Who did Sati Casanova have a relationship with? Sati Casanova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Singles by Sati Casanova

Sati (full name Sataney) was born in the village of Verkhniy Kurkuzhin, Kabardino-Balkaria, into a large family, where she was the eldest of four sisters. The future star set off to conquer the capital after her third year at the Kabardino-Balkarian College of Culture. In Moscow, the girl entered the Gnessin Academy of Music for a pop-jazz vocal class. In parallel with her studies, Sati made a living by singing in casinos and restaurants.

Casanova began her ascent to the musical Olympus with the television show “Star Factory” in 2002. In the finals of the project, she ended up in the “Factory” group created by producer Igor Matvienko, where she performed for eight years. She left the team in 2010 to pursue a solo career.

Benefactor in Moscow

Casanova's personal life was a closely guarded secret for many years; the singer was in no hurry to make public the names of her rich and influential fans. According to Sati herself, she was in no hurry to get married because she was looking for a man like her father - generous, noble, who would not try to make her a housewife.

The artist said that she came to Moscow from Nalchik, thanks to the ex-president of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (and at that time, a successful businessman) Arsen Kanokov. Having once seen a young singer perform in a restaurant, he admired her talent and offered to help if she suddenly decided to move to the capital. For the first year of living in Moscow, Kanokov paid Casanova for all expenses, including payment for a rented apartment.

President's son-in-law

Thanks to rich fans, the singer already at the beginning of her career had all the attributes of the sweet life - a luxurious apartment on the 35th floor of an elite residential complex near Mosfilm, a Bentley car. “This apartment is a gift from a person with whom I had a long relationship,” Sati admitted in an interview. – I still remember him with great warmth. Imagine: when I entered here, everything was there, right down to slippers, bed linen and dishes.”

The generous donor was Kazakh oligarch Timur Kulibayev (son-in-law of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev), with whom Casanova’s secret relationship lasted about three years. Receiving luxurious gifts, Sati, as she herself admitted, loved and obeyed her man in everything, hoping that someday they would become a family. But Kulibayev looked at the relationship differently.

“Besides me, he had other women, and he did not see anything reprehensible in this. He joked that his love was enough for everyone. I cried, but endured, justifying my boyfriend by saying that he was an Eastern man, and for Muslims this position is quite natural,” the singer later recalled. – After living for three years in complete submission and a feeling of my own insignificance, I realized that I had lost myself. The spring compressed in my soul suddenly straightened out, briefly making me strong and decisive, and I put an end to this strange relationship.”


After a while, Sati had a new admirer, again of Eastern blood, who turned out to be the complete opposite of her former lover. Without giving a name, Casanova recalled that the man literally “strangled” her with his total control and excessive care. He made decisions about what projects she could participate in, what events she could attend, and who she could communicate with. “If earlier I dreamed that my beloved would always be there, then during this relationship I secretly wished the opposite,” Sati noted. The singer was able to put an end to this painful relationship three years later.

Star suitors

In 2011, rumors appeared about Casanova’s affair with the program director of Russian Radio, Roman Emelyanov. They first appeared together at the premiere of the film "Suicides." The couple neither refuted nor confirmed their close relationship, having arranged an intriguing correspondence on social networks. Roman turned to the singer: “Well, have we been declassified?” “So it was a bad secret!” - Casanova answered and added. “Marriages are made in heaven...” However, there was no continuation of the love story.

A year later, Andrei Kobzon, the son of Joseph Kobzon, was listed as the singer’s groom. The couple appeared together at the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Joseph Davydovich. The young people refused to give any comments on this matter.

Famous Producer

And in September 2013, the tabloids started talking about the singer’s new romance. While performing at a club on Pokrovka, Casanova met music producer Arthur Shachnev. The romance developed rapidly, the young people appeared together at all social events. In 2014, the engagement took place, and everyone around was only talking about the upcoming wedding.

But unexpectedly the couple broke up. Casanova’s comment about the reason for the breakup was very short: “He’s just not my person. But I’m not his.” Arthur himself admitted after a while: “Parting with this woman was very difficult for me, because I loved her very much. But she doesn't have me. The difference was that I loved, but I didn’t tell anyone about it. And she told everyone that she loved me, but she didn’t love me. When we broke up, she gave numerous interviews about our relationship and talked about how difficult it was for her with me. I don’t want to comment on this in any way, I’ll say one thing: this experience gave me a clear understanding of the word “hypocrisy.” Before that, I didn’t know what it was.”

In the same 2014, the media wrote about Sati Casanova’s new romance with the Moldovan singer Arseniy Toderash (ex-soloist of the O-Zone group). The artists released a joint video “Until Dawn”, after which their duet was called a love duet. The newly-minted couple appeared together on the red carpet, and very romantic photos were published on the Internet. True, the artists later stated that they were connected exclusively by creative and friendly relations.

Ideal man

In 2016, it became known that the singer was going to marry the 55-year-old president of Rosvodokanal, Alexander Shenkman. They even claimed that Casanova was pregnant and therefore the wedding would take place in the very near future. Although the couple’s relationship was no longer a secret, Sati tried not to advertise this romance. She explained this by saying that for a long time she could not meet a man who would become a real support and support for her. And now, when she found her ideal, she decided to remain silent, because “happiness loves silence.” But Sati could not keep this “happiness”, the wedding never took place...

Future husband

It seemed that Casanova would remain the “eternal bride,” but in August of this year, shortly before her 35th birthday, the artist officially announced that she was getting married. The singer's chosen one was the Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. As Sati said, they met in Germany at the wedding of the singer’s best friend and brother Stefano. Casanova and her fiancé have already submitted an application to the registry office on Butyrskaya Street and are now preparing for the celebration, which will take place in October. The lovers are planning to arrange three weddings at once - one of them will take place in the bride’s homeland in Kabardino-Balkaria, the second in Italy, and the wedding itself will take place in Moscow. The future newlyweds plan to spend their honeymoon in Sati’s favorite country – India. The Italian is already learning Russian specifically to communicate with the bride’s relatives.

This is how the singer herself describes her state on the eve of the celebration: “Whenever I was close to the wedding, I began to have disturbing dreams, all sorts of signs arose - as if God was taking me away from this step. Apparently, the wrong people were nearby. Now everything is so easy, joyful and somehow childish! I'm almost 35, and my condition is like that of a 15-year-old. For the first time, I’m not afraid of anything and I’m not complicating anything. Everything is simple and clear. The heart knows - this is the right person!

The wedding of Sati Casanova and her Italian partner Stefano Tiozzo, or rather the official wedding registration, took place on October 4, 2017. A more magnificent celebration of the painting of the newlyweds, according to the singer herself, should take place in 3 stages.

Sati Casanova: biography

The young singer was born on October 2, 1982 in Kabardino-Balkaria into a large Muslim family. In addition to Sati, her parents had 3 more daughters. The future singer spent her entire childhood in her native village, where she studied. First at school, which she graduated with success, and then at the cultural school.

Sati's father always adhered to fairly strict moral rules, and when the young girl began performing in one of the restaurants in Nalchik, such behavior caused strong indignation in the family. After working as a singer for some time, the young girl set off to conquer Moscow.

Sati's finest hour

Arriving in the capital, young Casanova immediately submitted documents for pop-jazz vocals to the Academy of Music. The girl's training took place in absentia. Therefore, she devoted her free time to working part-time in the music show “Voyage of Dreams.”

In 2001, the “Star Factory” project was launched, which helped Casanova to realize herself and gain popularity among millions of television viewers watching the lives of young musicians present on the TV show. Sati Casanova successfully passed the casting and became one of the participants in the project, which served as a springboard for the famous star in Russian show business.

The young singer proved herself at the “Star Factory”, demonstrating her talent and external beauty, and a year later the producer of the project, Igor Matvienko, took the young beauty into the “Factory” group, in which the girl performed for 8 years. But in 2010, Casanova announced her departure from the team. Since that time, the girl began to pursue a solo career.

Personal life

Until recently, the 35-year-old singer denied rumors about her upcoming wedding with an Italian. Sati Casanova explained her action by saying that she prefers to keep her personal life secret from outsiders, not giving journalists unnecessary topics to discuss.

However, in early August of this year, the popular singer, accompanied by a charming and slender brunette, was noticed at the entrance to the Wedding Palace at No. 4, which, by the way, is the only institution in the capital where citizens can register relationships with foreigners. The ex-soloist of the Factory group filled out documents indicating the imminent registration of marriage. From that moment on, information appeared in the media about the upcoming wedding of Sati Casanova , supported by facts.

According to the ex-soloist of the Factory group, she never thought that she would marry a foreigner. Because she assumed that such marriages were doomed - due to different mentalities, outlooks on life and the language barrier.

Love story of Sati and Stefano

As it turned out, the singer is really planning a wedding. Her future husband is a famous photographer in Italy, whose name is Stefano Tiozzo. As a rule, he specializes in photographing natural landscapes. However, not so long ago he boasted of a photograph of Sati against the backdrop of a blooming lavender floor. The girl, for her part, gave her beloved a return gift by filming her husband in a video clip called “Thank you.”

The young people met about a year ago. Their meeting took place at the wedding of Marina’s friend and Stefano’s brother, Cristiano. As Sati shared, just at that time she was disappointed in her relationship with a man, but, despite this, the young man was able to interest the girl.

When Sati met the Italian she liked for the second time, she discovered how unusually he looked at the world. After a while, young people began to communicate using social networks, gradually getting to know each other from different sides. After numerous dates in real life, Stefano Tiozzo confessed his love to the famous artist and proposed marriage.

About a week ago, the famous singer celebrated her anniversary. On his chosen one’s 35th birthday, an Italian photographer flew to the Russian capital to congratulate the bride and sing her favorite song in Russian.

Wedding of Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo

According to the young bride, the upcoming wedding should take place in three stages. After the painting in the capital's registry office, Sati Casanova's wedding (the girl's photo is presented in the article) should take place in Italy - the homeland of her husband, where the most magnificent celebration will take place. After which the newlyweds plan to go to Kabardino-Balkaria, where the girl also wants to arrange a festive wedding ceremony to the delight of her family and friends. Sati Casanova and her groom chose rings for the wedding from the famous jeweler Daria Petrova, preferring jewelry with a family monogram inside.

At the festive ceremony, which will take place in the bride’s homeland, the young performer wants to wear outfits made in the national Circassian style. With such a request, the former soloist of “Factory” turned to a well-known designer in the Caucasus, Madina Saralp.

After the wedding, Sati Casanova and her husband are planning to go on a honeymoon. The couple chose the classic option - the Maldives, where the newlyweds plan to go and relax for a couple of weeks.

Meeting Artur Shachnev

Before the wedding with the Italian photographer, the famous singer had a serious relationship with businessman Arthur Shachnev, which should have ended in a wedding. The young people met on September 12, 2013, when the singer gave a concert at the White Clouds club, where Shachnev spent his free time in the company of his friends.

Sati made an indelible impression on Arthur during her performance, after which the young businessman hastened to make himself known. At that time, the young man was interested in martial arts and had a solid business. He was known for such projects as “Peter Pan”, “Notre Dame de Paris”. And also because he created Russia’s first commercial symphony orchestra and opened the “From Dusk Till Dawn” club.

Wedding of Sati Casanova and Arthur Shachnev

The girl began dating Arthur and gradually began to understand that this was exactly the man with whom she had dreamed of living her whole life. Six months later, the couple announced to their loved ones that their wedding would take place in May 2014. Sati Casanova dreamed of a secluded registration that would take place somewhere on the island. After which the famous artist wanted to continue the holiday in her homeland in the company of close and dear people in accordance with all traditions and accepted customs.

However, on the eve of the upcoming event, the popular singer broke off her engagement with the businessman and announced a break in relations. The star did not provide a specific reason for the separation. The only thing is that she pointed out that Arthur is a wonderful person, but, alas, they will not make an ideal married couple, since they are not created for each other.

It all looked as if the couple had broken up, and the words about betrayal referred to Stefano Tiozzo. And so, a few days later, Sati confirmed that she and her husband were not together.

True, we are not talking about divorce. Simply, each of them, by virtue of their profession, lives their own life. And while Sati is in Moscow, Stefano is enjoying the views of New York.

So, Sati suffers in separation and sends messages to her husband via Instagram, assuring that “I fell in love with you, seeing the beauty of the World - with your eyes.”

True, in a recent conversation on the show “OK in touch!” Casanova assured that when she first saw him, she thought: “God forbid I marry an Italian.”

— Italians seemed to me too emotional and talkative, because one of my first impressions of him was: “How much he talks.” When will he shut up? It was the wedding of his brother and my friend, we met at the wedding. And he went on stage to give a speech, and I sang on this stage. At least I sang, and he spoke. How long did he talk? “I thought it was only in the Caucasus that we spend so much time saying these toasts,” admitted Sati.

According to Viktor Bogdanov, the ex-soloist of “Factory” has always been led by crooks and failed individuals

Last October, after many years of unsuccessful attempts to arrange a personal life, Star Factory graduate Igor Matvienko and the former lead singer of the Factory group he created, Sati Kazanova, finally got married. Her husband was the Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. The wedding was celebrated three times: in Moscow, in the bride’s homeland, in Nalchik,and in the homeland of the groom - in Turin. But it seems that it was somewhat premature to rejoice at the singer’s finding of long-awaited family happiness.

At one time about the personal life of the beauty Satan - that’s actually her name Casanova- a wide variety of rumors were spread. It was said that after moving from Nalchik to Moscow, she was supported by a businessman and statesman from her native Kabardino-Balkaria Arsen Kanokov. And after “Star Factory” they attributed her closeness to the son-in-law of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev Timur Kulibayev. But the singer herself never advertised or confirmed her relationship with these rich gentlemen.

Casanova worked for some time in my group “Love Stories,” said the producer Valery Belotserkovsky. - But it was so bright that it stood out from the general background. And I sent her to the Factory to give her a chance to make a solo career. She did not have any sponsors at that time. Maybe they appeared later. And with me, Sati was the most ordinary girl. I remember the first time I saw her, she was singing at the Crystal Casino. At my request, their art director Sasha Kovalev brought her to me. We talked to her. And the next day she was already rehearsing with “Love Stories”. If she had a sponsor, I probably wouldn't take her. Children, wives and mistresses with bags of money were brought to me more than once. But I didn't work with anyone for money. Independence has always been important to me. Even with Alsou and I was her dad 50/50.

Ugly story

In public, Casanova openly played tricks with many colleagues in show business, starting with the lead singer of the “factory” group “Korni” Alexey Kabanov and ending with the then program director of Russian Radio Roman Emelyanov. Four years ago, she even announced her intention to marry one of her gentlemen - a producer Artur Shachnev. However, the wedding was unexpectedly canceled at the last moment. The reason for this turn of events became clear after her ex-fiance bet on the singer Nyusha, invited by him to participate in the production of the musical “Peter Pan”.

“In my opinion, Shachnev is behaving extremely unscrupulously,” Nyusha’s father was indignant. Vladimir Shurochkin(). “I have the feeling that he is trying to make money at someone else’s expense and improve his affairs.” Nyusha honestly fulfilled everything that was required of her under the contract. At the same time, we received only one advance payment from Shachnev - 500 thousand rubles. And when we were supposed to receive a larger payment, Shachnev made a statement about breaking the contract with Nyusha, allegedly due to her failure to fulfill her obligations. As far as I know, he already had some unpleasant situations in Tver, where he used to live. They even opened criminal cases against him there. An ugly story happened with Shachnev and the singer Sati Casanova. I guess what happened there. But I don’t want to stir up other people’s wounds.

And the other day the news spread throughout the show party that Casanova’s marriage to Casanova, concluded just six months ago, was already bursting at the seams. Stefano Tiozzo. The basis for such conclusions was an ambiguous post that she posted on her Instagram page:

Have you ever been betrayed? Probably the most painful of the tests. The earth disappears from under your feet, a feeling of such helplessness, confusion... At this moment there is no ability to enter the skin of the one who betrayed: what was his motivation, what forced him to do such an act... His own pain and rage drown out everything else. Another scar on the heart... And it is difficult for a scarred heart to be soft and compassionate... Perhaps this is the very moment about which they say “turn the other cheek.” Not literally. The question is to forgive and continue to live - with a still open, soft, loving heart. They say that the tyrants in our lives are the people who love us most, but they have to teach us with such harsh methods. So that some new strength matures inside.

Chose with my heart

The singer did not specify who exactly betrayed her. But since she attached a photograph of herself to the post, in which her wedding ring was missing on the ring finger of her right hand, everyone agreed that she meant her Italian husband.

The current marriage of Sati Casanova is a temporary and frivolous relationship in which she will not find happiness, the star astrologer confirmed Victor Bogdanov, better known as Pavsekakiy. “Three or four years ago I made a natal chart for her and looked at her whole life. She could have had a successful family union at the age of 18-20. True, then she would not have made a career and would not have gained the fame that she now has. She has an energy that is very attractive to the powers that be. Judging by her natal chart, such people knocked on her door more than once. But she always chose with her heart and fell for all sorts of crooks and failed individuals. This was her fate - to be unhappy in her personal life. Her marriage with this Italian photographer is already falling apart. It's practically invisible. I'm not even sure if this can be called marriage. From an astrological point of view, this requires that people live together for at least three to five years or have a child together. A stamp in a passport is not considered a marriage by astrologers. As the natal chart showed, a truly serious relationship awaits Casanova in 2022 - 2023. She will meet a person with whom she can live for a long period of time and become a mother. This person will not be a Slav. But not a foreigner, but a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Sati Casanova. Style: Kristina Lisovets (Kasap); makeup and hairstyles: Alena Kiseleva; jacket, trousers, vest, everything – Izeta; earrings, Chloe; shoes, Jimmy Choo

Unusual, bright, sensual - just an oriental princess! Sati Casanova invariably attracts attention. Moreover, the singer’s personal life arouses no less burning curiosity than the story of her success. Not long ago, information appeared in the press that Sati was getting married, they even named the groom’s name - businessman Alexander Shenkman. Then the newspapers wrote that the wedding had to be postponed... Our conversation turned out to be quite frank - about finding our way, disappointments. And yet about faith - in miracles and true love.

— Sati, I read in many of your interviews that you are engaged in spiritual practices. What event prompted you to do this?

- There was no event as such - any bright, unusual, tragic incident. I gradually moved towards this. There were conversations and meetings that pushed me to this, but the main thing was my inner state. At some point, a clear realization came that nothing made me happy, didn’t interest me, complete apathy. I'm not even interested in living anymore. Many people call this depression. I believe it arises when a person either does not do what he was intended to do, or he has the wrong motivation, or he is surrounded by the wrong people. And I started searching... I’d be lying if I said that I had gained some kind of super-knowledge, enlightenment. I generally try not to talk about this topic now, it is very personal, sacred. There are so many searching people like me, who ask themselves questions: why do I live, why did I come into this world, and not just go with the flow. Although lately I’ve even been offended by this definition: searching people. It would seem, what to look for? Live and be happy.

—Did you at any time have the thought that this was not your life after all? Although, from the outside, of course, many could envy you - successful, famous, beautiful.

- Of course, it did. I periodically look at myself and think: what am I doing here? (Smiles.) And every day I learn to rejoice. There is no greater happiness than thanking God for what you have. Maybe I'm just very tired and don't have time to recover. Moscow is not for weak people. Either you become a slave to this race for survival, and there is no strength left for anything else, or you still try to jump out of the “squirrel wheel” and remain an integral person. But for this you need to be very strong and brave. And this strength comes only from spiritual practices, self-knowledge, unity with nature. This could be meditation, or walking barefoot on the grass, or swimming in a clean pond. Everyone has their own recipe, but resources need to be restored.

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

— And someone even decides to downshift...

“I had this thought: give up everything.” But motivation and intention are important here. Why are you doing this: out of weakness, out of despair? Or do you consciously decide that you have a different path and don’t want to be that unfortunate squirrel? I understand that for the most part I do things because I have to, and not because I am inspired. According to the law of gravity, it is much easier for us to be pessimists. It’s some work to straighten up and smile. Every person is alive, we have the right to different emotions. Even the weather outside is not always sunny, which also leaves its mark. It’s not for nothing that people in warm countries are more smiling. And many flocked to India - looking for a spiritual heritage, the meaning of life, depth. This was all in the Slavic Vedas, but we have lost it.

— In what places did you feel God more strongly?

- He's everywhere. And in the most seemingly monstrous situations, I sometimes felt God - so strongly and sweetly. We are just looking for where there might be more of it - we go to holy places, visit temples and monasteries. I have had many pilgrimage trips. And more are planned. I still want to complete this and then look deep into myself: have there been any changes? The way of thinking is very important, but in a state of fatigue a person is sometimes unable to control his own thoughts.

— Do your native places help you recover?

— Soon I’ll go to Nalchik. Of course, there is enormous power in my native land, which I am imbued with. But the first days are usually always hectic, these tours of villages, communication with a large number of relatives, aunts, grandmothers are also a kind of work. Although she is loved, she requires a lot of energy. I notice that for some reason I am getting very tired. And only around the fifth day do I find a state when the place fills me, and communication with people does not deplete me.

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

— Ordinary people, far from the world of show business, have a different perception of life and values. Are your family more proud of you or... pity you?

“They are proud and sympathize, and some are jealous.” Everything is mixed up. But no one really knows in what rhythm I exist. They can only guess. Even my parents don’t fully know what my life is like. When they arrive, mom is horrified: “How can you survive this race?” And here she begins to feel sorry for me. (Laughs.) It happens that I sit and actually cry in her arms. And I'm not ashamed. It's great to feel like a daughter.

— Can you imagine how your life could have turned out if you had stayed in your hometown?

— I always wanted to become a singer. And I love Moscow, I will not sell it or betray it. You just need to find some middle ground, an opportunity and a way to restore strength. Reduce the number of your appearances in public, some interviews. The quantity is tiring, it’s all emptiness... Apparently, you just caught me in such a minor mood now. Look outside the window: even nature is crying. Why shouldn't I do this too? (Laughs.) Tomorrow, perhaps, I will feel everything differently.

— Was it more difficult to build a solo career than to sing in a group?

- Certainly. But this is both sweeter and more interesting. Like with skis. First you ride on a children's track, it's cool, funny, and safe. But then you want to climb higher, onto an adult hill. And now I’m already cramped at this height. Not because they are driven forward by ambition, as was the case before. I feel like it's Groundhog Day again.

— What do you like most about your work?

- Performance on stage. The moment of giving myself, my emotions, what I have accumulated inside, to people. When I am empowered, I feel like I am giving them something so important and tangible. And people are grateful to me. This is such a beautiful exchange of energy - as natural as breathing itself. Going on stage to simply serve time there, to receive your fee for a concert, is not what it is worth being an artist for. Communication with the public must be sincere.

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

— Are the people who attended the concerts of the Fabrika group and who come to Sati different?

— My repertoire is different from what I sang in the group. It probably has its own audience. I'm still watching this from the sidelines. I’ve been on stage for so many years, but I still think this is some kind of strange dream. Everything is not happening to me. Maybe that’s why I can seriously say: I’ll go somewhere for a year, perhaps. The longest vacation I've had in all these fourteen years is three weeks. This is very little. Moreover, I don’t even know how to rest: I arranged a vacation for myself that included several flights: Spain, again Russia, France, Germany, Kazakhstan. It was a very difficult road.

- Well, actually, it’s fun, in my opinion.

- In general, it’s a sin to complain, of course. (Laughs.) But this is the same as asking a person: “Do you like caviar and champagne?” He will answer: “Of course, I love you very much!” And then for years we fed him only caviar and champagne. God knows, I try and work on myself so as not to complain and be grateful. After all, my life is so unusual and bright! There is only one problem left to solve: slow down a little. I love to work, but when is it a joy?

—Have you thought about trying yourself in some other capacity?

— No, for now I only have musical creativity. Moreover, I even decided to abandon one commercial project. For a year I collaborated with a fur company that produces faux fur coats. I liked the idea that it would supposedly reduce the use of animal skins. After all, fur production is very cruel. I watched videos: these little animals are raised to be killed, and they are literally skinned alive because it makes the fur shine better. But a year passed and I was disappointed. Maybe I saw that it didn't change anything. After all, most people buy an artificial fur coat not for ideological reasons, but because they cannot afford a real one. And the brand does not convey this concept that we act for the benefit of animals. So what is the reason and what joy do I have to participate in this?

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

- Do you have a fur coat?

— There are no natural ones anymore, everything is made from so-called ecological fur. For ethical reasons, I still cannot afford to wear a natural fur coat. Although just after today’s shoot I bought leather trousers. I liked them so much - stylish, warm, cozy! And now I have a bag made of leather, boots made of leather, and now pants made of leather. If we go further, what's wrong with a fur coat? What and to whom do I want to prove? Still, one in the field is not a warrior. Maybe someday I will have the courage and willpower to completely switch to skin substitutes. Production has not yet reached such a level that things made from artificial materials look as high quality as those made from natural ones, and they would be just as comfortable. Now winter will come, I will be freezing anyway with my vegetarian diet.

— How many years have you been a vegetarian?

“I haven’t eaten meat for ten years, I stopped eating chicken six years ago, and fish four years ago.” It’s not a matter of willpower, I simply cannot, due to my internal state, eat animal food. Although I was recently in France, and they served such an appetizing seafood dish: shrimp, squid, scallops - I was very tempted to try it. But I felt: no, it’s not worth it. Of course, I am a public person, and I could set a trend. There would be people who would say: I want to be like Sati. But do I need to lead someone somewhere? To begin with, it would be nice to figure out with myself what I want.

— By the way, Eastern spiritual practices tell us that female energy is still different, not about struggle.

- It's probably true. Leading under the red banner is a man’s task. A woman should bloom, smell fragrant, enjoy life, want shoes and a dress, sing and dance. This is female nature. And I just have a presentiment of all this. The right man must meet who will help a woman show her true qualities. I dream about it, I pray, I save myself for him.

- But they wrote about your upcoming wedding?..

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

— Do you basically want a wedding or are you a loner by nature?

— More and more often I think that I am a loner. Let's see, maybe I'll meet someone I want to follow. Precisely to be behind your husband. This is not about submission, enslavement, but about partnership and creation. It should be. I believe in a pure, beautiful, sincere feeling that cannot be confused with anything. And it was in search of true love that I tried a lot of things. Maybe it wasn’t necessary, but otherwise how would I know where the truth is and where the falsehood is?

— What was your first love?

“His name was Anzor, and now, unfortunately, he is no longer alive. We met, we had a very reverent relationship. I was waiting for him from the army, he came and immediately joined the Wahhabis. He said: “Everything will be wonderful, you and I will get married, have children and live according to Sharia law.” I got scared and said, “Oh, no. I decided that I would go to Moscow and become a singer.” (Laughs.) Of course, he was very offended by me, we broke up. Five years passed, he got married, children were born, and... he was killed in one of the shootouts.

- Sad story. Is this the first person who proposed to you?

- Yes! And it scared me. I dreamed of the stage, I was just gaining wings. And he wanted to imprison me in a cage.

— For some reason it seems to me that you choose strong men. And they play by their own rules.

- It's true, that's how it is. You made a very correct point. Therefore, as in my joke: “Dear friend, I would like to give you a car, but I only have enough money for a fountain pen. And this contradiction tears my soul.” Of course, a strong woman wants to see a strong man next to her, and that’s exactly what she’s looking for. And a strong man, by his nature, wants to subjugate a woman, to bend her under him. But with my rebellious character, I don’t know how to bend. I had this story when I tried to change myself for the sake of one person. I thought that he was just that strong man. In fact, he was not like that, I painted a certain image in my imagination. I dreamed of a wonderful, romantic relationship. And she began to play a soft, submissive woman, for whom the desires of her man come first. So, these were three years of the most unreal, false existence, destructive for my being and nature. But, on the other hand, this is an invaluable experience. If it had not happened, I would not have known that I would not be able to live within such a framework. And so God taught me such a bright but painful lesson.

- Why did you play the submissive oriental woman? Didn't want to lose this relationship?

“I desperately wanted to love.” To believe that happiness is possible, to build our future, but it was all unreal! I realized that it is very important not to deceive yourself. And I deceived both myself and him. I'm to blame for him. I only recently began to realize this. I even wrote him a letter, which I later burned. (Smiles.) This is what psychologists advise - if you want to let go of the situation, write everything that hurts your heart on paper and burn it. I asked this man for forgiveness for feeling such fierce anger towards him. There was so much blackness in my soul! But in fact, essentially, I was angry with myself. After all, it was me who pretended and tried to be something other than who I really am. Any other man could have been in his place - Vasya, Kolya, Petya. Insincerity with oneself is the worst crime a person can commit. And only then, like a snowball, contradictions grow, lies entangle relationships like a web, and they collapse. To be insincere, to betray oneself is very dangerous for the person himself, hence all the nervous disorders, depression, and illnesses.

“It’s hard to live in stress for three years...

- Essentially, two years of relationship and another year of painful separation.

— Do you easily fall in love, are you enchanted?

- Yes, it turns out that it’s easy. Without thinking twice, I plunge headlong into the pool. It may be wrong to behave this way, but you can’t order your heart. As they say, no matter what the rake teaches, the heart believes in miracles. (Laughs.) This is just about me. You can even put a title like this for the article. I have special cards. And when I’m at a crossroads, I’m torn, I don’t know what to do, I wonder about them. The cards depict deities: the Virgin Mary, Krishna, the Archangel Michael - and each one conveys some kind of message. Recently there was just such a difficult moment. I was betrayed by a loved one, I felt very disgusted in my soul, and I asked: “Well, how should I live now? Should I go into my shell and stop trusting people? Do you know what card came out? Jesus with the message: "Open your heart." These are the signs life gives.

“It was precisely the life of Jesus and his love for humanity that was associated with suffering...

- Not true. With his resurrection, he proved that this is a completely different story.

“And for many people it’s like this: love and pain are inextricably linked.”

- Yes, please, suffer! This is voluntary. As my spiritual mentor told me, one day guys from the Orthodox denomination came to him. They ask: “Is it possible to reach God through suffering?” “Of course you can,” he replied. - But there is a shorter way - through joy, love. It's much nicer." They: “Yes, how wonderful - through love, through joy. Well, is it possible through suffering?” (Laughs.)

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

— For you, love is more joy?

- Yes, joy and compassion. Not suffering. To be able to feel someone else's pain, but not become it. It’s like a patient coming to a doctor and saying: “It hurts so much!” And he will sit next to him and will also cry: how much it hurts you! What's the point? Compassion is the willingness to understand and help.

— Are there people who are your life’s guide?

— It’s hard to name anyone from the public. Perhaps Sade. Of course, I don’t know what’s going on in her soul, but it seems to me that she lives harmoniously. She rarely leaves her paradise island. And at over fifty years old she looks simply amazing! And I’m only thirty-three, and already some wrinkles and bruises have appeared under my eyes. I say to myself: “Sati, what will happen to you next if you don’t get out of this whirlwind?” You can, you can live differently. Of course, I will not abandon the stage, the people who love me, my fans, but I will leave them for a while. Parting is a reason for a joyful meeting.

“All that’s left is to buy the island.”

— I live in a high-rise building on the thirty-fifth floor. It is, of course, very beautiful, there is a wonderful view from the window, but I really miss the land. I want to walk barefoot on the grass and hug trees. And for the dog to run around in the yard, or even better, for there to be a stable with horses. Riding a horse in the morning is such happiness! But how can I make my dream come true and where? I understand that maintaining a country house is hard work, and not every man can handle it. And the costs are much higher than for a city apartment. It turns out that I am again driving myself into some kind of bondage. No, I don’t want to be alone, I’ll wait for my man.