Day of self-government by parents in the dow. Project “Government Day in Kindergarten. Project activity product

In modern conditions, the task of modernizing preschool education is to develop dialogue partnerships in the "kindergarten - family" system, aimed at the active inclusion of parents (legal representatives) in the life of the kindergarten. Only in close cooperation, on mutual understanding of teachers and parents, high results can be achieved.

Some parents believe and openly declare that the upbringing and education of children should

engage in kindergarten, that is, at the end of kindergarten, get fully

child prepared for school. Other parents passively watch the work

kindergarten. Still others want to take an active part in educational -

educational process, but they do not have time for this. And only some parents

actively interact with the kindergarten.

The GEF DO states that work with parents should have a differentiated approach, take into account the social status, family microclimate, parental requests and the degree of interest of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution, increasing the culture of pedagogical literacy of the family. The transition to new forms of relations between parents and teachers will make the pedagogical process freer and more flexible. The use of non-traditional forms of work with parents of kindergarten students contributes to more effective interaction between teachers and parents, their professional rapprochement.

"Asterisk"), it was decided to hold a "Day of parental self-government". Days like these

have become a traditional event held annually in our preschool educational institution.

The day of parental self-government is an opportunity to see and experience the life of a kindergarten from the inside, try yourself as a teacher or assistant teacher, communicate with your child in an unusual environment.

The purpose of the event was the development of co-creative processes in the parent-child team and the creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities.

From 9 to 12 October educators Druzyakina E.V., Shepeleva Yu.A. were at their workplaces, but at the same time they were only observers of what was happening. Official duties were assigned these days to the mother of Vova Stasevich (Tatiana Pavlovna), the grandmother of Vlad Azarenkov (...), the mother of Dasha Popova (...).

To prepare for the “Government Day”, the following


    the provision of the event was developed;

    participants of the educational process are prepared;

    parents are familiarized with the activities of teachers;

    individual meetings were held with parents on educational activities;

    distributed roles between parents;

    parents-participants were briefed on the protection of life and health of children, on safety, fire safety rules.

The event showed that:

    the ideas of parents about the professional activities of the employees of the preschool educational institution expanded, an understanding of the importance of this profession and respect for the work of the educator was formed;

    strengthened partnerships between the kindergarten and parents;

    the pedagogical culture of parents has increased (they have an idea about the features of child developmental psychology, they have elementary knowledge of how to organize children's free time);

    there was a rapprochement and unification of teachers with parents on the issues of raising children.

At the end of every day : our pupils were healthy, fed, organized, happy from every interesting day spent in kindergarten.

And this means that the Day of parental self-government was a success!

Educators: Druzyakina E.V., Shepeleva Yu.A.

That's how it was!

Any pedagogical system without the participation of parents will not be viable. It is important to find a form of communication with parents in which mutual understanding and mutual assistance in solving problems of upbringing and development are possible. In the practice of kindergarten No. 1 "Firefly", a variety of interesting forms of interaction with parents are used.

A new effective form of partnership with the family has become Self-Government Day in kindergarten, when parents take on the role of educators. For kindergarten, this is already a good tradition. Moms and dads like the idea - every time they get down to business with great enthusiasm.

Parents are given the opportunity to take part in the organization, and then independently conduct continuous educational activities, regime moments (morning exercises, walks, meals, etc.).

Together with the teacher, a summary is drawn up, the necessary attributes and materials are prepared. The teacher gives recommendations on the use of various methods and techniques for the selected regime moment.

And now everything is ready. For parents, the moment of truth is coming: what does it feel like to be a caregiver? What are their children like outside the home?

Dear parents!

we declare the day of self-government!!!

We invite parents to become educators!

Involving parents in the educational process in preschool educational institutions through an innovative form.


    To improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

    To expand the ideas of parents about the professional activities of employees of preschool educational institutions.

    Strengthen partnerships between preschool and parents.

    Prepare the participating parents for Self-Government Day - provide information on educational activities, give recommendations on the use of various methods and techniques for holding regime moments, classes, walks.

    Involve children of middle, senior, preparatory groups to participate in the event "Government Day".

Participants: teachers, parents, children.
Distribution of duties:
teachers- preparation of participants for the Self-Government Day (introduces parents to the daily routine, a complex of morning exercises, the organization of GCD and regime moments, joint activities (didactic and outdoor games).
Parents- conduct a morning reception, morning exercises, routine moments, a walk, didactic and outdoor games, continuous educational activities, cultural practices in the afternoon.
Children- participate in the events "Day of self-government".

To prepare for the "Government Day" organize events:
- to prepare the participants of the educational process;
- to acquaint parents with the activities of teachers;
- hold individual meetings with parents on educational activities;
- allocate roles between parents;
- instruct parents-participants on the protection of life and health of children, on safety, fire safety rules;
- draw up an action plan where parents will distribute their responsibilities to participate in a variety of sensitive moments.

Holding a "Day of Self-Government".
From the beginning of the working day, educators - understudies (parents of pupils of middle, senior, preparatory groups) are actively involved in pedagogical activities. Parents have a unique opportunity to visit the place of the teacher and look at the life of the kindergarten "from the inside".

Municipal state preschool educational institution of the Krasnozersky district of the Novosibirsk region Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 5

Self-government week project

"One day as an educator"

senior educator

r.p. Krasnozerskoe 2016.

Explanatory note: the changes taking place in society entail changes in the work of preschool institutions. Kindergarten today is a complex organism, striving for development, looking for new opportunities, creating the necessary conditions to meet the needs of the child, family, society, providing conditions for creative, professional work of teachers, meeting the most modern requirements.

The federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation" states that parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality. In this regard, the position of the kindergarten in working with the family is also changing.

At the present stage, other relationships between the family and the educational institution are required, which should be determined by cooperation and trust. .

The interaction of teachers and parents allows you to get to know the child better, look at him from different perspectives, see him in different situations, and, therefore, help in understanding his individual characteristics, developing abilities, and forming valuable life orientations. However, we note with regret that parents do not always pay due attention to creating favorable conditions for the development of the personality of their children, many of them are not yet ready for closer interaction with teachers of educational institutions. But often the family and the kindergarten do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in the child's nutrition, they believe that a kindergarten is a place where they only look after children while their parents are at work.

To establish unity, it is necessary that parents clearly understand what a kindergarten is, how the life of children is organized in it, what tasks are solved by educators, what children do during the day, what requirements are placed on their behavior.

In order for parents to become active assistants and like-minded educators, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten, keep them constantly informed of all events.

Hypothesis - with the emergence of a new innovative form of interaction with parents, the level of their enlightenment in the upbringing, education and development of their children will increase, and it will provide an opportunity to involve parents in the life of a kindergarten. This form of work allows you to most fully reveal the content of the teacher's activities, clearly show innovative forms, methods and techniques of working with children, help parents understand the need for cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.

Target: Comprehensive development of parents through pedagogical education using innovative forms of cooperation with the families of pupils, prevention of violations in parent-child relationships.


    To improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

    To expand the ideas of parents about the professional activities of employees of preschool educational institutions.

    Strengthen partnerships between preschool and parents.

    Teachers prepare parents-participants for Self-Government Day - provide information about GCD, give recommendations on the use of various methods and techniques for holding the selected regime moment, classes, walks.

    Involve parents in the activities of the project "One day as an educator".

Members: teachers, parents, children.

Project implementation period: 04.04.2016 – 29.04.2016 .

Project type: social.

Target group:

Teachers - preparation of participants for Self-Government Day (familiarization of parents with the daily routine, a complex of morning exercises, with the organization of GCD and regime moments, with joint activities (didactic and outdoor games), participate in a seminar - workshop, general parent conference preschool educational institution.

Parents - conduct a morning reception, morning exercises, routine moments, a walk, didactic and outdoor games. Participate in a workshop, a general parent conference of the preschool educational institution.

Children - participate in activities within the framework of the self-government day project in the preschool educational institution "One day as an educator".



the date


Meeting of the Council of the preschool educational institution MKDOU Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 5


Stepovoy A.A. chairman of the council

    Development of instructions for the job responsibilities of the parent - educator on the day of self-government in MKDOU Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 5, instructions for protecting the life and health of children, for TB, PPB;

From 04/05/2016 to 04/07/2016

Lyamtseva E.P. head of the preschool educational institution,

Drogovoz O.A. senior educator

    Drawing up an action plan, preparation for the event;

From 08.04.2016 to 12.04. 2016

Drogovoz Olga Aleksandrovna senior teacher,

    workshop for parents "Immersion in the role of educator"


Drogovoz O.A. senior educator



the date



Creative team meeting:

  1. Distribution of duties of the educator between parents;

    Familiarization with instructions for the job duties of the parent - educator (understudy) on the day of self-government in MKDOU Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 5, instructions for protecting the life and health of children, for TB, PPB;


Drogovoz O.A. head of the creative group, creative group of parents and teachers


Preparation of memos on the daily routine for parents

May 15, 2016

Group tutors


Individual counseling for parents

Throughout the period


Carrying out the day of self-government in groups according to the schedule.

From 04/19/2016 to 04/21/2016

Drogovoz Olga Alexandrovna senior educator, teachers of the preschool educational institution

Conducting the day of self-government according to the schedule:

April 19, 2016 mixed-age group of early age from 1.6 to 3 years;

April 20, 2016 mixed age group from 3 to 5 years;

April 21, 2016 mixed age group from 4 to 6 years;

April 20, 2016 mixed age group from 5 to 7 years old

From the beginning of the working day, educators - doubles (parents of pupils of 4 groups of different ages) should be actively involved in pedagogical activities according to the assigned time:

1 shift: from 08.00 to 09.30 - morning reception of children, organization for joint activities, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, games.

2nd shift: from 09.30 to 11.00 hours - organized educational activities, second breakfast (in different age groups from 1.6 to 3 years old and from 3 to 5 years old, the play activity of the teacher with children, preparation for a walk, the beginning of a walk is included at this time).

3rd shift: from 11.00 to 12.30 o'clock - in groups of different ages 2nd part of the walk, returning from a walk, preparation for dinner, lunch, preparation for sleep, sleep. In different age groups from 4 to 6 years old and from 5 to 7 years old - preparation for a walk. Walk, return from a walk, lunch.

4th shift: from 15.00 to 16.30 - getting up, gymnastics after sleep, extensive washing (hardening activities), preparation for an afternoon snack, afternoon tea, joint and individual work of a teacher with children, games



the date



Questioning of parents "Your opinion about the Day of self-government"


Drogovoz O.A.,

preschool teachers


Demonstration of the photo-presentation "One day as a teacher"


Group tutors


Release of the book of reviews "One day as an educator"

from 22.04. to 26.04 2016

Drogovoz Olga Aleksandrovna senior teacher


General parent conference“Self-government week or is it easy to be a second mother?”


Lyamtseva E.P.; Drogovoz O.A

creative group of parents and teachers

Results of work:

    In the course of the work carried out, the parents' ideas about the professional activities of the preschool teacher expanded, an understanding of the importance of this profession and respect for the work of the teacher was formed.

    Strengthened partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.

    The pedagogical culture of parents has increased (they have an idea about the features of child developmental psychology, they have elementary knowledge of how to organize children's free time).

    Teachers became close and united with parents on the issues of raising children, became their reliable assistants.

    Children, despite the presence of their parents, behaved actively, performed all tasks with pleasure.

Application No. 1


Board of preschool educational institution MKDOU

Krasnozersky kindergarten №5


kindergarten №5

Order No. _____

"____" _________________2016


about the day of parental self-government in

MKDOU Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 5

"Government Day" - a new innovative form of interaction with parents, which allows to increase their level of enlightenment in the upbringing, education and development of their children, which makes it possible to involve parents in the life of a kindergarten, contributing to an increase in the status and positive image of a preschool institution, teaching staff.

1. General provisions

1.1. This provision was developed in accordance with the Charter of the preschool educational institution, the educational program of the preschool educational institution, the order "On the Day of Self-Government".

1.2. The regulation regulates the activities of the teaching staff and parents in the framework of the Self-Government Day.

1.3. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training, instructions on labor protection, a medical examination and have no contraindications for health reasons are allowed to participate in the Self-Government Day.

2. Purpose and objectives

2.1. Purpose: to use active forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in solving the problems of the development of children.

2.2. Tasks:

    Involving parents to participate in the educational process of the preschool educational institution;

    Improving the pedagogical culture of parents;

    Expansion of parents' ideas about the professional activities of the preschool educational institution;

    Formation of the traditions of preschool educational institutions;

    Strengthening partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.

3. Participants

Teachers, parents and children take part in the Self-Government Day.

4. Procedure

Self-Government Day is carried out through the implementation of project activities in four stages.


A decision is being discussed and made to hold the Day of Self-Government at the Council of the Preschool Educational Establishment, an organizational and methodological meeting of teachers.


    Preparation of documents for the Day of Self-Government.

    The distribution of roles between parents, familiarizing them with the functional responsibility of the educator.

    Briefing of participating parents on the protection of life and health of children, TB and RSP.

    Determination of the activities of teachers during the Day of Self-Government.


Carrying out the Day of self-government in accordance with the plan of educational work for 4 days in the following order:

April 19, 2016 mixed age group of early age from 1.6 to 3 years;


Analysis and summing up the results of the Self-Government Day project “One day as an educator” of the general parent conference

1. Parents who have a positive clearance in the medical book are involved in the project;

2. The organization of events is carried out in all age groups of preschool children;

3. During the Self-Government Day, preschool teachers are at their workplaces, but they only play the role of observers.

Application №2


Board of preschool educational institution MKDOU

Krasnozersky kindergarten №5

Protocol No. ___ dated "____" _________ 2016


Head of MKDOU Krasnozersky

kindergarten №5

E.P. Lyamtseva

Order No. _____

"____" _________________2016

Job Responsibilities

Parent - educator (understudy) on the day of self-government in MKDOU Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 5

General position

On the day of self-government, the parent of the MKDOU of the Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 5 on a voluntary basis has the right to temporarily fulfill the duties of a teacher, in accordance with the provisionsabout the Day of parental self-government in MKDOU Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 5. A parent who voluntarily agrees to play the role of an educator undertakes:

1. Implement:

Activities for the upbringing, education and development of pupils, ensuring the implementation of the general educational program in accordance with the calendar plan on the day of self-government in the group

Careful supervision of the children entrusted to him in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions for protecting the life and health of children in the premises of the organization, on the playground

Creating favorable conditions for the individual development and moral formation of the personality of pupils, promoting the growth of their cognitive motivation and the development of abilities in various forms of organizing children's activities;

Interaction with parents (legal representatives) during the morning reception and departure of children home

2. Organize:

The vital activity of pupils, a variety of gaming activities, independent and joint activities of children and adults to master the calendar plan of a group of different ages on the day of self-government during regime moments in accordance with the internal regulations of the group's life;

Direct educational activities in accordance with the calendar plan in contact with the junior educator

Equipping the developing object-spatial environment of the group;

3. Provide:

Implementation of instructions for protecting the life and health of children in kindergarten;

Implementation of the calendar plan in accordance with the age characteristics of children

Individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child;

4. Owns pedagogical tactics and effectively applies in practice during the temporary performance of the duties of an educator.


Before each child, the norm of nutrition laid down for him during feeding;

Information to each parent about the achievements of the child during the day in a friendly manner;

Information from the administration of the preschool educational institution about absent children, finds out the reason for their absence;

6. Show restraint and pedagogical tact in dealing with children, their parents and colleagues.

7. Come to your shift 10 minutes before the start of the working day. Hand over the shift personally to the second teacher, transfer the children strictly according to the list.

8. Maintain order at your workplace, in group rooms

9. Observe:

The rights and freedoms of pupils contained in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Rules and norms of labor protection and fire protection, sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements;

10. Provide:

Strict implementation of the established regime of the day and the schedule of directly organized activities;

Protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process, namely:

Know the location of the first aid kit in the group room with a set of necessary medicines and dressings for first aid in case of injuries.

The parent who plays the role of an educator (understudy) is obliged to comply with fire safety rules, know the location of the primary fire extinguishing equipment and the directions of evacuation in case of fire.

In case of an accident, immediately inform the administration of the institution.

In the process of fulfilling the role of an educator, observe the rules of personal hygiene, keep the workplace clean.

When organizing GCD, breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, make sure that the tables in the group room are correctly arranged according to the scheme for seating children at the tables, monitor the seating of children according to the markings.

GCD duration: for children of different ages from 1.6 to 3 years - no more than 8-10 minutes, for children of different ages from 3 to 5 years 15 - 20 minutes, for children of different ages from 4 to 6 years 20 - 25 minutes. , for children of different age groups from 5 to 7 years old 25 - 30 min. In the middle of classes, it is necessary to conduct a physical education minute. Breaks between classes should be at least 10 minutes.

Outdoor walks for children should be carried out in the morning and evening according to the daily routine and schedule. Before the walk, the parent acting as the educator should examine the walking area. Do not leave children unattended while walking. When children are rolling down the hill, the parent-educator (understudy) is nearby.

During meals, make sure that children use cutlery correctly. Tableware when serving food to children should not have cracks and chips.

In the event of a fire, immediately evacuate the children from the building, report the fire to the administration of the institution and the nearest fire station and proceed to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing equipment.

In case of injury, immediately provide first aid to the victim, inform the administration of the institution, if necessary, send the victim to a medical institution.

Familiarized by:_______________________________ ______________ "__" ________________ 2016

Nomination "Pedagogical project in a preschool institution"

The involvement of parents in the educational work of the kindergarten is necessary, first of all, for children. Children with love and gratitude look at their parents, who know so much, know, who reveal themselves from a completely different side than at home.

This project was very important for everyone: for me as a group teacher, for parents and for children. "Educators" from among the parents
I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the educational environment, to feel the importance and responsibility of the pedagogical process and to look from the inside at the activities of teachers and all kindergarten staff.

They were able to observe their child, see how he behaves in the children's team, what relationships he has with other children. Such a connection between the kindergarten and the family benefits the children, and turns parents into the first assistants of the educator.


Project name:"The day of self-government as an innovative form of interaction between the preschool teacher and the parents of pupils"

Project type:practice oriented.

Project type: medium term.

Project completion time:December 2015 - January 2016

Project Manager:Danilova Anna Mikhailovna, teacher.

Project participants:The teacher Danilova Anna Mikhailovna, andphysical culture instructor Kudryavtseva Elena Konstantinovna, rparents and children of the middle group "Ladybugs".

Location:MBDOU No. 6 "Firefly", the city of Gadzhiyevo.

Objective of the project:Pedagogical education of parents with their involvement in the educational process in preschool educational institutions through innovative forms of work.

Project objectives:

  • to involve parents in participation in the educational process in the preschool;
  • contribute to the improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents;
  • to expand the ideas of parents about the pedagogical activities of employees of preschool educational institutions;
  • to form the traditions of pre-school education;
  • strengthen partnerships between ECE and parents.

Expected results:

  • an active position of parents to participate in the educational process of preschool educational institutions will be formed;
  • the pedagogical culture of parents will increase;
  • parents' ideas about the pedagogical activities of preschool staff will expand;
  • teachers, parents, children will take part in the formation of new traditions in preschool;
  • closer relations will be established between ECE and parents.

Ensuring project activities:

  1. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ
  2. Federal state educational standard for preschool education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013, No. 1155
  3. The educational program of preschool education MBDOU No. 6 "Firefly", developed taking into account the exemplary educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" (edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva), adopted at the meeting Pedagogical Council (minutes No. 1 dated September 29, 2015), approved by Order of the Head No. 138 dated September 29, 2015.

Stage 1 is preparatory.

  • Conduct a survey among the parents of the pupils of the group on the topic “Is it easy to be a teacher?”
  • Create an initiative group among the parents participating in the project.
  • Determine the date for the conduct of Self-Government Day in the middle group "Ladybugs".
  • To acquaint the participating parents with the calendar and thematic planning for the chosen date of the Self-Government Day.
  • Assign roles to participating parents.
  • Plan the organization of the activities of the educator and instructor in physical education.
  • To acquaint the participating parents with the instructions for protecting the life and health of children.

Stage 2 - main

The stage implies holding the Day of Self-Government in accordance with the plan of the educational process.

Stage 3 - final

  • Publication on the DOO website
  • Creation of the book "Self-Government Day"
  • Summing up the results of the project.

Project activity product

  • on the DOO website;
  • creation of the book "The Day of Self-Government".

Project Implementation Schedule

Form of organization


Questionnaire for parents "Is it easy to be a teacher?"

Educator, parents

Creation of an initiative group among the participating parents and selection of the date for the Self-Government Day

Educator, parents: Shishmintseva G.S.,
Gushchina E.I.
Kosarikova S.V.
Pankova A. D.
Kolesova T.G.
Dukhnivskaya O.A.

Familiarization of the parents-participants with the calendar-thematic planning for 01/20/2015

Distribution of roles among the parents of the participants:

  • Reception of children, morning exercises, breakfast, conversation about wintering birds - Shishmintseva G.S.
  • Conducting GCD to get acquainted with the outside world, topic: “A flock of bullfinches” - Kolesova T.S.
  • Conducting GCD on physical culture-Gushchina E.I.
  • Walk, lunch, -Kosarikova S.V.
  • Invigorating gymnastics, afternoon snack - Pankova A.D.
  • Outdoor games, dinner-Dukhnivskaya O.A.

Educator, members of the initiative group

Individual consultations with each participant of the Self-Government Day on holding regime moments, organizing GCD.

The presence of parents during educational activities with children.

Mini-council with the participants of the Self-government Day, briefing on the protection of life and health of children.

Educator, physical education instructor, members of the initiative group

Celebrating Self-Government Day

  • Reception of children, morning exercises, breakfast, conversation about wintering birds - Shishmintseva G.S.
  • Conducting GCD to get acquainted with the outside world, topic: “A flock of bullfinches” - Kolesova T.S.
  • Conducting GCD on physical culture-Gushchina E.I.
  • Walk, lunch, -Kosarikova S.V.
  • Invigorating gymnastics, afternoon snack - Pankova A.D.
  • Outdoor games, dinner-Dukhnivskaya O.A.

Educator, physical education instructor, members of the initiative group, children of the middle group "Ladybugs"

Summing up: reviews, wishes, future prospects.

Head of MBDOU No. 6 "Firefly", educator, physical education instructor, members of the initiative group, children

Publication on the DOW website


Creation of the book "Self-Government Day"



This project was very important for everyone: for me as a group educator, for parents and for children. "Educators" from among the parents had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the educational environment, to feel the importance and responsibility of the pedagogical process and to look from the inside at the activities of teachers and all kindergarten staff. They were able to observe their child, see how he behaves in the children's team, what kind of relationships he develops with other children. Such a connection between the kindergarten and the family is beneficial, especially for children, and turns parents into first assistants.

Appendix 1

Dear parents!

We encourage you to answer the questions in this survey. The information obtained will help to implement various forms of cooperation between your family and the preschool institution.

Thank you for your cooperation!

1. Surname, name and age of the child.

2. Who answers the questionnaire (father, mother)?

4. What do you find most difficult in the work of a teacher?

5. What qualities should a teacher have?

6. Do you consider it necessary to organize joint activities in kindergarten?

8. What forms of kindergarten work with parents do you know?

9. Would you like to try yourself as an educator and take part in the Self-Government Day?

10. What type of activity would you like to carry out?

11. What help do you need to prepare?

Appendix 2Analysis of the questionnaire "Is it easy to be a teacher?"

The survey involved 19 people, 3 dads and 16 moms.

To the question “What do they consider the most difficult in the work of a teacher?” the majority of the interviewed parents consider the preparation for and implementation of daily classes as the most difficult, as well as the organization of a large number of children,

To the question “What qualities should a teacher have?” almost everyone has the same answers - to be friendly to children, caring, responsive, ready to listen to the child, parents, love their profession, help with advice in the upbringing and development of the child.

To the question “Do you think it is necessary to take joint activities in kindergarten?”, All the interviewed parents answered “Yes”.

To the question “What forms of kindergarten work with parents do you know?”, the answers were: parent meetings; questioning; conversations; project activity; trainings; interest clubs; open classes, etc.

To the question “Would you like to try yourself as an educator and take part in Self-Government Day?”, Most parents answered that they want to try.

To the question “What kind of activity would you like to carry out?” parents chose lighter activities, such as exercising, walking, physical education.

To the question “What help do you need in preparation?” The parents' answers were individual consultations with teachers, a mini-council with the participants of the Self-Government Day.

Based on the results of the survey, the following conclusions were made:

Parents are interested and ready to participate in the proposed form of work - holding the Self-Government Day in the group.

Appendix 3Carrying out morning exercisesShishmintseva Galina Sergeevna)

Game complex "Journey through the sea-ocean"

Introductory part:"Let's go to the pier."
Walking in a circle (back and forth, on the spot), cross step, back to front, on toes, on heels, in a bearish way (on the outside of the foot). Changing the type of walking at the signal of a tambourine or a clap of hands. Light running (can be on the spot)

"Where is the ship?"
I.P.: main stance, hands on the belt, look forward.

1 - turning the head to the right.
2 - return to I.P.
3 - head turn to the left.
4 - return to I.P.
Repeat: 3 times in each direction.

2. "Luggage"

1 - Clench your hands into fists.
2 - raise both hands to the sides.
3 - put your hands down.
4 - return to I.P.
Repeat: 4 times.

3. "Mast"

IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.
1-2 - left hand on the belt; tilt to the left; the right hand goes up.
3-4 - right hand on the belt; tilt to the right; the left hand goes up.
Repeat: 4-5 times.

4. "Up-down"

IP: sitting on the floor, arms bent, resting on the elbows.
1 - raise both legs up.
2 - return to i. P.

Appendix 4Carrying out GCD to get acquainted with the outside world (Kolesova Tatyana Gennadievna)

Subject: A flock of bullfinches on rowan branches.

Target: Expand children's ideas about the diversity of birds.

Tasks: To teach children to highlight the characteristic features of a bullfinch, to recognize them; To form a desire to observe the birds arriving at the site and feed them;Develop interest in the life of wintering birds;Cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds.

Material: Painting depicting birds: a sparrow and a bullfinch. A picture of a bullfinch for each child. Sheets of paper, paint: brown and red. Napkin, cotton swabs, a jar of water.

Lesson progress

caregiver: Guys, I will make a riddle, and you listen carefully and guess the riddle:

Let me be a small bird
My friends, I have a habit -
When the cold starts
Directly from the north here.

Who is it guys? ( Bullfinch).

caregiver: Correctly. This is a snowman. Children, we often watched the birds flying to the site. What birds did you see in the kindergarten area? (Children's answers).

caregiver: Today we will talk about another amazingly beautiful bird. She rarely flies to our site, but it is impossible not to notice her. Look at the picture, what birds do you see?

Yes, these are sparrows and bullfinches. The bullfinch can be recognized by its bright coloration, the breast of male bullfinches is bright red, and that of females is dark gray. Bullfinches are very friendly birds, so they fly most often in a flock. What do you think a flock is?

A flock is many birds that fly together. People noticed: a flock of bullfinches will fly in, which means that the first snow will fall soon. In winter, bullfinches approach human habitation, so you can watch them. Bullfinches jump on the ground in short jumps.

Yes, bullfinches feed on the seeds of various herbs, trees, and shrubs. Bullfinches are very fond of rowan berries. The bullfinch does not eat the pulp of the berries, but only takes out the grains from the berries, so a lot of pulp from the berries is often scattered around the mountain ash.

2. Now, I will distribute to all of you a picture of a bullfinch. What do you think, what do bullfinches eat? (Children's answers).

caregiver: Let's feed the bullfinches with rowan - draw a lot of rowan berries.

First, you will carefully look at how to draw a mountain ash. Let's start drawing a rowan branch in the air from the left side to the right, then draw twigs. And then, let's start drawing round, red beautiful berries. And now, dip the brush in brown paint, then draw a rowan branch, rinse the brush in water and draw red paint into the brush, draw rowan berries. And now, everyone, start drawing on pieces of paper, for whom it will be difficult, I will come and help.

Physical education minute

The birds have flown
They waved their wings. (2 times)
Sat and sat
They flew further.

3. Now, there are more rowan berries, and bullfinches can eat them. If you are attentive, you can see and watch the bullfinches in the yard, in the kindergarten area, at home from the window of these beautiful red-breasted birds. If you ever see these birds, you will never forget the beauty of these birds.

Summary of the lesson

Educator: Did you enjoy the lesson? How about drawing rowan berries? Was it difficult to draw a rowan branch? What birds did we talk about in class? Can you recognize these birds if you see them? Well done, everyone in the drawings turned out very beautifully, like real rowan berries. The lesson is over.

Appendix 5Conducting a game-class in physical culture (Gushchina Ekaterina Igorevna)

One, two, three, four, five -
We're going camping again.
And so it pulls us to freedom
Seek adventure.
Only the weak, friends,
You can't go on our trip.
You first practice
Run and compete.
Look at us all
We are athletes - the highest class!
1. We start the warm-up before the hike!

We walk in a circle: on toes, on heels, "like a bear." Waves with arms, rotation of the head, squatting, jumping.

2. Now the first halt. We will do some exercises to test your strength and endurance.

Tilts to the side, forward, backward. We stand on one leg, holding our breath. Sitting stretch to the socks (legs together, straight). Raise your legs to 30 degrees, leaning on your hands.

3. Now we are training to overcome various obstacles.

  • crawl across a bridge over a mountain river (we crawl on a bench on our stomach, helping only with our hands)
  • overcome the winding path (jumping over the rope on the right and left)
  • walk along a narrow mountain road (walk along the bench with a side step)
  • disguise themselves as spiders (we walk on our hands and feet)
  • disguise yourself as poisonous frogs (we jump from a sitting position).

4. Now we will split into 2 teams to find out which team is stronger and faster.

Jumping with the ball between the legs. The first one launches the ball between the legs of the rest of the team. The last one catches and runs forward to launch the ball.

It turns out that all the children here are strong and brave! You can go camping with these guys! Well done, and now you need to go to the group to eat the tourist's breakfast!

Appendix 6Doing gymnastics after sleepPankova Anna Dmitrievna)

in cribs

1. AND. p .: Sitting, cross your legs in Turkish. From above, with the finger of the right hand, show the trajectory of her movement, follow with her eyes.The first drop fell - drop!

Do the same with the other hand.
And the second came running - cap!

2. I.p.: the same. Look up with your eyes without raising your head.

We looked at the sky
Droplets "drip-drip" sang,
Wet faces.

3. I.p.: the same. Wipe your face with your hands, stand up.

We wiped them off.

Near the beds

4. I.p.: about. with. Show hands, look down.

Shoes, look, they are wet.

5. I.p.: o.s. Raise and lower your shoulders.

Let's move our shoulders together
And shake off all the drops.

6. I.p.: o.s. Run in place. Repeat 3-4 times

We run from the rain.

7 . I.p.: o.s. Squats.

Let's sit under a bush.

Breathing exercise

8. « frog". I.P. - main stand. Imagine how the frog makes fast, sharp jumps. Sit down slightly, sigh, push off and make a jump with both legs moving forward. As you exhale, pronounce “K-v-ah-ah-ah” lingeringly.

Walking on the path "Health"

Appendix 7Conducting outdoor games with children (Dukhnivskaya Olga Alexandrovna)

Children stand in a circle and hold hands. While the music is playing, they move in a circle. When the music stops, the adult calls someone's name (Julia). Then all the children, letting go of their hands, run to Yulia and stand around her in a tight circle, since Yulia is a magnet. Then the game restarts.
Every child should be a magnet.

"Affectionate Paws"
An adult picks up 6-7 small items of various textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is invited to bare his arm to the elbow. The adult explains that the “animal” will walk on the hand and touch it with gentle paws. It is necessary to guess with closed eyes which "animal" touched the hand - to guess the object. Touches should be stroking, pleasant.
Variant of the game: the "animal" will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can switch places with your child.

"Wonderful bag"
Children are invited to consider small toys, which they then put in a bag. Children alternately feel one of the toys in the bag, call it, and then take it out and show the toy to all members of the group.
The task can be complicated by inviting the children to get a certain toy; or first recall and name a toy, and then find it and get it.

"Humpty Dumpty"
Children stand in a circle at arm's length from each other and turn the body to the right and left. At the same time, the arms dangle freely along the body. Adult says:
Humpty Dumpty hung on the wall
Humpty Dumpty collapsed in his sleep.
Children fall on the carpet.

The exercise is repeated several times. An adult makes sure that the children are in a relaxed position.

"Annoying Fly"
Imagine that you are lying on the beach, the sun warms you, you do not want to move. Suddenly a fly flew in and sat on the forehead. To chase away a fly, move your eyebrows. Fly swirling around the eyes - blink them. Flew to the cheek, then to the other - move your lips, puff out your cheeks. Sitting on your chin - move your jaw, etc.

"Fist - palm - rib"
On command, the children put the palms of both hands on the table, clench them into fists, put them on edge. The pace and sequence of hand positions change. Then the adult confuses the children: with his own hands he shows one thing, and says another. Children should listen carefully and not make mistakes.

"Chants - whispers - silences"
From multi-colored cardboard, you need to make three silhouettes of the palm: red, yellow, blue. These are signals. When an adult raises a red palm, a “chant”, you can run, scream, make a lot of noise; yellow palm, "whisper", means that you can move quietly and whisper; the blue palm, “silent”, encourages children to freeze in place or lie on the floor and not move. End the game should be "silent".

The book "Day of self-government in the preschool educational institution"


Not always the family and the kindergarten have enough mutual understanding, patience to hear and understand each other. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in the child's nutrition, they believe that a kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while their parents are at work.
To establish unity, it is necessary that parents clearly understand what a kindergarten is, how the life of children is organized in it, what tasks are solved by educators, what children do during the day, what requirements are placed on their behavior.
In order for parents to become active assistants and like-minded educators, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten.
On September 27, on the Day of the Preschool Worker, we decided to organize a "Day of parental self-government" in our garden in preparatory groups.

When a new innovative form of interaction with parents was born, as a day of self-government, we thought about how the level of parental enlightenment in the upbringing, education and development of their children would increase, and would provide an opportunity to involve parents in the life of a kindergarten. This form of work allows you to most fully reveal the content of the teacher's activities, clearly show the forms, methods and techniques of working with children, help parents understand the need for cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.

To prepare for the "Government Day", the following work was organized:
– participants of the educational process are prepared;
- Parents are familiar with the activities of teachers;
– individual meetings were held with parents on educational activities;
- Distributed roles between parents;
– parents were instructed on the protection of the life and health of children, on safety, fire safety rules;
- an action plan was drawn up, where parents distributed their responsibilities to participate in various regime moments.

Holding a "Day of Self-Government".
At the beginning of the working day, educators - understudies (parents of pupils in our groups) were actively involved in pedagogical activities. At first glance, everything was as always: exercises, educational activities, a walk. But! All these regime moments were carried out not by teachers, but by parents. Parents had a unique opportunity to visit the place of the teacher and look at the life of the kindergarten "from the inside":
1. Conduct a morning reception of children.
2. Do morning exercises.
3. Carry out educational activities in sensitive moments.
4. Get creative in organizing GCD.
5. Skillfully organize a walk with children.

From call of educators of the preparatory group "Fidgets"

September 27, 2017 in our group "Fidgets" was "Day of Self-Government", leisure time for the Day of the educator "Journey into the world of a preschool worker". On this day, we decided to involve parents who willingly agreed to participate in our event. Parents coped, it was interesting to watch them. Children are just great! When the understudies found it difficult, the children took the initiative into their own hands and helped them. Despite the presence of parents, the children were active, they performed all the tasks with pleasure, their emotional state was at the highest level. Parents took an active part during the whole working day, strictly observing regime moments.

From 07.00 hours, two parents played the “role” of educators, organized a morning reception for children, conducted morning exercises with musical accompaniment (they chose the compositions themselves) in the gym.

Parents conducted GCD on FEMP using methodological aids and workbooks. We completed interesting mathematical tasks, used a physical minute and finger gymnastics.

Parents accompanied the children to the hall for a music lesson, where they also took an active part.

Parents organized an afternoon walk with many outdoor and word games.

Feedback from the teachers of the preparatory group "Luchiki"

September 27, 2017 in our group "Luchiki" was "Day of Self-Government", leisure time for the Day of the educator "Journey into the world of a preschool worker". On this day, we decided to involve parents who willingly agreed to participate in our event. Parents coped, it was interesting to watch them. The children really liked everything that happened, they received a lot of positive emotions. The children especially remembered the morning exercises in the style of "Disco", construction on the theme of "Humpty Dumpty", outdoor games for a walk. Parents and children showed themselves very actively, watching with interest what was happening. We hope that this event will become a tradition in our kindergarten.

Morning exercises in the style of "Disco"

Conducting GCD - development of speech on the topic "My favorite fairy tales"

Construction on the theme "Humpty Dumpty"


This day was remembered and brought great joy to children, parents and teachers. The children reacted with curiosity and attention to the appearance of "new" educators, obeyed and took part in new games and entertainment with pleasure. Teachers became close and united with parents on the issues of raising children, became their reliable assistants. Each child asked his mother to come the next day in the "role" of a teacher, parents with desire and enthusiasm want to participate in such events. We hope that such days will become a tradition of our kindergarten.