When not to give a watch. Why you can’t give a watch and how to get around superstitions when such a gift is necessary. Why older people don't like receiving watches as gifts

When choosing a watch as a gift for a loved one, the giver can hardly guess that after the celebration, mutual warm feelings may come to an end. Why can't you give a watch to your loved one? The answer to this question, for the most part, lies in old signs and superstitions.

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Prejudices and superstitions regarding the gift of watches are divided into two large groups: European and Asian. Since our country is huge, the population uses beliefs from both sources.

European signs

There is a sign that if you give a watch to your significant other, it means separation. Why and where this belief came from is quite difficult to establish, but it definitely works. Perhaps in the modern world this is due to the subconscious. A superstitious girl, having received a watch as a gift from a loved one, may think that he is hinting at the end of the relationship. Even if in fact the guy didn’t expect anything like this, the girl will constantly think about the possibility of a quick separation. And it will still happen.

According to another assumption, the sign not to give a watch arose from another superstition. Residents of Europe and Russia have an old tradition not to give sharp objects as gifts for celebrations. Clock hands also fall into this category. Therefore, soon one superstition transformed into another and watches also began to be recognized as an unwanted gift.

In addition, the hands of the dial are believed to cut friendships or love relationships. This is one of the main reasons why you should not give a watch to a loved one.

There is also an opposite sign. The idea is that the donor of the chronometer gives away, along with the gift, part of his time allotted to him for life. Many people know about this or feel it intuitively, so they try not to choose this item as a gift.

Asian signs

The basis of these superstitions is that in Chinese the characters for “death” and “time” have similar spellings and pronunciations. That is, the person who gives the watch wishes the hero of the occasion death in his family or himself. There were often cases when Europeans, unknowingly, gave such a gift to their Asian friends, and this was the end of their friendly relations. It is not clear why Europeans follow this belief within their countries.

How can you give a watch to your loved one?

If you really want to give a chronometer to your loved one, why not do it? But the donation procedure must be carried out in special ways.

  • The first way is to take a ransom for the watch. This is a purely symbolic procedure, so the ransom may consist of several coins. You need to accept and give money only with your left hand.
  • The second way is to give a gift using a courier service. That is, arrange everything as delivery. Loved ones will not be in direct contact, and accordingly, all negative consequences will be reduced to zero.
  • The third method is the most popular. You just need to buy a gift certificate to a good watch salon and give it as a gift for the occasion. And then the person goes and chooses a present for himself. This method is considered the best, since it turns out that the watch was bought for yourself. A variation of this method is when a man does not buy his beloved watch himself, but gives money to buy a gift.
  • An original way out of this situation might be to donate not a mechanical watch, but some fashionable gadget that measures time. All superstitions associated with giving watches immediately lose their meaning, since they are associated with the execution of watches in the classic version. But a gadget or some kind of smart accessory is not a watch.
  • If you want to give a watch to your girlfriend, you can buy it at a jewelry store. There are models in different price categories. A chronometer from a jewelry store is no longer a watch at all, but a full-fledged piece of jewelry. No girl can resist this.

As you can see, there are many ways to present a watch to your loved one. You just need to find the right one and use your imagination. Then no negative consequences will spoil the impression of a gift made from the heart.

Who should not give it to?

In addition to the existence of prejudices, watches cannot be given as a gift for several other circumstances related to the person’s personality:

  • You should not give watches to elderly people, especially on their birthday. They may wonder about their age and become depressed. Sad and difficult thoughts can cause health problems.
  • It is forbidden to give to a seriously ill person. Everything is clear here, this can be regarded as a reminder of the last minutes and seconds of life. The person may begin to worry. And even if the treatment was successful before, then after such a surprise, the disease may become more active.
  • Such an item cannot be given to single, childless women over 30 whose personal lives are not going well. This may serve as a hint at the “biological clock” that is ticking and taking away time for a possible happy marriage and the birth of children.
  • The newlyweds will also not be happy with such a surprise. Many people think that a happy married life will last as long as the clock ticks. The constant feeling of the inevitability of negative events leaves an imprint on family life.
  • There is no need to give an alarm clock to a person who is constantly late. He will perfectly understand such a hint and will be offended. This could be the end of a friendship.

Many people view beliefs differently. If it is possible to make a choice between gifts, then it is better not to give a chronometer, so as not to spoil the relationship.

Who can I give it to?

Without a doubt, it is better to present a chronometer to a person who does not believe in omens. Thoughts are material, a person subject to superstitions materializes them around himself. For someone who does not believe, signs do not exist, he does not think about them, which means they cannot influence his subconscious. Most likely, such a hero of the occasion will be very happy with the gift of a watch, especially if it is expensive and stylish.

It is customary for businessmen to present chronometers. They consider this a symbol of concluding a friendly alliance and respect. This is also a hint at how a person knows how to value time, which is very important in business.

It is customary to give watches as a reward gift in law enforcement agencies to employees who have shown courage and bravery. If a chronometer is given as a gift, it is kept in the family as an heirloom.

Can be presented to collectors specializing in the watch theme of the collection. If the specimen has historical or material value, then the collector will only say thank you.

The watch is a good surprise for the New Year. Moreover, you can give both wall and wrist ones. This is a symbol of the new happy time that comes with the New Year.

It is recommended to present the chronometer not to a specific person, but to a group. For example, when an organization celebrates its anniversary. Such a souvenir will remind you of the event and will never cause negative events.

In conclusion, we can say that a watch as a gift for a loved one will be pleasant if he really dreams of it. And prejudices and superstitions can be circumvented in various ways. Then the impression of the holiday and the gift will remain in the memory of the hero of the occasion for a long time.

Every second person has a rather impressionable character. We believe people's opinions, signs and superstitions, sometimes without even fully thinking about why we act this way. It’s just that from childhood we are convinced of certain things and, growing up, we are firmly convinced of their correctness. Although sometimes every person has well-founded questions. For example, why can’t you give a watch for a birthday?

There is probably not a person in the world who has not asked his friends why this gift is not suitable for a holiday. Most people answer unequivocally: because. As a result, each of us feels bewildered, because a watch is a valuable thing that everyone needs, especially the birthday boy.

Let's try together to find out why in our time it is not customary to give another person a watch, or maybe it is still possible. This will be discussed in our article today.

What if you can?

You can do whatever you want in this life. And accordingly, you are free to give your loved one whatever you want. The watch costs a lot of money, and the birthday boy will definitely take this into account. In addition, a watch is an accessory that will not gather dust on a shelf for years, never once pleasing everyone with its usefulness and beauty.

They can delight not only their owner, but also his children and grandchildren for many years. After all, everyone knows that watches and rings are usually passed on by inheritance. Therefore, if you are far from any kind of prejudice, then you can safely give a watch for your birthday.

It is important not to forget to take into account one important thing. The person you are about to give the watch to should share your distrust of superstitions. Otherwise, you will simply “kill” the person with your gift. And you will forever leave a sad imprint on his soul.

Signs and superstitions

The tradition of depriving the hero of the day of the opportunity to receive a magnificent watch on his birthday has its own history. Moreover, there is not a single sign in the world that is associated with watches. Let's consider the main ones:

  • The Chinese are to blame for everything. Well, maybe not entirely, but at least this great nation is to blame for not giving watches. From the moment people began to use watches for their intended purpose, the Chinese began to use this accessory in a very unusual way. Using the watch, they invited relatives and friends to the funeral. Such associations do not evoke pleasant emotions.
  • One way or another, they are associated with negativity. Judging by Slavic legends, if you accept a watch as a gift, you will bring troubles, sorrows and emptiness into your life. There is no scientific evidence for this fact.
  • According to another superstition, years of a person’s life are stolen. Thus, such a gift will make a person say goodbye to his youth faster.
  • For many years there has been a superstition that watches can separate a couple in love and take away their feelings.
  • The most severe sign says that the moment the donated watch stops working, its owner will die. Suspicious people are especially afraid of the fulfillment of this superstition, so they do not want to receive such a gift.


Even if the birthday boy doesn’t really care about all the signs, you can seriously offend him by giving him a watch. If he is not particularly punctual in life and at the same time often hears the reproaches of others because of this shortcoming, then when he sees the watch, he will instantly understand what you are hinting at. The mood will be spoiled, and after this it is unlikely that the birthday person will wear them and come on time.

A freedom-loving person doesn’t need them either. For him, time is fleeting and does not matter, and your gift will be a signal that it is time to stop. Not everyone likes to receive educational gifts.

Elderly people will also not be happy to receive such a gift. It's sad to realize that the best years have already passed. A watch, especially, will remind you of this sad fact. Therefore, it is better to never give them to grandparents.

For the same reason, they should not be given to people with serious illnesses. Believe me, they appreciate every second of life even without a watch. So on their birthday it is better to give them attention and love.

What should I do if they were given to me?

If you believe in omens, do not rush at a person with your fists when you see them giving you a watch for your birthday. First of all, say words of gratitude and pay a ransom for the watch. This should be symbolic money. Thus, you did not receive the watch as a gift, but bought it.

If you are so sensitive to donated items, then give them away or sell them in the near future. Put it out of sight and enjoy life as before.

Now you know all the subtleties associated with this accessory, so decide for yourself whether to give them for your birthday or not. There is no evidence that they are negative, but signs don’t just appear.

Watch as a gift. Is it a bad omen or is such a gift acceptable? To whom and when can you give a watch?

Many of us are aware that we cannot give watches as a gift, but no one can clearly explain why.

In fact, the sign on this matter has several different assumptions about its occurrence, but there is a solution, although it is only one.

We'll talk about it later. But first things first.

Where does the superstition that you can’t give a watch come from?

There are two main versions that are generally considered true.


What to do if you were given a watch?

Feel free to give a watch as a gift and for those who collect them. Such people will definitely be delighted with gifts, but they most likely do not believe in omens.

Be that as it may, try to think less about bad things and don’t be afraid to give watches to others. If a watch given to you scares you, then give a few coins to the donor. If this doesn't help, it's better to get rid of them.

Do not under any circumstances throw away the gifted watch, but simply give it to someone else.

However, you can sell for the same symbolic ransom. Just don’t forget that a gift is a sign of care, love and all the good things, because it will be unpleasant for a person to find out that you didn’t like this gift.

Views: 3,281

Many people, even as children or teenagers, already know from their older mentors that giving a watch is a bad omen.

There are many theories as to why you can’t give a watch to your loved one, but the solution will be the same. Let's talk about all this in more detail.

History of superstition

There are many versions, but we will highlight two main ones. It is important to know them, because it is simply impossible to solve the problem without this “root” or “foundation”.

European version

According to Western traditions, clock hands are equated with sharp objects, and this already leads them to fall into the category of unwanted gifts such as knives, forks and scissors.

They believe that you should not give a watch as a gift, because they, like nothing else, very strongly attract bad energy, which at the moment of donation will simply pass on to the recipient. As possible bad consequences, this will lead to misfortunes or quarrels with the donor, perhaps even to the point of complete dissolution of the entire relationship.

They say about any sharp objects that are going to be given that they can “cut happiness or friendship.”

Eastern version

But the second version, that watches cannot be given as a gift, came from China. Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that a watch is a kind of invitation to a funeral. This sign about not giving a watch is very strange for us Europeans, but for us in general, Eastern culture has always been a mystery and few people could understand and experience it fully.

By the way, it can be noted that there are several different interpretations regarding Chinese superstition.

As you can see, giving a watch is a very creepy omen and entangled in a lot of secrets and assumptions.

Slavic version

But our Slavic people have their own assumption about this.

  • So, by giving a person a watch, you give him pain, emptiness and unhappiness.
  • And some are inclined to believe that by giving a watch, you are giving away part of your life.
  • Such a gift is considered to lead to a quarrel between lovers, and even to the death of the recipient.

Who should you not give a watch to?

People have a huge number of stories when one person gave a watch as a gift to another person (especially a lover), and then, soon they quarreled, and as a result, separated.


There is even a story about a girl who prepared a watch as a gift for her loved one. Before this, they had never even argued, but after such a gift, disagreements and quarrels began. True, their love turned out to be stronger, because over time, one hand on the clock fell off, and then the second. Although who knows, maybe it’s just a defective watch?

To the girl

Regardless of whether you believe in omens or not, it is better not to give a watch to a girl. As a rule, girls and women are more superstitious, so such a gift will either offend them or even spoil their mood for several days, after which they will force you to look for the receipt and return such a gift in its place.

On your birthday

In addition, you cannot give a watch for a birthday. Many people are upset on this day, not happy, so such a gift will not make you feel good.

And of course, the older a person is, the more he thinks about the transience of time and how little he has done, so a gift in the form of a watch will not lift his spirits and will make the recipient even more immersed in thoughts about life.

What to do if you were given a watch?

Of course, as a person who respects other people’s feelings and believes at least a little in omens, you are unlikely to give someone a watch as a gift.

But what to do if you were given a watch? ?

Firstly, you should not immediately suspect a person of committing all serious crimes against you.

In fact, not all people know whether it is possible to give a watch or simply do not believe in omens. So don't blame the person, he might just not know.

Also, do not forget that it is not the gift itself that is important, but the attention. The person sincerely wanted to please you by giving you a practical, stylish gift.

So accept it with a smile, like all other gifts. So as not to upset the person.

Well, secondly, nothing is said about the fact that you cannot redeem the gift. Even a ruble will be enough to dispel this sign.

By the way, no matter how much you want to give to redeem the gift, it is better to do it with coins, since for rituals it is better to use coin money rather than paper money. This will demonstrate gratitude and courtesy.

Who can you give a watch to?

But here the signs are already silent about the details.

If the person to whom the gift is given is terribly superstitious, then such a gift will ruin his mood, and if after it the person has problems, then you will become Public Enemy No. 1.

But if a person does not believe in this, then the gift will suit him and make him happy.

Feel free to give watches to those who are obsessed with collecting them. Such people will be immensely happy to replenish the collection.

In addition, you can give this gift to your beloved men: dad, husband, boyfriend, brother. You've most likely heard about officer's watches at least once. Such watches are very rare and many would like to receive them as a gift, so don’t waste a moment, go look for them. And if, in addition to this, you order a personalized engraving, it will be absolutely perfect and the gift will become unforgettable!

If this does not help, and you constantly worry about them, then it is better to get rid of the watch, but in no case throw it away, but simply sell it to someone.

Views: 2,538

According to an old saying, there are a number of things that cannot be given to people. This list also includes watches. Why can’t you give a watch and what is this sign associated with?

There are many versions of the origin of the sign about the clock. In the West, people believe that clock hands are capable of accumulating negative energy, so such a gift can bring a lot of trouble. And residents of eastern countries believe that a watch is an invitation to a funeral.

There is another interpretation of the belief. Many people believe that a given watch will count down the time until separation, that is, when the hands stop, the giver and the owner of the watch will separate. There is also a version according to which the clock counts down the time until a person’s death. The people of Japan believe in this sign. It is not customary to give watches in this country.

Many of us now consider all these beliefs about watches to be a relic of the past. However, is this really so?

Is it possible to give watches to loved ones and close people?

There is a popular belief that a watch given to your partner will count down the time until separation. There are many stories about how discord arose in married couples precisely because of the gift of a watch. In this regard, many are afraid to give watches to their significant other. But is it worth believing in it?

If you want to give your significant other a watch, you first need to find out whether your partner believes in this sign. If your loved one is not superstitious, don't be afraid to give such a gift. It will bring only joy and pleasant memories. If your partner is afraid of every black cat and constantly spits over his left shoulder, you should not give him such a surprise, since belief in omens provokes their fulfillment.

Why you shouldn't give watches to older people

Most older people believe that a given watch will keep time until their death. Out of politeness, they will accept such a gift and even use it, but this can lead to dire consequences. You should not give watches to superstitious elderly people. Imagine if the clock suddenly stopped. This may cause your relative to panic, which may subsequently result in a heart attack or exacerbation of the disease.

Should you believe in omens about watches?

As mentioned above, if you believe in a sign, then it will definitely come true. However, it is not so easy to forget once and for all about the ancient superstitions that you have followed for so long and persistently. If we talk about the sign associated with watches, then you can find a way out that will allow you to protect yourself from fulfilling this belief.

It is believed that if a person gives a coin in return for a donated watch, then trouble will pass by.

Watches should not be perceived as something negative. According to this sign, only a gifted watch can bring trouble. And if you buy a watch for yourself, it will only bring you good luck. Our great-grandparents believed that watches could warn of danger. If the arrows stop, something unpleasant may happen.

Today, watches, especially wrist watches, are perceived as an essential item. In everyday affairs and worries, people always try to keep track of their time. This item gives energy and disciplines a person.

Whether you believe in bad omens about watches or not is your choice. Just remember that it is better to believe in what helps you live. Be happy and don't forget to click and

27.03.2014 10:06

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