Bitches – the male gaze. Bitch - who is this? How to become a bitch What kind of a bitch is she?

Both men and women have strong opinions regarding bitches. Representatives of the stronger sex are often inclined to consider as such a lady who refused them intimate intimacy, or to apply the concept bitch girl they can be pushed by a woman’s betrayal. Ladies believe that bitches are luckier than anyone else in love, so they often strive to artificially create for themselves this recently fashionable image, often even enrolling in special courses. According to explanatory dictionaries, bitch girl- a vile lady, ready for any base act for the sake of satisfying her own selfish interests.

However, in accordance with the beliefs prevailing in modern society, bitch girl- this is not only a negative character, but also a very extraordinary and successful person, who, by the way, is very popular with a fairly large number of men. The bitch is traditionally associated with provocative sexuality, as well as witty and caustic statements. One of the common, but far from true, stereotypes regarding such women is the use of a large amount of red in clothing.

The tendency to hysterics and unreasonably attracting attention to oneself is also a banal delusion. Real bitch girl, according to psychologists, she is completely confident in herself and does not see the need to prove anything to anyone. Manifestations of vulgarity, rudeness, and poor upbringing are absolutely alien to her. The bitch is not only naturally smart, but also often has a high level of education and often has a scientific degree. And it is they who, as a rule, achieve maximum success in their professional activities - largely due to their willpower and great ambitions. According to experts, such a lady always knows exactly what she wants and how to achieve it.

Despite the fact that the majority of those around him are disapproving of the selfishness and cynicism that he possesses bitch girl, almost everyone admits that this is one of the most honest types of people. A bitch will never lie that her friend’s new dress suits her well, just to please her. Nowadays, this definition is quite a high assessment, especially from men. It is known that in the eyes of representatives of the stronger sex, a bitch is often personified with a sexy, even vicious, vamp woman, possessing all the qualities traditionally inherent in the heroines of their fantasies.

Bitch girl, according to experts of this image, is unique in absolutely everything she does. Her actions, as well as her appearance, do not fit into the generally accepted framework, but at the same time they are complemented by excellent taste, which allows her to always stand out from the crowd. In relationships with men, the key word for a bitch is, again, indifference. She doesn't need a lot of fans, just for the sake of having them. Such a girl will also not deliberately seduce anyone. Perhaps this is why such ladies are so popular among the stronger sex, as well as envy among their own kind.

Perhaps the only thing that is really worth learning to some extent from such women is how bitch girl attracts men. It sincerely does not occur to her to pursue a man, to force herself on him, or, especially, to try with all her might to marry him. A bitch is an ever-elusive woman whom fans try in every way to get, sparing no effort to do so. However, as psychologists say, even with a strong desire you cannot become a bitch; you need (or don’t need to) be one by nature. Otherwise, attempts to imitate this quality will not lead to anything good, creating the image of an eccentric lady prone to hysterics and inappropriate actions.

The bitch is visible in the crowd with her special posture, proud, rebellious gaze, well-groomed appearance and clothing in the latest fashion. A woman with such a description always catches the eyes of men. Distinctive character traits: unpredictability, intelligence, coldness, self-sufficiency, determination and the ability to dictate the rules that she herself sets. She does not submit to a man, does not chase guys and will never be with the first person she meets.

Rice. A woman-bitch - what is she like?

The inner world of a bitch is hidden from outsiders by a high fence and no one can get into her soul, not even her closest friend, lover or husband, if she has one. Men divided bitches into two types: the first - cold ones, which are more like an ice floe. The second is hot, reminiscent of fire, a volcano of passion, a hurricane, if you like.

In the first case, relationships with men are also cold, accompanied by looks down on them, arrogance and harsh statements. And in the second, the bitch “plays” on the nerves of men, sometimes letting them get too close, sometimes moving away to an insurmountable distance; these are real selfish people, irritable and surviving by humiliating others. From their “bell tower” it is always clearer, “I want,” say the bitches, their behavior is impossible to predict, they will never ask for a man’s protection, they will control him and keep a tight rein on him, they will not accept refusals in any form.

Why do men like bitches?

The bitch is always on the move, she is very active, thereby challenging men. Relationships with a bitch cannot be stable; they are overwhelmed with emotions. A man will never solve the riddle called “The Bitch.” She will always be a certain secret for him. Bitchiness has always attracted men; every man considers it an honor to be next to such a woman. And a man doesn’t love a bitch as much as he wants her, because by manipulating men’s needs, a woman-bitch leaves a distance between herself and the man, thus remaining unapproachable. It’s not easy to get a bitch, which is why men’s desire to possess her is so strong. Today, the image of a bitch is very popular; it has become more of an external “packaging” of a woman who knows how to manipulate men.

How to become this very bitch?

First you need to learn to love yourself, buy things that you have dreamed of for a long time, carefully think through your new image, take care of your hands (nails), hairstyle, develop a new look (cold), which will always make you stand out in the crowd. The main skill of a bitch: clear, cold-blooded thinking, you can call it masculine. You need to develop willpower so that no circumstances affect your appearance. You should always be beautiful and well-groomed.

A bitch should be able to carry on any conversation; men have always liked smart women. To turn into a bitch, you must be able to defend your beliefs, even if you have a soft, flexible character. This is a very important quality that is basically necessary in life. A bitch is an exclusive woman, she is not afraid to stand out from the crowd, to be a “black sheep.” She doesn’t care about public opinion, but in the first place she has personal independence, a career, and she doesn’t care about the whispers behind her back. The bitch sets a goal for herself every day and achieves it without wasting her time in vain. Such women always have their own interests an order of magnitude higher than public ones. And they spend all their energy first on themselves, and, if they wish, on others. When you manage to achieve the status of a real bitch, crowds of men will “hunt” you, and women will envy you. Any medal has two sides, one is bright and beautiful, and the reverse is not always the case. Before you become a bitch, think about whether you can handle such a heated situation around yourself?

What should a man do when meeting a real bitch? It’s more expensive to get involved, but what if you want a bitch? Don't say we didn't warn you!

She is never alone.
She doesn't owe anyone anything.

She won't look for anyone.
She does not know how to love and forgive.
She doesn't dream, doesn't love, doesn't wait.
She smokes quietly. There is ice in her soul.
(unknown author)

Initially, the word “bitch” meant the corpse of an animal, carrion (cf. vulture), but later acquired an abusive meaning. But women have washed and whitewashed the concept of “bitch”, put it on a pedestal and run around with it like a chicken and an egg.

There are two types of bitches. The first women invented all kinds of things for themselves, just to gain confidence in front of men, which they naturally lack. The latter found an excuse for their selfishness, rudeness, cynicism, arrogance and sense of superiority over others, and denounced it with the proud name “bitch.”

Bitches don't live happily ever after, as the gloss claims, at least not for long. A study of 100,000 women found that bitches live much shorter lives than soft-tempered women (The Telegraph).

All women's magazines are full of advice for bitches and how to become one. Women shout in unison: “That men only love bitches and don’t go to a fortune teller,” but sometimes they forget to look at who likes them.

Bitches are popular with the following types of men:

1. Mama's boys who need a “strong hand” and eternal control.
2. Male hunters who are pleased to get another victim with their trophy. But after the victory, you can only see his retreating back.
3. Hidden masochists.

The myth that men love bitches was invented by women who are unable to build equal relationships with men. It is much easier for them to pretend to be a cynical tough bitch, hiding their complexes and inferiority in relationships with the opposite sex.

Bitches take on some good character traits that a woman needs for a good relationship, but go too far in everything else.

For an equal relationship, you need to respect yourself and not allow yourself to be trampled by a man.
Have a bright, lively and agile character.
Be confident, know your worth and don’t give up without a fight.
Men love periodic emotional storms and danger in relationships, but this should not be bitchiness, hysteria and scandal.

Let women’s resentment, rudeness, anger, ability to walk over corpses and emptiness in the soul be sold to others.

What should a man do when meeting a bitch?

Women claim that men are afraid but love bitches? We talked about love, but about fear. You will avoid a mad dog on the street, and here too. It costs more to get involved, but sometimes you can, of course, take a gun and shoot.

Well, what if you want a bitch? The fact that she has a bitchy and arrogant character is, of course, bad, but you can turn these qualities away from yourself. Let her be a bitch with everyone: she bites, manipulates and controls, but with you she will be a normal girl.

She often doesn’t show up on dates, is indifferent to gifts, looks at her like a guilty schoolboy and doesn’t want to let her into bed? At the same time, does she sometimes come to visit you without an invitation, seek intimacy and invite you for a walk?

As a rule, bitches are lonely and many men take advantage of this. You can get yours, even if you are a good boy and play by her rules. 72 focuses and 4 hurricanes need to be crossed out in one move. You only need to establish a couple of postulates in its rules and not deviate from them, no matter what. If you have decided for yourself that you are spending your holidays together, and she is already going to the resort with her girlfriend, then help her pack ALL her things.

Bitches usually can’t be taken with force; she wants the coolest guy. If a man does not walk on her leash, then he has a certain price. Your relationship should become a place where she doesn’t have to bite everyone and fight for a place in the sun, it should be like behind a wall. The one who calmly limits it within reasonable limits will succeed. You can and should give in in small things. But you don’t need to be led by provocations, and she will do them all the time, and giving up her key positions does not suit you. If your girlfriend is a bitch, then she is hardly a fool. When taming a bitch, there are two possible outcomes: she will go crazy or she will leave, loudly slamming the door, possibly scratching your face before doing so.

And sometimes bitches are girls who were once stylishly offended by us, who hide behind the “bitch” screen. When she trusts you, all arrogance and bitchiness will disappear.

She will be in the morning as she was,
Cold, arrogant, burnt to ashes,
Cynical and angry, who knew what pain meant,
Sprinkle fine salt on the wounds of others.
But at night a bright image will come in a dream,
She's the only one who knows what's wrong with her,
What wakes you up in the night, what stirs her blood:
She sometimes remembers love... (unknown author)

Who are bitches and why are they so attractive to the opposite sex, says Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency “Me and You,” interpersonal relationship consultant, and family psychologist.

According to the psychologist, bitches must be divided into two conditional categories: the classic bitch, and the non-radical bitch, “half-bitch.” The first concept implies a self-centered lady with a stingy character, who considers herself the navel of the earth - everything should revolve around her axis and correspond to her plans. A radical bitch will go over corpses to achieve her intended goal. It is better to stay away from such a person.

The second type is just that one. These are ladies who know how to respect and value themselves, but at the same time respect and value their surroundings. Such women are smart, friendly, and flexible. They know where to lay straws and where to be tough. They know how to defend their own interests. “Half-bitch” and knows what she wants.

There are many stereotypes about bitches. Kuznetsova commented on the most common of them.

Stereotype #1. Men love bitches

As mentioned above, men do not love classic bitches, but “half-bitches,” the so-called women with a bitchy side. Such ladies are interesting, they have a “zest”, they are harmonious. This . She is, and this is a quality that men greatly value in representatives of the fair sex.

Stereotype No. 2. Bitches are attractive, but difficult to communicate with.

For a classic bitch, this statement is true. She, like the “half-bitch,” is a bright and noticeable personality that attracts attention. However, due to her egocentrism, maximalism and arrogance, it is impossible to communicate with her. She's lining up.

A non-radical bitch, on the contrary, is a pleasant conversationalist. She is “adapted to society”: and wins the sympathy of others. She is a personality, and therefore interesting.

Stereotype No. 3. People aren't born bitches, they become bitches.

There is no gene for bitchiness, so a bitchy character is solely the “merit” of the environment. Radical bitches “take shape” by adolescence, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, absolute spoiling and the “star” disease that developed on this basis. Secondly, dislike on the part of the parents, which leads to the birth of an aggressive bitch, obsessed with the thirst for revenge for her childhood grievances. An aggressive bitch is the most difficult option, it is a pathology, states the psychologist.

“A radical bitch is definitely a deviation in children’s upbringing: either complete spoiling, or, conversely, antagonism and rejection of the child. In the latter case, the child develops an aggressive form of behavior and invents his own stardom and exclusivity. The classic bitch lives by the principle that everyone owes her - either because she is a “star”, or because she had a difficult childhood,” explains Kuznetsova. A woman with a bit of bitchiness is harmony. She understands her own importance, but at the same time “does not wear a crown.”

Stereotype No. 4. Every woman needs to cultivate the bitch in herself.

Bitchiness never hurts, Kuznetsova is sure, but it is precisely thanks to which a woman takes into account the opinions of others, but also does not forget about her own interests.

It is possible to cultivate a seductive bitch within yourself, but the process requires serious work on yourself. It implies both behavioral and behavioral aspects.

Myth No. 5. Bitches are unhappy in their personal lives

Both classic bitches and “half-bitches” usually have it, because they are bright, extraordinary personalities.

Stereotype No. 6. Bitches make good careers

This statement is more true for classic bitches, because they are focused on achieving goals and can go over corpses in order to achieve what they want. “Half-bitches” are softer and try to adhere to universal moral principles, which cannot be said about radicalists.

Stereotype No. 7. Bitches are smart

Most often, it’s the “half-bitches” who are distinguished by their intelligence, not the radicalists: knowing your worth, but not flaunting it, and that requires brains, explains Kuznetsova.

Classic bitches are not always smart. They can be very mediocre, but at the same time incredibly stubborn and self-confident.

“Someone once inspired the bitch that she was “well done,” or she inspired it herself, and all her life she religiously believes in it. But this is not brains, this is elementary “bullishness,” the psychologist summed up.

Stereotype #8. Bitches are straightforward

The classic bitch is, indeed, usually straightforward and hysterical. Vengeful. The character contains many things: cold revenge, harsh calculation, harsh rot, harsh yelling, harsh rejection of others. A radical bitch does not accept compromises.

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency “Me and You”, family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35. Call on weekdays from 11:00 to 19:00

“Half-bitch” is not so categorical. It is more flexible, it is the simultaneous embodiment of softness and rigidity. A non-radical bitch, she takes advantage of the situation, but at the same time does everything carefully and without excesses.

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What do individuals such as “bitch” actually represent?
After all, most people would like to know how bitches manage to seduce men so much and why they often go to such women, abandoning their family after many years of marriage?

Bitch... For many, this word sounds like “a rude boor who does not take anyone into account” or a woman who always looks well-groomed and beautiful so much that it arouses the envy of other women and attracts the glances of other men. On the one hand, yes, there is some truth in this opinion, such women are very attractive. But in addition to their attractiveness, they are also educated, self-confident and purposeful, independent and strong in character. But marriages with such women fall apart very quickly, because it is difficult for a man to be around such a strong woman. They strive for equality in relationships and try to find an appropriate partner.

The character and rules of life of a bitch

Women like bitches have a don’t-give-a-fuck attitude towards everything and everyone. She is self-sufficient and does not need or depend on anyone. Having met a man, sometimes you even want to ask the question: “Does she need a man?” But despite this, a bitch also needs love, however, it can be noted that there are two types - these are “absolute” bitches who use guys to raise their own self-esteem and just ordinary women of this type who, being in a relationship, believe that they should the one and only for her man. The latter must be achieved, because with a bitch it just doesn’t happen! They are smart, desirable and there is never a dull moment with them.

Such women usually understand that they are interesting to a man as long as they are interesting to other men, so they adhere to the following behavior:

They always know their worth, so they never ask or humiliate themselves;

Oddly enough, but in any mood and in any situation they always look great. They are always well-groomed and sometimes even an ordinary walk to the store turns into a fashion show and it is not permissible to go out without makeup and shabby;

It is never easy to achieve such a woman. She will never run after a man, because she is perfection;

Uncertainty and despair are not her thing;

Smart and cunning. In conversation she is always tactful and witty, and she herself has a high intelligence;

She will never give a man all her time, because this is only part of her interests;

Healthy egoism is also present everywhere and in everything;

They always have time for self-improvement.

Is it good to be a bitch?

A man who chooses such a woman is doomed to a long-term relationship with her, because she seems to attract like a magnet, she is successful and sexy. But there is no place for weak and insecure men next to her.

It cannot be said that they are bad mothers or that they devote little time to their children and prefer to leave them in the care of a nanny. Not at all. But she won’t be at the crib all the time. She will try to give the best to her child, but not all of her time. As for household chores. Bitches rarely become avid housewives, except in rare cases. Career and self-realization will always come first.

Such women have practically no friends, because first of all they are rivals, which is why it can be difficult for bitches in a women’s team. It’s funny, but only the exact same bitch can find a common language with such a bitch.

People go to bitches because they are always welcome. They do not demand almost anything from a man, because they can achieve whatever they want themselves. It's easy and simple with bitches. It is worth recognizing that such women are simultaneously admired, but at the same time they are dangerous.

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