Fashion for pregnant women: how to look stylish during an interesting period. Fashionable and stylish clothes for pregnant women (60 photos of looks) Fashion for obese pregnant women

Congratulations on expecting a baby! Pregnancy, of course, will slow down your pace of life a little, parties until the morning and deadlines at work will gradually lose relevance, but this does not mean at all that you should sit at home, going only to the antenatal clinic. Walking around the city, work, and special events are still available to you, and the new shape of your body is an excellent reason to show off fashionable new things.

The pregnancy period is divided into three parts - trimesters. Each of them changes a woman’s appearance in their own way. It's possible that the clothes you wear early in your pregnancy won't suit you later in pregnancy. And vice versa. It is important to understand and take into account this feature of your body. Therefore, you should select outfits depending on your stage of pregnancy, then you will look beautiful and harmonious. Let's take a closer look at what clothes are best for each trimester:

  • In the first trimester, a stranger will most likely not even guess about your situation, but you may already need new underwear, as your bra may become small. Keep in mind that changes are just beginning, do not buy a lot of clothes based on current sizes.
  • In the second trimester, a small but already noticeable belly appears, which can be easily hidden if desired. Most often, during this period, a woman feels full of strength, and there is no reason to deny herself an active life. It's time for fashion experiments!
  • The third and last trimester is the maximum size of the body and abdomen. Walking, standing, and bending may be difficult for you. Nowadays, clothing is all about comfort, but that doesn't have to come at the expense of style.

Not for pregnant women

The body of a woman expecting a child is more vulnerable, so you need to take some precautions when choosing clothes:

  • Don't get too cold– your immunity is weakened, many medications are prohibited, so you need to avoid colds at all costs.
  • Don't overheat, especially if you have toxicosis, you often feel dizzy and, even more so, fainting occurs.
  • Don't wear high heels, or at least walk for a short time.
  • Don't wear clothes that are too tight squeezing the body. Under no circumstances should clothing put pressure on the stomach. This rule also applies to shoes. Since your feet may swell, it makes sense to wear shoes that are a little larger.
  • Avoid synthetic fabrics, especially for underwear and other clothing that comes into contact with the body

Maternity underwear

It is better to choose underwear from natural fabrics: cotton, bamboo. Seamless underwear is perfect. Wearing thongs is not recommended, and not only during pregnancy; it is better to choose slips. Maternity bras are made without wires and seams inside the cup. You can buy models with detachable cups, which will then be convenient while feeding the baby.

There are no restrictions in terms of aesthetics. Maternity lingerie can be simple, smooth or trimmed with elegant lace. There are comfortable sports models. Choose according to your taste.

How to dress in summer?

An important nuance - do not overheat. In the hottest sunshine, you will need a headdress, for example, a stylish hat. If you are relaxing on the beach, it is preferable to choose a swimsuit that covers your stomach.

For daily wear, choose natural summer fabrics: cotton, linen, chiffon, silk. You should not wear clothes that are too tight - a thin layer of air between the skin and the fabric will help you endure the heat more easily. In addition, relaxed looks are now in fashion, which means a looser fit.

Choose any sundresses and dresses that you like, as long as they fit your figure well. Pregnancy is a great time to wear bright colors or large prints: stripes, flowers, animal patterns.

Also choose the length at your discretion: a pregnant girl in a long dress looks incredibly feminine and romantic. You haven’t gained excess weight, you have slender legs and you want to wear a mini – why not! Short summer skirts can be worn on the hips; to support the tummy, you can choose special shorts for pregnant women, which have an elastic insert.

Choose comfortable shoes - the heat can cause your feet to swell, so tight shoes or sandals are not suitable. Natural and soft materials are also desirable - leather, suede, textiles.

How to dress in winter?

In winter it is important not to freeze and not slip. The rules are the same: shoes made of natural materials, with low, stable heels. If the winters in your area are harsh, it is better to choose shoes with natural fur inside; ugg boots, felt boots, and fashionable moonboot boots are suitable.

Stores for pregnant women offer down jackets or coats as outerwear. Down jackets, especially those with natural filling, will keep you warmer, they are comfortable and practical. A rational choice is to buy a winter jacket with a special fastening insert on the front, which will come in handy after the baby is born.

Winter coats look elegant and usually have a flared cut, which is comfortable for a growing belly, but in windy weather you risk freezing because cold air can easily penetrate under loose clothing.

This problem can be solved by using a warm bottom layer of clothing. Cardigans with buttons or zippers are very practical; a warm oversized sweater is a good option. Long woolen dresses will also keep you warm.

How to dress in spring?

In spring you want bright colors, you can’t wait to take off your heavy winter clothes. If you are pregnant, do not forget about practicality; it is better to take outerwear of long or medium length. You can choose a jacket that you will wear later, after the birth of the child. But you can choose bright, rich, spring colors or prints.

If it's already warm enough outside, you can wear your favorite short jacket without buttoning it on top of a dress or tunic.

The fashionable technique of wearing the top layer of clothing unbuttoned is very convenient for pregnant women, when clothes no longer fit on the stomach.

How to dress in autumn?

The principles are the same as in winter or spring: choose outerwear that will protect you from cold and moisture, preferably not short ones. For autumn rainy days, bright rubber boots will come in handy.

A very practical solution is trousers and jeans for pregnant women. The insert will support the growing belly, and, depending on the cut of the pants themselves, they will fit both in the feast and in the world.

What to wear to a wedding?

Hurray, you are invited to the wedding. This is the perfect excuse to buy a new fashionable outfit. Which dress should I choose? If you want to look more romantic, models in the empire style, with a high waist, and cut-offs under the bust, are perfect. This outfit can be long or short - as you like. Tight dress? Why not, this option is suitable if you want to highlight your tummy. You can also wear a dress with a bold neckline to a special event.

What about shoes? As an option, take two pairs with you, one with heels, the second more comfortable. You will be photographed wearing high-heeled shoes or sandals, and then change into a beautiful but comfortable pair of low-heeled ones, in which you will have fun, including dancing.

Get inspired by the looks from the red carpet; pregnant actresses are no worse than their colleagues.

Office dress code

It's time to use fashion trends: wear business suits, formal dresses with sneakers or sneakers. If you have a very strict dress code at work, then choose stylish shoes with low heels or flat soles: oxfords, loafers.

What clothes hide your belly?

While the belly is not very large, A-line dresses or coats will help to hide it; they look cute and feminine, and can be short or medium length.

Straight dresses and shirts made of stiff fabrics will hide both the tummy and the new kilograms that have appeared as a result of pregnancy. An elongated jacket with a rigid shoulder line will give the same effect.

Oversized clothing will hide everything. In addition, now this is one of the main fashion trends. If you haven’t worn clothes “to grow” yet, then start experimenting.

If in recent months your belly has become very large and you cannot disguise it, then wear clothes that will highlight it, for example, knitted dresses.

Pregnancy is a wonderful condition that will not last long, only 9 months, but during this time many changes will happen to your body. Take advantage of this time for fashion experiments, maybe you will choose a new style for yourself - more free or feminine - that you will use after the birth of your child.

The long-awaited article about style and wardrobe for pregnant women. :-)

Dear girls, as a mother of two children, I tried to tell you in detail about the features of the wardrobe for this wonderful period.

I hope you enjoy the article and find it useful!

How to dress during pregnancy?

A woman expecting a baby is especially beautiful. It is during this period that the qualities inherent in us by nature are especially clearly revealed. Femininity, charm, universal love overwhelm us. Of course, at this time we are faced with certain difficulties. One of these difficulties is our wardrobe, when we realize that most of the clothes no longer fit us with each month of pregnancy.

In this article, I will tell you how to stay stylish during the “interesting situation”, and also give practical tips on creating a functional wardrobe that will work for you after the birth of your baby.

Wardrobe during pregnancy


When building your wardrobe, give preference to basic things. Choose color rather than complex and decorative cut. Things sewn straight fit any figure, but different “difficulties” do not interact well with volumes and curves. And volumes and curves over the course of 9 months, as you understand, will only increase :)

Your figure will change noticeably during pregnancy, so it is better to dress it up with clothes made from high-quality natural fabrics with a laconic cut. This will make you feel comfortable.

And the color will help diversify your wardrobe and, accordingly, make the image interesting.


Also in the last few seasons, straight-cut and oversized items have been in fashion. You will look good in these clothes!

You can buy such things at any clothing store. You don’t even need to go shopping in maternity stores, which are famous for their unattractive assortment. Just stop paying attention to fitted items and see what a really large selection of clothes for this period you will find in the most ordinary and familiar stores!


In brands such as ASOS, ZARA, H&M and many others, including specialized ones, you will find skirts and trousers with elastic waistbands that will mold to the shape of your rounded tummy. It is very comfortable!

Avoid clothing made from thick, non-stretchy fabrics. Since your body size is changing rapidly these days, these clothes are more likely to find a place on one of the shelves in your wardrobe marked "until better times" than in one of your outfits.


When choosing straight-cut items, do not go overboard and choose clothes that are too shapeless. Remember, the more you want to hide your pregnancy under oversized clothing, the bigger you will look in it.

If you still want to hide your “interesting position,” then in the first stages of pregnancy a few simple techniques will help you with this.

Pay attention to blouses and knitwear that do not emphasize the waist. There are so many such clothes in all brands. Just choose stores in your usual price category or look for the things you need online.

A straight-cut blazer or vest will help hide the hint of a baby bump.

In fitted jackets of an outdated style, you run the risk of not feeling very comfortable and can give away your position by emphasizing your rounded waist.

Please note that to be on the safe side, you can wear your top over your skirt or trousers, i.e. leave it tucked in and throw a blazer or vest on top.

Dresses with a straight cut (cocoon or trumpet) also perfectly disguise the first signs of a wonderful situation.


Another important point that is relevant for many is whether or not to wear tight-fitting clothes during pregnancy. If you look at world stars, during pregnancy they actively wear tight-fitting clothes, wanting to emphasize their rounded tummy.

We believe that tight-fitting clothes are suitable for slender girls who have not gained excess weight during pregnancy. Only in this case will a knitted sheath dress look beautiful on you, and you will inform the whole world about the upcoming event in your life, without forgetting your sense of style.


During pregnancy, you should also pay special attention to your shoes. Everything is very individual! Some people run in stiletto heels all the way to the maternity hospital, while others have swelling and “hello” Uggs and ballet shoes 2 sizes too big.

From a purely medical point of view, choose shoes with low heels or flat soles and follow your doctor's recommendations.

Fortunately, “” is in fashion now. Sneakers, sneakers, loafers, boots - you can definitely choose a stylish and trendy option.


Don't forget about dresses. During this period, a knitted wrap dress that you can wear after pregnancy, as well as a dress with a high waist and a loose fit, will be perfect for you.

A sweater dress made of knitwear or cashmere is another practical model that you can wear throughout your pregnancy. And, of course, a cocoon dress! In such options you will be very comfortable.


If the office dress code and a sweater dress are not an option, then, again, straight-cut blouses or blouses with draperies, slightly loose shirts, comfortable skirts and trousers with an elastic waist will come to your aid (it will not be visible under the top ), smooth knits, blazers, cocoon dresses and wrap dresses.

If you have trouble finding blouses or dresses with sleeves, you can always throw a loose cardigan over your shoulders!

You can wear low-heeled pumps to important meetings, and you can store a pair of comfortable shoes under the table. :-)


During the cold season, a long down jacket will keep you warm. Depending on the stage of pregnancy and your volume, choose the appropriate size. A coat made of soft cashmere, a wrap model, is also perfect for you.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful states of a woman. Many men claim that during pregnancy a woman becomes especially beautiful, touching and tender. Naturally, only we women know what we have to go through at the moment when a baby is born, grows and develops within us. But you must admit, even in this not always simple period of life, you want to be beautiful, keep up with fashion, give smiles and receive compliments from others. That is why stylists do not forget about expectant mothers, including fashionable tips for pregnant women in their recommendations for the season.

Before taking a closer look at what maternity fashion will be like in 2019 2020, it’s worth finding out the main advice from stylists for expectant mothers: Pregnancy is not a reason to wear something that just fits. Leave your mother's dresses and skirts to your mother, your husband's sweaters to your husband, and your pre-pregnancy wardrobe until the baby is born.

After all, there is nothing worse than a woman dressed in the wrong way, in the wrong size, uncomfortable, and in things that are incompatible with each other. Believe me, today you can buy things that you can wear even after the baby is born, you just have to choose them correctly.

Pregnant women at any stage find it difficult to tolerate the heat. The question of what to wear when the thermometer is frightening with scary numbers and you have to go outside will never lose its relevance.

A hot period awaits us - summer! Stylists and doctors advise giving preference to lightweight natural fabrics such as cotton, viscose, denim and chiffon.

Femininity is in trend, so it won’t be difficult for pregnant women to choose a wardrobe - dresses will come to your aid. Light cotton products with a fluffy skirt, high waist and loose top are very relevant and comfortable when the tummy is already rounded.

Regarding the print, the fashion for a background completely filled with large flowers is going away. A large flower remains as a single asymmetrical pattern, for example, on the hem and bodice. On the contrary, a small floral pattern takes its toll - fabric designers offer it as an alternative to large polka dots. The main thing is that the background color is clearly visible. This season it is better to give preference to calm pastel colors. Blue and lavender remain in favor, but in very soft, pastel shades.

Things made from natural linen are not very practical, but linen color is becoming popular - from deep unbleached linen to delicate cream. This color is suggested to be combined with a Venetian-style monogram print.

The color of powder in little dolls will appeal to lovers of lace and chiffon. On a pregnant girl, such an outfit will look extremely romantic, the main thing is not to overdo it with transparency, so as not to end up looking vulgar. Accessories will come to the rescue here - light straw hats, bags with a minimum of decor, low-top shoes.

Another trend is oversized dresses. The main principle is that it should sit on the shoulders. For the summer, you can choose a dress of this cut made of lightweight denim. In this outfit you will be able to avoid the heat, at the same time look stylish and not feel constrained in movement.

The decor is light wear and artificial pearls, which are mainly used to embroider the bodice. In denim dresses, the upper part of the bodice can be combined with chiffon or lace, which will provide additional breathability and help escape the heat.

Shirt dresses are perfect for business style. Now they are at the peak of popularity and, oddly enough, stylists offer them to pregnant women. Maternity models feature wider front panels and a higher waist. The belt is supposed to be tied under the chest. A shirt dress made of natural cotton fabric in calm or even strict colors is perfect for the office.

Shirts with a high chest line and a wide hem at the front can be paired with skirts and maternity trousers. Stylists suggest giving preference to cotton and light colors that fit into the dress code. T-shirts and T-shirts suggest wearing a close-fitting silhouette, but it’s better to forget all kinds of flyaways and hoodies - they do not make the figure feminine, turning a woman into a bun.

Skirts and trousers for pregnant women should be as comfortable as possible. It is worth noting that the classic cut has migrated into maternity fashion, having undergone some changes in the drawstring part, which, of course, is made of soft knitwear or elastane. You can safely choose a look in a classic style, even in the ninth month of pregnancy.

Outerwear for the summer is not grandma's sweaters. Cropped denim jackets, jackets made of light fabrics in a classic style or jackets made of soft wool - all of these should have a fitted silhouette from the back. Yes, even pregnant women have a waist, don’t forget about it! It is recommended to wear such things unbuttoned. Some models feature an asymmetrical top button closure.

During pregnancy, doctors recommend wearing low-heeled shoes, but if your weight and posture allow it, you can wear pumps with not too high heels when going out. Sandals with tractor soles can make your look heavier, but a neat low wedge will give your legs slenderness and allow you to evenly distribute the load on your spine.

Fashion for pregnant women for autumn-spring 2019

The cool season is also not a reason to lose your femininity during pregnancy. Fashion for pregnant women for spring-autumn 2019 involves soft fabrics that are pleasant to the body, calm colors and clear lines.

Dresses made of wool and knitwear for pregnant women are offered in several main directions:

  • length above knee
  • popular midi dresses
  • maxi dresses

Above-the-knee dresses for pregnant women are offered in an oversized cut - a loose silhouette with welt pockets. They fit loosely around the belly and for pregnant women, the cut includes a slightly elongated hem in the front so that the bottom of the dress, even with a large belly, has an even line and does not ride up. The decor is provided in the form of a ribbon under the bust, folds at the rounded neckline, or a complete absence of decor. The colors are calm, warm from light to dark. The checkered print is still popular, but even it is increasingly giving way to monochrome.

Bodycon midi dresses are also in fashion for pregnant women. It is worth giving preference to knitwear that stretches well on the stomach. True, it is worth making sure that the fabric is not see-through and is dense enough to stretch only where it is needed. Models with a turtleneck and a cowl collar, which can be worn lowered on the shoulders, are very popular. All shades of gray and beige are in fashion, and bottle and burgundy are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Maxi dresses with a tie or drawstring under the bust, a long wide skirt and rich prints are recommended by stylists for tall ladies in position. If your height is shorter than that of a model, then it is better not to choose such a dress - you will get lost in it and for a long time you will look ridiculous in such a long robe. As for the designs, flowers and checkered patterns fade into the background; designers are replacing them with Venetian motifs. Ladies in this position should choose the calmest and most subdued options.

Spring-autumn requires darker shades than summer, but if you really want to, the look can be set off with bright accents of accessories - a handbag or shoes.

Skirts and trousers for spring-autumn are also offered in a classic style. Fabric - wool, jersey or suit. Regarding such a favorite piece of clothing for all pregnant women as jeans, they are perfect for walking and meeting with friends, but not for going to the office. It is worth noting that the designers have removed boyfriend jeans from the maternity collections, and instead offer tight-fitting trousers with high elasticity. If the dress code of your workplace allows you to wear jeans, then it is better to give preference to black colors, which will successfully slim your legs.

Warm maternity shirts and sweaters will complete the look with a skirt or trousers. In this case, pay special attention to the combination of fabrics - they should be combined in texture.

The golden rule, which no one has yet canceled, is that the top fabric should be lighter than the bottom fabric. An exception is a skirt made of stretch chiffon or lace, but pregnant women should not include them in their wardrobe.

Regarding outerwear, today's fashion gives pregnant women all the cards in their hands. Oversized coats made of wool, oversized raincoats with padding polyester, short blanket jackets - all this seems to be created for pregnant women. The choice of colors is yours - here stylists recommend not to restrain yourself and choose bright colors, the only advice is to avoid neon colors.

Shoes with tractor soles will look great in combination with trousers, but all kinds of loafers and oxfords can put too much pressure on the foot, because during pregnancy the likelihood of swelling increases. When buying demi-season shoes during pregnancy, pay attention to their softness and the presence of orthopedic insoles, try to give preference to shoes and boots with laces, which can be loosened at any time.

Maternity fashion for winter 2019

Winter fashion for pregnant women 2019 is not much different from the autumn fashion recommendations. But still there are some nuances.

Winter is always a big stress for pregnant women. Fortunately, knitted midi dresses and knitted tunics have come into fashion. When choosing, give preference to a tight knit that will not show through on your stomach when stretched. Natural colors and materials - gray is in favor, as is angora. But mohair and natural wool are not for you. Yarn that is too scratchy and irritates the skin is not the best choice when you are pregnant. An alternative to natural yarn is bamboo or cotton yarn with the addition of synthetic fibers. It is soft, holds its shape well and does not wrinkle. A dress, sweater or tunic made of such material will look chic, will warm you up and protect you from colds.

Dresses and knee socks made of jersey, as well as skirts made of this material, are especially relevant in the winter of 2019. Soft, dense jersey will not squeeze the stomach, but will provide reliable support for the figure. Warm sweatshirts and dresses made of fabric with stitching are a new fashion item for pregnant women. Prints in the form of bright pictures, ethnic motifs and flowers remain relevant in them, and will still be in fashion this winter.

But they suggest replacing the trousers with insulated leggings lined with fleece or fur. They can be successfully combined with tunics or short dresses, but not with sweaters, otherwise you risk getting the effect of tights.

Outerwear is down jackets. The so-called “Blankets” came into fashion last season, and they will still be relevant for pregnant women this year. They do not put pressure on the stomach, do not interfere with walking, and are also soft and protect against bumps and bruises on public transport. For shoes, give preference to ugg boots or soft low-top boots.

Not only doctors, but also stylists do not recommend wearing heels in winter for pregnant women this year.

Stylish images of pregnant women 2019 2020

Choose soft pumps with comfortable heels for your outfit, and without much effort you will be ready to go to a restaurant or an official event.

1. Pair a fitted midi dress with short sleeves with soft moccasins to match and a denim cropped vest. A small shoulder bag and a straw hat with a ribbon that matches the color of one of the items of clothing - a stylish look is ready for a summer evening.

2. Pair a knitted skirt with a light chiffon blouse for graduation. Place a jacket made of thick cotton fabric on top. Complete the look with a stylish handbag and ballet flats with a pointed toe - what's not a dress code for the office?

3. Jeans in combination with a T-shirt of a fitted silhouette, complement with sneakers or canvas moccasins. Throw on a puffy vest or jacket on top, depending on the weather - in this outfit you can go both to the supermarket and for a walk.

4. An oversized dress, add modest jewelry (a string of pearls or discreet beads), maintaining a minimalist look.

In the lives of many women, a joyful event occurs - pregnancy. During this period, everyone wants to look attractive, be desired and beautiful. But how to choose suitable maternity clothes? Most women face this question. Fortunately, the modern clothing industry offers a huge selection - from underwear to jackets of various styles made from hypoallergenic fabrics. No matter how wide the assortment is, there are pitfalls here too. Let's look at the main tricks and tips on how to dress for pregnant women and look stylish.

To make it comfortable and pleasant to walk in clothes, but at the same time look beautiful, you should:

  1. exclude clothes made from synthetic fabrics from your wardrobe. They do not absorb moisture well, can cause allergies and do not allow air to pass through;
  2. choose clothes from opaque and thick fabric, with various prints;
  3. give up sweaters and large knitted dresses;
  4. choose colors in cool shades - they are refreshing and slimming;
  5. choose comfortable clothes so that they do not squeeze anywhere, thereby impairing breathing;
  6. purchase each item of clothing as needed. It is not advisable to buy clothes in advance, because it is unknown how you will gain weight and what the weather conditions will be;
  7. You shouldn’t buy a lot of things, they will be needed for six months;
  8. wear only special tights for pregnant women - this will avoid varicose veins;
  9. choose stable shoes. From the fourth month of pregnancy, doctors prohibit shoes with heels - only solid soles.

How to dress for pregnant women in summer

Summer is the warmest time of the year, but also the most difficult for pregnant women. This is always a lack of air, especially in the last stages, and increased sweating. For this time it is better to use the following types of clothing:

  1. Flared from the chest is the most popular style, which is also worn after childbirth to hide figure flaws.
  2. Blouse models with lacing allow you to adjust the size as your belly grows.
  3. Shirt style. They can be buttoned, tied and worn open with a T-shirt.

Doctors do not recommend wearing black clothes in the hot summer, as this color attracts heat. It is better that the wardrobe consists of light and light fabrics. Shoes without heels will reduce the load on the spine.

How to dress for pregnant women in autumn and spring

The demi-season period is spring and autumn, they have their own characteristics that affect the wardrobe of pregnant women. In spring and autumn, pregnancy is most easily tolerated, since it is not too hot outside and not yet so cold. Oversized and layered sets look good at this time.

Let's look at the most convenient kits:

How to dress for pregnant women in winter

Winter in Russia and other CIS countries is harsh, with frosts and snowfalls, so pregnant women need to choose the warmest and most comfortable things possible; hypothermia is unacceptable.

Let's consider several options for popular clothing of this time:

  • Outerwear— preference is given to insulated down jackets. They are light, loose, contain hypoallergenic filler, and inexpensive. The length should be at knee level, with a hood and a zipper. A special feature of the jacket for pregnant women is that the size is kept to the shoulders and the reserve created in the abdominal area. By design they can be with additional inserts and trapezoidal in shape.

  • Winter sling jacket - multifunctional 3 in 1 outerwear option for the expectant mother. It can be worn during pregnancy, after it used as a sling for the baby, and then as simple outerwear. If you wear the jacket carefully, it will be useful for a long time during maternity leave and even longer.

  • Trousers or jeans. For the winter, they are purchased with an insulated lining. The cut is loose, with a special adjustable insert for a growing belly.
  • Sweatshirts and sweaters are purchased in a universal size so that they can be worn after childbirth. They should be warm, made of wool.

How to dress beautifully for a pregnant woman in the early stages

Early pregnancy - first trimester. During this period, the belly is not yet noticeable, but it is already necessary to purchase clothes with looser tailoring. Not every woman wants to advertise her “interesting position” at work, and if for the first two months you can use clothes from your everyday wardrobe, then by the third month the situation will change - the belly will become a little visible.

Sometimes pregnant women in the early stages wonder: how to dress to hide pregnancy? Semi-loose dresses and blouses hide the position best. They are chosen either in a straight style or slightly flared from chest level.

Dresses for the winter period should be made from material that contains wool. Additionally, warm tights for pregnant women are purchased - they differ in soft elastic and natural materials.

Those who love trousers or jeans at an early stage should purchase special ones, in which a wide elastic insert is sewn into the waist area. They will not pinch your stomach. You can complement the look with either a non-fitting blouse, tunic, jacket or sweater. The choice will depend not only on the weather, but also on the room temperature.

Pregnant women in the early stages can choose clothes in any store, they just need to try them on - first of all, it should be comfortable not only for the expectant mother, but also for the child.

How to dress beautifully for a pregnant woman in later stages

Already from the fifth month of pregnancy, the belly begins to actively grow. It is from this moment that you will need to purchase special clothing. Changes occur throughout the body: the size of the hips increases, the breasts become larger, the shape of the spine changes, which is why the buttocks become more convex, and the ribs expand. All this should be taken into account when buying clothes:

  • Avoid styles that emphasize the waist;
  • You should not wear short skirts and shorts and do not emphasize your rounded shape by wearing tight clothes. It is wiser to choose looser clothes that will hide your rounded belly and changing waist.

The following dress models look good on pregnant women in later stages:

  • high waist and wide skirt with knee length and midi, it allows you to balance the proportions;
  • The wrap dress is comfortable and has an elegant look;
  • sundresses with straps - they are beautiful and practical, there are both summer options that are worn on the naked body, and warmer ones, worn over a blouse or golf;
  • Denim sundresses are popular and can be worn in combination with T-shirts, turtlenecks or warm sweaters.

A special place during this period is occupied by the home wardrobe. It is better to purchase several special robes or dresses.

Underwear will be several sizes larger, preferably without elastic. Pay special attention to your bra; it should not squeeze your breasts.

Maternity clothes today are no longer shapeless and tasteless things. Thanks to famous brands, this type of clothing has reached a new level. Now, being in an “interesting position”, you can not only look attractive and impressive, but feel comfortable.

Expectant mothers will be interested in learning about spring-summer 2017 fashion for pregnant women. Every pregnant woman wants to look stylish, modern and attractive.

The content of the article:

Pregnancy for a woman becomes a very touching, tender and important period in life. Modern fashion for women in an “interesting position” has stepped forward today. Just a few years ago it was difficult to choose clothes to hide a rounded tummy. But today designers have presented a simply huge selection of different models of dresses, sundresses, jeans, trousers, underwear and outerwear.

Fashion designers say that pregnancy should not be a reason to wrap yourself in shapeless cardigans or wear fleece leggings. In stores, you can simply be confused by the huge selection of feminine dresses, beautiful blouses, suits, trousers and jeans. Clothes for pregnant women should not only provide comfort, but also emphasize the feminine curves of the expectant mother's figure. Maternity fashion has certain trends that change every year. Therefore, it is useful for expectant mothers to familiarize themselves with the advice of designers and stylists for the spring-summer 2017 season.

How to properly organize a wardrobe for a pregnant woman?

When creating a wardrobe for a pregnant woman for the spring-summer 2017 season, you should adhere to several main rules:
  1. The spring-summer season is one of the most successful and easiest to select things. Every day it gets warmer, therefore, less clothing is needed, which will be a big plus for a pregnant woman. Now you won’t have to spend all your savings on clothes, but you will still have to buy a few things.
  2. It is important to correctly determine your clothing size, since things should not be too tight and put pressure on your growing belly.
  3. You can immediately purchase several larger items, because your belly will grow every day.
  4. It is worth purchasing tights or stockings, which can also be slightly larger than the usual size. It is worth choosing special stockings for pregnant women.
  5. It is necessary to completely eliminate thongs, corsets, synthetic underwear and tight belts.

Fashion trends for pregnant women spring-summer 2017

Designers presented a wide selection of items that can be worn not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth. Such universal items are ideal for the first, second and third trimester, and of course, the postpartum period.

As a basis for your wardrobe, you can use the following things:

  • various models of clothing with a high waist - blouses, dresses, sundresses;
  • stripe and polka dot patterns. These patterns are not only simple, but also loved by many women, as they allow them to emphasize the beauty of their figure;
  • clothing with an A-shaped silhouette is one of the most advantageous options for universal items, both for pregnancy and the postpartum period;
  • geometric patterns help visually make a rounded tummy less noticeable;
  • voluminous sweaters - models with a baggy style are also useful for a cool summer evening, and they can also be combined with skinny jeans, creating an ultra-fashionable and stylish look;
  • flounces - various folds, ruffles and pleats will definitely be in fashion in the spring-summer season 2017;
  • tunics have an attractive flowing and loose style, and elongated models look interesting both on a rounded tummy and on a slender girl.

Fashionable materials and colors for the spring-summer 2017 season

There are no specific colors of clothing that are recommended for pregnant women. The main advantage of fashion for expectant mothers is freedom of choice and personal preferences. But at the same time, you should follow a few tips from fashion stylists and designers:
  1. On hot days, it is better to avoid dark shades, because wearing such clothes will make you very hot, which is undesirable for pregnant women.
  2. It is advisable to choose things only from high-quality and natural materials that will allow the skin to breathe. Such fabrics are very pleasant and do not cause irritation.
  3. It is worth giving preference to clothes in pastel shades, coral and turquoise colors.

Maternity dresses

The dress is one of the most favorite and comfortable items of clothing for expectant mothers, especially in the hot season. The dress is practical, as it helps to disguise a rounded tummy and will not hinder movement.
  1. Bright colors and prints. Don't be afraid to use rich colors and bright patterns in clothes.
  2. Short dress. These dress models are universal, because they can be combined with leggings and tights.
  3. Formal dresses with a high waistline. This is an ideal option for working pregnant women.
  4. Wool dresses. These models are perfect for early spring or cool summer evenings. The wool stretches well, so it will not hamper movement or put pressure on the stomach, causing discomfort.
  5. A-line dresses. This style will help disguise your protruding tummy and will not put pressure on it.
  6. They will help to add lightness and romance to the image of a pregnant woman. dresses made of flowing and airy fabrics.
  7. Lace inserts. Lace is the most feminine and delicate finishing option, ideal for expectant mothers.
Pregnant women should give priority to dress models made from natural and breathable fabrics - for example, cotton, linen, silk, satin. In the spring-summer 2017 season, all traditional colors (lilac, white, chocolate, black, coral) remain in trend. Many expectant mothers choose dresses with a high waistline. The Greek style will always allow you to remain tender and sweet. As a rule, models of such dresses have a belt or ribbon under the bust, which is tied at the side.

Maternity pants

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up comfortable trousers, but now you need to choose models for expectant mothers. Their main feature is that they do not put pressure on the growing tummy and support it a little. When shopping for maternity pants, there are several fashion trends to consider:
  • choose models only from natural fabrics;
  • Classic models and flared trousers remain at the peak of popularity;
  • Tapered trousers can also complement a pregnant woman's wardrobe.
In the spring-summer period, it is worth choosing trouser models made from linen and cotton. Such clothing allows air to pass through freely and will not cause discomfort even in hot weather.

Maternity jeans

In any season, jeans remain in trend and pregnant women can not refuse this element of their wardrobe, because they are not only practical, but also universal. Jeans are ideal for walking, visiting or visiting a clinic. Models for pregnant women have one interesting feature - in the abdominal area there is a special insert, which is made of soft knitted material. When buying jeans you need to consider the following nuances:
  • you can focus on the size that was before pregnancy, because only the tummy increases;
  • trouser legs should not be very narrow, as this is contraindicated for expectant mothers, as proper blood flow may be disrupted;
  • Before buying, you should definitely try on jeans, because they should fit perfectly on your figure and not press, not restrict movement, and not pinch.
In the spring-summer 2017 season, designers recommend giving preference to such jeans models as:
  • flared jeans;
  • classic straight jeans;
  • denim overalls;
  • Models in bright colors are ideal for summer;
  • skinny jeans.

Skirts for pregnant women

A skirt is another feminine wardrobe element that you shouldn’t give up during pregnancy. Such skirts have a special cut that does not cause discomfort even in the last months of pregnancy. Skirts become trendy in spring and summer, so designers presented entire collections of various models and styles at the shows:
  • long skirts help hide swelling of the legs and existing problems with veins, which quite often bother pregnant women;
  • denim short skirts are perfect for early pregnancy;
  • a pencil skirt will become indispensable for working expectant mothers;
  • an A-line skirt helps hide curvy hips and the appearance of curves in your figure.

Maternity jackets

Expectant mothers should take extra care of their own health and reliably protect their growing belly from the cold. In the spring season of 2017, stylists recommend giving preference to the following models:
  • spacious coats that will not hinder movement;
  • raincoats of bright colors;
  • babywearing jackets;
  • jackets with special inserts;
  • light and warm jacket models;
  • flared models;
  • floral print jackets.

Maternity underwear

During pregnancy, you need to buy special underwear that is completely tailored to your changing body. Today there is a wide range of different models of underwear for expectant mothers. Such models perfectly support a growing tummy and sensitive breasts, but they also look very attractive in appearance. When purchasing underwear, you should pay attention to the following nuances:
  • panties can be high-waisted or low-waisted;
  • high panties act as a support bandage in the last months of pregnancy;
  • underwear should be made only from natural and soft fabrics; synthetics are strictly prohibited;
  • Shapewear slightly reduces visually rounded hips, while it will not interfere with proper blood circulation, but has a stimulating effect on it;
  • prenatal and postnatal bras are created taking into account all the subtleties of the anatomical structure of the female breast.
A modern pregnant woman tries to follow the latest fashion trends. If you follow the tips above, the expectant mother will always have a stylish look and a good mood while carrying a child!

You can get acquainted with fashionable clothes for pregnant women for all seasons of 2017 in the following video: