Is it possible to give bananas to medium-sized parrots? What fruits and vegetables can you give your parrot? Tangerines, oranges, lemons for a parrot

The basis of the parrots' diet is grain feed, but since it is not able to provide the bird with all the necessary nutrients, fruits must be added to the diet. However, not every fruit can be given to parrots. Find out what fruits and berries are allowed for these birds, whether parrots can have oranges, how they are beneficial and how to give them to your pet.

Can a parrot have an orange?

Oranges are included in the list of foods that can and even should be given to a parrot, as they contain large amounts of vitamin C.

Citrus fruits, including oranges, allow you to:

  • strengthen the immunity of parrots;
  • protect against infectious diseases;
  • saturate the body with important and beneficial microelements.

How to give correctly

Since we buy exotic fruits, including oranges, and do not grow them ourselves, we cannot be sure of their quality. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right fruit when purchasing.

The oranges purchased must be of high quality and attractive in appearance. Avoid buying oranges that are very soft or have traces of mold on the surface.

Important! You should not give your parrot oranges if they are slightly rotten, but the rotten part was cut out, and you decided to feed the remaining fruit to your pet. The fact is that this fruit is already completely contaminated with mold spores and contains a large amount of dangerous toxins that can kill the bird.

You also need to consider the following:

  • To keep oranges fresh and beautiful in appearance longer, they are treated with chemicals that are absorbed into the peel or cover the surface of the orange with a dense film that is difficult to wash off;
  • A large number of microbes are deposited on the peel of oranges, which fall onto the surface of the fruit from the hands of harvesters, sellers and buyers.

In this regard, oranges must be washed after purchase. Even though oranges are given to parrots without peel, during the process of peeling the fruit, microbes and chemicals will transfer through your hands from the dirty skin to the clean pulp. To ensure that the chemicals are washed off the surface, it is better to pour boiling water over the oranges.
After peeling the orange, you need to cut it into small pieces that will be easier for the parrot to peck. You can also peel the films from the orange segments, thus freeing the pulp of the fruit - in this case, cutting is not needed, the pulp is very easy to break with your fingers. Then you need to remove the seeds.

Did you know? There are predator parrots in the world, they are called kea. Birds live in the wild and eat mice, worms and carrion.

What fruits and berries can be given?

In addition to oranges, parrots must be given other fruits and berries that contain vital microelements.
Here is a list of foods that are most beneficial for a parrot:

  • apples– are a source of vitamin C, contain iron and potassium;
  • grape– contains iron in large quantities;
  • bananas– contain a lot of potassium, magnesium and other useful microelements;
  • citrus fruits (lemons, grapefruits)– are sources of vitamin C and beneficial microelements;
  • black currants, gooseberries, strawberries– they can be given fresh, or frozen for the winter, defrosting later; even so, the berries will contain a large amount of useful substances;
  • a pineapple– rich in copper, iron, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iodine and manganese;
  • watermelons and melons– in addition to a supply of useful substances, they contain a lot of moisture, which birds need daily in sufficient quantities;
  • kiwi– a storehouse of vitamins C, E, B, iron, zinc, magnesium, iodine (given without peel).

Did you know? Apple and cherry seeds contain the strongest poison - hydrocyanic acid, which can cause paralysis in both small and large birds.

The above products can be given to birds with virtually no restrictions.
But there are other berries and fruits - it is recommended to offer them to parrots as a healthy treat only in small quantities (several berries/pieces per week):

  • apricots– rich in vitamins B, C, PP, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus;
  • quince, which is rich in vitamins A, C, E, PP, potassium;
  • cherry with a high content of vitamins C, PP, A, E, H, B1, B2, B6, fluorine, iron, iodine, zinc, sodium;
  • lingonberries, which contains large quantities of manganese, useful acids - tartaric, ursolic;
  • strawberries, containing potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, P, E, B9, PP;
  • cranberries, rich in acids - citric, benzoic, quinic, as well as vitamins C, B, PP;
  • blackberries, containing large quantities of vitamins P, A, B1, B2, E, C and PP, iron;
  • raspberries, containing vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, PP, beta-sitosterol, copper, potassium, iron;
  • peach, which is rich in vitamins B, C, E, K, H and PP, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium;
  • sea ​​buckthorn, which contains vitamins B1, B2, C, E, K, P; flavonoids, folic acid, carotenoids, betaine, choline, coumarin, glucose;
  • nectarine, containing phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamins C, B, E, D;
  • plum, which is rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron;
  • rowan, which contains a large amount of folic acid, potassium, calcium, iron, vitamins C, B1, E, PP;
  • blueberries, containing magnesium, iron, copper, magnesium, pantothenic acid, vitamins C, P and PP, B1, B6;
  • red currants, which is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, P, E, organic acids, essential oils, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron.

As for fruits such as papaya and mango, they are beneficial for the parrot only when they are completely ripe, but they are exported while still green, and therefore are toxic to birds.

Important! When giving the parrot dried fruits such as dried apricots, prunes, raisins and dates, they are first doused with boiling water and allowed to stand for 20 minutes. Thanks to this, the products become much softer; They also remove all the chemicals that were used to extend their shelf life.

Thus, the parrot’s diet can be diversified with various delicacies in the form of berries and fruits, which will not only please the pet, but will also become a source of essential microelements and nutrients important for the health and well-being of the parrot. To avoid harming the bird, use only products from the approved lists.

The apple can be given to parrots raw, boiled or dried; a compote apple is also suitable. Apples contain a lot of sugar, vitamins and minerals, so it is recommended to include them in your diet all year round. Before feeding the parrot, dried apples can be soaked for two to four hours or boiled a little. You can also give your parrot unripe apples, but in small quantities, be sure to monitor the parrot's stool. The seeds from the core of an apple are a special treat for parrots; they can gnaw off part of the fruit in order to eat them first. The fruit itself must be washed before feeding; if affected areas are present, they must be cut off.

Pear for a parrot

You can also give a pear to a parrot. The pear contains a lot of fiber, there is almost no fat, which means it is less nutritious, but in terms of the amount of vitamins and microelements it is in no way inferior to apples. You can feed a pear to a parrot in the same way as apples.

Tangerines, oranges, lemons for a parrot

All citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines, lemons - should be given to the parrot regularly; this is a very good vitamin food. Be sure to have no peel, as various chemicals that are used to treat trees to control pests remain on it. Also, the peels of oranges, tangerines and lemons contain essential oils that parrots do not particularly like. You should not give your parrot a whole fruit; divide it into slices and feed it in small portions.

Bananas for parrots

Bananas are a very nutritious food for parrots. They contain a small amount of protein, but they are rich in carbohydrates. Parrots should choose bananas with yellow peel. It is necessary to feed them cleaned, after cutting them into pieces 1-2 centimeters long.

Berries for the parrot

Various berries, such as raspberries, strawberries, currants, rowan or bird cherry, are also a very good vitamin food for a parrot. The nutritional value of the berries is not very high, but in terms of the content of microelements and vitamins, the berries are very useful for parrots. Rowan contains carotene. It is best to feed your parrot ripened rowan berries. Parrots often do not eat the berry itself, but gnaw off part of it to get to the seeds; this is a special delicacy for parrots. You can also give your parrot dried berries, after soaking them in water for 1-2 hours.

Watermelon, melon for a parrot

Watermelon has a mild laxative effect and is a low-nutrient food. The parrot is fed only pulp and seeds; watermelon contains some sugar, fiber and vitamins. Melon is not much more nutritious than watermelon, but it contains more nutrients. The parrot is also fed pulp and seeds.

Tangerines are loved, if not by everyone, then by the majority. A ? After all, the parrot’s homeland is mainland Australia, and tangerines are not grown there. Maybe it’s better not to spoil yours with them? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

We won’t argue about the benefits of tangerines; they have a large number of different vitamins, like other citrus fruits, and vitamins are necessary for the proper functioning of the entire body, be it parrots or someone else. Therefore, we can say with confidence that Can a parrot get tangerines? give to eat. They are great as a vitamin supplement.

But, as with any other product, there are some restrictions and precautions with tangerines. If you are introducing a new product into your diet, start with small amounts and gradually increase. If you notice something is wrong, you should abandon the idea, because the health of your pet is more important.

This also applies to tangerines. Don't give them too much. A couple of tangerines a week will be enough. Be sure to peel the skin. At best, there is little benefit from it, and it is not known how the bird’s body will react to it, rich in essential oils.

Don't forget that the general should be varied.

Parrots are smart birds; it turns out that, like humans, they have their own taste preferences. What one parrot likes may not be what yours likes. Therefore, it is necessary to choose an individual diet.

We hope that now you will know whether a parrot can eat tangerine, and that your parrot will be strong!

Bananas are a favorite treat for many. How can you not treat your feathered pupil to them, but this question is often asked by the happy owners of these beautiful birds.

The list of permitted fruits, as a necessary part of the general diet, also includes bananas. They have a lot of vitamins and carbohydrates, which are necessary for a constant supply of strength.

Give bananas for sure Can. But, as a periodic addition to the diet. It is worth remembering that grains are the basis of primary nutrition. 1-2 small bananas per week will be enough, depending on the size of the parrot - for large ones, you can increase it, and for small ones, like , you can do smaller ones. Especially when you consider the fact that it is unknown how the fruit was processed during ripening and transportation. It is better to feed the bird small pieces suspended on the cage. This will be more convenient for the bird.

You should not give the peel. It may contain chemicals to extend the shelf life. After all, bananas travel a long way before they reach our tables.

We hope that you have figured out this issue and will now know whether a parrot can have them.

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of bananas on living organisms. This sweet fruit contains many beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on health.

For many owners of budgies, the question is very interesting: is it possible to feed budgies bananas? What effect do they have on the pet’s body, and in what quantities can it be given?

Bananas contain many beneficial substances that fight various ailments, prevent premature aging of the body and protect against stress. They can also be given to budgies, since these small birds no less need vitamins and minerals for full development, good health and a long and happy life.

What substances from bananas have a beneficial effect on the body of your feathered pet?

  1. Vitamin C. This vitamin is the best antioxidant that prevents premature cell death and also improves the bird’s immunity.
  2. Vitamin B is beneficial for rich color and smoothness of plumage, and also maintains health for the claws, beak, wax and skin on the legs.
  3. Carotene has a good effect on the cardiovascular system. It protects against various cancers that can appear in birds lacking this substance.
  4. Vitamin E is beneficial for the quality of skin and feathers.
  5. Potassium is a mineral that regulates water balance in the bird’s body and has a positive effect on smooth muscle function.
  6. The amino acid tryptophan actively prevents the formation of stress in the body, increases the tone and activity of your bird. Also, it has a positive effect on fertility of both males and females.
  7. Bananas contain a large amount of fiber, which is good for the digestive system.

As you can see, bananas have a lot of benefits for budgies! This fruit fights edema well, prevents diabetes, which budgies can suffer from, renews the blood, and makes the bird active.

How to give bananas to wavy animals?

Based on the huge list of beneficial properties, we can conclude that it is possible to give bananas to parrots. However, this cannot be your pet's main diet. The ideal dosage of these sweet exotic fruits is 1-2 pieces per week, and you should not give the whole fruit at once.

Sometimes a budgie may not immediately understand that the fruit you offer it is edible. Sometimes, even delicious bananas, kiwis, oranges, apricots and grapes lying in the feeder, arouse suspicion in the bird as to whether it can be eaten.

It's very easy to teach your pet to eat fruit - lead by example and offer it to your bird. Wavys are very curious birds, so very soon they will want to try the delicacy.

The banana needs to be peeled, cut into small pieces and placed in a feeder for your feathered pet. Remember that bananas are very high in calories and if consumed in large quantities, your bird can quickly gain excess weight.

Other fruits in feeding

The basis of the budgerigar's diet is grain. Juicy feed can be used as top dressing.

In addition to bananas, budgies can be given:

  • kiwi;
  • orange;
  • apricot;
  • grape;
  • apples;
  • pear;
  • rose hip;
  • peach;
  • nectarine;
  • melon.

What to pay attention to when feeding fruits?

Keep in mind that all fruits must be of good quality and fresh in appearance. When choosing juicy food for your bird, remember that many exotic fruits make a long journey to our country and can be treated with chemicals that allow them to be stored for a long time.

Therefore, do not forget to thoroughly wash the products with hot water, and do not allow citrus fruits, such as oranges, to chew on the peel.

All these fruits are very beneficial for your feathered friend. For example, citrus fruits, oranges and lemons contain a large supply of vitamin C, which strengthens the bird’s immune system and protects against various infections. Apples also contain a powerful source of nutrients in the form of minerals and acids. They can be given in any form that your bird likes: fresh or dried.

Pears can only be given without seeds, as they contain a large amount of iodine, which can cause an overdose of this substance in a small bird. Therefore, it is better to give this fruit without the core, in the form of slices.

Parrots are very fond of melons, but they should not be given very often, as they have a slight laxative effect. In addition to quantity restrictions, it should be taken into account that it is better to feed your parrot them during the season.

As for kiwis, they can be given all year round. This is an ideal fruit, it has a lot of vitamin C, little sugar, and no starch at all. We can say that kiwi is the most dietary product of all the above. However, do not forget that the parrot’s diet must be balanced and include grain mixtures, green vegetables, and grass.

Fruits that have seeds, for example, cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, can only be given in the form of pulp. The seeds of these products contain hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous for birds, which causes severe poisoning with a very high mortality rate.