Field registrars. Cost of on-site marriage registration Field registrar male

In romantic dreams, lovers say “I do” to each other on the seashore or in a beautiful park. With the help of an outdoor wedding ceremony, this dream comes true. The bride and groom just have to decide on the place and time, and ordering on-site marriage registration in Moscow is not difficult.

How to carry out on-site registration

There are two ways to conduct an outdoor wedding ceremony. In the first case, they begin by registering the marriage at the registry office, and then a symbolic ceremony is held in a pre-agreed place. In the second case, marriage registration in the chosen place occurs with the direct participation of a civil registry office employee, that is, an official on-site marriage registration takes place. The registry office employee who arrives fills out all the documents and stamps the passports.

The choice of the place where to hold the off-site registration depends entirely on the bride and groom. They may be attracted by the beauty of a park or forest, seashore or lake, or maybe they will prefer or try to reproduce a scene from their favorite movie.

How to choose a registrar

The first step in on-site registration is choosing a registrar. At official registration The life of the bride and groom is connected by the worker, so that all questions disappear immediately. However, if you are conducting a symbolic on-site registration, then the choice of host is entirely yours.

An off-site marriage registration specialist should be ordered at least 2-3 months in advance. At the same time, the image in which he will appear at the ceremony is necessarily discussed. After all, the host should not deviate from the style of the celebration. In addition, the speech he makes is coordinated. By the way, registrars can also write an individual text for the ceremony: many of them provide customers with such a service. If the presenter is a registry office employee, he is warned about the intentions of the bride and groom on the day they submit the application.

The field registrar is the host of the field wedding ceremony. It is the registrar who conducts registration, reads a solemn speech and unites loving hearts in an eternal union.

How to find the best field receptionist?

The secret of an interesting and memorable outdoor ceremony is simple - it should be conducted by a registrar with a pleasant voice, well-delivered speech and attractive appearance. The registrar is a professional and experienced actor who will capture the attention of the guests, give a heartfelt speech and conduct the ceremony exactly the way you wanted.

But where to find such a professional? It's simple - the best field recorders are presented on this page!

For your convenience, we have tried to provide information about each registrar. You can evaluate the work of each recorder based on the video portfolio, and then make your choice.

Registrars of any age and gender are at your service. Depending on the theme of the wedding and personal preferences, you can choose girls, respectable ladies or even men.

Responsibilities of the field registrar

The key responsibility of the field registrar is reading the ceremonial speech and general conduct of the ceremony. At the stage of organizing an off-site registration, you can agree on the text with the registrar, add your own ideas to it, or order a service to develop an individual, unusual text for the ceremony. The text for on-site registration can be in any style - light and romantic, funny or more formal, with elements of a newlyweds’ love story, etc.

The dress code is also discussed with the registrar - it can be classic formal, or in a theme or color scheme weddings

You must arrive at the location of the exit registration ceremony at least 30 minutes before the start. Agree on the final details and prepare for registration.

The registrar brings everything you need: a pen, a folder for the ceremony, a pillow for the rings. However, the marriage certificate folder must be provided by the newlyweds.

How much do field registrar services cost?

When ordering the services of a field registrar, the cost depends on:

  • Professional level and experience of the specialist;
  • Distance of the registration location from Moscow;
  • Availability of additional services.

The total cost of field registrar services ranges from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles.

The services of field registrars are affordable, but their schedule is scheduled for many months in advance - you should take care of choosing a registrar in advance. This is also true for venues where outdoor ceremonies are held.


We provide staged (theatrical) on-site registration services, so the official marriage registration ceremony must be held in advance.

Do you still have questions about field recorders? I will be happy to answer any questions and help you make the right choice!

An important task when preparing a wedding is to choose a good wedding registrar, that is, that person, angel, fairy (you can choose a lot of epithets!) who will utter the most touching words in the world and unite your destinies!

A wedding registrar is truly the same magician without whom not a single miraculous event can take place. In a sense, he is the face of your wedding ceremony.
Our agency specialists will select for you several candidates for the role of wedding registrar, among whom you can definitely decide. We have an excellent base of professional actors and experienced presenters who are true masters of their craft. Moreover, each specialist we recommend has been tested by us at many joint events.

If you are searching for such a specialist on your own, we have prepared several for you. useful recommendations, which will help you cope “excellently”.

Tip 1. Visualize your ideal check-in experience.

In order to choose the right specialist, you must understand what exactly you need from him. A singer who performs exclusively romances will not be able to perform brilliantly with rap compositions! It's the same with a wedding registry: if your candidate is having a romantic ceremony and you're having a biker-themed wedding, you might not be right for each other. That is why, first of all, we recommend deciding what you want. Yes, it happens that newlyweds have absolutely no idea what they want... In this case, for inspiration, we recommend looking at wedding websites and looking through the portfolios of different specialists.

Tip 2. Prepare to meet the candidate. You should have a list of questions in your hands, thought out and written down in advance. What is important to know? In what style and in what place will he offer you to register? What experience does he have? Ask to show you photos and videos from the wedding ceremony with his participation. As you look through your portfolio, think about whether you want to see something like this at your wedding? It’s not only about the style of the event, it can be changed, but also about how much you are impressed by his voice, manner of speaking, appearance, style of behavior.

Tip 3. Be observant.

When talking with a candidate, try not to miss important details. Notice how ready he is for constructive dialogue with you, to listen to you, to adapt to your scenario? As a rule, professional registrars always meet halfway requirements for their clients and are keenly interested in the organization process, but it would still be a good idea to discuss this point with a specific person.

During the meeting, be sure to discuss wedding props, costumes, script, your wishes, and cost of services. Then it will be up to the professional!

Finding a good wedding registrar is not an easy task. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to find a truly worthwhile specialist. It’s another matter if the Chenonceau agency is organizing your holiday! There is a lot to think about here, because the possibilities of a professional agency are great, and there are no limits to the fulfillment of your imagination. We will quickly select a wedding registrar, because over 12 years of work we have an extensive database of the best specialists in Moscow, many of whom we work with on an ongoing basis. You won't have to go to pointless meetings and endlessly scroll through your resume. Just one meeting, and we guarantee you it will be a 100% hit!

Chenonceau employees will be happy to help make any dreams come true and make the happiest day of your life beautiful and magical! Your away registration will be fabulous and unforgettable. Call!

Today in Moscow, on-site wedding registrations are gaining increasing popularity. And there is an explanation for this. How the ceremony will take place, where, according to what scenario - everything will depend only on your preferences. An outdoor marriage ceremony is an excellent alternative to the official registration at the registry office.

Offsite wedding registration is a truly magnificent and unforgettable event that will be remembered for a lifetime. In any case, we must remember that this celebration is a very important event, which must be handled by the wedding registrar. And then everything will go like in a fairy tale, according to your wishes.

Internet portal "Gorko" - here you can order everything for on-site marriage registration

You can order the services of an on-site wedding registrar on the social wedding portal “Gorko”. There is everything you need to ideally organize an outdoor ceremony. For the convenience of users, you can choose from an extensive catalog:

  • presenter,
  • stylist,
  • musicians,
  • photographer,
  • and an on-site wedding receptionist.

Everything is very thought out, and it won’t be difficult to quickly find the right craftsmen.

Now, using the convenient Gorko platform, future newlyweds can easily order a service from an impressive list of companies according to the criteria they need - an outdoor wedding ceremony. Having decided to hold a destination wedding:

  • in the city park,
  • in a forest clearing,
  • country estate,
  • surrounded by the sea,
  • on the shore of a lake, on a yacht or any other picturesque place,
  • you will decorate your holiday with creativity.

On-site marriage registration is a worthy alternative to the usual standards

By ordering an on-site wedding registration with a professional registrar, you will receive many benefits. First of all, this is a unique chance to organize your celebration according to your desires, fantasies and financial capabilities. This is the absence of queues at the registry office and no restrictions related to the operating hours of, for example, a restaurant. This is a good opportunity to organize a holiday for large quantity of people. On-site wedding registration is a flexible wedding day schedule. This opportunity include in the celebration scenario the launch of doves, beautiful balloons, kites, sky lanterns, fabulous fireworks and everything your heart desires. In a word, this is complete freedom and creativity in everything!

It is very important to meet in person with the offsite wedding registrar in advance. It is necessary to discuss with him all the details and nuances of the outdoor wedding ceremony, clarify what is included in his services, whether it will be just a ceremonial entrance or together with the presentation of an official document. The cost of an outdoor marriage ceremony has a wide range. As a rule, it consists of the availability of basic and additional services for the wedding, time for them and other factors.

Official registration at the registry office takes place before or after exit registration. This will depend on the current circumstances and the desires of the young people. There is no difference, the main thing is to spend the day of celebration itself in a wonderful place according to a specially designed scenario. The wedding ceremony, prepared individually by the wedding registrar, will appeal to everyone and will not leave either the newlyweds or the guests indifferent.