We create a doll image in Photoshop. Puppet manga effect in Photoshop. What is important to remember when working with acrylic paints

The beauty of a doll's face delights even adults. Why not give this effect to a photo of a girl? Open the image (example) and start processing. First we equalize the color balance and levels. Create a “Color Balance” adjustment layer and adjust the desired tonality. Create a “Levels” adjustment layer and adjust the values.

We return to the layer with the girl and use the Blur tool of a soft type and opacity of 45-80% to go over the girl’s skin, avoiding the contours and features of the face.

Using the Lighten tool with a small diameter and low opacity, we lighten the girl’s eyeballs.

Using the “Dimmer” tool we go over the girl’s eyelids, eyelashes and iris.

Using the “Patch” tool we eliminate skin defects: moles, freckles. You need to use a “Patch” to select the area to be corrected and move the selection to the area with which you want to replace it.

Using the “Sharpness” tool, we go over the girl’s eyes, so that they become brighter.

Copy the layer with the girl and drag it on top of all layers. Add a layer mask to this layer by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the layers window, as shown in the figure. Fill the layer mask with black and use a white brush to paint the area with the hair so that it differs from the overall tone. Create a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer and lighten the hair. Create a clipping mask: hold down the Alt key and left-click on the border of the layers.

I became curious about what the world of puppetry was like.
Factory-made dolls and dolls that are created fragmentarily or completely with your own hands are very different.
It’s not even about the uniqueness of the work, but about the fact that a piece of the author’s soul is invested in each of them.

AND Now we will take a little look into the world of creating a new image of dolls. Not much, because there are simply no limits in this matter, and it is impossible to cover everything at once.
True fans of puppetry have transformed their passion for dolls into the category of art, because artistic skill, modeling and tailoring, making accessories, and the art of photography are involved. They create stories and images, some close to real everyday life, some close to fantasy.

So, let's begin...

First of all, the “old” face, as suggested in the comments rukella , is washed off with acetone, and a new one is applied with acrylic paints.

In pictures, the sequence of actions in painting looks like this:

To create a more lively look, you need to outline the shadow of the moving upper eyelid, as shown in Illustration 4, as well as outline the upper eyelid itself (with the exception of the Asian type of face, this fold of skin is absent or is not clearly expressed).
At the end, add highlights, as in illustration 5, because your eyes are constantly moist and a healthy shine will not harm them. :)

And the following illustration demonstrates how you can depict the lips of a doll.

The essence comes down to the following: the main tone of the lips is set, then the place where the lips close is drawn with a more saturated shade. After which, using the same shade, a thin brush (0-2) creates the effect of folds on the lips with soft, rounded lines. And the finishing touch, if desired, is to add shine to the lips with a lighter paint by applying different sized dots along the lip line, along its most convex part.

What is important to remember when working with acrylic paints:

1. Paints dry quickly, so apply very little paint to the palette and periodically “refresh” it with water. You can also use small jars (2 ml) of gouache, diluting acrylic paint with water and tightly closing the lids between uses.

2. Acrylic paints do not wash off well, so before you start painting on the faces of dolls, you should practice a little on paper or some other “canvas” that you don’t mind.

3. Wait until the previous layer of paint has dried, otherwise the paint may be distributed unevenly, in lumps.

There are a few examples of updated dolls and their “acrylic makeup” with varying degrees of realism.

Nowadays doll photo editing has become very popular. In this tutorial we will look in detail at how to achieve a similar effect using Photoshop.

Open a portrait photo, which we will begin to transform. For the lesson, I chose a photo of my youngest granddaughter. The girl is cute, but I'll try to turn her into a doll.

In order to adjust facial features to more doll-like ones, we need facial plastic surgery.

Select the "Filter - Liquify" command and use the "Warp" tool to narrow the lips at the edges and stretch them a little up and down to create a bow shape. We make the eyes in the corners a little wider so that they look larger, and the nose is narrower on the sides. You need to work very carefully so as not to make your nose and eyes too small to cover the floor of your face.

We have decided on the forms. Now we need to transform the skin of our future doll. Duplicate our layer and in Filters select “Blur” in it “Surface Blur” (Filter > Blur > Surface Blur) with approximately the same value as in the photo (11-15).

Everything would be fine, but some parts of the face look like they were painted on. To fix this, we need to take an eraser. Set the opacity to "45%" and erase the lips, nostrils, eyes, eyebrows and hair.

We merge the layers because those fragments that we erased will not be processed.

We did the simplest thing for you! But after blurring, you need to add highlights and shadows to the face to make the face more prominent.

There are many options for drawing shadows. Let's use a rendering using a gray layer in the "soft light" mode. Create a new layer and fill it with “50% gray” using the “Edit - Fill” command.

Set our gray layer to soft light mode and paint with the Dodge Tool and Burn Tool. We lighten: the line of the nose, wings of the nose, eyelids, forehead, lips, cheekbones (cheeks) and chin.

We lighten the hair and neck in some places.

We darken: nostrils, eyebrows, the outer part of the cheekbones, the inner line of the mouth and the nasolabial fold.

On a gray background, a mask of light and dark areas becomes visible, which are obtained when painting with the Dodge and Burn tools.

Now we are almost there. All that remains is to correct the eyes and make them more expressive!

Everyone knows that dolls are distinguished by large, thick eyelashes, but our doll has very small ones. You can draw eyelashes by hand or with a pen, or you can use special brushes.

Create a new layer, load a set of brushes with eyelashes, select the appropriate size and color for the eyelashes. It all depends on your preferences. If you are not satisfied with how the eyelash lies, you can fix it by pressing “Ctrl + T”. Click the right mouse button and in the window that appears, select the deformation and edit the eyelashes.

In the lesson we got this option.

In this tutorial we will transform a photo of a girl into a doll with a little Manga effect and softening the skin to get the desired result.

Final image

First, open the image of the Asian girl in Photoshop.

Our image is almost perfect, but we need to hide some imperfections like piercings, etc. To do this, select a tool Spot Healing Brush Tool(J) (Spot Healing Brush) and click on the imperfections you want to hide.

Next we will transform some parts of the face using a filter Liquify(Plastic). To do this, go to the menu Filter -Liquify(Filter - Plastic). We will use two tools - PuckerTool (S)(Wrinkling) and BloadTool (B) (Bloating).

Widen your eyes and squeeze your cheeks, nose and ends of your lips.

When you're done with the plastic, duplicate the layer ( Ctrl+J) and go to menu Filter > Blur > Surface Blur ( Filter - Blur - Surface Blur).

Then go to menu Filter > Noise > Dust & Scratches ( Filter - Noise - Dust and scratches).

Now we need to hide the entire image and reveal only the skin. For this we will use Layer Mask ( layer mask). Go to the menu Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All(Layer - Layer Mask - Hide All). The mask will completely hide the layer.

Choose white soft brush(Brush Tool)c Opacity(Opacity) 60% and Flow(Press) 30% and start developing the skin over the layer mask. Lightly develop your hair too.

Tip: if you want to see the mask, then hold down the Alt key and click on the mask icon in the layers panel. Clicking on the layer icon returns the visibility of the layer itself. In this case, do not make a mistake with the choice between a mask and a layer. This error confuses some newbies.

Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N), select the tool Brush Tool(B) (Brush) with the same settings as in the step above and fill in the eyes as shown below. Brush color #bebbbd.

Open the 3D eye image, create an oval selection with Feather(Feather) 20 px and copy the selection to a new layer (Ctrl+J).

Then go to menu Filter - Liquify(Filter - Plastic) and expand the pupil with the tool Bload Tool (B)(Bloating).

Move the edited eye into the work.

Create a new layer. Choose a soft white brush(Brush Tool) (B) and draw two highlights as shown below.

Brush Tool(B) and using the set of suggested brushes, paint the eyelashes as shown below. Distort them if necessary.

Repeat the same steps for the second eye.

Create another layer and fill it with 50% gray by pressing the keyboard shortcut Shift+F5.

Change the blending mode of this layer to Overlay(Overlap).

Next point - Dodge/Burn(Lightening/Darkening) - is very important. And it should not be overlooked if you want to get excellent results. Using these tools, draw highlights and shadows as shown below. Use a soft brush.

Create a new layer. Select a tool Brush Tool(B) (Brush), Opacity (Opacity) 60% and Flow(Press) 30%, color #eb7b83, draw blush and fill in lips.