Rules for washing a down jacket in a washing machine and by hand. How to wash a down jacket without the down getting lost? How to wash a down jacket by hand

A down jacket is one of the most common types of winter clothing in Russia, and this is quite justified - these clothes are filled with warm materials, including down, feather, holofiber and numerous others. Thanks to this, down jackets perfectly retain heat inside and do not let it out. Despite many obvious advantages, down jackets have one rather unpleasant drawback - these clothes are difficult to care for. So, without applying special rules, the first wash of a down jacket can also be the last - white stains often appear on the clothes, and the down inside tends to roll off. However, washing a down jacket at home without streaks is more than possible. How to wash a down jacket without streaks? This guide will help you!

Why do white streaks occur?

In order to understand how to wash a down jacket so that there are no streaks, you need to understand in detail the reasons for the occurrence of such troubles. So, white stains on clothes appear for the following reasons:

  • The use of low quality internal filler is the fault of the manufacturer.
  • Incorrect or insufficient rinsing of the down jacket after finishing washing it.
  • Uneven or improperly organized drying of clothes.

The question of how to wash a jacket without streaks arises often, which indicates the prevalence of this problem. If you do not want to be among the victims, take note of these tips!

General rules for washing down jackets

How to wash a down jacket without streaks? To answer this question, you can give some general tips that are suitable for any case. Some of them may change depending on your case:

  • Washing clothes with filling can be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.
  • To wash a down jacket in the washing machine, set it to hand wash. If your model does not have this, turn on the delicate mode, which is very similar to manual.
  • How to wash a jacket without streaks? Do as many rinses as possible. One will definitely not be enough - there should be at least two, and preferably three. It is insufficient rinsing that becomes a common cause of unpleasant stains on the surface of clothes.
  • How to wash a jacket to avoid streaks? Try to avoid dry powders entirely, instead choosing liquid products that do not contain dyes or bleaches. If you choose powder, use special formulations for washing down, or children's washing powders without questionable additional additives.
  • Set the speed to low - 600-800 per minute is enough. A higher speed setting can lead to lint pilling, which is an even bigger problem than streaks on clothes.
  • Before washing a down jacket in a washing machine without streaks, be sure to remove all other things, and especially down jackets, from the machine drum. Yes, you will have to spend money on washing one item in terms of detergent and electricity, but in this case the risk is less.

If you are still thinking about how to wash your down jacket to avoid streaks, pay attention to special capsules. Small capsules contain liquid detergent - it does not leave unpleasant stains on clothes. The capsules themselves do not take up much space and are easy to use and store. The only drawback is the high cost, which some may find unacceptable. Otherwise, this is an almost ideal remedy against stains on things.

Rules for hand washing without streaks

How to wash a light down jacket without streaks? Perhaps the best way would be hand washing, since in the process of washing by hand, the likelihood of the formation of streaks and lumps of fluff, which can reduce the pleasure of wearing a down jacket to a minimum, is reduced. Here a logical question arises about how to wash a down jacket at home without streaks, depending on the material of the clothing:

  • Holofiber. An easy-to-handle material, a product from which just needs to be soaked in a basin of warm water for 10-15 minutes, then washed as usual. Carefully select the water temperature - it should not be higher than 30 degrees. Also, do not soak a holofiber down jacket for a long time. Liquid detergent is used for washing.
  • Pooh. Material that requires careful handling. How to wash a down jacket by hand without streaks, so that its filling does not become unusable? The main rule is to try not to soak your clothes completely, exposing only the contaminated areas of the down jacket. Apply detergent to the fabric carefully, and do not forget to rinse it off with a soft sponge.

Before washing the jacket, so that there are no streaks left, do not forget to look at the tag, which is usually located on the inside of the down jacket. Perhaps the manufacturer prohibits manual and automatic washing of the product. In this case, you will have to limit yourself to just a damp sponge, with the help of which you need to carefully remove dirt from the surface of the down jacket. The main thing is not to wet it with water.

It is very important to know how to dry a down jacket after washing without streaks - often organizing proper drying is even more difficult than carefully washing clothes. Use the following recommendations, following which will allow you to minimize the likelihood of streaks appearing on your down jacket:

  • The product must be dried in a vertical position - to do this, hang the clothes on hangers.
  • Do not try to artificially speed up drying - placing a down jacket in close proximity to heating devices and fire sources can lead to the appearance of white streaks.
  • Try to dry filled clothes outdoors or in well-ventilated areas. Natural drying rarely leads to the formation of streaks.

Now you know how and with what to wash a down jacket so that there are no streaks. But what if you read the tips too late and the appearance of your clothes is seriously damaged? How to wash a jacket from stains? There are some tried and true recipes you should definitely check out below!

How to wash a down jacket from stains?

Are you interested in how to wash a black down jacket from white stains after improper washing or drying? There are three popularly proven methods that will help you return your clothes to their original appearance:

  • Dilute 2 teaspoons of dishwashing detergent in warm water, soak a soft, clean sponge in the resulting solution and gently wipe off any stains that have formed on the down jacket. After a few minutes of absorption, the solution should be carefully removed and the cleaned area should be rinsed with water.
  • Soak a cotton pad in a small amount of gasoline and wipe any stains found on the down jacket, then rinse off the remaining gasoline with warm water. This method is not suitable for synthetic-based fabrics, since they dissolve almost immediately under the influence of gasoline.

They are worn by men, women and children. Modern manufacturers delight customers with a variety of colors and models of products to suit every taste. They are often filled with down, feather, padding polyester and holofiber, so cleaning these items should be very delicate and careful. As a rule, down jackets have a warning label on them stating that it is not recommended to wash and dry them at home. But not everyone can afford dry cleaning services, especially if the item often gets dirty; in this case, practical housewives clean the item at home, using effective gentle methods.

So, how to wash a down jacket without resorting to dry cleaning? Of course, you can entrust this work to household appliances, but many housewives wash it only by hand, using a few simple but important rules.

The most contaminated places on a jacket are the cuffs, pockets, collar and elbow area, so you need to first apply soap (you can use laundry soap) to them so that the dirt dissolves and is easier to remove. To do this, it is better to use a hard sponge or brush. Powder should not be used, as it foams heavily and is difficult to rinse off, as a result of which streaks may remain after rinsing.

You need to dry the item in an upright position, on a hanger, shaking it periodically so that the filler does not get lost and spoil the item. If down is used as a filler, the product should not be dried near heating devices, as this will cause it to become brittle.

The following recommendations will help you wash a down jacket in the machine correctly:

Before doing this, you need to carefully check all the pockets, remove the belt, unfasten the hood and fur. If there are particularly dirty areas, you should first wash them in soapy water by hand, using a brush, since the machine may not be able to cope with complex, stubborn stains. Then the down jacket is zipped, turned inside out and loaded into the machine along with the rest of the parts (hood and belt).

In the menu of the automatic device, you should select the “delicate” mode, the temperature in which should not exceed 30 degrees. Pour powder into the desired compartment and wash the item in the selected mode. The use of conditioners and rinses can lead to streaks, so it is better to do without them. When finished, wring out the down jacket at low speed.

Now you should take it out of the machine and shake it vigorously, then hang it on a hanger in a warm place. While it's drying, it's a good idea to shake it periodically to prevent lumps from forming. When the product is dry, you can fluff it with a carpet flap, then turn it inside out and fasten all the parts.

Some useful tips on how to wash a down jacket in a machine, presented below, will help you cope with this task as efficiently as possible.

You cannot load more than one jacket into the drum during one wash, because in order for the insulation to be thoroughly cleaned, it must rotate freely in the machine.

To prevent streaks, it is worth replacing the powder detergent with a liquid one, since it forms less foam and rinses better.

The rinsing step can be repeated 2-3 times so that the soap and foam are thoroughly removed.

To prevent fluff from bunching up when washing, you need to wash this item together with 3-4 tennis balls, which will beat it well and prevent the appearance of lumps.

How to remove stains on a down jacket

Sometimes persistent stains that are difficult to remove form on the product. How to wash a down jacket at home so that not a trace remains of stains? Many people believe that only dry cleaning can handle such a difficult job, but this is not at all true. Today there are many ways to combat any type of contamination that will help outerwear become perfectly clean. So, dishwashing detergents will perfectly remove greasy stains. To do this, two teaspoons of detergent are diluted in a small amount of warm water. The resulting solution is applied with a sponge to the contaminated areas and remains there for some time. After this, the remaining liquid is removed with a damp cloth and washed off with water. Highly purified gasoline, which can be purchased at hardware stores, will do an excellent job of removing oil stains. But this solution can also erase the paint on the fabric, so before using it, it is better to first apply it to an inconspicuous area of ​​the down jacket. If the color of the fabric in this place remains the same, you can safely apply it to the dirt. The following composition will also help get rid of stains: dilute 100 grams of 10% ammonia in a small amount of dishwashing liquid, apply to the stain, then rinse the product in clean water.

How to wash a down jacket without streaks

Very often, after washing, stains remain on the jacket. This can happen due to insufficient rinsing or poor quality powder. How to wash a down jacket without streaks at home? Firstly, you should change the powder to another or rinse the item more thoroughly.

Depending on the filling in the down jacket, the choice of washing will be. If it is made of holofiber, the product can be easily washed by hand at a water temperature of 30 degrees, using liquid detergent or gentle powder for delicate care.

If there is down or feather in the lining, it is better not to soak the item completely, but to wash only the contaminated areas, as a rule, these are the collar, pockets and cuffs. Laundry soap or liquid powder for delicate laundry is perfect as a cleanser. It is applied to problem areas, foamed and rinsed with water. If the entire product is heavily soiled, you need to hang the down jacket over the bathtub, soap the most dirty areas and rub them with a brush. You can wash off the soapy solution using a shower. The advantage of this method is that drying does not take much time; the jacket will dry in a matter of hours.

Before you start cleaning, you need to carefully read the signs on the label, because some things can only be cleaned dry.

There are many useful tips on how to wash a down jacket in a machine without streaks. Experienced housewives claim that the product can be cleaned efficiently even in a washing machine, if you do everything correctly and adhere to the following rules. You cannot soak it; you must immediately start washing it at a water temperature of 30 degrees. For this, liquid detergents that completely dissolve in water and do not remain on clothes, including regular liquid soap, are best suited. Before doing this, you need to turn the down jacket inside out, check all the pockets, zip it up and place it in the drum. You should rinse several times in a row. All additional details (hood and belt) are washed along with the product itself, but how to wash fur from a down jacket?

How to wash fur from a down jacket

Fur usually gets dirty less often than the down jacket itself, so it doesn’t need to be cleaned often. If it comes unfastened, wash it by hand in warm water with any soap solution; hair shampoo is also perfect for this. After washing, the fur is hung over the bathtub so that water can drain from it. It is better to dry it near heating devices, shaking it periodically so that it dries fluffy and without “icicles”. A regular comb will help give it fullness.

There is also a dry method of cleaning fur. A small amount of semolina is poured onto it, rubbed with the palm of your hand over the entire surface and combed out well. Thus, semolina removes dry dust and dirt particles accumulated in the product.

How to dry a down jacket

When choosing one or another method of washing a down jacket, you should remember that under no circumstances should it be soaked. The synthetic filler holofiber and padding polyester is considered the most unpretentious. The situation is more complicated with products where the insulation is down or feather. If they “climb” out of the seams when you wear the item, you can assume that the down jacket will be significantly damaged when washed. How to wash a down jacket in a machine so that the product does not deteriorate? The most important thing is to choose a delicate mode and follow all the above rules, then the item will not lose its original appearance and basic properties for quite a long time.

Sometimes, after drying, the down jacket acquires an unpleasant odor and becomes noticeably thinner. What is the reason for such troubles? It turns out that if it is not dried properly, the fluff clumps and clumps together. It turns out that in one place there is a lot of it, and in another it is completely absent, so a musty smell appears in places where lumps accumulate. In addition, these piles, even in a dried product, are quite difficult to fluff up, and yet, simple rules will allow you to avoid such problems.

Before hanging the down jacket, you should wring it out very carefully. Before you start the spin mode in the machine, you can put several small hard balls, for example, tennis balls, in the drum; they will perfectly beat the fluff and straighten out all the lumps. Spin should be done at minimum speed, as is customary for delicate washing.

While the product is drying (it must be dried on a hanger so as not to lose its shape), you need to shake it periodically. The dried jacket can be spun again in the drum along with the balls so that the fluff is properly whipped and each feather is well spread out.

You need to wash down jackets as rarely as possible, since over time the water-repellent properties of the fabric are lost, and such a product begins to quickly get wet, since the impregnation dissolves in water with washing powder and other detergents.

How to wash a down jacket, by hand or in a washing machine?

There is no clear answer to this question, because each owner of this product chooses the most suitable cleaning method for himself. Many people prefer to go to dry cleaning, which is the most ideal way to give things impeccable cleanliness and refresh their appearance. But at the same time, it takes a lot of time, sometimes you have to wait several days before you can pick up the jacket, and this service costs a lot of money. Washing in a machine is the fastest and does not take up the time or effort of the housewife, but there is a risk that if a number of rules are not followed, the down jacket will be damaged. Manual cleaning is more delicate than machine cleaning, but it often leaves stains. Therefore, how to wash a down jacket: by hand, in a washing machine or take it to the dry cleaner is an individual matter and its success depends on following all the rules and recommendations.

Housewives who have had to wash down jackets know what a difficult task it is. After all the work, ugly white spots often appear on their surface. You won’t be able to get rid of them simply by wiping them with a damp cloth. Therefore, so that your efforts are not wasted, read how and with what to wash a down jacket so that there are no streaks.

Rules for washing down jackets

Washing a down jacket at home without streaks or other “surprises” should be carried out taking into account the following rules:

  1. The detergent should not foam much.
  2. You can wash only at low temperatures - up to 30 0 C.
  3. Rinse the down jacket thoroughly until the water becomes clear.
  4. It should be dried vertically, hanging on hangers and shaking periodically to evenly distribute the filler.

If there are streaks left on the down jacket after washing, this is evidence that these rules were not followed. To get rid of them, the jacket will have to be washed again.

Advice! To avoid streaks, don’t be too lazy to change the water often when rinsing. The more thoroughly you remove the detergent, the less risk there is of staining.

Choosing a detergent

How to wash a down jacket to avoid streaks? The best solution for this is a liquid product - gel or special shampoo. Powders do not dissolve well at 30 0 C. It is at this temperature that down products should be washed. The grains get caught in the filler and seams, settle on the surface of the jacket, causing white spots to appear. Liquid products dissolve easily and are removed by rinsing. When washing down jackets, they are the best choice.

You can also wash the down jacket with wool detergent, liquid soap, or even laundry soap. It is used to lather particularly contaminated areas before the main wash.

As a rinse aid, choose only special products for down, otherwise there is a risk that the filler will collect in clumps.

How to wash?

You can wash a down jacket in two ways - by hand and in a washing machine. The first method is preferable, as it is more gentle. Machine washing allows you to automate the entire process, but does not guarantee the safety of the item.

Hand wash

How to wash a down jacket without streaks by hand? To do this, unfasten the collar, remove the belt, and check the pockets. The edge is washed separately; set it aside for now. Inspect the jacket carefully for stains. Afterwards, lay it out on a horizontal surface and treat the contaminated areas with laundry soap or any other suitable product using a brush. Rinse off the foam thoroughly with a sponge moistened with warm water.

If the entire down jacket needs washing, hang it over the bathtub on hangers. Then apply detergent with a brush, scrubbing away dirt and stains along the way. The foam is washed off with a shower, rinsing the jacket from top to bottom.

The fur edge is cleaned separately. You can use starch for this. It is rubbed into the fur and then combed out with a brush.

To dry, the jacket is hung on hangers over radiators or other heating devices. To prevent lumps from forming, shake it periodically, beating the fluff in different directions.

Machine washable

How to wash a down jacket without streaks in a machine? To do this, turn it inside out, having first fastened all the pockets and zippers, and also removed the belt and hood with collar. Then they are placed in the machine, positioned evenly along the drum.

To prevent the formation of lumps, place 2-3 laundry balls or tennis balls with the jacket. They will prevent the filler from collecting in one place.

You need to wash at a temperature close to 30 0 C. After completing the main program, run a second rinse to ensure that the detergent is removed from the filler. It is recommended to spin at 400-600 rpm.

Advice! Please read the label carefully before washing. Some down jackets can only be cleaned dry.

What to do if stains do appear?

If after washing a down jacket there are still stains, what should you do in this case?

White spots that appear on the surface of the jacket are powder remaining in the filler and coming to the surface during drying. There is no use in wiping them with a wet cloth. It is best to rinse the down jacket again until the water runs clear.

Sometimes yellow stains appear on a down jacket after washing, how to remove such stains and with what? In this case, the reason most likely lies in poor-quality filler. Yellow spots are grease and dirt that have come to the surface. Try removing them with stain remover. Apply it to the surface, wait a couple of minutes, and then wash the jacket as usual.

Vinegar removes such stains quite well. Dilute it half and half with water and lightly rub the fabric. Finally, rinse thoroughly with a damp sponge.

Warm and light down jackets are comfortable and practical, but sometimes they cause a lot of trouble for their owners.
Many people will probably have a practical down jacket in their wardrobe.

After the winter season, the down jacket needs to be refreshed and washed. Dry cleaning services are not cheap, so to save money, you can clean it at home.
But before you put your down jacket in the washing machine, you should find out how to wash it correctly...

Unfortunately, experiments often end in failure. After all, not every down jacket is machine washable. So before you throw your clothes into the drum, you should figure out whether it's worth it. After all, sometimes buying a new item instead of a damaged one is more expensive than simply using dry cleaning services.
But washing at home is possible!

There are several types of down jackets: padding polyester and natural down. The traditional filling of down jackets is duck or goose down, which is easy to guess from their name. It is because of this filler that washing down jackets can become a real pain - after all, after this procedure, returning the stuck down down to its original shape can be difficult.
As for down jackets with synthetic padding, such products can be easily washed in a washing machine. With down jackets filled with natural down, the situation is much more complicated; they only require a delicate washing cycle, otherwise the item will be damaged irrevocably.

Since washing a down jacket at home can be quite labor-intensive, first let’s try to determine whether this procedure can be avoided. Sometimes it is enough to clean clothes in certain places with a soapy sponge and dry them, after which they will regain their original appearance.

By the way, most down jackets have a special water-repellent impregnation, which is important in snowy and rainy weather. But, alas, from personal experience I was convinced that, regardless of the brand of detergent, this miracle impregnation disappears after the first, or at most the second, wash.

If you find that washing cannot be avoided, it's time to move on to the next step.

You can wash a down jacket in two ways: in the washing machine and by hand.

Preparing clothes

Regardless of whether you plan to wash your down jacket in a washing machine or prefer to manually clean this product from dust and dirt, this can only be done after preliminary preparation.

Before washing your down jacket at home, you will need to do the following:

  • All foreign objects must be removed from the jacket pockets, detachable metal accessories must be unfastened;
  • remove the fur, if possible (if the fur is sewn to the hood, it will have to be washed by hand - it is better to unfasten the hood);
  • in order to avoid deformation of the fabric and breakage of accessories, all zippers, buttons, buttons must be fastened;
  • straighten the product and find areas with special dirt (collar, sleeves, pockets);
  • Turn the garment inside out.

You should also be sure to check whether the seams on the jacket are letting any fluff through. If it turns out that fluff still comes out in some places, it is better not to wash such a product at home. As a result of washing, the jacket may lose a significant part of the feathers, which can clog the drain hole.

Rules for washing down jackets in the washing machine: 7 simple steps

We carefully study the product label, which indicates important parameters for washing the product.
The information on the label helps you decide on the filler:

Down - means the jacket is filled with down;
- cotton - you will have to wash the down jacket with cotton wool inside;
- feather — hints that the filler is a feather;
- wool - the jacket consists of wool or wool batting;
- hollow fiber, polyester - means that the down jacket is made of padding polyester.

Only the down jacket should be placed in the drum of the machine. It must have space for good cleaning and good rinsing.

Use Only liquid detergent for washing delicates or woolen fabrics. Do not use powder under any circumstances!

Many housewives try to clean their jacket with powder, and then look for a way to remove stains that appear on it from the fabric of the down jacket. The fact is that the powder foams too well and for this reason it is very difficult to wash it out after washing.
Unsightly stains form on the material, especially disfiguring a light-colored down jacket.
In order not to suffer from this problem, it is best to buy special detergents for washing down jackets, sold in sportswear or household chemical stores.

  • Among conventional detergents, liquid Ariel or Tide capsules are often used. They do their job well.
  • Another equally popular product is Down Wash & Clean. According to the manufacturer, it is able to preserve the fatty layer that is present on the fluff. At the same time, it cleans down products well, giving them softness and airiness.
  • Liquid washing gel KONGUR Wash Delikate washes similar outerwear, as well as other sports or travel clothes, no less delicately. Suitable for both hand and machine wash.
  • But the leader, according to reviews, is the product from Domal - SPORT FEIN FASHION. Among the advantages, it is important to note the excellent cleaning quality, pleasant smell and ease of use.
    It is also important that this gel does not leave streaks. Light down jackets retain their original appearance without losing their warming qualities.
    The only thing that can be called a disadvantage is that greasy stains cannot be removed.
  • Domestic manufacturers also produce good products. One of them is called “Detergent for washing down and feather products.” After cleaning, the jacket easily acquires lightness, the down perfectly fills the sections and does not stick together.
    And all the pollution simply disappears. In addition, its price is significantly lower than imported products.

Initially necessary remove stains from the most problematic areas: sleeves, cuffs, collar, elbows, pockets. To do this, it is better to take a soft brush (an old toothbrush will do) and liquid detergent for fluff. Such products are quite expensive, so instead of them you can take baby shampoo, wool powder or regular laundry soap.
Using a brush, you need to apply the product to the stain, rub lightly and leave for 10 minutes, after which everything needs to be washed off.
If the stain does not go away the first time, then you need to soak the fabric again.
Laundry soap removes stains very well, but it is very difficult to rinse out, so it should be used in extreme cases.

Important! If a greasy stain is found on a down jacket, you can deal with it by using starch, salt and lemon juice. All ingredients must be mixed to the consistency of sour cream and applied to the stains. After 10 minutes, remove the product and you can start washing.
Difficult stains on a down jacket can be removed with oxygen bleach for colored fabrics.

Choose “Delicate” washing mode or another similar mode (“Manual”, “Gentle”, “Gentle”, etc.) with a temperature no higher than 30 degrees and a spin speed of no more than 400-600 rpm.
If there are no such symbols on your washing machine, then wash in the “Wool” and “Silk” modes.

At the end of the wash cycle, it is recommended to prevent the formation of streaks. Turn on the “Rinse” mode several times.
It’s better to spend more time, but not spoil the thing.

Another secret: rinsing can be replaced with a short wash at 30° C. In this case, you do not need to add any detergent for washing the down jacket in the washing machine. This will give you the opportunity to rinse the product in warm water, which will also help avoid streaks.

After washing a down jacket, the main thing is to ensure that the down does not form clumps. Some housewives advise loading the machine into the drum along with the item. several tennis balls, which prevent fluff from falling off while in the drum.

Important! When machine washing balls, you must first check that they do not leave paint. To do this, you need to wet the surface of the ball and rub it well on a light napkin; if the fabric becomes stained, then you need to take other non-staining balls.
Available for sale special balls for washing down jackets.

After finishing washing, hang the down jacket on hangers in the bathroom: this will allow the remaining water from washing to drain from it. After most of the moisture has evaporated, move the product to a dry, well-ventilated area.

The item should be hung on hangers away from radiators and other heat sources, as this may cause streaks to form on the fabric.
If such a problem does occur, try cleaning the desired areas with a damp cloth, dropping a little dishwashing detergent on it, and then dry the wet areas with a hairdryer.

It is best to dry your down jacket in the fresh air.

To the owners washing machine with dryer The problem of how to fluff a down jacket after washing can be solved without much hassle.
Set the gentle drying mode with a low temperature and be patient - the jacket will take a long time to dry, about 3 hours.
Taking out the down jacket of their drum, shake it. You can even beat the product using a carpet beater.

The down jacket will take several days to dry. From time to time a down jacket needs shaking.
I've come across advice that as the down jacket dries, you should spin it several more times in the washing machine with balls - in this case, the down will not bunch up, and the item will retain its attractive appearance.

Washing a down jacket according to all the rules:

How to fluff a down jacket

After washing, did your bulky warm down jacket turn into a thin and cold windbreaker? Everything will work out if you do the following:

  • break up the fluff lumps and beat the down jacket with a cane;
  • steam the entire surface from the inside out without touching it with the iron;
  • cool and repeat the procedure from the very beginning.

Of course, this will take you a couple of hours, but there is no other way to fluff a down jacket after washing if it has been damaged by improper actions.

Let's see how to return the original volume to a down jacket...

How to wash a down jacket at home by hand

To wash, you need to fill a large container with warm water; a bathtub is perfect. The detergent must be dissolved in water (according to the proportion indicated on the package).

Important! It is not recommended to use washing powder for hand washing a down jacket; it foams very strongly, causing the down to stick together. In the future, it will be quite difficult to rinse out the powder.
Particular attention should be paid to the temperature of the washing water; it should not exceed 30 degrees. To wash a down jacket, it is better to reduce the dose of powder rather than increase it. Excess detergent leaves streaks and sticks fluff together.

The down jacket must be completely immersed in water. The product should be spread out as much as possible in the water.
The down jacket should be left in the water for 10-15 minutes. The time can be increased if the contamination is too strong.

Using a brush, use gentle movements to clean the product. You don't need to press hard, light tapping is enough.

After washing, the down jacket should be rinsed in clean water until foam stops releasing, at least three times. When twisting, you should not use all your force; it is better to easily wring out the down jacket and hang it on a hanger.
The product must be allowed to drain and then dried naturally.

Important! If you want to use a rinse aid, it is best to choose special product for wool. The usual product leaves streaks.

A huge disadvantage of this type of washing is that when wet, the fluff becomes quite heavy. Of course, for delicate and fragile women this event is worth a lot of effort.

A not very dirty jacket is better clean while hanging. After washing the sleeves and collar, hang the down jacket vertically on hangers. It is in this position that less foam gets into the product, and you will need to spend less time rinsing it.
Then you need to straighten the jacket well
Dilute liquid detergent in water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees - it will not leave streaks on the fabric. Spray the fabric with this detergent, making sure to thoroughly lather the cuffs, pockets and collar.
Brush your down jacket gently with a brush. Afterwards, rinse off the foam with a shower stream, directing the water stream at an angle.
Rinse until no product remains in the product.

Drying a down jacket is a very important step. Even after successful washing, due to improper drying, the fluff may become lost. After any wash, you need to allow the water to drain for several hours.
It is advisable to dry the product in a horizontal position, but you can also dry it vertically by hanging the down jacket on hangers and unfastening the zippers. You can also turn the pockets outward: in this position they will dry well.

To dry naturally, it is advisable to hang the down jacket in a warm room.
In winter, it is advisable to hang the product outside for 2-3 hours; the water between the fluff freezes, and thus, when dry, it will prevent the feathers from sticking together.

Important! Contrary to the advice widespread online that you can speed up the drying process by blowing a hair dryer on your down jacket, do not dry it like this under any circumstances.
This is especially important for products with natural filler. High temperatures destroy the structure of down, it becomes brittle and loses its thermal insulation properties.

To avoid streaks, do not lay a damp down jacket on plastic or wrap it in a towel when drying.

If lumps still form after drying, then they can be broken up manually or with a carpet beating stick. Very often, accumulations of fluff are observed in the chest and sleeves, so this area needs to be given special attention.

Washing the fur

If there are any unsightly stains on your product, they can be removed with gasoline. Do this very carefully and before performing such a manipulation in a visible place, try it somewhere in a small, inconspicuous area. This way you will be on the safe side in case gasoline is not suitable for your fur product.

Some fur items should never be washed; here are some recommendations for dry cleaning your collar.

  • Unfasten the collar.
  • Lay it out on the fabric.
  • Sprinkle the fur with talcum powder.
  • Repeat sprinkling several times and leave.
  • When the color of the talc darkens a little, it will become clear that it has taken on dust and dirt.
  • After the entire process, shake the product several times and comb out any remaining substance with a comb.
    It is important that the teeth are located at a large distance from each other.
    Combing direction is against hair growth.

White fur You can not wash it, but first try cleaning it with a product such as semolina. The collar should be placed on the table, straightened and sprinkled thickly with cereal or starch. Then treat the surface with a cloth, rubbing the powder into the product. Then shake off and vacuum.

Fur is washed only by hand and in case of heavy soiling; in other cases it is highly undesirable to do this.
First, the fur unfastened from the down jacket is checked for deformation. To do this, dissolve a drop of detergent and ammonia in a small amount of water, then drop a few drops onto a small area of ​​the base material and pull it to the sides.
If the shape of the base has changed, then you should not wash the fur at home, but rather take it to the dry cleaner.
If no deformation has occurred, this product can be hand washed subject to the following conditions:

  • the water temperature should be no higher than 30 degrees;
  • Only liquid detergents should be used;
  • Before washing, you can briefly soak the fur in water;
  • It is better to wash off the foam with cold water, then after washing the fur will shine;
  • do not wring out the fur so as not to deform it, just shake it;
  • when the fur is dry, it must be combed: first against the fur, then in the direction of hair growth.

The method of drying a fur product also depends on whether the product is natural or artificial. This is a very important point, so it is necessary to consider the drying features of each type of fur.
One of the main factors to consider when drying real and faux fur is position. So, natural fur can only be dried in a horizontal position, immediately securing it to the down jacket.
Once it dries, it will be almost impossible to give the correct shape.

Although faux furs can be dried in any position, there are some rules for drying any fur:

  • Fur of any type should never be dried near heaters or radiators. A cool, shaded location is best.
  • Try to prevent moisture from the fur from getting onto the down jacket itself. Because of this, stains may remain on the down jacket, and you will have to wash the down jacket as well.
  • Before you start drying the fur, you should neither wring it out nor twist it. To remove water from the product, simply leave it hanging for a few minutes.
    To remove the main moisture, some people use wrapping the collar in cotton fabric.
  • Remember that squeezing the fur will lead to creases in the fibers, which will not straighten out in the future.
  • When the fur gradually dries out, you must not forget to shake it periodically.
  • Comb the fur collar with a comb.

Some down jacket fillings cannot dry properly at home; after a day, the down begins to smell unpleasant; in such cases, it is advisable to entrust the cleaning to specialists.
In other cases, cleaning a down jacket is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.
Judging by the reviews of housewives, the condition of the down jacket is better preserved after hand washing, however, this is a more complex process than machine washing.
Follow all the recommendations and advice, then the down jacket will serve you for a long time and will be an irreplaceable and faithful friend in cold weather.
Based on materials from,,

To wash a down jacket in the washing machine, you will need tennis balls with a soft surface. You need at least three balls, more is possible. When washing, they will prevent the fluff from bunching up in one place and maintain the uniformity of the filler. Tourmaline spheres, which have recently become popular, have the same properties - special rubber balls with a natural cleanser inside.

You can’t use regular detergent and you shouldn’t use dry laundry detergent at all; the foam will be difficult to rinse out later. It is best to buy a special product; if there are no such products on sale, liquid products for woolen products are suitable, you can use liquid soap or shampoo.

Before washing, you need to fasten all the zippers and buttons, remove the trim, and turn the down jacket inside out. It is necessary to select the most delicate mode of the washing machine and wash at a temperature no higher than 30 degrees. The spin speed should be as low as possible. It doesn't hurt to rinse the down jacket twice in the machine, since the cleaning agent is difficult to wash out of down and feathers, and stains may remain after washing.

How to wash a down jacket by hand?

Down jackets are washed only to clean the outside of the fabric; the filling does not require washing. Therefore, careful housewives prefer washing in which the fluff has minimal contact with water. To do this, hang the product in a vertical position in the bathroom - if it lies, water may get inside. Take down jacket product or shampoo and a soft brush, whip up the foam and apply it to the fabric, gently massaging the most contaminated areas - collar, cuffs, pockets, elbows. You can wash off the foam with a damp cloth, but this will require a lot of patience. It’s easier to rinse off with a gentle shower stream, directed not at a right angle to the product, but tangentially.

The best way to wash a down jacket is to take it to the dry cleaner, as the manufacturers of these products advise. It will cost much more, but the item is guaranteed not to deteriorate. If you wash it yourself, even using balls and special products, you can deteriorate the quality of the down jacket. With frequent washing, the fluff quickly falls off, and the waterproof fabric loses its properties and begins to pass water well. When cleaning it yourself, it is very important to dry the down jacket correctly, shake it often, or even repeat the wrung-out procedure in the machine several times.