When can you live half your life after curettage? Sex after curettage: sexual abstinence. Intimate life after curettage

The postoperative period begins from the moment the operation is completed and lasts for several months, until complete recovery – six months. And throughout this period, you must adhere to these recommendations by your doctor and lead an appropriate lifestyle. Certain restrictions also apply to the sexual sphere.

How to prepare for hysteroscopy

In order to prepare for surgery, a number of laboratory and clinical examinations are required, as well as consultations with other specialists in case of problems with the health of other organs and systems. And also, some changes in lifestyle a few days before the operation. Often, women are interested in information about whether it is possible to have sex before hysteroscopy. Here you need to take into account the time period for which sexual intercourse is planned before the operation. If a week in advance, then you can have sex before hysteroscopy. But three days before the upcoming operation you should abstain from sexual intercourse. Since this can provoke the development of infectious complications.

Also, it is necessary to take into account the diet on the eve of surgery. You should exclude “heavy” foods and include easily digestible foods in your dinner, which should be consumed no later than six o’clock in the evening if hysteroscopy is planned in the morning. Also, in the morning, on the day of surgery, food consumption should be completely eliminated. And significantly limit fluid intake.

Hysteroscopy operation

Hysteroscopy is performed on the fifth to ninth day of the menstrual cycle in order to prevent bleeding, due to the presence of a thin uterine mucosa and the lack of increased blood supply. Next, the woman is placed on a regular gynecological chair, anesthetized, and the operation itself begins. Using special instruments, after treating the vagina and cervix with a disinfectant solution, the cervical canal is expanded and a hysteroscope is inserted through it into the uterine cavity. After that, for better visualization and expansion of the uterine cavity, a gas or liquid medium is used and diagnostics is started, and then, when pathological foci are identified, their removal is started. During the entire operation, the pressure of the injected gas, or the amount of liquid, as well as the patient’s vital parameters, are carefully monitored.

During the examination, the clinical picture of what is happening is displayed in the form of an image on the screen, which the operating doctor is guided by. At the end of the operation, separate diagnostic curettage of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity and the cervical canal is performed, with further histological examination of the resulting material.

When can you be sexually active after hysteroscopy?

Taking into account the above-described aspects of the operation, after the examination the woman is given appropriate recommendations for restoring the body. After hysteroscopy, antibacterial therapy is prescribed to exclude infectious complications and the development of endometritis. For the same purpose, sexual abstinence after hysteroscopy is recommended. Thus, a sexual partner can be a carrier of even the most banal pathogens that normally “live” in a woman’s vagina. But, since the local immunity of the vagina is provoked by the operation, sex after hysteroresectoscopy can lead to the development of undesirable consequences - from the banal “thrush” to pelvioperitonitis (an infectious process of an ascending type).

So, how many days after hysteroscopy can you have sex? Following generally accepted recommendations, the calculation is not carried out in days. Only after three to four weeks, in the absence of complications and additional complaints from the patient, is sexual activity allowed after hysteroscopy. When you can start having sex, you should remember about contraceptive methods, since the body is not yet ready for pregnancy, this takes time. And now, when you can engage in intimate life after hysteroscopy, you should also especially not forget about the banal rules of personal hygiene.

Are other types of sex possible?

Often, women who have undergone hysteroscopy undergo long courses of treatment before and after it for any disease, or in the fight against infertility. And against this background, recommendations can be given for a long time to abstain from sexual activity. This is where the social question of the precariousness of family life comes into play. It happens that the spouses of patients are unable to abstain from intimacy for a long period, as a result of which the family idyll begins to shake. Based on considerations of preserving the unit of society, women ask the question: Is not quite traditional sex possible? Hysteroscopy of the uterus is a vaginal operation and does not affect other organs and systems. Therefore, oral sex after hysteroscopy is not prohibited at all. Reviews from patients who have gone through this claim that attempts at anal sex are also possible. This statement is incorrect. In the first four weeks, any stress on the pelvic organs should be excluded, since an increase in intra-abdominal pressure can be a provoking factor in the development of complications.


Let's summarize. Hysteroscopy is performed by inserting a hysteroscope through the vagina. After which, it is necessary to exclude any stress on the abdominal area, as well as contact with a potential carrier of pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora, as a result of which all rules of personal hygiene, the use of tampons and sexual intercourse must be observed for one month.

Surgery is performed in a hospital using local or general anesthesia. Sometimes anesthesia is used. However, to administer it, the specialist first conducts a conversation with the patient in order to identify her allergic reactions to the drugs.

This type of operation is uncomplicated, because the patient is in medical center day, and then, if there are no complications, goes home. For several days I am required to monitor my heart rate, temperature and discharge.

The curettage procedure is prescribed for various reasons, so the doctor’s decisions about when After curettage you can have sex and whether fertilization will occur will vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Abortion and curettage

Unfortunately, most often in recent years, gynecological cleansing is used to terminate a pregnancy. Girls who decide to have an abortion do not think about its seriousness, although the results can be irreversible. Implementation curettage occurs up to three months, because at a later stage abortion is a little more difficult due to the need to remove the remnants of the placenta.

Sometimes, when placental abruption occurs, curettage is performed in the postpartum period to avoid inflammatory processes. Gynecological cleansing is a thorough gynecology surgery, and therefore some complications may arise after it. Among them are inflammatory processes of the cervix and its cavity, severe bleeding, instrumental damage to internal organs and infertility. All these indicators can affect the subsequent ability to bear children. Therefore, having sex immediately after curettage is contraindicated.

Sexual abstinence

The required period of abstinence from sexual intercourse is determined individually for the patient by the specialist who performed the procedure. The main indicators are the volume of surgery, age and health women. However, two weeks are considered general contraindications for having sex after curettage. During this period, the use of tampons, douching and hot baths is also prohibited.

Failure to comply with these points can cause complications. During intimate intimacy after curettage, there is a possible risk of infection, because the mucous membrane of the cervix and its cavity has not yet recovered.

There is no need to think that after surgery and hormonal changes in the body it is impossible to conceive a baby. The ability of the egg to fertilize is restored within three weeks after gynecological cleansing. However, to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant, it is worth waiting a little to allow the body to return to normal.


You can resume sexual relations no earlier than 2-4 weeks after curettage of the uterus. It is recommended to consult your doctor about this. Immediately before intimacy, you should visit a gynecologist to check whether the damaged tissues are healing normally.

Is it possible to have sex immediately after curettage?

You should not have sex on the same day as the cleansing. And it doesn’t matter for what purpose it was performed - for diagnosis, termination of pregnancy, or removal of the fetus during a miscarriage. During curettage, the doctor removes the top layer of the mucous membrane of the cervix, which injures the organ. And the period of its recovery takes time. If you have sex on the first day, even more trauma to the uterus will occur. The wound will not heal well, which may result in scarring. And this is dangerous for a woman, as it can lead to infertility.

Why not?

During the procedure, various tissue injuries may occur. For example, to diagnose some diseases, partial curettage is required to collect diagnostic material. After such an intervention, the patient should not have sex for about two weeks. But if a woman undergoes an abortion, then cleaning involves removing the fetus and mucous membrane. This procedure is very traumatic, and tissue healing is slow. Therefore, intimate relationships for a long period of time are not recommended at this time.

That is, sex is contraindicated for women until the uterus is completely restored. In any case, even if you ignore the doctor’s recommendations and start making love earlier, the patient will not experience pleasant sensations. Therefore, it is better to wait until the organ has healed completely.

Resumption of sexual activity

When can you have sex after a uterine curettage procedure? This should be addressed by the attending physician after examining the patient. The uterus must be cleared of blood, tissue particles, and clots. And this requires at least 7-10 days. But the average period is about 2 weeks, although in some cases the doctor sets limits for 1-1.5 months.

You must use a condom. This will not only avoid infection of the delicate mucous membrane, but will also prevent unwanted pregnancy. Fertilization becomes possible approximately 2 weeks after the procedure.

Some women are reluctant to resume sexual activity. Especially if the curettage was associated with the loss of a child. For them, sex is an opportunity to conceive and lose a baby again. This is already a psychological problem, and to solve it, a consultation with a gynecologist is required.

Consequences and complications

After cleaning the uterus, you need to wait some time before restoring sexual intercourse. Otherwise, the woman may experience some complications:

  1. There is a risk of postoperative infection. The uterus is very sensitive at this time, as its local immunity decreases. Even if a woman is confident in her man, it is better to abstain. After all, pathogenic microorganisms can live on the penis, which do not bring discomfort to a man, and which he does not even know about. And if an infection is introduced into the uterine cavity, inflammation will begin, the treatment of which requires taking antibiotic drugs. And because of them, the intestinal microflora is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in appetite and stool disorders.
  2. In addition, premature sex can cause microtrauma to the vagina. They can cause heavy bleeding. In this case, injuries can heal slowly, causing the patient discomfort during urination.
  3. Injury to the mucous membrane of the cervix. As a result, the healing process slows down. Therefore, if you start having sex earlier, the wound may become larger and bleed. In this case, sexual relations may be prohibited for an even longer period of time.

After restoring sexual activity, a woman may experience some discomfort during the process. As a rule, there is increased dryness, pain and burning. To prevent this, you can use special vaginal lubricants, but they should not contain components that cause a slight burning sensation. Over time, these symptoms should subside. But if this does not happen, you need to consult your gynecologist. This condition may be associated with an inflammatory process. Additional treatment may be required.

Thus, curettage of the uterus is a rather painful procedure, after which sexual rest is necessary. It is also not recommended for a woman to do vaginal douching. Before resuming sexual activity, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Is there an intimate life after curettage? What problems await a woman? How to take care of your health? This article will answer all questions.

Intimate life after curettage:

  1. After the procedure.
  2. Intimate life - when and how to start.
  3. Note to the woman.

This procedure is a full-fledged operation, which is performed under general or local anesthesia. It involves removing its contents from the uterus: the placenta, eggs, or taking samples to diagnose diseases of the pelvic organs.

Curettage can be performed in the following cases:

. Abortion if pregnancy does not exceed 12 weeks.

. Medical abortion if the fetus is partially or completely not out of the uterus.

. Late term abortion - then the placenta is removed.

. Placental stratification as a complication during pregnancy and childbirth.

. Diagnosis of polyps or tumors of the pelvic organs.

The operation is not complicated, but serious, as it must be carried out with special care. Women tolerate it quite hard and require inpatient observation for 1-2 days.

After the procedure

A maximum of 2 days after the operation, the woman is discharged, and she must monitor herself independently for a week. This should be taken with full responsibility, because curettage can cause serious complications: inflammation of internal organs, bleeding, infections, microtraumas, hormonal and menstrual cycle disorders. If complications are not recognized and treated, infertility may develop.

In general, the task of doctors and the woman herself after curettage is to give the tissues of the internal organs the opportunity to recover and prevent the development of possible inflammation and infections. Therefore, for two weeks you should not use tampons, take a bath, swim in open water, or douche. In addition, any pressing or forward movements that can create friction and damage to the cervix are prohibited. Therefore, intimate life after curettage is also prohibited for some time.

Intimate life - when and how to start

On average, sex is allowed after surgery after 2 weeks. By this time, the mucous membranes of the internal organs and hormonal levels return to normal. If you ignore this recommendation, it may happen:

. the cervix and mucous membranes are damaged as a result of active movements during sexual intercourse;

. a sexually transmitted infection has occurred due to temporary unprotection of the pelvic organs;

. caused internal bleeding, which will certainly affect the ability to have children in the future.

To minimize the risk of problems, after two weeks of abstinence, a woman needs to visit a gynecologist, who will do a follow-up examination and tell you whether intimate life is allowed after curettage or whether you need to wait longer.

Make love after scraping should be done carefully.

. Do not make too sudden, active or strong movements, as the risk of damaging weak organs still remains.

. Use condoms to protect yourself from possible hidden infections.

. Buy lubricants that will help relieve any possible vaginal dryness.

. Monitor your condition. Pain during sex over the next few months is normal, but if it is too strong, accompanied by bleeding or continues for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist.

. Take care of pregnancy protection in the next six months. The uterus and other pelvic organs are now too damaged and the body is not ready to bear a child. It is best to protect yourself with condoms, since other contraceptives can disrupt already unstable hormonal levels.

The procedure for therapeutic and diagnostic curettage of the endometrium is a surgical intervention, as a result of which a histological analysis of the scraping is carried out. Curettage is also performed to remove pathological tumors in the uterine cavity.

Afterwards, you cannot be sexually active for two weeks, since the wall of the uterus during this time only restores its structure. If you have sexual intercourse at an earlier stage, you can introduce an infection into the uterine cavity, which in turn very often leads to the development of unwanted complications in the form of inflammation of the uterine wall and the development of systemic inflammation of the blood. Also, premature sexual relations can provoke cervical rupture, uterine perforation and the development of relapse of the disease.

At first, sexual intercourse may provoke painful sensations. If pain during sex persists for more than two months, you should consult a doctor.

Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for independent treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!