Graduation dress in the garden with petals. Children's prom dresses. best dresses for girls for graduation in kindergarten

Any girl dreams of becoming a princess or being her at least for a short time. And this dream is not so difficult to translate into reality. Now you can order luxurious ball gowns for the smallest girls of 6-7 years old, which are easily decorated with ribbons, homemade flowers, lace for future first-graders.

Graduation in kindergarten- an unusual holiday. This is a small transition to a new stage of life, pleasant memories that the girl will have for a long time. Let this day be captured in festive and bright colors, and an elegant children's prom dress be its main detail, which is not so difficult to choose. Just imagine with what joy your daughter will remember this magical evening, where she felt like a real princess!

The children's graduation is approaching, farewell to the world of a fairy tale before preparing to study in the first grade. Surely the girl dreams of once again immersing herself in this magic. It is desirable that the girl choose her outfit herself, trying on several options for children's dresses for the prom. Remember that prom dresses, even for children, must be unique.

You can choose the color of the dress for the prom, which holds a kindergarten, according to the color of the girl's hair. If she is a brunette, red will suit her well, for a blonde princess, it is better to choose blue, because red will shade her too much.

Even though children's fancy prom dresses are very beautiful, they have a big drawback. Most often, these dresses are sewn from synthetics. And it's not the best for kids. The best option is natural silk. If you can’t find such prom dresses, then choose children’s outfits made of synthetics, but with a cotton lining. Moms who know how to sew can try their hand at sewing elegant dresses for little princesses with their own hands. The main thing in this is not to copy the styles of dresses for adults, so as not to be mistaken in proportions.

Dresses with layered, puffy skirts are very suitable for little girls. Shades are most often used light: pink, blue, light green, peach. A white dress looks better at a wedding, and black is usually not suitable for such young girls.

Photo: beautiful dresses for girls at graduation in kindergarten

Exquisite dresses for graduation in kindergarten can be supplemented with appropriate accessories: gloves, jewelry, a small handbag. You can cover your shoulders with a stole or a light cape in the color of the dress, which is especially important if the holiday takes place on a cloudy day.

Don't forget to style your hair to match the chic dress. Carelessly pinned curls and a variety of hair weaves, intricate pigtails will be appropriate.

Despite the fact that the opinion of the girl is important, you do not need to completely and completely trust the choice of dress to the child. If you disagree with something, try to delicately make your own adjustments, persuading your daughter to not only be beautiful, but also practical, appropriate, and most importantly, a convenient option for her. Agree that a girl in a long tight-fitting dress with a slit on her leg or a bare back looks very ridiculous. But, unfortunately, such children's prom dresses are not uncommon in stores, and you can see them quite often in photos on the Internet.

And children usually like them more than others, because little girls want to be like their mother, to look older than they are. But it is better to give preference to a fluffy, not too long dress with several petticoats, in which the girl will be able to walk, dance and move freely. Do not forget that even a princess is, first of all, a child, she will not be able to calmly stand in one place.

It is also worth giving up cutouts, necklines, corsets and similar “adult things” that a little girl does not need at all. But a puffy dress with a multi-layered skirt, embroidered with beads, flowers, lace, ribbons will be very useful. Dark tones of the outfit are not recommended, they definitely will not suit the child. It is best to buy a dress of delicate turquoise, cream, blue, pink colors.


Chic prom dresses for little girls that turn them into fairy tale princesses look adorable, but they're definitely not practical. As experience shows, after presenting gifts, children quickly move on to dancing or outdoor games, for which puffy and long dresses are absolutely not suitable.

Much more practical are transforming dresses with removable parts. The base dress is usually sewn from a skin-friendly natural material, and frills, skirts, collars and all kinds of jewelry are attached to it from above.

When the official ceremony is over, the baby can get rid of the extra details of her evening dress in a short time, remaining in a practical and comfortable dress that does not restrict movement.

Of course, getting a prom dress for a girl that can be transformed into something more casual is quite difficult. These are rare for sale. But it is not so difficult to sew such a dress with your own hands or order it to be sewn, embodying any of your original ideas. As a basis, you can take any comfortable, but at the same time elegant dress, which can be additionally trimmed with embroidery, lace, and beads. You can complement the dress with fluffy skirts that are fixed with elastic bands. As a material, choose velvet, satin, guipure, lace or any other elegant fabrics. The waist of the little princess can be emphasized with a wide ribbon in the color of the outfit.

Little fashionistas, going to a holiday - graduation in kindergarten, want to be the very best and often have their own opinion on what their outfit should be like. But the task of the mother is to complain and help choose the right dress, as well as create an integral image of a very young lady.

In the life of every girl, sooner or later, an exciting moment comes when she has to say goodbye to kindergarten, to become a serious and responsible first-grader. Looking at the little princess, spinning in front of a mirror in an elegant dress, it is impossible to believe that just yesterday she was a stupid baby. And now she is waiting for calls and breaks, school notebooks and textbooks, new knowledge and impressions.

But first you need to say goodbye to educators, nannies and classmates. Graduation in kindergarten is the first important ball in the life of a child. Girls always look forward to this event and want to look great on this day. Therefore, the choice of dresses for graduation in kindergarten must be approached very responsibly.
The average age of a kindergarten graduate is six years old. At such a tender age, girls already have their own idea of ​​​​beauty. Ask your daughter for advice, find out what kind of holiday outfit she dreams of.

It is better to give preference to not too extravagant options, because your daughter is still just a child. The outfit should emphasize the childish charm of the baby, and not make her an adult serious lady. Let her remain a child even at such an important event.

Fashionable dresses for graduation in kindergarten 2017 photo stylish new items

Graduation ball in kindergarten is a responsible event. It symbolizes the end of one important stage in the life of a child and the beginning of a new one. It also entails a lot of trouble. Parents ask themselves the question: “what dresses for graduation in kindergarten are relevant today, and what costumes, what to wear for a boy and a girl.”

Let's focus on the girls today. What should be an elegant dress for a girl?
To begin with, it should be noted that the festive outfit should be beautiful, original and comfortable. Of course, today the bulk of the models of children's prom dresses are copied from adults. But, children cannot completely follow the trends of adult fashion. They have a completely different physique.

In order for the girl to feel comfortable in the purchased dress, her wishes must be taken into account when choosing it. Psychologists say that by the age of six or seven, a child already has a sense of taste. That is, the baby can decide on the color and style herself. And of course, before buying a dress you need to try it on. Only in this way will it be clear whether it sits well and looks good on a child's figure.

Children's dresses for graduation 2017 colors styles new photos

Modern prom dresses emphasize the taste and reveal the individuality of a little fashionista. The currently popular colors should be treated critically. What is important here is not fashion trends, but what the preschooler really wants, what she will be comfortable in. Designers of children's clothing recommend paying attention to the following color options:

Classic white. Someone calls it "wedding", but it emphasizes the innocence and youth of the little graduates. White dress looks best on dark-haired girls. Noble, elegant. These are cream, vanilla, peach, nude outfits. They look presentable, elegant and expensive. Ideal for graduates with dark hair.

Captivating red. This color will always highlight a little fashionista, it will look festive and extraordinary. Suitable for babies with dark and blond hair.

Deep blue. It looks noble and mysterious, emphasizing the beauty of blue eyes. The coloring is considered a symbol of good luck, and a dress of the right cut is the best choice for prom. Favorite pink. All girls have a caramel dream: they want to be princesses. Elegant dresses of various shades of pink look light, even weightless, and delicate.

Bright sun. Nothing better for graduation in kindergarten and do not need. Especially if your daughter is an energetic, cheerful and active girl. Royal solidity. We are talking about burgundy color, in which every little princess acquires the status of a queen. Do not forget about the rules for selecting shades for fair-haired and dark-haired.

Delicate green freshness. The main advantage of the color is that it distinguishes the girl from the vanilla-candy peers. Emerald and pale green outfits look very impressive, but it is better to refrain from swamp green or olive. Orange mood. If your daughter loves bright colors and has a cheerful nature, then the orange dress is made for her.

Heavenly beauty. The image of a pure young dreamer is easy to create. It is enough to choose blue or turquoise clothes made of shiny fabric. A fluffy dress is the best way to cope with this task. Stylish classic. Most mothers believe that black is not a place for a matinee in the garden. In fact, it looks incredibly elegant if the decor is right. A beaded collar, white lace or a red sash will spice up a formal little black dress.

Cheerful prints. We are talking about floral motifs that all girls will like. A festive ball in a preschool institution is held at the end of spring. And floral colors are relevant at this time of the year. In addition, prints are successfully combined with other textures and solid colors. The choice of the color of a children's dress for graduation also includes a careful selection of the material of the product.

Short dresses for girls for prom in the garden 2017 photo news

These festive dresses have long competed with ball gowns. Their main feature is practical length and cut-off waist line. At first glance, such clothes look casual, but some details can turn them into smart ones:
expensive fabric - silk, taffeta or satin; saturated, even juicy colors - dark pink, purple, turquoise, aqua; translucent chiffon skirts, high waistline with ribbon belt, frills, flounces or ruffles.

These dresses are very comfortable and practical. If you choose a color that is pleasing to the eye and make a beautiful hairstyle, then the girl will look very gentle and at the same time stylish.

Puffy dresses for girls with a garden for graduation 2017 photo styles new items

Festive outfits created by designers for little fashionistas are really worthy of real princesses: expensive materials, decorated with luxurious embroidery, fluffy skirts and exquisite decor. The most popular are graduation dresses for kindergarten, which combine two artistic elements. For example, a puffy skirt with a smooth color transition, made of tulle and a bodice decorated with fabric flowers or lace, will make a real princess out of a little girl.

Lace models are relevant not only for older sisters and mothers, young graduates will look like real ladies in such outfits. Original sophisticated models, decorated with a contrasting belt, will be a great option for a festive ball in kindergarten.

In 2017, a high waist with bright contrasting details in the form of a flower or a bow is in fashion. Also, fashion designers often complement dresses for little girls with “adult” details, such as scalloped embroidery, decorative elements decorated with rhinestones and layering. In their opinion, love for beauty and luxurious outfits should surround young fashionistas from early childhood.

Graduation is a special event in a child's life. And you can turn it into an unforgettable fairy tale. In a gorgeous elegant dress, your daughter will feel like a little princess. And her happy smile and shining eyes will be the best reward for you.

Any mother knows that clothes for a child should be of high quality and comfortable, including festive ones. A short dress for prom in a kindergarten for girls belongs to such outfits. The small length of the skirt will allow the little ones to have fun, take part in active games and competitions. And if you want the young charmer at the matinee to resemble princesses from her favorite fairy tales, there are styles of children's clothing that can easily transform into different models or combine two lengths at the same time.

A short dress for kindergarten graduation is distinguished by many styles, among which mothers can choose an interesting and at the same time original outfit for their daughters.

If the baby dreams of lush decoration, the sun cannot do without a prom dress with a fluffy skirt. Models from light flowing fabrics will be smooth folds around the girl's waist. If the volume does not seem enough, a mesh petticoat or dress styles with a multi-layered bottom will come to the rescue.

Short dress with full skirt

“Luxury cloud” - this is how you can call a short dress for a prom in a kindergarten with different layers. The bottom of such styles is sewn from a denser material, in a cut it resembles a straight dress with straps. The top layers consist of several sheer sheets of chiffon, tulle or gauze, which may differ in color or echo the base of the outfit. The airiness of the lightness of the canvases creates a kind of haze. It seems as if a small colored cloud enveloped the young graduate.

Fluffy short dress

Elegant and childishly cute holiday dresses are A-line dresses. Fitted style and optimal length, unpretentious cut, the absence of unnecessary bulky details will be a godsend at the prom for the "little fidget"

The beauty of a trapezoid dress is in no way inferior to even the most magnificent prom dress. It can be sparkly kindergarten prom dresses of short length, adorned with hundreds of sequins or other shimmery embellishments. Styles are suitable, sewn from satin, organza and metallized fabrics. Spectacular clothes will be models of elegant jacquard fabric, openwork lace. The beautiful and rich fabric of the dresses will free the mother from looking for additional accessories, as the material will become her main decoration.

Shiny prom dresses for girls

"Two in one"

A wonderful outfit for a prom in kindergarten can be a dress that is short in front and long in the back. It is also called a cascading dress, mallet, mullet, cancan. A skirt with a short length in front will not get under the baby's feet, and a long “tail” at the back, resembling a train, will add representativeness, “adulthood” to the outfit.

Cascading dress for graduation in kindergarten

A transformer dress for graduation in kindergarten with a detachable long skirt is another option for a “double” festive decoration for a girl. At the matinee, when the children will be under constant general attention, a long skirt will become an adornment for a little graduate. After the official celebration, it is easy to remove it, turning it into a comfortable short outfit.

Dress-transformer for graduation

Red, blue, blue - you choose any

The color of the prom dress is an important issue that must be discussed with your daughter in advance of the holiday. Find out what shade of dress, style she likes best and then choose the cherished outfit.

Short dresses for prom in kindergarten in rich and light warm colors will suit young brunettes. On girls with light curls, styles in soft colors will look beautiful.

Puffy prom dresses

Owners of sunny red curls will suit models in muted soft colors that will emphasize such a wonderful hair color. So that the outfit does not merge with the hairstyle of the graduates, red-brown clothes should also be avoided.

A beautiful pattern on a dress can be a real find for beautiful decoration for a short prom ball. Dresses with floral prints, children's dresses with polka dots are very popular. The ornament of contrasting lace, with embroidery, looks great on clothes.

Children's dress in a pattern

Original prom dress decor for young fashionistas

An unusual, memorable decor is the highlight of a children's outfit. For example, a large bow tied at the back at the girl's waist gives the dress a special charm. Flower appliqués, feather and fur details, small draperies transform clothes into fabulous outfits. Such beautiful dresses for kindergarten graduation will create vivid memories for everyone present and colorful photos for the graduate.

Beautiful prom dress with flowers

It's all about the accessories

In order for the dress to “play” in full force, one cannot do without spectacular additions. A beautiful hairpin, comb, headband with bows will decorate the hair of the lady. An elegant small hat made of lightweight materials will turn a girl into a little lady.

Gloves, elegant handbags, boleros, suitable shoes are important elements of the image of a kindergarten graduate. Elegant shoes can echo the color of the dress. Universal pairs that fit most clothes are models in silver or gold. Accessories can overlap in color with each other, differ from the color of the dress.

Whatever outfit you choose, a short dress for graduation in kindergarten or a long one, the main thing is that the girl likes it. Then a sea of ​​positive emotions, laughter and smiles will make this day one of the brightest in the life of a child and his parents.

Video: children's fancy dresses

The first exciting event in the life of every child is graduation in kindergarten. For a little girl, a graduation party from kindergarten is the first step into adulthood. Naturally, the baby's parents worry, worry and want their princess to be the most beautiful at the matinee. Mom carefully chooses a dress for her daughter for a prom in kindergarten. What styles, colors, models are best to choose, we will consider further.

What should mothers pay attention to?

A graduation dress for kindergarten should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable for a girl

Every mother wants to see her beloved girl in the most elegant, and for this reason they buy uncomfortable, too expensive, age-appropriate outfits. How to choose the right dresses for girls for graduation party for kindergarten:

  1. Psychologists say that by the age of five, a child is able to make an informed choice. Ask your daughter what dress she wants for the matinee. Go shopping together, let the girl choose what she likes. And you will only have to suggest which option will be more successful. At this age, girls like to copy their mother's behavior: they choose outfits, paint their lips, try on their mother's high heels. Therefore, they will definitely listen to the advice of the main beauty expert - their mother.
  2. In some kindergartens, thematic matinees are held at graduation. In this case, an outfit is selected that matches a specific theme.
  3. Some mothers buy chic dresses for girls not by age: models with bare shoulders, necklines, short skirts. Remember that the daughter is still a little girl, and the outfit should be appropriate for her age.
  4. Each girl has individual body features. This should be taken into account when choosing a prom dress so that evening dresses for girls of 6-7 years old will favorably emphasize the figure of your child.

Any girl wants to feel like a princess on a holiday. That is why little graduates often choose too lush long models with bare shoulders and a corset. The task of the mother is to find a compromise with her daughter so that the chosen puffy dress for a girl of 6-7 years old is not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

Dress transformer Fluffy dress Retro dress

Styles of prom dresses

When choosing beautiful dresses for a little princess for graduation in kindergarten, remember that she will move a lot at the matinee, so the style should not hamper her movements. This year, stylists are focusing on a simple A-line silhouette. On shows for adults this season, you can often find such styles. Choosing elegant dresses for girls 6-7 years old A-line style for graduation, you not only follow adult fashion. The child will be comfortable in such an outfit, while the girl will look elegant and stylish.

The styles of dresses for graduation in kindergarten surprise with their variety, so every girl will be able to choose the model she likes.

Puffy long dresses

Girls associate themselves with princesses, so they love lush long styles. Designers love to come up with elegant dresses for girls 6-7 years old for graduation, playing with details and coming up with interesting options for the yoke, hem, and bodice decorations.

Models with a high waist look advantageous. Often in such models, the emphasis is on the belt. It is decorated with embroidery, rhinestones, sequins or made in the form of a wide satin bow. The belt can be tied not only at the back, but also at the side and in front. Ball gowns for graduation in kindergarten are one of the most popular models.


Fashionable kindergarten prom dresses meet with an A-line silhouette. The little princess will look irresistible in this dress! A distinctive feature of the A-line cut: a narrow, straight skirt that expands towards the bottom. It is better to give preference to models up to the middle of the knee, so that it is convenient for little girls to move on a matinee.

Moms of plump girls are wondering what dress to choose for their daughters at graduation in kindergarten. Chubby girls model A-silhouette will be visually slimmer. The outfit does not fit the figure, and the girl is comfortable to move in it.

Babydoll style

Dresses for girls of this style are often worn for graduation in kindergarten. Usually in such outfits high waist, fluffy short skirt. The colors of the material are usually bright. To create festive models, designers use rhinestones, ribbons, beads, embroidery, and lace as decorations.

Advice to parents: choose models that are not overloaded with unnecessary details. Do not forget that your daughter is a kindergarten graduate, still a baby, and complex dresses on her will look at least strange. In addition, simple styles in the style of "baby dollars" will be relevant in everyday life.

Tulip style

Another popular model for kindergarten graduates. Distinctive features of the style: a simple top and a fluffy, voluminous skirt. The length of the model should reach the knees, otherwise it will be inconvenient for the girl to move around.

Retro outfit

At the peak of popularity in fashion now graduation dresses for kindergarten in retro style. Fitted models with fluffy skirts, polka dots or plaid, bright, multi-colored - they won the hearts of not only adult girls, but also little girls. The baby in such a stylish way will feel like a real lady. Also, if the kindergarten is having a retro prom, retro kids dresses will fit in nicely with the concept.

See also: How to organize a graduation in a kindergarten in the style of dudes?


Children's dresses with a train for kindergarten for prom are a great alternative to a floor-length dress. A short skirt in front and a long train in the back will give you a feeling of comfort, and at the same time will look like an evening dress. The hem of the model, which is part of the main skirt, can be decorated with rhinestones, embroidery, lace.

Transformer dresses

For little fashionistas, the main criterion when choosing an outfit is beauty, and for their mothers, convenience. How to find a compromise in this difficult issue? There is an option that both daughters and mothers will like - this is a children's transforming dress for graduation. On a short model, a long floor-length skirt is fastened with buttons, a secret zipper or small hooks. At the official part, the girl will look like a real princess in evening dress. And when competitions and dances begin, her dress will turn into a comfortable and stylish outfit.

family look

It is in fashion now to create the same images for the whole family. Photo shoots are often arranged in the same style, but why not choose the same dress for mom and daughter for graduation in kindergarten? You can order completely identical outfits, or pick up dresses that are similar in color.

Colors and shades

The color scheme for a festive attire pleases with its diversity.

Traditional colors for girls:

  • All shades of pink;
  • White;
  • mint green;
  • Beige;
  • Sand;
  • Delicate peach.

If a girl wants to look bright, choose the following shades:

  • Bright red;
  • Lilac;
  • Violet;
  • Yellow;
  • Orange;
  • Juicy green;
  • Emerald;
  • Blue.

Pay attention to the combination of contrasting colors and floral prints, polka dots, as well as multi-colored bows and butterflies, which create a floating effect on the material.

White color is associated with childish spontaneity, and it is also chosen to create formal dresses for the holidays. Often, a white dress for graduation in kindergarten is complemented with decorations: multi-colored lace, rhinestones, beads, beads.

Pink color is considered the most suitable for girls. Mothers from birth dress their little daughters in pink slips and swaddle in pink diapers. So at the prom, they dream of seeing grown-up daughters in pale pink outfits. If the girl shares with her mother the desire to purchase a pink outfit, you can choose any shade: from fuchsia to pale pink.

  1. Girls with dark hair are ideal for white, peach, sand models.
  2. A red dress will suit both dark-haired babies and little blondes.
  3. Intense burgundy color will make your girl a real queen.
  4. Active girls will suit bright, sunny colors: yellow, orange, carrot.
  5. For blue-eyed princesses, choose an outfit in blue colors. A blue dress for graduation in kindergarten will look very gentle and elegant.
  6. Pistachio, emerald, pale green - such colors are rarely found on graduation matinees in kindergartens. If you want to emphasize the uniqueness of your daughter, feel free to choose a green shade.
  7. Black is also rarely used to create prom dresses for girls. But if you complement a black dress with white lace inserts or a red satin ribbon, you can get a very extravagant outfit.

On a note! It is advisable to refrain from poisonous green, swamp and olive flowers.

What length to choose?

An important factor when choosing a prom dress is its length. From this will depend on how comfortable the baby will be at the holiday.

Long dress

Of course, beautiful floor-length dresses for girls will turn them into real princesses. But it is worth noting that a long skirt will create discomfort when moving. You should choose a comfortable model in which the baby will be comfortable, despite the length. When buying, let the girl move, walk, dance, so that you can understand whether it is convenient for her, or it is better to choose something else.

Short dress

Short dresses can also look festive and very stylish. When choosing outfits with a short skirt, the following nuances should be considered:

  • The model should be brightly colored, possibly with a multi-colored print;
  • You should choose models sewn only from high-quality fabrics;
  • Chiffon petticoats will make the model more magnificent and elegant;
  • The skirt should not be too short. The ideal length is to the knee.

What material is better to choose?

Graduation in kindergarten is held in the warm season, so the fabric of the outfit should be breathable and light. Pediatricians are advised to choose clothes for children made from natural fabrics such as linen, cotton, chintz, silk, cambric. Light dresses made of these materials do not interfere with air exchange, allow children's skin to breathe, and do not cause allergies. They are durable and low maintenance.

Important! Artificial fabrics can cause allergic reactions. In addition, they contribute to increased sweating, which can cause redness and even a rash on the child's skin.

Designers often use natural and artificial silk when creating models for little princesses. In such dresses, chiffon, tulle, satin and lace are perfectly combined.

Panne velvet prom outfits look great. The girl will exactly resemble the heroine from her favorite fairy tales.

Another win-win option is taffeta, which combines the luxury of silk and cotton comfort.

Some mothers opt for knitted patterns, and they do it for a reason. In such models, the lining is made of satin, tulle or chiffon, and the top is knitted. The dress is usually crocheted. The threads from which the outfit will be knitted must be natural (cotton) or semi-natural (50% acrylic). Such material will be pleasantly attached to the skin, creating a comfortable breathability. A knitted dress for a girl of 6-7 years old is a good option to stand out, while looking stylish and fashionable.

Knitted dresses are decorated with embroidery, beads, beads. Sequins are used very carefully, as they can scratch the girl's delicate skin.

current models

Recently, models of short children's prom dresses have come into fashion. Usually, a detachable waist is used to create everyday styles. But, if you use high-quality expensive material, complementing the outfit with jewelry, you get an ultra-modern outfit for prom in kindergarten.

The main model of this year is a dress with a high waist, decorated with a ribbon or bow. Stylists recommend decorating such models with scalloped embroidery, voluminous flowers, and beaded jewelry. Children's prom dresses 2018 can be layered, with a variety of color contrast.

Where to buy dresses for prom in kindergarten?

If you want an exclusive outfit for your daughter, you can sew it to order. There are also many manufacturers offering elegant children's clothing. By choosing trusted brands, you will be sure that the prom dress is made of quality materials and can last for some more time. The most famous brands of children's clothing that produce prom dresses for girls 6 years and older:

  1. Zara Baby;
  2. Benetton;
  3. garden baby;
  4. Mango Kids;
  5. next;
  6. mothercare;

Each little kindergarten graduate is beautiful in a special way. The task of parents is to do everything so that on this day she feels like a fairy princess. The first graduation should be remembered by the girl as the most unique day when she shone in her unique outfit.

An elegant collection of prom dresses for girls aged 6 - 7 years in the Pink Boutique online store. The catalog contains designer outfits of different colors and styles. Pick up a festive dress for prom in kindergarten for a girl. Available in options and sizes for ages 6, 7!

In the catalog of the Pink Boutique online store you can choose an exquisite dress for graduation in a kindergarten for a girl. Romantic straight or ball gown with a fluffy skirt? Flirty short or elegant long? Whichever option you prefer, it is sure to be found in our fashion collection. The store stocks outfits from reputable brands such as Trinity Bride, Prestige, Baby Steen, Barcarola, Lila Style, Piccino Bellino, Perlitta, etc.

The right choice of elegant prom dress for kindergarten

What should parents pay attention to when choosing a wedding dress?

  • Silhouette. Fragile girls are perfect for a lush ballroom style, and plump babies are better off choosing an empire silhouette with a high waist.
  • Length. The dream of every girl is a long royal dress with a train. Such outfits will be appropriate for ceremonial receptions and performances. But if the holiday involves active games, it is better to choose a shortened model that does not restrict movement.
  • Color. The most popular shades of elegant prom dresses for kindergarten are light pastel. If a girl wants to stand out, you can prefer bright saturated colors - red, blue, yellow. Dark shades are also very suitable for many girls, but they should be chosen with care.
  • Decor. Volumetric applications, lace inserts, beaded embellishments, bows, embroidery and ruffles will add a special charm to the image.

In the Pink Boutique store you can order beautiful children's dresses for graduation in the kindergarten, as well as original sets of a skirt and top, complemented by stylish accessories (hat, handbag, etc.) Branded clothing is delivered throughout Russia, and buyers from Moscow can Additionally, count on a free sample.