Swearing birthday greetings. Funny SMS for May Day Congratulations on May 1, funny short obscene ones

Swearing congratulations on May 1

Balloons, ice cream,
Merry laughter, in general, May Day,
As if in childhood, along a fenced road,
Let's all go, those who didn't have time, hurry up and catch up!

Congratulations to everyone I know,
Wishes for ease in fate,
A stranger's grandfather, straightening his old slipper,
As quickly as he could, he came to the crowd,

And feeling younger,
Straightening your strained back,
I started my story for the youth,
I was a virgin land worker, which not everyone can do.

Again, rising above the world
The ever higher purity of heaven,
The young wind of May flies in
Come to us with the promise of miracles.

Swearing congratulations on May 1

Happy May Day,
Happy May Spring Festival.
I wish you all the best,
Peace, happiness and love.

Long live May Day
Spring and holiday day,
Nature wakes up in spring
And the lilac blossoms.
Let's give congratulations
To beloved family and friends
Tell me how much you love
How dear they all are to you.

Swearing congratulations on May 1

Open the door wider
Give smiles to everyone,
Forget about work
It's May Day!

Wish everyone well
Light, sun and warmth,
And success will come then
On this very Labor Day!

For our labor veterans,
Whose shoulders carried the heavy load,
Kumach let May Day color souls,
You are our pride, the salt of the earth!

Let it be warmer and more beautiful
Around a happy family,
And your house will be a full cup,
Health, peace and goodness!

Who celebrates the first of May?
Day of solidarity, peace, labor?
Healthy people consider this holiday
Welcoming spring - and heading into the forests.
May Day opens
Summer walks season, picnics.
We congratulate you on this!
Always be ready for summer hikes!

Vodka flowing, pants bubbling
Drink, proletarian, throw rubles around.
The bourgeoisie who don't drink with us will die,
And we are hard workers, we honor our May Day!

Let the holiday somehow be forgotten...
Only Labor Day left
But everyone remembers how we went
Yes, banners all... back and forth...
We decided about banners
And now who will carry them?
There are ribbons and bows in the buttonholes
They got rid of them and that's it...
Where do the holidays go?
...apparently they are retiring...
Everything is reasonable, but we remember like -
We had such a holiday!

May 1 is celebrated in many countries around the world international holiday- Labor Day, which was originally called International Workers' Day. May Day was first celebrated in the Russian Empire in 1890 in Warsaw, and in 1891 in the capital, St. Petersburg.

According to one theory, it was this activity that turned us into people! So let's drink to May 1, otherwise, suddenly, tomorrow we will become monkeys again...

- Fuck you... and to...

My toast to the spring sky,

And thirst for warmth and water!

The buyer asks the seller:
- Comrade, do you have razor blades?
- No.
The buyer left, and the other seller asked:
- Why did you say that you don’t have blades - we have a lot of them?
- If he called me “comrade”, let him shave with a sickle!
For you, gentlemen!

Let in business always and everywhere
Success will follow you!
May you be the happiest!

He answers:

A Russian worker met a Japanese man. Russian asks:
- How do you work? What are your conditions?
He answers:
“I work for two hours for myself, two for the owner, and the rest of the time for the Japanese Emperor.” And you?
“I also have two hours to myself, we don’t have hosts.” And the Japanese Emperor, why did he surrender to me?
For the working class to finally start working for themselves too!

Congratulations to the workers, with a colorful word,
So that you are always appreciated for your return.
And in envelopes to carry the salary,
So that there is enough for a dacha and an apartment.

We will raise our glasses to bright heads,
Even if they are not exactly young.
People always need your experience
Glory to those who work
To the workers - Hurray!

Today, on Labor Day, I would like to remember one famous proverb: “You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without work.” Moreover, it is impossible to do this if there is no pond itself. So let's drink to the fact that we will always have a stable job, thanks to which we can bring in a big catch.

Once we met a six hundredth Mercedes and a lamppost... So let's drink to the little holidays of the working people!

Let's drink to the work that made a man out of a monkey, and also to ensure that some of the results of this work do not turn a man back into a monkey!

On Red Square during the May Day holidays, a television journalist interviews a leading worker:
– Would you like to say something?
- Fuck you... and to...
- And like this throughout the whole city! Jokes! Laughter! Fun!
Let's drink so that the fun at our table does not dry up, the jokes do not stop and the laughter does not subside!

A drunk walks down the street. There is a pillar ahead. He doesn't see anything. Crashed into a pole. Falls. Rising. He walks again and crashes into the same pillar. And so on several times. Tired of fighting the pole, he sat down on the sidewalk: “I’ll wait until the demonstration ends.”
I suggest not waiting for the demonstration to end, but drinking immediately!

The classics of political economy established: between socialism and communism, an intermediate stage is inevitable - alcoholism.
So let's drink so that we can go straight to heaven!

A drunk man lies in a puddle and says:
– Karl Marx died, Lenin died, and so my health deteriorated...
Let's drink to the immortality of the leaders of the world proletariat!

While spring, health and love are with you,
Let them give us wine - the blood of the scarlet grape.
After all, you are not gold! You, careless fool,
Once buried, it will not be dug up again.

There are no warmer hands than yours,
There is nothing warmer than your eyes!
Let there be no separation
And we have sorrows.
Let fun and joy
They'll always be there,
To grief with need
They never came.
May all days be like dawn
Will be forever clear
And let it live in your heart
State of spring!

The people are waiting for May Day,
To dig up your garden.
And into seedlings from February,
That everything has already risen,
It must be planted in the ground.
Where should we celebrate the holidays?
Come to our dacha,
We'll keep you busy with work.
But at dawn the scarlet
Let's gather at the grill,
And then we’ll drink tea -
Let's celebrate May Day!

Let in business always and everywhere
Success will follow you!
And today, on May Day,
May you be the happiest!

Who celebrates the first of May?
Day of solidarity, peace, labor?
Healthy people consider this holiday
Welcoming spring - and heading into the forests.
May Day opens
Summer walking season, picnics.
We congratulate you on this!
Always be ready for summer hikes!

Spring is shining outside the windows, look!
The world is beautiful, full of flowers...
Take the clarity of the morning dawn,
Let the garden give you fresh breath,
And let your eyes shine with joy,
And let the soul sing with happiness,
Let the thunderstorm pass by,
May every year bring you only joy!

My toast to the spring sky,
Here's to your life in health and work!
Never be hungry for bread
And thirst for warmth and water!

The first day of May in many regions of our country turns out to be warm, clear and simply wonderful! And a holiday, which means an extra day off, comes in handy. On this wonderful day, some go for a country picnic in nature, others organize a corresponding event at their summer cottage, others plant various crops in this area, fourth go to the park with the younger generation, fifth take part in a demonstration... There are many options for spending time There are a lot of them; the only alternatives are cool SMS messages for May 1st, which should be sent to everyone you know. And we are ready to help you in solving this difficult task, which is why we are compiling our collection of May Day greetings. Nowadays, many people like to congratulate, since our highly technical age provides an incredible number of opportunities for this, which can be implemented without special effort. After all, clicking the keys of a mobile phone and keyboard is much easier than signing a postcard with a pen, as previous generations did.

So, we present to your attention comic SMS congratulations for May 1 - universal and varied. Moreover, those who wish can make their contribution to our wonderful collection. To do this, you just need to have passion and the ability to come up with wishes on your own, and you need to place an exclusive option in the form that is located below.

Original May Day greetings from our collection will not leave anyone indifferent. Be surprised, enjoy, try to choose the best! I tried to congratulate you - and your holiday was a success!

Cool congratulations on May 1st in verse

Choose SMS congratulations on Labor Day!

Happy May Day, happy spring! Let's not sit at home!
And we rush into the air like an arrow!
May the weather give us a clear day!
Don't forget alcohol at the barbecue! ©

Spring and work are incompatible!
Let the janitor sweep - he's used to it!
We will rush past on May Day,
Not just somewhere, for a barbecue! ©

I send SMS for the holiday,
I invite you to the forest with us!
We'll have fun together
How normal all the people are! ©

Funny ditties and SMS congratulations

Happy May Day!
Let's quickly throw everything away!
We know a lot about May Days,
What about work? Well - not a wolf! ©

It would be nice to have a salary for May
We would load with a shovel,
Yes, not in a cart, but in a Mercedes!
The whole world would peel off then! ©

There is no better kebabs
On May Day.
I hope you're ready?
No? - So get up! ©


Look at the weather now
Whispers: “Everyone for the barbecue!”
More fun year after year
May Day! ©

I wish you on May Day:
Don't run away from work
The horse won't die from work,
Only an old man sometimes groans! ©

An invitation to work hard?
Screw him!
Get drunk on May Day -
There is nothing better! ©

Let's gain strength, brothers.
For spring and summer!
So that our kebab does not get cold,
Let's all drink to this! ©

Don't be lazy on the May holiday!
Get ready quickly, quickly -
They've been waiting for you for three hours
In the tender greenery of the forest! ©

May Day nature
Makes our vacation better!
Run away from the garden!
Let's drink a hundred grams together! ©

On May Day
You have something urgent to do:
Prepare the kebabs!
Tasty and juicy! ©

We ate and got drunk
On May Day!
Grandmothers are dancing - beware
Grandfather is a disgrace! ©

How to go to work on holiday
Don't rush, my dear!
May Day concerns
They won't touch you and me! ©

Only makes you yawn
The little one has the word labor -
He won't go to work
At least they are really waiting for him there! ©

We have to work hard on the holiday,
We are told from all sides,
Only vodka - not vodka!
She makes my head ring! ©

My dear on May Day
I put on a red bow!
It's been twenty years, I mean,
He didn't make trouble with him! ©

You have a good groom -
Where the work is - ahead!
On May Day the main holiday
Don't expect him home! ©

Oh, dear friend,
What I want to tell you:
We celebrate May Day -
We can handle this work! ©

May Day ditties
We will sing again and again!
And now they raised the carcasses
And come dance with us! ©

Let's drink to the work that made a man out of a monkey,
and also for the fact that some of the results of this work
did not turn man back into a monkey.

Toast to May 1st

Oh, we are tired of working this winter...
Be ready for May Day, don’t procrastinate!
Let the kebab brown, juicy and chic!
And let the frontline worker have a great rest!
For May 1st!

Toast for the first of May

May 1 - Spring and Labor Day. And on this day I want to wish that there will always be spring in your soul, that everything around you will always bloom and warm, but may your work be easy, but always fruitful, and may there be more often time for rest and personal happiness!

Beautiful toast for May 1st

Today, on Labor Day, I would like to remember one famous proverb: “You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without work.” Moreover, it is impossible to do this if there is no pond itself. So let's drink to the fact that we will always have a stable job, thanks to which we can bring in a big catch.

A short toast for May 1st

My toast to the spring sky,
Here's to your life in health and work!
Never be hungry for bread
And thirst for warmth and water!

Cool toast for May 1st

A Russian worker met a Japanese man. Russian asks:
- How do you work? What are your conditions?
He answers:
“I work for myself for two hours, for two for my master, and the rest of the time for the Japanese Emperor.” And you?
“I also have two hours to myself, we don’t have hosts.” And the Japanese Emperor, why did he surrender to me?
For the working class to finally start working for themselves too!

Toast for May 1st in verse

So that peace reigns
So that Labor is not a burden,
May May give
Love and Joy!
For May 1st!

Toast for May 1st in prose

May he always be happy
He who calls labor his life!
Who, sparing no time and effort,
Transforms this complex world,
Who needs perseverance, work and inspiration?
Eternal companion and only idol!
For May 1st!

Toast for May 1st in your own words

I want to wish that your life is as clear, warm and blooming as the days of May, and may every day, like today, bring you joy, fun, happiness and a carefree mood. Let all your everyday life be as bright as this May Day holiday!

Cheerful toast for May 1st

When a person is deprived of the joy of working and receiving a return from his work, he is the most unhappy creature on earth. Therefore, we wish you never to know this misfortune, but always find yourself the work for which your soul lies. Happy holiday!

Toast for Labor Day

A drunk walks down the street. There is a pillar ahead. He doesn't see anything. Crashed into a pole. Falls. Rising. He walks again and crashes into the same pillar. And so on several times. Tired of fighting the pole, he sat down on the sidewalk: “I’ll wait until the demonstration ends.”
I suggest not waiting for the demonstration to end, but drinking immediately!