Chocolate mono-diet. What is the chocolate diet and is it really possible to lose weight on it? The chocolate diet has contraindications

The chocolate diet is an elementary and effective way to get rid of extra pounds. Of course, many people want to enjoy chocolate and lose weight at the same time. But such a nutritional system resembles fasting and is a powerful stress for the body, so you should resort to it in cases of extreme necessity.

Clinical picture

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The described diet lasts no more than 7 days and involves daily consumption of 90 g of high-quality dark chocolate. Reviews about this technique can be found different, however, excess weight really goes away.

The essence of the diet

The chocolate diet, despite its name, also implies the inclusion of drinks in the daily menu. Thus, it is allowed to drink coffee with skim milk and tea without sugar.

It is important to know that it is unacceptable to eat white or milk chocolate, since this product contains almost no cocoa butter. The best option is dark chocolate, the content of cocoa beans in which should not be lower than 60%. In addition, a person losing weight needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water without gas.

This nutrition program is often called a chocolate-coffee program, since each meal of the treat is accompanied by drinking black coffee. It is worth noting that other foods cannot be eaten. Many people find it difficult to adhere to the described diet, which is why you can stop following it from day 3.

Our readers write

Subject: Lost 18kg without dieting

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To: Administration

Hello! My name is Lyudmila, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site. Finally, I was able to lose excess weight. I lead an active lifestyle, got married, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

Ever since I was a child, I was a rather plump girl; at school I was teased all the time, even the teachers called me a little fluffy... this was especially terrible. When I entered the university, they stopped paying attention to me completely, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat crammer. I tried everything to lose weight... Diets and all sorts of green coffee, liquid chestnuts, chocolate slimms. Now I don’t even remember, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage...

Everything changed when I accidentally came across an article on the Internet. You have no idea how much this article changed my life. No, don’t think about it, there is no top-secret method of losing weight that the entire Internet is replete with. Everything is simple and logical. In just 2 weeks I lost 7 kg. In total, 18 kg in 2 months! I gained energy and a desire to live, so I joined the gym to tone up my butt. And yes, I finally found a young man who has now become my husband, loves me madly and I love him too. Sorry for writing so chaotically, I’m just remembering everything from emotions :)

Girls, for those of you who have tried a bunch of different diets and methods for losing weight, but have never been able to get rid of excess weight, take 5 minutes and read this article. I promise you won't regret it!

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Thus, salt and sugar, fruits, alcohol, juices and carbonated drinks should be excluded from the daily menu. Eating exclusively chocolate is allowed for 7 days; increasing the duration of the diet is not recommended.

After just 3 days of eating this way, you can notice weight loss - from 2 to 4 kg.

It is known that excess carbohydrates are converted into fat reserves, as a result of which weight increases. Dark chocolate contains a lot of carbohydrates, so you can eat no more than 1 bar daily, the energy value of which is about 500 calories, which is significantly less than the daily requirement. As a result, the body experiences an acute energy deficit from day 1 and intensively spends fat reserves.

The benefits of dark chocolate

Despite the strict restrictions, the hormones of joy - endorphins contained in your favorite treat, help you endure the diet easier. This way, you can quickly achieve the desired result before an important event. And valuable antioxidants in the chocolate bar help preserve youth and beauty.

According to scientists who have studied the beneficial qualities of chocolate for many years, just one bar of chocolate per week can rejuvenate the body and even prolong the life of those with a sweet tooth. This is explained by the presence of natural antioxidants – catechins – in this tasty product. Chocolate protects cells from free radicals, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, and also prevents the appearance of malignant neoplasms. It should not be surprising that a “sweet” weight loss method was born - the chocolate diet. There are two options for such a diet - they will be discussed in our article.

Mono-diet on chocolate

This diet can be followed for no longer than 7 days, but it is much better to use it as a fasting day. This mono-diet has a very low calorie content (about 600 kcal), which leads to rapid weight loss (up to 7 kg per week). The result of rapid burning of adipose tissue can be noticeable sagging skin, which, you see, does not look at all aesthetically pleasing. In addition, a deficiency of useful elements significantly weakens the body (to avoid this, you should take a vitamin-mineral complex).

Chocolate diet menu:

Black coffee (preferably ground, not instant)
Skim milk (added to coffee)
Still mineral water
Dark chocolate – 90-100 g

Divide the chocolate bar into 3-4 servings and wash each of them down with a cup of coffee (with milk, but definitely without sugar). Drink water no earlier than 2-3 hours after a chocolate and coffee meal.

Italian chocolate diet

In addition to chocolate, this version of the diet also contains other foods, so it is completely safe for the body. In terms of effectiveness, it is somewhat inferior to the mono-diet (weight loss is about 3 kg in 7 days). At the same time, the gradual loss of adipose tissue allows you to keep the body elastic (especially if you combine a diet menu with simple physical exercises). You can repeat this diet a week after its completion.


Fresh vegetables, as well as salads using them (the latter can be seasoned with low-fat sauces)
Diet sauces (can be used with a small amount of white poultry meat)
Durum wheat pasta
Popcorn without added salt and oil (as a dressing, you can use small amounts of hard cheese, as well as pepper, soy sauce, wine vinegar and dry garlic)
Unsweetened fruits and berries
Dark chocolate – 30 g
Water -2 l

Chocolate is eaten between meals.


The chocolate diet for weight loss is contraindicated in case of diabetes mellitus, as well as if you are allergic to this product. This method of losing weight should be abandoned in case of cholelithiasis, as well as in case of any diseases of the liver and pancreas. People who suffer from heart disease or have high blood pressure should not resort to the “chocolate” menu.

Decide for yourself which of the “sweet” ways to lose weight using chocolate, but don’t forget the long-known truth: “the slower you go, the slower you go.” We wish you good luck!

The process of losing weight is very difficult and demanding, and sometimes for some people it becomes a real life test. The diet menu always imposes restrictions on harmful but delicious foods, and first of all, your favorite sweets and coffee drinks are prohibited. For people who are physically unable to go without sweets for several days, nutritionists have developed an effective and interesting chocolate diet, which insists on taking a bar of chocolate a day, and even with a mug of coffee to boot.

The essence of the chocolate diet, rules and advantages

The effectiveness and satiety of the chocolate menu has ensured its growing popularity among the people. Those losing weight claim that the chocolate diet helped them lose a sufficient amount of extra pounds in a short period of time (3-5 kg ​​per week). However, not everything is as simple as one might imagine. Firstly, chocolate diets are considered quite hungry, unbalanced and a test of your willpower. Also, the diet has a lot of contraindications, so only absolutely healthy people can eat a chocolate diet.

Let's talk a little about the main ingredient of the diet. Despite the fact that almost all sweets are high-calorie and fatty, a 100 g chocolate bar weighs only 500 Kcal, which is 1/3 -1/4 of the body’s daily requirement. Therefore, the chocolate diet can be safely classified as low-calorie and restrictive (of course, the calorie content of the chocolate mono-diet per day is up to 550 kcal).

As for useful substances, you won’t find natural proteins, plant fiber, polyunsaturated fats and complex carbohydrates in a chocolate bar. The diet is aimed at losing weight and only when the body experiences hunger stress and exhibits side effects (fatigue, muscle wasting, dizziness, nausea, upset stomach, insomnia, abdominal cramps). The probability of failure on such a “sweet” diet is quite high - it is very difficult to survive on a coffee and chocolate ration even for the first 2 days.

What chocolate and coffee should you choose for your diet? The chocolate must be bitter and dark, with at least 50% (ideally 75) cocoa content. Various confectionery products with chocolate, diabetic and white versions, chocolate with fillers and flavorings are absolutely not suitable. The last option for those who do not like dark chocolate is milk chocolate, but pay attention to the calorie content of the product. We choose natural bean coffee (can be green) without any flavorings or additives.

The unique composition of real dark chocolate can suppress the feeling of hunger and create a feeling of fullness for several hours. At the same time, it promotes the production of the pleasure hormone “seratonin”, which provides you with a good mood during the diet. Chocolate is also a valuable carbohydrate that can provide the body with the necessary energy for moderate life activity, while the rest of the energy will come from burning its own fat reserves, contributing to the weight loss effect.

The main rules of the chocolate diet:

  1. A plentiful drinking ration - up to 2.5 liters of healthy liquid per day (natural brewed coffee, pure water without gas and salt, green tea, herbal decoctions, rosehip infusion). Water is allowed to be drunk only 2 hours after eating chocolate.
  2. Physical activity should be limited - it is best to diet during a passive holiday in hot countries (the hotter the weather, the less you want to eat and drink more).
  3. Track your well-being. If you experience frequent hungry dizziness, nausea, bowel problems, weakness and headaches, you should immediately stop eating chocolate.
  4. Be sure to choose natural dark or milk chocolate without dyes, flavor enhancers, sweeteners, flavors and other food additives.
  5. Limit your coffee intake to avoid the possibility of a strong increase in stomach acidity or blood pressure. For a dietary diet, it is enough to drink about 2 cups (100 ml) of natural coffee without additives and sugar.
  6. You should exit the diet very carefully and smoothly.
  7. It is mandatory to take vitamin-mineral complexes and other biological supplements due to the complete imbalance of the diet.
  8. Do not use food additives under any circumstances for the next 2 weeks (sugar, salt). The chocolate diet is dehydrating, so salt will settle in the body, retaining water, which can lead to swelling in the body and weight gain due to fluid.
  9. The chocolate method is allowed once a quarter (if we are talking about a 3-day diet) and once every six months (weekly version). Abuse of the duration or frequency of repetition of the course can lead to serious negative consequences for the body.

Positive aspects of the chocolate diet:

  • Available in an economic sense;
  • Chocolate is a common product and does not require time or effort to prepare;
  • Chocolate contains natural antioxidants that can regenerate cells, producing a rejuvenating effect on the body;
  • Cocoa product protects the body from the effects of free radicals and toxins;
  • It prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and cancer;
  • Promotes the production of serotonin in the body, which has a positive effect on a person’s overall well-being and mood; endomorphins also reduce symptoms of depression and irritability;
  • Chocolate products stimulate brain function, have a positive effect on human creativity, memory, speed of thinking and reaction;
  • Cocoa product is able to provide the body with a dose of energy normal for life;
  • A chocolate diet maintains blood glucose levels at the required level;
  • The diet is quite effective due to strict restrictions and fasting;
  • The effect of the diet begins immediately, weight loss occurs quickly, which is very convenient before the beach season or an important event;
  • Ideal for working people, because a slice of chocolate bar can be eaten with a cup of coffee even in the office

Chocolate diet menu

There are several options for chocolate diets, which differ in effectiveness, duration and severity. The most effective options are considered mono diets (chocolate, chocolate-coffee), however, a comprehensive version from Italian nutritionists is suitable for reasonable weight loss without stress on the body, hunger strikes and an unbalanced menu.

The main dishes of the diet will be chocolate, coffee and healthy drinks. However, there is a general list of those foods that are prohibited during the chocolate diet:

  • Other confectionery and sweets;
  • Bakery products and pastries;
  • Starchy foods (cereals, vegetables, potatoes);
  • Sweet fruits;
  • Food additives (salt, sugar, soda, starch, yeast, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, flavorings and others);
  • Fatty meat and fish, offal;
  • Gravy, sauces, dressings, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • Convenience foods and fast food;
  • Smoked, fried, fatty and spicy dishes;
  • Pickles, marinades, preservation;
  • Beverages (alcohol, industrial juices, coffee and other drinks in sticks, energy drinks, sweet soda) and tobacco

Chocolate mono diet for 3 days. The simplest, toughest and most hungry option for rapid weight loss in order to fit into your favorite outfit or swimsuit. The simple three-course diet menu contains only chocolate and coffee. Each meal consists of 1/3 of a bar of natural chocolate and 100 ml of coffee without sugar or additives. Snacks are not allowed during the diet, but you can follow the drinking regime - green tea, still water and salt, herbal decoctions, rosehip infusion. You can drink liquid only a couple of hours after a chocolate and coffee snack. For those who feel hungry due to rare meals, we can advise you to divide the chocolate bar into several parts and eat them in 4-5 meals, while the number of ml of coffee per day does not increase.

Weight loss during this mono-diet occurs by removing accumulated fluid from the body and avoiding salty foods (including salt). In this case, in 3 days you will lose up to 1.5-2 kg of excess weight.

Complex chocolate diet for a week. This more gentle, nutritious and balanced version of the diet was invented by Italian nutritionists. The menu additionally includes some products that in no way affect the effectiveness of weight loss. In a week of a comprehensive diet, you can lose up to 3-4 kg of excess weight without unnecessary stress and starvation of the body.

So, what foods are additionally included in the diet:

  • Vegetables (we prepare salads, stews, sautes, steam, boil, stew);
  • Italian diet sauces, lemon juice, olive oil and wine vinegar as a dressing;
  • Seasonings - pepper, dried herbs and garlic, garden herbs, cinnamon;
  • Unflavored popcorn (cooked without food additives or oil);
  • Sour and semi-sweet berries, fruits;
  • Pasta made from durum flour (noodles, pasta, spaghetti)

We select several dishes from the provided set of products, which will make up 3 main meals. As a snack between main meals (there are also 3 of them), you should eat 10 g of natural dark chocolate, washed down with 100 ml of coffee beans. We also additionally follow the drinking ration as in the previous version of the diet.

Losing weight using this method also occurs quite quickly, so there is a possibility of depletion of muscle mass, the appearance of stretch marks, and muscle sagging. Be sure to combine the Italian diet with active physical activity on the first day of the diet, visit the sauna, take contrast showers, massage and rub problem areas.

An example of an Italian chocolate diet menu for 1 day:

Breakfast consists of fruit salad seasoned with low-fat kefir. Drink a glass of citrus juice or green tea.

Snack - 10 g of dark chocolate + 100 ml of coffee beans without additives or sugar.

For lunch we serve pasta seasoned with tomato sauce with the addition of finely chopped chicken fillet and basil. There is also a light salad of vegetables and garden herbs.

Snack - 10 g of chocolate, coffee or rosehip decoction.

We have dinner with steamed vegetables, a small plate of popcorn, and 1 unsweetened fruit. We wash it down with herbal tea.

Snack - 10 g chocolate, berry juice.

If desired, the Italian version of the chocolate diet can be repeated again after a week-long break, during which you are allowed to eat exclusively low-calorie healthy foods.

Chocolate diet on sweets. A very strange, however, widespread method of losing weight, which is based on the consumption of chocolates. The essence of the diet is simple - 2 light chocolate bars (40-50 g each) and 2 cups of natural coffee with low-fat milk without sugar are provided per day. You can organize 2 meals for yourself, or divide the bars into 4 snacks.

Also, during the diet, a drinking ration is required, however, we consume drinks 2 hours after the chocolate snack.

This weight loss technique is designed for 5 days or a week, during which you can lose up to 2-4 kg of excess weight, respectively.

How to quit the chocolate diet

As we outlined in the main rules of the chocolate diet, you should go out of it gradually and carefully so as not to cause harm to the body (in particular, the kidneys) and not to provoke the return of lost weight.

First of all, it is very important to stay on a fractional diet (at least 3-4 meals a day), and the portions should be very small. During fasting, your stomach has decreased in volume, so to satiate it, it only needs to take a small portion. It is also very important to maintain a drinking diet of 2 liters of healthy liquid per day - this will prevent your metabolism from slowing down and will help to actively remove all incoming harmful substances and metabolic products.

The first 3 days of the diet should include as many vegetables as possible. Prepare a salad of fresh white cabbage, grated carrots and garden herbs, which you can season with lemon juice. Also introduce liquid porridge with water, fruits and chicken eggs into your diet.

Now we move on to complete vitaminization of the body after a restrictive and strict diet. Introduce a large amount of fresh vegetable and fruit juices, herbal teas, and rosehip decoction into your diet. The diet consists of fresh vegetables, berries, fruits (choose unsweetened ones). In addition to porridges and plant foods, we add meat, fish, mushroom and vegetable broths. It is better not to use food additives like salt and sugar.

After a week of a vitamin diet, we include protein products in the menu to restore muscle mass - low-fat dairy and fermented milk products, poultry fillets, nuts, seafood and lean fish.

When going on a diet, don’t forget about sports - active exercise will prevent your metabolism from slowing down and the lost kilograms from returning.

Do not include unhealthy foods in your diet for as long as possible: fast food, processed foods, smoked meats, canned food, fatty foods, confectionery, sweet pastries, soda, alcohol, food additives (especially white sugar).

Disadvantages of the chocolate diet and contraindications

You must understand that the chocolate mono diet, and even in combination with coffee, causes a lot of negative reviews and opinions from doctors and those losing weight. A lot of side effects were discovered, and besides, the diet became a real stress for the body, and the kilograms still tend to return without normalization of nutrition and sports activities.

The main disadvantages of a chocolate diet are the following:

  1. The diet is strict and hungry, which causes discomfort to the body and increases the likelihood of breakdowns;
  2. The chocolate diet is followed for no longer than a week, so it cannot be called a long-term healthy nutrition program;
  3. An unbalanced diet forces those losing weight to take additional vitamin and mineral complexes;
  4. Dehydration of the body;
  5. Incompatible with physical activity, loss of athletic performance and depletion of muscle mass occurs;
  6. Due to sudden weight loss, aesthetic defects are possible - loose skin, distended abdomen, the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite;
  7. Metabolic disorders, which can have an ambiguous effect on each individual organism;
  8. Highly allergenic diet;
  9. Does not promote healthy eating habits;
  10. The presence of a large number of contraindications;
  11. High chance of regaining lost pounds

In addition to a large number of disadvantages and side effects, the chocolate diet also has a number of contraindications, which makes it accessible only to healthy and active middle-aged people. So, the diet is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Allergy to the main ingredients of the diet (coffee, chocolate);
  • Presence of diseases: diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, cholelithiasis;
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, colitis, high acidity of the stomach and others);
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Adolescence, childhood, old age;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Rehabilitation and postoperative period;
  • The presence of chronic and inflammatory diseases.

Nutritionists say that one bar a week and a drink made from it prolongs life by about a year and rejuvenates the body.

Benefits of the chocolate mono-diet:

It also has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, strengthens and protects it. Chocolate contains special substances - phenols, which, like red wine, prevent the formation of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and protect blood vessels from narrowing. And the darker the chocolate, the more phenol it contains. There is a chocolate mono-diet with which you can lose extra pounds. The diet lasts 1-3 days, weight loss is 2-4 kilograms.

It is better to eat, as it is less caloric (500-540 kcal per 100 grams of product).

After eating chocolate, it is advisable to drink 1 glass (this promotes intensive weight loss, as metabolism accelerates by 1%-4%).

The essence of the chocolate mono-diet:

The chocolate mono-diet is one of the lowest calorie and heaviest diets. Its essence is that every day for 1-3 days you can eat only chocolate (100 grams per day), washing it down. You can’t eat anything else except (about 2 liters per day). Remember that the chocolate diet is allowed no more than once a year.

Chocolate mono diet menu:

Diet on the chocolate mono-diet:

  • Breakfast: (20 g) and 1 cup
  • Snack: chocolate (20 g) and 1 cup of black unsweetened coffee
  • Lunch: chocolate (20 g) and 1 cup of black unsweetened coffee
  • Afternoon snack: chocolate (20 g) and 1 cup of black unsweetened coffee
  • Dinner: chocolate (20 g) and 1 cup of black unsweetened coffee

The diet is very strict, so if 3 days is very difficult for you, then start with one day, it will take about one kilogram of excess weight from you, which, you see, is also important.

Despite the established opinion that sweets and weight loss are incompatible things, chocolate is the basis of an effective mono-diet that allows you to lose 2-3 kg in 3 days. Weight loss occurs by limiting the caloric content of the daily diet and removing excess fluid from the body.

Chocolate with a high cocoa content has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Low-sugar dark chocolate increases insulin sensitivity, which helps protect the body from diabetes. In addition, chocolate has antioxidant properties, increases performance, stimulates brain function and the production of the “hormone of joy” - endorphin.

Chocolate diet rules

The duration of the diet is from 1 to 3 days. The daily diet consists of a bar of dark chocolate, black coffee without sugar and still drinking water. You need to eat 5 times a day in equal portions (20 g of chocolate and a cup of coffee).

It is difficult to maintain a chocolate mono-diet, but it provides quick results. If the feeling of hunger is unbearable, the diet can be turned into one fasting day, which will ensure a weight loss of 1-1.5 kg. In three days you can lose up to 4 kg.

A feature of the chocolate diet is the rapid return of weight in the event of subsequent poor nutrition. Exit from the diet should be smooth, with the gradual introduction of vegetables, fruits, and then low-fat protein products (cottage cheese, fish, poultry) into the diet.

A chocolate diet is contraindicated for people with diseases of the liver, gall bladder and cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The diet is not balanced, which can cause metabolic disorders. Therefore, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is a necessary condition for safe weight loss on chocolate.