroid hormone and a growth hormone. A surge in the body’s release of these hormones occurs during the REM sleep phase, that is, within an hour and a half after falling asleep. Thus, scientists have confirmed that the most favorable time for taking protein is in the morning or immediately after noon, as well as within an hour after training, when the so-called “protein window” opens. At other times of the day, protein intake will be ineffective.

Why It is not recommended to take protein immediately before training?

This is due to the fact that physical activity completely blocks the growth of muscle tissue using amino acids derived from proteins. During exercise, the body switches to producing energy from blood glucose and glycogen stored in the muscles and liver. When these stocks glycogen end, then the body begins to produce energy from proteins, but not from the protein you took, but directly from the muscles in the form of branched chain amino acids. After completing the workout, within an hour, the muscles that were worked and damaged by microtrauma are tightened amino acids, which begin the healing processes of microtraumas of muscle fibers. It is this time that is commonly called the “protein window”; here, taking easily digestible protein will come in handy.

How much protein should I take per day?

The recommended daily amount of protein for an ordinary person is 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of weight. And don’t forget, when they write like that, it means all the protein, from products and powder combined. This figure was calculated by scientists for an ordinary person, in our case it is suitable for a novice athlete. And those who are already experienced can exceed this norm by 2-3 times, since a larger muscle mass also needs more building material - protein. But to absorb such an amount of protein, you need a lot of liquid, you will have to drink a lot.

Taking protein on rest days

Basically, there is an opinion that you also need to take protein on rest days. The morning protein intake remains the same, the second cocktail must be long-lasting (35 - 40 grams are preferable to take after 17:00). And 25 grams of protein before bed. The indicated dosage regimen will stimulate anabolic processes to the maximum and prevent catabolic breakdown during sleep and on days without training.

As an option, on rest days you can use protein foods (eggs, milk, low-fat cottage cheese, fish, chicken breasts) instead of protein. This will be much more beneficial for the body, as it will diversify your diet.

The main rule of bodybuilding- training gives only 30% of the result, the rest is a proper balanced diet

High-quality proteins for you)))

Beginners who are just getting acquainted with sports nutrition have a question: when should you drink protein? It should be noted here that it all depends on what kind of protein mixture you purchased. After all, today you can find different protein powders that have their own characteristics. We will tell you more about this and how and when it is best to take protein further.

How to consume protein depending on the type?

All protein mixtures that the sports nutrition market offers today can be divided into several categories:

  • Isolate and concentrate;
  • Hydrolyzate;
  • Complex protein;
  • Casein.

If you decide to purchase several types of protein at once, then you need to know the correct dosage regimen, because each of these types of mixtures is intended for different purposes. But before you start taking it, you need to remember the optimal amount of protein for athletes working out in the gym. That's 2 grams for every kilogram of your body. Within this volume, it is necessary to distribute the consumption of all types of protein.

Isolate and concentrate

Concentrate is the most common form of protein mixtures and the most affordable. In addition to protein, the composition may include carbohydrates, lactose and saturated fats. This is a universal type of protein that can be consumed morning, afternoon and evening.

Isolate, unlike concentrate, has a better degree of purification. It contains virtually no carbohydrates, fats and lactose. Isolate can be classified as “fast” proteins. It takes approximately 30-40 minutes for it to be completely absorbed by the body. Therefore, it is well suited for consumption after training and especially in the morning.

Both concentrate and isolate can be mixed with water or milk. To do this, you need to take one serving, pour it into a shaker and add milk or water. As a rule, protein cans already have a measuring spoon, which is convenient for measuring portions.


Hydrolyzate is a form of protein that is 99% protein. That is, it is an isolate, but has already undergone even deeper purification from impurities. This processing makes it possible to call hydrolyzate the most effective form of protein mixtures, because the product is already partially broken down protein. This makes it, unfortunately, the most expensive type of protein, but in terms of absorption speed it is not inferior to anyone.

In addition, the hydrolyzate has better tolerability. Just due to the absence of impurities (lactose, fats and carbohydrates), this type of protein mixtures can be safely consumed by allergy sufferers and people suffering from lactose intolerance.

When it comes to ideal intake times, many athletes prefer to consume this protein before and after training. After exercise, hydrolyzate is especially useful because it helps to quickly replenish protein reserves and begin the process of muscle tissue restoration.

Remember! Hydrolyzate can only be dissolved in water!


Above we looked at the features of taking whey protein. But complex protein mixtures are becoming increasingly popular in the sports nutrition market. The name speaks for itself, and it is obvious that the manufacturer has combined several types of proteins in one jar.

Complex protein can be considered a universal solution for replenishing protein reserves. It can be used in the morning, during the day, and at night. It is advisable and recommended to take it also before training and after training in the gym. Taking it before training will help provide the body with the necessary amino acids that will prevent the muscles from burning out.

This is a protein for all occasions, and for those who do not want to bother with choosing a sports nutrition category. However, it must be remembered that such a complex of proteins can greatly burden the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, it is still wiser to purchase separate types of protein mixtures in order to control the intake of proteins in the body and not put an excessive burden on digestion.

A standard serving of complex protein is approximately 30 g. It must be mixed with 200-300 ml of water, juice or milk.


Casein protein is a type of slow protein. Casein protein mixtures are made from casein, which in turn is formed from caseinogen. Milk, if anyone knows, is 80% casein, the remaining 20% ​​is whey protein.

Perhaps someone knows another statement that it is better to eat cottage cheese at night, because it contains “long-lasting” protein. That's right, casein is found in all dairy products, including cottage cheese. It is called “night” protein precisely because of its ability to be absorbed in the body for a long time and not allow the development of catabolic processes. The supply of essential amino acids occurs throughout the night, so muscles are not destroyed while we sleep.

Casein is also actively used for weight loss. Its properties help us get a feeling of fullness and satiety for a long time. This blocks hunger, and the person does not consume too much. In this case, there is a loss of fat cells, but not muscle cells, because the latter receive a sufficient amount of amino acids.

When is the best time to drink protein?

The question of how to drink protein is not too difficult to understand. Everything is very clear here: pour a portion of the mixture into a shaker, add water, milk or juice, shake and drink. Another question that requires more clarification is: when is the best time to take protein?

There can be many options for taking it during the day. Protein can be consumed in the morning immediately after sleep, in the afternoon between meals, before and after training, and also before bed. And depending on the type of protein mixture, you can build an ideal intake regimen that will fit into the very optimal amount of protein (2 g per 1 kg of body weight).

For example, whey protein (concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzate) can be consumed in the morning to quickly fill the protein deficiency in the body after sleep. Hydrolyzate is especially helpful in this case, as it is absorbed very quickly and helps avoid catabolism. Whey protein is also recommended to be taken before and after a workout.

Casein, as noted above, is a “night” protein. In other words, the ideal time to take this supplement would be in the evening just before bed. Casein protein is not suitable for taking in the morning or before training, when you need a quick surge of insulin into the blood and the same quick nutrition of the muscles. Casein takes a long time to digest and saturates the body with protein for a long time, so it is best to take it at night.

When it comes to a comprehensive supplement, the answer to the question of when to take protein becomes less complicated. The complete protein blend is suitable for use in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. In short, this is a versatile supplement that can be taken at any time of the day to replenish the necessary protein reserves in the body. The complex supplement is suitable even for nighttime use because it contains, in addition to whey protein, casein.

We will leave you with a convenient table of the appropriate time to take different types of protein supplements:

Best time to take protein
In the morning Between meals Before training After training Before bedtime
Concentrate and isolate *** ***** *** **** *
Hydrolyzate ***** **** ***** ***** *
Complete protein ** ***** *** **** **
Casein * * * * *****

Finally, we would like to wish you good luck in your sporting achievements! Leave comments about your protein intake methods.

It is quite difficult for exercising people to get an impressive amount of protein by eating only regular food. Therefore, athletes simply need to expand their diet with protein, and drink it correctly in powder form. It is advisable that the athlete have a 5-6 meal plan a day, and protein becomes a supplement to it.

When is the best time to drink protein?

There is now a wide range of products on the market. But every athlete should know that the degree of absorption of a particular supplement by the body determines what kind of protein to drink and the principle of its intake. It is necessary to correctly distribute the required amount of protein throughout the day:

How much protein should you drink per day?

The athlete must also control the dosage of the supplement. Before training, you need to drink about 20 grams of protein. After intense exercise, due to high energy consumption, this amount must be doubled - drink about 40 grams. The morning hours also require a double portion of protein - this need is caused by muscle “starvation”.

Don’t forget that you can’t limit yourself to just protein. You need to properly combine it with other products, for example, those containing carbohydrates. It is important to provide sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals to aid the absorption process. For example, zinc and chromium help amino acids reach the muscles. And B vitamins (3, 6, 23) and vitamin H accelerate the absorption of protein.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

4 Mar 2016

Every athlete (experienced or new) knows that training alone is not enough to achieve tangible results. Developing muscle mass constantly needs proteins, which are difficult to obtain from regular food. Knowing how to drink protein correctly, you can easily cope with this problem. To do this, you will have to systematically take harmless dietary supplements and regularly work out in the gym so that the protein entering the body is safely absorbed. Right now you will get the basic information about this process.

Why drink protein

When you start spotting, you'll likely be wondering whether you should take protein. The answer from those in the know is yes. Natural protein promotes rapid recovery of the body after physical activity. In light of this fact, the question arises: should people who do not exercise need to drink protein? If a person works physically and at the same time constantly feels unwell, then this is simply necessary. The dietary protein supplement is not a steroid, so there is no need to worry about your health.

How to take protein to gain muscle mass

In order for protein consumption to provide the expected results, you must strictly follow the rules, which are not at all difficult to understand. An insufficient amount of protein will provide only a partial effect, and its excess will inevitably lead to the problem of excess weight. To avoid common mistakes and learn how to drink protein correctly, read the subsequent sections of this article, which describe in detail all the important nuances.

How many times to drink protein

If you start lifting, first of all check with your trainer how many times to drink protein per day. Most likely, they will tell you that two or three techniques are enough, and this will be absolutely correct. Consumption of protein five times a day is necessary only for professional bodybuilders with incredible muscle mass that requires protein in huge quantities.

When to take protein

The timing of your protein intake also plays an important role, so you should know when to drink your protein shake. Let's say you were advised to eat protein 3 times a day. Create a clear schedule for yourself and stick to it strictly. It should look like this:

  1. Morning, breakfast. During night sleep, the human body initiates a process called catabolism. Its essence lies in the breakdown of nutrients, which leads to loss of muscle tissue volume and the appearance of the familiar feeling of morning weakness. An average portion of protein consumed at breakfast will quickly interrupt the breakdown process, restore the balance of substances in the body and provide energy for the whole day.
  2. Before training. For the exercise to be effective, the body must have a sufficient amount of proteins. When getting ready for a workout, don't forget to drink a large portion of protein. This will help improve muscle performance and reduce fatigue. An exhausted body will not be able to progress, because during the exercises it will have to “devour” itself.
  3. Before bedtime. Many novice athletes worry whether they can drink protein at night, but there is nothing dangerous about it. An average dose of protein taken before bedtime activates the production of growth hormone, which in any case will have a positive effect on the process of athletic development of your body.

How to take protein correctly

Protein supplements come in several forms. Each of them has a number of features that are beneficial under certain circumstances. In the following sections, you will see the main types of sports protein and consider ways to use them to effectively develop muscle mass. Using this information, you can improve your training performance.


Knowing how to take whey protein, everyone can quickly lose weight and build muscle. Gym trainers recommend this type of protein supplement for both boys and girls. If you want to lose weight, take whey proteins before exercise - and the extra calories will melt before your eyes. Fast and harmless drying is guaranteed! The main thing is to accurately calculate in what doses to take the supplement.

In addition, it will be useful for you to know how to take protein tablets. Among modern athletes, “WHEY” supplements containing large amounts of protein are widely popular. Along with them is the carbohydrate dietary supplement “Gainer”. By consuming them in equal quantities, you will enhance the effect of protein and be able to build muscle mass in the shortest possible time.


This type of protein sports supplement has not yet gained wide popularity, so not all athletes know how to take casein protein. Casein itself is a complex milk protein, which, when soured, precipitates, taking on the appearance of a curd curd. Casein protein is notable for its storage function: it takes twice as long to break down whey protein, and therefore provides a sufficient amount of amino acids for a long time. Due to this feature, it is recommended to drink it at night to preserve muscle mass during sleep.


Knowing how to properly drink a protein shake made from high-quality soy isolate can easily help you lose a few extra pounds. Studies have shown that this supplement helps lower cholesterol levels. Once you set a goal, you will figure out how to drink protein to lose weight, and you will soon become the owner of a slim body. With this supplement, in addition to increasing the effectiveness of your workouts, you will receive a noticeable reduction in the risk of cardiovascular diseases without harming the reproductive organs. Only soy protein has this feature.


This type of sports supplement is known as the perfect form of protein. It contains all the amino acids required by the human body for full functioning. A trainer at the gym will tell you how to drink a protein shake with egg whites, and you will certainly experience an amazing increase in muscle mass. The benefits of this supplement say: it is absolutely safe for health and incredibly effective.

Answering the question about how to drink egg protein correctly, experts give a lot of advice and specifically recommend using creatine along with it. This natural supplement is an amino acid that the body naturally produces to provide energy for muscles. A properly calculated combination of egg protein and creatine will help you get your figure in order in just a few months.

Video: how and when to drink protein

To help you learn how to use protein supplements with the theoretical information obtained from the previous sections of the article, watch this video. Experienced specialists will tell you how to properly drink natural protein while working out in the gym. A short review of bodybuilders’ favorite delicacy will answer many questions and help avoid common mistakes.

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