Shugaring in the salon - "An excellent procedure, after laser hair removal, it is much more effective and pain-free!" Laser hair removal or shugaring - that is the question.Advantages of laser hair removal over shugaring

Shugaring, laser hair removal are effective, safe, practically universal ways get rid of unwanted body hair. You can choose the option most suitable for yourself by familiarizing yourself with the features and contraindications of each.

Comparison of sugaring and laser hair removal

With both methods, you can remove hair under the armpits, on the abdomen, back, chin, legs, above the upper lip, in the bikini area. Before and after both procedures, the skin is treated with special cosmetics with a cleansing, cooling, disinfecting effect.

Laser hair removal has the following advantages:

  • safety - the laser does not violate the integrity of the skin. But girls with sensitive skin you need to be careful - there is a possibility of getting burns;
  • the duration of the effect - with a periodic visit to the salon, the skin remains smooth for a very long time;
  • practicality - you can remove hairs of different thicknesses.

Shugaring has the following advantages:

  • naturalness - the components of the paste do not cause irritation and allergies;
  • safety - the procedure can be carried out even if the client is taking antibiotics;
  • budget - processing with sugar paste is several times cheaper than a laser;
  • efficiency - after the procedure, the next visit to the salon can take place in a month or even longer;
  • versatility - the paste removes hairs of different colors, lengths, different types skin.

It is impossible to decide which is better - shugaring or laser hair removal without listing the disadvantages. Minuses laser hair removal:

  • the laser can not remove light and thin hairs, work on tanned skin;
  • the procedure is quite expensive;
  • this option has a large number of medical contraindications: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, eczema, psoriasis, herpes and others;
  • during pregnancy, taking many drugs from the procedure is better to refuse.

The disadvantages of shugaring are limited by a little more time, as well as the inability to carry out the procedure for skin diseases, epilepsy, the presence of newly formed moles, papillomas in the treated areas. It is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, however, for such cases, there are special fructose-based pastes. Pregnant women can also be treated with sugar paste - it all depends on the duration and characteristics of personal tolerance.

Regarding what is more painful - shugaring or laser hair removal, both options are associated with unpleasant sensations. It is difficult to call the effect of the laser pleasant, and even after it, inflammations or burns may appear. In the first session, sugar treatment can be painful, but the subsequent ones will be much easier, because the hairs will become thinner. In addition, before applying the paste, the master can treat the skin area with a special solution that has an anesthetic effect.

Thus, sugar hair removal is a safer, more budget-friendly, practical method that also helps you take care of your skin.

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Do you want to try sugar hair removal (shugaring)? Come to us! For our clients - a bright, comfortable, conveniently located salon, friendly experienced craftsmen, quality materials, as well as attractive prices, discounts, promotions. Contact us!

There is a lot of controversy over whether you can shave your hair after laser hair removal. After a full course of procedures, they disappear for a long time, and in the future, only an adjustment is required to remove some hair follicles.

However, hair removal needs to be done before the procedure and, in some cases, between procedures. Read about all the intricacies below.

Many girls are unaware of the need to shave off their hair before undergoing laser hair removal.
It is necessary to remove vegetation in the intimate zone and armpits 1 day before the procedure, in other parts of the body - 3 days.

Advice! Before an epilation session, you need to not only shave your legs, but also remove all makeup from the area where the operation is performed.

Why is this done? Since the light from the laser is attracted by everything that contains melanin (coloring pigment), if you have hair longer than 5 mm, the beam power will be distributed over its entire length.

The procedure will take either 2-3 times longer, or its effectiveness will be extremely low. That is, the required amount of light and heat will not reach the hair follicle, which means that only a small part of the hair will fall out.

Another reason is burns. Many experts, seeing "thickets" in front of them, simply put the power of the beam to the maximum. This will not only increase pain, but it can also cause burns or even scarring.

reference! Holograms are created using lasers.

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to remove hair after laser hair removal.

Is it possible to remove hair between laser hair removal sessions

Let's discuss how to shave various body parts after laser hair removal. Since there are many different myths on this topic, we will analyze specific options for hair removal.


Let's start with whether you can shave your hair with a razor in between laser hair removal courses. Since the machine removes only hair, without affecting the skin and hair follicle, it can be used. You can use absolutely any razor to remove the emerging vegetation.

There is an assumption that after shaving with a machine, the hair will begin to grow stronger and become thicker. It is worth understanding that even if they begin to grow faster and become more rigid, the number of living hair follicles will not increase from such a procedure.

Important! The vegetation removal machine can only be used after full recovery skin.

That is, if you have, for example, 20 hairs and follicles left, whether you shave them or not, they will remain the same. The point is different: over time, other bulbs will begin to "wake up", from which hair will also begin to grow. But shaving does not affect this process in any way.


Another topical question: why you can't pluck your hair after laser hair removal.

An epilator, unlike a razor, affects the integrity of the skin.
You don't just cut the hair, but pull it out "by the roots." You damage the hair follicle that is in the skin. Such actions not only do not give a result, but also negate the work of the specialist who did you laser hair removal.

After a laser session, you should definitely be given instructions on how to use it. In these instructions it will be written that it is prohibited to use any method of epilation that tears out or damages the hair follicle.


After laser hair removal, the remaining hairs cannot be removed with wax. The point is not even that you are wasting your money, but that your skin will receive secondary damage.

During the procedure, even with the use of the most advanced and weak lasers, the skin heats up and receives minor burns. And if after a certain time after that you apply and remove excess vegetation, then your skin, which has not fully recovered from the previous epilation, will be damaged again.

Also, waxing does not kill hair follicles, but pulls them out along with the hair... However, hair does not always come out with the follicles, often they remain in the skin, and unwanted vegetation begins to appear from them again. Thus, by the next epilation you will have damaged skin and bulbs that cannot be removed with a laser.

It is interesting! In medicine, the laser is also used as a scalpel. Unlike a conventional instrument that can only cut, a surgical laser scalpel is capable of stitching tissue together.

Women have always tried to look attractive and desirable. V different times these criteria were different. Resins, honey, fibers, juices of exotic plants - whatever was not used to achieve smoothness. Nowadays, the concepts of feminine beauty and smooth, hairless skin are inseparable. Therefore, in beauty salons there is such a boom in a variety of procedures for removing unwanted vegetation in different zones.

After laser hair removal, the skin is perfectly smooth. But shugaring also promises a similar effect to everyone. And positive reviews fully confirm this.

So which is better: sugaring or laser hair removal? We will describe in detail the advantages, nuances and subtleties of each procedure. And you choose what suits you.

Sugaring, or hair removal using sugar paste, has long ceased to be exotic and is popular

Pros and cons of sugar caramel

For many women, shugaring is better than all other types of cosmetic procedures. Main pluses:

  • low cost of the procedure. If desired, sugar caramel is cooked at home from scrap materials. Then the procedure for the smoothness of the skin costs a penny;
  • efficiency. Smoothness lasts up to 4 weeks. This is much longer than shaving or using depilatory creams;
  • the method is hypoallergenic. The paste contains food products: sugar, water, lemon juice... Therefore, the risk of urticaria or allergic dermatitis is minimal;
  • versatility. For caramel, it makes no difference which hairs to remove: light or dark, long or short. This is the main advantage of the method over certain types of laser, which only works on dark vegetation and pale skin;
  • availability. Anyone can afford a session with the master. If you want, you can remove the hair yourself at home. There are a lot of lessons on this topic on the Internet. And it's really possible to cook caramel in a couple of minutes;
  • security. Shugaring is done during a course of antibiotics or hormonal drugs, which is strictly prohibited with laser hair removal. When shugaring, the integrity of the skin is not violated. If there is a cut from a razor, a depilatory cream gives irritation or allergies, then sugar caramel is safe.

But there is also a fly in the ointment in this sweet barrel. Craftsmen remind cons of shugaring:

  • the method must be reapplied after several weeks;
  • to work with different zones, you need your own paste, which differs in density;
  • the procedure is painful. The level of discomfort depends on the hand of the master, the individual pain threshold.

Sugar paste rarely causes allergies, irritation, or itching

How is the procedure going?

The duration of shugaring is up to 40 minutes. Everything is simple:

  • the work area is cleaned of dust and sweat with a neutral detergent gel, wiped with a paper towel;
  • if the client has an increased sensitivity to pain, then an anesthetic cream is applied for 20 minutes. You can also drink 1 tablet of analgin or no-shpy;
  • hairs in the working area are trimmed up to 5 mm. If they are longer, then the application of the paste causes pain and discomfort in the client, the vegetation is not completely removed, but breaks off;
  • surfaces are wiped or irrigated with an antiseptic. Special pharmacological preparations are used, but not solutions that contain ethyl alcohol. It narrows pores, dehydrates the dermis. After such rubbing, the hairs are not completely removed from the dermis, peeling, redness and rashes are frequent;
  • sprinkle the skin with baby powder or cosmetic talcum powder. This is necessary for better adhesion of caramel to hairs, removal of follicles from the dermis;
  • caramel is kneaded with hands or heated in the microwave. The correct mass has a pearlescent hue and is easily wrinkled by hands;
  • the sugar cake is spread over the skin against hair growth. Leave for a couple of seconds;
  • pry over the free edge by hand or with a spatula. Make a sharp movement perpendicular to the surface and remove the caramel;
  • if necessary, repeat the manipulation first - until the skin is completely cleared of unwanted vegetation;
  • after the session, the surface is treated with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol.

The procedure removes excess hair for a long time, but not forever, and requires regular repetition.

Advantages and disadvantages of laser removal of unwanted vegetation

What is the best modern method of dealing with unwanted vegetation? Laser hair removal has many advantages and admirers. Advantages of the method:

  • security. The manipulation does not violate the integrity of the skin, there are no bruises, irritations or ingrown hairs. No method can boast of this. The clients especially note that there are no ingrown hairs and pustules. This is because vegetation is not removed mechanically, is not pulled out of the follicle and is not pulled out of the skin;
  • duration of the effect. If other methods guarantee several weeks of skin smoothness, then the countdown goes for years. That is, you will not worry about your appearance for at least 4-5 years;
  • versatility. The method equally effectively copes with hair growth on the face, armpits, bikini area and other parts of the body.

The disadvantages of this method are:

  • high price. To completely get rid of unwanted vegetation in different zones, several sessions are required cosmetic procedure... It will be unrealistic to get rid of the antennae above the upper lip at once. Therefore, arm yourself with patience and material means for a cosmetic session;
  • does not have a permanent effect. If you are promised to get rid of hairs on different parts of the body permanently with the help of a laser, then this is not the case. More precisely, it is not entirely true. From antennae on the face, hairs on the chin, the laser will help for several decades. But the bikini area, armpits, arms, legs must be treated once every 5 years. During this period, the bulbs are restored, the smoothness of the skin is lost;

Laser hair removal allows you to forget about excess hair on the body forever
  • has a number of contraindications. Laser hair removal is not permitted when varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, abscesses. Refuse cosmetic manipulation during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

All about laser hair removal

About it modern method there are a lot of legends and conjectures. In reality, the procedure follows the scheme:

  • 12 hours before the session, hairs are cut at the working area;
  • in the master's office they clean the work area from dust, sweat, wipe it with a paper towel;
  • a special gel is applied to the skin, which better conducts the rays into the working area. It also has a cooling effect, which minimizes discomfort during the session;
  • eyes are covered with special darkened glasses. They protect against bright flashes, help the client to relax;
  • the head of the device is applied to a specific area for a couple of seconds. During the flash, the beam heats up the hair, penetrates into the thickness of the skin of the dermis. There it destroys active growing cells. Therefore, the hair falls off, and the surface remains clean and smooth without consequences. 90% of unwanted vegetation leaves the dermis even during the cosmetic session. The rest fall out during the first day;
  • manipulation time depends on the zone, density and thickness of vegetation. The fastest way to relieve women from a defect on the face in the area of ​​the upper lip and chin. Everything takes 15 minutes. To consolidate the effect, 2 sessions are required, which are carried out after 4 weeks. The bikini area and underarms take 20 minutes. The bulbs here sit tightly and deeply, and several hairs grow from one course at once. Therefore, for perfect smoothness for several years, 4 sessions are needed. The number of procedures may vary depending on the age of the client and the individual characteristics of the skin, hormonal background... Therefore, the decision on the duration and frequency of laser hair removal is made by the master or cosmetologist;
  • after the session, a special agent is applied that prevents swelling, redness and other unpleasant symptoms.

Derma care after the session

Shugaring or sugar hair removal will make your skin smooth. Whichever method you choose, the important thing is how to care for the dermis.

Therefore, use the advice of masters and cosmetologists:

  • if you removed unwanted vegetation in the bikini area, then pay attention to the underwear. The first day, replace synthetic, lace, tight-fitting models. They prevent the skin from "breathing". Because of this, irritation, rashes, pustules and other unpleasant consequences of the struggle for smoothness are possible. Optimally, for the first 2 days, wear only natural, loose, non-fitting cotton and silk products. And when the regeneration period ends, then feel free to return to seductive outfits;
  • 3 times a day, treat the skin with anti-inflammatory, decongestant creams. If there is irritation or burns after laser hair removal, apply Panthenol or Bepanten. After regular therapy, the crusts will quickly fall off, there will be no scars, scars and other defects on the surface;
  • relieve inflammation, swelling after cosmetic manipulation by rubbing with ice cubes or compresses from medicinal herbs... But here the main thing is to know when to stop and not to overcool the surface;
  • after a session of sugaring or laser hair removal, do not go to the bathhouse, sauna and do not take a hot bath for 5 days. During this period, the upper keratinous sphere of the epidermis is restored;
  • if unwanted vegetation was removed over large areas, then they refuse to actively play sports or visit gym for 5 days. After that, they begin their usual way of life.

Whichever method you choose to deal with unwanted vegetation, the main thing is to properly care for the dermis and find "your" master. An experienced specialist with a hand placed will prevent negative consequences and minimize the client's discomfort during the session.

Any girl dreams that her skin is always soft and velvety, without special efforts and costs. Sugaring and laser hair removal are modern effective methods for removing hair from various parts of the body.

About Shugaring

  1. Preparation for the procedure - areas with unwanted hairs are cleaned and degreased with a special lotion.
  2. For quality work, the beautician must warm up and knead a certain amount of the mixture to a viscous consistency. The required temperature of the paste for the procedure is 37 degrees.
  3. The prepared paste is spread over the skin area against hair growth. Due to its viscous structure, the paste envelops the shortest and finest hairs.
  4. After a few minutes, the applied layer is removed with sharp movements in the direction of hair growth. To obtain an effective result, the procedure is repeated several times.
  5. Rinse the treated skin with warm water and apply a soothing gel that slows down hair growth.

During the very first procedures, any depilation will be unpleasant, since the hair shafts, which were not touched or shaved earlier, are very hard, and the hair follicles themselves are strong. In the future, the hair removal procedure will be almost painless.

Depilation is a "stress" for the skin, therefore after the procedures, in order to prevent the appearance of age spots, do not sunbathe in a solarium or in the sun for two days.

How to choose a paste for sugaring?

All sugar pastes are classified according to their hardness:

  • Specialists use mild pastes to remove "fluff", that is, those hairs that have never been removed before.
  • Pastes of medium hardness are used for hair removal of the legs.
  • For particularly strong hair, use a tough paste that has maximum adhesion to the hair.

An experienced cosmetologist, before starting the procedure, must:

  • examine the condition of the skin;
  • find out if there is an allergic skin reaction to the cosmetics used;
  • take into account the individual characteristics of the condition and growth of hair.

The shugaring procedure does not completely destroy the hair follicles (such as, for example, laser hair removal), therefore, over time, the hair will begin to grow at the same rate. The time of the next visit should be appointed by the cosmetologist, on average, the interval between procedures is from three to six weeks.

The discovery of laser technology for safe and painless epilation has helped many girls get rid of unwanted hair permanently.

Laser hair removal procedure

  1. Before signing up for a laser hair removal salon, you should get advice and permission from a cosmetologist.
  2. Working with the laser is carried out only in protective glasses, which must be issued to the patient without fail. All equipment must be customized to suit individual needs.
  3. Laser hair removal, even during the first procedure, is painless. But with a high pain threshold and when epilation of sensitive areas (bikini), anesthesia should be done.
  4. The skin must be clean and dry, no preliminary preparation is required. The operation of the laser is controlled by a computer, which ensures complete processing of every millimeter of the skin, and also excludes the possibility of repeated action of the laser beam at the same place.

The hair shaft heats up under the laser beam, absorbs the active light radiation and is destroyed from the inside. The action of the laser on blood capillaries and hair follicles permanently stops hair growth.

Hair can be in two stages: part of the hair is active, and part of the hair is dormant. With laser hair removal, only growing hair is removed. After the first procedure, the skin will be perfectly smooth for a month, that is, until the dormant (during the first procedure) hair follicles begin to grow. The time interval between laser hair removal procedures is 1 month. Hair growth is individual for each person, on average, 5-6 visits to the salon are required.

Human skin is capable of regeneration, so hair growth can be restored over time. To avoid unwanted hair growth, it is worthwhile to carry out "supportive" laser treatments every year.

After laser hair removal for several weeks, it is worth using sunscreen before going outside.

Contraindications to epilation and shugaring

  • Hair is not removed from age spots, moreover, if a skin area has many moles, any type of hair removal is contraindicated. If an area of ​​skin brings concern, you should first remove the moles themselves, and then - unwanted hair.
  • Laser hair removal is not performed for minors, expectant mothers and nursing mothers.
  • Can't hold laser procedure in the presence of skin and oncological diseases, as well as when taking drugs and the use of certain creams and ointments.
  • In the presence of blood clots and diseases of the circulatory system, it is not recommended to carry out shugaring or laser hair removal, since both methods warm up the treated area of ​​the skin.

  • The deep action of laser radiation relieves the skin even of deep hair follicles, which is impossible with shugaring.
  • The laser hair removal procedure is completely safe and painless, does not lead to burns, does not destroy the surface of the skin. Sugaring calls discomfort and a burning sensation of the skin area after the procedure.
  • Laser hair removal and shugaring are effective on a variety of skin phototypes, the result of the procedure does not depend on hair pigmentation. But the action of the laser beam does not depend on the stiffness of the hair, which cannot be said about the paste for sugar hair removal.
  • After a series of laser hair removal procedures, the skin remains perfectly smooth for a long time. The shugaring procedure has a short result.
  • Laser treatment takes much less time than sugar paste hair removal.

Laser removal has one significant drawback - cost. The equipment is expensive, and you also need a specially trained cosmetologist who has permission to carry out such procedures.

Laser hair removal is an excellent solution in the fight against unwanted hair.

Laser removal has high efficiency and safety. Yes, disposable razors can be used, and even in five years their total cost will be less than the price of a laser hair removal course. But how much time and patience does it take to shave off all unwanted hair well? In addition, already two days after shaving with a machine, stiff bristles appear on the same areas of the skin.

Laser hair removal allows you to forget about shaving forever and get rid of prickly stubble, as after the first procedure, the hair becomes noticeably softer and thinner.

If hairs grow on the face, hands and other visible parts of the body, while delivering constant inconvenience, then depilation will be an excellent investment. Money... A trip to a beauty salon will leave only a positive impression, and a beautiful appearance will increase self-esteem.

Video - Does laser hair removal harm the body?

Good-kind spring day!

Let it not be the sun today, but spring is already felt)

And surely you also wanted to get closer to summer in some way and started preparing?)

I wanted to write this review after the entire course, but decided that maybe someone is already deciding right now! So ... I am writing and will supplement!

I've decided to try something new and unknown.

I always did shugaring in the salon.

There are pluses, there are minuses .... For a while I saw only pluses in shugaring. But over time, the monthly torment fed up. Yes, I wrote that it is relatively NOT painful. But this is only the merit of my master, I am very grateful to her. And yet we used lidocaine before shugaring. And yet my palms were sweating when we did the bikini area. Of course, the pain is much less with pain reliever. But...

I realized that I no longer want to experience it all the time. And then I decided: IMU for laser hair removal. All the more you want always smooth skin so that you can spontaneously gather on the beach. Don't let your hair grow out for a month ...

Preparation for laser hair removal:

✓ you cannot sunbathe 2 days before the procedure

✓ Do not pull out the hair on the epilated area 2 weeks before the procedure. Ideally, the period is a month, so that all the hairs have time to crawl out, the bulbs are not damaged

✓Do not wipe the epilated skin area with alcohol-containing products on the day of the procedure

✓ 1 day (minimum - 4 hours) before the procedure, the epilation area should be carefully shaved or treated with a depilatory cream. Shave in the direction of hair growth!

✓ Stop taking antibiotics 1 week before the procedure (probiotics, as the specialist told me, can be taken).


I signed up for a laser hair removal salon after I missed 1 shugaring session. Failed, as the master says))) And used the machine! A true crime for the one who does shugaring! In my defense, I will say that this happened for the first time in 2.5 years. And the reason - the hair began to grow in very much, especially in the bikini area. I even bought a special ingrown hair remedy... It partially helped, but there were also disadvantages, which I talked about in the review.

In general, I have not been on shugaring for 2 months. I don't go to the solarium. So, I can go straight to laser hair removal.



With three light effects: Alexandrite, Diode and Neodymium. Wavelength - 755 - 1064 nm.

WITH the best system cooling, you can work without anesthetic gels.

Works with any skin phototype.

In summer, the procedure is not contraindicated.


1 procedure.

A girl received me, signed a contract for the provision of cosmetology services.

She lay down on the couch. Zones - legs and classic bikini.

During the procedure, flash goggles are put on the eyes.

Feelings - chill. It shouldn't be hot, it shouldn't burn. It shouldn't be unpleasant at all. The legs were done in 10-15 minutes, the classic bikini - in 5. And I decided, why not prepare my armpits for the summer. And then they did it in a couple of minutes.

Somewhere it smelled a little bit of burnt hair, where, apparently, I did not remove it well. But in general, it is a procedure absolutely imperceptible for the client.

Can pinch a little in places. Very weak.

NOTHING. In general, no pain, no redness, no burning sensation.

I paid 3 thousand and left happy.

After the procedure, the beautician advised to anoint the hair removal areas with panthenol.


What happened after 1 procedure?

Well ... practically nothing. It's on my feet.

But in the bikini area and armpits (the last one - underline) - the effect was felt after the first procedure! Hair grows slower! But still they are still there and have not gone anywhere)

And their slow growth is still felt only on an intuitive level. That is, I could not specifically track how many days the bristle begins to appear.


2 procedure.

The second time I decided that I would epilate the bikini area completely, armpits, but I decided not to depilate my legs:

firstly, shugaring on your feet to do a couple of trifles and it doesn't hurt at all

secondly, I have a lot of moles on my feet; in general, my phototype is prone to their appearance. The skin is light. And the safety of the laser seems to be proven, but it seems not ... in general. I decided that shugaring would not hurt me to live if he was only on his feet.

The second procedure with the above-mentioned zones took me 10-15 minutes. Well, this is sheer nonsense

And after it, the growth in the epilated areas slowed down even more !!!

For example, earlier in the bikini area, the bristles appeared already in the morning after depilation. After shugaring, of course, everything is different. I'm talking about the machine now. And after the second laser hair removal procedure, the smooth bikini area is 3 days !!! It's the same with the armpits.

And the hair grows very slowly. 6 days have passed since the last use of the machine, and the bristle is very short. She's almost gone.


Addition:3, 4 and 5 procedures.

So, I settled on the deep bikini and armpit areas.

I do them regularly once every 4 weeks.

Is there a result after 5 treatments?

definitely there is. Main question- what is this result.

1. Completely the hair has stopped growing only in some areas, where the hairs are weak and where there are few of them.

2. That is, hair growth has not stopped!

3. Hair became less frequent, apparently, some of them gave up after all)

4. Hair in both areas grows very slowly. I can not remove them with a machine for more than a week and so nothing really grows, then I just remove them for complete smoothness.

5. Hair has become soft, no stiff bristles.

6. The skin is smooth and pleasant to the touch.

7. Nice bonus - really there is no armpit sweat smell.

For me this is a tangible result, because now the presence of hairs is not at all annoying, there is no eternal problem of eliminating them, there are no long "sitting" in the bathroom

Be sure to take into account the factor that everyone has a different phototype. Those with fair skin and dark hair, - the result is much brighter. I have fair skin and fairly light, close to red hair. It is much more difficult to recognize it.

I would love to do a laser on my legs, but the presence of moles stops me.

I returned to the shugaring on my feet, it is practically painless on my feet, so now everything is fine with me


Addition:after 10 procedures

❀ 10 procedures have already been done with an interval of 2-4 weeks.

If after the first procedures there was a pronounced result, then gradually it came to naught. And it's not that the hair began to grow as before, no. Hair grows slower, but much softer. And, for example, in the bikini area on top, they almost stopped growing, but in places where the hair is more coarse, they still grow. Because of this, I would think that the laser is useless ...

But there are undeniable advantages - the hair is still not the same as after a conventional machine - it is less frequent and softer.

And certainly not like after shugaring - there is no irritation.

There was a moment when I wanted to quit everything and not spend money anymore ... I don't know when this moment will happen, when I realize that everything is enough) But apparently it hasn’t come yet.


The pluses include the absence of ingrown hairs.

By the way, my gynecologist, whom I came to for electrolysis, advised me to go for laser hair removal))) She said that electrolysis is a very painful and long procedure and sent me to the laser on my own. And then it turned out that she herself goes to that girl)


Post-procedural regime:

✓ Do not sunbathe for 2 days after the procedure

✓ Do not take a hot bath for 2 days after the procedure

✓ 2 days after the procedure, you cannot visit the pool with chlorinated water

✓ Do not use alcohol-based deodorants for 2 days

✓ between sessions the hair should only be shaved, it should not be pulled out


There are contraindications:

Somatic diseases in the stage of exacerbation, cancer, diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation, diseases of light waves, systemic lupus erythematosus, porphyria, epilepsy, weakening of the immune system, impaired blood clotting, the use of drugs that reduce blood clotting, allergy to light or sun, violation the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​action, vitiligo, herpes virus in the acute stage, keloid scars, metal implants in the area of ​​action, the presence of a pacemaker, the presence of a cochlear implant, pregnancy, lactation, hyperthermia, a week before hair removal it is necessary to stop taking antibiotics.


2-4 weeks should pass between procedures. Not more. Course - 4-10 procedures.

I especially liked:

-saving time

-saving energy

-doesn't hurt

By prices - look in your city. Where I go is cheaper than where my sister goes. If I trust a specialist and there is a result, then I see no reason to overpay.

The sister has already done 4 procedures, incl. on your feet. And there are obvious bald spots on the legs. That is, hair in some places has almost stopped growing.

The result after laser hair removal is NOT forever!

Enough for 6 months when completing a full individual course. And then maintain the result. Or before the first hormonal shock (such as pregnancy)


I recommend laser hair removal at the moment, but don't expect magic. First of all, everything will depend on the structure of the hair. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to the choice of a specialist, clinic. Be sure that you have no contraindications. If in doubt, consult with the appropriate specialist, and not with the specialist of the laser hair removal clinic)

Deep bikini review(shugaring and other methods, comparison).

SHUGARING- and yet, why did I love 2.5 years?) So there is a reason

The pain reliever Lidocaine, without which I simply would not be able to do shugaring.

❀❀❀Vasha A.) ❀❀❀