Everything you need. Everything you need to learn about love and dating rules. ● Don't chase a certain person

An acclaimed game in a popular franchise, but is it any good? Here you will find out what pros and cons, differences and innovations the game contains in comparison with previous parts. You will be able to understand whether the game is worth your time and attention. This article contains a review in two formats: text and video. So choose for yourself what will be best for you. Sit back comfortably, because a journey into the world of nightmares awaits you and no, I’m not talking about a review.



If we are talking about such a great saga, the greatest brainchild, if you will, like Resident Evil, then it is immediately worth mentioning to whom we owe the birth of a new part.

In other words, let's talk about developers. The seventh part, like all previous games in the Resident Evil series, was developed by the Japanese company Capcom, which has earned a reputation as a good developer thanks to projects such as the Resident Evil series, and the previously mentioned Street Fighter, Devil May Cry and Lost Planet, however, this her merits do not end there. These are just the most successful of them. This part of Resident Evil has much more in common with the first parts than with the last, which is good news, since it was the first parts that led the franchise to the success it had recently. Therefore, after parts 5 and 6, this wonderful game became a breath of fresh air in the line of games. Why? Find out below!

I’ll tell you a little about the plot, but enough not to reveal the intrigue and interest you in playing this game, because the plot looks colorful compared to the other parts. The game itself teases you with intrigue and although it may seem to you that you have already understood everything, in fact the game will surprise you every time you are sure of the outcome. Moreover, the full picture will not appear before you until the very end of the game.

Now a little about the main character and the plot. From the very first minutes of the game, we are given to understand that our main character is an ordinary guy named Ethan, whose wife went missing during one of his work trips. Her name, by the way, is Mia. Ethan receives from her three years later a video recording in which Mia asks him under no circumstances to come to help. However, our loving husband realizes that his wife is alive and decides to save her, despite her warnings. Ethan takes off for the sake of his wife and arrives at a country house in the very wilderness of Louisiana, where several dozen people have disappeared over the past few years. And, as you can understand, this is where the action of the game begins.

You arrive at this ill-fated house on a warm summer day, however, once inside, you will not see anything further than your nose because of the closed windows, and then night falls completely. And this transition from sunny day to terrifying night is imperceptible, but when you notice it, you realize how much time has passed since your arrival and how much you have experienced in this seemingly short period of time.

Throughout all the places where you will have to visit, things are scattered, such as photographs, notes, videotapes and other things that will tell you about the events that took place here before your arrival, gradually revealing the veil of secrecy of both this mysterious house and its no less strange inhabitants. However, all these little things do not directly affect the plot, but they do affect your perception of the entire story.

As for the rest of the characters that you will meet during the game, there are few of them, and they are so well developed that their character cannot be clearly understood even until the very end. To some, many of the characters may seem like harmless victims, to others, on the contrary, crazy psychopaths. But no one will be one hundred percent right, because the game hides almost the entire story from you, teasing you with small pieces of the narrative. At some point you may even think that the plot is obvious, but in reality you will know almost nothing. Moreover, such a good level of thoughtfulness of the characters also echoes their number. There are not many characters, but just enough to not get lost in the story and not get bored.

In the first minutes of the game, we are introduced to the aforementioned main character, his wife, as well as the Baker family living in this house, which you can find out about by walking around the house a little and examining the objects, especially photographs.

Next, I would like to note the amazing voice acting of the characters. I played through this game with voice acting in English, and it was just great. The mood of the characters, their fears, their shifts are brilliantly conveyed (after all, during the course of the game you will have to face real psychos. Although, maybe the main psycho in this whole story is you?). In addition, the game has voice acting in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Japanese, but I did not evaluate them. Let native speakers who understand at least a little of it do this. There is currently no Russian voice acting, which may turn some people off from the game. However, the very fact of the absence of Russian voice acting in the game does not spoil the impression of the game, but is strange for a project of such a level as Resident Evil.

You can’t ignore the atmosphere of this game either. Real survival has returned to the game, that is, you really survive, you don’t have much ammo, and you’re not some soldier with amazing fighting and shooting skills. For this reason, everything that happens to you will truly frighten you with the most primitive fear, fear of something that is higher and stronger than you in every sense. Unlike the previous parts and games of the survival horror genre in general, in this part in most cases you will not have the opportunity to avoid a fight; here and there monsters that will scare you to gray hair will jump out at you, with whom one way or another you will have to fight. I would like to note that, unlike the previous parts, there will be much fewer opponents, but they are all so colorful, appear at the right time and are far from simple that you will be overwhelmed by them and you will not get tired of them. Absolutely any of the monsters you meet is capable of hitting you if you approach it incorrectly.

The crypto in the game is at a level close to a game of the same genre - outlast, and this was largely due to the new game mode for the entire Resident Evil series - from the first person, which creates the most favorable conditions for you to get used to the role of our main hero. I already mentioned that monsters will jump out at you at the most unexpected moments, but what especially struck me was that every time I expected this very moment, I was still scared, just like the first time. One of the reasons for this, in addition to, of course, the whole atmosphere of the game, was the developer’s responsible approach to these scenes, because every time I saw something new and terrifying.

The house itself looks abandoned, and as if everything there died out in an instant: there are now rotten scraps left in the dishes, cockroaches are running around and things are scattered. In the future we will find many different stories about the history of people who visited, or even lived in this ominous house.

The drawing of individual objects, thoughtfulness and animation also perfectly convey the atmosphere of this game, instilling in you fear of what is happening and disgust for those things that, given common sense, you should feel disgust for. That is, Capcom really tried to create the environment, for which they are undoubtedly a huge plus.

The game has a completely unique feeling of pursuit and a constant desire to look back. I compared this game to Outlast, but in Outlast you are almost always being chased by someone and you are sure of it, but here you can't be sure of anything, especially when it comes to your pursuers. They may pretend that they don't care about you, and then BAM, and jump out from behind the nearest corner, laughing loudly and mocking your attempts to escape. The game maintains an atmosphere where the player is afraid of his own steps, because here you can never know for sure that no one is following you.

I would like to say the following about the mechanics of the game itself: it is much more reminiscent of the first parts of this wonderful series than the subsequent ones, but only with its advantages, and they are brought to the ideal. After all, after the fifth and sixth parts, the developers realized that the vector of development of the game had changed a lot, leaning more towards shooters, having lost that mystery of the atmosphere and the element of survival horror as such. To support the above, I will give a few examples: in the seventh part there are not many opponents and they always on topic. There are no those annoying crowds of the same type of opponents, which are dreary and boring to kill. Combined with the number of opponents, their variety is on the level. Also, “typewriters” have been returned to the game, although now they are not exactly typewriters, they are voice recorders. the whole point is to return saves through special devices, and not primitive checkpoints (I don’t want to seem old-fashioned in this regard, but in the review of the fifth part I already explained why they are not only a symbol, but also have a very significant impact on the gameplay strong positive influence).

Also, the in-game territory that we will visit with you during the passage is not large, but it is perfectly revealed, reusability is taken into account and short paths between points far from each other have been added, which open as you progress, that is, you will not have to run through a long one several times and a boring path. And even when the plot requires you to walk along a familiar corridor again, it will be presented in a completely different light.

But the interesting points regarding the mechanics of the game do not end there, because if we return to the opponents, namely to the battle with them, then the fighting mechanics are executed in the best possible way, and the battles with bosses are performed in the best traditions of the fourth part, which in this regard is up to has still been the standard. Not only have the enemies been given the fighting qualities of MMA fighters, which is why you don’t even know what to expect from them, but the game mechanics responsible for the movement of opponents have also been added. Now they are able to close the distance to you, for example, by breaking through a wall or making a shortcut to you with a chainsaw. Moreover, now you can never be one hundred percent sure that you have gotten rid of the persecution, because, firstly, they cannot be stopped so easily by some kind of obstacle, and secondly, the game puts a spoke in your wheels and sometimes opponents appear in front of you much earlier than you expect.

Virtual reality is one of the striking distinctive features of this part of the game. The new engine, RE Engine, on which the game was developed, made it possible to ensure a worthy execution of such an innovation. Moreover, the possibility of playing in virtual reality mode is present here not just “for the sake of it”, but to really add a new, high-quality element of the gameplay. And thanks to all this, immersion in the game has reached a completely new level, previously unknown to other games in the series.

The game features an interesting and unusual method of communication for this line – telephone. The first time we will have to use it is when it rings near us, and the voice coming from the receiver will kindly and calmly tell us where to go. But not only those who are friendly towards us will contact you by phone. The antagonists will also call, luring us into their traps. We first saw a similar thing in the fourth part of Resident Evil, where there was a walkie-talkie with video communication, and throughout the game your assistant communicated with you, giving instructions, as well as your opponents, who also told you where to go.

Videotapes have appeared that can be played on a player, and all this is done in such a way that you yourself will participate in the video filming process and control the characters who will be on this very film.

The crafting system has been reworked, and ammo crafting has been returned. In order to prepare a medicinal potion from herbs, you will no longer need an ordinary bush, as in previous parts of the series. Now, in order to make the medicinal herb usable, you will need a chemical reagent that can be found in a variety of places. The healing potions here are first aid kits, the animation for using them is very strange, and in some places comical. It can be called “water your hand in any unclear situation.”

The ability to expand the inventory has been returned, as in Part 4, but even with the expansion of the inventory, there is still absolutely not enough space, because the number of reagents for crafting and keys for further progress is constantly growing. Added the ability to disassemble an item into its components and use these components for something new.

You will be surprised, but it turns out that you need to think in this game. There is no linearity, but if you don’t notice and don’t use some item necessary for the plot, you risk spending dozens of minutes trying to understand what is required of you.

Some scripts in the game are made in such a way that you don’t have to run them if they make the game more difficult for you. But this became noticeable only when playing again. Other scripts are launched unobviously, despite the fact that they are important to the plot, and on the first playthrough this can cause specific problems if by some chance you were unable to launch the script the first time.

Next, regarding the ratings, critics received this game with open arms and very warmly, which is not surprising, taking into account all the aspects of the game that we paid attention to today. If we look at our pair of respected critics, we see that the PC edition was given an 87 by Metacritic and a 90% by gamerankings. But these ratings were given after the game's release. But there are about a dozen other gaming publications and critics who gave their ratings even before the official release of the game, apparently they were given early access to fuel public interest in this game. As expected, these ratings were also very high and were accompanied by flattering comments from critics.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this game is played in one breath. Despite all the horrifying things around you, you can't help but feel like the story is incomplete. No matter how scared you are, you will move forward, and this tickling feeling that you could be attacked at any moment will not push you away from the game, but, on the contrary, will spur you on to new discoveries.

In rating this game, we were based on our experiences in previous installments in the series, as well as other games in the survival horror genre. So, we rate this game 9.3 points out of ten, because the developers managed to breathe life into the franchise, which, judging by the latest parts, began to deteriorate.

We strongly advise you to purchase and play this game because the experience this game provides is truly worth living.


Tea is not just leaves drenched in boiling water, it is a real drink of emperors, giving, if handled correctly, eternal youth and a boost of energy. Unfortunately, today we choose tea bags, giving preference not to taste and benefits, but to simplicity and convenience. To understand the error and fill the gaps in tea education, we have compiled a brief but more than complete encyclopedia of tea.

There are three types of classification: by the type of tea plant (Chinese, Assamese and Cambodian varieties), by its origin (China, India, Japan, etc.) and by the degree of fermentation. We will dwell on the last point in more detail, since the duration and method of oxidation of the leaves largely influence the appearance, aroma, taste and other characteristics of tea.

Classification by degree of fermentation differs in Europe and Asia, but since China is the world leader in tea production (more than a quarter of global production), we will take the Chinese tradition of separation as a basis. So, according to the Chinese classification, tea is usually divided into six groups.


This type is produced exclusively in the Chinese province of Fujian. When collecting white tea, special attention is paid to the selection of leaves; only young buds (tips) and half-bloomed leaves covered with white hair are selected. The peculiarity of processing white tea is that it is only dried in the sun, and the tea leaves remain in their natural form.

Beneficial features: Even at the beginning of our era, white tea was considered the elixir of immortality. However, if at that time this drink was available only to emperors, today everyone can admire it. Of all the varieties, it is the most useful due to its soft and short processing. White tea is rich in vitamins C and B1, helps improve digestion, strengthens the immune system and cardiovascular system, protects against viruses, bacteria, has anti-cancer properties, and is useful for those suffering from varicose veins.

The infusion has a floral aroma and a sweetish taste, and has a cooling effect on the body. White tea is very sensitive to temperature, so it should not be brewed with too hot water (60–75°C). You need to brew about a third of the teapot's volume.


Green tea is similar in production to white tea. The difference lies in the selected leaves themselves and the drying method. Selected leaves are slightly withered in the open air. At the moment when they become soft and wither, they are briefly subjected to heat treatment, on which the taste characteristics of the drink directly depend: it dulls the activity of enzymes and stops oxidation processes. The leaves are then manually shaped, thereby regulating the extraction of essential oils and other active constituents during the brewing process. The last stage of tea preparation is drying, which consolidates the work done previously.

Beneficial features: This type of tea contains a lot of caffeine, even more than coffee, so it’s better to start your morning with it. Green tea is also beneficial for people with low immunity. The benefits of green tea are also determined by catechins, which are useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Taste and brewing method: Green tea should be brewed for 1–3 minutes with water (80°C). Depending on the variety, tea can be brewed 2 to 6 times. The infusion can range in color from golden to dark green.


Manufactured only in China in Hunan Province. For a long time, Europe was unaware of its existence, since the export of yellow tea from China was punishable by death. Now the export of this variety is limited, one of the reasons is the labor intensity and low profitability of yellow tea production. Only specially selected tea bushes of a special variety can be used, from which only the buds are collected, and the processing of the tea lasts about three days.

Beneficial features: relieves spasms, headaches, increases the body's ability to resist external destructive factors. Tones and promotes mental activity.

Taste and brewing method: Brew yellow tea for no more than 2–3 minutes with water at 60–70°C. Yellow tea has a sweet aftertaste and is unlike any other tea. The color of the infusion is yellowish-amber with a pale pink tint.

Oolong (turquoise tea)

Oolong translates to “black dragon” and is also called turquoise tea. For this variety, mature leaves are collected from bushes grown high in the mountains and laid out in the sun in a layer of several centimeters to wilt for 30–60 minutes. Then the leaves ripen in bamboo baskets in the shade. The “cooking” process ends with calcination with hot air. Ready oolong has the form of tightly twisted balls that unravel when brewed.

Beneficial features: tea stimulates appetite and has cleansing properties. Useful for weight loss.

Taste and brewing method: brewing occurs using water at 70–75°C, sometimes, depending on the variety, using hotter water. Oolong has a floral aroma and peachy flavor, and the color ranges from pale green to dark red.


Black tea, as we call it, or red tea, as they call it in China, differs from other varieties in the longest production process. Tea leaves are withered for 12–18 hours. As a result, the leaves lose moisture, after which they are tightly rolled and transferred to large, heated, damp, dark rooms where they oxidize. The Chinese do not consume this variety, but they export it in huge quantities.

Beneficial features: stimulates the cardiovascular system, improves the functioning of the kidneys and digestive system.

Taste and brewing method: The aroma of tea can vary from floral to fruity, nutty or spicy. Brewing is done with fairly hot water (90–100°C) for 2–5 minutes. Color - from gold to brown-red.


Black tea in China is called pu-erh. The collected leaves, processed as for green tea, are subjected to aging and pressing. Unlike other types of tea, it does not deteriorate over time, but improves in taste. For more or less complete disclosure of its properties, tea requires 2 to 3 years of storage, and for absolute taste - from 10 to 20 years.

Beneficial features: has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, digest fatty foods, perfectly quenches thirst, and helps cope with hangovers and food poisoning.

Taste and brewing method: For brewing, on average, take 4 g of tea per 150 ml of water. Brew with boiling water. It tastes of dried fruit and wood with a slight spice.

Squats are a great way to keep your legs, thighs, and butt in good shape. Requiring no additional equipment and a lot of space, it becomes a universal workout that can be done anywhere!

But doing 100 classic squats is quite boring and few people can do it. Another thing - 10 to 10! This set of exercises will take less than 10 minutes, and the results will be noticeable within 1-2 weeks.

Safety precautions

Before performing the complex, be sure to do a warm-up: it will help make the muscles more flexible and the workout more effective. Plus it will reduce the likelihood of joint damage.

To better work the gluteal muscles, squats should be performed as deeply as possible. To avoid damaging your knee joints, do not make sudden movements.

The workout works the lower body: legs and buttocks. But also pay close attention to the top one:

  • tighten your stomach;
  • straighten your back;
  • look straight ahead.

Perform each exercise 10 times with minimal rest breaks.

No additional equipment needed. In fact, you don't even need a form. If your clothing does not restrict movement, you can perform this complex anywhere: at home, at work or on vacation.

1. Regular squats

Regular squats improve the condition of all leg muscles.

Go as low as you can. But make sure your back remains absolutely straight. The angle of the back should be approximately the same as that of the shins. Distribute your weight evenly between your heels and toes.

2. Plie

Plie helps make your legs slimmer and your buttocks more rounded.

Turn your toes to the side. Ideally, you should form one line of feet, but the angle of the turn depends on your flexibility and coordination of movements. Smoothly lower yourself as deeply as possible, feeling the tension in your inner thigh. Don't put your head down and don't look at your feet.

3. Squats and side leg raises

In addition to the leg muscles, lateral leg raises work the obliques and lower back.

Raise your leg as high as you can without tilting your body to the side. Do 10 repetitions, alternating legs.

4. Carousel

Rotation of the pelvis allows you to work deeper on the inner thigh.

As you lower down to your right foot, lift up through your left. Change direction. Lower yourself as deeply as you would in a regular squat and keep your back straight.

5. Squats and leg raises

Raising the leg from a standing position allows you to additionally work the back of the thigh, buttocks and abdominal muscles.

Remember to keep your back straight while squatting. Don't lean forward when you move your leg back. Do 10 repetitions, alternating legs.

6. Deep Squat with Triple Spring

A regular squat, complicated by swinging at the bottom point.

Squatting deeply down, move your pelvis up and down with an amplitude of no more than 10 cm. Then smoothly return to the starting position. Despite the tension in your legs, try to avoid jerking while lifting.

7. Sumo + kick

A deep squat, and then lifting and turning the leg in a circle, puts additional stress on the muscles of the buttocks, as well as the inner and back surface of the thigh.

Raise your leg approximately 45 degrees. Try not to bend your leg while lifting, or your back during a deep squat.

8. Side Squats

From the starting position (standing), take a step to the side and lower yourself as deep as possible. Try to place your feet as wide as possible.

This will allow you to maximally work the inner thigh and lower buttock muscles.

9. Skier's squats

The springing movement in the lower position works the back of the thigh deeper.

Squatting deeply, do two swings of the pelvis with a small amplitude and return to the starting position. “Pick up” imaginary ski poles in your hands, but do not jerk.

10. Jump Squats

Final plyometric exercise: deep squat with jump. Plyometric exercises help to form a harmonious figure and avoid overdeveloped buttocks.

Jumping as high as possible, do the exercise at the highest possible pace. But at the same time, make sure that the squats are deep.

If this is too simple for you:

  • repeat the complex (1-3 times);
  • take a weight (dumbbells, bottle, zucchini or chihuahua).

Sagittarius thrives on new experiences and is in constant search of higher truth. Guided by an archer, the centaur is a mythical creature that is half human and half horse. This symbolism represents a soul with animal instincts seeking truth. Passion, curiosity and truth are the main driving force of their nature.

He is an optimist

Sagittarius lives in the understanding that they are surrounded by limitless possibilities and constantly seeks wisdom. She is a bright and independent person who inspires others to be the best versions of themselves. Those around them question their own perspective. Sagittarius turns to the exotic and undiscovered. They value those who can expand their horizons. To hold a Sagittarius, you need to embrace their complexity, teach, explore, create, and have an open mind.

The word “impossible” is not in this individual’s vocabulary

The key to understanding their soul is opportunity. They know what it is, but they want you to think about what it could be. Sagittarius is an idealist and is open to all experiences that broaden their horizons.

He is cheerful, giving and without malice

Sagittarius is a selfless educator, ready to lend a helping hand if it will make the life of another person easier. He is the one who will allow you to move your things to your new apartment, drive you to work, or look after your animals while you are away. Free of charge. Karma always reciprocates.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, luck and optimism. The stars touch his soul. From the outside it seems that he is always lucky. However, luck is his partner. Passion, intuition, persistence, truthfulness, hard work and dedication lead Sagittarius to success.

The crisis brings out his best qualities

Most people consider Sagittarius to be irresponsible and reckless, but he can overcome any setback with strength, grace and responsibility.

A seducer who attracts most passions from afar

Passion and adventure subordinate the desires of Sagittarius, as well as other fire signs. It is impossible to get them unless you are intrigued. Those who fall in love with a Sagittarius are enchanted by their wit, flirtatious behavior, enthusiasm and humor. The hunt won't end until Sagittarius gets what he wants.

Sagittarius opens up when in a romantic relationship

He radiates a special charm when he is in love. Nothing captivates a Sagittarius more than romance and danger. Independent and freedom-loving, Sagittarius is extremely loyal. He is a delightful life partner and will always strive to keep the spark alive in a relationship.

The one who keeps everything secret

They always say about Sagittarius that they are silent. They will never betray or slander you, since Sagittarians are honest, decent and principled people, and their principles are in tune with the honesty of the intentions of others. However, on the other hand, Sagittarius can be harsh and tactless, expressing what he thinks. If you ask him what's on his mind, trust me, you'll get a straight answer.

Sagittarius is very smart

He has no time to cling to the past. In addition, he is sensitive to meanness. Be sincere in your intentions with him. Nothing turns off a Sagittarius more than indifference or hidden behavior. Don't know what you want? Sagittarius won't wait for you to figure it out. He hates being one of the options.

Theoretically, we know everything, but in practice, this seemingly acquired knowledge often lets us down. How do you need to behave in a relationship so that it brings you joy and gives you a feeling of happiness, and does not turn into a source of anxiety, worry and pain? Are there universal rules for relationships?

● Don't wait for him to make the first move

Of course, you shouldn't be the only person putting in the best effort. However, if the relationship between you is open and honest, do not wait for your partner to text or call first. If you want to chat, write and call yourself. This is fine. The rules of relationships are based on mutual interest.

● Don't lower your standards

When your chosen one is not able to meet all your expectations, this does not mean that you need to change your own principles and beliefs. Just take a closer look at the person and objectively think about whether he is really right for you.

● Don't be silent about feelings

If you have feelings for someone, if you have certain emotions, do not think that this person can read your thoughts. Be honest with him. Tell me how you feel.

● Don't analyze every word

Don’t pick apart all his words and messages, because the person meant exactly what you heard or read. There is no hidden meaning or encrypted messages in them. If your partner makes an effort to develop your relationship, if he treats you with respect, then everything is fine. If not, then this is “not your” person. These are the basic rules of relationships.

● Don't chase a certain person

There is no point in pursuing the object of your passion and convincing him to love you. A person should value and respect you of his own free will, and not under pressure.

● Don’t run away at the slightest difficulty

Don't think that one conflict is the end of your relationship. Will you be able to fix the situation rather than decide to immediately separate?

● Don't forgive again and again

If a person has done something unforgivable, do not let him get away with it. Both must respect the rules of the relationship. Don't give him extra chances that he definitely doesn't deserve. You need to leave on time.

● Don't follow only your heart

If your mind stubbornly tells you that this partner is for you, and your intuition supports your mind, you should not weakly follow the desires of your heart.

● Don't discuss your exes.

You may be angry with them or even, but you shouldn't constantly tell your current partner about it. This is a signal that you are unable to move on after the breakup. You are still living in the past, which is high time to quit. Even the best relationship rules won't help until you do this.

● Don't constantly look at your phone

Even if you're nervous, don't look at your phone. This will make your partner think that you care more about your virtual world on social networks than about him.

● Don't test your partner's feelings.

Don't deliberately put people in uncomfortable situations to gauge their reaction. Stay close to the person you trust without testing him.

● Do not consult with friends on personal topics

Of course, you can turn to close and trusted people for general advice, but you should not send screenshots of your correspondence and ask them to comment on the situation. You can handle this on your own. Relationship rules should apply only to you and your partner.

● Don’t procrastinate in relationships that don’t seem right to you.

Your partner may be a very good person, but that doesn't mean he's right for you. Don't let your sense of duty or guilt convince you to stay when you want to leave. You have every right to find exactly “your” person.