How to manage negative thoughts and emotions: mindfulness therapy. How to learn to control your thoughts and emotions? How to learn to control thoughts and emotions

How can we control our thoughts? This is an inseparable part of our consciousness that accompanies us throughout our lives. A bunch of thoughts in your head can be multidirectional. It has long been known that negativity can not only ruin your mood for the whole day, but also set our whole life in a negative mood.

Therefore, each of us must learn to manage our thoughts. You can remain alone with your problems and continue to eat yourself out of your gut. Or you can take control of your thoughts into your own hands and try to change their course, set yourself up in a positive way, and the ugly pile of thoughts in your head will turn into a neat “cabinet”. This can very seriously affect your life and change it for the better.

It is not without reason that they say that any thought is material, it attracts events and is capable of influencing our destiny, therefore the extent to which we control them shows our degree of control over our own lives.

Nobody wants the events happening around them to be negative, so once a bunch of thoughts in your head are under your control, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on what is happening. Therefore, the ability to organize your consciousness is one of the most important things that everyone needs to acquire.

Causes of a negative mental attitude

But first we need to figure out what can lead us to a negative attitude. The most striking reason for this is an unorganized pile of thoughts in the head. In addition, according to psychologists, there are several more objective reasons for a negative attitude in life.

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Among them are:
  • A style of behavior formed over the course of life, formed on the basis of four types of behavioral reactions, the most common of which is critical. The habit of criticizing everyone and everything can lead to a lot of thoughts accumulating in the head and most of them are negative;
  • Inability to set goals and achieve them, despite obstacles. The formation of this criterion is most influenced by the environment, because it is people who most often influence our mood;
  • Low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. This is due to the life position and character formed on the basis of upbringing;
  • Examples of negative experiences from the past and from the lives of others. Such examples stop a person's striving because we are afraid of the repetition of negative emotions;
  • Lack of support at a difficult moment, if a person is left alone with his problems, sooner or later they take over him entirely.

Control over your own thoughts

Once we realize how to control our thoughts, we are able to change everything that happens for the better. Everyone can be happy and successful. After all, it is with recommendations to take everything into your own hands and realize that a bunch of thoughts in your head leads to a loss of control over your own life, and that most trainings that teach how to build order in your thoughts begin.

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However, it is simple to say, it is much more difficult to do all this. There are several simple tips on how to put your mind in order. If you follow such recommendations, the pile of thoughts in your head will become smaller or turn into a neat pile.

So, to learn how to maintain order in your thoughts you need to:

  • You need to stand firmly on your chosen path. Don't let anything get you down. Of course, you shouldn’t give up the pleasant opportunity to dream, but you shouldn’t forget about your chosen goals. Even if now the path to achieving your goal is not visible, over time it will appear quite clearly if you always remember what you are striving to achieve. You need to clearly understand that a jumbled pile of thoughts in your head leads to disorder in your life;
  • It is necessary to live in the present moment. We must not let the past dominate us, and exclude as much as possible all the “ifs” and “what would have been.” Past experience should certainly be taken into account, but in no case should it be put above the present. The same applies to the future, making plans is an important step towards your goal, but if these plans are divorced from the present, then nothing will work out;
  • The most important aspect of thoughts should be the present moment, we need to pay attention to the little things happening around us and allow ourselves to be distracted from internal “soul-searching”; this will become possible only if a bunch of thoughts in our head come to a certain order.

Our whole life is made up of pleasant little things, and if we learn to pay attention to them and not pass by, then it will turn out that there is much less unpleasant stuff around, and all problems will fade into the background.

Of course, none of us is immune from serious experiences, but it will be much easier to survive them if you pay less attention to them. At the same time, there will be much fewer serious problems if we do not “call” them.

We often say that “thought is material”; it is precisely this property that very often leads to problems. If a bunch of thoughts swarm randomly in your head, then the subconscious will snatch out pieces, scraps that do not have their own clear structure, hence life will be just as fragmentary and unclear.

mind control will allow you to completely control your own life and become the master of your destiny.

There are three simple exercises on how to learncontrol your mind :

Positive thinking

Most people simply do not realize the enormous power of positive and negative thoughts in their minds. The method is extremely simple: as soon as a negative thought fills your mind, immediately replace it with a thought that will lift your mood. Imagine that your brain is like a slide projector and every thought is like a slide.Whenever a negative slide appears on your screen, quickly change it to a positive one.

For example, many people are annoyed by being late or waiting in line. By concentrating each time on negative thoughts and judging a friend who was late for 10 minutes, a person programs negative models and risks remaining captive of negative thoughts. However, let's try to change our attitude towards the situation in a positive way. After all, waiting is nothing more than training willpower for some, or an opportunity to talk to yourself, or observe the world around you. There is a famous example about a half-empty and half-full glass. An optimist perceives a glass half filled as half full, and a pessimist perceives it as half empty. The glass hasn't changed at all. But one person is more often happy from such a perception of life, while another is saddened by it. It turns out that we ourselves choose how we react to this or that event in our lives.

An example of this is a story about two children. The parents had two twin sons. One of them was an optimist and the other a pessimist. Everything was good in life for the optimist, and his parents didn’t really think about what to give him for his birthday. But they thought for a long time about what to give the pessimist and gave him a wooden horse for his birthday - a good, wooden horse. And they decided to play a trick on the optimist and put horse manure near his bed. A negative child gets up in the morning and looks sadly at his horse and says: “Here again they gave the horse the wrong color, it doesn’t ride, it needs to be carried. What should I do now and where should I put it now in my small room?” The parents were upset, it didn’t work out again. What about the optimist? Will he be upset? The optimist says: “Cool, they gave me a real live horse. There was even some manure left, so she probably went for a walk.”

Thus, positive thinking will give you joy and self-confidence. By managing your consciousness and increasing the positive qualities of a person, focusing on the beautiful and positive, you fill your life with these very components. And negative thoughts are becoming less and less.

Once you consistently apply this principle to your daily life and begin to manage your consciousness, turning every event into a positive, empowering one, you will be free from worry forever. You will no longer be a prisoner of your past. Instead, you become the architect of your future.

Mastering your mind begins with the ability to control every thought that comes into your head. When you develop the ability to detach yourself from all unworthy thoughts and learn to concentrate only on positive and useful ones, you will begin to perform positive and useful actions. Soon everything positive and useful will begin to come into your life on its own.
Only we decide how to think and how to live: in happiness or in sadness.


If you want to strengthen your arm muscles to become stronger, then you need to train them. If you want to make your leg muscles firm, you must first tense them. In the same way, your consciousness will begin to work miracles - but only if you allow it to do so. It will give you everything you want in your life once you learn to manage it effectively. Training your mind requires daily exercise.

One of them is the ability to concentrate on your thoughts , unraveling the mystery of his life. Most of us live at such a frantic pace that real silence and stillness sometimes become something alien and uncomfortable. Most people, upon hearing these words, will say that they do not have time to sit and look at a flower. These same people will say that they don’t have time to just enjoy the laughter of their children or run barefoot in the rain. They will say they are too busy for such things. They don't even have friends, because friends also take time.

Set aside 10-20 minutes daily forcontemplative exercises . All that is required during this period is to concentrate all your attention on one object. It could be a flower, a candle or any other object. This exercise must be done in complete silence and preferably in nature. Look at the object closely. Pay attention to color, structure and shape. Enjoy the smell and think only about this beautiful creature in front of you. First, other thoughts will come to you, distracting you from the object. This is a sign of an untrained mind. Try not to be distracted by any thoughts.
By practicing the exercise for 21 days, your consciousness will become stronger and more manageable and you will master the principle of mind control. You realize that every moment is a miracle and a mystery and you have the power to comprehend it.


Our mind thinks in images. Images influence our self-image, and this idea determines how we feel, how we act, and how we go towards our goals. If you see yourself as too young to succeed in the legal profession, or too old to change your habits, then you will never achieve these goals. If you see in your mind that a life of meaning, happiness and physical perfection is only reserved for people in a different circle than you, then this will eventually become your reality.

But if vivid images flash across the wide screen of your consciousness, wonderful things will begin to happen in your life. Einstein said that“imagination is more important than knowledge” . Every day you must devote some time, even just a few minutes, to this creative foresight. Imagine yourself in the image of who you want to become, no matter who it is - a successful entrepreneur, a loving mother or a responsible citizen of society. The secret of visualization is that with the help of positive images we influence consciousness.

The magic of imagination can be applied in many situations. It can be used to help you navigate a court case more effectively, improve your relationships with others, and develop your own spirituality. Our consciousness has a magnetic power to attract into our lives everything we desire. If there is something missing in our lives, it is because it is missing in our ideas. We must preserve beautiful pictures before the eyes of our imagination. Even a single negative image can poison the mind.Visualization is a magnetic power of consciousness that can bring spiritual and material wealth.

The power of imagination, as well as positive thinking and concentration, require constant training. Mind control takes time. And it’s worth starting with regular meditation every day. As soon as these three methods become a daily practice, you will master the skill of managing your thoughts, your consciousness and your mind. If you control your mind, you control your life. And once you are in complete control of your own life, you become the master of your destiny.

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But sometimes negative thoughts just creep into your head. What to do? Let's look at how to control your thoughts and subconscious mind.

Let's say you have a big dream and you want to realize it. You understand that our thoughts have enormous power to create our reality, and we literally create our lives ourselves, thought by thought. And so you decided to think positively. You try to think about good things during the day, tune in to positive thoughts, think about your dream, imagine how it will come true.

And everything would be fine. But looking at what is in your life now, you see not at all what you would like. And what you see makes you sad and negative thoughts begin to enter your mind. You involuntarily begin to think again about what doesn’t suit you and what you don’t want. This is how we slide into negativity. And if this process is not stopped, you will create everything the same as before, that is, what you do not want at all. So what should we do? Control every thought?

How to control your thoughts and subconscious

But will you now have to track your every thought in order to replace it? This is crazy! Not at all necessary. Often we don’t even notice what thoughts are filling our head. The thinking process usually occurs automatically, and we are not always able to realize what thought we are currently thinking.

Of course, awareness is important. But you don’t have to follow every thought you have. One simple way to control your thoughts is to pay attention to your emotions and feelings.

How can you understand what you are currently creating with your thoughts? Emotions are an indicator. Just pay attention to how you feel. You well? Do you feel joy, happiness, creative excitement? This means that now you are attracting what you need and helping your dream come true.

What if you feel bad, sad, depressed, angry or disappointed? This means that your thoughts are flowing in the wrong direction, and you will create something that you will not be happy with later. The direction of these thoughts urgently needs to be changed.

How to change thoughts quickly? There are two main ways.

  • Turn on awareness. Become aware of the negative thought and, through an effort of will, consciously replace it with a positive one.
  • Change your emotions and feelings. Do something that can quickly cheer you up: think about something pleasant, for example, about making a wish come true, turn on your favorite music or watch a good movie. You can do the port, this technique also helps to switch thoughts.

Emotions will help you quickly notice the negative direction of thoughts and change it. To quickly change your emotions, you can simply do something that makes you feel good. For example, listen to your favorite music or just hug a loved one.

And there is another way. Just think about what you can thank the Universe, God for right now. List it all in your mind.

Things to be grateful for right now:

  • You have your home
  • Your family and loved ones are with you
  • Do you have food on the table?
  • You are healthy
  • You can see beautiful things
  • You can hear wonderful music
  • You can move
  • You can breathe easily
  • You can speak

It all seems so ordinary to us that we have stopped noticing it all. But there are people who are not given this either. Right now you have everything to change your life, think about it.

You will see how your feelings and emotions will begin to change to lighter and more positive ones. And when you feel good, you won't be able to think negatively.

How to control your thoughts and subconscious:

  1. Pay attention to your emotions
  2. Become aware of what you are thinking about right now
  3. Change your thoughts to more positive ones

Act according to this simple algorithm, and it will be much easier to think positively.

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This system gives you a huge advantage because it works all the time, whether you know it or not. Therefore, when you think about what you don’t need and focus on this thought for a long time, according to the Law, you attract it stronger and stronger until, finally, you attract the corresponding event or circumstances into your life.

But if you are aware of your Emotional Guidance System and how you feel, then in the early and subtle stages of controlling your thoughts, you will begin to notice that you are focusing on something that you do not need, and you can easily change the thought to start attracting what you desire.

If you are insensitive to your feelings, you will not consciously notice that you are thinking about something that you do not want, and it is quite possible that you will attract something significant, powerful and unwanted that you will have difficulty dealing with later.

When you have an idea and feel drawn to it, it means that your Inner Being is vibrationally compatible with the idea, and positive emotions indicate that the vibration of your thought, at that moment, matches the vibration of the Inner Being. In fact, this is the essence of inspiration: you are, at a certain moment, a complete vibrational match of the larger perspective of your Inner Being.

How do I get what I get?

At first, the words that you create your own reality are met with joy, because most people strive to control their lives. However, when people begin to understand that everything that appears to them, they themselves attract with their thoughts (you get what you think about, regardless of whether you want it or not), some become uncomfortable with the supposedly overwhelming task of monitoring, control your thoughts, understand them, paying attention only to those that relate to the things you want.

No one recommends that you control your thoughts this way, because it is very tiring and time-consuming. Instead, we suggest that you consciously use your Emotional Guidance System.

If you pay attention to your feelings, then controlling your thoughts is not necessary. When you feel good, know that at that time you are speaking, thinking or acting in accordance with your intentions. And know that when you start to feel bad, you are at odds with your intentions. In other words, when you have a negative emotion, at that moment you create reality incorrectly - by thought, word or action.

Therefore, the Conscious Creation Process is essentially a combination of greater awareness of your desires, a clearer understanding of your intentions, and greater sensitivity to your feelings.

I am the only creator of my life

At this stage, a global question may arise: “How do I know that what comes from myself can be trusted? Isn’t there someone better than me who writes the rules and wants me to be a certain someone or do a specific thing?” You yourself are the creator of your own life, you came into this physical body by the power of your desire. You are not here to prove your own importance or anything else.

You are here because you have a specific purpose for being here. You want to be a Conscious Creator and have chosen this physical dimension where space and time exist to fine-tune your understanding and then see the benefits of everything you have created mentally, allowing it to manifest into physical reality.

There is no list of right and wrong things, only what aligns with your true intentions and goals and what does not. You can trust the Guidance that comes from within you to let you know when you are tuning into your natural state of Well-Being.

I attract vibrationally harmonious thoughts

The Law of Attraction is responsible for many things that are evident in your life. It brings people together. All events and circumstances are its result... Thanks to the power of the Law of Attraction, vibrationally similar thoughts are magnetically attracted to each other; it also attracts people who experience certain feelings to each other; even the thoughts themselves are attracted to one another until what was once a small, insignificant and rather weak thought becomes very powerful through your concentration.

Thanks to the Law of Attraction, everyone is like a strong magnet, which in each case attracts more of what you experience.

By thinking and speaking we create

No one else is creating in your life. All this is done by you; all the credit is yours. As you begin to notice the complete alignment of what you think and say with what you receive, your understanding of the Law of Attraction will improve and your desire to use your Guidance System to consciously guide your thoughts will increase. And, of course, you will become much more understanding of the lives of those around you (in fact, it is sometimes even easier to see this in those around you).

Have you noticed that those who often think and talk about illnesses feel worse and worse? Have you noticed that those who talk about poverty live worse and worse, and those who talk about wealth get more and more? When you realize that your thoughts have a magnetic force, and that your attention to them increases their power, and eventually the object of the thought becomes part of your life experience, the willingness to consciously pay attention to your feelings will help you choose the direction of your thoughts.

The Law of Attraction in action can easily be seen when talking to someone. For example, your friend talks about her difficult life, and you, like a good friend, pay attention to her words and listen to what she has to say. If you focus on this for a long time, examples of such situations from your life begin to come to your mind.

You keep the conversation going and share similar experiences from your practice, further increasing the vibration of this thought. Sufficient attention and discussion of this topic will attract other similar situations into your life. If more and more thoughts appear about what you don't want, eventually you will be surrounded by thoughts, words and situations that lead in the direction of what you don't want (now you and your friend will have even more troubles to discuss) .

By controlling your thoughts, you would pay more attention to your feelings; when the conversation begins to go in the direction of what you do not want, you would become aware of the unpleasant sensations you are experiencing. You would understand your Guidance, which tells you: you think and talk about what you don’t want. The reason for this warning, the “alarm signal,” was that who you really are and your desires were at odds with what you were focusing on at the time. Emotions indicated a discrepancy.

The guidance reminded you that as long as you think and talk about unwanted things, you are like a magnet attracting situations, events and other Beings to yourself, and soon the essence of what you have been talking about and what you did not want will come to fruition in your life.

Likewise, if you talk about what you want, your thoughts will be more attracted to it. As long as you talk about what you want, your Inner Being will transmit positive emotions to let you know that you are in tune with the core of your intentions and that what you attract to you is vibrationally aligned with them.

The delicate balance between wanting and allowing

The Science of Conscious Creation is a Law in delicate balance. It consists of two parts: on the one hand, the thought of what you want. On the other hand, expectation or faith, or permission to come into your life to what your thoughts create.

Therefore, if you say: “I want a new red car,” then with the help of these thoughts you literally begin to bring the red car into your life.

The more attention you pay to this thought now, the better you can imagine having a red car in your life, the more excited you feel. And the more excitement you experience, that is, the more positive emotions you have when thinking about a new red car, the faster the car will appear in your life. When you create it with your thoughts and feel positive emotions while thinking about it, the car will quickly appear in your life. It was created, it already exists, and for it to be in your life now, you just have to allow it. And you allow it by waiting for the event, believing in it and allowing it to happen.

By doubting your ability to get a new red car, you are hindering creation. By saying, “I want a new red car,” you have begun to create it, but if you add, “But it is very expensive,” you yourself are preventing creation. To put it another way, you are preventing yourself from creating what you want by not believing, expecting, or allowing, because both parts of the process are necessary to bring your creations into physical life.

Just because you talk about an object of creation does not mean that you will necessarily create it. When you get excited about a new car, you allow it; but if you think about it in terms of worrying that you won't be able to afford it (or being annoyed that it hasn't arrived yet), then you're actually focusing on not having a car and not allowing it to come into your life.

Sometimes, in the early stages of creating what you want, you are on the right track because you feel excitement and positive anticipation; and then you tell another person about your desire, who begins to explain to you why this cannot or should not happen. The negative influence of a friend will not benefit you, because by concentrating on the essence of your desire, you attracted it, and now, concentrating on the absence of what you want, you push it away.

Are you experiencing good or bad feelings?

So you say, “I want a new red car and I know I can have it.” And then you say, “So, where is he? I’ve wanted it for so long, I believed it, but what I want doesn’t appear.” Now you focus not on what you want, but on the absence of what you want, and thanks to the Law of Attraction, you get what you focus on.

By controlling your thoughts, you concentrate on what you want, you will attract what you want. If you focus on the absence of what you want, you will attract absence (in reality, any object represents two things: what you want and the absence of what you want). If you pay attention to your feelings, you will always know what you are focusing on: what you want or the lack thereof, because when you think about what you want, you experience pleasant feelings; and when you think about the absence of what you want, they are unpleasant.

When you say: “I need money to lead this life,” then ; but if you concentrate on what you want but don’t have, think about the lack, you push away wealth.

Thoughts that evoke strong emotions come true quickly

Your thoughts have magnetic power. Every thought has creative potential, but thoughts that do not evoke strong emotions very slowly attract their object into your life. Only thoughts that evoke strong feelings in you, whether positive or negative, lead to the rapid embodiment of their essence in your physical life. Your emotions are messages from your Inner Being that let you know that you are now receiving the energy of the Universe.

If you go with a friend to a horror movie and, sitting in the cinema, observe all the frightening details in color and sound, at that moment you will be in a negative Workshop. Because when you imagine all the things you don't want to see, your Inner Being tells you through emotions: What you now see is so bright that the Universe is transferring energy into it.

Luckily, when you leave the theater you usually say, “It was just a movie,” so you don’t expect anything. You don't believe it can happen to you, so you don't complete the second part of the equation. You thought and felt emotions, so you created, but you didn’t let it into your life because you didn’t really expect it.

But if, as you leave the movie, your friend says, “It may just be a movie, but this happened to me once,” you may begin to think about it, and in the process you may build up the belief or expectation that it might happen. and with you, then it will be so. Thinking on the one hand and expecting or believing on the other - this equation gives you everything you get.

If you want something and expect it, it will soon be yours. But it’s not often possible to achieve balance so that your desires and expectations are the same. Sometimes the desire is very strong, but there is no faith at all.

Many people find themselves in what we call a negative Workshop many times a day. When you sit at your desk with a stack of bills, feeling fear or anxiety because you don't have enough money to pay them, you are in a negative Workshop. Because by thinking in this way that you don't have enough money, you continue to create what you don't want. What you feel is a signal from your Inner Being that your current thoughts are not in harmony with your desires.

The Essence of the Conscious Creation Process

Let's summarize what was discussed so that you can create a clear plan for conscious control of your thoughts. First, understand that you are more than your physical body; that there is a wiser, older, significant part of you that remembers all your lives and, most importantly, knows that you exist now. From this comprehensive perspective, this part of you can communicate to you accurate and complete information about the correctness of what you do, say or think, or what you are about to say or think.

If you can clearly articulate your intentions, then the Guidance System can work even more effectively because it can take all the information received from all experiences (all desires, intentions, beliefs) and compare it with your actions, present or future, to give clear recommendations.

Pay attention to your feelings throughout the day. When you experience negative emotions, stop doing what is currently causing them, because a negative emotion means that you are not creating correctly at that time. Negative emotions only appear when you do something wrong. Therefore, when you begin to notice that you are experiencing negative feelings, no matter for what reason, where they came from, in what situation, stop doing what you are doing now and mentally focus on what feels better.

Engage in the Process of Conscious Creation daily for 15–20 minutes, in silence, so that nothing disturbs or distracts you, dream about life, imagine yourself as you want to be, surrounded by what you like.

Attention to what is creates it

The Law of Attraction reacts to you, to your point of attraction, and the point of attraction is created by your thought. What you feel is caused by what you think. Because what you feel about yourself is your strongest point of magnetic attraction.

Feeling poor, you cannot attract wealth. When you feel full, you cannot attract thinness. Feeling lonely, you cannot attract friendship - this is contrary to the Law. People around you often point out “reality” to you. They say, “Face the facts. Look at what is there." And we tell you: “If you are able to see only what is, then according to the Law of Attraction you will create only what is, and so on ...” - in order to attract something different or something more, you must be able to take your thoughts beyond what you have.

Emotional attention to what is is like roots with which you grow into one point, but an emotional (happy) vision of what you would like to begin to attract into your reality will bring you corresponding changes. You will want to keep a lot of what you currently have in your life, so continue to pay attention to these things, and they will remain with you. By controlling your thoughts with the help of emotions, you must stop paying attention to what you don’t want!

Have you ever wondered how to become the master of your thought flow, with the help of which you can drive unnecessary fabrications out of your head? Let's figure out how to control your thoughts using simple and accessible methods.

Before learning to control your “thoughts,” let’s consider an example from life that will prove that it is necessary to control your thoughts. This is a real story from the perspective of my friend Svetlana. As soon as Sveta got married, she began to fear that her husband would leave her. The fears were standard: she would get carried away by a young, beautiful woman; will be inflamed with passion for some employee at a corporate party; meets a former classmate. The list goes on depending on the circumstances.

Moreover, the interesting fact is that Svetka was not jealous, no. She liked to walk with her husband arm in arm and watch the envious glances of other beauties on her. Svetlana could easily let her husband dance with other young ladies in a common company. When she was next to her husband, she always felt good and calm. But if the betrothed was not within sight and reach, black clouds swirled in my head. Svetlana herself came up with different events that could happen to her man. These were accidents, catastrophes, but more often they were the actions of other women to take possession of the body and soul of their spouse.

At first Svetka thought and suffered quietly, then she began to share her thoughts with her friends. But somehow they didn’t get into it, they began to calm me down and distract me. Who else can you talk to about this painful issue, if not your beloved spouse: “Imagine, some long-legged accountant 10 years younger than me will take you away, so then I’m not responsible for myself!” The first time the hubby laughed at such thoughts, he calmed his beloved as best he could. The second and third time I tensed up, and on the fourth a scandal broke out.

Now Svetlana’s reproaches that her loved one might be ensnared have become constant, and thoughts about this become obsessive. The husband, feeling guiltlessly guilty, began to stay late at work. You expect me to talk about how he ended up going on a spree to spite his wife. No, this will not be in my story. The story ended differently. Svetka came to her senses. I accidentally came across a video on the Internet that talked about how we attract troubles into life with our bad thoughts. And Svetlana realized that she was to blame for all the troubles, that she was torturing herself and her loved one. She began hard work on herself, began to acquire information about how to manage thoughts.

Six months later, the relationship with my spouse was not only restored, but also became much stronger and happier. Maybe it’s time for you, dear readers, to work on yourself? It's time to remove all the mental rubbish from your head and live happily. You are strong, you will succeed!

Is it possible to control thoughts?

In most cases, our thoughts arise and disappear spontaneously. So what does it mean to control your thoughts and is it even possible? Yogis, plunging into a trance, are able to “turn off their heads”; their thought flow disappears. This is the highest form of working with thought. We will simply try to tame the whirlwind in our heads and learn to control it. It is easier to control your thoughts for those who:

  • there is no tendency to criticism and self-criticism;
  • goal-setting skills are developed;
  • adequate self-esteem;
  • high stress resistance;
  • there is social support;
  • There are no pronounced fears or feelings of guilt.

By developing these qualities in oneself and overcoming shortcomings, a person becomes free and happy, gains inner self-confidence and peace of mind, and achieves success in his profession and in his personal life. Tempting? Then let's start working!

Specific methods for controlling thoughts

Now comes the fun part. Let's look at the key methods of thought control, presented in a list with descriptions and examples:

  1. Association with thought. Imagine that your annoying thoughts are some objects or objects. For example, flies that circle overhead. Transform them into butterflies in your imagination. Activities with images disconnect a person from the unnecessary ideas themselves.
  2. Concentration on the subject. Perform this technique 3 times during the day. Choose any item: a vase, a flower, light a candle. Sit comfortably, relax. Observe only this object and think only about it. Thoughts about salary, home arise, drive them away. Direct your attention to the petals of a flower, the flame of a candle. Just think about this. This concentration on the subject should last 10-30 minutes.
  3. Positive restructuring. When annoying ideas arise, learn to transform them. The minus sign should turn into a plus sign. You start to think that you don’t have enough money. Immediately drive away these thoughts and thank life for teaching you thrift.
  4. Self-hypnosis. During the day, morning and evening, pay attention to your inner world. Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes. You can turn on background relaxing music. Repeat the following phrases to yourself: “I am calm. My body is relaxed. I feel good and comfortable. My thoughts are light and calm. They run like a fast transparent stream in the mountains, filling me with light and energy. I thank the world for these thoughts. I manage them, and they help me become better and cleaner.” This self-hypnosis can be supplemented with your own phrases that are necessary for you.
  5. Physical activity. Bad thoughts are more likely to occur to those who have a lot of free time. As soon as your head is loaded with unnecessary thoughts, go to the pool, go for a run, just do push-ups, shake your abs. At the same time, imagine how your body is improving and your muscles are working. With physical activity, heavy thoughts disappear on their own.
  6. Changing the focus. Try to approach your experiences with humor. For example, you are upset that your boss is constantly nagging you, but you cannot answer. Before going to bed, you scroll through possible answers and consequences in your head. Better think about how your boss would behave if you sang and danced for him. Imagine that the manager is standing in front of you in family shorts or that he is scolding you naked in the bathhouse. The emotional indicator of thoughts will immediately change.

Before you start working on your thought flow, you should get your body and soul in order. Work always requires energy. If you are sick, then your energy will be spent on recovery, and not on transforming your thoughts. You should work with thinking after good rest and healing.

How to plan psychological work on thoughts?

Very often a person knows a lot in theory, but it never comes to practice. To prevent this from happening, you are provided with step-by-step instructions on the topic of the article, a kind of algorithm on how to put your thoughts in order.

  1. Over the next 2-3 days, track your thoughts. To do this, keep yourself a self-observation diary. This could be a regular notebook, a diary, where you write down the thoughts that come to your mind. Organize these entries in table form. Try to make notes every hour of the current days. For now, do not use any of the methods suggested above. Just watch your mental activity.
  2. Analyze your notes. To do this, answer the following questions:
  • What are the majority of thoughts: positive or negative?
  • What do your thoughts concern, what area of ​​life (family, work, sex, appearance, self-esteem, etc.) do they relate to?
  1. Choose 1 method from those proposed. Start using it throughout the day.
  2. The next day, add another method from the list.
  3. Increase the number of methods to 3 per day. Use them within 21 days. Why such a figure? Psychologists have proven that a new habit replaces an old one precisely after such a period of time.
  4. Observe your thoughts again for a few days. Are there any changes? If the answer is yes, congratulations, you are on the right track. You can reduce the frequency of using methods, but do not abandon them altogether. It should take about six months. During this time, the result will be fully consolidated.

If your thoughts still do not obey you, you should choose other methods to control them. Yes, the work ahead is long and hard, but so interesting. After all, knowing your own inner world is the biggest discovery.

Self-improvement work

I would like to praise the readers for their self-development and draw attention to the presence in the project of a variety of thematic materials and other articles on this topic. If you have already started working on yourself, then don’t stop. Goethe also wrote:

"How is it possible to know yourself? Only in action, but not in contemplation.".

It's time to act! There are many situations in life when a person drives himself crazy with stupid thoughts and torments his loved ones. This is the path to the abyss. By learning 6 quick methods, you will understand how to learn to control your thoughts. And using step-by-step instructions on the topic of the article, you will learn in practice a new way of a happy life.