Good morning wishes - in prose, universal. Good morning wishes Good morning in your own words

It’s a pity I can’t send you delicious coffee and cheesecakes by SMS, so I’ll eat all these goodies myself, and I wish you a good day;) 30

It’s hard to tear yourself away from bed in the morning, but you, my love, can do it. You are strong, cheerful, and the most smiling! 49

I love you very much and miss you every night. I want to wake up in your favorite arms, pamper you with a delicious breakfast and wake you up with a tender kiss. Good morning, baby! 70

Catch a kiss from me! Wake up, wash your face, have a delicious breakfast and be cheerful today and think about me more often! 39

Good morning, honey! I miss you, I just sigh without you! I want to hug you, kiss you and hear your voice! 33

I wish my beloved good morning and a great mood for the whole day! Kiss! 89

I send you a surge of vigor and a charge of energy! Charge yourself with positivity! I send a kiss and follow-up words of love! Good morning, honey! 57

I want you to smile and think that life is wonderful, because I love you very much! Good morning! 72

The weather whispers to me that today will be a beautiful day. And I whisper in your ear - good morning, I love you, I miss you very much and I want to see you, hug and kiss you as soon as possible! 48

I’m reporting from my bed: the pillow and blanket won’t let me go, the alarm clock is screaming like crazy, the sun won’t let me close my eyes, my body doesn’t want to go anywhere! And how are you? Good morning) 54

I want to sing, fly, smile a lot and convey a piece of this cheerfulness and this mood to you! Good morning, honey! 35

I woke up and immediately thought about you and a smile appeared on my face, and the morning became good! I miss you already, have a nice day! 68

Good morning, my happiness, my joy, my love and my reward! I woke up, thought about you and immediately wrote! Miss and love! 69

I wish you good morning, sunny mood, good news and a delicious breakfast! I miss you very much! Smack* 49

Good morning dear, today it’s really nice to wake up because there’s sunshine outside, you’re in your head, there’s coffee on the table. Soon it will be evening and our long-awaited meeting! 36

I’ll kiss you when we meet, but for now I just wish you good morning, my love! May everything be wonderful, wonderful and wonderful today! 35

I wish you to spend the whole day in a positive way! Good morning, my man! I send you a tender kiss. 32

Enjoy the new day, smile for no particular reason and delight others with your happiness and good mood! Good morning, my boy! Gentle smack! 26

My sunshine, I can’t wake up without you, write to me, and my morning will be the happiest! 18

Just the thought of your kiss makes me shiver and I realize that I am happy, because I have you! 44

Well, this wonderful night ends and smoothly turns into morning. The stars have already hidden and are not visible. The moon gave power to the sun and it, loving so much, warms the entire planet and sends us its rays, and asks us to wake up. It's time for you to open your sleepy eyes and get out of your warm bed, start your day with the most sincere smile. After all, it’s already so light outside and the birds are singing a morning song to cheer everyone up and wish them good morning. So good morning to you.

It's time to wake up. Brew yourself a cup of aromatic coffee and enjoy this invigorating smell. After all, the sun has already woken up and awakened the whole world with its light. Go out on the porch, look at the sky and thank the Lord for another beautiful day that he gave you. After all, this world is beautiful and life is beautiful. And the beauty of the morning sky proves this once again. I wish that this morning brings you inspiration for the whole day and that joy does not leave you even for a minute today. Good morning.

Congratulations on a very good and wonderful morning! May everything you do today bring joy and the day be successful!

Good morning! I wish that it brings new joys, a new, wonderful mood and that your new day will be truly happy!

I want to wish you good luck,
So that all worries are on your shoulders!
Let the day pass as easily as on vacation!
And let the sun shine high!

It’s a beautiful morning, it beckons you to go outside and shout “Good morning, country.” After all, when you look around, your soul rejoices, there are birds singing, there are flowers blooming and sending everyone such a pleasant fragrant smell. One has only to make coffee, go outside and see it all, smile, and the morning will immediately become the kindest and most wonderful. I wish that, regardless of the weather, every morning will be good for you. Good morning.

Congratulations on a wonderful morning! Every time it is unique and wonderful. But may today be especially wonderful and bring you only joy and a positive charge for the whole day!

Congratulations - a wonderful morning has arrived! May everything you could ever dream of appear in your life today. Let your dreams, desires and hopes, even the most fantastic ones, begin to come true this morning. Good morning!

My dear, beloved and the best girl on the whole planet, I sincerely wish you a good, wonderful morning. May the morning give you a good mood and open the door to a successful day. May all your dreams certainly come true, may your plans turn into reality. I really want you to remember this morning for a long time, like the most magical morning. Joy to you, my joy, success in everything and all the best throughout the day. May my love always be a talisman for you.

I admire so much when you wake up, you remind me of a pretty little girl who requires special attention in the morning. I am ready to fulfill all your whims, I am ready to bring you coffee in bed every morning. Good morning, my joy. May the morning certainly give you a great mood, may the sun stroke you with its gentle warm ray so that you wake up sooner. I wish you good luck, inspiration and happiness. Good news to you, my dear, beautiful weather and good friends.

It's been drizzling lightly this morning. But don’t let this upset you, because, as they say, nature has no bad weather. You need to find some zest in every weather, and not pay attention to the little things in life. I wish you good morning and a nice day. Let the cheerful rain wash away all your sorrows and failures, let it lift your spirits. Good luck to you, my beloved, good luck and all the best. May your dreams come true, no matter the weather, may everything be okay with you.

The sun, waking up, gently looks into your window. Wake up too, my love. Today is such a beautiful morning that you definitely need to say hello to him and give him your wonderful smile. Let the morning certainly be a wonderful start to a good and successful day. May all your dreams come true, may good news please you. May hope be with you throughout the day. May my love always protect you, my beloved. All the best to you, good luck and inspiration in everything.

Good morning, my love. This morning is as kind and gentle as you are. Wake up quickly, my sunshine. Good luck awaits you today, the fresh morning breeze whispered to me about it. Good morning to you and have a wonderful day. May everything you dream about come true, may your radiant smile make the morning even more beautiful and fun. May only pleasant moments await you today, my joy. May everything work out for you without a single obstacle. May my love be your faithful companion today, tomorrow and always.

My dear and most beloved girl in the world, I wish you a wonderful morning and good health. May the sun give you the warmth of its rays, and may the earth give you a gentle sunrise. I give you the most tender kiss, let it make your whole day successful. I wish you good news today, may your dreams come true. Have a good morning, my joy, and have a wonderful day. Have a nice meeting and new achievements. Let my love be a talisman for you for the whole day.

Darling, I give you today's dawn. May it bring you a lot of joy and good mood, may your dreams certainly come true. May the morning give you cheerfulness and hope. I wish you, my sunshine, luck and good luck in everything. May the ray of sunshine bring you a lot of happiness. May every moment of this day be magical for you. I love, adore you and wish you all the best. All the best to you, good weather and prosperity, my dear. May a good angel always protect you.

It had been drizzling lightly since the morning. But as soon as you woke up and smiled, the clouds disappeared and the sun gave you a ray of luck. I also wish you, my love, good morning. Let it be a good start to the beginning of a promising day. I wish you good luck, success and luck in everything. Let all failures go into yesterday's kingdom of night. May the morning give you the key to happiness in the coming day. Be cheerful, smile more, because a smile will make a gloomy day brighter.

You are like a flower in the morning that blooms with the first rays of the sun. I want to wish you, my love, good morning. May this morning be the most successful of your life. May it give you a great mood, a lot of joy, and a pleasant unexpected meeting. May my love always be a good companion for you. May everything work out for you, may all problems be solved easily and simply. You, the best in the world, my joy, may you be lucky in everything. May God protect you from all bad things.

Wake up, my beloved, the morning has already fully come into its own. Your strong coffee is waiting for you in the kitchen so that you can quickly cheer up, my sunshine, and get ready for the new day. Good morning to you, my dear. May this morning be the happiest and most successful. May all your desires coincide with your possibilities, may everything be great for you today. Good mood to you, good luck and all the best. May a good angel always be by your side and protect you from everything bad.

The sun with its golden rays greets the earth good morning. I too, my love, wish you a good morning and good health. May everything you dream about today come true. Let a beautiful morning be a good start to a lucky day. Let you not have any doubts, but only self-confidence. I wish you joy, happiness and fulfillment of all your desires. May only joyful moments please you today. May the Lord protect you, may the wind carry all your troubles far, far away.

How beautiful the morning is, how kind it is to all of us. It gives us rays of warmth and happiness, birdsong and silvery dew. I give all this beauty to you, my love. May this morning be the happiest and kindest. Let your smile, your joy be transmitted to everyone around you. Let self-confidence help you achieve your goal. May good mood and inspiration always be with you. Let my love be a talisman for you. Let the morning give you vigor.

Morning came to our land with a confident step. Gave everyone sunny warmth and tenderness. I touched you with my magic ray, my love. Wake up, my joy, it’s time to get up, because you have a lot to do today. Let the morning give you the strength and energy to manage to accomplish everything successfully. I wish you a great mood, optimism and self-confidence. May your cherished dream certainly come true, may this morning give you an invitation to a wonderful day. I wish you good luck and good luck in everything.

You are my favorite girl in the world. For your sake, I am ready to do anything, even to get a star from the sky. And today, with great joy, I will give you the most beautiful and kind morning. Let the morning be a continuation of a successful day. May your dreams come true. May this morning be magical and lucky. I wish you a great mood and joy. May fate be favorable to you, may the Lord always protect you. I wish you happiness, enthusiasm, and all the best.

Morning is the beginning of everything. May this morning be the most successful for you, my beloved. I wish you good morning and good health. Don't let the gloomy weather bother you, just smile and everything will fall into place. It’s not for nothing that they say that a smile brightens a gloomy day. I wish you a great mood, my baby, joy and enthusiasm. May everything you dream about certainly come true. May luck settle in your home forever. May only good news please you today.

How nice it is to wake up my beloved in the morning with a tender kiss. Good morning, my joy. May this morning be truly good. Let it be a continuation of a wonderful day. I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, may the good mood not leave you from morning until the end of the day. Let the morning be the happiest, luckiest. Let the sun give you a ray of warmth, and let the birds enchant you with their trill. Let all problems be solved easily and simply. I wish you joy, happiness and inspiration, my love.

The radiant sun smiled cheerfully, morning came. It's time for you to get up, my beloved. May everything work out for you today as best as possible. Let the morning be a good start to a successful day. May the weather be pleasant for you today. I wish you a wonderful mood, self-confidence, joy and fun. May your cherished dream come true instantly, may the morning give you hope. I love you, my joy, and I wish you only the best. May the good angel show you the right path, my sunshine.

My beloved, my one and only girl in the world, I congratulate you on good morning. Let this beautiful, sunny morning be a wonderful gift for you. May all your plans come true. Let the morning be a great start to a good day. Good luck to you in everything, happiness and joy. May the first ray of sunshine give you happiness, may the birds enchant you with their singing, may the morning dew give you health. May my love always protect you.

I want to give you all the most beautiful things: the blooming of the most beautiful flowers, the sonorous singing of birds, the warmth of a golden ray of sunlight. I give you the morning dawn, when the whole earth wakes up and a new day begins. May this morning be the most beautiful. May your smile disperse all the clouds in the sky, may a good mood accompany you all day. They say how you start your day is how you spend it. Let the morning be the cleanest, the most affectionate, the kindest.

Good morning, my favorite girl in the world. Let all the good things, all the good things, gather in this short period of the day. May the morning invigorate you, may it be the luckiest one. I wish all your wishes come true. You are kind to me, and the morning gives only good positivity. Have a wonderful morning, dear, and good health, joy, good luck and luck. May this morning be the luckiest and most successful. May a good angel give you the key to a happy day.

Congratulations on the first rays of the sun! Happy this wonderful morning. Happy new day. I wish you that he brings you everything you dream of!

Please accept my good morning wishes! Congratulations! You woke up and saw a new day! And this is already a great success! And if you meet the morning successfully, you are guaranteed to have a successful day! Rule number one for those who strive for happiness! And today you are already lucky, wake up and stay the course forward, do not limit yourself to what you have achieved, strive for the very top! After all, there are no limits to human happiness, no limits to pleasures, achieve more, beat your own records! And may this morning give you the appropriate mood, may your day be the best, and may you be the first! We wish you to find inspiration even in small things, we wish you to enjoy today and appreciate even the small moments of life! After all, our life consists of such events! And everything that happens in your life is necessary and necessary, you can rest assured! Good morning!

With great pleasure I congratulate you on a gentle, bright, good morning, and with even greater joy I want to wish you universal goodness and human happiness! Let your loved one wake you up with a gentle touch of his hand, and you will see your reflection in his happy eyes! Let a warm, sunny bunny caress you and the singing of birds outside the window lift your spirits! I wish you to hear the good wishes of your family and friends, even if it’s a phone call! Let this sweet awakening make your day good and smoothly turn into a good, cozy evening! I wish you good thoughts, kind words, good wishes, good intentions and most importantly, that your goodness will return to you with your health! I wish you to spend today usefully, not to regret or be upset about anything! May your plans contain a lot of interesting and exciting things! And may your achievements grow every day and reach unattainable heights of glory!

Today, from the very morning, I wish you to recharge yourself in a great mood and have a wonderful day ahead! And even though a cozy bed beckons you into your arms, and the desire to pamper yourself is irresistible, pull yourself together and take a step towards a new day! You will not regret! After all, this day is special, it’s new, and you’ve never been there before! Forward! Towards the unknown, towards the future, towards your life! I wish you to have no doubt that the day will be successful and wonderful, throw aside sadness, sadness, melancholy and act! Let nothing be able to stop your fighting spirit! Don't miss out on the exciting and educational things the new day will give you! Don't waste your luck and if you catch it, don't give it to anyone! Try to do everything that is planned and don’t put things off until later! Good morning! Lucky day! Have a positive mood!

Good morning! We wish you to wake up today with a smile on your face and the kindest wishes for good to the whole world around you! And may your wish gain strength and come true today and now! May, thanks to your outburst of kindness, many people feel joy in their souls and wake up in a good mood! Let your positive thoughts give you freshness and youth on your face, and a cup of aromatic, favorite coffee make your world bright and colorful! And let your every morning carry with it a continuation of a wonderful day! May you have an eternal holiday in your soul, may your breakfast be delicious, may gifts from loved ones be original and made for no reason! We wish you to spend your day richly and get the most out of it! And don’t forget that every morning the world around you sends greetings to you and is waiting for you to wake up in order to make you a happy person!

Good morning! We wish you to wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee prepared for you by your loved one! There is no more pleasant awakening! Care! This is what can make you wake up with a smile on your lips and want to do good! Wake up to caring glances, gentle touches, gentle hands and sweet kisses of your loved ones! And believe me, your day will be one hundred percent successful, easy and productive! And let a crispy slice of cookie from your favorite hands make your morning unforgettable! These moments are worth a lot, appreciate them and don’t forget to reciprocate! And may such a bright and positive beginning bring you joy, success and vigor for the whole day! With such an awakening, you are simply guaranteed a bright, colorful day full of joyful events! And remember that our mood depends only on how we set ourselves up! All the best!

Please accept my message of goodness on this beautiful, sunny morning! May the weather outside your window please you today, and may your continued pleasant awakening give you a wonderful day in the future! I wish you to receive a pleasant surprise from your loved one in the form of freshly brewed tea! And may your breakfast give you strength, energy and vigor! Wake up with the desire to make this day rainbow and bright for yourself and for your surroundings! May your attitude sweep away all obstacles and difficulties on the way to achieving your plans, and may luck find you! Today we wish you to experience all the pleasures of life, spend time in the soulful company of people close to you, or tete-a-tete at a romantic candlelit dinner with your loved one! It's whatever your heart desires! Do not deny yourself anything, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow! And let your day begin with a smile and end with it! Good morning!

We wish everyone a good, unique morning and a bright, unforgettable day! Let the daily bustle, worries and urgent matters remain far away today, behind the scenes of your life feed! We wish you a wonderful rest today with your loved one and enjoy happiness to the fullest! May this day delight you with all sorts of joys in life, walks, a romantic dinner, a friendly meeting, an exciting, favorite activity, or just relaxing with pleasant people! We wish this day to give you energy for the year ahead with its positivity! May the sun shine for you every day, may the sky give you rainbow highlights, may your mood be as if a holiday is about to come, or a miracle will happen! Rejoice today and don’t put off your joy until tomorrow! And let those people who are dear to you share the joy of the day with you and also appreciate moments of happiness! Good morning, friends!

Cozy, good morning, dear friends! Let your awakening be sweet, your look kind, your thought fresh! Breakfast is delicious, your loved one is nearby and your mood is the best! And no matter how your day turns out, take the best from it, and forget everything else and never remember! We wish you to act like this in life! And whatever you do, whatever you do, do it with pleasure, otherwise, don’t even begin! Everything that surrounds you should bring you pleasure, otherwise, why live? We are born to be happy and give joy to the world around us! So let’s spend our days this way and not let negativity into our minds! May your attitude lead you to success and make others happy! We wish you balance of soul, harmony, peace, confidence and happiness!

I wish you a wonderful morning, I wish you bright rays of sunshine and more sincere smiles. Let this day begin easily, drops of morning dew will give freshness to your ideas, and let the gentle singing of birds fill your soul with joy and inspiration.

Good morning! Let a ray of sunshine peek into your window, warm you with warmth, invigorate and inspire. I wish you a great mood for the whole day!

Good morning, have a wonderful start to the day. May the sun give you a charge of vivacity and energy, and may the fresh wind give you hope and inspiration. I wish you to live this day with a smile, without ceasing to dream, create and love!

The morning must be good and pleasant so that the whole day goes like clockwork and all matters are resolved successfully. That's what I wish for you! Good morning and don't be sleepy, but be kind and cheerful.

Appearing in the sky, the sun gives joy to the world. And my sun is you! Let your morning be the most gentle, truly kind, giving energy, inspiring new things. And let your smile and good mood wake up with you!

I want to wish you the best morning in the world. Let the sun smile through your window and wake you up with its soft and gentle light. And I also want you to wake up full of strength and vibrant energy, and that it will last you for the whole day!

Many people know the common phrase that women love with their ears, and men with their eyes. And yet this statement is not entirely true. The strong half of humanity Same needs gentle words and sincere compliments. Even the most brutal men want to feel loved and needed.

Tender words will lift your mood for the whole day!

There are many affectionate expressions and beautiful phrases with which you can please a man. But it is also worth remembering that each specific situation requires a specific approach, otherwise, apart from bewilderment, a compliment said inappropriately will not cause anything.

What kind words are best to say to your beloved man in the morning?

Morning is the main time of day for a person. The mood in which he greets the new day will be how he will spend it. Therefore, it is very important to wish your loved one good morning in your own words, intended personally for him.

Male psychology is somewhat different from female psychology, so There is no need to weave multi-layered verbal laces; simple and heartfelt confessions are enough.

It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of a man’s character and his lifestyle. Some people like baby talk, while others find it annoying. Some are proud of their mental abilities, while others are proud of their athletic physique.

Couples who have lived together for a long time, who know each other’s habits and preferences well, have their own special affectionate words and funny nicknames. Those who are just entering into a love relationship will have to come up with more and more affectionate phrases so that they achieve their goal.

Among the options for humorous words spoken to a loved one in the morning, we can highlight the main ones:

  • the name of an animal, used in a diminutive version: tiger cub, bunny, cat (the most common option, therefore, banal);
  • nouns baby, sunshine, angel, heart (also quite familiar and often used);
  • adjectives unique, dear, gentle, best, sexy, desirable, unique (but the adjective dear is not very popular with men, because, in their opinion, it is faceless and cold);
  • affectionate derivatives of the name: Olezhek, Dimulya, Lyoshik (a person’s name is his property, so a man is pleased when he is called by name, and even with tenderness);
  • adding a personal pronoun: you are my love, you are my happiness, you are my strength, you are my support, you are my protector (but comparative words should be abandoned: best of all, most gentle, etc.);
  • rarely used words: superman, male, brutal, macho (usually such characteristics surprise a man, but are also pleasant at the same time).

The main thing in a relationship is sincere feelings, tenderness and care.

There are also a great many magical phrases, spoken in your own words, that will diversify the usual good morning wishes to your loved one:

  • I am happy with you;
  • It’s so nice to wake up next to you;
  • I feel calm and comfortable when you are near;
  • I rejoice at the new day because I will see you again...

The list of kind words is endless. In addition, you can add more and more new epithets and affectionate nicknames that will delight your loved one. You just need to show your imagination, while emphasizing the best qualities of your chosen one.

Good morning wishes to your loved one in prose

“Good morning, darling” in your own words does not require special literary skills and poetic inclinations.

It is important that kind words and invigorating compliments sound natural, come from the heart, even if they are simple and naive.

Men are good at feeling falsehood and insincerity. Just a few gentle phrases can brighten the dawning day with bright colors and a romantic touch.

Tender words for a guy at the beginning of the day

Newly-made love couples are distinguished by their emotionality, passion, and desire to constantly be close. That’s why it’s so important for them to say tender words to each other and arrange little surprises.

A guy in love doesn’t need much; he will be pleasantly surprised and delighted by simple but touching lines.

There are templates that will help a girl set her beloved in the right mood immediately after waking up:

  1. « Good morning, Dear! May you feel great, may your spirit be cheerful, and may your day be successful. Let the crystal morning charge you with positivity and bestow you with sunny energy. My love will help you find wings and inspire you to great deeds. Go confidently to where resounding victories, boundless happiness and the fulfillment of your innermost desires await you!”
  2. « My love, wake up! A sparkling day awaits you, full of magic and future fulfillment of desires. Today and always, the tasks you set will have worthy solutions, and your dreams will certainly come true. Know that you are invulnerable and brave, you can handle anything, because my love gives you strength!”
  3. « Tender dawn, like my love for you: the gentle rays of the morning sun give goodness and peace to the soul. Feel how happiness awakens. May the new day be a wonderful start to a happy future for you.”
  4. « Darling! I know the coming day will be successful and pleasant in every way. Remember: I love you and want to constantly talk about the overwhelming feelings I have for you. In your arms I feel happy. I need your kisses and intimate confessions every second!”
  5. « My dear, good morning! Look, you woke up, and the whole world trembled and sparkled with rainbow colors. This morning will be for us a happy beginning of a new life, in which there will be prosperity and success. I believe in you and in our love!”

Kind words for your husband in the morning

If a married couple is caught up in everyday life and there is no former romance in the relationship, you need to try to return wonderful feelings of love and understanding to each other. This can be done by showing sensuality and romantic actions.

Love prose will help rekindle the spark and show that your spouse is still loved and desired.

You can come up with original wishes using the following templates:

  1. « Dear husband, good morning! Let your awakening become bright and easy, like our kisses. The dawn will illuminate the coming day with a fabulous light, which will give energy for bold quests and promising actions. Seeing you cheerful and happy is a real joy for me!”
  2. « My feelings for you are so strong and bright that they can give inspiration, warm you on the stormiest day and support you in difficult times. My tenderness will envelop you, and you will spend the whole day in pleasant dreams about the upcoming evening. Creative ideas and a positive mood will accompany you. I will always be with you".
  3. « You slept so soundly and smiled sweetly in a dream. You must have had wonderful dreams. Wake up, darling! The morning is no less beautiful, look, it gives you wonderful colors and a joyful mood. Feel the charge of energy, see the magical rays of the sun. All day long you will be accompanied by success and good luck in all your affairs.”
  4. « Time to wake up, my dear husband. The dark night gave way to a crystal dawn, which brought purity and freshness, cheerfulness and positivity. Such a magical morning means that today you will experience success and good luck, believe in it. And my love will support you and envelop you in tenderness.”
  5. « Open your eyes, honey. Meet with me a stunning sunrise. Do you remember how we met him when our feelings were just emerging? Nothing has changed since then, I still love you and want you to succeed in everything you do. I want to see you smile, treat you with strong coffee, as hot as my love for you.”

Good morning wishes to your loved one from a distance

The words take on special significance if the lovers are far from each other, have not met for a long time, or simply live separately for now.

Having woken up and found a pleasant SMS from his beloved on his phone, the young man will probably spend the day in a great mood. And a positive attitude and a feeling of being unique and needed affects a lot: performance, success, well-being.

Tender feelings will be evoked in a man by SMS written from the heart and with sincere feelings of love.

Beautiful SMS “good morning” to your loved one

There are several types of SMS to wish good morning and good day to your lover. Long SMS messages are preferable when the couple have not seen each other for a long time and are in different cities or even countries. After all, during the separation, so many unspent feelings have accumulated that they cannot be expressed in 2-3 sentences.

Templates come to the rescue and can be slightly modified based on a specific situation:

  • « My tender kisses fly to your distant city. Crystal morning envelops you with the most tender coolness. Feel the light breeze carrying my boundless love.”
  • « May my love bring magical light and will give you a feeling of happiness. Our date is inevitable, I’m waiting for you and dreaming of the days and nights that we will spend together, never being separated again.”
  • « The coming day brings our meeting closer. I don’t notice the long nights, they pass quickly in anticipation of a new morning, when I will hear your dear voice again.”
  • « May the new day give you something special, so start it with a smile. We are together and this world is beautiful. It brings happiness, light and warmth. Adore you. My boundless love, like the ocean, is always with you!”
  • « I dream of waking up from your sleepy whisper, a gentle kiss and a warm hug. But while we are apart, I can only wish you, my only one, a glorious morning with the tart aroma of coffee and the bright rays of the sun. I love!".

Short and sweet SMS from your significant other

How nice it is to wake up in the morning and see a pleasant SMS on your phone with good morning wishes from your loved one. There are many options for short messages in which a loving woman will put all her love and tenderness.

You can color your message with emoticons; they will add lightness and playfulness to the phrases. Short SMS messages are not full of floridness, but they contain no less lyrical feelings and manifestations of care.

Examples of such SMS to your loved one:

  • “Good morning, dear! A new day has begun. May it bring magical moments and pleasant surprises.”
  • “I dreamed of you, very clearly, very realistically. You are not here now, but our love will overcome separation and distance.”
  • “I got up in a good mood because I will soon see my unique one. The morning is beautiful, and the day is magical, because I have you!”
  • “I’m looking forward to it, my love, I miss you madly, our apartment is empty without your laughter. You are my joy, my heart, my love.”
  • “May the coffee in the morning be as sweet as my kisses. Our meeting is approaching, and I am counting the hours and minutes. I love and wait for you!”

There are also very short phrases that work flawlessly:

  • "I miss you very much";
  • “I miss your hugs” (kisses, lips, touches, etc.);
  • "I miss you so much";
  • "Lonely Without You";
  • “I dream of waking up with you every morning”...

Good morning wishes to your beloved man in verse

Girls and women who are good with poetry can easily compose a short couplet or even a quatrain for their loved one. The rest of the ladies will have to work harder or turn to the classics.

Writing poetry is not as difficult as it seems. All you need is a little imagination, a sense of love and perhaps a little humor...

But don't panic love poems can be very simple and without strict rhyme. The main thing is sincere feelings, tenderness and care.

Here are examples of simple verses:

  • “I need you, my golden one. I want to hug you by the shoulders. I will take care of you and look forward to meeting you.”
  • “There are no others like them in the world. And I don't try to look. You give light to your love, I want to say “I love you!”
  • “I wish you happiness, sun and warmth, and good morning always! I love you with all my heart and I will give you laughter and joy!”

Affectionate words will give your chosen one the most pleasant emotions and charge him with positivity for the coming day.

A woman should not restrain her emotions, because her true purpose is to create and give love and tenderness. Therefore, you should not skimp on affection and expression of feelings for your loved one.

Video - videos with good morning wishes to your loved one

Tender wishes for your other half:

Beautiful wishes:

Morning is the best time for wishes and declarations of feelings. Warm and gentle words will provide a positive mood for the whole day. You should not be afraid of expressing love - this is an important and integral component of a relationship. Wishing good morning to a girl in your own words will surprise and delight your beloved, convince you of the sincerity and seriousness of your feelings and intentions.

Sunshine, rise

Honey, morning has come. You are my bright, kind, gentle sun. I'm waiting for you to wake up and illuminate my world with radiance. Darling, give me the warmth of your rays, without you I feel cold and uncomfortable. Good morning!

I love you like this

Dear, good morning! I so love to look at you, not yet recovered from sleep: warm, gentle, beautiful, sensual. May the sparkle of your beautiful eyes and the smile with which you greet a new day always be present. I love you, honey!

My angel

Darling, you are my angel, caring and gentle. You give love and affection every day and make me happy. I wish you a good morning, a wonderful day and a magical evening. Look forward to meeting!

All the best

Darling, good morning! I wish you a pleasant awakening, a delicious breakfast, aromatic coffee, birdsong, and gentle sunshine. May a positive attitude and good luck accompany you all day. Remember, I constantly think and dream about you, my baby!

Invitation to shopping

Good morning, dear! I want to provide you with a wonderful mood for the whole day, so I invite you to shopping. I promise not to whine, to patiently go around all the stores and to participate with interest in choosing things for you. I want to spend a tidy sum, so wake up quickly and start making big plans. See you!

To a beautiful stranger

Honey, good morning! I thank the Almighty for meeting a beautiful stranger and look forward to continuing the relationship. You are a beautiful, kind, smart, sweet, charismatic girl! You struck me in the very heart and took a special place in it!

My heart

Darling, my heart starts beating faster when I think about you. The night without you is sad and lasts forever. I waited for dawn to say good morning and say how much I missed you. I look forward to our meeting and dream of hugging and kissing my beauty.

Beautiful night

Good morning, beauty! The night was wonderful, and I feel its aftertaste, I remember your perfect silhouette, the aroma of your body, the tenderness and passion of your touches. You are an extraordinary girl and a sensual lover!

I want to be close

Honey, good morning! We are now far away from each other and more than anything in the world I would like to be close, kiss and hug my baby. I would wake you up with caresses, bring you breakfast in bed and gently whisper in your ear about my love.

Sunny mood

Darling, despite the inclement weather, the sun is shining in my soul and the flowers are blooming. It's all thanks to you, you paint my world with bright colors. You inspire, and I want to tell everyone about our love. Good morning, my affectionate sunny bunny!

The world has blossomed for you

Good morning, my beauty! Look out the window - the world has blossomed for you: flowers are blooming, birds are singing, the sun is shining. May your day be bright and full of pleasant events, and may nothing dare darken it. I wish you to maintain your spring mood until the evening.

Cool girl

Baby, good morning! I want to confess my love to you and tell you how lucky I am to meet a beautiful, smart, charming, sexy, funny, sassy girl. I want to devote my whole life to you and make your every day happy.

Have a nice experience

Good morning, dear! May the new day bring you only positive impressions: long-awaited meetings, success in business, pleasant surprises. And in the evening I’m waiting for you for a romantic dinner by candlelight. Let the thought of him accompany you all day and give you anticipation of the meeting.

You bring happiness

My beloved wife! I want to confess my love to you and say that you make me happy every day. I appreciate the care, tenderness, and affection with which you surround our family. Good morning, my love, I think and dream about you and look forward to meeting you.

Recipe for happiness

Good morning, sweetie! I want to wish you a happy day, and its recipe is simple: open your beautiful eyes, stretch with pleasure, read my messages, recharge with vigor and positivity, remember the pleasant moments of the previous day and add joint plans for today. Kisses, my love!

How are you?

Good morning, my dear! I'm looking forward to your awakening to find out how my little pussy is doing. Did you get enough sleep, what did you dream about, did no one disturb your sleep. I wish you pleasant morning news, a delicious breakfast, and a cup of aromatic coffee. I hug and kiss you, my girl!

I saw you in my dream

Darling, despite the fact that we are far from each other, I spent a wonderful night with you in my dreams. We walked through the park, chatted happily and ate ice cream. And then we went home and had a romantic evening, just you and me, and also love, tenderness and affection. I'm looking forward to our meeting to make my dream come true. Good morning, honey!

Special day

Good morning my love! I'm looking forward to today's events, because we will spend the whole day together. I send you air kisses and cover you with them from head to toe. Wake up quickly and get ready for a special romantic day. Love and hugs!

I will take care of you

Good morning, baby! I want the coming day to bring only joy and happiness. I will take care of you: if it’s difficult, I’ll help, if you’re sad, I’ll cheer you up, if you want to eat, I’ll feed you, if you’re tired, I’ll put you to sleep. I'm at your service, honey!

Romantic mood

Affectionate kitty

Good morning, my gentle kitten! I want to spend all my time with you, stroking you, listening to your gentle purring, kissing your nose. My little kitty, I wish you a calm and serene day, and in the evening meet your beloved cat.

I want to you

Good morning darling! How I want to be in your arms under the same blanket, to feel your body, gentle and affectionate touches. I want to kiss your lips, stroke your hair, whisper words of love in your ear. You are sexy and desirable, I think and dream about you!

Best regards

Good morning, lapula! Let the sun's rays gently wake up my girl, let the singing of birds outside the window give me a romantic mood, let aromatic coffee and a delicious breakfast invigorate her and add strength. I wish you a successful and fruitful day, and in the evening we will definitely meet and shower each other with love, affection and tenderness. Kiss.

I'm captivated by you

Honey, good morning! I want to confess my love to you and tell you that I am captivated by your charm, beauty, intelligence, kindness. You decorate my world, make it better, fill my life with meaning. When you are near, I can handle any difficulties! I dream of remaining forever in your sweet captivity!

I'm waiting for you to wake up

Honey, I really missed you last night. I look forward to your awakening, I dream of seeing a charming smile, eyes sparkling like diamonds, and feeling the touch of gentle hands. Have a good start to the day, my love! I miss you and look forward to seeing you.

My desired one

Beauty, you're driving me crazy. Your perfect body, sexuality and passion cannot leave my mind. I can't eat, sleep, work. I think and dream about you, our meeting, I want to drown in your embrace, tenderness and affection. Good morning, baby, may your day be filled with happiness and anticipation of our date.

My muse

Good morning, damn charming, kind, passionate, smart, charismatic baby! You are my muse, inspiring creations and deeds. For your sake, I am ready to do anything: possible and impossible. I want to tell the whole world how much I love and adore you!

Lazy morning

My love, I wish you a lazy weekend morning! Don’t rush to get out of bed, stretch sweetly, soak in the sleepy languor. Let problems leave you, serenity and calmness take over your soul and body. I wish you a great holiday, kisses and hugs.

Grandiose plans

Good morning, honey! Let aromatic coffee and a delicious breakfast invigorate you and give you energy and activity. I wish you interesting ideas, grandiose plans and new hopes. And I will always support you and be your support. Good luck and make your dreams come true!

Have a nice wake up

It’s hard to wake up early, a warm bed beckons you into sweet captivity. But the thought of you, my love, makes me wake up. I am in a hurry to enter a new day to meet you again. Good morning, baby! Wake up soon, there is a day full of pleasant events and an evening date ahead. Can not wait to see you!

The world is waiting for you

Wake up, my sweetie! The world is waiting for you to decorate it with your charm and charm. Good morning, honey, may it be joyful and happy. After all, how you meet the day is how you will spend it. To get into a positive mood, I send you a million kisses.

It would be more like morning

Darling, I could hardly wait for the morning, the night without you is endless and sad. I dream of being next to you, hugging you, kissing you and never letting you go. Good morning, my one and only girl! I miss you very much and look forward to seeing you.

Ready for anything

Honey, good morning! I miss you so much that I’m ready to leave the most important things to do to meet you. I want to drop everything and go for a walk with you around the morning city, have breakfast in a cafe, have fun chatting and laughing. And then go home and drown in tenderness and affection. I love you baby!

I'm waiting for news

I am always with you

Honey, good morning! The sun looks tenderly through the window, and I want it to illuminate your path in life. And if a hurricane happens in your soul, cold and darkness sets in, know that I am always there and ready to protect you from any trouble and misfortune. I wish everything goes well for my girl. Love and kisses.

My inspiration

Good morning princess! You are an extraordinary, fabulous, magical girl! You inspire me to great deeds and new achievements. I want to make your every day happy, delight and surprise. I am ready to do anything for your favor and love. I love you, honey!

Good morning

Honey, it's time to get up! There is a new day ahead, and it will be full of pleasant moments. I wish you a cheerful morning, a fruitful day, a dynamic evening. You infect those around you with your inexhaustible energy, including me. You are the source of my strength and inspiration. Love you very much!

Have a carefree day

Dear, good morning! I wish you a calm day: without worries, problems and worries. Don't worry about trifles, relax and enjoy life. Let the carefree day turn into a magical evening that we will spend together. Hugs and kisses.

Fabulous morning

Honey, it’s a fabulous morning outside! You are my beautiful princess, whom I dream of rescuing from captivity and giving her a wonderful fine day. Wake up quickly, get ready and let's go for a walk around the blooming city. The world is beautiful because you are in it! Love you very much!

I am dreaming of you

Good morning, kitten! I dream about you and remember our happy moments. My heart is filled with you, you are my only one, I am madly in love and ready to shout about it to the whole world. I kiss you and look forward to meeting you.

Magic morning

Darling, come to the window: this magical morning was created for you. Can you hear the birds singing? They sing about my love for you. Warm and gentle rays of the sun entered your room. I also dream of gently touching you, warming my beloved girl. Open the window, and I will rush in with a gust of wind and hug you tenderly. Honey, have a good start to the day!


Good morning baby! I close my eyes and imagine how you and I are basking on the ocean shore under the scorching rays of the sun. We are on a desert island and no one is around, just you and me. The wind blows across our hot bodies, the surf caresses our skin. I want to spend my whole life next to you, love, care and make our dreams come true.

Guiding star

Good morning darling! I miss you and I really miss you. You are the guiding star that guides me through the labyrinth of life. My dear, you are always there, instilling in me confidence in my own abilities, helping, supporting. I appreciate it and thank you.

The Bird of Happiness

Cheerful girl

Good morning, baby! I really like your positive outlook on life. You are a cheerful girl who never loses heart and charges me with endless energy. You go through life laughing, you don’t notice and you easily overcome difficulties. I'm learning from you, baby!

Pleasant surprises

Good morning, honey! I know how much you love surprises and I wish you many pleasant events today: unexpected meetings, success in business, interesting projects and ideas. And in the evening I promise to arrange a romantic date for you. Hugs and kisses.

Birth of a new day

My dear, I’m sorry for waking you up so early, but I dream of watching the dawn with you. We are far from each other, but together we can see the birth of a new day: how nature wakes up, the sun illuminates the world, flowers reach for its first rays, birds chirp. I want you to greet this morning with a smile and a good mood and keep them until the evening. Kiss!

Good luck in your business

Good morning darling! I know that you are having a hard day today, so I hasten to support you. I wish you vigor and energy, new ideas and opportunities. I want luck to accompany your affairs and everything you planned to come true. Hugs and kisses.

I think of you

Good morning, honey! Today the weather is cloudy, it's gloomy and gray outside. But I know that somewhere in the concrete jungle an affectionate, gentle, beautiful, kind girl is waiting for me. These thoughts lift my spirits and warm me. I think about you, my love, and look forward to meeting you!

First thought about you

Have a good start to the day, baby! When I wake up, my first thought is about you: how is my kitten doing without me, is everything okay, how did you sleep, what did you dream about. I miss you very much and dream of meeting you. I'm waiting for news and good news. Good luck with everything!

Pleasant good morning wishes to your beloved man will surprise him, put him in a positive mood and remind him of his soulmate. Messages, notes, postcards written in your own words will strengthen feelings and will delight a loved one who will know that they are thinking about him, dreaming about him and looking forward to meeting him.

I saw you in my dreams

Darling, I dreamed of you in a magical and beautiful dream, your love lifted me to heaven. I am happy that our fairy tale continues in reality. Good morning, man of my dreams!

How you meet the day is how you will spend it

Dear, how you spend your morning will be how the coming day will turn out. We met the dawn in each other's arms, bathed in affection and tenderness. The new day will bring you only pleasant moments, and I will look forward to meeting you. Happy happy morning!

To the very best

I wish good morning to the most beautiful, charming, intelligent, generous, strong man. Thank you for giving me incredible emotions and making me happy. Kisses, my magnificent one!

I share the positive

Don't look at the bad weather outside the window, let the sun shine in your soul! I share with you love, joy, pleasant moments, healthy indifference, a positive attitude. Good morning, dear, have a wonderful day!

I want to wake up with you

Darling, we are far from each other, but my love is always near. I dream of waking up with you under the same blanket, hugging you, clinging to a strong body and not letting go. I want to whisper in your ear: “Good morning, my happiness!”

Good luck in your upcoming endeavors

Good morning honey! May luck accompany your affairs and not leave you unattended for a minute. I wish that all troubles will be avoided, the day will be full of joy and happy moments.

I was having a dream

Darling, good morning to you. I dreamed that I danced naked in front of you in the moonlight. I woke up on edge and was looking forward to our meeting. I'm waiting for you, honey!

Have a good day

Good morning, my man! I wish that the coming day passes without stress and brings only positive impressions. Remember your soulmate and know that I am looking forward to seeing you at home with a delicious dinner and tender kisses!

Look at the world with joy

Darling, happy new day! I wish you a good mood, smiles, look at the world as I do, through rose-colored glasses. Let the rays of the sun warm you, let the wind caress and hug you. The world is beautiful because you are in it, my happiness.

Get off that foot

Wake up, beloved husband! Drive away the remnants of sleep, great things await ahead, and the children and I will be in your shadow. Get up on the right foot, I wish you a good morning, a fruitful day, a wonderful evening and a magical night. Darling, I love and appreciate you very much!

Can not wait to see you

Darling, good morning! The night was unbearably long because you weren't there. I was looking forward to the morning to wish you a good day and tell you how much I miss you. I’m rushing for time to see and hug you sooner, my sweetie.

Memories of the night

Honey, you're amazing! I feel the aftertaste of last night. The morning rays of the sun remind me of your affection and tenderness, I again experience voluptuous moments. I wish you to remain a sensitive and magnificent lover, may there always be a hurricane of feelings and emotions in our bed. Have a nice day, honey!

Have a delicious day

Good morning dear! I love you! Let the new day begin with my declaration of feelings, good news and a delicious breakfast. I wish you a charge of positivity, inexhaustible energy, and achievements of hard work. I’m waiting for you to come home and promise a romantic evening, a luxurious dinner and a magical night.

I want to warm you up

Dear, on this cold dark morning I would like to be near you, to warm you up, giving you a piece of love. My feelings will disperse the clouds, and the sun will shine in your soul, an amazing and bright day will come. Good morning, honey!

Catch a selfie

Good morning dear! I'm sending you my morning selfie. I hope it will help open your eyes and give you a charge of vigor and positivity for the coming day. I kiss and hug you tenderly.

I want to hear your voice

Darling, more than anything in the world I want to hear your voice, it will brighten up the most stormy and rainy morning. There is a new day ahead in which I will see you - it makes me open my eyes and get out of bed. Good morning dear! I wish you good impressions and a cup of aromatic coffee.

Cheerful guy

Good morning, my baby! I look forward to your cheerful smile, funny jokes and gags. You make me laugh and make me happy. You share your joy with me and always come to the rescue. Thanks to you, I greet every day with a smile!

I give you happiness

Good morning, honey! Look out the window - nature is blooming and reaching for the sun. The bright and playful spring gave me a wonderful mood. I give it to you, may nothing overshadow this fine day, and may happiness and good luck accompany you everywhere.

I live for you

Happy start of the day, my love! Since we've been together, I wake up every morning feeling incredibly happy. You filled my life with meaning, made it bright and rich. I want to love and adore you, take care of you, give you tenderness, affection, all of me.

You are special

Baby, happy start of a new day! You are unusually kind, smart, cheerful, sympathetic, generous, courageous. When I tell my friends about your virtues, they think that I made you up. You are very dear to me and hold a special place in my heart.

My only

Dear, good morning! I want to confess my love to you and say that you are my only, the best and most wonderful man on the planet. I only think and dream about you before going to bed and after waking up. You are my happiness, I am very lucky to have you!

Good morning, kitty!

Mur-mur... Happy morning, my affectionate cat! I wish you a great mood, a calm and quiet day, cat-like serenity and imposingness. Your kitty is looking forward to meeting you, dreams of walking with you on the rooftops and admiring the moon.

If I were a sorceress

Baby, good morning! If I were a sorceress, you would now be next to me in my hot bed. Your hands would caress my body, and I would drown in tenderness. I really miss you and your touch and look forward to seeing you again.

My angel

Dear, good morning! You are my angel who protects and protects from troubles and misfortunes. We fall asleep and wake up together - this is great happiness. I want you to accompany me all my life. The first thing I want to see every morning when I open my eyes is your happy face.

The night flew by

Have a good start to the day, my love! The night flew by unnoticed in your arms, but the morning drags on endlessly because you are not around. I miss you very much and dream of being under the same blanket with you again. See you!

Good morning

It's time to get up, my love! Waking up in the morning is not easy, but remember about your soulmate, who thinks and dreams about you. Open your beautiful eyes, look at the beautiful world - it was created for you. Have a good morning and a wonderful day, dear!

Color this morning

Have a good start to the day, dear! I want you to color this cloudy morning with your beautiful smile, infectious laughter, kindness, love. I think about you, and it charges me with energy for the coming day and gives me a romantic mood.

Virtual kiss

Good morning, honey! You are far from me now, and I cannot touch you, hug you, kiss you. But my virtual message will brighten up your morning. Imagine that I am next to you under the same blanket, my tenderness and caresses. Catch virtual kisses, I shower you with them from head to toe and look forward to the real meeting.

Morning starts with love

Dear husband, good morning! I give you a great mood, a delicious breakfast and my feelings. I want your every day to begin with love, remember that I am always ready to support, help in word and deed and simply make my wonderful man laugh.

I'm a prisoner

Darling, good morning! I was captured: the blanket does not let me go, the pillow seduces me, and my eyes strive to close. And only the thought of the upcoming meeting with you does not allow me to give up. And in the evening we will find ourselves together in the sweet captivity of our desires.

Million Kisses

Good morning, my love! I want to give a strong, smart, handsome, affectionate man a million kisses. May your day be filled with love, happiness, good luck. I wish that the morning positivity remains until the evening, and that nothing overshadows the wonderful mood.

I will never stop loving you

Good start to the day, my joy! You are far from me, but distance is not an obstacle to our strong feelings. Know that I will never stop loving you and you are always in my heart. I miss you very much, but soon we will meet, and I will hug my only and beloved man.

I send you good luck

Good morning, my hero! I wish you interesting ideas, success in all your endeavors, and achievement of your goals. I send you good luck, may it accompany all your deeds. Fate smiles on you and so do I. I believe in you, my winner!

Wake up, darling

Darling, may your every day begin with a good mood and love. I miss you and I can’t wait to see your happy face. I wish you a pleasant awakening, a delicious breakfast, and a successful working day. Good morning!

My inspiration

Darling, good morning! You are my inspiration, I am ready to endlessly describe your virtues and tell the whole world about you. You ignite my feelings and cause a storm of emotions. I dream of seeing your enchanting gaze and charming smile, hearing your velvety voice. Kisses, darling.

Remember me

Darling, the morning has come! Think about the person who constantly thinks and dreams about you. I love you very much and wish you a good morning and a happy day! I would like to touch a tender cheek with my lips, stroke my hair, press myself against my desired body. I look forward to meeting you!

My Sunshine

Good morning, honey! You are my sunshine, who wakes me up every morning with warm and gentle rays. I love waking up next to you and feeling you with my whole body. You are a gentle, caring, handsome, strong, smart man. I love you so much!

Let your dreams come true

Good morning, honey! I wish that your good, wonderful dreams come true. Let every next day be better than the previous one. I want your life to be bright and full of pleasant events. I wish that we will always be together, and that the flame of our love will flare up more and more.

I'll be the alarm clock

Darling, today I will be your alarm clock! My message guarantees a pleasant awakening. I hasten to say that I love you, adore you and look forward to meeting you. I promise to arrange a romantic evening and an unforgettable night. But for this you need to wake up and get out of bed. Good morning, honey!

I thought about you all night

My love, good morning! I thought all night how lucky I am to have you. No one has such a wonderful, caring, strong, affectionate man, ready to do anything for his beloved. You are my prince, who is found only in fairy tales. I am grateful to you for everything and love you very much!

The Best Day

Good morning dear! I want today to be the most wonderful day for you, and each subsequent one to become better than the previous one. Wake up and go ahead - great things and achievements await you, and I will always be there with love and support.

You're driving me crazy

Darling, good morning! Today I want to confess my love to you, to say that you are driving me crazy. You are my hero, a brave, strong, smart, charismatic, charming man. Next to you, I feel under reliable protection and am ready to rely on you in everything. Kisses, darling.

Don't get out of bed

Good morning honey! I dream of waking you up with caresses, lounging in bed together all day, taking care of you, bringing you breakfast in bed. I love spending time next to you, I feel cozy, comfortable, fun, at such moments I feel like a desirable and happy woman.

The world has already woken up

Dear, good morning! The world has already woken up, there is bustle and turmoil in the city, people are rushing about their business. It's time for you to get out of bed and move forward to new achievements. And don’t forget to meet your beloved, who was eagerly awaiting your awakening to wish you a good day. Kisses dear.

Start of the day

Darling, I wish that your new day begins with warm and gentle sunshine, invigorating coffee, birdsong outside the window, and good news. I kiss and hug you tenderly, I want good luck to accompany your affairs. Let your good mood last until the evening, and nothing will overshadow it. Good morning!

Pleasant surprises

Darling, good morning! I want your day to consist of pleasant surprises: unexpected meetings, work successes, luck. And in the evening you will receive a gift from me - a romantic date. Kisses and see you later!

You are my energy drink

Good morning dear! You are a charge of vivacity and energy for me. Every morning you inspire me to new achievements, support, care, and help me move forward. You are my support and protection from troubles. You are an example and an idol for me, I appreciate and love you, dear!

I love you more and more

Have a good start to the day, honey! Today I confess my love to you. We have been together for a very long time, but my feelings only grow stronger over the years. I love falling asleep next to you, cuddling up to you in my sleep, waking up from gentle touches. Time has no power over us, I am happy to be your wife. Thank you, honey, for your presence in my life.

You will captivate me

Darling, good morning! You captivate and attract me like a magnet. You drive me crazy, and I fly to you like a butterfly to a light. Every morning I feel happy just from being next to a dear man. I want to be with you forever!

Everything will be fine

Darling, good morning! I wish you a pleasant awakening, vigor and energy. May your day be filled with joyful incidents. And if difficulties arise, we will overcome them together. I wish you to achieve your goals without fail, so that your enthusiasm never dries up. I kiss you, my hero!