Advertisements for the request “wooden toys. Wooden educational toys Types of wooden toys

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Large children's wooden playpen fence with a gate LYALYALUX size 2.22*2.22 meters.

As soon as a newborn has learned to crawl independently, he needs to create a safe area for games and entertainment. A place where a child can play with his parents. Play on your own while the mother of a newborn is busy with hundreds of household chores. Our large wooden playpen fencing is perfect for this. There is enough space for all the toys. You can play with other kids, and there is also a place for parents. Ideal playpen for twins or triplets. Your child will be delighted.

In the playpen, children learn to sit down, stand up and walk, holding on to the slats of the sections. Educational toys can be hung from the bars of the playpen.

This model is larger in size and provides additional space for children's activity. This model also has a gate that makes access to the playpen easier. The gate can be installed so that it opens both inward and outward.

The height of the playpen is 61 cm, which is easy for an adult to step over; children under three years old will definitely not be able to overcome such a barrier.

The playpen consists of eight identical sections 108 by 61 cm, the distance between the slats is 8 cm. The internal size is 218*218 cm. The playpen is designed as a fence for a nursery, the playpen is a screen, without a floor. You can lay any kids rug or simply install the playpen on the floor covering.

The playpen is safe for the child. All parts are rounded. Only solid natural wood. Unlike painted playpens, our playpen is without varnish, paint, putty, or wood impregnation. Preserves the baby's vision, unlike playpens with mesh.

The playpen is durable and stable, it is impossible for the baby to turn it over. Plastic fastenings made of high-strength polymer, they perfectly hold the shape of the playpen, while the sections and slats of the playpen are springy and do not allow the baby to hit hard.

Sections are assembled using push-button connections. The playpen can be completely assembled and disassembled in a minute. A folding playpen takes up little space and you can easily take it with you to your holiday home or vacation.

This playpen is transformable, you can assemble a square playpen 1.14*1.14, rectangular 1.14*2.22. Sections and fastenings are interchangeable; you can assemble an arena of any size, a multiple of the section size.

Free delivery within the Russian Federation, you can pay cashless on the website.

In Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, cash payment to the courier is possible.

The playpen can only be purchased in our store.

The product is certified.

Official sale, cash documents.

Manufacturer's warranty, we are responsible for the goods upon delivery.

Return and exchange of goods in accordance with the law.

Additional sections and fastenings can be purchased.

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Children's wooden toys are objects that more than others remind of the connection between generations. Once upon a time, our grandmothers played with horses and wooden construction sets, and our grandfathers built powerful fortresses from painted cubes.

Today's dolls and construction sets made of beech, linden, and pine are still just as charming, although they are not inferior in functionality and brightness to their plastic counterparts.

Types of wooden toys

Wooden toys are for children different ages, and therefore they are very diverse.

  • Animal figurines. The Plan Toys company has released several collections that introduce kids to representatives of the fauna of Asia, Africa, and the North. And the company Melissa & Doug offers the guys to get their own stable with a stall for 8 horses.
  • Wheelchairs are very popular for those who have only recently learned to walk. In the category there is funny dogs, ducks, cars, snails and other models. Some wheeled items include additional elements: puzzles, sorters and pyramids.
  • Design kits are designed for the construction of castles and fortresses. For example, you can build an entire city from Plan Toys blocks, and a robot from Tomiki elements.
  • Musical instruments are suitable for both small and older children. Here you will find maracas, drums, xylophones and even a piano!
  • Puzzles, inserts and cubes teach children to make their first pictures by distinguishing objects by color and shape.

Wooden play sets for boys and girls

Manufacturers remember the desire of children to be like their parents. Therefore, they offer boys a variety of carpentry kits and tool boxes, which contain hammers, planes, screwdrivers - everything they need to help dads.

There are sets of dishes and food items for girls. They are suitable for playing with dolls and preparing the first culinary masterpieces. Vegetables and fruits made from wood are sometimes held together with magnets so that they can be “cut with a knife.”

Toys are an integral part of childhood. They serve as a marker of stability for the child, a subject of study, and a stimulus for development. The market for children's goods in this section amazes with its abundance, but in particular - smart wooden toys. Some consider this a tribute to tradition, and there is some truth in this. But in fact, effectiveness proven over centuries and millennia is not just a habit.

Features of the range
Efficiency wooden educational toys is natural and is based on the following characteristics:

  1. Environmental Safety. Everyone remembers that for successful development a child must be healthy. All toys presented in our catalog have quality certificates with confirmed safety.
  2. Variety of effects on receptors. Wooden Toys provide the child not only with a rich visual experience (color, shape), but also tactile sensations (weight, surface texture). It is the simultaneous effect on diverse receptors that stimulates the development of connections in the cerebral cortex.
  3. Natural “warmth” of the material. Have you noticed that with the same degree of tightness near plastic window is it cool, but is it warm near the wooden one? It's the same story with toys. Wood itself is a source of natural warmth, providing comfort and tranquility.

That is why eco toys are popular all over the world. They are effective, safe and stimulate the child's development. Even if they seem primitive and of the same type to you, the child will find a thousand and one uses for each product.

In our country there are even special educational technology early development through activities with wooden toys – Zaitsev's technique, Nikitins, etc. In our catalog you will find both specialized products for working using a specific technique, and those that can be adapted for specific purposes. In general, the range is focused on the development of the child from birth to school age.

Our specialists are ready to answer all your questions that may arise after reading the technical description of the product. We comply with all hygiene requirements for children's toys and purchase goods only from trusted suppliers. You can find quality certificates in a special section. You can place an order using the online form or by calling the specified contact phone number.

ANDpear made of wood - one of the oldest types toys. Even the approximate date of appearance of children wooden toys Today it is not known for sure. It is not known for certain what material the first children's room was made from. toy, but in ancient times children's toys in the form of figurines, they were made of stone and bone and were figurines of animals. Today the most ancient toy The figurine found by archaeologists is a figurine made from mammoth bone.

The quality of educational toys made of wood is not inferior to their polymer counterparts. With their help, the child will receive information about the surrounding space and develop the necessary skills in the period from 12 months to preschool age. All products are made from natural wood.
In the online store UMNYYSLON.RF you can buy wooden toys for any age from 1 year to 7 years, we have a large assortment - which is replenished every month!

The developmental methodology of Zaitsev and Nikitin will provide:

  • Motivation to self-study world and objects. These skills can be achieved through animal dice, role-playing games, and multiplayer sets.
  • Improving the accuracy of movements and coordination is provided by nesting dolls, pyramids, rocking horses and any other small wooden toy for the development of fine motor skills.
  • Group play sets and individual interactive toys guarantee stimulation of the imagination.
  • Increasing concentration is easy to achieve with the help of educational toys made of wood in the form of construction sets. The presented variety of titles will allow you to choose an exciting solution for joint games with parents.