Bracelets how to weave from threads. How to properly fasten the threads for weaving baubles. How to make a bracelet from threads

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and charms. A connoisseur of ancient Slavic symbols. Has extensive experience in the selection of individual amulets. He independently charges amulets and consults the readers of our resource for free.

Articles written

A charm bracelet is one of the magical attributes that can protect and provide a person with prosperity, love and everything that is so necessary for a normal life. The amulet made of threads of different colors on the hand does not surprise anyone at all. More and more often you meet people with a red thread of wool and you already understand that he diligently protects himself from the evil eye and damage and attracts good luck.

In general, gradually the threads are found in our life more and more often. Moreover, the owners prefer to weave such a charm and tie the strings on their own (again, for stronger protection from the evil eye).

This is what our ancestors did. After all, thread amulets appeared on the territory of the future Kievan Rus long after the appearance of Christ.

Amulets and bracelets made of thread on a wrist with a protective purpose enter our life, and prove their superiority over other devices of protection from dark forces. For example, everyone has forgotten a woven bauble - a talisman invented by the Rusyns from threads. Then the well-forgotten one, and the hippie who had already appeared in the arms.

Today, every fifth child can make a charm of threads or beads with his own hands. And this fact pleases. For we are returning to our roots.

More specifically about the threads on the hands

Before you make a bracelet or amulet from woolen threads, with or without the addition of beads, you should understand their purpose. Why are they needed and why they have magical powers.

Thread, as a talisman on the wrist, began to be used much later than dresses and clothing made of fabric appeared in general. Its first purpose was to protect a woman from unpleasant sensations after childbirth and to save the life of the baby who was born. It was used for such things. Further, it turned into amulets that were worn on the hand, and the thread acquired another meaning - protection from damage, the evil eye and envy. The color was also red.

With each decade, the threads on the wrist acquired new types and shapes. Patterns, beads, new signs were added to them. Now such a talisman (thread) attracts money, fame, love, recognition, and even endows with magical powers. You need to weave the charms yourself or ask someone you really trust.

Nowadays, the amulet can be made in any color. The wrist amulet is made of threads or small beads. You can create any shape, pick up different patterns (weaving according to the scheme). The meaning and power remain the same. Only it is worthwhile to approach the creation of a masterpiece wisely, and not as it will fall on the soul. After all, it is not the shape, thickness and width that plays a role, but the color of the thread. You should not make amulets with a combination that is inappropriate in meaning. Almost any such amulet will protect you from the evil eye, regardless of color and weaving.

So, creating bracelets to attract love, amulets made of woolen threads should not combine black or green with red.

The first option will attract feelings, but the owner will remain lonely after them. The second case is love of convenience. Of course, the second option attracts young girls who want to live in wealth and luxury, but here the rule immediately pops up: a bead or bauble amulet should not be used for evil. And a marriage of convenience is just such, and it will not be possible to attract a rich groom with the threads.

What rules need to be followed

If the amulet of wool is torn, then you should think about it. Especially if the amulet was done by hand. This should speak about something and prompt its owner. But what does the wearing rules say about such a case?

There are rules for creation and use. Therefore, let's start in order: how to make a thread amulet correctly (using weaving), and tie the strings so as not to harm yourself:

  1. You need to weave the bracelet with your own hands. In rare cases, entrust an already proven person who will not harm the future bearer of the amulet.
  2. You need only natural fiber threads to make a real amulet. No artificial inclusions. Best made from wool, yarn or floss.
  3. Decide what color you will tinker with and choose suitable schemes. To weave correctly, find out the meaning of the flowers. The threads on the hand (wrist) can attract everything you want if you choose the right combination
  4. Do-it-yourself talismans or bracelets should be made in one day and only for the growing moon.

Now let's move on to the rules of wearing.

  1. Firstly, baubles are not just for men or women. Amulets of this format, and in addition, woven with their own hands, help literally everyone and do not choose an owner for themselves. This is positive energy for everyone.
  2. Secondly, the red woolen thread on the hand is a talisman that protects only from envy and anger, but no more. You shouldn't attribute other abilities to him.
  3. Thirdly, the thicker and denser the amulet on the wrist is woven from the threads, the longer it will last.

And the last, provided that the colors of the amulet thread are selected correctly, and the thickness is acceptable, but it still broke, then there are only two reasons:

  • not used for good;
  • lost its protective functions.

In both cases, tying and putting on your hand is not worth it. It will tear again soon. Better to create a new talisman. There is only one unanswered question left: "On which hand do they wear a talisman or bracelet-nauz?" Much depends on the desire of the person. When it comes to feelings, then, of course, on the left hand. Everything else (wealth, fame, magic) on the right wrist.

How to choose a color combination

A green thread on the wrist or a thread of a different color, but without combinations, always carries a good purpose for a talisman. The only color that should be treated with caution is a black thread, as well as a leather bracelet made by hand, and not by machine. The Slavs attributed such amulets only to sorcerers and witches. The black color helped them master the practices and make their power powerful.

Noticing a bracelet made of such threads on the wrist, the ancestors bypassed the wearer.

But if the Slavic amulets made of thread were worn on the hand, and it was possible to notice the witch, then from Greece came the nauz, which was worn on the ankle or worn on the ankle. Black woolen thread in the understanding of the Greeks was a kind of restraint of rage, suppressed a cruel character, helped to curb oneself. Since we still belong to the Slavic peoples, it is worth listening to the advice of our ancestors and trying to avoid making a talisman for ourselves from such threads on the wrist.

Well, if you consider the options for do-it-yourself multi-colored Slavic bracelets, where is there a ribbon or thick thread?

White with red - will help to avoid injury and other damage to the integrity of the skin and bones. Suitable for the military, athletes, firefighters and miners. In other words, those who constantly face danger.

White with black - for the acquisition of wisdom. An excellent charm for pupils, students and scientists. Suitable for archaeologists, architects.

Black thread with red is a dangerous combination for the common man. But for a practicing magician, an excellent energy-saving amulet that will not only preserve, but also increase the strength and energy of its owner.

Which option is suitable for people who have their own business? Of course, a blue thread intertwined with a red one. Such an amulet not only protects, but also gives confidence. This quality is important for people who make important decisions several times a day.

For artists, teachers, and speakers, the combination of green and blue will come in handy. Popularity, fame, success - all this and much more will be achieved by the owner of the blue-green talisman. This color combination will definitely bring good luck.

If you want to buy a little of everything, then a pigtail made of colored threads would be the best option. The amulet with many colors brings bright moments, fun and positive to a person's life. Even one black thread woven into it will not become a threat, but, on the contrary, will help to become balanced and more reasonable. And also avoid unpleasant people.

How to Make Thread Bracelets Your Own: Weaving Friendship Bracelets, Macrame 5 Photos and Videos

Weaving bracelets
Thread bracelets have become mega popular today. Such a bracelet is worn not one by one, but in whole rows in several copies. On the hands, such bracelets look very stylish and fashionable. Well, today we propose to make such a bracelet with our own hands. Look at the photo and video, choose the bracelet you like and start learning. Everything you may need (depending on the type): floss threads, beads, chain, button, golden nuts, ring, scissors and duct tape. Good luck!

Interesting: do-it-yourself necklace, we make fur headphones.

How to make a bracelet from threads

You will need: floss threads or lacing, large beads, scissors and a button.

Measure the required number of threads so that we get a cut that folded in half will be equal to: 1st side 66 cm, 2nd 48 cm.Then, we fold it in half (see photo). You should have 3 identical strands and 1 short strand.

At the very top, retreating about 1.5 cm, we make a knot. Cut off the short 4th thread.

Start braiding. Weave 2.5 cm and thread the beads into the left strand.

We weave further and thread the beads onto the right strand.

Again, left-blank-right. Here's what you should get.

Weave it on our wrist. At the end, we also just weave about 2.5 cm (as at the beginning). We make a knot.

We thread a button at one end, two threads into each hole. We tie a knot.

Cut off the excess threads. We made such a beautiful bracelet made of threads and beads with our own hands.

Oh, here's how they look in different colors.

And on the hand. Very stylish. Is not it?

Macrame bracelet

To weave a macrame bracelet, you need: 3.5 m of fine colored lacing, a flat ring, an embroidery needle, scissors, tape.

Cut the lacing into sections: 2 x 70 cm, 2 x 50 cm and one 25 cm. Fold the 50 cm section in half and remove the loop on the ring. Also repeat on the other side of the ring (see photo).

We take a 70 cm cut, fold it in half and make an air loop, wrapping it around our 50 cm cut. We throw the left side of the 70 cm cut onto the right side and thread it inward as shown in the figure on the right.

Pull out all the way and slide the resulting knot tight, all the way to the top.

Now we make an air loop on the other side. This time we throw in the right side from above.

Make a tight knot again. Continue weaving macrame: left, right, left, right, etc., until you need the length of your wrist.

At the end of weaving, insert the needle in turn from one side and the other and pull through 2-3 knots as shown in the photo.

Cut off excess threads.

Now take the remaining piece of 25 cm and pass it through the extreme strands on both sides, tie as shown in the photo.

We begin to weave macrame as in the beginning: left, right, left, etc.

Having made 5-6 rows, we also sew them with a needle.

We make knots on both sides and cut off. If the last steps seem difficult for you, you can simply weave macrame around the entire perimeter of the bracelet.

Your original macrame bracelet is ready.

DIY beaded bracelet

For such a bracelet with beads, you need: leather cord, colored lacing, beads connected together, a nut.

Fold the leather cord in half to make a loop that fits the nut as it will be the fastener. Start wrapping the leather cord with colored lacing (6-7 times).

Place the beads along the string and continue to wrap the lacing around each bead.

Continue wrapping while measuring the length along your wrist.

At the end, make 5-6 more loops and tie a knot with leather lacing, grabbing the loops with it.

Thread the nut and make the knot again, securing it.

Cut off excess threads.

You can make a whole bunch of such simple bracelets.

On the hands, they look very nice and modern.

How to make a friendship bracelet
Another mega popular bracelet is a friendship bracelet, which is woven from colored floss threads.

They are exactly what you need.

Take a pair of 6 colored threads. We tie them into a knot, leaving an extra 5 cm. For the convenience of weaving the bracelet, fix its upper part with tape.

As in the picture: we tie together 2 extreme threads: red and orange.

Pull up and to the right to tighten securely. Important: we make double knots! Now do the same with each color (i.e. red with all colors until it is at the extreme on the other side).

Repeat the same with opposite threads.

When both red threads are in the middle, tie them and pull them to the base (also twice).

We repeat the weaving to the end. Receive a charming rainbow friendship bracelet. You can braid it at the end.

Here, they are our beautiful)))

Isn't it lovely?

Weaving bracelets from threads and chains

All you need is colored threads, a thick bracelet chain, scissors, invisible ones.

Divide the threads by color into two thick strands. We grab them with the help of invisible ones and begin to carry them through the links of the chain.

We carry out the first strand and let it go under the other. We also draw the second strand and, again, let it go down.

We repeat the steps to the end and get a chic braided bracelet.

Oh-oh-very stylish)))

DIY bracelets video

Baubles, or, as they are also called, friendship bracelets came into the world at the suggestion of hippies. Children of flowers put a global meaning in their baubles - in addition to the idea “all people are brothers” and its confirmation with these bracelets by the color of the baubles, one could learn about a person, if not everything, then a lot. For example, the combination of yellow, orange and blue colors told that a person is keen on esotericism and spiritual development. However, gradually the sacred meaning of the baubles disappeared, and they became a simple decoration for the "free in spirit" people.

Weaving baubles is not only fun, but also useful: working with your hands, plus the ability to create and create, plus repetitive actions - all this not only improves mood, but also helps to relax and move away from everyday activities. For beginners, this effect is possible when weaving simple baubles with repeated repetition of actions. To weave your first bauble you will need:
  • 7 threads (floss or iris, 100-120cm each);
  • scissors;
  • duct tape, tape or safety pin.

  1. Arrange the threads in the order in which the colors will go. It is best to take contrasting bright threads - all the knots will be clearly visible on them. Tie an ordinary knot and secure the bauble with duct tape (on hard surfaces), tape (keep in mind that it can stick to and tear threads), or safety pins (good for outdoor conditions).

  2. Take the two leftmost strands and place the leftmost red thread on the right light thread from left to right.

  3. Pass the end of the thread from bottom to top into the loop formed. Tighten the knot by pulling the red thread up.

  4. The knot should be double, that is, you need to tie it on the same threads twice. The red thread after tying should be on the right.

  5. Tie the second red thread with a red thread in the same way as in the first paragraphs. In a row, these will be the second and third threads from the left. In the same way, continue to tie this thread around the entire row - in the end, it will be on the far right.

  6. So, the red thread turned out to be on the right, we go back to the left edge. Take the two strands on the far left again. Now there is a light thread on the left - and she needs to tie the second row. Put the light thread on top of the red thread from left to right, and thread it through the loop from bottom to top.

  7. Tighten the knot by pulling on the light-colored thread. In the first photo - a regular knot, in the second - a double one. Feel the difference: after tying the second knot, the thread is automatically on the right.

  8. Braid the row with a light thread and leave it to the right.

  9. By analogy, continue to weave the bauble until its length is equal to the length of the wrist, or about 17-20 cm.

  10. When the bracelet reaches the desired length, braid the remaining braids from the bottom and secure with a knot. Do the same on the other side, having previously untied the fixing knot.

  11. Trim off excess ends. You can admire your creation!

Before you start weaving baubles out of threads, remember: weaving baubles is very inspiring, and it is almost impossible to stop weaving forever. Many people say that during weaving, their breathing becomes smoother, thoughts spontaneously fold out on the shelves, and uniform knots in the rows increase their mood. The person who is given fenku also feels very happy. Therefore, weave, improve your skills, give baubles to your loved ones, and maybe over time the world will really become a little brighter and better.

A bauble or bracelet is an adornment made of various materials: leather, threads, beads and simple cords. Someone considers them a decor, others prefer to call them a symbol of friendship. How to weave baubles if you've never done it? You just need to decide on the type and materials used and follow our recommendations step by step. We will analyze all possible options so that you do not have any questions.

Weave in the form of a pigtail

Try a four-rope pigtail first:

  • In this case, two central threads are taken: the left one is superimposed on the right side, and the right one on the left. As a result, the two extreme threads are in the center.
  • We continue weaving to the desired length.

In a similar way, a bauble is woven from an even number of ropes. When using an odd number, the extreme ones alternately crisscross in the center, as is the case with three. With a little practice, the pigtail forms especially quickly.

There are also more complex ways, when the extreme threads are intertwined around one central one.

Oblique weaving

Once you understand the basic principles of knot formation, you will quickly figure out all the techniques. First of all, oblique weaving is used. To do this, the rows are performed either from left to right or from right to left. The designations on the diagrams indicate which node should be in a given location. Beads are strung on the fishing line in accordance with the color indicated in the diagram.

If you wish, you can make a pattern in the form of arrows or a zigzag. We will talk about them below.


In most cases, such decorations are woven using ribbons or cords. The ribbons should be narrow, but you can experiment if you want. A bauble made of leather cords in two contrasting colors looks spectacular.

There is nothing complicated in this technique. Watch the video tutorial and follow the instructions of the wizard. In a couple of knots, you will understand the principle, and the work will go much faster.


Try to weave not only two-tone bracelets, but also multi-colored ones - you just need to change the pattern.

  • To do this, draw dots on the paper and paint over them with a specific color.
  • Measure your wrist - this will be the length of the product.
  • The width depends on your imagination.

If using tape, use 2-3-4 colors. But the most spectacular bracelets are made of beads. Take absolutely any pattern as a basis, and each piece will be unique.

Try a simple diagram first. Use. You need to start with a strip of beads strung on a fishing line. Then work according to the scheme.

Once the length is sufficient, make a clasp. Use a hook or special locks. If desired, weave a long bracelet and don it without undoing. Remember to solder the ends of the line to prevent the braided fabric from unraveling.

With names

Jewelry with names will look especially attractive. They are presented as a gift or symbol of friendship. To create a pattern, you will need several colors, but even with two colors of the material, you get a beautiful commemorative bracelet.

In addition to beads, prepare a lighter or matches, fishing line, scissors, pliers (if you have a clasp). Start weaving according to the classic pattern above. Use a stencil to create the letters. To make it convenient, draw a diagram on paper and knit along it.

The bracelets can be wide, and then not only the name will fit on them, but also other words and signs that are important to you.

Personalized products are not necessarily woven from beads. Check out the video tutorial that details how to create letters from threads.

Main nodes

For the convenience of knitting, remember the main knots. To do this, use our master class.

You will need:

  • spool of thread or skein
  • clip or pin
  • pillow
  • tailor's meter
  • Prepare pieces with a length of 40-50 centimeters. Connect them and tie them in a knot. Insert a pin into it.
  • Next, you need to fix the pin on the pillow with a needle. Lay out the threads one by one or in the sequence you need, according to the pattern.
  • We braid the working knot, creating a loop. You need to stretch the same working one into it and tighten it.
  • Repeat the process and you will have a double knot. Next, you need to swap the threads. The loops should be consistent and tight.
  • As a result, the first thread became the second. We use it as a knot, and the third as a working one. We continue until the first becomes the last.
  • Once the ring is the desired length, finish off with a regular pigtail and secure the two ends with knots.
  • You can cut off the excess ends.

With rhinestones and stones

This workshop will help you create a rhinestone bauble. For beginners, we recommend a simple option.

  • Take a needle, nylon threads and rhinestones.
  • Start from the lock and sew in the middle or along the edges with stitches, stringing rhinestones, beads or beads on the front side.

A spike is fastened in a similar way if it has screws.

  • With the help of an awl, the element is tightly pierced and fixed.

Tip: please note that the threads should not be broken, but moved apart with an awl so that the product does not unravel.

If skill allows, add rhinestones.

  • In the process of work, simply weave the elements into the canvas, and knit with any chosen method that you have already mastered.
  • Make sure that the position of the rhinestones is the same, and then the bracelet will turn out to be perfectly symmetrical.

With chain

If you already have a bauble or even a bookmark for a book, using this technique you will update it by adding a chain. Agree, this decor looks good in the photo.

For work, take a floss, a needle, and scissors.

  • We take the threads and insert them into the needle. First, baubles need to tie a knot.
  • Over the edge, we begin to sew our chain tightly.
  • Please note that the stitches must be the same length as the distance between the chain links.
  • We continue to work until the end of the bracelet.
  • All that remains is to trim off the excess and enjoy the new decoration.

From satin ribbons

In this workshop, you will learn how to weave baubles from ribbons. Follow these steps in sequence:

  • Take two ribbons and tie them together.
  • Line one end in a loop or loop.
  • We also fold the next end in the form of a loop and thread it into the previous turn.
  • We tighten the loop of the first tape.
  • We make the next turn and insert the previous one into it, also tightening it.
  • We continue until the desired length is reached.

Use different colors of ribbons to make you look attractive, and then you have a cute strap.

From thread floss

Floss products are very diverse. It will not be easy for beginners to understand the technique, but by trying a couple of knots on simple threads, you will master this technique too. It is only required to follow the weaving pattern.

Except for floss, where cotton and nylon are used. It is more slippery and a little easier for beginners to weave. But the knots require a stronger binding, because if they are careless they unravel.

  • Pick the colors you want. To create unique jewelry, you will need a set of floss.
  • Secure the desired amount of threads with a clamp and a paper clip.
  • Follow the instructions for the video tutorial.

Macrame style

The nodes used in macrame will help to create a special pattern. Already from the photographs it is clear that these are openwork products that simply cannot be created using floss or ribbons.

They are woven from nylon threads. You will need them 5. Use a ruler to measure 2 pieces of 80 centimeters, 2 pieces of 55 centimeters and one piece no more than 25 centimeters long. You will also need a ring.

  • Secure the medium lengths to the ring. To do this, fold them in half and insert them into the ring, creating a loop. You need to thread the ends into it and tighten it. Such a mount will be reliable and immovable.
  • Next, a piece of 80 centimeters long is taken and folded in half.
  • We put it under the two central ones.
  • We will weave using the long ends.

To get started, practice on simple nodes as follows:

With an image

For experienced craftswomen, we recommend trying the patterned technique. She practically does not despair of the above: it can be knots of threads or patterns of beads. The picture needs to be converted into a diagram with a picture, phrase or logo.

  • Create the desired length of the product.
  • Next, use the clasp of your choice. For narrow baubles, hooks are suitable, for wide ones you will need to purchase a clasp.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to make additional holes in it, which must be drilled with a thin drill.
  • If this is too complicated a process, sew on a button and make a buttonhole at the other end.

With nuts

Even more unusual items are used when creating jewelry: nuts.

  • Look again at the description of the pigtail technique.
  • When creating weaves, simply thread the thread through the hole in the nut and continue working.
  • Decide for yourself where the nuts will be located: on both sides of the bracelet or only on one.

How to make a friendship necklace

Baubles are a symbol of friendship. Why not create a necklace in the same way? You can use any of the following techniques. To make a necklace from threads, floss, beads, with nuts and chains - it all depends on your desire!

What the baubles "talk about"

Baubles are not only a symbol of friendship and affection. They cannot be sold, but only gifted. It is generally accepted that they fulfill a wish: you need to make it when weaving the third knot, and it will certainly come true.

It is believed that the presence of two identical baubles in people indicates their sympathy for each other. The owners of white bracelets strive for freedom, and red ones for love. While tying them on your hand, make a wish, after a while it will come true.

If the bauble is untied or torn, perhaps your friendship with the person who gave it will soon come to an end.

Today we offer you to make fashionable bracelets with your own hands.

Thread bracelets have become mega popular today. Such a bracelet is worn not one by one, but in whole rows in several copies. On the hands, such bracelets look very stylish and fashionable. Well, today we propose to make such a bracelet with our own hands. Look at the photo and video, choose the bracelet you like and start learning. Everything you may need (depending on the type): floss threads, beads, chain, button, golden nuts, ring, scissors and duct tape. Good luck!

Weaving bracelets

How to make a bracelet from threads

You will need: floss threads or lacing, large beads, scissors and a button.

Measure the required number of threads so that we get a cut that folded in half will be equal to: 1st side 66 cm, 2nd 48 cm.Then, we fold it in half (see photo). You should have 3 identical strands and 1 short strand.

At the very top, retreating about 1.5 cm, we make a knot. Cut off the short 4th thread.

Start braiding. Weave 2.5 cm and thread the beads into the left strand.

Again, left-blank-right. Here's what you should get.

Weave it on our wrist. At the end, we also just weave about 2.5 cm (as at the beginning). We make a knot.

We thread a button at one end, two threads into each hole. We tie a knot.

Cut off the excess threads. We made such a beautiful bracelet made of threads and beads with our own hands.

Oh, here's how they look in different colors.

And on the hand. Very stylish. Is not it?

Macrame bracelet

To weave a macrame bracelet, you need: 3.5 m of fine colored lacing, a flat ring, an embroidery needle, scissors, tape.

Cut the lacing into sections: 2 x 70 cm, 2 x 50 cm and one 25 cm. Fold the 50 cm section in half and remove the loop on the ring. Also repeat on the other side of the ring (see photo).

We take a 70 cm cut, fold it in half and make an air loop, wrapping it around our 50 cm cut. We throw the left side of the 70 cm cut onto the right side and thread it inward as shown in the figure on the right.

Pull out all the way and slide the resulting knot tight, all the way to the top.

Now we make an air loop on the other side. This time we throw in the right side from above.

Make a tight knot again. Continue weaving macrame: left, right, left, right, etc., until you need the length of your wrist.

At the end of weaving, insert the needle in turn from one side and the other and pull through 2-3 knots as shown in the photo.

Cut off excess threads.

Now take the remaining piece of 25 cm and pass it through the extreme strands on both sides, tie as shown in the photo.

We begin to weave macrame as in the beginning: left, right, left, etc.

Having made 5-6 rows, we also sew them with a needle.

We make knots on both sides and cut off. If the last steps seem difficult for you, you can simply weave macrame around the entire perimeter of the bracelet.

Your original macrame bracelet is ready.

DIY beaded bracelet

For such a bracelet with beads, you need: leather cord, colored lacing, beads connected together, a nut.

Fold the leather cord in half to make a loop that fits the nut as it will be the fastener. Start wrapping the leather cord with colored lacing (6-7 times).

Place the beads along the string and continue to wrap the lacing around each bead.

Continue wrapping while measuring the length along your wrist.

At the end, make 5-6 more loops and tie a knot with leather lacing, grabbing the loops with it.

Thread the nut and make the knot again, securing it.

Cut off excess threads.

You can make a whole bunch of such simple bracelets.

On the hands, they look very nice and modern.

How to make a friendship bracelet

Another mega popular bracelet is a friendship bracelet, which is woven from colored floss threads.

They are exactly what you need.

Take a pair of 6 colored threads. We tie them into a knot, leaving an extra 5 cm. For the convenience of weaving the bracelet, fix its upper part with tape.

As in the picture: we tie together 2 extreme threads: red and orange.

Pull up and to the right to tighten securely. Important: we make double knots! Now do the same with each color (i.e. red with all colors until it is at the extreme on the other side).

Repeat the same with opposite threads.

When both red threads are in the middle, tie them and pull them to the base (also twice).

We repeat the weaving to the end. Receive a charming rainbow friendship bracelet. You can braid it at the end.

Here, they are our beautiful)))

Isn't it lovely?

Weaving bracelets from threads and chains

All you need is colored threads, a thick bracelet chain, scissors, invisible ones.

Divide the threads by color into two thick strands. We grab them with the help of invisible ones and begin to carry them through the links of the chain.

We carry out the first strand and let it go under the other. We also draw the second strand and, again, let it go down.

We repeat the steps to the end and get a chic braided bracelet.

Oh-oh-very stylish)))

DIY bracelets video

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