Congratulations on your 12th wedding anniversary. Congratulations on the Nickel wedding (12.5 wedding anniversary). Congratulations to children from parents

Happy 12th birthday to you
We congratulate you on your family life,
Your nickel wedding
We celebrate today with all our hearts!

We would like to wish the spouses
So that both prosperity and harmony reign in the house,
Children for fun, joy
We gave you positivity and happiness!

12 years of living together is not such a short period of time: all possible problems have already made themselves felt, character flaws have appeared in all their glory, and feelings have been tested to the limit. So let your family not be afraid of adversity in the future, and let all the problems that arise only strengthen your union to the envy of everyone.

You have been together for twelve years, which means today is the anniversary of your wonderful, reverent and full of love family relations! May your feelings always be so fiery and mutual, because you are a wonderful couple who are an example for others! I wish that you appreciate each other, and that your children only make you happy and are always healthy! Live in harmony, peace and be happy!

Twelve years have already passed
How they became husband and wife,
Our son is growing up
And my daughter is catching up nearby.

So much has already passed,
We rubbed our backs against each other,
We went to the cinema with you,
We walked under the gloomy moon.

And I want to wish one thing -
So that joy does not leave us.
I love you my dear,
And I will never get tired!

Today we congratulate you on your Nickel wedding. The first 12 years of marriage marked a wonderful beginning for your lifelong union. May your family ties continue to grow stronger, living together will be bright and shiny, and love will always be ardent and passionate, just like 12 years ago.

12 years you love each other
And you make me happy with your smile
Parents, neighbors and girlfriend,
After all, your couple is brighter every day.
Let no troubles come into your life
And don’t let grief come to your door,
Love forever, take care more,
Hug and kiss every day.

Still a very young child,
The teenager is your family.
Having barely fluttered out of the diapers,
The little yearlings are flying, ringing.

Chintz, paper and leather,
Flax, wood, cast iron...
And many more can be named
The strings you touched.

Let the wedding sound like a song,
Let the wine flow like a river.
You need to protect your family,
How many shares is this given to you?

Let every anniversary pass as a holiday,
Celebrate 12 years with unearthly happiness in your eyes,
You still have enough love for a million years,
Your marriage took place in heaven.

You live together only in happiness,
After all, you won’t find dearer souls in this world,
You love each other with all your heart,
And any trouble will pass by!

We worked hard
All these years, we built a family,
We still have the old feelings,
They burn brightly, and like heaven,
We live with you now, it’s not surprising
After all, we took steps together,
Toward happiness, we can do it,
Leave all your worries behind.
I know you and I are together
Both body and soul,
And there is no better place in the world,
What is it, nearby. here with you.

Children go to school on their own
Yes, and you already have a mustache -
What is family life?
You don't need to explain.
So, I will praise:
You have lived twelve years,
We were happy and didn’t worry.
May this year too
It will bring you good luck.

Happy anniversary, happy nickel wedding. Who would have said twelve years ago that you would be such an amazing and harmonious couple? Let this love remain with you further, becoming only brighter and bringing happiness to all parties.

Congratulations on your nickel wedding

Having lived the first of dozens,
Together you are at your best.
Your wedding needs a symbol -
Nickel, like on a wheel.

He is trying to knitting needles
And, lo and behold, they hit the axle.
Why not get drunk?
Don't jump like a moose?

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
12 years you are in peace and love,
Let the ice cubes of doubt melt now,
You were born for each other!
May all adversity leave forever,
Live in love, in care, for a hundred years!
Let the feelings with new strength they'll pour in again
I wish you unknown victories!

Everything is great, guys! You did it!
And again love won.
You turned ten today
Bright, mature, hot years!

We wish you a desperate life,
Stormy, fiery, bright years.
We wish you endless love
And brilliant, glorious victories!

congratulations on your 12th wedding anniversary

Twelve years ago they shouted “Bitter!”
We are young, naive and happy
And it seems like just yesterday, that’s all,
The toastmaster was cheerful and talkative...
And now at the nickel wedding
You are happy, and may the happiness last!
It’s also for you and your children.
It will definitely come in handy in family matters!

Nickel glitters like silver,
You've been together for twelve years now.
I want to shout “bitterly” to you again,
Like the bride and groom.
The family turns 12 – what a celebration!
Stay as beautiful as you are.
We wish you love and joy,
It's so nice to see you happy!

congratulations on your 12th wedding anniversary

Let us confess to the whole khural,
No secret admiration:
She brought us together for the anniversary
Excellent family!
Your nickel wedding
We were imbued with all our souls;
With such extensive experience,
On this big anniversary
We must be honest
And put the confession in a verse:
A dozen years together
You are an example for others!
You're right at the peak
It is no longer possible to catch up with you;
So let Norilsk Nickel
I'm jealous of you, friends:
Love feeds you two -
The richest ore!
May you have enough of everything!
Be happy always!

Twelve years is a good anniversary
This means that in harmony, love
You have lived many wonderful days
And there will be so much more to come.
May your union be unbreakable
And he is famous for his peace and work,
And as a guardian of strong marriage bonds
May happiness never leave your home!

Your loved ones will give you new dishes
And congratulations will be diluted with jokes.
12 years, and you are still together,
They are faithful to each other like a groom to a bride.
So that you and the children don’t get bored,
We wish your mothers to visit you more often.
There is such an abundance of adrenaline in the company,
And every day with guests is like the worst torture.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

Having lived together for 12 years, the couple celebrate their Nickel wedding. By its name, this anniversary is believed to remind husband and wife not to forget the importance of maintaining cleanliness and radiance in the family. In this way, the newlyweds are hinted that the main guarantee of family happiness is fidelity and care for each other.

A nickel wedding does not have to be celebrated magnificently; according to tradition, the spouses spend this day together, walk around memorable places, remember their first dates and their wedding day. As a gift for your wife, jewelry made of nickel or its alloy with silver is perfect. For your husband, you can choose a keychain or an ashtray made of shiny metal.

Congratulating your friends on this symbolic anniversary is as easy as shelling pears - you can choose nickel utensils for a gift or buy any other useful thing for home. Bed linen sets will look appropriate, bathrobes, table sets, wall clocks.

It is interesting that the couple will celebrate the Nickel wedding for the second time exactly 28 years from the date of their wedding. When congratulating your friends, you can wish them to live in love and harmony until their next anniversary.

You've been married for 12 years...
Not just a number or a date,
She carries destiny:
12 zodiac signs,
12 months a year.
Nickeleva is popularly called:
Feelings in everyday dance
After all, we have been hardened for years,
So may the union always grow stronger.
And if time flies by,
Let love turn into eternity.

12 years hand in hand,
What could be more important in fate?!
What is your secret of happiness?
There is nothing more important in the world than family!

Congratulations on your anniversary
And we sincerely wish you,
Let it always be like this for you!
Hand in hand, eye to eye!

So that both sorrows and adversity,
And so that any bad weather,
And let us meet happiness together,
Let them not offend each other!

I sincerely congratulate you on your twelfth wedding anniversary! May your family always remain so friendly and cheerful! I wish you great happiness, inexhaustible mutual love and harmonious relationships!

For 12 years you have been cherishing love,
And you forge your own happiness,
Years have flown by like a day
Make strong flint out of your feelings.

So that nothing stops them from growing,
So that happiness goes hand in hand with you,
Love each other, appreciate the minutes,
Don't let your routes diverge.

A caring husband and a beautiful wife,
You two deserve happiness in full,
Let the family be strong and grow,
And let joy come to you will come soon.

Twelve years of you together is a lot:
Hand in hand, soul lives in the soul.
Let the love journey never end
And fortunately it guides you confidently!

Let there be ups, there will be downs,
Help each other in everything.
Work hard, don't rely on luck,
Then the house will be cozy and warm!

Rejoice kids, appreciate all the moments,
They are your reward from the Lord from heaven.
Love is both help and patience,
It’s a lot of work and a long process!

You've been together for 12 years,
This is a joyful date.
And there is no more beautiful family,
Keep it up, guys!

Let goodness come to the house,
Remaining to live forever.
Happy anniversary, have a bright day
Congratulations to you!

Twelve years of marriage,
It's called a nickel wedding.
On such a date there is a sea of ​​​​happiness
We would like to wish you.

May your home be a full cup.
We wish you love from the heart.
Please accept our congratulations
And be happy forever!

Twelve years is neither more nor less,
And these years seemed to fly by like the wind.
Your love has only become stronger,
And it’s like a bird conquers the heights.

You also experience everything together:
And their joys and sorrows.
Discover everything new in each other,
And may your days be only joyful.

Your wedding is called nickel.
From time immemorial it has been going on:
Who together reached the nickel,
He gained great happiness.

And now such a craftsman has the right
Teach everyone and live in honor, glory,
Give everyone useful advice,
Have answers to any question.

We wish you great luck,
Happiness, darkness money, and nothing else,
Many faithful, loving friends.
And love from the endless seas to you!

No wonder 12 years of marriage
Crowns the nickel anniversary.
Your marriage, as an ideal, is impeccable,
More stable than metal and whiter.

We congratulate you with all our hearts.
We wish you understanding, smiles,
You love each other so forever,
Without quarrels, insults, without any mistakes.

Although nickel is a strong and good metal,
But still his gold is more valuable.
Let's go in a year, later,
Let's celebrate your golden anniversary!

You've been together for twelve years now,
I congratulate you today.
You are a couple, tender spouses,
Allies, friends in everything.

I wish you guys happiness
Let love rule the house,
I wish that every puzzle
In the picture of life it coincided.

Congratulations: 47 in verse, 16 in prose.

We suggest you make themed gifts for your 12th wedding anniversary? make flowers from isospan, foamiran, silk, quickly sew a dress from this material.

Not everyone knows, 12 years, what kind of wedding? The Germans and Slavs call it nickel, and the Americans call it pearl. There is also another name - silk wedding.

12th wedding anniversary - ceremonies, rituals and anniversary congratulations

The symbol of the 12th wedding anniversary is the peony. In China, he is considered the king of flowers. In the East, it represents love and happiness. This flower denotes respect, abundance, nobility. This plant is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. Previously it was widely used in folk medicine, the Greeks were sure that if you carry a peony with you, it will become a talisman promising longevity.

It is customary to celebrate 12 wedding years 12.5 years after the wedding, since exactly the same amount will remain until silver wedding. There used to be one like this interesting tradition. On this day, unwashed dishes were brought to the spouses, and the hostess had to clean them. By how skillfully she did it, they judged whether the family would not have problems, but whether there would be prosperity in the house.

Now you can also repeat this tradition, but let the spouse help his wife in this difficult work.

But we also need to relax together. Therefore, it is good if, on the eve or on the day of celebrating this event, the husband and wife go for a walk, visiting the places where they were happy.

When the spouses head to the place of celebration, they should be showered with coins. This shiny silver money will become a symbol of harmony in the family, prosperity, and a happy future.

Another ritual for the 12th wedding anniversary allows the couple to create prosperity and love with their own hands. They will prepare a family favorite dish using nickel cookware. This needs to be done in a great mood and help each other. Then they will bring the prepared food to the guests and their children, treating them.

The feast can be either magnificent or modest, in the presence of numerous guests or with family. At the end of the holiday, place a samovar on the table, which will shine; it is believed that then material well-being and good luck will be attracted to the house.

What do you give for your 12th wedding anniversary?

These can be a wide variety of gifts that contain nickel. It would be nice to give your wife one of the following:

  • jewelry;
  • a pendant on a chain on which the name of the event will be engraved;
  • dishes;
  • a beautiful lamp or candlestick;
  • brooch

The wife will present to her husband:

  • a set of shiny metal shot glasses;
  • flask;
  • a mug made of this material;
  • souvenir dagger or saber.

Usually, by this anniversary, spouses already have children. The heroes of the occasion will be pleased to receive a present from their heirs. If the children are still small, their grandparents will tell them what they can give for their 12th wedding anniversary. Let your daughter present cutlery or dishes made of nickel. She can give her parents a shiny samovar, even if it is decorative.

And the son will present his mother with jewelry that contains nickel. He can give dad a shiny cigarette case or flask.

Here are the gifts guests will bring to the 12th wedding:

  • nickel handcuffs;
  • a nickel stamp made to order or purchased at a souvenir store, where it will be written about the 12th wedding anniversary;
  • sparkling horseshoe;
  • chapelnik

Of course, the main flowers at this holiday are peonies. They are symbols of the 12th wedding anniversary. Children, guests or spouses can make various DIY crafts for each other. And with large flowers you decorate the place where you celebrate the event.

How to make peonies from foamiran and isolon for a 12-year wedding anniversary?

If you decide to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale, then the venue can be decorated with huge flowers.

These are easy to make from isolon. By purchasing this material, you will make life-size flowers. First, you need to cut out the petals from the isolon. Then their ends are heated with a hairdryer and curled.

Now these charming petals are glued together to make a flower.

If the isolon is heated, it will soften. Then petals made of this material can be easily bent and stretched to give them a natural color.

If you then mount the peony on the wall, then you don’t have to make a stem for it. In this case with reverse side attach the punched tape.

Then also attach a piece of punched paper tape to the wall and use clamps or paper clips to attach the flowers here.

If the flower will stand, then you need to attach a plastic pipe with a diameter of 40 mm to it, which will turn into a stem. To do this, you need to cut it on one side to make 6 segments. Glue this blank to the hole in the petals. You will place the rest of the petals on top. Attach a sepal made of plastic or isolon down.

It is best to use a metal-plastic tube as a stem, which can be bent into a spiral or wave. Leaves from isolon are glued to such a stem. They also need to be cut out of this fabric first, then bent and the edges made wavy using glue.

If you need to make several flowers, then use a stand. Metal-plastic tubes are welded to it.

If you do not have the opportunity to make such a design, then cut tubes from plastic, place them in a bucket of this material, and decorate it. Then the stems of artificial peonies are installed in these tubes, and the horizontal surface is also decorated.

If you wish, paint the petals. To do this, you can use acrylic enamel, spray paint or rubber.

Place the blossoming bud on the wall, then you can turn it into a lamp in the form of a sconce or floor lamp. This thing will come in handy not only during the celebration of the 12th wedding anniversary, but also for a pink wedding.

When making peonies, you can use the material different colors. But get familiar with what each color means. Then you will use the one that your family needs.

So, here's what the following peony colors mean:

  • pink is financial wealth and respect from family members;
  • white - sincerity, tenderness, harmony;
  • purple - constancy, protection;
  • red - fidelity of feelings, ardor, passion;
  • yellow - stability, harmony, calm.

Foamiran is also an excellent material for creativity. Flowers made from it are durable and are not afraid of precipitation. Therefore, just like peonies from isolon, from foamiran, you can place them outside and not be afraid that they will get wet and lose their shape.


  • green, pink, yellow foamiran;
  • peony pattern;
  • foil;
  • wet wipes;
  • dry pastel;
  • thick wire;
  • scissors;
  • textile;
  • iron;
  • glue.

You will need 5 types of peony petals.

Now you need to tint each type. So, cover the petals number two with a yellow bed, those under number 4 will be bright pink below, and light pink above.

The same colors must be achieved by decorating 20 petals, which are numbered five.

The same colors must be achieved by decorating the petals number 3. You will need 10 of them. Now take petals number one, which are pale pink in color, and place a piece of foil in the middle of each, giving this shiny material an oval shape.

Gather the edges of each petal, covering the middle. The result will be a product that looks like a dumpling. Glue them together and give them a light green color using a pastel of this color and glue them to the wire.

On petals number 3, make half-petal cuts at the corners. Now each such piece needs to be heated by placing it on the iron, then folded like an accordion and rolled between the fingers. After this, you need to straighten the petals and heat them again on the iron. Where the cut was, you need to make a bend by pulling this part over your finger.

Now take petals number 4 one by one, also heat them on the iron and fold them like an accordion, rubbing them between your fingers. You need to straighten them, stretching the middle a little.

Take the first petal at number 5 and fold it in half. Place this piece inside a chiffon or silk rectangle and also fold it in half. The curves of these two materials must match.

Iron this design on both sides, then pull the corners of the fabric towards you. Spread a petal from this fabric and make a depression in its middle.

Heat the upper parts of the petals number 2 on both sides, then fold them like an accordion and roll the top between your fingers. Glue these blanks along the joint to create petals that look like butterfly wings. Glue them in pairs. In total you will get 10 pairs of such blanks.

To assemble a peony from foamiran, you need to glue the petals numbered 3 in the middle. Arrange them in 2 rows of 5 petals. Secure the petals of the second row and the first with a small amount of glue. Glue the petals in a circle at number two, and then attach them at number 4, placing 5 pieces in a row. They should be at the level of the yellow petals.

Attach them overlapping in a circle. Take pairs of petals numbered five and glue them in a checkerboard pattern.

Cut out blanks for the petals and tint them with light green pastels. Cover the edges with dark green pastels. Tint the sepals in the same way.

Attach the leaves to the litons. To make the leaves slightly wavy, they need to be processed over the flame of a lighter. Shape the sepals by heating them with an iron and then rubbing them between your fingertips.

Watch another master class with step-by-step photos, from which you will learn how to make a peony from foamiran so that it turns out half-closed. Take:

  • white and green foamiran;
  • scissors;
  • foil;
  • glue;
  • wet wipes;
  • dry pastel;
  • iron;
  • wire;
  • tape tape.

Roll up small pieces of foil in the shape of drops. The height of these parts is 1 cm. From green foamiran, cut out blanks that look like leaves.

Take foamiran white and cut three strips out of it. The length of all is 25 cm. The width of the first is 5.5 cm; second 5 cm; third 4.5 cm.

Now cut the long part of each piece to make something like a fence. In the narrowest strip, the distance between these “pickets” is small, it is equal to 5 mm. In other strips this distance is greater.

Take a dry pastel and tint two stripes using a bright pink color. Paint the big one yellow.

Cut out petals from foamiran, each 5.5 cm in size. You will need 12 pieces. Use pink color. And the leaves are covered with green pastel.

Process the main petals by heating them on an iron, then folding them like an accordion and rubbing the edges of the petals, pull them out and make a small cup in the middle of the petal. And the petals small size heat completely, rub them at the top, then spread them out.

Heat the fence-like blanks and rub them gently with your fingers. Heat the leaves on an iron and curl their ends.

Now on the made middle you need to glue a blank in the form of a pink fence 4.5 cm wide, wrapping it in two turns. Glue small petals. Then take the second fence-shaped blank, pink, and glue small petals to it so that they are staggered with the blanks of the first row. Lastly, glue a blank that looks like a yellow fence. It needs to be attached to the very edge so that the fringe looks in different directions.

Glue the leaves onto the litons and screw them in a checkerboard pattern to the wire using tape.

This is how you can make peonies from foamiran. Since a nickel wedding is also called a silk wedding, it would be nice to make flowers from this material. They can be used to decorate the hairstyle of the hero of the occasion, make a bouquet for her, or decorate the venue of the celebration.

How to make silk flowers for your 12th wedding anniversary?

These are similar to peonies, therefore, having made a charming creation, you will immediately make a silk gift and a flower accompanying this wedding.

Take a silk ribbon and cut it into circles. To make several blanks at once, apply the template to the tape, having previously rolled it in several layers.

The circles should be slightly different in size from each other. Now, over the flame of a candle or over another burner, scorch the edges of the workpieces. Assemble the flower by placing the largest petals at the bottom and the smallest at the top. Sew in the center with a thread and a needle to fix the petals in this position. Then sew beads and other decoration elements here. Cut out circles from organza and place them under the main flower.

You can make the core of such a charming creature from threads. Another method will require the use of fishing line. Cut it into equal pieces; glue small beads or fragments of threads to the tops of each. Flowers can be placed on leaves made of satin ribbons.

To make a silk peony, cut out 4 types of petals. Each of them needs to be scorched over a burner flame and assembled in this way. First there are two rows of large petals, then, moving up, secure the small petals. Arrange them in a checkerboard pattern relative to each other.

Glue a golden thread in the middle of the flower so that it forms the stamens. Glue and sew a hairpin on the reverse side to decorate the hairstyle of the hero of the occasion with this decoration.

Watch the master class with step by step photos, which will help you make similar flowers. Take:

  • silk fabric;
  • a candle with a candlestick;
  • matches or lighter;
  • beads, beads and other decorative items;
  • thread with a needle.

Use round containers of different diameters to create a template of 6 types of petals of different sizes on paper. Attach the first template with pins to the silk fabric, outline with a pencil and cut out. Get the rest of the petals in the same way.

Each one needs to be scorched over a candle flame and cooled.

To further make silk flowers for your 12th wedding anniversary, collect the petals for each flower from largest to smallest. Make several lines in the middle to connect these elements; with the next turns of thread you need to sew beads or seed beads into the center of the flower.

If you want to make a flower with petals, then after cutting out the circles, make four or five cuts on each one. When you burn these elements, the petals will curl upward and look natural.

You can take silk or satin ribbon, cut it into rectangles of equal length. Now, turning over the first small side, hem it, then sew on the arms along the large side and hem the second small side. Pull the thread, giving the workpiece a rounded shape. Sew an artificial pearl into the center.

For a silk wedding, the hero of the occasion can sew herself an outfit from this material. At the same time, she will show those present what a wonderful housewife and needlewoman she is.

If the wife does not have such talents, then a friend can sew a silk dress for her and give her such a wonderful gift. This product is made in Greek style. Mark the length from the shoulder to the sole of the foot, multiply the resulting figure by 2.

Now you need to cut a piece of fabric of the same length. Let the hero of the occasion fold it in half and place the fold on her right shoulder. Here you will need to gather the fabric, tying it with a ribbon. Mark where you need to make a line on the right and left sides to make a dress from the fabric.

Pin the area just below the armpits and down to the bottom, so the lines will be located. The belt should be made of contrasting fabric, and in the center sew a braid that is similar in color to the main fabric.

You can sew a dress in the Greek style from silk with lining. This fabric drapes beautifully, and the belt and decoration on the shoulder are made in the same style.

You can also quickly sew a dress by folding the fabric in half and making a neckline. Process this cutout, as well as the places where the arms will be threaded. All that remains is to sew two side seams, tuck and hem the bottom of the dress, and also tie it with a belt. And you can already shine in such an outfit.

If you've decided to celebrate your 12th wedding anniversary and turn the event into a beach party, then the following outfit will do. It can also be useful to the wife when she wants to spend the evening alone with her husband.

This silk dress is also quick to sew.

Measure the volume of the upper thigh. Add 10 cm. This will be the width of the skirt. Make the length as you wish. Transfer these measurements to the canvas and cut with seam allowance. Now join the fabric by folding it in half with right sides facing in. Topstitch the side panel on the wrong side. This seam will be at the back. Or you can not do it all the way, leaving a cut at the bottom.

Finish it by tucking and stitching the edges. Gather the upper part of the skirt with a soft elastic band. Now you need to cut out a strip of the required length from the same fabric. Fold it in half, placing the fold at the back of your neck. Then one side of the fabric covers the left and the other side covers the right breast. The stripes go down to the hips, where they twist. You can customize them bottom edges directly onto the skirt or first tuck it into the seam located at the back, then sew up the skirt.

The area under the chest is decorated with a ribbon, which will help hold the fabric in the desired position. Also, such a braid is sewn or applied to the hips and tied at the back.

You can also quickly sew a dress based on a long fluffy silk skirt.

For the next one, trim the bottom of the skirt in front a little. Process the edges of the product over the flame. At the top, sew a stretch braid to this part, and use it to make straps for this sundress dress.

If you have another one like this fluffy skirt made of silk, fabric for it, then from linen you will make a wide belt that will support this dress in the chest area and in front you will tie it with a bow.

This is how you can sew a dress and make flowers for a silk wedding. If you are interested, find out what to give for a nickel wedding. You can give the newlyweds a collage of their photographs, including photos from the wedding and touching congratulations.

Happy anniversary, young people
Bride and groom!
Twelve years were like this,
Why live two hundred!

You take care of each other
With affection, with kindness,
So that each spouse
I was happy later!

Joy for both of you
And bright days!
Don't look up to others
In your life!

Years fly, days float,
And the lights are burning in the eyes
From the strongest feelings
And this is not sadness!

Your wedding is nickel,
Life is completely different now!
After all, you have lived a lot!

Be inspired
Inspired by love
And with care and affection
Live like in a fairy tale!

You have lived for twelve years
With harmony in the soul!
I wish you much love
And happiness every day!

Work for the good, light
In your magical life,
May only success await you!
Banish evil thoughts!

Love and understanding
For many years,
Complete all tests
I wish you so much!

Twelve is a wonderful number.
Twelfth wedding
And my soul is warm again,
Again this wonderful holiday!

Bride and groom again
And many guests
Gathered in this place
To congratulate you quickly!

I want to raise a glass to you
And wish you happiness,
So that you don't have to at any time
Really grieving!

Twelve years of struggle, battle
And the house is full of happiness.
No need to exhaustion
Work for you later!

Now you should rest
Young spouses
And you can look into the past,
In my old days!

The memories are beautiful
For all twelve years!
The years have not flown in vain,
It's a secret!

In love to this day you all
And joy without limits!
You live like a plexus of souls.
Don't care about the problem!

You feel good together now,
After all, we have overcome everything.
Let the tasks come later,
Now my soul is warmer!

Wedding day,
Twelfth year
How to not be lazy together
Wake up together!

Luck, love
Let it surround you!
Fall in love again
And the sadness will disappear!

Strength and goodness
Patience, faith
And always be
You are the first in everything!

We've been together for twelve years now
And live another two hundred
You are your happy life
And drive away evil thoughts!

To overcome everything
It's always easy for you to manage
I wish from the bottom of my heart!
Be so good

Just like on the wedding day
When brought together by fate!
Let the lights burn in your eyes,
Your dreams will come true!

You loved each other for twelve years
And the feelings remained unchanged
You are her husband, she is your wife,
And despite everything, you did not break up.
We wish you success and prosperity,
To greet the dawn and see off the sun,
Holding hands, hugging sweetly,
Meet the gray wisdom of old age!

Family twelve and a half -
Congratulations again today!
In spite of all the troubles and adversities
Keep your love carefully!

We wish you joy and peace,
Let your dreams come true.
Health, happiness and fun,
Undying love!

Twelve years in family ties
You built the nest with love.
The wife became a muse for her husband,
And your feelings have not cooled down.

We sincerely congratulate you!
May your dreams come true!
We wish you health and happiness,
Prosperity, joy, love!

Nickel has risen in price today,
The twelfth year of your cool family,
Twelve and treacherous six months have passed,
Thirteen years of age are waiting for a family at the doorstep.
They served as an example to friends and neighbors,
How to live correctly was shown in practice,
I'm glad that you are with me,
I'm glad to be friends with your cool family.

Like nickel, your shares are growing,
And good days really hit over the edge,
The delighted family will celebrate the anniversary,
I admit, I don’t feel any closer than you.
Not a family, but Disneyland, positive darkness,
And your children took after their parents,
Dear, happy - you are my love,
You often give us your positivity.

You have a date made of nickel today,
The anniversary, solemn hour has struck,
And the guests gathered to congratulate you,
And I have congratulations in store for this evening.
My dear, dear family,
I want to wish you on the eve of the day,
Love and good luck, kindness over the edge,
So that life would be a miracle, like heaven in the Bible.

On your nickel wedding day I wish you,
So that you stay together forever,
YOU are the best in the world, I assure you,
After all, I personally understand feelings.
Beautiful wife, like an angel,
And a strong, brave, real husband,
You are suitable for each other in rank,
And together you will never be bored.

According to an old custom that has come down to us from time immemorial, on the day of the celebration of the nickel wedding, the spouses visit places that are memorable for both of them: they visit the church in which they got married, they visit the places of their first dates. Guests can also take a walk through memorable places with their spouses.

Nickel is not silver
But he brings you good
To be twenty-five
We need to live everything again!

We warmly congratulate you,
We just wish you happiness,
And health and good luck,
So that all problems are solved!

So that the house is full,
And your native pier,
So that love always lives,
Only brought joy!

Family one-year-olds
The first dozen
You, walking together,
Successfully completed!
I wish you to continue
Be dashing and sturdy
And act boldly
And think extraordinary!

Many people wonder why celebrate an uneven date. It would seem, what’s wrong with being twelve and a half years old? But those who lived them together know how important it is to remember the details. Happy wedding anniversary, may your spouse never disappoint and always remain the person closest to you.

I would like to call this beautiful couple newlyweds, because they look young, and they haven’t been married that long. There is still time to live and live before the platinum wedding, which is what we wish for you. Let your family happiness and strong love echo throughout the world with the ringing of the nickel anniversary. Bitterly!

If only I knew, if only I knew,
What does the turn of fate bring?
Here comes the nickel wedding
The time has come and the time has come.
Let everyday life never become gray!
Keep the same shine!
Harmony and measure,
Believing in the truth of miracles!

A reward for everyone
The reward of rewards
Let there be a look of a loved one,
Favorite look.
Let the tears of joy and love
And her gentle laughter -
As often as possible,
And, of course, him
Lively participation in everything,
Which is dear to both.

Spouses, you have become one family!
May the most wonderful years await you!
Golden love until the wedding,
Consent, prosperity! Be happy!

Let there be harmony and comfort in the house,
Love and understanding
The young family is waiting
Success and prosperity!

Let everything be easy for you together
And the feelings don’t go away for many years,
May luck smile on you today,
So that you never part!

Happy brightest and most beautiful day!
We wish the family with all our hearts
Prosperity and happiness,
Prosperity, great joy!

Prosperity to you in everything: in friends,
In love, in a good mood!
Let it be in reality, not in dreams
Wealth and luck await you!

We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love for advice,
So that the house is protected from grief and troubles.

May your days be full of happiness,
Prosperity, joy, spouse!
And, like on a wedding day, we are in love
May you always be with each other!

Wishes for newlyweds:
Bright years, love, kindness,
Enjoy your happiness
And always live in abundance!

Today is a wonderful, bright day,
We congratulate you with all our hearts!
We wish you love and abundance
You have a golden life until your wedding!

May love remain in our hearts
From the first meeting and forever,
Let Honeymoon lasts
And it will never end!

Tenderness and affection Joy and happiness
Loyalty, attention and kindness
Be the most beautiful family!
May the honeymoon always last!

SMS Happy Wedding Day
Gold rings sparkle,
And your feelings are so tender:
Beautiful love, young people!
May your days be full of happiness!

The bride and groom are like two lovebirds!
May your life be bright and easy!
And we are glad to wish you again and again
Great happiness! May you live happily ever after!

Our wishes to you, young people:
Love, harmony and joy in everything,
Take care of each other, anticipate desires,
Don't be separated, always be together!
Let the feelings become stronger over the years,
Let the honeymoon last for years,
And all your hopes and dreams come true!
Live happily together always!

We want to wish you with love
Happiness, joy, health,
For gentle warmth
Your home was always warm,
We wish you good luck,
All wishes come true,
Every day and every year
May it bring you good luck!

We congratulate the newlyweds and wish them happiness,
May all sorts of misfortunes pass by in your life.
Let your life flow like a river of honey,
And like a new month, your son will be born!
Your daughter is like the color of poppies, a consolation to your mother.
Well, you decide for yourself how many there will be.

We want the music to sound
So that the two of you don't get bored.
Let there be twins to begin with -
We'll bring you a stroller.
We can wish you a lot,
But we repeat again and again:
And this is what we most importantly wish -
Advice to you, happiness and love.

The world is beautiful with great love
Congratulations on your wedding day!
Smiles, joy, health
We wish you in this bright hour,
Let all your friends love you cozy
Hospitable, bright house,
And more every minute
There will be love and happiness in it!

Now you are not just the bride and groom,
From now on you are husband and wife!
May life be wonderful and bright
And you will be full of joy!
Wealth and prosperity will increase in the house,
Comfort, warmth, kindness,
May your family be your reliable support,
Your dreams come true!

On this solemn holiday
You need to wish for a lot:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Life is good, interesting and friendly.
The most important thing is that trouble
I always avoided your house,
So that you always have the main guest
There was family happiness.

So that their path is always successful,
So that every year we live more beautifully,
May the house always be full!
So that at their silver wedding
And we should have a drink and take a walk!
So that the mother-in-law does not nag,
The mother-in-law did not scold her daughter-in-law,
So that there will always be peace in their apartment,
In our country, and in the whole world!

Happy Wedding Day!
The whole world is smiling at you!
Heart's desire
It's coming true today!
You couple is a sight for sore eyes!
Live together, happily!
Let every moment
Fate will be kind to you!

Wishes for having a baby young
Young people cling to each other
Like a pair of swans!
Let love burn in our hearts
Every year it gets stronger!
Happiness will bind you forever
Together in a strong knot
Delightful baby
And a wonderful baby!

Congratulations on the birth of a new family
Life is in front of you, you are still at the beginning
Have a wonderful, happy journey.
Let everything you dreamed about happen!
We wish you to carry it through the years
Your love, mutual understanding,
Let there be true friends nearby
And your cherished wishes will come true,
Let the new family be strong!

Wedding congratulations in verse
Let this day not be forgotten,
And hearts will be filled with joy,
And everything you dreamed about will come true,
Everything that is wished for will come true!
Boundless love and happiness to you,
Good luck and prosperity!
Always keep your feelings tender
And believe: only the best awaits you!

On your wedding day everything is for you: flowers, gifts,
Smiles, congratulations, banquet.
May your life be as bright as this
Let the beautiful light of love burn within you.
Appreciate every moment when you are near,
And let your hearts beat excitedly.
You are together, what else is needed for happiness?
May this joy last forever!

Today is your special day,
And how much will be ahead!
A bold start has been made for a new life,
You must walk along it in unity.
Let your union grow stronger over the years,
The family grows and multiplies,
Love shines like the sun in a house.
We wish you happiness, friends!

You can't guess which path fate took
And how many eyes did you look into?
But I found you, united my hearts,
From now on, giving you a common path.

Walk hand in hand. Trust each other.
Love sincerely, be faithful.
And pass on this tenderness to your children.
And your happiness will be dimensionless!

Congratulations on your legal marriage!
You have become husband and wife.
We wish you to go through life
With bright and big love.
Let the notes of the wedding march
They will leave a long mark in our hearts.
And there is no more beautiful couple today!
Happy, joyful years to you!

We are all always equal before her,
Constitution of the Russian Federation,
In honor of her holiday, I give you poems,
Today she gets applause and standing ovations,
And for you, as a citizen of the country,
I wish to live according to the rules and honestly,
And wish the rest the same,
We are all connected to each other very closely!

Happy Constitution Day to you,
Always know your rights
Don't break the rules
Follow all its points!

This book unites us all,
The Constitution is a holiday in honor of it,
Let everyone obey the laws,
And he learns it by heart,
Otherwise, chaos will be reborn,
The whole country needs Constitution Day,
And let no one doubt her,
I wish the same for you!