Causes of peeling skin in a newborn. Causes of peeling skin in a newborn and ways to solve the problem Peeling skin of a newborn baby

As we know, in the womb a child is surrounded by fluid for 9 months. Having been born, his skin begins to adapt to the air space. It will gradually begin to produce a protective secretion that will normalize metabolic processes.

Peeling of the skin in a child from birth to one year is considered normal.

How to get rid of it?

It doesn’t matter at what age a child develops peeling and crusts on the scalp, they must be carefully removed, since the dense layer does not allow the scalp to breathe fully.

How to remove peeling in infants and older children?


At home, prepare masks for hair and scalp with oils, which effectively help with severe flaking and detachment of scales from the child’s scalp.

So, you can prepare the following compositions:

  1. A mask of burdock oil, which will moisturize dry scalp and have a healing effect on the epidermis, is applied for 30 minutes, then the head is washed.
  2. Mix 5 tablespoons of olive oil with 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice, apply for 20 minutes, only on problem areas. The product is washed off with shampoo and the hair is rinsed with nettle decoction.
  3. Mix 1 teaspoon of burdock oil with 2 yolks and 1 tbsp. l lemon juice. Apply to your head, wrap with a towel and leave for 1 hour. This mask is good for any type of dandruff, but it is used every other day for a month.


This method is used if the area of ​​peeling is small:

  1. It is enough to apply a thick layer of baby cream for about 10-15 minutes.
  2. After the crusts have softened, take a bandage and carefully remove the remaining cream, while the bandage will remove all the crusts.


Peeling is an unpleasant symptom that can be cured with various drugs from the pharmacy or folk remedies. Shampoos containing the following components help well:

At the pharmacy you need to purchase a product that will help with a specific problem. There are such medications:

  • "Sulsena". Presented in the form of shampoo or paste. Copes well with peeling, itching and inflammation. For more prompt treatment, it is recommended to use complex treatment. The product contains sulfur and selenium, which do an excellent job of treating dandruff caused by fungal disease.
  • "Nizoral." an antifungal drug containing ketoconazole. Apply a little shampoo to the hair, leave for 5 minutes and rinse with running water. For simple or seborrheic dandruff, it is enough to use 2 times a week for a month. Eliminates lichen in 5 days of daily use.
  • "Bifon". A product with a pronounced antifungal effect, quickly eliminates flaking and itching.

Any signs of illness in a newborn can seriously puzzle and frighten parents. The first weeks of life are a serious stress for the baby’s body, which is adapting to new environmental conditions. What to do if a newborn has this? Is this normal?

Causes of skin irritations in infants

Many pediatricians advise not to worry about peeling. This is normal in the first months of a child's life. If normal care does not help to cope with the problem and the irritation does not go away, it may be a skin allergy - a reaction to the actions of the parents. Don't get carried away with products that dry out your skin. This is potassium permanganate, which is added to water when bathing, some special solutions, ointments. Even to treat diaper rash, use the products exclusively as recommended by your doctor and strictly follow their dosage. If your baby has any skin problems, try changing the products you use to bathe and wash your baby's clothes and bedding.

How to treat peeling skin?

Bathe your child in soft water, you can add a little herbal decoction - chamomile or calendula. After the bath, wrap your baby in a long-pile terry towel. Do not rub or pull the skin; dry it with gentle blotting movements. If you have a newborn, regularly lubricate problem areas with baby wash with panthenol. You can also use regular vegetable oil, but it must first be sterilized by boiling it in a glass container in a water bath. Pay attention to the place where the peeling appeared. If this is the area of ​​the fastening of diapers or the waistband of pants, carefully review your child’s wardrobe and, at least for a while, give up clothes with tight elastic bands. Your baby may be allergic to synthetic fabrics. In this case, you should carefully ensure that the newborn comes into contact only with natural tissues.

What do you need to know for a newborn?

Skin irritation can be a symptom of a food allergy. When breastfeeding, it is important for a mother to review her diet. If you are already introducing complementary foods, and peeling appears after a new product, you should abandon it for a while. As a preventive measure, you can use a moisturizing cream for newborns or a special caring milk.

There is no need to worry if a child's scalp is very flaky - up to a year this is a normal phenomenon associated with adaptation to new conditions of the sebaceous glands. There is no need to use any special tools to fix the problem.

In addition, the reasons for children can be quite “adult” - for example, dry air. This problem is especially pronounced in winter. If your newborn's skin is peeling due to dry air, purchase a humidifier or ionizer. You can try to solve this problem in a budget way - place containers of water in the apartment, hang wet towels on the radiators. Don't forget to do wet cleaning at least once a day.

When a small miracle appears in a family, in addition to joy and happiness, additional worries arise. Parents try in every possible way to protect their baby from illnesses and illnesses. Some seemingly natural phenomena can cause panic in a new mother. One of them is peeling of the skin in a newborn. Most often, this is a natural process that does not pose a threat to the baby. However, in any case, it needs to be monitored and certain measures taken, because sometimes such a phenomenon can be a sign of illness.

The main causes of peeling skin in a newborn

If a newly born baby's skin peels off, don't be scared and immediately run to the doctor in a panic. First, try to figure out the situation yourself and find a possible reason for this phenomenon. Most often, it lies in the physiological characteristics of the formation of the child’s body.

Adaptation to new conditions - the protective film that envelops the baby in the womb gradually peels off the skin during the first week of his life. A change in environment (after all, at birth the environment changes from water to air) causes certain changes in the baby’s body.

Underdevelopment of the sebaceous glands. Over time, their work will improve, and natural hydration of the baby's skin will be ensured.

Cold wind - not only the skin of a baby, but also adults, reacts to such atmospheric phenomena with peeling.

Sunburn is prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. Even being in the shade during the day during the hot season, a child can get a burn.

Incorrectly selected hygiene products: soap, shampoo, gel, creams. You need to monitor the reaction to any new product and if it is not suitable, immediately exclude it from hygiene products.

Adding potassium permanganate to the bath.


Any changes in the condition of the baby can alert an inexperienced mother. For example, a lot of questions are raised by dense yellow crusts that often appear on a baby’s forehead, mainly affecting the eyebrows. It is not so easy to get rid of formations. Even during water procedures, they do not get wet to such an extent that they can be removed without harm to the child.

Before using various cosmetic products and folk remedies for this purpose, it is necessary to find out the cause of the condition and neutralize it. Only in this case the peeling will go away and will not return.

Features of baby development that can lead to peeling skin

The body of a child in the womb is covered with a special secretion. This original lubricant protects the baby’s skin and simplifies the process of its passage through the birth canal. Most of the product is removed immediately after the baby is born, but modern neonatologists recommend leaving its remains. This will simplify the process of adaptation of the child in the first days of his life.

On the third day after giving birth, you can do the following. We take unrefined vegetable oil, boil it in a water bath and cool it to a lukewarm state. We moisten a cotton pad with the mixture and treat problem areas on the baby’s skin. This way the lubricant will not dry out or be washed off, but will be absorbed into the epidermis. If even after this the newborn’s eyebrows peel, this indicates the influence of negative factors. In this case, you will have to try to remove the crusts and not harm the baby.

Why does the skin under the eyebrows peel off in a baby?

Adaptation. Having replaced the usual comfortable living conditions with a new world, each baby can react in its own way. For some, the skin simply dries out, while for others, crusts may appear in certain areas. At the same time, the skin does not turn red or swell


Their manifestations on the eyebrows

Reasons for appearance on the face



Peeling skin in newborns is a common problem with which young mothers turn to pediatricians. It occurs in almost 100% of babies and in most cases does not require treatment. It is only important to understand the causes of the problem and eliminate them. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Newborn protective barrier

When the baby is in the womb, his entire body is covered with a viscous grayish substance. This is a natural lubricant, which is designed to protect the delicate skin of the baby and facilitate its passage through the birth canal. In the first minutes of meeting his mother, the child is completely covered with a not very beautiful “protective barrier.” But within the first two days the lubricant disappears - it is absorbed into the skin.

According to pediatricians, it is impossible to intentionally remove lubricant, since it is precisely this that will facilitate the adaptation of the baby’s skin during the transition from a “water” lifestyle to an “air” one. And it will prevent the problem of dry skin in a newborn. It is necessary to remove its remains on the third day of life if they are preserved in folds on the legs, neck or behind the ears. To do this, use regular vegetable oil, slightly heated in a water bath.

4 reasons for peeling

But even if you did everything right and allowed the vernix to be absorbed freely, your baby’s body can still dry out and peel. The reasons why a newborn's skin peels are as follows.

Herbs for bathing a newborn baby The most touching moment in the life of young parents is the first bath of a newborn baby. This event is the most difficult and raises a lot of questions. When to bathe? What to bathe in? For how long and how often? Definitely

Adaptation. The baby stayed in the warm and comfortable mother’s tummy for 9 months of his life. And suddenly he found himself in a completely new world for him. Not only all systems of his body need to adapt to these conditions: respiratory, digestive, nervous, but also the skin. After all, it is she who comes into contact with the air, clothes, diaper... If the skin looks healthy (no redness or swelling) and the baby is calm, you can ignore the peeling - it will go away


A newborn baby in a family means a lot of questions, worries about the most insignificant reasons and care from all family members. Particular attention should be paid to grandmothers of children who sound the alarm over the most insignificant reasons.

The first months of a newborn’s life can be called adaptation to the outside world, because this is no longer the mother’s womb, where it was so cozy, warm and carefree. Interaction with the environment, air, and hard water can cause a number of unpleasant moments, which are nothing terrible, but make the baby’s parents wary. In the first months of a baby’s life, quite a lot of problems arise related to proper care of the delicate skin of a newborn. Let's talk about the most important aspects on this issue.

Natural peeling of the skin in newborns

Sometimes newborns' skin may peel during the first few weeks of life. As a rule, this physiological process is especially pronounced in full-term and post-term infants. Peeling of the skin on the arms, legs, tummy and face can be observed on days 3-7 of the baby’s life, which goes away on its own over time. This is an absolutely normal reaction to changing environmental conditions.

The fact is that while in the mother’s belly, the baby’s skin is protected by a special vernix lubricant, the effect of which continues in the first 2 days after birth. Then, after a short period of time, peeling begins.

What to do if crusts appear on the baby’s head

In addition, yellowish scales (otherwise called “gneiss”) may form on the baby’s head or near the eyebrows in the first months of life. In principle, you can do nothing with them; over time they go away on their own. But if it seems to you that they cause discomfort to the baby, then you can speed up the process of their disappearance.

List of necessities for a newborn baby I would like to write my own shopping list for a newborn with approximate prices and photos. I once made my list of necessary things for a newborn, based on lists from different sites. I will write everything that I bought


Rashes on a baby’s face may appear in the first days of life - this is normal, because the baby’s delicate skin is very sensitive and is only adapting to the external environment. In most cases, a rash on the body of a newborn is not dangerous and goes away on its own. But with any rash, you should still consult a doctor to determine its cause and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Causes of rash in infants

Milia. A small white or yellowish rash on the nose, cheeks and chin occurs in half of newborns and goes away on its own within the first month of life.

Acne of newborns. A colorless or red rash on the cheeks of a baby (sometimes around the eyes, forehead and nose) indicates the formation of a hormonal background and goes away on its own within a few weeks. Only in rare cases do such acne indicate a hormonal imbalance.

Irritation. When the time comes for teething, the baby begins to salivate profusely. Because of this, the child often develops a pinpoint rash on the chin.

Toxic erythema. A rash in the form of red spots with small white or yellow blisters appears in infants around the joints, on the chest and abdomen. This phenomenon usually occurs on days 2-4 of life. The child may be bothered by the itching, but this will go away within a few days. This phenomenon is not dangerous to health and indicates the child’s adaptation to the external environment.

Seborrheic dermatitis. A yellowish rash in newborns in the form of greasy or hard scales on the face and head is quite common and goes away on its own within a year.

Prickly heat. A red rash on a baby's neck, which can turn into small white pimples, may indicate that the baby is overheated. This happens in hot climates or just with parents


Peeling of the skin in newborns

Peeling of the skin in newborns can affect: the forehead, scalp, body, face, and even the eyebrow. This phenomenon occurs in almost 100% of cases, but the causes of the problem, treatment and prevention may differ. How to determine this?


Every mother trembles at the birth of her baby, but with the birth of a child, the number of questions that need answers also increases. How to care for delicate baby skin, how to prevent problems with it. But even despite the huge amount of re-read information, there are problems that cannot be avoided.

The reasons for the formation of peeling in infants can be varied. Most often, this process occurs in children who were born later than their due date. After birth, adaptation occurs to the external environment, to changes in habitat conditions, which the baby did not know while in the womb.

Often, if the reason is in the adaptation period, the problem goes away on its own, without outside help, a couple of weeks after birth. If peeling did not appear immediately, but after some time, then the circumstances may be as follows:

  1. Insufficient air humidity. Sufficient humidity must be maintained in the room where the child is located. Under the influence of dry air, the epidermis can peel off, and respiratory function deteriorates due to drying out of the mucous membranes.
  2. Incorrect way to care for a child. With frequent use of soap and shampoo, the baby's skin becomes dry due to the loss of natural moisture.
  3. Chlorinated water. Children's epidermis can negatively perceive running water containing chlorine. In this case, experts recommend using boiled water for the first couple of weeks, and then allowing the water to sit for several hours before bathing for a month.
  4. Allergy. Redness, rash, itching occurs, and crusts appear. The occurrence factor is the allergenic foods that the mother consumed (citrus fruits, beets, tomatoes, smoked meats, chocolate, red foods). Allergies can also appear after using laundry detergents.
  5. When your baby is bottle-fed, it is necessary to rule out an allergic reaction to the formula. Even the most expensive formula may not always suit every child.
  6. Reaction to weather conditions. The influence of cold wind, open sunlight, and severe frost can cause the newborn's skin to peel.
  7. Clothing and bedding are recommended to be made from natural materials, mainly cotton. Synthetic items cause skin irritation.
  8. Deficiency of vitamins, microelements, dehydration. Usually, this problem does not arise with breastfeeding. If your baby has excessively dry skin that has begun to peel, and the cause is vitamin deficiency, you should consult a specialist for medical help.
  9. Natural reaction to stressful situations.
  10. Excessive sweating. Overheating of the baby, due to excessive wrapping, will lead to intense sweating, and this will lead to peeling.
  11. Various infectious diseases.
  12. Diseases of the kidneys or gastrointestinal tract.

Peeling on the body and face

When the skin peels, the problem can be solved without resorting to the use of medications. This manifestation is not considered a disease, but it should not be ignored. In this way, the body adapts to its new environment.

The main reasons for the appearance of peeling include allergies and improper cosmetic care.

It should be precisely noted that scales on the body and face indicate an imbalance in the water balance, due to which the keratinization process does not occur correctly. Peeling occurs due to frequent use of soap (due to which the thin protective layer is erased and the glands are activated), or pathological allergies, as a result of which immunity is reduced.

What to do about peeling on the body and face?

If you find scales on your child's body, you need to rule out the possibility of an allergic reaction. To do this, it is enough to examine the skin of the entire body to see if there are other signs of allergies. If they are not found, and the child behaves well, he is in his usual state, he eats well, is not capricious, then you just need to reconsider the rules of bathing and the use of cosmetics:

  • the air should be additionally humidified if heating devices are operating;
  • use high-quality baby moisturizers, always look at their expiration date;
  • Allowing the child to spend some time without clothes will help him quickly adapt to the new environment.

Peeling of the scalp in infants

Seborrheic crusts mainly appear due to poor thermoregulation and poor water balance. Another important function in this process is performed by the quality of the sebaceous and sweat glands in infants - this concerns the natural causes of crusts. There are other reasons, such as increased sweating due to overheating and frequent use of shampoo containing synthetic substances.

What measures should be taken in case of peeling?

The correct bathing process and the use of high-quality cosmetics will allow you to get rid of the problem within a few days, but if these methods do not help, you need to go to the clinic in order to exclude the possibility of a serious illness.

  1. Do not let your baby overheat, do not wear warm hats in a heated room and do not wear too thick clothes; the child should not sweat.
  2. Children's shampoo should contain natural ingredients, without fragrances and parabens, and the head should be washed once a week so as not to disrupt the natural protective function.
  3. It is recommended that the comb consist of natural soft bristles.

These preventative measures will help prevent further flaking.

How to remove crusts that have formed on a newborn’s head?

There are other ways to remove seborrhea and regulate sweating:

  1. Mitigation. To remove crusts comfortably, you must first soften them. To do this, you need to boil vegetable oil and cool it. Half an hour before bathing, lubricate your hair with this oil and put on a light cotton cap. Remove the cap before taking a bath, wash your head with baby shampoo, and massage it with a soft brush with natural bristles.
  2. How to wash your hair. You won't be able to get rid of all the crusts at once. You should not wash it several times in a row - this will not bring any benefit, and may even cause harm, since you will further dry out the skin.
  3. Combing. After bathing the child, wrap it in a terry towel to absorb more water. After drying slightly, comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb and finish the procedure with a massage with a soft brush.

Skin treatment

Once a problem arises, the need to solve it arises. Treatment consists of eliminating dryness, moisturizing and softening the skin. Natural peeling will go away on its own after some time, but you should adhere to proper care and moisturize the skin to avoid complications and unpleasant subsequent results.

You only need to use shampoo once a week, this is enough to cleanse and will not cause harm.

On other days, simply bathing in water or adding herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula) is enough. After bathing, rub your child with caring oil. To do this, warm up the oil a little in advance, apply a small amount of it to a cotton pad and apply it to flaky areas, and then distribute it over the remaining areas of the body with light massage movements.

Remedies for peeling

You can resort to using commercially produced baby creams after first studying its components. It should not contain fragrances, preservatives and petroleum products; they will not bring any benefit to the newborn.

There are special children's ointments aimed at combating this particular problem. Such products usually contain panthenol, which perfectly moisturizes the skin, has no contraindications, and is safe to use for the smallest skin. Seborrhea is softened with oil or baby cream, after which it is carefully combed with a soft baby comb.

If the cause is an allergy, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment using antihistamines and eliminating the triggering allergens. Treating the problem is not difficult, but it is much easier to prevent it.

Prevention and skin care for newborns

For prevention, proper care of delicate skin is sufficient. Methods of prevention and proper care:

  1. Bath once a day in boiled water using herbs. The water in the bath should be 36-38 degrees.
  2. Do not use cosmetics more than twice a week. For a newborn, just bathing in water is enough.
  3. After bathing, thoroughly dry the baby with a towel and apply moisturizer or oil.
  4. Try not to use wet wipes; they contain alcohol, which dries out the dermis.
  5. When washing children's clothes, do not add conditioner or products with chemical components, they can cause severe allergies. Ideally, it is better to use simple laundry soap.
  6. Maintain the required level of humidity in the room.

Prevention will not take much time, but will bring undoubted benefits. Just a small change in daily routine will help avoid complications and the use of medications, and will also not cause discomfort to the baby and his parents.

Let's look at the most common causes of peeling facial skin in infants:

When should you see a doctor?

If peeling on the baby’s face does not go away for a long time, you need to consult a pediatrician

If your child has peeling skin on his face, in which case should you consult a specialist:

  • when peeling does not go away for a long time, and areas of damaged skin tend to increase;
  • The child’s skin becomes covered with red spots, swelling and crusts appear.

A consultation with a pediatrician will help to identify the true cause of peeling in a timely manner.

How to prevent peeling skin in a newborn

After bathing, there is no need to rub the baby’s skin, just blot it and be sure to lubricate it with a nourishing cream

To prevent peeling of the skin in a newborn, certain conditions must be observed: You should not bathe your child more than once a day, so as not to dry out the skin. After bathing, the skin should be blotted with a towel; do not rub it too hard. After bathing, moisturizers should be applied to the skin. Instead of children's cosmetics, you can use olive or peach oil. But before use, be sure to test for an allergy to this oil in your baby. Change diapers as needed, and you need to allow the baby’s skin to “breathe”; during this time, you need to leave the baby without a diaper. Do not use moisturizers right before going outside for a walk. In the summer, use children's cosmetics with a protective factor. Do not use cosmetics with lanolin, because it is a fairly strong allergen. Constantly maintain an optimal level of humidity in the room. You can purchase a humidifier. A nursing mother should monitor her diet and eliminate possible food allergens in her child.

Following this advice, your baby will not have any skin problems.

Peeling skin on a baby's face: treatment

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing cosmetics for your child. It is better not to use regular soap, as it dries out your baby's delicate skin.

Instead of traditional detergents, it is advisable to use decoctions of string, nettle, chamomile, sage or celandine. In addition to the beneficial effect on the skin of the baby, herbs have general strengthening properties.

Cosmetic oils have long been used for infants. You can buy oil at a pharmacy, or use regular sunflower oil, after boiling it. The oil will help nourish and moisturize your baby's skin and prevent rashes and peeling.

Peeling is usually associated with deterioration of the child’s sleep, whims, and nervous excitement. Parents should understand that in this case, the child’s tears are not a signal of illness. The use of children's cosmetics to moisturize and nourish the skin is not recommended; often these drugs can lead to irritation or cause an allergic reaction.

Frequently asked questions

Irina, 21 years old My son is 1.5 weeks old and his facial skin is very flaky. Tell me how serious this problem is?

Expert's answer: Excessive peeling in the first days after the birth of a baby refers to the processes of adaptation of the child's skin to changes in living conditions. This is a natural process so don't worry too much. The affected areas should be lubricated with oil (preferably olive oil) and after a while everything will go away.

Elena, 22 years old Hello. My child (6 months old) has spots on the skin of his face and legs that are flaking. Please tell me what this could be, how to deal with it?

Expert's answer Spots on the skin can be a manifestation of atopic dermatitis, in other words, diathesis. Your local pediatrician will be able to most accurately determine the cause of the spots after all additional examination methods have been carried out.

The baby's forehead and eyebrows are peeling and have yellow crusts

Girls, has anyone had this happen? On the skin under the eyebrows, closer to their beginning, crusts constantly form, which have to be picked off periodically. There are no problems with my hair (including dandruff), no problems with my eyelashes, but my eyebrows have been frustrating me for the last couple of months! This already happened a year and a half ago, for about two weeks it peeled off and went away. I don’t paint or tint my eyebrows with pencil, maybe I have vitamin deficiency? But it would probably appear not only on the eyebrows... For the last three days I have been lubricating it with almond oil - to no avail. Tell me something! And then the eyebrows themselves fall out...

It’s not vitamin deficiency, it’s nervous. Go to a dermatologist, there’s a spa cream. True, the doctor told me that in case of stress it can come out again ((((

Hmm, I haven’t suffered from allergies since birth... and I don’t consume any allergens, I eat right, the pillows are the same. But maybe it’s really nervous, I’m pregnant now and still have a small child. Then valerian should help)

It’s because of the nerves, after heavy stress, I also don’t know how freezing my eyebrows were))) anoint them with baby cream or any moisturizer.

I got the same thing, except for my eyebrows, my ears also started to peel off ((((once a year, closer to spring, this happens to me. I didn’t treat it, it went away on its own, but now it’s annoying, they advised me to buy sulsen 1% at the pharmacy, I’ll apply it , they say it helps. I bought more vitamins.

and I once burned the paint, at least I think so, but 2-3 days passed quickly and that’s it, and after I gave birth, I painted it, the break was exactly 1 year, so I don’t know what’s wrong with my eyebrows for six months now! They were red for 2 months, but now they can turn a little red


On forums for young mothers there are quite often questions: For what reasons does the skin on a baby’s face peel off? Should this be considered a cause for concern and should we contact specialists? Self-medication in such cases is strictly prohibited. Let's figure out what parents need to know first if there is peeling of the facial skin of a baby.

Sometimes this condition does not require any special treatment. But sometimes, due to disturbances in internal processes in the body, the condition of the baby’s skin suffers.

Causes of peeling facial skin in infants

The main reasons that cause peeling on the skin of a baby are: adaptation to new conditions, reaction to natural factors, improper care

Adaptation of a newborn's skin to a new environment. Many newborns have skin that peels off during the first time after birth. There is no need to worry if the skin on your head, including the baby’s face, is peeling. Typically, peeling skin in a newborn baby goes away on its own within a few days.

Reaction to natural factors such as wind, cold air and sunlight. Often during the cold season, the delicate skin of the baby’s face suffers due to cold wind and frost.

Improper skin care for your baby. Incorrect use of cosmetics, excessive use of drying agents (for example, potassium permanganate, chamomile decoction, string or celandine) when bathing the baby, use of low-quality or unsuitable hygiene products for the baby

If you follow simple hygiene rules, you can quickly cope with this problem, and gradually the baby’s skin becomes pink and pleasant to the touch.

Before the walk


Rough, scaly yellow crusts on the scalp of a baby (on the eyebrows, face, forehead, ears) can be alarming for new parents, but usually there is no need to worry.

Their manifestations on the eyebrows

Most likely, they form on the eyebrows due to a harmless condition common to many children, called a common term such as seborrheic dermatitis, seborrhea, or dandruff in the case of older children and adults.

This is a relatively common condition in newborns and children under three years of age and causes thick white or yellow crusts to form, most often on the scalp. Sometimes, the disease can even spread to the eyelids, eyebrows, ears, folds of the nose, back of the neck, diaper area, or armpits. In some cases, such as in infants who are prone to eczema or have dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis can cause the skin to crack, itch, and ooze a small amount of clear yellow discharge.

The disease is not contagious and is not a sign of poor hygiene or an allergic reaction. In most situations, it just goes away on its own. In severe or prolonged cases, your doctor may recommend the use of a medicated shampoo, cream or lotion.

Reasons for appearance on the face

Although facial crusts may not be aesthetically pleasing or may appear to cause skin irritation, seborrheic dermatitis generally does not bother children.

The exact cause of seborrheic dermatitis that appears on the face is not known, although some researchers believe that it develops due to overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

Seborrhea occurs most often in children and adolescents. During o


Exudative diathesis occurs in children aged 2 years and older. The area of ​​skin behind the ears is most often affected - yellow crusts appear on it, the baby becomes restless, constantly tries to scratch himself, and is capricious. The disease is called scrofula. Yellow crusts behind the ears of a baby are caused by other reasons. Seborrheic diathesis appears due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

Scrofula behind a child's ears

The formations are yellow crusts behind the child’s ears that cause severe itching. First, pink spots appear, which - if left untreated - can spread to the face and neck. If a child rips off the scales when combing, pink skin with high humidity is found underneath them. Drying causes cracks to form.

Additional symptoms: runny nose, conjunctivitis, rash on the body. If scrofula is caused by an allergic reaction, then therapy is carried out as with a typical manifestation of allergies - antihistamines and ointments are prescribed in combination with local agents that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is necessary to change the diet - exclude sweets, citrus fruits, hot seasonings from it - although they are generally not suitable for baby food. Children over three years old should enrich their diet with a vitamin complex, which includes vitamins A, B and ascorbic acid. For younger children, fortification is carried out by introducing a variety of fruits and fermented milk products into the diet. Additionally, vitamin D is prescribed, mainly in the form of fish oil.

Previously, it was very difficult to convince children to take this useful medicine - or rather, a dietary supplement. My parents gave me black salted bread to eat the mixture and suggested I hold my nose and drink it in one gulp. Now fish oil is available in capsules, and its use does not cause


Yellow crusts on the head and eyebrows

Girls, has anyone come across yellow crusts on the eyebrows and small pimples on the cheeks, the doctor says diathesis. I'm on a strict diet. Who had this happen? Maybe you can tell me something, I’m really exhausted, I don’t know what to do.

Morgana, almost all newborn babies have yellow crusts. Some people associate this with diathesis, but this is mostly not the case. It's just a feature of newborns.

We didn’t pay attention to them for about 4 months, then I decided to take them out. I bought a special shampoo and tried to comb it out, but nothing worked.

In the end, everything turned out to be very simple - half an hour before swimming, I applied burdock oil, put on a cap, then washed it and lightly combed out the remains with a comb. Everything went smoothly and easily!

And most babies your age also have small pimples on their cheeks :), the baby is just adapting to the world. Don't worry! All will pass.

Max also had small pimples on his cheeks and the skin was peeling between his eyebrows and on his forehead. somewhere from 1.5 months to 3.5 months. everything went away on its own. A friend's child had the same thing. I, too, was on a strict diet while breastfeeding. so don't worry - everything will work itself out. As for the crusts on our heads, we still have them. there are simply fewer of them. Some people think that they should be oiled and combed out with a fine-toothed comb, but I don’t think so and haven’t done that.

And after bathing, we simply treated everything with oil and the scabs and pimples went away... Diathesis seems to me more likely to occur in a bottle-fed child than in a breast-fed child. And you need to stick to the diet, but without fanaticism, eat without overindulging, the child should also get used to our food :)

We also have crusts on our heads, we use Mustella for seborrheic crusts, we apply it at night, and in the morning we apply it to our heads, and everything goes away.

Crochet pattern for a mesh blanket for a newborn. A baby blanket is a functional and irreplaceable thing in a family where a newborn lives. This blanket will be useful at home in a crib, in a stroller on the street, at discharge or at a clinic appointment. And when the baby grows out of the blanket

Try it 10-15 minutes before swimming. smear your head


Hello, my baby (we are 2 months old) has been having peeling skin on her scalp, forehead and eyebrows for about a week now. We use baby soap once a week, the rest of the time we bathe in plain water. From time to time I smear my forehead and eyebrows with Bepanten, and I tried to smear my scalp with Vaseline oil, but there was no result. Please tell me what this might be connected with. And is it possible to comb? Thank you very much for your answer!

In the photo there is peeling after I scratched the baby’s head a little with my fingernail. Before this, there was a little bit of white (which looked like just a fleck of dandruff) on my head.

And please tell me something else: on the eyebrows and forehead. Is this also seborrhea? And is it possible to apply AEVit and salicylic oil not only to the head, but also to the eyebrows and forehead?

And I also forgot to write that this is how it starts to peel off after using baby soap. Well, at least that's what it seems to me. We use it once a week. Maybe then just wash it with water? Or is this not related to the problem?

It could also be from soap. Try children's neutral gel. AEvit and oil can be smeared everywhere, the main thing is not to get it in your eyes.

Hello dears! I am interested in the following question: my son, he is now three months old. At night, my forehead and sometimes my eyebrows itch, and then scales appear, just white scales, like a detachment of the skin. I only use fenistil gel to soothe the itching. I also give phenysil drops in a course of five days. There is no itching only in the morning during the day. I placed the incline pads under the mattress. I didn’t scratch again for one night. The peeling is not visible in the photo; there is slight redness. What can be done?. Thank you!

Why get SNILS for a newborn? How to get SNILS for a child, and why a minor needs it - questions that concern many parents. We will try to understand the problem and find out whether this document is really necessary

Hello! I have a question! My son is a baby, he is 1 month old, and recently began to have yellowish crusts on his eyebrows, also behind the ears where the lobes are and just above, and rashes and flaky skin on his cheeks. What could it be? Maybe l


My beloved little, unreasonable child

Crusts on a child’s head are a fairly common occurrence in babies under one year old; they cover the scalp and appear as yellowish, fatty islands. They occur in babies in the first months of life. Such crusts are called seborrheic dermatitis.

Why does seborrheic dermatitis appear in newborns?

In newborns, the skin is quite delicate. The epidermis is very thin and underdeveloped. The sweat and sebaceous glands are not able to fully perform their functions. The sweat glands work weakly, and the sebaceous glands work too actively, causing an imbalance in the functioning of the glands. The skin becomes vulnerable to external factors and is unable to resist infections. That is why she easily picks up fungal infections, in particular the yeast fungus Malassezia furfur.

Most often, yellow crusts appear in babies when the head often sweats due to overheating. The mother dressed the child too warmly for a walk or covered him when he was sleeping. A sweaty head is not able to cope with the imbalance on its own and is vulnerable to dermatitis due to systematic overheating. Favorable soil appears for the growth of Malassezia furfur.

Improper or unbalanced nutrition of a nursing mother can cause dermatitis. The source of seborrheic dermatitis in babies under one year of age is an allergic reaction to introduced complementary foods. An unbalanced diet of a child, the presence of food allergies, and the presence of chronic diseases are the causes of seborrheic dermatitis in children aged 2-3 years.

Seborrheic crusts appear as a result of poor head hygiene or the use of bathing products that are not suitable for infants. The head begins to peel off, dry crusts appear, which


Quite often, the skin of a newborn’s body peels off. This is a common problem in infants, which forces new mothers to immediately turn to pediatricians. Most babies will just need the right care. In some cases, doctors prescribe a special course of treatment.

What it is?

The vernix lubrication with which the baby is born becomes a protective barrier for him in the first days of life. Over time, it will be absorbed into the skin, and its remnants from the folds on the neck and legs can be removed independently with a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil.

After the baby is born, his skin will adapt to contact with dry air and clothing. She will need time to “learn” renewal in a new environment and hydration. This process can cause peeling. However, if you do not notice any redness on the baby’s body, and he behaves calmly, then the peeling will go away on its own.

Most often susceptible to peeling:

  • head;
  • area behind the ears;
  • folds on the neck, legs and between the toes;
  • elbow bends;
  • skin on the palms;
  • groin area and gluteal folds;
  • armpits.

During the period of peeling, a “crust” is formed, which can cause itching and anxiety for the child, as well as a new cause for concern for parents.


The main reason for peeling lies in the disrupted process of keratinization due to depletion and dehydration of the epidermis. The baby is in the womb for 9 months, during which time he gets used to the aquatic environment. And after birth, the dermis adapts to new conditions. Peeling can spread throughout the body, and often does not pose a threat to the health of the newborn.

Even if the natural lubricant is absorbed into the skin, the baby’s body can still peel off and dry out. Those most susceptible to this phenomenon are:

Peeling in a newborn can be caused by factors such as:

Your baby’s skin still lacks the ability to respond correctly to external irritants. Acquaintance with a new environment does not always go smoothly, but you can protect your baby’s delicate skin from various types of rashes and peeling.

Important! If peeling is observed in a baby for 1 month, you should urgently consult a dermatologist. There is a possibility that the child has atopic dermatitis.


Sometimes natural peeling is confused with signs of fungus, atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases. To confirm or exclude skin diseases, it is recommended to call a visiting nurse who:

  • examine the baby;
  • will reveal the exact cause of peeling;
  • make a diagnosis;
  • will prescribe treatment or special care for the baby.

If within 3-4 weeks the newborn’s skin peels and cracks everywhere, this may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  1. Sebaceous ichthyosis. The disease occurs due to excessive formation and delayed rejection of generic lubricant. The main signs are dry skin, its brownish tint, and the appearance of a film on certain areas of the skin. Subsequently, small cracks and peeling appear on it.
  2. Diaper dermatitis. The disease is observed in infants prone to allergies in the period from 3 to 12 months. The main signs are characteristic rashes and peeling on the skin of the buttocks, spreading very quickly throughout the body. The cause is dry air, improper hygiene, dysfunction of the surface layer of the skin, microbes, etc.
  3. Eczema or atopic dermatitis. Accompanied by the formation of “scales” and redness on the child’s body. In newborns, the main cause may be both poor heredity and failure to comply with simple hygiene rules.

To avoid problems with fungal infections and other dermatological diseases in an infant, it is necessary to start a course of treatment on time and not resort to alternative medicine. Otherwise, you risk aggravating the baby’s condition and allowing the disease to develop into a chronic form.

What to do?

To eliminate the problem of peeling, it is important to exclude the presence of the disease and ensure proper care of the newborn’s skin.

  1. Children's cosmetics. Always lubricate flaking areas after bathing. Never use moisturizer before going for a walk. It is better to apply “Bepantol Baby” from Bayer under the diaper, “Weleda” with marshmallow for the face, and “Mustela Bebe” for the body. In winter, the baby's skin will be protected by Little Siberica or Sanosan creams.

  2. Oil. If you notice an allergic reaction to a particular type of cream, replace it with any vegetable oil (sunflower, almond, olive, etc.). Before use, you must sterilize 1 tbsp. l. oils in a water bath. Soak a cotton pad in it and gently wipe the baby's skin.
  3. Combing. If peeling is localized in the scalp, lubricate it with edible oil 30 minutes before bathing. After water procedures, carefully comb out the “milky crusts” with a brush.
  4. Walks. During the period of peeling of the skin, dress babies outside in clothes made from natural fabrics and only with long sleeves. If we are talking about the summer period, do not go out during peak sun activity, use special means to protect against ultraviolet radiation and other environmental irritants.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids. While the baby’s body is just “tuning in” to contact with air, and the sebaceous glands are “learning” to provide lipid protection to the skin, give the child as much liquid as possible (boiled water, special tea for newborns).

If your baby is breastfed, and skin peeling suddenly appears at 1 month of age, try adjusting your menu. Exclude from it spicy, sweet foods, any red foods (cranberries, strawberries, tomatoes, etc.). They contain lycapin and anthocyanin - substances that cause allergies in the form of rashes and peeling of the baby's skin.

Important! When caring for a newborn, make sure you use cotton pads soaked in oil correctly. For each area (folds on the arms, legs, face, back or tummy), you need to take a new cotton pad. Ideally, do not rub it, but blot the flaky areas.


It is impossible to avoid natural peeling of the skin, but you can mitigate this process thanks to the following measures:

  • ventilate the room regularly;
  • moisturize your newborn's body after each bath;
  • give up regular soap in favor of high-quality children's cosmetics;
  • do not use products containing an aggressive allergen - lanolin;
  • change diapers regularly;
  • use household items only from natural materials (cotton bed linen, soft towels without coloring components, ceramic or glassware, etc.);
  • Protect your pets' access to the newborn, because fur provokes allergic reactions and, as a result, rashes, peeling, and irritation on the baby's body.

As soon as the most important member of the family appears in your home, forget about conditioners and conditioners for a couple of years. They can become the root cause of allergic reactions on the child’s body and, as a result, peeling of the skin.

To successfully adapt a newborn to new conditions, add parental affection and care.

In the life of a woman who has known the joy of motherhood, with the birth of a child, many problems and troubles appear until the baby grows up. It is especially difficult in the first years of a child’s life, since young mothers do not always know what measures should be taken in certain cases.

One of these problematic situations occurs when the mother notices that peeling skin on baby's face . But there is no need to panic, this problem can be easily solved if you start dealing with it in time.

Before you begin treatment and running around to doctors, you should find out the reasons for peeling skin in your child:

A pediatric dermatologist will tell you the exact reason. Then you can be sure that nothing threatens your baby, and you will know what actions to take if the skin on your baby’s face is peeling.

Features of delicate skin care

Caring parents always look after their child, especially when it has not lived even a year. Features of caring for an infant include toilet procedures, including bathing, so-called cosmetic procedures and feeding.

The problem with feeding is solved quite easily at this age. Together with milk, the child earns his initial immunity.

Bathing should take place in comfortable conditions , it is mandatory to comply with all rules related to hygiene.

And if you notice peeling on your baby’s face, then it is necessary to enter cosmetic procedures .

Daily bathing is one of the main rules for baby skin care.

To speed up the skin restoration process in your child, you need to do the following:

  • Mandatory smear to kid face with baby nourishing cream , A Lubricate flaky areas generously with special oil. – this will speed up the process of the crust falling off;

  • If the skin on your baby's face is peeling, then you also you can use any other natural oil . Just boil it and then let it cool to room temperature. Then, using a cotton swab or cotton wool, with light massage movements, you need to apply this oil to your baby's face.

This way, you can speed up the process of skin regeneration for your child and soon forget about this peeling.

Baby skin care oil

remember, that no need to use medications , especially strong ointments. Any intervention with such drugs will be harmful for the baby, since there is a high probability of rejection of the drug or an allergic reaction to it. This can only slow down the whole process and cause additional inconvenience.

The main thing is to keep an eye on your baby , and you won't notice any problems.

Find out now about the most useful drug Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). For colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.