Methodological development of the circle association “Skillful Hands”. Program of the circle "Skillful Hands" lesson plan (grade 2) on the topic Message of the lesson topic

Tatiana Sviridonova

Methodological development. Circle« Skillful hands» .

early this summer I was offered to lead circle« Skillful hands» . Frankly, I was worried, I didn’t sleep at night, I read a lot of programs and developments and developed its own. Work in mug« Skillful hands» – an excellent means of developing creativity, mental abilities, aesthetic taste, as well as the design thinking of children.

One of the main tasks of teaching and raising children is to enrich their worldview, that is, to develop the child’s creative culture.

She planned her work so that she would not repeat the program material on manual labor, but that the classes would expand and deepen the information on working with various materials. Job mug I tried to organize it taking into account the experience of children and their age characteristics.

My program has an artistic and aesthetic orientation, which is an important direction in development and education. The program involves the development of children's artistic taste and creative abilities.

Classes are held 2 times a week, resulting in 8 lessons per month.

1. Introduction to paper, Volumetric applique - Ladybug.

2. Acquaintance with natural materials. Application - Sun.

3. Hedgehog - applique, natural material.

4. Hedgehog (design and modeling, natural material, plasticine.

5. The hare boasts (design) natural material.

6. Volumetric applique Autumn tree (color stripes).

7. Volume applique Cloud with rain (color stripes)

8. Lesovik (design, natural material.

My kids really enjoy visiting circle, they look forward to new activities with great anticipation.

Publications on the topic:

Additional general development program “Skillful Hands” Explanatory note to the additional general developmental program “Skillful Hands” The purpose of the program: to create conditions for personal development.

Recently, my colleague and I decided to update the children's art board. The point is that we had a board for.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Everyone knows that manual labor contributes to the development of motor skills, attention, imagination, thinking and perseverance.

Purpose of the circle: Development of artistic and creative abilities in children through non-traditional drawing techniques. Tasks: - To form creativity.

The school year is coming to an end. On May 17, our kindergarten hosted an Open Day. I am the leader of the “Skillful Hands” circle.

Methodological development of a DIY fairy tale circle (origami + theater) MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SITNIKOVSKY KINDERGARTEN “ZVEZDOCHKA” Project in the direction “Social and personal.

Ekaterina Kryuchkova
Lesson notes for the “Skillful Hands” club, middle group

Program tasks: Application. Teach children to make a flower from ready-made circles, carefully coat with glue and glue onto cardboard.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: - Guys, summer is over, autumn has come. All children went to school on September 1st with beautiful bouquets of flowers. Someone went for the first time. Our bunny also wants to go to his forest school with his friends. But he’s worried that he doesn’t have a bouquet. He doesn't know where to get it. Maybe you can help him find such a bouquet?

Children's answers.

Bunny, the children will certainly help you. Only the bouquets will not be exactly like those for schoolchildren. After all, their parents bought bouquets for them in the store, but the kids will make them for you with their own hands.

Educator: - Guys. There are trays on your table with circles different colors and sizes, green stripes. Let's look at them (find out what color circles, and what size).

Let's take the biggest one circle, spread it with glue, glue it to the middle of the sheet, then take it, middle circle coat it with glue of a different color and glue it onto the large circle, take the small one, the third one circle, coat it with glue and glue it on middle circle. All that remains is to glue the green stem. And so we collect everything circles. Look, bunny, how beautiful the bouquets turned out.

The teacher reviews all the work together with the bunny.

Teacher - Well done, you helped the bunny. He says that he really liked your bouquets.

"Mushroom - boletus"

Program content: Application using cereals. Introduce children to new material for appliqué with cereals. Teach evenly, distribute different types of cereals in the shape of a mushroom, evenly spread with plasticine on cardboard, develop accuracy and clarity.

Progress of the lesson

Educator - Guys, look who is visiting us today. (I show a fur toy - a squirrel)

Children - Squirrel.

Educator - Squirrel came to you for help. She stores pine cones and mushrooms for the winter. Squirrel is afraid that she won’t have time to prepare everything. Maybe you can help her? Children's answers.

Teacher - Squirrel, of course the children will help you. And they will pick you unusual mushrooms.

Children sit down at the tables. On the trays you have cards with drawn mushrooms. Let's look at them. What does a mushroom have? Children's answers - Hat and leg.

We are with you now "let's revive", let's paint them over. We will paint them with cereal.

We coat the cap with glue and fill it with buckwheat so that there are no white spots left. (Children do).

We spread the mushroom stem with glue and cover it with rice cereal.

You've got a real mushroom - boletus.

The teacher, together with a toy squirrel, examines the children’s work. Praises them on behalf of the squirrel.

"Ruddy Apple"

Program content:

Application. Teach children to coat the finished apple shape with plasticine, using plasticine of the appropriate color. Continue teaching children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine

Progress of the lesson

Teacher - Guys, today is the doll Masha’s birthday. Her friends will come to visit her. She wanted to treat them with delicious rosy apples, but there were only two apples left in the store. Doll Masha asks you to help her. Can you help the doll?

Children's answers.

Educator - And I have these apples made from cardboard. Now we will color them. We will paint with red, yellow and green plasticine. We tear off small pieces of red plasticine, glue them onto the silhouette of an apple and smear it with your finger. We paint one half with red plasticine, and the other half with yellow or green according to your desire.

(The children are working, the teacher makes sure that the children pinch off small pieces of plasticine, so that it is easier to smear)

At the end of the work, the teacher, together with the doll, examines the children’s work. He thanks them for their help.


Program content:

Application made from napkins and cereals.

Teach children to tear off small pieces of napkins, roll them into a ball and glue them onto the finished shape - a petal. Apply glue to certain areas (middle) and cover them with cereal.

Progress of the lesson

Educator (draws the children’s attention to the object in his hands)

Guys, look at the unusual sun that grew in the bunny’s garden.

Children - This is not the sun, but a sunflower.

Educator - But it’s really a bunny, does the sun grow in the garden?

Guys, where is the sun?

Children's answers are in the sky (in space)

Educator - And this sunflower really looks like the sun, but not hot.

Guys, what do sunflowers have instead of rays?

Children are petals.

Educator, - What color are they?

Children - Yellow.

Educator - What are these black dots on a sunflower?

Children - These are seeds. (If the children find it difficult, the teacher himself speaks and shows the seeds)

Educator - I want us to group There was also such a sunflower. In cloudy weather, we looked at it like the sun, and it will be more pleasant and warmer for us. Let's do it.

Sit down at the tables. Take one white cardboard petal for yourself. We need to turn them yellow. To do this, you will tear small pieces from a yellow napkin, roll them into lumps and glue them onto the petal. You need to glue them closer to each other so that there are no white spots. The children do the work.

*2 e class"Sunflower"

Educator - All your petals are ready. Now we will glue them one by one onto this black circle. You need to glue them tightly to each other.

Educator - And so that the tips of the petals are invisible, I will glue another black circle on top.

Educator - Guys, what does our sunflower lack to resemble the real one?

The children's answers are seeds.

Educator - Correct. Only our seeds will be unusual, like sunflowers, and buckwheat. I will now spread glue in the middle, and you will fill it with buckwheat and press it with your fingers. You need to fill it more densely so that no white spots are visible.

Educator - Oh yes, we have a beauty like a real sunflower. The bunny’s sunflower in the garden will eventually wither and fall off, but ours will delight you with its beauty for a long time. Well done guys, did a great job. It turns out that you can paint not only with paints, but also with other various materials.

What did you draw today?

Now we are our sunflower - we will hang the sun on the exhibition so that your parents can also enjoy such beauty.

"Lamb" from cut threads

(Ask parents to cut the thread)

Program content:

Applique made from cut threads. Introduce children to the technique of making thread applique. Teach evenly, smear small areas of the image and sprinkle them with threads finely cut by the teacher, the color corresponding to the area of ​​the image.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator - Guys, the new year is coming soon. They will put up a Christmas tree in their homes and decorate it with various toys that they will buy in the store.

What toys do you have at home?

Children's answers -

Educator - And I suggest you make a toy with your own hands. It will be the most beautiful and expensive one on your Christmas tree. You can even give it to your family and friends. Shall we do it?

Children's answers -

Educator - Today we will make a fluffy sheep.

I will give you a white toy cut out of cardboard. And you paint it with multi-colored threads. Your mothers prepared them for you. You will smear a mouse made of cardboard with glue, cover it with cut threads, and gently press it with your fingers. You need to take the threads little by little and apply them more tightly to make the toy fluffy.

Educator - Well, the sheep are almost ready. To prevent them from getting into trouble, we will glue them eyes - buttons, and hooves from pieces of leather.

(the teacher helps to glue the eyes and hooves)

Educator - What will you name your toy? Who will you give it to or keep it for yourself?

How will you hang your toy?

Children's answers - We need to make a loop.

(The teacher makes loops.)

Now we will hang your toys at the exhibition, let others admire them, maybe they will want to make a toy themselves.


Program content:

Drawing with palms.

Teach children to dip their palms in paint and carefully apply it to the drawn trunk, giving it the shape of a Christmas tree.

Progress of classes

Educator - Guys, a holiday is coming soon, New Year. All people are preparing to meet him. They prepare gifts for their relatives. Decorate your home. Let's decorate ours too group. How beautiful and joyful it will be for us. Let's draw a beautiful big Christmas tree.

Children's answers -

Educator - What does the Christmas tree have?

Children's answers - Trunk, branches.

Educator, - What color is the trunk? What color are the branches?

Educator - What can you use to draw with?

Children's answers -

I have already drawn the trunk, and you will draw the branches. And you will draw with your palms.

Gently dip your palm into the green paint and apply it to the trunk.

At the top there are few branches and they are shorter, but towards the bottom there are more and more branches and they are longer.

(children perform)

Educator - What shape does the Christmas tree look like?

Children are a pyramid.

Educator - Guys, look how fluffy our Christmas tree is. When it dries, you can decorate it with toys.

Thank you guys, everyone tried very hard, and we got such a beauty

“Greeting card to dad for Defender of the Fatherland Day”

Program content:

Napkin applique. Learn to glue ready-made shapes onto a sheet of cardboard in the correct sequence, learn to roll balls from napkins and glue them to their corresponding places.

Progress of the lesson

Educator - Guys, Mishutka came to visit us. He told this story. The wolf wanted to catch and eat his friend the bunny, but the bear protected him and drove the wolf away. Masha praised Mishutka and treated him to honey and said that he was growing up to be a real protector. Mishutka went around and asked all his friends who the defenders were. Nobody answered him, and he came to you.

Guys, who are the defenders?

Children's answers.

(The teacher adds, corrects, talks about the defenders of the Motherland).

Teacher - guys, the holiday is coming soon, Defender of the Fatherland Day. Let us make a gift for our defenders, fathers and grandfathers, and for Mishutka too.

Let's make a postcard. Today we will draw the sea and fireworks in the sky. We will draw with toothbrushes.

Take your toothbrushes, dip the entire bristles of the toothbrush into blue paint and draw stripes like these in waves. (children draw).

Teacher - it turned out to be a sea. And now ships will sail on the sea. You have preparations for future ships. You just need to pull the corners with both hands at once and you will get a boat (boat). Glue the boats to the sea.

And to make your card festive, you need to make balls from multi-colored napkins and stick them in the sky, this is a fireworks display.

Educator - Well, Mishutka, the guys made cards and will give them to their defenders, dads and grandfathers, and I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Well done guys, I think your defenders will be very happy with the gift.


(Unusual toy)

Program content:

Application from plasticine. Continue to teach children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece, roll small balls with their fingers and paste them over the outline of the rocket.

Progress of the lesson

Educator - Guys, look who is visiting us (look at an unusual toy).

Guys, he says that he is an alien and came to us from another planet to see how you live here.

Educator - Guys, what planet do we live on?

Children's answers - On planet Earth.

Educator - Dear alien, what did you fly to us on?

Alien - But on this rocket (shows finished work).

Teacher - guys, do you want to fly to visit aliens?

Children's answers -

Educator - Then you and I need to make rockets for ourselves.

Sit down at the tables and let's get to work. You have mock-up rockets and plasticine. You will choose plasticine of any color and pinch off small pieces from it, roll it into balls and glue it onto the rocket model. You need a lot of lumps to fill the entire space of the rocket. The lumps need to be glued close to each other so as not to leave white spots.

Educator - The rocket turns out like a real one, you need to use yellow plasticine to make portholes and a red flame from a running engine.

The rockets are ready. Everyone turned out very beautiful and probably very fast. We should check them out. Choose which planet we will fly to.

Children name planets.

Outdoor game “Fast rockets are waiting for us”

Educator - Guys, our alien guest really liked how you live, how you know how to work and have fun. He will fly to his planet and play the same game with his friends.

You guys have visited different planets. Let's put our rockets on display, maybe someone else will want to fly to the planets.


Broken applique.

Introduce children to cut-off and applied appliqué techniques.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator - My dear children, I’ll tell you a riddle; whoever guesses it will get a prize. And the prize will be a word of praise, or maybe two.

The teacher reads a riddle:

Black, agile, says Kraak

The enemy of all worms.

Children - Rook.

Teacher - Well done! Clever girls! Your commendable prizes have been earned.

Educator - And if you tell why you think it’s a rook, you’ll earn more words of praise.

Children's answers.

Educator - That’s right, the rook bird is black, it handles worms very deftly and speaks: - Kraak!

Let's look at this brave bird, which was not afraid of the cold and snow, and brought us on its wings the news that spring has come.

(I look at the structure and plumage of the rook in the picture)

Educator - Let’s make a rook for ourselves, hang it at the exhibition so that everyone knows that the rooks have arrived - welcome spring.

Educator - Now you will sit at the table in pairs, take one of the parts of the rook craft for work (body, head, tail, wings, strips of black paper. You will tear small pieces from the strip, spread one edge with glue and glue them to the finished part. Pieces The papers need to be glued next to each other. When one row ends, the second one needs to be glued above it, slightly overlapping the previous row (shows that the rook’s plumage seems voluminous and fluffy.

(At the end of the work, the individual parts are assembled into a whole, complemented by the beak and eyes).

Educator - Rook is ready. Do you like it?

You did a very good and careful job. Now it’s clear that spring is very close. Fly like a rook to a prominent place, to an exhibition, let everyone see you.

"Easter Egg"

Program content:

Application. Continue teaching children how to glue finished shapes using ready-made sequin material. Carefully apply glue to small parts. Continue to introduce children to folk traditions.

Progress of the lesson

Educator - Guys, have you heard about this holiday - Easter?

Children's answers -

What kind of holiday is this? Do you know anything about it? How do you celebrate this holiday at your home?

Children's answers -

Educator - I’ll tell you a little story about why people on earth began to celebrate Easter, paint eggs, and bake Easter cakes.

In ancient times, people believed in gods. The sun god, the thunder god, the earth god and other gods. They all lived in heaven, and people lived on earth. Among people lived evil creatures who wished harm to people. The God of the earth saw this and decided to help people. God chose a kind, intelligent girl named Mary on earth and made sure that she had a son, a god-man. Mary gave birth to a son when she went with her husband Joseph to the city of Bethlehem. At that moment, there were no free hotel rooms in the city, and they decided to spend the night in a barn where there were cattle, sheep, goats, and cows. Mary wrapped her son and placed him in a manger, a feeding trough with hay for livestock. Mary named her son Jesus. God appeared as an angel to the shepherds who were spending the night near the place where the stable was located and said them: - go and tell everyone that a savior has been born. The ruler of this city, Herod, learned about the birth of the savior. He ordered his servants to kill all the babies in the city, in the hope that Jesus will be among them. But God managed to warn Mary and Joseph to take the child and leave the city. Jesus grew up, helped people, cured diseases, gave bread and shelter to the poor, and taught his disciples how to do good. But not everyone loved Jesus for his good works. Among the traitor Judas was found among his disciples. Jesus was crucified on a large wooden cross, with nails nailed to his hands and feet. They buried him in the mountain, and blocked the entrance with a large stone. Three days later, Jesus was no longer in the stone cave. He resurrected and ascended to heaven to his heavenly father. People, having learned about this, reported this news to others with the words Christ is risen. In honor of this, they painted eggs as a symbol of life, baked Easter cakes and treated them to family and friends.

Let us also please our loved ones and color the eggs

Teacher - sit down at the tables. You have silhouettes of eggs, and beautiful, shiny ones circles, sequins. You will pick up circle, spread it carefully and glue it onto the silhouette of the egg. You will create the pattern yourself. Try to stick circles like this so that the white egg is not visible.

The children are working.

Upon completion of work. Children are making an exhibition. They look at the eggs of other children. Educator. Well done. Everyone turned out very beautiful eggs.

Gift for Mom "Bouquet of Tulips"

Program content:

Origami. Teach children to carefully fold a paper square in half, iron the fold, and make a triangle.

Progress of the lesson

Educator - Guys, spring will come soon, and with spring will come the most beautiful women's holiday. For this holiday you are preparing a concert for mothers and grandmothers. And I suggest you make a gift. What do women usually like to receive as a gift?

The children's answers are flowers.

Teacher – that’s right, all women love flowers very much.

You cannot buy flowers, because you are still small and do not earn money. I suggest you make unusual flowers, paper tulips. To do this we will need multi-colored squares and your skillful hands.

Well, shall we give our women a gift?

Children's answers -

Educator - Sit down at the tables. Choose a square of any color. Let's make a triangle out of it. Fold the corners diagonally and carefully iron the fold. Next, fold the triangle in half.

At the end of the work, all the flowers are collected into a bouquet and complemented with leaves.

Educator - Guys, you have made a wonderful spring bouquet of tulips, I propose to hang it at the exhibition and congratulate not only your mothers and grandmothers, but also all the women who work in our garden. Are you okay with my proposal?

Children's answers -

Educator - Thank you very much for this!

Flowers from napkins

Type of work

Class "Skillful Hands"


Good mood




Goals: repeat the properties of paper; introduce various techniques for working with paper (creasing, bending, curvilinear cutting); learn to use paper to make a variety of products; develop creative imagination; cultivate a caring attitude towards materials and interest in the activities of the circle.
Equipment: Colored brown and green paper, cardboard, napkins, stapler, PVA glue, pencil, scissors, composition templates, samples of finished paintings, postcards.
Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizational moment.

Greeting, introduction.
2. Report the topic of the lesson. The topic of our lesson is “Flowers from napkins”.

Paper is one of the most fertile materials for making a wide variety of crafts. But those who work with paper need to know its properties and how to work with it. This knowledge will help you use paper correctly when making products.

Today in class we will remember the basic techniques of working with paper and use them to make a composition.

3.Introductory conversation.

All techniques for working with any material are developed taking into account its properties. Let's remember what properties paper has.

  1. When we tear paper, what edge do we get? (Student answers) paper consists of fibers. Therefore, when torn, there is usually a jagged edge and the individual fibers from which the paper is made are visible.

  2. What color does paper come in? (Students' answers) That's right, paper can be colored or white. It is easy to paint. That is why products made from it are very colorful.

  3. What is the thickness of paper? Which paper is the thickest and which is the thinnest? (Student answers) Paper can be thick and thin. Thick paper is cardboard, thin paper is tracing paper.

  4. What if we bend the paper along the line. What will happen? (Student answers) The paper bends, but the fold line remains. (Student answers) If you squeeze the paper with your hands, what happens? (Students' answers) Of course the paper will wrinkle. Having remembered these basic properties of paper, we also remembered the basic techniques for working with it. And using them, today in class we will create a three-dimensional composition of flowers made from ordinary napkins using the appliqué technique.
Flowers are constant companions of holidays, bright events, anniversaries. What holiday will we celebrate soon? Teacher's Day. Such a gift can be given to your teachers, grandparents, and parents, after all, giving beauty is perhaps the main task of flowers. Flowers at all times are a symbol of love, fidelity, memory.

4. Occupational safety.

Before we begin, let’s remember the rules for safe work with tools (scissors, glue)

Guys, what rules do you know about working safely with these tools?

(Students’ answers are repeated and supplemented by the teacher)

Safety instructions when working with scissors.

1. Store scissors closed in a case.

5.Do not swing the scissors.

5. Introductory briefing.

On the table you have all the necessary materials and tools for work. And also instructions on how to make a flower from a napkin, all the templates for our composition

  1. First you need to choose a background for your panel. It can be blue, light blue or gray cardboard.

  2. Then, from two napkins of white and pink colors, make four flowers, as shown in the instructions.

  3. Trace the twig template and cut it out of brown paper.

  4. Trace the leaf template and cut out 10 rectangles. Then bend them lengthwise and cut out the leaves.

  5. Glue the twig onto the cardboard (use very little glue, dotted)

  6. Place the finished flowers on the branch and glue them.

  7. Place the leaves on the panel, glue the glue only at the base of the leaf so that the leaf lags behind the cardboard.

  8. Frame your work in a white paper frame.
6. Practical work.

Please get to work.

1. Control of workplace organization.

2. Monitoring the correct implementation of work methods and compliance with safe work rules.

3. Providing assistance to students experiencing difficulties.

4. Control of the volume and quality of work performed.

7. Summary of the lesson.

What beautiful bouquets decorated our class! And all the panels turned out very different. Carefully crafted paper flowers can serve as a wonderful gift. And then so many flowers will remain alive in nature and will decorate our beautiful land. And now I want to read you a poem by T. Sobakin

I'll pick a flower

If you

Pick a flower...

If all:

Both me and you, -

Let's pick flowers

They will be empty

And the trees

And the bushes...

And there will be no beauty.

And there will be no kindness.

If it's just me and you

If we pick flowers...

I would like to end our lesson with the following:

I have flowers of three colors on my table, if you liked the lesson, when leaving the lesson, take yourself a red flower, if you didn’t like it - blue, if you remained indifferent - gray.

(by the number of remaining colorful flowers you can determine how much the children liked the activity)

D/Z Bring cardboard, paper, glue, scissors to the next lesson.

Physical education minute

The sun is sleeping, the sky is sleeping

(put head in hands)

Even the wind doesn't make noise

Early in the morning the sun rose

(get up from their desks)

Sent its rays to everyone

(hands raised up, fingers spread).

Suddenly a breeze blew

(wave-like movements with hands),

The sky is overcast

(circular movements with hands)

And shook the trees

( tilts left, right),

The rain began to patter on the roofs.

Rain drumming on the roof

(knocking on the table top with their fingers)

The sun is sinking lower and lower

(lean forward)

So it hid behind the clouds,

Not a single ray is visible

(starting position)

Physical education minute

  1. Starting position – standing, arms down. On the count of “one-two-three”, students bend over and stretch their arms forward; on the count of “four-five-six” they return to their original position. The exercise is performed 3-4 times. The pace is slow.

  2. Starting position - = hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs (1-4 times). Jumping with turns to the right to the starting position (5-8 times). Same with left turns.

Flowers from


Cardboard, colored paper, napkins
Sequence of panel production

"Blooming Apple Tree"

1.First you need to choose a background for your panel. It can be blue, light blue or gray cardboard.

2.Then make four flowers from two napkins of white and pink colors, as shown in the instructions.

3. Trace the twig template and cut it out of brown paper.

4. Trace the leaf template and cut out 10 rectangles. Then bend them lengthwise and cut out the leaves.

5.Glue the twig onto the cardboard (use very little glue, dotted)

6. Place the finished flowers on the branch and glue them.

7. Place the leaves on the panel, glue with glue only at the base of the leaf so that the leaf lags behind the cardboard.

8. Frame your work in a white paper frame.

Type of work

Class "Skillful Hands"


Good mood




Safety rules when working with scissors.

1. Store scissors closed in a case.

2. While working, the scissors should lie on the table on the right side with the rings facing you, with the blades closed.

4. It is prohibited to pass the scissors while holding the closed blades with the rings facing forward, do not throw them, and do not drop the scissors.

5.Do not swing the scissors.

Safety rules when working with glue.

1. Store the glue in tightly closed packaging.

2. Squeeze out only the required amount of glue.

3.Apply glue with a brush or glue stick.

Explanatory note

“Not every child comes into the world to become an artist. But it is also true that every person entering the world has a certain potential for artistic development, and this potential must be revealed! » A. S. Galanov

The problem of developing children's artistic creativity is becoming increasingly important. Children's creativity is realized in different types of artistic activities, and it is the job of educators to create all the conditions for introducing the child to various types of artistic practice. Manual labor is attractive to children because it satisfies their desire for independence, self-control and the development of creative abilities. In the process of creating crafts, perseverance, diligence, and determination are formed. Children understand the connection between an action and the result obtained.

Labor is a purposeful activity, performed in accordance with certain rules and ending in the achievement of the intended goal. Through work, children’s knowledge of the properties, qualities, and possibilities of using various materials (paper, cardboard, thread, natural materials, etc.) is deepened. A child cannot be taught to work in any other way than by participating in labor. This broadens the horizons of preschoolers, develops aesthetic taste, emotions, sensations, and develops control skills. Self-control allows a child, based on a set goal, analysis of a sample, and a planned plan, to monitor his actions, results, see his mistakes and correct them. Control is formed in the child only in activities during which he is faced with the need to check the results of his work, to control the methods of action as he completes the task. The development of self-control leads to the elimination of children's mechanical imitation and to an improvement in the quality of work performance.

A special feature of a teacher’s work on the development of children’s artistic creativity is the targeted guidance of children’s creative development. The first thing you should pay attention to is that no one except a child will give the “correct” solution to the creative task facing him. Creative tasks are open-ended and do not have one correct answer: there are as many answers as there are children who complete them. The role of the educator is to understand and make a variety of decisions.

Work in the circle " Skillful hands "is an excellent means of developing creativity, mental abilities, aesthetic taste, as well as the design thinking of children.

One of the main tasks of teaching and raising children in the classroom is to enrich the student’s worldview, i.e. development of the child’s creative culture (development of a creative, non-standard approach to the implementation of a task, nurturing hard work, interest in practical activities, the joy of creation and discovering something new for oneself).

The proposed program has artistic and aesthetic orientation, which is an important direction in development and education. The program involves the development of children's artistic taste and creative abilities.

Club program " Skillful hands » designed for children 5-6, 6-7 years old. The program provides an annual load of 28 thematic classes. Classes are held 2 times a week for 30 minutes, a total of 56 lessons per academic year. Practical exercises make up a large part of the program.

Number of children: 2 groups of 10 people.

The result of children's activities can be exhibitions of children's works.

Purpose of the program - Develop independence, creativity, individuality of children, artistic abilities, by experimenting with various materials, non-traditional techniques; to form artistic thinking and moral personality traits, emotional responsiveness to beauty.

Program objectives


  • consolidation and expansion of knowledge and skills acquired at the educational educational center in artistic creativity, familiarization with the outside world, reading fiction, and promoting their systematization; training in how to use tools;
  • learning the ability to plan your work;
  • training in techniques and technology for making compositions; studying the properties of various materials;
  • training in working with various materials; learning how to independently develop crafts.


  • development of artistic taste and creative potential in children;
  • development of imaginative thinking and imagination;
  • creating conditions for self-development of preschool children;
  • development of children's aesthetic perception of the world around them.


  • instilling respect for work and working people;
  • developing a sense of collectivism;
  • education of accuracy;
  • environmental education of children;
  • developing a love for nature.


Leading idea This program is to create a comfortable communication environment, develop the abilities, creative potential of each child and his self-realization.

Principles underlying the program:

  • accessibility (simplicity, compliance with age and individual characteristics);
  • visibility (illustrativeness, availability of didactic materials). “The more organs of our senses take part in the perception of any impression or group of impressions, the more firmly these impressions fit into our mechanical, nervous memory, are more accurately preserved by it and are more easily remembered,” (K.D. Ushinsky);
  • democracy and humanism (interaction between teacher and student in society, realization of one’s own creative needs);
  • scientific character (validity, presence of a methodological basis and theoretical basis);
  • “from simple to complex” (having learned basic work skills, the child applies his knowledge in performing complex creative work).

The topics of classes are built taking into account the interests of preschoolers and the possibility of their self-expression. As children master the content of the program, the pace of development of special skills, the level of independence, and the ability to work in a team are taken into account. The program allows you to individualize complex work: stronger children will be interested in a complex design, while less prepared ones can be offered a simpler work. At the same time, the educational and developmental meaning of the work is preserved. This makes it possible to warn the child against the fear of difficulties, to encourage him to create and create without fear.

Forms and methods of classes

During the classes, various forms of classes are used:

traditional, combined and practical classes.

And also various methods:

Methods based on the way the lesson is organized:

  • verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, etc.);
  • visual (showing illustrations, observing, showing (performing) by a teacher, working on a model, etc.);
  • practical (performing work according to instruction cards, diagrams, etc.);

Methods based on the level of activity of children:

  • explanatory and illustrative - children perceive and assimilate ready-made information;
  • reproductive - preschoolers reproduce acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity;
  • partial search - children’s participation in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher;
  • research - independent creative work of preschoolers.

Methods based on the form of organization of student activities in the classroom:

  • frontal - simultaneous work with all children;
  • individual - frontal - alternation of individual and frontal forms of work;
  • group - organization of work in groups;
  • individual - individual completion of tasks, problem solving.

Expected results

As a result of training in this program for preschoolers:

They will learn various techniques for working with paper, plasticine, natural materials, foil, colored threads, fabric;

Learn to follow verbal instructions, read product diagrams;

They will learn to plan the order of work operations and control their work;

They will create compositions with products;

Develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination;

Master the skills of work culture;

Improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.

Forms for summing up implementation results additional educational program

  • Participation in exhibitions of children's creative works, competitions in preschool educational institutions.

The content of this program is aimed at performing creative work, the basis of which is individual and collective creativity. Basically, all practical activities are based on the manufacture of products. Training is planned in a differentiated manner, taking into account the health status of students. The program provides for the implementation of practical work that contributes to the formation of the ability to consciously apply acquired knowledge in practice in the production of artistic treasures from textile and natural materials. During training sessions during the work process, attention is paid to compliance with the rules of labor safety, sanitation and personal hygiene, to the rational organization of the workplace, and careful handling of tools and equipment in the process of making artistic products.

The program introduces new and exciting types of needlework.

The program lasts 1 year.

  1. 1 . Working with natural materials (3 lessons)

Currently, there is a need to take care of strengthening the child’s connection with nature and culture, work and art. Nowadays children are moving further and further away from nature, forgetting its beauty and value.

Working with natural materials helps them develop imagination, a sense of shape and color, accuracy, hard work, and instills a love of beauty. By designing from natural materials, the child is involved in observing natural phenomena, becomes more familiar with the plant world, and learns to take care of the environment.

Products made from natural materials . Technology of procurement of natural materials. Artistic techniques for making crafts and paintings from natural materials.

  1. 2 . Working with paper and cardboard (5 lessons)

Types of works made of paper and cardboard. Properties of paper: (easily cut, crumples, glues well.) Artistic techniques (fold and cut out of paper yourself with a folded accordion, cut off unnecessary parts, make cuts, glue, decorate crafts). Rules for using scissors and template.

  1. Working with fabric (5 lessons)

Types of work with patterns, fabric, color perception, composition.

4. Making crafts from waste material (8 lessons)

Laying out and pasting various boxes, matchboxes and making various crafts and toys.

  1. Working with colored threads (3 lessons)

Development of skills in working with finely chopped threads.

  1. Working with plasticine (7 lessons)

Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Develop curiosity and expand your horizons.


Topic and objectives of the lesson

Material, methods of work


Target. Teach children to sculpt a birch tree, conveying its features. Develop interest in nature and observation skills.

Plasticine, bas-relief.

"Magic Leaves"

Target. Teach children to fold paper crafts using the origami method. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Teach children to create compositions from paper blanks.


Target. Learn to glue a silhouette with finely chopped threads, conveying the effect of “fluffy fur.” Develop technical skills

Cut thread applique


"Funny still life"

Target. To develop children's imagination, consolidate knowledge about still life, the ability to correctly arrange objects compositionally, and consolidate skills in working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique


Target. Learn to draw a hedgehog using a stencil, plasticine, and sunflower seeds. Cultivate a love for animals.

Plasticineography, application from seeds.


Target. Learn to make a figure from matchboxes, develop accuracy, imagination, and strengthen the ability to use scissors.

Matchboxes, paper.

"Beads for Mom"

Target. Learn to string beads on a thread. Develop fine motor skills and creative imagination.

Modeling from foil.


"Bullfinches on a branch"

Goal: continue to learn how to glue a silhouette with finely chopped threads, conveying the effect of “feathers”.

Applique made from cut threads and paper balls.


Target. Teach children to fold paper crafts using the origami method. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


"New Year tree"

Fabric applique.


"Father Frost"

Goal: Develop imagination, strengthen the ability to work with scissors and glue.

Application made of paper, cotton balls.


"Winter Forest"

Target. Develop children's creative abilities, consolidate the ability to correctly arrange objects compositionally, and consolidate skills in working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique.

“Snowman” (Collective work)

Goal: To develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills, and to cultivate neatness.

Application made from cotton balls.


"Polar Bear and Penguin"

Waste material, paper

Goal: learn to fix seeds on a plasticine base and create a composition. Develop imagination and creativity.

Plasticineography, application from seeds


"Bird of Happiness"

Target. Develop children's imagination, strengthen their skills in working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique

Goal: learn to connect parts using gluing, create a composition. Develop constructive abilities.

Matchboxes, paper


"Bouquet for Mom"

Target. To develop children's imagination, to consolidate the ability to correctly arrange objects compositionally, to consolidate the skills of working with templates, fabric and scissors.

Fabric applique.


"The starlings have arrived"

Goal: continue to learn how to make appliqué using templates. Complete with necessary details.

Application from paper circles.


Target. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Learn to apply plasticine in small pieces, choosing a color scheme. Develop your imagination.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.

"Magic plate"

Target. Learn to work in the decoupage technique, develop imagination and accuracy.


Target. Strengthen the ability to work with paper, scissors, and glue. Develop creative imagination and accuracy.

Waste material, paper, cardboard.


Target. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Develop curiosity and expand your horizons.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.

“Postcard for City Day”

Goal: To create a desire to congratulate your hometown on its birthday, to consolidate skills in working with cardboard, glue, and scissors.


"Zhostovo tray"

Target. Introduce folk art. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Learn to apply plasticine in small pieces, choosing a color scheme.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.


Target. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to paper and create a plot composition. Learn to apply plasticine in small pieces, choosing a color scheme. Develop curiosity and expand your horizons.

Plasticineography, bas-relief.


"Apple Tree"

Goal: To strengthen the ability to work with paper, scissors, and glue. Develop creative imagination and accuracy.

Mosaic application.


Target. Develop imagination, strengthen the ability to work with paper, scissors and glue. Strengthen the ability to correctly arrange finished elements compositionally.

Paper applique.


  1. “Applique in kindergarten” by A.N. Malysheva, N.V. Ermolaeva
  2. “Design and artistic work in kindergarten” by L.V. Kutsakova
  3. “Artistic and creative activity. Fabric applique: thematic, plot, play activities for children 4-7 years old” Piskulina S.S.
  4. “Development of artistic abilities of preschool children” Komarova T.S.
  5. “Plasticine picture” Tikhomirova O.Yu., Lebedeva G.A.
  6. “Classes in visual arts. Collective creativity" Ed. A.A. Gribovskaya.
  7. “Relief paintings. We sculpt from clay, plasticine, salt dough” Lykova I.A.
  8. “Teaching origami techniques” Kirsanova S.V.
  9. “Applique with seeds” Kovalenko Z.D.
  10. “Crafts from matchboxes” by G.N. Davydov.
  11. “Seasons. We make and play” Beloshistaya A.V., Zhukova O.G.