The procedure for preparing for the wedding. Preparing for the wedding step by step - a plan by points. Choosing a wedding date

Every little girl dreams of herself happy day her life is about marriage. About the day when you can choose a dress for yourself, make great hairstyle and be the center of attention.

But when the time comes to prepare for the wedding, the girl understands that preparing for the wedding is not only pleasant chores, but also quite hard work.

After all, planning a wedding, a feast and entertainment program takes a lot of time and effort. Of course, you can entrust the organization of the celebration to professionals.

But in this case, you can not be completely sure that everything will go according to plan. As the saying goes, if you want something done right, do it yourself.

How to start organizing a wedding

The moment you become a happy bride, organizing your wedding seems like an amazing adventure and you are at a loss as to where to start preparing. However, once the preparation process has begun, it doesn't seem so easy anymore. And arises main question- where to start everything?

To keep the wedding plan organized, you should take notes. Take notes on everything related to the wedding and correct notes already made.

To do this, get a special notebook, which will record not only the necessary coordinates, important information but also your thoughts about the upcoming event.

Find out and write down in a notebook the coordinates of musicians, toastmasters, several restaurants, wedding salon, florists and everyone else who will be related to the wedding. Of course, there is a lot of paper work to be done, but such an organized one will bring a lot of benefits and, in the end, you will only be glad that you have everything written down.

After all, for the wedding to go well, everything must be in order. To do this, carefully prepare, carefully calculate all expenses, and most importantly, do not include in this plan those moments that you will not be able to afford.

Your notes should feel like a kind of coordinator for you, from which you cannot deviate. This is the only way you can fit into the planned budget.

Despite all the difficulties, organizing a wedding is a very exciting and exciting process. And if you spend enough time and effort on this process, the result of your efforts will be the best day of your life.

Things to keep in mind when planning

If you decide to organize a wedding on your own, it is very important that you understand and support each other. It will be better if you share the preparation responsibilities among yourselves so that everyone does their own piece of work.

Stages of preparation for the wedding or a list of important things to do:

  1. Submission of an application. Of course, the first step in planning a wedding will be filing an application with the registry office so that you can start preparing, knowing the date of the upcoming wedding.
  2. Buying rings. There is nothing more pleasant for a girl than buying jewelry. Especially if it's the purchase of her engagement ring. So turn it into a little holiday.
  3. Invite family and friends to the celebration. To do this, it is best to buy and send out invitations.
  4. Restaurant or banquet hall rental. When you already know the exact date of the painting, you can start looking for a restaurant for the event.
  5. Holiday menu. It is better to plan a festive menu with the administrator of the institution where you plan to hold a celebration.
  6. Hall decoration. In order to decorate the banquet hall, you can hire florists or designers. Discuss in advance with the restaurant management how they can help you decorate, and what you have to do on your own. For example, do they have chair covers, do their tablecloths fit color palette your wedding, etc.
  7. Search for a photographer, operator and toastmaster. These are the people who will leave in memory either pleasant moments or disappointment.
  8. Competitions can be invented independently or together with the toastmaster. In any case, discuss the upcoming competitions with the toastmaster you have chosen to be ready for anything.
  9. Buy wedding dresses. Carefully choose a suit for the groom so that it goes well with the bride's wedding dress. In addition, choose accessories for the dress, depending on the time of year and the overall style.
  10. Bride preparation. Find a makeup artist and hairdresser, as well as do a trial hairstyle and makeup.
  11. Find and rent a wedding cortege.

In addition to all this, you should buy glasses, order a cake, loaves and cones, as well as think through all the other small nuances.

The main stages of preparation for the wedding

  • 1. The style of the future wedding.

A wedding is the most amazing and joyful event in the life of every person. So every couple dreams of a beautiful and bright holiday, because according to popular belief, how the celebration goes, this will be the future life.

Therefore, a lot of time should be devoted to organizing this holiday. The most important thing in this matter is the choice of the theme and style of the future wedding.

But a wedding is, first of all, a holiday, so you need to spend it the way you dream. You can organize a wedding in the rhythm of salsa, or make a small family celebration. There may be many options. The main thing is that the wedding turned out in the same style.

  • 2. Budget planning.

When organizing a wedding, it is very important to have at least an approximate budget for the event. In this budget, you need to take into account everything, even rose petals and sweets that are scattered near the registry office.

Be sure to keep a separate notebook where you will write down all the wedding expenses and what you need for the celebration. Be sure to add 5-10% to the total amount that you got to take into account all unforeseen expenses.

Before any wedding purchase, be sure to look at the cost in several places to buy the most profitable. For example, wedding dresses in expensive salons are sold for 20-30% more than similar dresses in salons in residential areas.

Wedding small items, such as glasses or candles, will cost less in ordinary stores than in specialized wedding stores. In addition, some little things can be done with your own hands.

  • 3. Choice of restaurant and wedding menu.

Your wedding day is exciting and stressful not only for the newlyweds, but also for their loved ones. And only in the evening you can relax and recuperate at a festive feast.

A good restaurant and a good menu is already 50% of a successful wedding. Therefore, the choice of a restaurant must be approached with responsibility. When ordering a menu, try to take into account not only your preferences, but also the preferences of your guests.

By the way, attention should be focused on the first feast, when the guests are still hungry. Hot appetizers are usually served half an hour after the cold appetizers are taken out or already at the second table.

The sweet table should include not only cake and loaves. There must be fruit and sweets for children.

  • 4. Search for hosts and musicians.

Choosing a toastmaster and musicians is a very important decision in the wedding planning process. The toastmaster should not only be able to entertain the public and have many competitions in his arsenal, but also be appropriate to the public that will gather at your celebration.

If we talk about the choice of musicians, then everything is also very individual. For some, a rock band is ideal, for some, a violin or saxophone will be enough, and for some audiences, performers of more popular songs will be required.

The most important thing is that the musical arrangement and toastmaster correspond to the mood of the evening and its style.

  • 5. Invitations.

Whom to invite to the wedding so that no one is left offended? Of course, your closest relatives, such as parents, grandparents, should be present at your wedding.

But in the event that the bride and groom do not have a lot of relatives, then it is worth diluting the list of invitees with friends and colleagues.

Of course, guests can also be invited by phone or in person. But it will be very nice if you send invitations to your guests by mail. In addition, it is desirable that your guests respond to your invitations so that you can calculate the number of guests.

  • 6. Photographing and video filming.

To remember your wedding for years to come, be sure to order a photographer and cameraman. If you have a lot of photos and videos left, then you will have something to show the guests at the next anniversary. In addition, this is something that not only your children, but also grandchildren can watch.

Quite often, wedding video and photography take a significant part of the wedding budget. However, even at this point, you can save money.

For example, you do not need to take pictures of everything. Discuss with the photographer and operator all the places where you want to capture yourself. This way you will be able to calculate the time and pay them for fewer hours of work.

There will be no less turmoil on the day of the wedding than in preparation for it. How not to lose sight of anything and not spoil the holiday? Your wedding day plan will help you. We will tell you how to make it ideally, taking into account various nuances and including fees, a ransom, a photo shoot, a banquet, etc. In addition, you will find out what things you will need to take with you to the registry office. Also here you will find a table of the schedule of the wedding banquet by hours and minutes.

A wedding is an exciting event in the life of every girl. In order to properly plan an event and not miss anything when planning, you must consider the following nuances:

  • day length. If the wedding takes place in the summer, then you can start getting ready later, at 9-10 o'clock, but in winter you will have to get up early (about six cheers) so that the photographer does not work in complete darkness during the holiday shooting.
  • City size. If the wedding takes place in a multi-million metropolis, taking into account traffic jams, it is necessary to devote more time (by 1-2 hours) to the road.
  • Weather. If it is warm outside, then you can organize more events outside, but in winter it is better to spend the vast majority of time indoors.
  • Unseen circumstances. On them in the plan you can take about an hour. This time will be needed if, for example, the bride forgets her bouquet at home, the photo session is delayed, God forbid, the dress is torn, etc.

What should be included in the plan: key milestones

What should be included in the perfect wedding plan? Here is an example scenario:

  1. Fees and ransom of the bride. All this happens in the morning, about 3-5 hours before the registration.
  2. The road from the house of the bride and groom to the registry office. In big cities, you need to take more time for this stage, otherwise there is a risk of getting stuck in a traffic jam and being late.
  3. Wedding or painting. The average duration of the wedding - 1 hour, painting - 20 minutes. You can combine these two events, first registration, then marriage in the church.
  4. Photoshoot. It is better to leave it up to 3 hours, taking into account also the time on the way to the restaurant.
  5. Banquet. Usually lasts about 5 hours.
  6. Transportation of guests to their homes(optional) - it takes about 2-3 hours.

Of course, the bride and groom can add some details to the routine as they see fit.

Between each stage, you need to leave time (about 40-60 minutes) that will be spent on the road. If this parameter is not taken into account in advance, the event will begin to shift, forcing the newlyweds to be late and worry.

So that on a holiday you don’t have to worry too much due to lack of time, you need to choose close locations. For example, the registry office should be located closer to the bride's house, and the photo shoot site should be located near the restaurant.

Before you make a plan, you need to do it right. Here are tips on how to do this, taking into account the opinions of astrologers, various signs, the work of registry offices and other nuances.

And now about the most. Here it is written what needs to be done depending on the time remaining until the celebration. You will learn where to start and what to do next.

Required for a wedding. Read here exactly what. You will learn what needs to be prepared for redemption, what to consider when choosing a menu, who serves field registration etc.

Since there is a lot of work to be done, make sure that in advance. We carefully studied the labor code, and gave an exhaustive answer to this question in another article.

Here's what the wedding planner says:

Sample wedding schedule with 2 o'clock check-in

Usually the bride makes this schedule on her own, but often she needs tips and basic help. What will the plan look like if the painting in the registry office falls at two in the afternoon?

  1. 8:00 a.m. Wake up the bride, take a shower and have breakfast. The girl must try on the dress. For the groom, the rise may be a little later, since he will not have to get ready for so long. Rise can be moved to 9:00.
  2. 9:00-11:00 - work of a makeup artist and hairdresser. While the bride puts on beauty, the groom has breakfast, friends come to him, decorate cars and prepare money for a ransom (if it takes place).
  3. 11:00 -11:30 - dressing the bride, a short photo shoot. The groom does the same.
  4. 11:30-12:00 - arrival of guests.
  5. 11:30-12:30 - bride price and festive buffet (optional). If you exclude this stage from the plan, you will have one extra hour left. You can move the program forward. The ransom should not be too long: a maximum of half an hour and 5-6 contests. After that, the bride and groom invite guests to a short buffet, and they themselves are photographed with everyone.
  6. 12:30-13:30 - road to the registry office, arrival at the institution.
  7. 13:30 - a short photo session in front of the registry office and inside.
  8. 14:00-14:30 - . We wrote about how it goes in another article.
  9. 14:30-15:00 - the road to the place of photography.
  10. 15:00-18:00 - photo session. The bride and groom should prepare the props for shooting in advance, and if they plan to visit several places for a photo shoot, it is worth making a travel plan taking into account the travel time (an average of half an hour for each location).
  11. 18:00-19:00 - the road to the banquet hall.
  12. 19:00-23:00 - banquet.

Here you can highlight your steps:

Time Stage
19:00 the appearance of the bride and groom in the hall and the seating of guests
19:15 buffet
19:30-19:40 first congratulations
19:40-20:00 preparation for the first dance of the young and the dance itself
20:00:20:30 continuation of the buffet and dancing
20:30-21:00 contests
21:00-21:30 congratulations
22:00-22:30 tossing the bride's garter and bouquet
22:30-22:45 takeaway cake
22:45-23:00 fireworks
23:00-23:15 final words of young people and guests
23:15-00:00 departure of guests home.

wedding day plan

Proper timing design

Timing is a kind of table, without which it is impossible to competently organize a wedding. It prescribes all the stages of the celebration, all its key moments, taking into account the time required by each contractor. So, what are the secrets of creating timing? Here is an example of how you can do it:

  1. It must be clearly drawn up, in the form of a table or diagram.
  2. It is better to start compiling 1-2 months in advance, having checked in advance with stylists, artists and banquet organizers the time required for their work.
  3. In your table, be sure to indicate: the name of the contractor and his functions, the start time of his work, his address, telephone number for communication.
  4. The document should indicate the time of even small events - taking out the cake, fireworks, serving the first and second courses.
  5. It is important to leave time in your plan for unforeseen situations (traffic jams, the loss of some details of the celebration, the illness of the master, and so on).
  6. Before the wedding day, you should call all the contractors and check their readiness, make a note in the timing.

The more detailed the timing is and the more comments it contains, the lower the risk of disrupting the wedding will be.

wedding day coordination

If the bride understands that she cannot cope on her own, she should invite an organizer who will think over the plan, help in scheduling and take over the coordination of all movements. The facilitator will need the following information:

  • the time of registration, from which the rise of the bride and groom will be counted;
  • a list of all ongoing events (photo shoot, ransom, and so on);
  • the names of all contractors without exception and their telephone numbers;
  • addresses and names of places where the celebration will be held.

The services of such an organizer cost an average of 10 thousand rubles for the entire work.

Sample wedding day plan

Things that the bride and groom need to take with them

In the turmoil of the wedding, it is easy to forget some important thing, without which it will be impossible to continue the event. That's just short list What newlyweds need to take with them:

  • passports and covers for them;
  • rings;
  • wipes, both wet and regular;
  • hairpins in order to fix the hairstyle;
  • a needle and thread in case something breaks right during the ceremony;
  • a small first aid kit consisting of a band-aid, cotton wool, painkillers;
  • tights, cosmetics, hairspray to correct the image of the bride in time;
  • water.

If the hero of the occasion does not have a suitable clutch to store all these little things, things should be given to the bridesmaid or mother.

Another version of the wedding day routine from blogger Irina Korneva:

To some, organizing a celebration on time may seem like a daunting task, but nothing is impossible here. The bride and groom just need to plan all their affairs in advance, and then this unforgettable day will pass without complications.

Every bride is very worried about how the most important day of her life will pass. It seems that it is simply impossible to solve hundreds of wedding preparation issues. However, you can make things much easier if you create your own wedding plan. You can draw up such a plan in a year: this time is enough to organize the wedding of your dreams.

On the site for brides, you will find detailed information on how to draw up a wedding preparation plan, broken down into points. Alternatively, you can make a wedding plan by months, indicating what things you need to do six, three and one month before the wedding. Today we will look at another way to plan for important milestones.

Organization of the wedding: we make a plan ourselves

You can write a wedding plan without special efforts, however, it is best to approach its compilation creatively. You can choose any option you like. The plan should be convenient, simple and memorable, because you can not forget a single little thing.

  • Plan on paper. The simplest plan for organizing your long-awaited wedding can be written on a regular piece of paper. During the time you write the text by hand, you will be much better able to remember all the important little things. You can also use colored paper or thick cardboard, if it helps you remember all the nuances better.
  • Electronic plan. If you do not like to write by hand, you can safely print the plan electronically. Planning your wedding will be easier if you highlight every important point different colors. A big plus of the wedding plan in electronic form is that you can move it to your phone and view it at a convenient time for you. You can also easily drop it to the groom, parents or bridesmaids if you want to ask them for help organizing.
  • Stickers on the refrigerator. Another original way wedding step-by-step plans can be bright sticky stickers. Write one point of the plan on each of them and hang it on the refrigerator in correct order. If the plan item is successfully completed, feel free to tear it off the refrigerator. As soon as you have one or two stickers left, you will feel how close your celebration is and how much you have already done to organize the wedding.

Wedding plan: we take into account all the most important things

In order not to forget anything when organizing even the smallest wedding, it is necessary to break the plan into several key blocks. Each block should have a name, a date by which the organization of this item must be completed, and several important notes on implementation.

  1. Restaurant. It is worth taking care of the venue of the celebration in advance, since reservations for good restaurants are already made 12 months in advance. Think about exactly where you want to celebrate your celebration, what size hall you need, whether you want an indoor restaurant or an outdoor terrace.
  2. Decoration of the wedding hall. After you have decided on the wedding venue, you need to think about the decor of the hall. Choose the color and style of your wedding, and look for a good decorator to help with decorations and select the right décor and accessories.

  3. Wedding dresses. A detailed wedding plan will not let you forget about the most important thing! Search wedding dress for the bride and the suit for the groom, it is necessary to start at least six months in advance. The bride chooses her ideal dress especially long and painstakingly. Modern designers offer such a variety of dress models that it’s just that your eyes run wide. Take help from your mother or another loved one who can give advice from the outside. You can also use the services of a professional stylist who will select a dress model according to your figure and temperament. You can visit several salons and choose one of the suitable models. If you plan to rent a dress, it is also worth reserving it in advance.

  4. Accessories. A few months before the wedding, you should take care of the guests. First, make a guest list. Next, you need to consider wedding invitations for each guest, a seating plan and seating cards, as well as bonbonnieres for guests. Also, you can already pay the restaurant, knowing the exact number of guests. With a preparation plan, you will understand how it is really easy to plan a wedding without missing a single nuance.

  5. A wedding cake. About a month before the wedding, you need to think about what kind of wedding cake you want to order. Discuss with the pastry chef the taste, design and number of tiers of the cake, as well as the exact delivery time. Tell the confectioner the exact address where you want to bring the dessert.

  6. The bride's bouquet. The bouquet should also be taken care of a month before the wedding. Pick your favorite flowers and show the florist a photo of the bouquet you think is perfect. The florist also needs to get the exact date and time by which the groom will arrive for a fresh, beautiful bouquet.

In such cases, you need to calm down and let go of the situation. Let a few days pass: perhaps the difficulties will resolve themselves. If you're having trouble following your plan, try swapping the items. Do what you planned to do later, since you have a free window in the preparation plan. Do not panic, seek help from your relatives, because it is much easier to solve problems together.

The wedding site advises you to stay cheerful and positive in any situation. The main thing is to start preparing for the wedding and make a plan, and then everything will work out anyway. Follow deadlines, check your list every week to make sure everything is under control. A few days after the wedding, it will seem to you that the preparation was so easy and fun that you should not have worried!

    In your life, the long-awaited moment has come true - the engagement. Soon you will legitimize your relationship with your loved one, and no matter how far the wedding day may seem, get ready for solemn event it is necessary in advance, because so much should be taken into account, foreseen. Every couple wants their wedding to be perfect, so don't put off preparing for marriage until later, but start acting immediately.

    The first steps in preparing for the wedding

    First you need to decide whether you entrust the organization of the wedding to professionals from the wedding agency or whether you will independently prepare the celebration big day own life. In the first case, all the worries and efforts are placed on the shoulders of experienced people who will prepare the holiday of your dreams for you, you just have to enjoy the anticipation of the celebration. In the second case, you will independently control the course of preparation, do everything as you see fit, plus save a considerable amount on the services of event organizers.

    In the process of preparing a wedding, you will have to deal with many issues. In order not to lose sight of anything, not to forget anything, get yourself a diary in which you will write down the contacts of people whose help you need, addresses of restaurants, salons, dates of important meetings. The bride's folder will be useful, in which you can store clippings from magazines, photos of your favorite dresses, wedding flower arrangements, decor options for a banquet hall, cakes.

    Budget calculation

    The first item in terms of preparing for the wedding should be drawing up an approximate budget. At first, you will not be able to take into account all the expenses, but it is necessary to decide on the maximum amount that you are willing to spend. If not only the money of the newlyweds will be spent on the celebration, but also their parents, it is recommended to family council to discuss with relatives what contribution each can make on their part.

    If you don’t have enough own funds, and you don’t have to wait for outside help, you need to think about a loan. Decide what you are willing to save on, choose cheaper options for the event so as not to go beyond the established budget. After that, go to the bank and discuss with its representatives the terms of loan programs, in search of a profitable option for you.

    When calculating your wedding budget, divide your expenses into categories:

    • outfits of the bride, groom;
    • decor of the cortege, hall;
    • flowers;
    • registration ceremony;
    • photo, video filming;
    • banquet.

    This list is by no means exhaustive and many more details will appear in the course of preparation. But for each of these main categories, it is recommended to set a maximum amount.

    Choosing a wedding date and filing an application

    When choosing a date for the celebration, consider several factors:

    • the scale of the celebration;
    • desired time of year
    • the opportunity to take days off or leave from work for this time;
    • the availability of the banquet hall on the desired day;
    • time to prepare for the wedding.

    Even if you plan to play modest wedding with a minimum number of guests, you should have at least 3 months left to organize the celebration. If the wedding is planned magnificent, then you will need at least 9-12 months to prepare for it. For six months or a year, you will be able to book the desired restaurant, submit an application to the registry office for the date you need.

    Having stopped the choice on the date of the wedding, decide on the registry office for registration. If it is a district registry office, then there will not be a special queue, and you will be able to apply for the selected date. But if you want to legalize your relationship in the Central Wedding Palace, difficulties may arise. For this, a margin of time is needed to apply in advance. When applying, find out about the possibilities for the ceremony that you could use: an entrance to romantic music, the first dance of the newlyweds to a waltz, an orchestra.

    Compiling a guest list

    Sometimes the number of guests present at the banquet and at the registration ceremony is different, so it may be necessary to make two lists. Think about who you want to see at the gala dinner, and who you invite only to the registry office. It depends only on your desires and financial capabilities. When sending wedding invitations to guests, ask them to notify their presence or absence at the celebration by a certain date so that you can order the exact number of seats in the restaurant.

    Book a place for a celebration

    If you're planning a traditional-style celebration by having dinner at a restaurant, go around a few places to pick out the best. Check out the menu, see what style and colors the hall decor is made in, whether it will suit the theme of your wedding or you will have to make some design details yourself. Many restaurants offer their musicians as accompaniment for wedding evening. But if you want your favorite band or guest stars to play at the celebration, discuss this issue with the manager of the institution.

    The wedding venue does not have to be a restaurant. Weddings in the spring and summer, some couples play outside the city on open terraces or lawns. You should also order the rental of such places several months in advance, since the demand for them is too high. You will have to agree in advance with the florist about the decor of the area, with the official representatives of the registry office, who arrange exit marriage registration ceremonies.

    To-do list for a bride

    Most of the organizational issues related to the wedding rests with the bride. It is important for girls to arrange an unforgettable wedding, to celebrate this day in the circle of relatives and friends, to prepare everything at the highest level. In order not to forget anything and so that you do not have to urgently decide something at the last moment, make yourself a monthly plan for preparing for the wedding.

    One year to six months before the wedding

    • Decide on the date of the wedding and submit an application to the registry office.
    • Calculate the budget for the celebration.
    • Select the theme of the event color scheme banquet hall, cortege decor.
    • Book a place to celebrate.
    • If you want to use the services of an agency, hire an organizer.
    • Make a guest list.
    • Choose bridesmaids, decide on witnesses.
    • Find a pastry chef and decide what style you want to see the wedding cake.
    • Arrange with the photographer and operator.
    • Book the services of a host, toastmaster and florist.
    • Order or buy a wedding dress and accessories for it.

    4 months before the wedding day

    • Finalize the list of invited guests.
    • Make a plan for your wedding day: write it down to the minute.
    • Inform the witnesses about the theme of the wedding (if any).
    • Order dresses for bridesmaids (if they are made in the same style).
    • Make an appointment with a makeup artist and hairdresser.
    • Order printing of invitation cards.
    • Select and purchase wedding rings.
    • Start rehearsing the wedding dance of the newlyweds. Take dance lessons if necessary.
    • Decide on the music for the celebration, order a group, select a composition for the first dance.

    For 2 months

    • Send invitation cards to guests.
    • Discuss the details of the shooting with the photographer and cameraman, express your wishes.
    • Order a wedding cake.
    • Decide on the menu for the banquet.
    • Clarify all the points of the script with the presenter and toastmaster.
    • Finalize the entire wedding decor.
    • Book hotel rooms for out-of-town guests staying on your holiday.
    • Order travel agency vouchers for a trip to the island as a honeymoon trip.

    For 1 month

    • Have your hair and makeup trial done at the salon to see if it fits your chosen style and how long it will take you to get it done on your wedding day.
    • Conduct the final fitting of the bride's dress.
    • Find the right bridal accessories.
    • Do you want to give guests at the end of the celebration memorable souvenirs- order them no later than a month before the wedding.

    1 week before holiday

    • If necessary, inform the manager of the banquet hall about the change in the number of guests.
    • Have a final meeting with all the people involved and helping to organize the event.
    • Check the plan for the wedding day: the schedule should be clearly drawn up, without large gaps of unfilled time.
    • Decide on the seating of guests at the banquet.
    • Transfer the wedding rings to the groom's parents for safekeeping until the wedding day.
    • Decide on a person who will help the bride in the collection.
    • If necessary, and if possible, hold a rehearsal of the ceremony and the gala evening.
    • Pack your suitcase for your honeymoon.

    How to start preparing for the wedding of the groom?

    • Buying care wedding rings the groom is obliged to take over. These same rings will be kept by him or his parents until the day of the wedding.
    • The groom should take care of his appearance at the wedding. You must choose a suit, shirt, shoes and accessories.
    • Although the bouquet will belong to the bride, according to tradition, the groom chooses and orders it. He will give the flowers to the bride only on the day of the wedding after the ransom.
    • Questions regarding the order of the wedding cortege are also assigned to the groom. He will not only have to choose cars, order them for the right date, but also invite decorators to decorate the cars thematically.

    Preparing for such an important and desirable celebration as a wedding will require a lot of time, effort, money, and sometimes nerves. If you approach the process wisely, draw up a plan for preparing for the wedding in advance and follow it, then pre-wedding chores will be joyful and a lot of fun.

    Where to start preparing for the wedding and, most importantly, when? These questions will be answered by this article.

    Already six months before the upcoming celebration, you can make plans. The very first item will be the choice of the date of the wedding, from which the construction of a further plan of action will begin. After the couple has submitted an application to the registry office and the date of the marriage is known, you can begin to draw up a detailed plan, where the solution of each task will be described step by step and by month.

    Four months left before the wedding ceremony

    The presented action plan will help you not to miss important details when organizing a wedding, which is 4 months away:

    • Calculate the event budget. It will depend on where the wedding will take place, how many guests will be invited, who will be the host and all the major and minor moments of the celebration.

    • Choose a location and theme for your wedding. Currently very popular themed weddings- denim wedding, in the style of the 50s, chamomile wedding. The theme will depend on the time of year, the age and interests of the guests and the wishes of the newlyweds themselves.

    • Make a list of wedding guests. It is better to compose it in advance so as not to forget anyone.

    • In the event that you lead wedding banquet there will be one of the guests, you should find musicians, a photographer, a cameraman and a florist, and discuss the details of the event with the host.

    • Find a pastry chef and discuss wedding cake options with him.
    • Select witnesses for the wedding ceremony and bridesmaids.
    • Start searching for a wedding dress and accessories, as this process can be lengthy.

    Two months left before the wedding ceremony

    The presented action plan will help you not to miss important details when organizing a wedding, which is 2 months away:

    • Approve the guest list.
    • Plan your wedding day step by step.
    • Choose and buy suitable wedding rings.
    • Arrange invitations for guests.
    • It's time for the newlyweds to start rehearsing the wedding dance and, if necessary, take a few dance lessons.

    One month left before the wedding ceremony

    • Send invitation cards to guests.
    • Personally meet with the toastmaster, photographer, musicians and, if necessary, make adjustments to the wedding script, select and download musical compositions.
    • Order a wedding cake.
    • Approve the menu of the festive event.

    • Take care of where the guests who come to the celebration from afar will stay. Book a place for them in a hotel or cozy hotel.
    • If the newlyweds go on a honeymoon trip, then you should take care of vouchers for honeymoon right now.

    One week left before the wedding

    When there is one week left before the wedding ceremony, it is better to make a list and keep it always at hand. During this period, you need to take care of the following:

    • Adjust the list of guests and bring this data to a cafe or restaurant.
    • Think over the scheme of placing guests at the table, taking into account their desire and other nuances.
    • Hold a final meeting with the host of the celebration and everyone who helps to organize it.
    • Conduct a wedding rehearsal if possible. In this case, all the shortcomings will be immediately visible and eliminated.
    • Prepare everything you need for a honeymoon trip, if it is panned - pack your things, pack your bags.

    The day before the wedding, it's best to go over the points of the plan again to make sure everything is in order.

    Suggested table of how the wedding day will go from early morning to late evening, can be used as the basis for planning the entire event.