The women in labor from Snegirevka were sent to get some air. Obstetric departments Maternity hospital 9 ventilation schedule

Description schedule of closure of maternity hospitals in 2017 St. Petersburg

Health Committee of St. Petersburg Schedule - Ventilation schedule for maternity hospitals for 2017. Schedule of closures of maternity hospitals in 2018 Administration of St.! Schedule of closures of maternity hospitals in 2018. The schedule for the closure of maternity institutions in 2018 was approved by the Committee. Ventilation schedule for maternity hospitals for 2017 Closing schedule. The closure schedule of maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg for 2017 has been approved. Women who are planning to have a child in 2017 should know the closure schedule. The St. Petersburg Health Committee approved the closure schedule. As far as I know, the schedule has changed, why haven’t they made changes to the schedule yet. Closing schedule for redecoration and complete. Closing schedule of maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg. In July 2018, the closing dates of maternity hospitals. Maternity hospital number Address Closing period Maternity hospital. Schedule of closures of maternity hospitals for cosmetic repairs and complete disinfection in 2017. Schedule of closures of maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg in 2017. To the maternity hospital; Cleaning schedule for maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg in 2017. Full name of the maternity hospital Closing schedule. When will maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg be ventilated in 2018? The Health Committee approved the schedule for the closure of maternity hospitals. MATERNITY HOMES IN 2018 SPB CLOSING SCHEDULE. Schedule of closures for cleaning of maternity hospitals in Moscow and Moscow Region in 2017 for preventive sanitary and hygienic treatment. Address: 191023, St. Petersburg Schedule of closures of maternity hospitals in 2018. In accordance with the order of the Department of Health. Schedule of closures for cleaning of maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg in 2018? Closing of maternity hospitals for cleaning in 2017. Closing schedule for cleaning of maternity hospitals in Rostov-on-Don in 2017? Closing schedule. Closure schedule for cleaning of maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg in 2017. The Health Committee approved the closure schedule. Information on the schedule for 2018 will appear in January. Schedule of closures of Moscow maternity hospitals for cleaning in 2017. Schedule of closures of maternity hospitals and obstetric departments of city hospitals St. August 02, 2017: Attention! In the maternity hospital. Schedule of maternity hospitals closing for cleaning in 2017 in Moscow. Where can I see the schedule of maternity hospital closures? Cleaning schedule for maternity hospitals in 2017 in Moscow. Schedule of closures of maternity hospitals for ventilation in St. Petersburg in 2015 Similar answers. Where can I see the schedule for the closure of maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg for cleaning in 2017? The order of the Moscow City Health Department approved the closure schedule. What is the schedule for closing maternity hospitals for cleaning in Yaroslavl in 2018? Closing schedule. Maternity hospital of St. Petersburg, ventilation in 2013: Schedule of closure of maternity wards. Schedule of closures of maternity hospitals in Moscow for preventive sanitary measures.

The maternity ward of the Institute is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment. Each ward is equipped with monitors that allow monitoring the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus throughout labor and providing timely assistance to the mother and child, which is especially important when managing childbirth in women with a uterine scar, labor anomalies, premature birth, diabetes mellitus and other extragenital diseases.

Since 2012, the department has operated the country's first centralized monitoring station for the condition of the fetus with the ability to computer process the data obtained, which allows for timely recognition and treatment of fetal hypoxia during labor. Diagnosis of fetal hypoxia using constant monitoring (direct and indirect cardiotocography, determination of lactate and CBS in fetal capillary blood using the Zaling test).

Drug pain relief during labor is used in 80% of women in labor, and in most cases, pain relief is carried out using the most effective and safe regional methods (epidural anesthesia and combined spinal-epidural anesthesia).

Algorithms for examination and tactics for managing labor in pregnant women with premature rupture of water, in the presence of a scar on the uterus, diabetes mellitus, and severe gestosis have been developed. During a cesarean section, uterine scar incompetence is prevented using the Colost collagen membrane and autologous blood reinfusion using Cell-Saver and Cats devices.

The technique of “vertical childbirth” is used.

All doctors of the department are proficient in the technique of caesarean section, application of obstetric forceps, and vacuum extractor. You can choose an individual obstetrician-gynecologist, neonatologist, anesthesiologist, or midwife.

To provide different levels of service, the department has double boxes, private rooms and luxury rooms.

Each ward is equipped with modern transformable beds for childbirth, the latest resuscitation tables for assisting a newborn, and cardiotocograph devices.

Childbirth according to the certificate takes place in double rooms. Equipment for assisting mothers and newborns meets the latest technological standards.

To get acquainted with the conditions of childbirth and the cost of services, the department provides family excursions with a tour of the wards and a choice of one of the service options.

After an unscheduled visit by Rospotrebnadzor to the Snegirev maternity hospital, all patients were urgently discharged. The sanitary operation directly affected the interests of the FSB.

Trend/ Pavel Dolganov/DP

The St. Petersburg Rospotrebnadzor conducted an unscheduled inspection at maternity hospital No. 6, after which, according to them, all those giving birth were put out on the street. In the maternity hospital itself, the eviction is explained by a weekly ventilation, which, however, is not included in the plans of the Komzdrav.

The closure of maternity hospital No. 6 became known late in the evening on July 25. An announcement appeared on the social network VKontakte on the official page of the institution: “The maternity hospital is closed (with the discharge of all patients) for unscheduled disinfection of the premises. During the closure period, the maternity hospital will not accept any patients (neither for childbirth, nor for the antenatal department, nor certified, nor paid). The opening date will be announced additionally (there will definitely be no admissions to the maternity hospital this week).”

Panic began among the patients: “Holy crap, everything prenatal was just put out on the street. Including those who are already 40 weeks.” “Go wherever you want. There are no words! – write users of social networks.

Another woman in labor was supposed to have a caesarean section today, July 26, but due to urgent closures she was again sent to the antenatal clinic. “We left behind those who went into labor and were already in the operating room. The rest were discharged,” writes a user of the Littleone portal.

According to patients at the maternity hospital, not only those giving birth were stunned by the news, but also the doctors who had been consulting women in the morning and planning operations.

“This is super... Almazova (perinatal center of the North-Western Federal Medical Research Center named after V. A. Almazov. - Note ed.) - for ventilation, Snegirevka - for unscheduled disinfection. And where to give birth according to indications? – another expectant mother is surprised.

The maternity hospital on Mayakovsky is the first obstetric institution in Russia. Built by decree of Catherine II. Currently, it bears the name of one of the founders of gynecology as a science, Vladimir Snegirev, and is the base of the Department of Women's Reproductive Health at the North-Western State Medical University named after Mechnikov. Specializes in providing assistance to pregnant women with gestosis, blood coagulation disorders, anemia and blood diseases. In many cases, the maternity hospital is the only institution where women in labor can be sent. There is an obstetric hematology center and an obstetric intensive care unit for pregnant women, women in labor, and newborns. In 2007, an investment project planned for the Primorsky district fell through. It was decided that taking patients with severe pathologies to the outskirts was criminal.

As of midnight on July 26, the medical services of St. Petersburg lacked information about institutions where patients who had referrals from antenatal clinics to Snegirevka could be transferred.

To avoid emergency situations, the St. Petersburg Health Committee annually approves a schedule for the closure of maternity hospitals for cosmetic repairs and complete disinfection. According to the department, the 6th maternity hospital was planned to be closed from December 10, 2016 to January 9, 2017.

“There is no other data in the database,” the St. Petersburg medical reference service told Fontanka. – We have not received information about the closure of the 6th maternity hospital. We recommend that women in labor contact an antenatal clinic.”

A representative from the press service of the Health Committee responded more succinctly: “I’m on vacation.”

In the maternity hospital itself, expectant mothers perceive the situation much more simply:

“We are closed for a week for ventilation. There will be another one in the winter, planned. They closed it to wash everything, this is general cleaning,” the head doctor of the maternity hospital, Marina Zainulina, told Fontanka. She neither confirmed nor denied information about the visit of sanitary doctors to the institution.

“Rospotrebnadzor regularly monitors all maternity hospitals, ours is no exception. I haven’t heard of any urgency or urgency. We didn’t find any problems, but if you have questions, send them in paper form,” Zainulina concluded the conversation.

“Snegirevka” was already closed in 2007 for 2 months for unsanitary conditions. Rospotrebnadzor found non-compliance with epidemiological requirements when it came after the incident: a 19-year-old girl died from a nosocomial infection (postpartum sepsis - blood poisoning). She was taken from the maternity hospital in moderate condition to the city hospital of St. Elizabeth, where she died a day later from endotoxic shock. The investigation into the relatives' appeal was then carried out by the prosecutor's office, which considered that the medical institution was not to blame for anything, and the patient simply did not follow the doctors' recommendations, which is why she received blood poisoning. The case was refused.

Scheduled inspections of maternity hospitals, like other legal entities, are included in the plans of Rospotrebnadzor and Roszdravnadzor. The institution is not included in the schedules for 2016 of both departments. Unscheduled events are also carried out - either in response to requests from citizens, or to verify compliance with regulations. In 2014, for example, Roszdravnadzor came to Snegirevka and again found a lack of licenses for the types of assistance provided.

In addition to the status of the first obstetric institution in Russia, Snegirevka has additional ones. On October 7, 1952, Vladimir Putin was born here. In 2014, the building on Mayakovsky was restored. The brickwork, stucco, and architectural appearance were corrected. The contractor was the Baltstroy company, whose services, as it turned out during the corruption scandal, were used by

In 2016, the maternity hospital also bears national responsibility. In June, a state contract was concluded between the institution and the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region for the provision of medical care and other medical services worth 150 thousand rubles. A little earlier, in March, the Ministry of Emergency Situations in St. Petersburg decided to use the medical services of the maternity hospital.

The path to the Snegirev maternity hospital does not become overgrown even after rare criminal incidents. In 2012, he was convicted of improper actions during childbirth, as a result of which the child was seriously injured. After another incident that ended in the death of a baby, anesthesiologist Zotova was granted amnesty in 2014, but the family demanded compensation of 5 million rubles from the maternity hospital.