Features of a hypoallergenic diet: list of products, nutrition, recommendations of allergists and nutritionists. List of products for a hypoallergenic diet What is possible with a hypoallergenic diet

An allergy is a pathological response of the body by the immune system in an acute form. Allergies can form to various allergens: dust, soil, various foods, flowers, wool, and many others. etc. People who are faced with such a pathology of their body begin to feel constant discomfort, trying not to come into contact with irritants that can cause allergies, while their diet is also disrupted, which can lead to the development of other pathologies.

Hypoallergenic diet is a “salvation” for allergy sufferers suffering from food allergies. The effect of a hypoallergenic diet is aimed at suppressing the manifestation of food allergic reactions. A hypoallergenic diet can do more than just relieve allergy symptoms. But also accustom your body to consuming foods with a high degree of allergenicity, by gradually introducing them into the hypoallergenic food menu. At the same time, the body will be cleansed of various wastes and toxins, which will lead to an improvement in overall well-being.

The main essence of the hypoallergenic diet is the initial limitation for a certain period of time of all food products that are allergic irritants. A couple of weeks after the start of the diet, all excluded foods begin to be slowly introduced into the diet in a sequential order, one at a time and in small doses, focusing on the condition of the body. If no reactions are observed, then the introduction of highly allergenic foods can be continued.

At the beginning of the anti-allergenic diet, it is recommended to consume:

  • rice and buckwheat boiled in water;
  • butter;
  • vegetable and fruit crops that are green (apples, cucumbers, lettuce, etc.);
  • vegetable soups;
  • fermented milk products;
  • dry types of cookies;
  • veal meat;
  • kefir or natural yogurt.

After 7-14 days, you can begin to introduce new foods into the hypoallergenic diet that are not listed.

Hypoallergenic diet menu for a week

An antiallergic diet for adults consists of eliminating all symptoms of an allergic manifestation by eliminating foods that are allergens. For each patient, an individual menu is prepared for a week with a hypoallergenic diet, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Below is a table with a hypoallergenic diet for a week, which contains only non-allergenic foods:

Day of the week Eating Recommended Foods
Monday Breakfast Buckwheat cooked in water, cottage cheese with sour cream 50 g, herbal tea
Dinner Cabbage soup, boiled veal, fruit juice, or compote of white currants
Dinner Finely chopped cucumbers with sour cream, turkey baked with rice
Tuesday Breakfast Oatmeal porridge with prunes and herbal tea
Dinner Stewed vegetables, baked meat and a glass of green tea
Dinner Boiled rice cereal, beef cutlet prepared by heat treatment and compote
Wednesday Breakfast Cheese sandwich, some yogurt and tea
Dinner Vegetable stew, boiled turkey, coleslaw
Dinner Mashed potatoes with beef cutlet and Semerinka apple
Thursday Breakfast Spaghetti with cheese, tea drink
Dinner Rassolnik soup, apple
Dinner Stew from various vegetable crops, kefir
Friday Breakfast Corn grits porridge, fruit salad, herbal tea
Dinner Boiled piece of beef, white currant jelly
Dinner Boiled buckwheat, several dry cookies and herbal tea
Saturday Breakfast Curd casserole and tea
Dinner Boiled rabbit meat, vegetable stew, unsweetened apple compote with added rose hips
Dinner Boiled rice with cottage cheese and sour cream, banana
Sunday Breakfast Oatmeal porridge with chopped dried fruits
Dinner Rice with beef cutlet
Dinner Boiled buckwheat, fruit salad and a glass of kefir

Dishes must be combined in a variety of combinations, avoiding eating the same dish twice a day within one hypoallergenic week. A strict anti-allergenic diet should be carried out under the supervision of nutritionists; in case of exacerbation of allergies, the hypoallergenic diet should be adjusted.

List of prohibited products

If any type of allergic reaction occurs in the body, special care must be taken when choosing food products.

An allergen-free diet involves excluding the following foods from the diet:

  • all red berries and fruits;
  • citrus fruits, with the exception of lemon;
  • natural honey;
  • all types of mushrooms;
  • milk (in some cases, and all derivatives of this product: sour cream, cheese, etc.);
  • cocoa - drinks;
  • coffee and all confectionery products containing cocoa or coffee;
  • all spicy, fatty, salty, semi-smoked and smoked foods;
  • canned food;
  • chocolates;
  • all types of nuts;
  • chicken eggs and meat;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Hypoallergenic nutrition should be well-balanced and divided in order to more accurately identify the allergen.

In cases where the diet leads to positive dynamics in improving the body’s condition, you can begin to gradually introduce excluded (prohibited) foods into the diet. A hypoallergenic diet will show the fastest results if you follow the following nutritional principles:

  • Vegetable broth soup should be on the menu every day. Meat broth cannot be used for making soups, as there is a high risk of an allergic response in the body.
  • If you have a strong craving for a snack between meals, then it is best to eat: low-fat cottage cheese, or yogurt, green fruit, or vegetable.
  • It is recommended to drink green tea with a slice of lemon.

If you follow these recommendations for at least 7 days, you will feel a surge of energy and strength in the body, thanks to the removal of waste and toxins from the body. And also, if you remove all highly allergenic foods from your diet, then during a hypoallergenic diet it will be easier to monitor the dynamics of allergic manifestations.

The introduction of a new food product into a hypoallergenic diet should be periodic: on every third day, no more than 1 product should be introduced; this principle of the diet is called a non-specific diet. If no changes are observed in the body by the time the diet ends, then nutritionists recommend initially removing all moderately allergenic foods from your diet. After this, all low-allergenic foods are subject to exclusion.

Please note: For adults and pregnant women, you can follow this diet for 3 weeks, and for children no more than 7-9 days.

Menu restriction should only take place under the supervision of specialists. Such a strict diet is necessary to identify the allergen and clarify the diagnosis. In this case, it is necessary to eat fractional meals and record all the body’s reactions to the consumption of any foods.

Diet for nursing mothers

The portion of a nursing mother should be filled with vitamin complexes and minerals. Therefore, it is necessary to eat as much as possible of fresh fruits and vegetables (green or yellow in color) permitted by the hypoallergenic diet; this is a prerequisite for the nutrition of a nursing mother.

Attention! It is necessary to completely eliminate overeating, since the leftover food will not be digested by the body, but will begin to deform into toxins, which will poison the body from the inside.

Products containing large amounts of protein should be combined with vegetables, this will help prevent allergenic particles from entering the blood plasma. This anti-allergic technique will be useful not only for nursing mothers, but also for children.

Several recipes

Recipes for a hypoallergenic diet include using only fresh vegetables and fruits, safe cooking methods (steaming, oven, boiling, or stewing), and also excludes the use of various seasonings.

Let's look at the two most common hypoallergenic dishes, more recipes:

  • Steamed cutlets. The minced meat for the cutlets should be mixed with pre-chopped onion, add a little salt and add a soaked piece of bread. From the resulting cutlet mince you need to form the shapes of future cutlets and place them in a double boiler until ready.
  • Cottage cheese casserole. The crushed cottage cheese must be mixed with sugar, a couple of beaten egg whites and 2 tbsp. spoons of semolina. Grease a baking dish with oil and place the resulting mixture into it. Bake in the oven chamber for 25-30 minutes.

Before applying the hypoallergenic diet method, you must consult a specialist. Do not forget that any self-medication can result in dire consequences, so you should not experiment with your body, especially with allergens and hypoallergenic products.

The main indication for prescribing this diet is food allergies, since the main objectives of this diet are the direct elimination of factors, that is, the products themselves, that lead to an allergic reaction and reducing the allergenic load on the body.


The diet is physiologically complete and gentle, limiting the consumption of table salt to 7 g per day. All dishes are served only boiled; soups are cooked with three changes of broth, especially when cooking meat, fish, and chicken.

The approximate calorie content of this diet is 2800 kcal per day. You need to eat in small portions, at least 6 times a day.

What's not allowed?

A hypoallergenic diet completely excludes all food allergens, including:

  • meat and fish products (including caviar)
  • citrus
  • all types of nuts
  • red and orange fruits and berries
  • melon and pineapple
  • spicy vegetables (radish, horseradish, radish);
  • chocolate and coffee
  • honey, sugar, jam, baked goods and all types of confectionery products
  • salted and smoked products
  • mayonnaise and ketchup
  • mushrooms
  • poultry meat (except white meat chicken and turkey)
  • all industrial products (excluding baby food)
  • alcoholic drinks

It is also important to remove from the menu foods to which the patient has individual intolerance.

What is possible?

Most often, the following products are allowed to be included in the hypoallergenic diet menu:

  • Meat: boiled beef, white meat chicken and turkey;
  • Vegetarian soups made from approved products;
  • Vegetable oil: olive, sunflower;
  • Porridge: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • Lactic acid products: you can have cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and yogurt without additives;
  • Brine cheese (brynza);
  • Vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage, leafy greens, potatoes, green peas;
  • Fruits: green apples, preferably baked, pears;
  • Tea and dried fruit compote;
  • Dried white bread, unleavened flatbread, unleavened (yeast-free) lavash.

Please note that the list of permitted foods, as well as the list of prohibited foods, may vary depending on individual indications, and the final version of the diet should be drawn up by the attending physician.

Quitting the diet

The duration of the diet can be from two to three weeks for adults and up to 10 days for children. When allergy symptoms cease to appear, that is, after 2-3 weeks from the moment of improvement, you can gradually return food products to the diet, but strictly one at a time and in the reverse order - from low-allergenic to highly allergenic. A new product is introduced once every three days. If deterioration occurs, it means that the last product is an allergen and should not be eaten.

Menu options for the day

Breakfast: wheat porridge, tea, green apple

Snack: cottage cheese

Lunch: vegetable soup, meatballs, pasta and dried apple compote

Dinner: vinaigrette, tea with a bun

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, tea, apple

Snack: coffee with milk, cookies

Lunch: Minced chicken soup, boiled beef stroganoff and mashed potatoes, compote

Dinner: curd pudding, jelly

Breakfast: semolina porridge, tea, apple

Snack: Cabbage and carrot salad

Lunch: vegetarian cabbage soup, baked rabbit leg, stewed carrots, compote

Dinner: milk noodles

Recipes for a hypoallergenic diet

Soy milk soup with potatoes

200 g soy milk

3 potato tubers

1 onion


Step 1. Peel the potatoes and onions, finely chop them into cubes, add water and cook for 15 minutes.

Step 2. Add milk, salt and cook for another 10 minutes.

Step 3. Pour into plates, sprinkle with parsley and serve

Creamy chicken soup

Photo: Shutterstock.com

1 liter of meat broth

200 g minced boiled white meat chicken

2 tbsp. l. soy flour

Step 1. Mix a glass of broth and minced meat, add soy flour.

Step 2. Pour in the remaining broth, add salt, and bring to a boil.

Stuffed apples

Photo: Shutterstock.com

250 g boiled lean beef

3 tbsp. butter

2 onions

½ cup breadcrumbs

Meat broth

1 tbsp. starch

Salt, pepper, nutmeg

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Cut the apples into halves and remove the core.

Step 2: Melt the butter in a saucepan. Sauté the onion for 5 minutes until soft. Transfer to another bowl.

Step 3. Pass the beef through a meat grinder and combine it with onions.

Step 4. Add breadcrumbs, basil, nutmeg, salt, pepper, stir.

Step 5. Stuff the apples with this mixture, then place them in a baking dish and pour in 1 cup of broth. Cover with a lid and place in the oven for 35-40 minutes.

Step 6. Transfer the apples to another bowl. They shouldn't get cold. Pour the liquid the apples were cooked in into a saucepan. Keep on medium heat for about 3 minutes.

Step 7. Dissolve starch in cold water. Pour it into a saucepan. Cook until thickened. Serve the stuffed apples with this meat sauce.

Turkey meatballs with zucchini

Photo: Shutterstock.com

½ zucchini

1 turkey breast

3 tbsp. rice

Step 1. Grind the zucchini in a blender

Step 2. Grind the turkey meat and punch it together with the zucchini.

Step 3. Boil the rice until half cooked, add to the minced meat, add salt, and add finely chopped herbs.

Step 4. Make small meatball balls. Place them in a baking dish.

Step 5. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Curd casserole

Photo: Shutterstock.com

400 g cottage cheese

2 tbsp. semolina

2 tbsp. butter

Step 1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add a little stevia extract or sugar. Add semolina.

Step 2. Beat the whites and add them to the cottage cheese.

Step 3. Wash the raisins and put them in the cottage cheese.

Step 4. Grease the pan with oil, add to the curd mass, sprinkle the casserole with semolina.

Step 5. Bake for 35-45 minutes at 180°C.

For all types of allergic reactions, the use of a hypoallergenic diet is recommended. The main principle of this diet is this: you need to exclude allergens from the diet - substances that cause an allergic reaction, which causes the disease. Exactly what your diet will be depends on what allergens you react to. It’s good if the allergen is known in advance. If not, it will need to be identified using an elimination diet (which will be discussed in detail below).

In any hypoallergenic diet, all products are divided into 3 groups:

  • highly allergenic, which must be completely avoided;
  • moderately allergenic;
  • low-allergenic.

What foods should be excluded on a hypoallergenic diet?

  • seafood and fish, including any red fish, black and red caviar;
  • milk and dairy products, including cheeses, sweet glazed cheeses and butter;
  • eggs and dishes based on them;
  • all types of smoked meats, pickled and canned products;
  • spices, seasonings, sauces;
  • red vegetables: tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, beets;
  • citrus fruits, pineapples, red berries;
  • carbonated and fruit waters, natural juices;
  • mushrooms and any dishes made from/with them;
  • candies, chocolate, any factory-made confectionery products;
  • coffee, cocoa, flavored tea;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • exotic products and dishes.

Products of average allergenicity that can be consumed in limited quantities:

  • cereals (if not identified);
  • pork, horse meat, lamb, turkey, rabbit;
  • some fruits: apples, bananas, peaches, currants, cranberries, watermelon, melon;
  • green bell pepper, potatoes, peas, legumes;
  • white bread and pastries.

What foods can you eat on a hypoallergenic diet?

  • fermented milk products: plain yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk;
  • lean pork, beef, chicken, quail;
  • some types of fish: sea bass, cod, tuna;
  • beef tongue, liver, kidneys in small quantities;
  • buckwheat, rice, corn bread;
  • vegetables: white cabbage, cucumbers, broccoli, green salad, dill, spinach, parsley, zucchini, rutabaga, squash, turnips;
  • pearl barley, oatmeal, rice and semolina;
  • sunflower, olive, oil;
  • white currants, green apples, gooseberries, pears, white cherries;
  • dried apples, prunes, pears;
  • weak tea, compote of dried non-allergenic fruits, rosehip decoction;
  • mineral water without gas.

The diet can be followed for 2-3 weeks for adults, and 7-10 days for children over 8 years old. Please note: for young children and any patients with severe manifestations of allergies, treatment should not begin with a diet, but with an emergency consultation with a doctor!

Elimination diet: features

The elimination diet has a number of advantages over other types of testing. The main thing is that in addition to diagnosing allergies, during the use of an elimination diet, the symptoms of the disease decrease and sometimes disappear altogether.

Another advantage of this technique is that it is inexpensive, simple and can be applied at any time. Its essence is to receive from a specialist a list of foods that should not be eaten. The list of exceptions is quite small, since the elimination diet is built on eliminating the most common allergens. By eliminating them from the diet gradually, the patient monitors the reaction of his body. If, after giving up one of the allergens, the signs of the disease disappear, we can safely conclude that this is the main irritant. As a rule, observations are carried out for at least two weeks, only after which can any conclusions be drawn.

After the symptoms have subsided, the correctness of the conclusion is checked. The patient again consumes products that provoke allergies and within three to four days notes a deterioration in his condition, if the product is indeed an allergen. Before deciding to prescribe an elimination diet, you need to get your doctor's approval, and also exclude the possibility of exposure to non-food allergens (for example, pet dander, pollen, medications, etc.).

Hypoallergenic diet menu for a week


Breakfast: oatmeal with water.

Lunch: soup made from lean meat, carrots, onions, zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli.

Afternoon snack: black tea without additives, banana, mashed with 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese.

Dinner: stewed vegetables with lean beef.

At night: oatmeal or buckwheat with kefir.


Breakfast: rosehip decoction, rice porridge with water.

Lunch: dietary puree soup of carrots, pumpkin, zucchini with 10% sour cream.

Afternoon snack: tea with natural marmalade made from pectin and applesauce.

Dinner: stewed chicken breast with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: baked apple.

You can simply bake the fruit, or you can cook it

Dinner: boiled fish with stewed vegetables.

Before bed: kefir.


Breakfast: corn porridge with pumpkin.

Lunch: borscht without meat with sour cream.

Afternoon snack: tea with bread.

Dinner: stewed vegetables with pork.

Before bed: kefir.


Breakfast: millet porridge with water, prunes.

Lunch: borscht with sour cream without meat, rye bread.

Afternoon snack: fruit dessert.

Dinner: cabbage salad, minced pork and beef cutlets.

Before bed: kefir.


Breakfast: rice porridge with water.

Lunch: boiled potatoes, green vegetable salad with a spoon of vegetable oil.

Afternoon snack: oatmeal jelly on water.

Dinner: beet salad with prunes, stew.

Before bed: tea with apple jam.


Breakfast: rice porridge with apple.

Lunch: vegetable stew with lean meat, rye bread.

Afternoon snack: black tea with cottage cheese casserole.

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, stewed meat with carrots and onions.

Before bed: plain yogurt.

The hypoallergenic diet is the most common among people with food allergies. Most often, compliance with this nutritional system is necessary for children, pregnant and nursing mothers; men need it much less often.

Principles of a hypoallergenic diet

The basic principles of this nutritional method lie in dividing foods into prohibited, permitted and those that can be consumed in limited quantities. Adults can go on a diet for 2-4 weeks without harm to their health, while children are not recommended to follow it for longer than 10 days. This time is enough for the body to cope with the symptoms of the disease.

A hypoallergenic diet is classified as strict, but at the same time it helps to quickly cope with the manifestations of allergic rashes. This nutritional system also helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins. By eliminating allergenic foods from your diet, you may notice a decrease in the number of skin rashes and an improvement in your well-being.

If you cannot independently identify the product that causes your allergy, consult an allergist. He will direct you to undergo special tests, thanks to which you can find out exactly what exactly you are experiencing an allergic reaction to. After examination and elimination of the allergen, you can eat calmly and not think about the appearance of new rashes.

If you are allergic to dust, get rid of soft toys, carpets, and rugs. Sometimes allergies occur when the body is exhausted; this often happens in women after childbirth. In such situations, a woman should eat right, follow a routine, and after a short period of time the allergy will subside on its own.

Hypoallergenic diet - list of products

The first thing that is important to know if you have allergies is what foods you can and cannot eat. We invite you to familiarize yourself with this list.

Authorized products:

  • cottage cheese, yogurt without fillers, kefir;
  • lean pork, chicken and beef meat;
  • sea ​​bass;
  • porridge made from rice, oatmeal and barley;
  • green varieties of apples;
  • olive and sunflower oil.

Products that can be taken in limited quantities:

  • legumes, potatoes, green peppers;
  • peach, apricot;
  • any herbal decoctions and teas;
  • rabbit meat, fatty pork.

Prohibited products include:

  • any types of eggs;
  • fish caviar and almost all types of fish;
  • all smoked products;
  • canned, pickled products;
  • seasonings, sauces, mayonnaise;
  • red and yellow vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • orange and red fruits;
  • alcohol-containing products;
  • carbonated drinks.

Don't go to extremes by eating several kilograms of apples at a time if you are hungry. Even an ordinary person who does not suffer from allergies will develop rashes from such an amount of fruit.

Eat all permitted foods, but within reasonable limits and without fanaticism. It is advisable to eat only one separate product at one meal, so that in case of allergies you know exactly why you have redness on the dermis.

Allergies are quite unpredictable, even in the same family it can appear in adults, while it will be absent in children. Therefore, try to gradually introduce new foods into your diet to test your body’s reaction to them.

If you have had a food allergy in the recent past and it has gone away, don't relax. Indeed, in the future this pathology may return, but only to other products.

Hypoallergenic diet menu

The seven-day hypoallergenic diet is very simple. By following it, you can get rid of the hated red spots on your body, and also enrich it with useful elements and vitamins. Below is the diet menu by day.


  • breakfast - oatmeal porridge with sugar, butter and fruit, unsweetened black or green tea;
  • lunch - vegetable soup broth, lean pork, apple jelly;
  • dinner - rice porridge with cutlet, apple and kefir.


  • breakfast - tea without sugar, sandwich with butter and cheese, yogurt without fillers;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, red meat, dried fruit compote;
  • dinner - mashed potatoes, one medium-sized banana.


  • breakfast - pasta with granulated sugar and butter, a mug of unsweetened tea, an apple or pear;
  • lunch - vegetable soup with meat, dried fruit compote;
  • dinner - vegetable stew, tea, one apple.


  • breakfast - tea with cookies spread with butter, fruit salad of banana, apple and pear with plain yogurt dressing;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, steamed beef cutlet, apple compote and fruit;
  • dinner - buckwheat with stewed vegetables.


  • breakfast - cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream, a mug of unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - vegetable soup broth, a piece of beef, an apple and kefir;
  • dinner - goulash, tea or jelly.


  • breakfast - a sandwich with boiled meat and butter, a mug of tea, one apple;
  • lunch - soup, meat and compote;
  • dinner - millet porridge, fresh herb salad, a glass of kefir.


  • breakfast - a mug of tea, cottage cheese casserole;
  • lunch - soup and steamed cutlet, a glass of compote, fruit;
  • dinner - porridge with cutlet, plain yogurt and banana.

Stick to this menu and within a week you will notice how your skin has become clearer, your health has improved, you are vigorous and cheerful.

Hypoallergenic diet during lactation

Often during lactation, through milk, the mother transmits allergens to the child, which after some time can manifest themselves in the baby in the form of an allergic reaction. You may have noticed more than once how after drinking tea with condensed milk, your baby’s cheeks and body began to turn red after a few days. And this is just one of the manifestations of allergies, because children suffer from it due to weak immunity and certain diseases.

If you want to protect your child from these unpleasant consequences, follow a diet. It is recommended to consume only those foods that in rare cases cause an allergic reaction:

  • poultry and rabbit meat;
  • green vegetables;
  • rye bread;
  • river fish;
  • buckwheat and rice groats;
  • fruits;
  • fermented milk drinks containing bifidum and lactobacilli.

It should be taken into account that rice grains in large quantities cause problems with stool in both mother and child. Therefore, it is best to add it to soup. You should also not eat grapes, as they contain a lot of sugar, which leads to excess weight gain, which is already extremely difficult to lose after childbirth.

Eat only those fruits and vegetables that grow in your area and preferably in season. Avoid imported ones, as there is no benefit from them. Prepare food in a double boiler, boil or bake; it is better to avoid frying in a pan.

This diet should be followed for 3 months after childbirth. After this, it is recommended to introduce one new product per day and monitor the reaction of the dermis.

Hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis

The main provoking factor of atopic dermatitis are products containing histamine liberators:

  • smoked meat products;
  • canned fish;
  • pork liver;
  • pickled and fermented products;
  • pickles;
  • dried and smoked fish;
  • kvass;
  • hard cheeses;
  • milk;
  • wine.

It is acceptable to drink fermented baked milk and kefir, and eat cottage cheese. It is advisable to make kefir yourself. But taking artificial vitamins is prohibited. Avoid eating out-of-season fruits and vegetables as they contain nitrates and growth promoters.

The duration of the diet is from one to two weeks. Then start introducing one prohibited product into your diet. If dermatitis occurs again after eating foods, eliminate the food completely from your diet.

Children's hypoallergenic diet

An allergy is the main indicator that a child’s body does not absorb a particular product. It occurs in the form of progressive reactions, for this reason “harmful” food should be immediately removed from the baby’s diet.

Most often, orange and red fruits and vegetables are first excluded, while green ones are allowed. Also prohibited:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • goose and duck meat;
  • canned food;
  • chocolate;
  • smoked meats

Children are also not recommended to consume nuts, eggs and seafood. At the same time, you must be patient, wait for remission and begin introducing new foods, while simultaneously monitoring the child’s condition. If the rash remains severe, reduce the amount of the product to a minimum, then discontinue it completely and reintroduce it into the diet after some time.

Products should be introduced in small portions so that the body gets used to them. Over time, this technique will prove effective and the child will be able to avoid food allergic manifestations.

Diet for urticaria

The duration of the diet is 30 days. At this time, it is advisable to reduce or completely eliminate fatty foods, table salt and large amounts of liquid from the diet. You should also completely remove from your diet:

  • citrus;
  • red vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • products with preservatives, dyes and flavors;
  • milk;
  • chocolate;
  • red fruits;
  • honey and products in which it is present.

After a month, start introducing one prohibited product into your diet and monitor the reaction.

With an allergy, a distortion of immune reactions occurs in the body, which causes it to produce antibodies to harmless substances from the external environment, including food. A diet for allergies helps to reduce the tension of the immune system in the presence of disturbances in its functioning (autoimmune diseases, etc.) or if it is not yet formed (in infants). The article provides a list of hypoallergenic foods, a list of foods that should not be eaten, and nutritional recommendations for nursing mothers.

Hypoallergenic products

Food is foreign to the body in terms of the structure of its DNA, but this does not cause reactions normally. Even with a sufficient amount of enzymes, some protein molecules do not undergo complete fermentation to amino acids, and can be absorbed into the blood unchanged, causing allergies. The diet for allergies is made up of such products. These are vegetables, grains and fruits that grow in the region where humans live, are not bright red in color, and do not contain many proteins and immune agents from the animals from which they were obtained.

It must be remembered that you can't eat these foods :

    Coffee, cocoa, chocolate. The reaction to these products is accompanied by cross-allergy to legumes. They are usually triggered by caffeine and theobromine in these products.

    Semi-finished products, smoked meats. They contain preservatives and food additives that cause both true and pseudoallergic reactions. When smoking, many carcinogenic substances are formed.

    Mushrooms. Rich in protein and difficult to ferment, they contain chitin and glucans in the cell wall.

    Legumes(peas, beans, peanuts, lentils) - are known as a rich source of plant proteins, which serve as allergens.

    Milk. In addition to the casein protein, milk contains antibodies to create passive immunity in the young animals from which it is obtained (cows, goats, etc.).

    . They contain the protein albumin and other nutrients necessary for the development of the bird embryo and can cause a reaction.

    Fish and seafood. It was established that they contain a protein M-antigen that is resistant to temperature treatment.

    Cross allergy(vegetables and fruits). If the patient suffers, then reactions occur to fruits and vegetables that have similar pollen structure or that belong to the same genus (poplar, willow, apples). When reacting to pollen, it is easier to know exactly which foods to eliminate.

    Meat. It contains a lot of protein, but usually due to denaturation during its preparation, the ability to sensitize is greatly reduced.

    Cereals, especially wheat. They contain gluten, albumin and gliadin.

Pseudoallergic reactions and some hypervitaminosis have manifestations similar to allergies. The main difference is the appearance of symptoms when foreign peptides first enter the body, and the dependence of the severity of the deterioration of the patient’s condition on the amount of the product eaten. Such reactions appear to fruits and vegetables that are bright red, sometimes orange (tomato, pomegranate, citrus fruits, strawberries).

What you can eat - food list

Hypoallergenic the diet requires the elimination of first-order allergens(exotic fruits and vegetables, strawberries, cocoa, mushrooms, peanuts, nuts, coffee, seafood, eggs, fish and milk with its derivatives - milk powder and cheeses), and moderate consumption of second-order allergens(cereals - wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat; legumes; potatoes; currants; cranberries; apricots; lingonberries; fatty meats with rich broths made from them; herbal infusions).

The following types of food are allowed:

    Lean meat;

    food proven to be partially fermented during cooking;

    products specific to the place of residence;

    white and green vegetables;


Product List

Hypoallergenic products that you are allowed to eat:

    Cereals: semolina, rice, as well as oatmeal and pearl barley.

    Low-fat fermented milk products without additives, preferably home-made: cottage cheese (9%), kefir (1%), fermented baked milk.

    Meat: lean beef, turkey, pork.

    By-products (beef, pork): liver, tongue, kidneys.

    Cod and sea bass.

    Bread made from buckwheat, rice or corn.

    Oil: butter, sunflower, olive.

    Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, cauliflower.

    Rutabagas, squash, zucchini, turnips.

    Broccoli, green salad, spinach, greens.

    Green apples, pears, white currants and cherries, gooseberries.

    Compote of apples and pears (also dried), rosehip decoction, weakly brewed tea.

    Still mineral water.

Diet and nutrition for allergies

Food for adults is also prescribed in the form of medical tables. The list of products and menu are according to dietary tables No. 5 and No. 9.

In children

An anti-allergic diet in children requires simultaneously eliminating reaction-potentiating foods and creating a diet that spares the digestive organs (children often experience gastrointestinal dysfunction due to too heavy food, due to immature liver and lower volume of enzymes than in adults). It is necessary to use hypoallergenic products with low fat content with sufficient carbohydrate intake. For this suitable medical table No. 5 , with the exclusion of food immune irritants.

Table No. 5

Also used for gastrointestinal dysfunction, liver and gallbladder diseases.


    Proteins - 80-90 g/day (in the ratio of animal and vegetable protein 3:2);

    fats - 70-75 g/day (¼ for vegetable oils);

    carbohydrates - 360 g/day (equivalent to 80-90 g of sugar);

    water - 2-2.5 l/day;

      Bakery products: dried, from bran flour and 1st grade flour, yesterday's premium bread, lean cookies.
      It is forbidden: fresh baked goods, baked goods.

      Soups. Vegetable soups with zucchini, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, spinach, pumpkin; milk soups with milk diluted with water (1:1); with heavily boiled cereals (semolina, oatmeal, rice). For dressing - butter, sour cream, flour.
      It is forbidden: broths made from meat, fish, beans and mushrooms.

      Meat. Lean types: rabbit, turkey, chicken, lean beef, pork; cooked without skin and veins. The meat is boiled, steamed in the form of minced meat or a whole piece (chicken).
      It is forbidden: brains, kidneys, smoked and sausages, fried and cooked meat, fatty poultry (duck, goose) and meat (pork, beef).

      Fish. Low-fat varieties, mostly freshwater. Boiled or steamed, in the form of cutlets and in one piece.
      It is forbidden: fried, in batter, fatty varieties; salted, stewed, canned; caviar.

      Dairy products. Low-fat fermented milk products: fresh cottage cheese (5-9%), sour cream (15%), kefir (1%), ryazhanka (2.5%). Milk diluted with water for soups and porridges.
      It is forbidden: fat cottage cheese, sour cream, cream; processed and hard cheese; whole and powdered milk.

      Eggs. 0.5-1 pcs/day; steamed and boiled.
      It is forbidden: more than 1 egg per day, other dishes.

      Cereals. On water, milk with water (1:1) - rice, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat (limited), vermicelli, semolina and rice soufflé, buckwheat and rice flour.
      It is forbidden: legumes, millet.

      Vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, spinach, pumpkin, broccoli, zucchini, zucchini, squash, boiled or steamed; cucumbers
      It is forbidden: white cabbage, onions, pickled vegetables, canned food, pickles, beets, radishes, radishes, turnips, sorrel, garlic, tomato, mushrooms, legumes.

      Fruits, sweets. Green apples, gooseberries, limited apricots, white cherries and currants, raw, pureed, boiled pears; in the composition of jelly, mousse, jelly.
      It is forbidden: sour fruits, exotic fruits, bright red fruits, creams, chocolate, ice cream.

      Sauces. In vegetable broth, a decoction of cereals, with a small amount of low-fat sour cream; with unroasted flour.
      It is forbidden: mayonnaise, ketchup, meat, fish, mushroom broths; fatty and spicy dressings.

      Drinks Green weak tea without additives; compote of pears, apples and gooseberries; from dried fruits; rosehip decoction.
      It is forbidden: cocoa, coffee, black tea and tea with additives (including lemon); compotes of bright red berries; citrus drinks; carbonated drinks.

      Fats. Butter - up to 30 g/day; sunflower and olive oil (limited).

    The time during which a person should be on an antiallergic diet is limited: for adults - 2-3 weeks; for children - 7-10 days. If, when canceling the diet, a rash appears on the skin and manifestations of a relapse of the allergy, you should exclude the product to the introduction of which the reaction occurred.

    Table No. 9

    Prescribed for metabolic disorders, diabetes, autoimmune and allergic diseases. Requires restriction of carbohydrates in the diet, therefore it is prescribed mainly to adults and children with intolerance to lactose, sucrose, etc.


      Proteins: 85-90 g/day (50-60% - animal origin);

      Fats: 70-80 g/day (40-45% - vegetable oils);

      Carbohydrates - only complex ones; 300-350 g/day;

      Water: 1.5-2 l/day;

      Caloric content: 2200-2400 Kcal/day.

      Flour: bran, protein-bran bread, made from 2nd grade flour; protein-wheat. Unsweetened cookies and pastries (including bread).
      It is forbidden: baked goods, puff pastries, products with premium flour.

      Soups: vegetable; borscht and cabbage soup in a weak broth; beetroot; weak broths from simple meat and fish; okroshka from vegetables/with meat; soups with meatballs (without lard).
      It is forbidden: Rich, fatty broths; mushroom soups; with legumes.

      Meat: lean beef, veal, lamb, pork (tenderloin/cut); rabbit, turkey, chicken; boiled tongue; liver (limited). Stewed, boiled, steamed; You can boil the meat after lightly frying, chopped and in pieces.
      It is forbidden: smoked meats, sausages, fatty meats, duck, goose, stewed meat.

      Fish: lean varieties steamed, lightly fried, grilled, baked without oil. Canned tomato (limit).
      It is forbidden: fatty varieties, exotic varieties of sea fish; seafood; semi-finished products, pickles and canned food in oil; caviar

      Dairy products: low-fat milk (1.5-2.5%), or diluted with water for porridges; low-fat fermented milk products (cottage cheese 0-5%; kefir 1%; ryazhanka 2.5%); moderate - sour cream 15%. Unsalted varieties of low-fat cheese (cheese, feta, ricotta).
      It is forbidden: cream; sweet cheeses; hard and salty cheeses.

      Eggs: no more than 1.5 pieces/day; boiled (soft-boiled, hard-boiled); steamed egg white omelettes; reduce yolk consumption.

      Cereals: moderate (according to the carbohydrate norm): millet, barley, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal.
      It is forbidden: legumes, rice, pasta, semolina.

      Vegetables: potatoes (limited by XE), eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes and beets (limited), carrots, broccoli, zucchini, squash, lettuce, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, spinach, zucchini, pumpkin. Stewed, boiled, baked dishes; limited - fried.
      It is forbidden: pickles, preserves.

      Snacks: vinaigrette, vegetable (squash) caviar, fresh salads, soaked herring, fish aspic, meat, dietary cheeses (except tofu), beef jelly.
      It is forbidden: smoked meats, fatty snacks, sausages, lard, snacks with liver and mushrooms, pickles, canned food.

      Fruits, sweets: fresh fruits and berries (sweet and sour), jellies, masses, sambuca, compotes; sweets with sugar substitute.
      It is forbidden: chocolate, sweets, ice cream, jam, exotic fruits (banana, figs, dates), raisins and grapes.

      Sauces, spices: low-fat vegetable, weak meat and fish broths; limit - tomato sauce, pepper, mustard, horseradish.
      It is forbidden: fatty sauces with lots of spices.

      Drinks: tea without additives, vegetable and fruit juices (unsweetened), rosehip decoction.
      It is forbidden: sweet drinks, soda, grape and other juices from sweet fruits/berries.

      Fats: lean, olive and unsalted butter.
      It is forbidden: meat and cooking fat (deep-fried, lard, etc.).

    In nursing mothers

    A hypoallergenic diet for a nursing mother allows you to avoid reactions to foods in a newborn and reduce gas formation in your baby. Strict dietary restrictions are important in the first 3 months of a baby’s life , because:

      The nervous regulation of digestion and peristalsis remains immature (one of the causes of colic in newborns);

      the digestive system adapts: previously the child received nutrients from the mother’s blood through the umbilical cord; motility of the gastrointestinal tract and the production of gastrointestinal hormones, active production of bile and pancreatic, duodenal, and gastric juices are launched.

      Enzymes in the baby’s body are produced in limited quantities. Excess nutrients are not digested, which also causes colic and bloating.

      Undeveloped immunity (up to 6 months). The body's protection is provided by immunoglobulins from mother's milk.

    When creating a diet for lactating women, it is important that it has sufficient calories. Daily energy consumption due to lactation increases by 500 Kcal.

    Due to the growing adaptive capabilities of the child’s body, the diet for breastfeeding should be as strict as possible in the first 1-2 weeks of the child’s life, with a gradual easing of food restrictions and the introduction of a small amount of new foods.

    1-2 week

    Completely exclude (what is not allowedeateven in small doses):

      Cocoa and chocolate;

      coffee, strong tea;

    • fatty meat, rich broths;

      fatty and sea fish;

    • white cabbage;

    • baked goods and baked goods made from premium flour;

    Acceptable in limited quantities:

      Rusks made from 1st grade flour, bran flour;

      lean varieties of fish;

      liver (except birds);

      lean beef, chicken;

      corn, buckwheat;

      butter and olive oil;

      green baked apples;


    The basis of the diet consists of (gentlehypoallergenicnutrition):

      Low-fat fermented milk products;

      lean meat: rabbit, turkey; weak broths made from lean meat;

      vegetables and broths from them: cauliflower, Brussels sprouts; broccoli; squash, zucchini, zucchini; spinach; some onions and carrots;

      cereals: rice, buckwheat, millet, wheat, oatmeal; moderate - corn, semolina;

      fermented milk products: cottage cheese 5-9%; sour cream 15%; kefir, ryazhanka, dietary cheeses (ricotta, feta, unsalted feta cheese);

      herbal teas (including lactation teas: anise, fennel, dill, chamomile), rosehip decoction, weak green tea without additives;

      desserts: crackers made from 1st grade flour or bran; dried bread with bran (you can - a sandwich with a thin layer of butter, no more than 1 piece / day), biscuits (with bran, from premium flour - limited);

    2-3 weeks - 1.5 months

    Highly allergenic foods are completely excluded, as in the first 14 days, with the exception of:

      Milk. Use diluted milk no more than 1-2 times a week to prepare porridge. If rashes appear on the baby’s skin, milk is excluded from the diet of the nursing mother.

      Eggs. In boiled form, no more than 1 piece/week; if there is no reaction in the baby, increase to 1 piece/day, limit protein.

    Gradually introduce into the diet:

      Fruits and vegetables characteristic of the region in yellow and red colors: pumpkin, yellow apples (starting from 1/4 apple per day baked), banana (from 1/4 per day); increasing potatoes in the diet; beets (boiled with 1 tbsp, grated); tomato (start by adding tomato paste (1/2 package for 4 servings of the dish) or stewed vegetables (no more than 1/2 medium tomato at a time)); New vegetables are always introduced baked/boiled.

      Different types of meat: beef, veal, pork, chicken (lean parts - meatball, tenderloin, etc.). Increasing liver consumption, gradually introducing chicken liver.

      Increase your consumption of lean fish.

    The diet is always adjusted to the child. If the baby develops a rash when a new product is introduced, it is immediately removed from the woman’s diet.

    Until 3 months, the nervous system of the intestine has not yet formed, so you should not eat foods that promote gas formation and are difficult to digest:

      fatty meat, strong broths, lard;

    • heavy fruits and berries rich in fiber and sugar: cherries, grapes, pears.

    3-6 months

    The main adaptation stage is completed. Now you can gradually include all foods in a woman’s diet, except:

      Cocoa, chocolate, coffee;

      semi-finished products, sausages and smoked meats;

      sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup);

      honey, nuts;

      citruses and strawberries.

    The remaining products are introduced gradually, observing the baby’s reaction (the appearance of colic, rash). It is advisable to include soups with legumes in the diet from 4-5 months of a child’s life, starting with 1/4 serving at a time.

    One new product is introduced per day to monitor the baby’s condition. Therefore, borscht and other complex dishes should be eaten after the baby has become accustomed to all the ingredients (beets, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.).

    6-12 months

    After 6 months, children are introduced to complementary foods, so there is no need to adhere to dietary restrictions (except for the above-mentioned hyperallergens).

    Complementary feeding begins with cereals (buckwheat, rice, wheat), giving 1 teaspoon as the first portion. Porridges are cooked with breast milk and water, without adding fats or spices. For the first complementary feeding, it is allowed to give homemade fermented milk drinks from low-fat (2.5%) milk: kefir, yogurt without additives and sugar. The child is given only fresh food (1-2 days after preparation).

    They begin to introduce complementary foods at lunchtime feeding (12.00), and breastfeed the baby. Within a week, the child should adapt to the portion of food that replaces complementary feeding. After this, the previously introduced product is given in the morning (8.00-9.00), and new products are introduced at lunch.