Folk signs about nails. Why you can’t cut your nails in the evening: superstitions and omens They put it on your nails for what

People have been watching for a long time the world, scrupulously collected and systematized information. It has come to us in the form of signs. Moreover, they concern not only what is happening around, but also what is literally growing on us. For example, nails. Do you know that you can predict the future by their appearance, fragility, and so on? Turns out, folk signs about nails too. More details about some of them.

White spots on nails

Look carefully at the plates that end your fingers. If there is no varnish on them, then study the color. And draw conclusions by correlating the information received visually with that which we inherited from our ancestors. They believed that if there is a white spot on the nail, then the person is lucky and fortunate (not related to medicine). If it appears and disappears, it will be .

The result of such fortune telling also depends on the finger.

  • On a large scale - you will work hard;
  • on the index - worries will overcome;
  • on average - happiness is just around the corner;
  • on the nameless one - there will be a new thing, even if you don’t plan it;
  • on the little finger - wait for love!

It should be added that the sign has both short-term and long-term meaning. For example, if there is a white spot on the nail of the little finger all the time, then your personal life will work out magically. If it appeared recently, then a wonderful novel lies ahead. And suddenly it disappeared - they missed their chance for happiness. Same with all other stains.

Sign - why break a nail?

Don't swear when you accidentally ruin your manicure irreparably. The breaking of one of the nails speaks not only of a trip to the barber; this event also carries other information. Namely:

  • On thumb- happiness will leave you;
  • on the index finger - you will be upset, something will go wrong;
  • on average - you should put off all roads, trouble is possible;
  • on the nameless one - you scared away your luck, it went away (for a while);
  • on the little finger - chaotic emotions will lead to monetary losses, brace yourself.

Good is not enough. Noble people did not observe the pleasant events following a minor breakdown. Maybe that's why women like overlays so much. If they break, it’s not a pity. Signs do not apply to them.

Folk signs - when to cut your nails

Our ancestors have given us a lot of knowledge about how to properly care for nail plates so that they grow strong and beautiful. It is necessary to take these recommendations into account so as not to feel sad over the “stubs” and “stubs”.

Signs say that you should not cut your nails on Tuesday and Thursday.

This promises failure. It is at this time that your happiness moves to the tips of your fingers; you can get rid of it yourself. If you don't believe me, you can do an experiment. Although this is not recommended.

Marigolds will become stronger if you cut them while the Moon is waxing. This is a time of natural renewal. And it’s even easier for women. Anything unnecessary must be removed on the first day of completion. At this moment, your body is completely ready for the new cycle.

There are many other beliefs regarding marigolds and fingers. The only thing that is true is that if you bite your nails and don’t take care of them, there will be no happiness. Gentlemen will turn away with disgust, employers will kick you out, friends will scold you. Nothing good. As the ancestors noticed, this is what happens!

I found my son’s nails on the doorstep, wrapped in paper, very dirty. I took them, burned them, but actually took them with my hands (I was confused, I didn’t realize right away). What does it mean?

Anisa, it’s possible that your find means nothing at all and ended up at the door completely by accident. There are different cases in life. And it is possible that someone really wishes harm to your son, and this package is an attempt to cause damage. Maybe your son offended or hurt someone, and the person thus decided to take revenge on him. Maybe someone is very jealous, and because of this they decided to do something bad to your son. People around you are different, and sometimes out of the blue they can wish you bad things. You did the right thing by burning the package. The only thing you should keep in mind for the future is that you should never take the lining with your bare hands. It is advisable to use gloves or paper and then burn it all together.

In any case, there is no need to panic, worry, be nervous or be afraid. Everything in this life can be fixed. The pads are designed to make a person, first of all, afraid and become more vulnerable to a wide variety of influences. Fear is a very strong emotion and sometimes in itself has a destructive effect on us, covering the entire being and turning off the mind, mobilizing the dark energy that was directed at us. Therefore, it must be dealt with first.

First, try to put a barrier between yourself and fear. Create indifference in your soul to the situation in which you find yourself. Don't let fear impair your brain function, have a detrimental effect on your thinking, and cause negative reactions in your body. For physical health will also be under threat. Headaches will begin, insomnia, irritability will appear, and general health will worsen. The body will be completely defenseless. And as a result, you will get much more negative consequences, than the damage might have suggested.

Believe that the outcome of this situation, first of all, depends on your attitude. It is simply vital to convince yourself that damage has no power over you, that no destructive actions from outside can harm your child or do anything to him. Once you realize that fear has no power over you, you will feel calm and begin to believe that everything will be fine.

It is with such positive feelings and only after working on yourself that you try to determine whether negative impact. Read how to do this. If you find that there is, remove it using one of the methods indicated so that in the future people will not be able to harm you or your son in this way.

18.11.2016 17:31

At all times, people have attached great importance to nails, as well as hair. Because hair and nails are something that is deeply personal and belongs only to one person, that continues to grow for some time even after the death of a person and is not destroyed over the years.

And, of course, well-groomed hair and nails are an important part appearance people, they are the ones who make a woman even more beautiful. It’s no wonder that over many centuries, people have accumulated a lot of superstitions about nails.

It is precisely because of the close connection between nails and hair and their owner that in many magical rites, implying an impact on a person, magicians and sorcerers use precisely these particles of the object of their manipulation. That is why, by the way, it has long been believed that you should not throw away cut nails and hair anywhere, including the trash can, but rather bury them or flush them down the toilet - this way they will not fall into the wrong hands. However, in our time, this sign about nails hardly makes sense - now we live in separate apartments, where an intruder cannot easily penetrate, and the garbage ends up in a common trash bin, where a black magician is unlikely to go in order to find someone’s nails.

In this article from a women's online magazine, we will look at signs about nails that may still be relevant today.

Modern signs about nails

Appearance of nails

If a person has crooked nails, it means that he is greedy and thrifty.

The larger the holes on the nails, the longer a person will live. By the way, this sign about nails is more likely related to objective medicine, because a healthy person should have large, semicircular and light holes, and deformed nails indicate the presence of chronic diseases.

White spots appear on your nails - expect joyful changes in your life! However, you cannot try to file or otherwise remove stains from your nails, otherwise your luck will run out. This sign about nails says that the spots should go away naturally.

Dark or yellow spots appear on the nails - this prophesies misfortune and illness. Therefore, it is better to try to remove them as quickly as possible to avoid trouble. However, it should be noted that such changes in the external structure of the nails may indicate the presence of very real diseases, and therefore, if such spots appear on the nails, it is better to consult a doctor.

How and when to cut your nails?

There has long been a superstition about nails, according to which you need to cut your nails only during the waxing moon. It is believed that then they will be strong and healthy, and will begin to grow faster. Therefore, accordingly, you should not cut them during the waning moon. The same sign applies to hair.

Cutting your nails on Friday or Sunday means inviting disaster on yourself and your loved ones. It's better to choose a different day of the week for a manicure!

Cutting nails not in your home, but at a party, means attracting a quarrel. Therefore, it is better to do this on your own and at home, and not in a circle of girlfriends.

Signs about a child's nails

Since ancient times, it has been believed that you cannot cut a child’s nails until he is one year old, otherwise the person will grow up to be a thief.

The child’s first cut nails should not be thrown away, but carefully collected and then buried under an ash tree - thereby you will ward off evil spirits from the baby and protect him from bad influences.

Signs about broken nails

In general, signs about nails say that breaking a nail is a bad sign, foreshadowing trouble.

On which finger did your nail break?

On the big one, you will be sad.

On the index - plans will change, which will cause frustration.

On average, put things aside and don’t get ready to travel yet, otherwise there will be trouble.

On the nameless one - you missed your chance, but then luck will smile on you again.

On the little finger - to monetary losses.

Other signs about nails

Gnawing, biting nails - gnawing, destroying fate.

By the way, the habit of biting your nails is harmful in any case, so you should get rid of it.

Finally, we note that there is another interesting sign about the nails of a sick person. If someone is seriously ill, then it is worth cutting his nails and burying him in a secluded place or even burning him - then the disease will recede.

If you liked the signs about nails, then the women's online magazine “100 Worlds” recommends that you read the article:

Signs and beliefs about hair.

And if you want to return to the section dedicated to astrology and esotericism, click.

The article was prepared by Anastasia Cherkasova

Modern fashionistas make great efforts to be in trend. They spend a lot of time searching magazines and the Internet for the latest makeup and manicure ideas. We should also talk about the varnishes that beauties use to paint their nails. The palette of modern varnishes includes hundreds of colors and shades, however, among them there are those that remain the undisputed leaders: red and black. If everything is clear with red - passion, love, then black evokes slightly different associations. Some people think that black nails look stylish and brutal, while others argue that you shouldn’t paint your nails this color at all. Let's try to find out Why can't you paint your nails with black polish?

Why you can’t paint your nails with black varnish: signs

They open a list of reasons why this should not be done, of course, folk superstitions.

  1. Painting your nails black means trouble, illness or death. The color black has always been associated with mourning, so this opinion is not surprising.
  2. Black nail polish can spell trouble. People have always been afraid of magicians, sorcerers, wizards, witches and other mystical characters who invariably dressed in black clothes. Hence the fear that black varnish can bring down the wrath of some evil sorcerer or witch on a person. Of course, fears of wizards have long been dispelled, but the sign exists to this day.
  3. If you paint your nails black, you will invite death. This sign partially follows from the first point and is due to the same associations of death with black colors.

Why you can’t paint your nails with black varnish signs: logical rationale

There cannot be a logical answer to this question, as you have already correctly guessed. A person is free to paint his nails any color he wants and nothing will happen to him for it. If you don’t believe in omens and are not afraid that someone from the outside will judge you, paint your nails any color you like and be happy!

Why can't you do black nails from the point of view of the canons of beauty?

If we are talking about beauty, then the situation takes a completely different turn. The fact is that the nails of a healthy person are pleasant pink color, so purely intuitively, black nails cause some concern. If you are a fan of natural beauty, then it is better to avoid black. Black nails would also be inappropriate on a romantic date, since black color and romance have nothing in common... This also explains Why can't you paint your nails black? for young girls - purity, innocence and youth do not go well with a gloomy and mystical color. Although, all of the above does not mean that black varnish should be thrown out of cosmetic use as soon as possible.

For example, there are many options for combining black with other colors that will make your manicure bright, original and not at all mournful. In addition, you can paint patterns on your nails with black polish, which is also very fashionable today.

You can also paint your nails with black varnish for those who need it to create a stage look or maintain style: rock musicians, for example. If you have nothing to do with the scene or a certain image, then it is better to refrain from using such colors for manicure.

Having found out why can't you paint your nails black? remember the main thing: the beauty of a person, first of all, lies in its naturalness, therefore the most best makeup or a manicure - this is the one that nature gave you. The main thing is to emphasize it correctly. And for this you certainly don’t have to use black varnish.

Remain always beautiful, gentle and loved!

In the recent past, some of those who wanted to join the tribe of witches or sorcerers did not study mountains of occult literature in order to then summon the devil and enter into a lifelong pact with him. They acted much simpler: they sat on the shelf for heating food in the fireplace and began to clean and then cut their nails, saying at the same time: “I want to move away from God, like my nails from dirt.”
Surprisingly, dark forces immediately flocked to this wicked conspiracy and, in exchange for the soul, endowed the person with witchcraft powers.

Hair and nails are means of evil

According to legend, the bodies of the first people were covered with horny tissue, but after Adam and Eve sinned, God deprived them of this covering as punishment, leaving only their fingernails and toenails.

In Egypt long nails talked about belonging to royal family. The slaves had short nails. Long nails were believed to symbolize wisdom and help communicate with deities. In the 16th century, a lady in Europe cut her nails short, otherwise she would immediately be accused of witchcraft.

In China, they believed that long nails symbolized wisdom and helped communicate with deities, so everyone grew their nails.

Since ancient times, it was believed that hair and nails have magical properties, making them important components of many magical spells. The ancient Egyptians believed that a potion made from hair, nail clippings and human blood gave a person absolute power over another. Fingernails were associated with demons and evil, some Jews cut their nails as short as possible, and tribes in Madagascar believed that the devil lived in uncut fingernails.

According to many beliefs, hair and nails are agents of evil because they lead a life of their own and can be separated from the body and can be used by witches and sorcerers to cast spells on the dead.

The notorious Aleister Crowley secretly got rid of his hair and nails throughout his life.

In Rus', a shepherd in the past was prohibited from cutting his nails and hair during the entire grazing season. The Belarusians sacrificed nails along with hair to the goblin and brownie.

A person with an evil eye, in order not to spoil someone, must look or spit on his nails. Those who wanted to protect themselves from possible damage did the same.

It is widely believed that nail clippings are a necessary ingredient in any witch's potion. The fact is that nails store all the information about a person, so cutting nails makes it easy to damage a specific person.

In addition, trimmings were previously used for medical purposes. To do this, the patient's nails were cut, and then the cuttings were ceremonially burned or buried, hoping that the disease would subside.

Village healers treated fever differently. Although the word “treated” is not suitable here. They took the patient's cut nails and hair, put them in a bag and buried them under the neighbor's threshold on a dark, moonless night. And in the morning he was supposed to wake up obsessed with the disease sent to him.

Village sorcerers “read off” ingrown toenails and other similar diseases using a spell, placing the patient near a tree and then circling his finger three times near a twig. The conspiracy itself sounded as follows: “Just as this twig does not grow, so this pain, zanoctica, dries up, I have a slave (name), and so that it does not hurt and does not rise.”

Magic rituals with nails

Nail cutting has always been surrounded by numerous traditions. In most European countries, Monday and Tuesday are still considered suitable days for this, and to a lesser extent Wednesday and Thursday. Cutting nails on Friday and Saturday is interpreted as an omen of either future losses or the arrival of a lover. Sunday is not the best day for a haircut. “The one who cuts his nails on Sunday will be accompanied by the devil all week,” the belief stated.

In Rus' they were convinced that nails should be cut only on Thursday. Cutting your nails on other days brings bad luck.

Sailors in the past believed that if you cut your nails at sea in calm weather, it would definitely cause a storm.

Until recently, superstitious mothers did not cut their babies’ nails, but bit them, believing that scissors should not be used until the child was one year old, otherwise his fingers would be “playful” and he would grow up to be a thief.

The first cut nails of a child were necessarily buried under an ash tree - a magical tree that witches, sorcerers or other malicious people who wanted to cast an evil spell on the owner of the nails could not approach.

If a pregnant woman steps on a cut nail, she will have a miscarriage. And if a newborn baby’s nails are cut off on the street outside the door of the house, he will sing well (but not on Monday - then all the child’s teeth will fall out).

In Russian villages to this day, some old people who especially believe in omens put their cut nails in a jar and keep them there until their death, sincerely believing that, firstly, in the next world you need to climb a high glass mountain to heaven, and make it will be easier for those who have nails with them, which will grow to their fingers after death. And secondly, that in the afterlife they will not accept a person who scattered his cut nails during his lifetime, and he will have to walk the earth until he collects them.

By the shape and growth of the nails, as well as by the small white spots that appear from time to time under their surface, knowledgeable people predicted fate in the past and, in general, could tell a lot about a person’s character.

So, if the nails grow crookedly or resemble claws, this is a sign of the forces of evil or that the person is prone to stinginess. If they protrude in the middle, this is a sign early death. The size of the “crescent” at the bottom of the nail shows how long a person will live - the larger the crescent, the longer and more prosperous the life.

White spots on nails are interpreted differently depending on which finger they appear on. On the thumb they foretell a gift, on the index finger - the arrival of a friend, on the middle finger - an enemy or, conversely, an unexpected gift. The spot on the little finger is towards the road. But black or yellow spot on any finger - a very bad sign, usually a harbinger of someone's death. In Russia, black spots behind the nails were also regarded as a bad omen. In some provinces, for example, the death of the fetus in the mother’s womb was predicted precisely by the black spots on the nails of the pregnant woman.

In the past, it was widely believed that those who constantly bit their nails would be unhappy throughout their lives. This belief is widespread in Russia today. But modern Japanese claim that young girls who bite their nails will have a difficult birth.

If a protracted “dark period” has begun in your life, and there is no end to failures, you need to cut your fingernails on Thursday, which falls on the waning moon. First with right hand, starting with the little finger, then with the left hand, also starting with the little finger. When cutting your nails, you must think that by doing this you are getting rid of all diseases, harmful astral influences, envy and damage.

Nail clippings should be ground into sawdust. After this, mix the nail filings with melted wax and make a small ball with a diameter of about 5 centimeters from this mixture.

You cannot hold the ball in your hands for a long time, so as not to return the disease. It must be wrapped in paper and buried at a distance of at least one kilometer from the house. When you bury it, place an aspen branch without leaves on top.

This must be done after sunset, and so that no one sees. You have to return home by a different route.

A woman who wants to bewitch a man must cut off a lock of her hair and nails from her left hand, take from ring finger at least nine drops of your blood and add all this to half a liter of good vodka. After drinking the “hellish potion”, a man will walk down the aisle like a lamb, healers say. At the same time, they warn that any love spell does not last long, and the woman will have to use magic to keep her bewitched husband next to her all her life.

So that the husband loves and does not go “on the side,” his nails are rolled up in wax and placed behind the icon. While they are riding, they read the plot: “How are you, slave (name), Didn’t live without nails, without hands and elbows. And just as these nails will not grow in wax, so you, slave (name), will not be able to live without me, slaves (name). Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

“If, nevertheless, the homewrecker appears, they cut their nails, saying: “As I, the servant of God (name), cut and break my nails without pity, without pain, I don’t remember, I don’t melt in my soul, I don’t talk about them, so would the slave God (name) did not love my evil homewrecker, did not regret, did not remember, did not exchange my love for beauty. I don’t hide evil, I don’t bring pain, but I bring my God-given husband back to my place, to his place, blessed by God. The words are not twisted, not screwed, righteous and okay.”

After this, the nails are wrapped in a black cloth and placed in a place where the husband can step over them.

“Seeing longer than usual nails in a dream signifies great profit.”