What does a family tree look like? How to draw a family tree: templates and programs. Overview of genealogy programs

Creating a family tree for your family is an exciting activity that will help you get acquainted with the life of your ancestors, hear many interesting stories about relatives, and simply unite with your family in the process of searching for information. The finished family tree will be a wonderful gift for a loved one or an excellent home decoration. Read the article on how to make a family tree with your own hands.

Selection of information

A family tree is essentially a list of relatives in a hierarchical form based on years of life. Before compiling such a tree, first of all, decide how far back into generations you want to find out the information.

There are several ways to find the necessary information:

  • Survey. First, collect basic information that your family, neighbors, and acquaintances can provide. Ask about the places where your ancestors lived, worked and studied, dates of birth, death, character, ask for a photo. In conversation you will find out what kind of person the ancestor was.
  • Studying the family archive. It’s good if your family has old photographs, notes, letters or diaries. These records will be a valuable source of information that relatives could not remember. Carefully study the family archive.
  • Drawing up a preliminary diagram or table. Enter the obtained data into a table or make a diagram. So, you will see what data you are missing.
  • Studying reference books and state archives. The rusarchives.ru archive contains a vast amount of documents that will help determine the belonging of ancestors to a certain class, learn about positions held and the awarding of state awards and honorary titles. The archive also contains old audio recordings and photographs. But keep in mind that contacting the fund is possible only after receiving permission from the local administration, which will provide access to the regional and federal archives.
  • Visit to the district library. Here you will find archival documents, newspapers, and reference publications. They will make it easier to reconstruct your family tree.
  • Visiting museums. There may also be information about ancestors.
  • Non-state archives and private investigation agencies. Such organizations collect data about people for a fee.

Having collected the necessary information about your ancestors, proceed to draw up a family tree.


Family trees are:

After choosing the type of future tree, decide on the information that will be contained in it and the design scheme.

Schemes for designing a family tree:

  • Branches. A variant of an ascending tree, where the place in the center at the bottom is allocated to the child (tree trunk), and the branches ascend to the top and represent relatives.

  • Roots. Descending tree option. At the top center is a photo of a common ancestor, and branches of relatives radiate downwards. This scheme makes it possible to reflect a large number of relatives, including cousins ​​and second cousins.

  • Butterfly. The diagram is great for reflecting the couple's relatives. A couple is depicted in the center, and the branches of the ancestors diverge from it in the corresponding directions. The “butterfly” scheme allows you to avoid depicting the husband’s and wife’s relatives separately.

  • Hourglass. Gives you the opportunity to portray relatives of an elderly couple. In such a scheme, grandparents are key. The branches of their ancestors extend upward from their image, and the descendants - children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - extend downward.

  • Fan. This reflection of family ties best saves space and is the easiest to implement.

  • Circle.

Information about relatives

The amount of data about relatives depends only on the desire and purpose of compiling a family tree.

If you have an idea to visually show your child relatives, to do something nice for your loved ones, or if it’s a craft for school, then the surnames, first names and photographs of your closest relatives are enough.

If you want to create a full-fledged historical document, you should additionally indicate dates of birth and death, place of birth, profession and other data. If possible, find photographs of as many ancestors as possible, this will help make your family tree informative and interesting. In the cells of relatives whose photos you did not find, place a picture of the family coat of arms so that the spaces do not look empty.

Design features

  1. Before creating a sketch, imagine what the tree will look like or watch a master class on how to create one. Correctly calculate the number of branches required, the distance required to place photos and information about relatives. Mark the sheet with a simple pencil so that you can easily correct inaccuracies later.
  2. Design the frame of the tree and determine a place for the central figure on the tree trunk. Designate a space for photos and information about the person.
  3. Go to the second tier - direct descendants or ancestors (depending on the chosen tree option). Place data about people of the same generation at the same level with each other. For brothers or sisters, please provide details of spouses and children. At the same time, keep in mind that information about the spouse is indicated next to it, and the children’s information is slightly lower below them.
  4. As the size of the tree increases, do not forget that each branch has 2 meanings: it shows the connections between generations and relatives, and also decoratively forms the composition. Therefore, be creative when depicting branches, but do not overdo it so that the connections are visible.
  5. When the tree diagram is ready, all that remains is the decorative design. At this stage, let your imagination run wild and decorate the tree to your liking. You can make a tree in the form of an applique by gluing a textured trunk and branches, separately gluing photos and cuttings with information about relatives, and make the leaves three-dimensional by cutting them out of colored paper. You can simply color the image of the tree with paints, leaving space for pasting photos and entering information. Another option is to print an image of a tree on photo paper, paste it onto a prepared sheet, and paste the relatives’ data separately.

Tree options

Programs and online services

If you don’t want to waste time compiling and designing a family tree yourself, use special computer programs.

  • Online services They allow you to order the production of a family tree or create it yourself. To do this, select a blank template with space for photos and information. After filling out the family tree, all that remains is to download the finished image to your computer and print it. Popular services: myheritage.com, familyspace.ru, vgd.ru/generezis_content.html.
  • Editor programs. They are downloaded to your computer and allow you to draw and fill in the tree yourself. Some of them have ready-made templates that you just need to fill out as a picture or table. In some programs, you can attach not only a photo, but also a video or audio recording to data about a relative. In all programs, for each family member you can fill out a questionnaire with data and even a description of appearance and interesting facts from life. Popular programs for creating a family tree: SimTree, Family Tree Builder, RootsMagic, GRAMPS, GenoPro, Tree of Life.

As a tree grows, so does each family – from the most ancient ancestors (roots) to the youngest representatives of the genus (green leaves). Moms and dads in the family tree can be compared to branches, grandparents - to a strong trunk.

It is thanks to this association that a schematic representation of the pedigree connections of each family is called a family tree (tree).

The content of the article:

Family tree design options

There are several options for designing a family tree. Traditionally, a pedigree is drawn up from its founder, the oldest known person in the family. Then it is this ancestor who is depicted as the head of the family, and the branches of his offspring schematically diverge from him, including the marriage ties of children, grandchildren, etc. The better a family knows its history, the more careful it is in preserving the memory of its ancestors, the denser the branches of its family tree. Many famous families know and honor the history of their family for 200-300 years.

In schools, to compile a student’s portfolio or as part of an assignment in a lesson, they are asked to draw up another type of family tree, when the child himself is placed at the head of the family, and from him there are branches to the parents, and from them to the grandparents. Usually this is enough, but if there is information about great-grandparents (and deeper roots), then it is advisable to provide that too.

Drawing up a family tree with your child is quite an exciting activity, and not just a boring school requirement. If parents understand this, they will spend many exciting minutes in the company of their child, remembering their own childhood, talking about their grandparents, what their profession was, how they remember them, what interesting stories they know from their lives.

By teaching your child to preserve the memory of generations, you will pass this tradition on to him - and who knows, perhaps many, many years later your family tree will be able to boast a lush crown with many branches.

How to make a family tree with your own hands?

First, draw a draft of the tree, on which you indicate the child’s family members (direct relatives): their last names and initials, dates of life. Take photographs of family members - the tree will no longer be impersonal, it will no longer be just a dry listing of names and dates, but a graphic representation of the family.

Choose a wood making method. If the teacher allows it, it will be great if the child draws it with his own hands (pencils or paints), and you paste a photo and sign the data.

A combined option is possible: print out a picture of a tree and stick signed photos on it.

You can create a family tree with your own hands in regular Word, Paint, Photoshop and other graphic editors. There are also online programs for creating graphical family trees.

However, the easiest option is to print a ready-made family tree template.

Family tree: templates to fill out

To open the image in full size, click on it.

In this article you will find answers to the questions: where to start compiling your own pedigree, what steps you should take to productively study the genealogy of your family, why study the family archive and what ways there are to document family history.

Where do you start compiling your own pedigree?

Start by asking your closest circle of relatives. They can provide the initial information on which you can build the foundation for future research. Full name, place of residence, dates of birth and death - you can find out this and other important information within two or three generations without actually leaving home and simply asking your parents, grandparents. The value of such memories lies in the fact that often only your relatives can name facts that are not in official documents: the habits, appearance and distinctive character traits of a particular ancestor.

However, in order to create an objective picture of the genealogy of one’s family, it is not enough to limit oneself only to oral information from one’s relatives. The next step is to analyze the family archive. It is necessary to find and study letters, diaries, old photographs, various certificates (of marriage, birth and death), work books and certificates. Particular attention should be paid to documents from the registry office. Often such family papers and evidence of the past are put into boxes and sent to gather dust on a distant shelf - when, if carefully examined, they can provide information about who your predecessors were and what kind of lives they led.

Create a dossier for each relative found during the research to save and systematize the data obtained

The third stage is applying to regional and state archives, where a person can obtain information about himself and his immediate family within 75 years (the period of protection for personal secrets). First, ask the archive staff to issue a birth and marriage certificate for your parents, then look for a similar certificate for your grandparents, etc. So, step by step you will move back into centuries. One request to the archive can be processed within 2-3 months, but they have no right to refuse you completely. To understand which archive of which region to turn to to search for information, you need to know the locality in which the ancestor you are interested in lived. It is also necessary to indicate a certain chronological framework of the requested information, since it is impractical to demand that all bearers of your surname be found in the archive.

In addition to a person’s personal history, official archives contain information that will help better reveal the history of the region where your ancestors lived. This is data about the history of cities and villages, the composition of the population, the activities and the most famous representatives of the region. With special luck, you can find rare photographs, documentary footage, and audio recordings in the archival funds, which will only complement your genealogical research with colorful confirmations.

How to write down a family history?

There are several ways to present the information obtained during the research about your family, of which the most common are the following:

  1. Family tree
  2. Genealogical table
  3. Generational painting

Create family tree You can study your family either independently or by turning to professionals for help - depending on the scale of your research. According to their structure, trees are ascending(from descendants to ancestors) and downward. Among Russian families, the first option is most common: here the trunk of the tree represents the person from whom it is being built, his parents are depicted in the branch, and grandfathers, grandmothers, etc. are depicted on the smaller branches. Thus, the ascending family tree clearly demonstrates the connection of the current generation of the family with the previous ones. In a descending family tree, everything is the other way around: the ancestor is located in the roots, and his descendants are in the crown. This option is especially convenient when it comes to building a pedigree of a famous person or there is a desire to prove your relationship with a famous person.

Family trees can also be divided into male and mixed. In male ones, as the name suggests, only ancestors in the male line are indicated with the name of their spouses mentioned, in mixed ones - all direct ancestors in both lines of kinship. It should be noted that historically in Russia, direct kinship is considered exclusively through the male line: from father to son.

In medieval Europe, family trees were traditionally painted in certain distinctive colors. For example, the names of men without offspring were often written on a red background, and those of married women on a purple background.

For those who want to do without special decorative elements, there are other graphic ways of depicting pedigrees, one of which is genealogy table. In the table, as in the tree, each generation is located strictly on the same horizontal line, and the seniority of persons in each goes from left to right.

There are three types of pedigree tables:

  • Ascending and Descending
  • Horizontal: the ancestor is on the left, his descendants are on the right (also ranked by seniority)
  • Circular: in the center is the person who makes up the tree, and around him are the paternal and maternal ancestors

Another option for registering a family genealogy is drawing up generational painting. In it, in the form of a list of people divided into knees, information about descendants (descending list) or ancestors (ascending list) is presented. Unlike genealogical tables and trees, in which kinship is displayed graphically, a generational list is usually a numbered list of all members of the clan, where information about each of them begins on a new line. The advantage of this type of design is that there is free space to add biographical information about each name in the family: from place of birth to family rumors and legends.

However, you don’t have to stop at just one of the options listed above. “Project Life” provides the opportunity to combine various ways of designing your genealogy in one product. When you order genealogical research from us, you receive not only a genealogical book, which presents a complete generational list, reveals the origin of the surname and describes the history of your native land, but also a family tree, made in a unique author’s style, which will take a special place in your home.

We spent several hours and posted it especially for you free family tree word two types of format. In Word, you can arrange pages vertically and horizontally (portrait and landscape orientation), so the site administration decided to make a template for each sample and provide them to visitors free of charge. Links for downloading word files are opposite the picture with the corresponding family tree template in Word, so save the layouts to your computer and enter your family relatives. Let us immediately note that although Microsoft Word has decent tools for implementing ideas, there are more professional programs, for example, Adobe Photoshop. If the proposed options do not satisfy your needs, order an original family tree from our family research office by choosing the table template you like, which allows you to print the image up to A0 size (120/85 cm), in contrast to the diagram made in a Microsoft product.

If you want to make a diagram according to your father’s family line, as shown in the picture, you need to download the family tree word version of the book sample. We have already added the main components to the template, such as signs with text inside, arrows, lines connecting a married couple, and other graphic elements. Just insert the first, last and patronymic names of your family members, and you will have a ready-made pedigree in Word. Please note that the family tree template is designed using standard methods, with the exception of the Livemem logo image. All other components are placed on the diagram page using the Word toolbar.

For example, to add signs, you need to go to the "Insert" tab, then select the "Shapes" section, and click on the horizontal or vertical scroll icon. Arrows and lines are added to the Word family tree template in a similar way. Since our template already contains the main components, you can select the desired element by clicking the left mouse button, copy it and paste it into your genealogical diagram layout. Copying and placing in Word occurs by calling the menu using the right mouse button, or by using the combinations “Ctrl+C” and then “Ctrl+V” on the keyboard. Drag-and-drop, zoom in, zoom out and other similar actions are done by selecting an element on the page with a word family tree of the sample and then stretching or compressing it, which makes editing and updating the template as convenient as possible.

Let's look at the nuances regarding the graphic components in more detail. The fact is that a picture has several placement modes: next to the text, behind the letters, in front of them, and some others. Since our family tree template in Word implies the location of the names of relatives inside or in front of the image, then when editing the diagram, you should select the appropriate properties. You will find the ability to change this parameter in the menu that is called up with the right mouse button after clicking on the element. When working with a family tree, you need to go to the "AutoShape Format" section and then select the "Layout" tab, where you specify the desired mode (we're talking about Microsoft Word 2013). By the way, in the same dialog box you can change the colors of the frames and the background shade of tablets (scrolls) with family members. Please note that you do not have to use the classic figures available in Word in the family tree template. If you have your own pictures, you can insert them, set the correct settings for the text, and play magic in Word with an advanced version of the template. Visitors might like our family tree coloring page, which is easy to print on your home printer.

Family tree word format - free diagram template

In this part of the tutorial on how to make a tree in Word, we will talk about a more branched genus scheme. First, you need to download the family tree in Word in landscape orientation. If you suddenly don’t know how to change the page layout from vertical to horizontal, then you can set this parameter in the “Page Layout” tab of the main toolbar. You need to select the "Orientation" section and change the format to the desired one. In the second version of our Word genealogical table template, everything has already been done as it should, and you can immediately draw up a family tree based on the composition of your family.

Each family tree in Word is individual; for some, for example, both parents are known in the third generation, while for others the information is lost. In any case, some actions will have to be taken to move or remove signs with the names of relatives in the layout. But we took the trouble to create a word family table template in such a way that its editing and unnecessary editing are reduced to a minimum. If you have any doubts about the correctness of drawing up a diagram, we recommend reading the publication on how to correctly draw up a family tree. Our experts tried to sort out all the nuances and unusual situations that arise when building a family tree.

In conclusion of the article about the word family tree sample, we will touch upon the issue of template compatibility. In our templates, the page header uses a non-standard font “DS Yermak”, reminiscent of the Old Russian style. This elemental design gives the final image what we think is an attractive look. If such a font is not on your computer, Word will automatically replace it, which may cause the template to shift slightly. To improve the situation, download the desired font from the Internet, or adjust the distances between the elements of the family tree in Word. We prepared the templates in Microsoft Word 2013; if you have an earlier version of the program installed and the file does not launch, request a layout for the required format from Livemem through the feedback form in the "Contacts" section. We hope you understand how to make a family tree in Word and drew up their own family diagram.

If you have any additions, please let us know in the comments and we’ll make a useful resource together!

All rights reserved, text copying is permitted only with a link to the site.

Drawing up a pedigree begins with collecting information about the family, and first of all, with collecting information about proband- an individual who is the subject of interest of the researcher (doctor, teacher). Most often this is a patient or a carrier of the symptom being studied. However, healthy individuals can also seek medical genetic consultation. In this case, the term “consultant” is used. In the graphic representation of the pedigree, the proband is marked with an appropriate sign and an arrow that goes from bottom to top and from left to right. Children of the same parental pair (brothers and sisters) are called siblings. If siblings have only one parent in common, they are called half siblings. There are half-uterine (common mother) and half-blooded (common father) sibs. A family in the narrow sense refers to a parent couple and their children (nuclear family), but sometimes a wider circle of blood relatives. In the latter case, it is better to use the term “genus”.

Typically, a pedigree is collected in connection with the study of one or more diseases (traits). A doctor or geneticist is always interested in a specific disease or symptom.

Depending on the purpose of the study, a pedigree may be complete or limited: it may reflect either the clinical features or the genetic status of the members of the pedigree. In any case, one must strive for the most complete compilation of the pedigree in ascending, descending and lateral directions. The more generations involved in a genealogy, the more information it may contain. However, its vastness may lead to the appearance of erroneous data. To clarify the information, various types of medical documentation, photographs of relatives, and the results of additional studies are used. The greater the depth and breadth of a genealogical search, the more valuable and reliable the information obtained.

For clarity, the collected data is depicted in the form of certain symbols, some of which are presented in Fig. IX.1.

Rice. 1X.1. The symbols most often used in drawing up pedigrees are:

1 - male person;2 - female person;3 - sick;4 - marriage; 5 - consanguineous marriage;6 - siblings;7 - half-siblings;8 - half-siblings;9 - monozygotic twins;10 - dizygotic twins;11 - adoption;12 - gender unknown;13 - miscarriage;14 - medical abortion;15 - dead;16 - proband;17 - heterozygous individuals;18 - heterozygous carrier of a recessive gene on the X chromosome;19 - pregnancy;20 - infertile marriage;21 - personally examined

A “clinical” pedigree is understood to represent the inheritance of a specific disease or several diseases. The maximum number of diseases (signs) in one symbol, i.e. in one individual, in a graphic representation there should not exceed four nosological forms or signs. If the clinical pedigree is devoted to the analysis of only one specific disease, then the designations correspond to the image of a male patient and a female patient. If two diseases are traced in a clinical pedigree, for example, hypertension and obesity, then the following designations are usually used: each symbol is divided into two equal parts, while patients with the first disease (hypertension) are designated and patients with obesity as In this pedigree, the symbol would denote a male individual, suffering from both hypertension and obesity at the same time.

In some cases, different types of shading of elements are used to display different diseases in the pedigree (Fig. IX.2). The graphic representation of the pedigree is supplemented by the obligatory sections: “Symbols” and “Pedigree Legend”.

Conditional symbols are a list of symbols used in the graphical representation of a pedigree. As a rule, standard icons-symbols are used (Fig. IX.1). However, depending on the tasks, goals and characteristics of the pedigrees, the compiler has the right to use original (own) designations with a mandatory explanation in order to exclude the possibility of misinterpretations of the data. To explain the principles of designation and compilation of pedigrees, two examples are given (Fig. 1X.2 and 1X.3).

Legend pedigree is a mandatory element of the pedigree description. It includes:

1) a detailed description of each member of the pedigree, information about which is mandatory or essential for understanding the nature of inheritance of the disease (trait) or the characteristics of the clinical manifestation;

2) a list of sources of medical and other information with meaningful information;

3) an indication of the nature of the pathological process or its localization (for example, some members of the pedigree were diagnosed with an isolated malignant tumor of the stomach, others with multiple neoplasia);

4) an indication of the time of onset of the disease and the characteristics of the course;

5) indication of age and cause of death;

6) description of diagnostic and identification methods (for example, the qualitative or quantitative nature of the described (sign).

Thus, the “Pedigree Legend” is information about the members of the pedigree with a detailed presentation of any information that is necessarily essential for analysis.

Generations are indicated by Roman numerals from top to bottom, usually placed to the left of the pedigree. The last generation of ancestors for which information was collected is designated as the 1st generation. All elements of one generation (the entire row) are numbered with Arabic numerals from left to right, sequentially. Brothers and sisters are arranged in the pedigree in order of birth. Thus, each member of the pedigree has its own coordinates, for example in the pedigree presented in Fig. IX.2, the proband's maternal grandfather - II-3, has neurofibromatosis.

All individuals of the same generation should be placed strictly in one row. “Suspending” symbols between the rows of generations is a gross mistake. If the pedigree is extensive, then generations can be arranged not in horizontal rows, but in concentric circles (Fig. IX.4). In the pedigree, it is important to note those personally examined for the presence of a sign of illness or disease.

The researcher must strive to obtain objective primary material, which serves as the basis for statistical and genetic analysis.


The main purpose of studying genealogical data is to establish genetic patterns associated with the disease or trait being analyzed.

To detect the hereditary nature of a trait (disease) and establish the type of inheritance, various methods of statistical processing of the obtained data are used.

The laws of inheritance discovered by Mendel are subject to only those hereditary diseases whose cause (etiological factor) is a mutation of one gene. Depending on the chromosomal location and characteristics of the gene, they are distinguished:

autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive types of inheritance, when the gene is located in one of 22 pairs of autosomes (non-sex chromosomes);

X-linked dominant and recessive types of inheritance, when the gene is located on the X chromosome;

Y-siegotene (holandric) inheritance, when the gene is located on the Y chromosome;

mitochondrial (cytoplasmic) inheritance, when a mutation occurs in the mitochondrial genome.

It is important to understand that in some cases, calculations of the ratio of the number of sick to healthy in one particular family may give an incorrect idea of ​​the type of inheritance. This is mainly due to the random nature of chromosome distribution during gametogenesis. In a particular family, the ratio of sick and healthy children may differ significantly from the theoretically expected ratios characteristic of a certain type of inheritance. However, the nature of the pedigree, the characteristics of the transmission of the disease (trait) in generations, and compliance with the criteria for inheritance of one type or another allow one to draw a certain conclusion about the type of inheritance of the pathology (trait) in a particular family.

Rice. 1. Pedigree of a family with Minkowski Shoffar anemia (autosomal dominant type of inheritance)

Rice. 2. Pedigree with an autosomal recessive type of inheritance of the disease (adrenogenital syndrome)

Rice. 3. Pedigree of a family with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (X-linked recessive inheritance)

Rice. 4. Pedigree of patients with bronchial asthma.


Task No. 1

A girl whose father suffers from hemophilia marries a healthy man.

    What kind of children can be expected from this marriage?

    Make a family tree.

Task No. 2

A three-day-old boy from a 27-year-old mother suffering from diabetes. He was born at full term from the first pregnancy, with a body weight of 4700 g, body length - 53 cm. The appearance of the child attracted attention: a swollen, moon-shaped face, a short thick neck. From the first hours of his life he developed respiratory distress syndrome. The borders of the heart are expanded to the left to the mid-axillary line. Hypoglycemia was detected in the blood.

    Additional research needed.

    Presumable diagnosis.

Task No. 3

Child, 10 months. Born from the first pregnancy. Delivery at term with a birth weight of 3300 g, body length - 52 cm. Pregnancy proceeded without any special features. He screamed right away. Attached to the breast in the first 30 minutes of life, he suckled willingly. I gained good weight. On artificial feeding from one month with the “Tonus” formula. Pale skin, blue eyes. Currently, he can’t hold his head, can’t sit, his teeth are 2/2. Large fontanel 1X1 cm. Doesn't hold toys, doesn't recognize parents. Body weight 8.5 kg, body length - 70 cm, head circumference - 45 cm. Upon examination, an unpleasant odor is detected from the child. In the pedigree, a cousin of this child was ill.

    Your suspected diagnosis.

    The type of inheritance of this disease.

Task No. 4

Analyze the data on twins given in the table in order to determine the role of heredity and environmental factors in the development of traits:

Note: MB - monozygotic twins; DB - dizygotic twins.

Problem #5

A child from 2 pregnancies, 2 term births with a body weight of 3500 g, body length - 52 cm, head circumference - 36 cm. The first pregnancy ended in stillbirth. Mother's age is 23 years, father's age is 25 years. Parents consider themselves healthy. From the first day of life, the child does not tolerate feeding well and regurgitates. Dyspeptic symptoms and bloating were noted. On the third day, icteric staining of the skin and sclera appeared, which after 5-6 days did not tend to decrease. No pathology was detected in the lungs or heart. Liver +4cm, spleen +2cm. At the age of one month, there was a lag in neuropsychic development (does not smile, does not hold her head in a position on her stomach). The weight gain in the first month was 350g. Upon examination by an ophthalmologist, cataracts were diagnosed. Laboratory examination: general blood test (on day 10) Er. - 5.2X10 12 /l; Hb - 140 g/l; Ht - 0.42; Lake. - 10.2X10 9 /l; p-2, s-24, l-72, m-2; ESR - 3 mm/h, blood sugar - 2.1 mmol/l; general urine analysis - relative density - 1002; protein - traces; leukocytes - 0-1 in the field of view.

    Probable diagnosis.

    Type of inheritance.

    Prognosis for future siblings.