How to wash sheepskin. How to clean sheepskin at home How to wash sheepskin rugs

Wool carpet, carpet, mats also need cleaning and proper drying. If used improperly, the products will quickly lose their presentable appearance, and their service life will be reduced several times. If you wash sheepskin according to the rules, then the result will be better than after dry cleaning.

If it was not possible to avoid stains, then the sheepskin is washed. Do it by hand or with an automatic machine. Choose a specialized detergent designed for washing sheepskin, fur or natural wool.


You can wash sheepskin by hand if the product is placed in a container.

  1. Under the dimensions of the carpet or skins, a container is selected. The thing is placed freely.
  2. Water is taken warm, up to 40 degrees.
  3. Pour in detergent and mix thoroughly.
  4. Leave the thing for 40-60 minutes.
  5. Remove the sheepskin from the soapy solution and wash, changing the warm water. Continue rinsing until all detergent residue is completely removed.
  6. Dry thoroughly.


If the size of the product allows you to load the sheepskin into the washing machine, then using the delicate mode, it is allowed to wash, rinse and wring it using a machine.

Mode Options:

  • water temperature 30 degrees;
  • extra rinse;
  • spin speed 400 rpm.

At the end of the process, carefully remove the item from the drum and dry it in a horizontal position, pile up.

Folk ways

Do not use products containing chlorine, aggressive concentrated bleach or stain remover to clean sheepskin fur. This will damage the structure of the pile.


At home, it is safer to use dry cleaning. Previously, the product is thoroughly vacuumed. Potato starch is scattered over the entire sheepskin area and rubbed. Then, with a vacuum cleaner in high power mode, starch particles are removed along with contaminants. Comb the fur with a special brush for animals.

Hydrogen peroxide

Light sheepskins often acquire a yellow tint during use. Hydrogen peroxide will help restore the sheepskin whiteness.

  1. Prepare a solution: 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 1 liter of water.
  2. Distribute the resulting composition on the pile, avoiding contact with the skin at the base of the skin.
  3. Use the aerosol method of application.

If, after drying, the sheepskin looks crumpled, then fluffing the fur will allow easy knocking out of the skin in a suspended state.

Chemical cleaning

Simple incidents, such as spilled juice or a trace of shoes, will not be difficult to remove at home. When serious dirt appears on sheep's fur, it is better to clean it in a special institution - dry cleaning. If you independently remove persistent stains from tea, coffee, wine, smudges will appear, the soft pile will suffer, and the color will deteriorate. The problem is compounded by the fact that conventional bleaches cannot be used. In dry cleaning, specialized solutions that are safe for natural fur will be used.


Do not use a hair dryer to dry, put on warm surfaces or heating devices. Direct sunlight should be avoided. Natural skin with fur needs to dry properly: in natural conditions and at room temperature.


  1. After washing, while the pile is damp, place the sheepskin on a horizontal surface with the fur up, laying the hygroscopic fabric down. As it absorbs, periodically change the bedding to dry.
  2. Comb the wet product in the direction of the pile with a special brush.
  3. The skin at the base of the skin (mezdra) coarsens after washing. Knead it manually as it dries, carefully sorting through the rows, trying not to leave creases.

Recovery after washing

In the process of drying, they give the fur on the skin its former fluffy structure and soften the skin that has become rough after contact with water. Mezdra is impregnated with moisturizing substances. Vegetable and animal oils, egg yolk, goose or pork fat, paraffin-based cosmetic ointments are used as these nutritional components.

  1. Prepare the mixture: for 250 ml of water, take one tablespoon of petroleum jelly and the same amount of glycerin.
  2. Turn the skin upside down and apply the resulting suspension over the entire surface of the skin. Allow the composition to absorb completely for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Turn the fur up and comb the dried pile more carefully.

Instead of a composition with glycerin, they also use a classic fat baby cream. With the difference that it is absorbed more slowly. With it, the product is left overnight, turning the skin to the floor, but do not step on the skin until the cream has completely penetrated into the pores of the sheepskin.

It is necessary to comb out the fur. If you have a quality product made of natural sheepskin in your hands, then a minimum of pile will remain on the brush, which will not negatively affect the appearance of the carpet. The result is a fresh product without creases: the skin will regain its elasticity, and the pile - softness and splendor.

Simple Rules

By following the basic rules for caring for the product, you can save the appearance of carpets and mats for a long time.

  1. It is advisable to get rid of accumulations of dust and small litter daily. To do this, the skin is vigorously shaken out in the open. If the product is bulky, you need to make it a rule to knock it out on the street once a week.
  2. Vacuum the sheepskin regularly on low power in the direction of the pile. In this case, the nozzle should be chosen soft so as not to injure the natural fibers of the wool. The use of a washing vacuum cleaner is not recommended.
  3. If four-legged pets live in the house, limit their access to natural skins. This rule will save the interior and ensure order in the house.
  4. The high speed of reducing pollution will allow you to preserve the original appearance of things. A fresh stain is easier to remove without leaving a noticeable mark. Therefore, you need to act immediately.
  5. You can not put products made from natural skins on the "Warm floors", near heating appliances or a fireplace. And also avoid passage places, direct sunlight and high humidity in the room.
  6. In order for the natural skin to please with a fluffy long pile, you need to comb it out as long as possible. Repeat this procedure after each shaking with special brushes from the pet store. In spring and autumn, ventilate sheepskin products outdoors. Do this taking into account the absence of direct sunlight in a horizontal position.
  7. Do not put bulky furniture on natural skin without appropriate softening pads. And the best option is the complete absence of heavy objects on the surface of such a carpet.

Natural carpets and sheepskin products do not pose a particular problem in the cleaning process. Simple daily cleaning and gentle washing guarantee the durability and beautiful appearance of sheepskin flooring. And all these activities are quite realistic to implement in everyday life.

Sheepskin- this is the skin that was taken from an adult sheep, whose age is more than six months. This skin has a thin epidermis. Wool fibers in sheepskin are intertwined in a horizontal plane. The skin layer, like the fur layer, has the following characteristics: low strength, increased ductility, friability and water permeability.

A lot of useful and warm things are sewn from it, sheepskin coats, fur coats, hats, mittens, slippers, envelopes for children, carpets, car covers, leather boots and much more.

Sheepskin is also called zigeika. Its name comes from certain breeds of sheep. So cleaning a sheepskin is the same as cleansing zigeki.

It must be remembered that sheepskin products are sewn with a fur layer on the inside, and a leather layer on the outside. Both layers get dirty. Therefore, the question arises: How to clean sheepskin».

We will clean both layers.

  1. For them, this is advice. First of all, we remove the top layer of dirt by shaking, vacuuming, and so on.
  2. Both the fur and the suede (stale) layer can be cleaned with potato peels. Rinse well and pass through a meat grinder. Add ammonia to it all. Spread the mixture over the desired area and clean the sheepskin with a brush. Then wash off this mixture. Wipe dry. Dry in a ventilated area at room temperature. If the thing lies, smooth it well on the surface.

The first is a layer of sheepskin made of fur.

How to clean sheepskin fur.

  1. A mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide. Proportion: for one liter of water, add one tablespoon of peroxide. This is especially good for white fur. If the wool is very yellow, the concentration of peroxide must be increased. Cleaning is carried out only at the very top of the fibers, so as not to wet the core.
  2. Crumpled fur should be slightly wetted with water using a sponge. Comb, observing the direction of combing, only in the direction of growth. Dry. Knock out.
  3. A mixture of aviation gasoline and starch also cleans light fur well. The product is smeared with the resulting malash porridge. Let it dry. Shake everything well.
  4. The brightness of your fur will return walnuts. Take the nucleoli and put them in a cheesecloth bag. Wipe the fur with it in the direction of growth.

The second is a layer of sheepskin leather.

  1. Fur, if it is rough, can be made softer. To do this, mix one yolk with one tablespoon of petroleum jelly. Pour half a liter of water into this mixture. She must be warm. But we will carry out all procedures from the side of the skin. Apply, dry, knead and stretch.
  2. The elasticity of the skin is restored when it is lubricated with a mixture of water and glycerin.

But that is not all.

The question remains Can sheepskin be washed? The answer is yes.

How to wash sheepskin.

Washable only in cold water. Do you want handles, or you can in an automatic washing machine.

The temperature is thirty degrees. Turnovers are not more than eight hundred. Use shampoo or special products for wool.

If washing by hand, put on something so that all the water is on the glass. And then because of the purity, you can overstrain.

It is better to rinse on an additional mode. Dry without hair dryers and electric batteries. Well ventilated area.

At home, if a warm thing is sewn from it, a carpet is woven, a collar is sewn on? Over time, products require periodic cleaning, while the owner aims to preserve their original condition, create the appearance of novelty, freshness.

The fashion for household items made from natural raw materials has remained at the highest level for many years, but in order for things not to repel those around them with their carelessness, proper care is required.

How to clean the collar of a winter coat - you need to unfasten it or tear it off if it is sewn tightly. Then proceed to the study of stains, if any, after careless eating in full dress. Applying liquid glycerin to contaminated areas will allow them to be removed with a moistened wipe. It has been noticed that shampoos for animals serve as an ideal cleaning agent - they were also developed and tested for wool, so they are also suitable for sheepskin.

If you need to refresh the item not in parts, but completely, then mix one to one:

  • vinegar
  • shampoo

The top of the collar is carefully covered with a solution for 10 minutes, in this state it is pushed aside, then the remaining liquid is blotted with a sponge.

The most serious action lies ahead for the complete washing of outerwear, whether it be a fur coat or a hat.

Modern machines have programs for a delicate procedure, they use it to wash a sheepskin blanket, a fur coat. Users respond that after processing in a washing machine, the products were not subjected to violations. This is the simplest and easiest way.

Housewives who do not trust washing equipment will have to revive the look of a fur coat or hat with their own hands. Small birch sawdust soaked in gasoline cleans dirty places well, they must be rubbed. The next day, the procedure is continued. Wood particles can be completely removed with a vacuum cleaner or by vigorous shaking. To avoid an unpleasant odor, the fur coat is wiped with an aqueous solution with shampoo.

Shine clothes will add a mixture in the following proportions:

  • laundry soap - 12 gr
  • ammonia alcohol - 15 caps
  • natural fat - 80 gr

The ingredients are added to hot water, after cooling, applied with a napkin to the contaminated surface. After a short period, the moisture is removed with a dry sponge. Knitted, downy, quilted hats are restored with steam.

After the fur is wiped with a solution, you need:

  • boil the kettle
  • open the lid
  • put a thing over the stream
  • shake and dry

Finish the cleaning process comb, brush. It is required to go through each strand, which is why the wool will take its original form.

Caring for covers, carpets, fur decor

How to clean white, from which a carpet or car cover is made - they are most exposed to pollution due to their color, free use. A vacuum cleaner will free the product from dust, starch will help remove dullness. It is rubbed over the entire surface, then shaken out. In order for the stray strands to disappear, you have to walk through them with a comb. Dry cleaning is carried out after the appearance of the carpet becomes not neat.

If this procedure becomes insufficient:

  • get hot water in the bathroom
  • add fur cleaner
  • lower the carpet, cover for a couple of hours
  • dirty liquid is drained, the container is filled with clean water

After complete drying, they again cover the floor or the back of the car seat, try to carry out sanitation in time, otherwise the time will come when the carpet, instead of beauty, will bring complete disappointment with its appearance.

Features of the restoration of children's clothing

Eco-friendly sheepskin gives pleasure to children with things sewn from this material, with its festive look. Warm overalls, hats, and fur-trimmed boots keep the child warm, but he does not know that clothes that are comfortable in all cases have the ability to quickly become dirty.

Purchased finished items have instructions for their use published on tags attached to the inner surface of the material. It indicates the possibility of washing or prohibitions, the temperature regime of the water is indicated, how exactly to wash it - in a typewriter or by hand. There are many products on the market for cleaning fur linings, baby envelopes, and any other products. It is desirable to choose cleaning agents for use on children's accessories, as there are anti-allergic components.

Children's clothes, by definition, cannot be large, which means that it will not be difficult to wash them by hand.

Cleaning sheepskin coats, sheepskin coats, jackets - on the video:

Sheepskin is used not only for the production of outerwear and footwear, but also for interior decoration. However, a rug made of such a skin absorbs dirt, dust and various odors, and therefore requires special care. In this article, you will learn how to clean a sheepskin at home and return the product to its original appearance.

How to clean sheepskin at home?

How to clean a sheepskin

The easiest way to clean the skin from debris and dust is shaking, which is best done daily, taking the product outside. Twice a week you need to go through the skin with a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt deposits. For better cleaning of the product, it is necessary to clean not only the pile, but also the base of the skin and the floor under it.

Sheepskins should be hand or machine washed monthly using a regular hair shampoo or a special wool detergent.

When hand washing, soak the product for 30 minutes in water, the temperature of which should be 30 ° C. Periodically, turn the skin over, and then rinse in warm water.

Machine wash is carried out at a water temperature of 30 ° C and on a special cycle suitable for cleaning wool. It is better to use a laundry bag to prevent the product from deforming. After washing, the product should be dried naturally by laying it on a horizontal surface and blotting with a towel.

During drying, it is necessary to shake the skin and stretch it a little to prevent the process of deformation and give the product its original appearance. After drying, you need to comb the fur of the product.

Sometimes a simple wash is not enough, because the surface of the sheepskin has more serious problems than just the accumulation of dirt and dust. But they can be easily dealt with in the following ways:

  • existing stains are removed with ammonia dissolved in water. In the solution, moisten the sponge and wipe the surface of the skin with it;
  • to return the brightness of the colored pile, a walnut is used. Its kernels must be crushed, placed in gauze and rubbed with a pile;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide is used to eliminate yellowness. 2 tablespoons of the product should be diluted in 1 liter of water and treat the surface of the skin, trying to avoid getting the solution into the bottom layer;
  • to restore the elasticity of the leather area, it is necessary to treat it with water, adding glycerin to it.

Sheepskin is an affordable, safe and warm material for making clothes, shoes, bedspreads, covers for sofas and car seats, for decorating rooms and instead of a carpet. Over time, it may lose its attractive appearance, fluffiness, acquire an unpleasant odor.

To prevent this from happening, you should know how to properly wash sheepskin at home. This can be done either by hand or in the washing machine.

If the dimensions of the product allow, then you can wash the sheepskin in an automatic washing machine. In this case, the following rules should be observed:

  • Do not use washing powder, bleaches and conditioners. Instead, a liquid detergent is used, preferably for washing woolen products.
  • Use the delicate or hand wash cycle.
  • The water temperature should not exceed 30-40°C.
  • The number of revolutions for spinning should not exceed 600.
  • After the wash cycle, you can start the rinse cycle.

This washing option is quite simple. Therefore, we will not dwell on it in detail and from the question: how to wash a sheepskin skin, let's move on to the question of how it should be properly dried. To dry sheep wool at home, you need to lay it out on a flat surface with the fur up, periodically shaking and stretching. After drying, using a special wire brush, it needs to be combed and kneaded by hand.


In the absence of a machine, or with an impressive size of the product, you should know how to wash sheep's wool by hand. For this, the following procedure is applied:

  • Pour water into a container of a suitable size, the temperature of which should be between 30-40C.
  • Add liquid detergent to the water (preferably designed for washing wool).
  • Soak the product for half an hour.
  • Gently rub the skin with your hands.
  • Remove the sheepskin from the container and rinse under warm running water.

Drying sheepskin at home after hand washing should be the same as after machine washing.

How to fix individual problems

It is important to know not only how to wash a sheepskin, but also how to remove individual impurities, restore the original shine and whiteness. For this, there are several ways:

  • To remove stains, ammonia is added to water at room temperature, in a ratio of 1: 1, a sponge is moistened in the resulting mixture, and the fur is rubbed in problem areas.
  • To restore the product to its original brightness and brilliance, it is necessary to grind the walnut, wrap it in gauze, and rub the wool.
  • If the white sheepskin has become yellow, then add 1 tbsp to 0.5 liters of water. hydrogen peroxide, and rub the top layer of wool with the resulting mixture, without affecting the bottom.
  • If the product has lost its softness, then add 1 yolk and 1 tbsp to 0.5 liters of water. petroleum jelly, and treat the lower part of the rug (not fur) with the resulting mixture.

These manipulations can be performed before washing, as well as after or instead of it. After that, the product must be dried, combed and kneaded with hands. Drying the skin with a hair dryer is prohibited.

By performing such simple actions at least once a month, you can keep the sheepskin beautiful, soft and elastic at home. And then it will delight its owner with its warmth and naturalness for many years!