Twentieth week of pregnancy: “Mom, sing me a song! Development of your child

You are on the 20th week of pregnancy, which means that half of the difficult and responsible path has already been passed. Your tummy is already noticeable, and there are still 20 weeks of growth and development ahead, in anticipation of the long-awaited and desired meeting with the baby, who more and more often reminds of himself with light movements.

At the 20th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is already completely getting used to the idea that a little baby is developing inside her and very soon a little baby will be born. Now is the time to make a mandatory study on an ultrasound machine and undergo a course of necessary examinations. The belly at the 20th week of pregnancy is rounded and becomes more visible, so it is less and less possible to hide your position.

The end of the fifth month is just the 20th week. During this period, colostrum begins to stand out from the mammary glands of a pregnant woman, as evidence that the female body is preparing to feed the child. It is not necessary to squeeze it out specially, you just need to wipe the liquid with a napkin.

The weight of the pregnant woman also changes in the direction of increase. However, this is a very individual indicator, since some women gain no more than 5 kilograms throughout their pregnancy, while others recover by as much as 15 kg, which is also the norm.

At the 5th month, weight gain averages from 3 to 5 kg. Every week, a woman's weight gain should be up to 500 g, while continuing to adhere to a proper balanced diet.

An increase in overall weight, as well as a possible strain on the kidneys, can provoke the appearance of edema in the legs, arms and face. This is a temporary symptom, after childbirth everything falls into place again. In case of manifestations of edema, you should immediately notify your doctor.

Like every new trimester, the 20th week of pregnancy manifests itself in its own way and gives new sensations. During this period, the woman's appetite increases significantly, toxicosis and periodic pain pass. As a result, the mood and general psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother improves. It is known that positive emotions are beneficial, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of going to a museum, cinema, exhibition or cafe.

You can learn more about how ideally the 20th week of pregnancy should go by watching this video.

Feelings of a woman at 20 weeks pregnant

In just two weeks, a baby with fully formed internal organs will be able to survive outside of your body. He already hears and sees, swallows and reacts to the sudden movements of the mother.

At the 20th week of pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases and rises above the pubis by 12 cm. The growing uterus can provoke heartburn, constipation or shortness of breath. These symptoms disappear after childbirth. So that the uterus does not press down on the veins, in the 5th month you need to get used to sleeping on your side, but not on your back.

In parallel with the uterus, the belly grows and is located at the level of the navel. How it looks at the 20th week of pregnancy can be seen in the photo.

Stretch marks also begin to appear, and to combat them, it is recommended to use special creams and gels, which are sold in pharmacies and any cosmetic stores. With a frequency of 1 or 2 times a day, it is necessary to apply the mixture with massage movements on the abdomen, chest and thighs. You can also use almond or olive oil.

Starting from this period, false contractions, that is, periodic uterine contractions, will increasingly appear. These are natural manifestations that should not cause concern, because in this way the uterus is preparing for childbirth.

At a period of 20 weeks of pregnancy, it is important to know what is happening to the female body, and what symptoms are characteristic. For example, when you feel prolonged tremors from the baby, this may signal that he does not have enough oxygen. Take a walk in the park and get some fresh air to help your child calm down. The baby moves his legs and arms, pushes off the walls of the uterus and reacts in every possible way to the touch of his hands. Characteristic and normal for the 20th week of pregnancy are vaginal discharge of a grayish-milky hue. Their uniform consistency has a sour smell.

But the reason for going to the doctor will be the appearance of yellow or green discharge with a heterogeneous texture. Negative manifestations of this nature may indicate infectious diseases that are subject to immediate treatment. However, the most dangerous for the life and health of the unborn baby can be discharge of a brown tint with blood impurities, accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen and lower back. These manifestations very often become harbingers of miscarriage, abruption or placenta previa.

During this period, pigmentation begins to appear in the form of light brown spots on the face and body. Because of this, you should also not worry, since everything usually goes away after the birth of the baby.

Fetus at 20 weeks pregnant

At the 20th week, your baby is about 20 cm tall and weighs between 190 and 220 g. The baby can already take his finger in his mouth, yawn, push off, turn his head and move. On the picture of the ultrasound machine, you can already determine the sex of the baby.

The four-layer skin of the fetus enhances its protective properties, the sebaceous glands activate their work and produce subcutaneous fat to fill the folds on the baby's body.

A heartbeat at week 20 can be heard even with an obstetric tube through the belly of a pregnant woman, without using an ultrasonic stethoscope. The intestines and kidneys work, the sex glands of the fetus develop. The spleen begins to work. The baby is already swallowing amniotic fluid more, and at the 5th month, as a result of the work of the digestive system, meconium begins to form in him.

In parallel with the development of the fetus, at the 20th week of pregnancy, the placenta increases and thickens. For each woman, its location is individual, and in some cases, under the pressure of the fetus on the placenta, slight vaginal bleeding may occur. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The expectant mother needs to balance her diet also because at the 5th month the baby has well-developed taste buds, with which he distinguishes the food consumed by his mother.

Tests at 20 weeks pregnant

Starting from the 5th month, testing becomes mandatory once every two weeks. Blood and urine may be needed to determine the degree of uterine enlargement. It is possible to control the blood sugar level of a pregnant woman through a biochemical analysis. This test also helps prevent anemia. Blood is given in the morning on an empty stomach.

A general urine test is performed to monitor the functioning of the kidneys, to identify possible inflammations.

Venous blood sampling is also carried out to determine the level of the hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) and estriol. This study is mandatory, as it allows you to identify possible malformations in the development of the child, as well as other chromosomal abnormalities.

Ultrasound at 20 weeks

After taking this examination at 20 weeks pregnant, you will know what is happening with your baby, see how the little heart beats and how your baby develops. Screening ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy is the second mandatory analysis that allows the doctor to determine the size of the child for compliance with the current period, assess the condition of the pregnant woman, exclude or confirm congenital malformations and abnormalities. The doctor examines the condition of the internal organs of the fetus, especially carefully examines the heart for the presence of a congenital defect. Heart disease in newborns today is a very common disease.

If your period is at around 20 weeks of pregnancy, then now you can already determine the sex of the child, since the genitals are already formed and are visible on the ultrasound image of the machine.

The photo below shows that the baby is lying on its back and its profile is clearly visible: nose, forehead, lips. You can also see the heart and stomach here. If you look closely, you can see a small pen through the amniotic fluid.

But in the next picture, two babies are visible at once. These are twins, one of them is closer to the screen, and the other is a little higher. Here, the heads of the children, tiny arms and legs with fingers are clearly visible.

Dangers at 20 weeks pregnant

Some women complain of recurrent pain that occurs at the 20th week of pregnancy in the lumbar region. As a rule, due to the resulting load on the spinal muscles, the growing weight and growth of the child, such pains may occur more often. In this case, doctors advise doing gymnastics to unload the spine. You should also forget about high heels and wear the most comfortable shoes that do not create stress on the spine.

At this time, cramps in the calf muscles may appear. Again, this is the result of weight gain and, as a result, stress on the legs. It is necessary to relax the legs more often and do a soothing massage of the feet and calves.

Mild or severe abdominal pain in the 5th month of pregnancy is a serious symptom that can sometimes indicate a threatened miscarriage. Seek medical attention for such pain immediately.

This period is insidious in that the threat of miscarriage may not even manifest itself, and this should be remembered. Cases of missed pregnancy are detected not only before the 20th week, but also after. The main symptoms of this circumstance are the lack of movements and pushes of the baby, as well as the cessation of the growth of the abdomen. The main reasons that provoke a missed pregnancy can be hormonal imbalances and the impact of other negative factors.

Nutrition at 20 weeks pregnant

A well-established system of balanced nutrition for a pregnant woman at this time is very important for the health of her unborn baby. You can not overeat, and even more so feel hungry. Since the child already knows how to taste everything that you consume, then make sure that the food is tasty and at the same time rich in useful vitamins and minerals.

Eat cottage cheese and dairy products, saturate the body with calcium for the strength of the skeletal system.

Instead of sweets, accustom yourself to fruits, and replace canned juices in tetra packs with berry juice.

Consume natural, not instant cereals. Eat buckwheat and oatmeal, as they contain a lot of iron. Bran bread will help fill the lack of carbohydrates in the body. For dinner, boil a piece of fish or beef, and for dessert, make curd puree with berries or dried fruits.

Since the manifestations of toxicosis should already be completely absent in the second trimester, the expectant mother's appetite also increases. Stick to fractional nutrition, eat dietary meat for breakfast and lunch, and enough fruits and vegetables. Vitamin A is rich in carrots, and fish replenishes phosphorus in the body of a pregnant woman. Phosphoric acid is found in sufficient quantities in broccoli.

Avoid fried and spicy foods, smoked meats and salt, which can cause additional swelling. Remember that excess salt in your body can trigger allergies in a newborn. Sour fruits, strawberries and citrus fruits in excess are also dangerous because your baby may become allergic.

To make pregnancy easy, follow these tips:

  1. Engage in physical education. We are not talking about intense training, it is enough just to perform light gymnastic exercises to normalize blood circulation, reduce back pain and improve well-being. Training also helps prepare the body for childbirth, and strengthen the woman's immunity.
  2. Sign up for courses for expectant mothers, because now is the time. Now your baby has already begun to move and you more clearly feel his new touches and movements. At school, you can find your like-minded people, discuss with them current issues of pregnant women. Special trainings with psychologists will allow you to mentally prepare for childbirth and for the future new life as a mother.
  3. At the 20th week of pregnancy, you should not deny yourself such pleasure as sex. In the absence of a doctor's contraindications, intimate relationships are not prohibited at all. The only condition in this case is a correctly chosen pose. You should choose a position that will exclude pressure on the abdomen of the pregnant woman.
  4. Washing with a shower is not recommended, and douching, starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, is completely prohibited. If there is no other way to wash yourself, except under the shower, then make sure that the jets of water do not fall into the vagina deeper than 2.5 cm. The fact is that strong streams of water (in this case from the shower) can cause bleeding, or even an air embolism, in which air enters the bloodstream.

And do not forget about the good mood that is transmitted to your baby.

Now you can be congratulated - half of the pregnancy is over! The belly of the expectant mother begins to grow faster, now she is gaining more weight. The baby continues to grow actively, his nervous system matures, his sense organs and motor skills improve.

Signs and symptoms of 20 weeks pregnant

The well-being of the expectant mother at the twentieth week of pregnancy is generally good. Most women are full of energy, they have increased libido. The belly is growing, but the fetus and uterus are not yet so large that it greatly affects the well-being. However, some symptoms may be present:

What happens to the fetus at 20 weeks pregnant?

At the twentieth week, the body length of the fetus reaches 16.5 cm from the crown to the buttocks and almost 24 cm from the crown to the heels, weight - 290 grams. Now it is about the length of a banana.

Week 20 is the period at which the length of the fetal body is first measured from head to toe. At earlier dates, this is impossible, since at first the legs of the unborn child are too short, then they are pressed to the body.

The fetus begins to actively swallow the amniotic fluid surrounding it. For his digestive system, this is a kind of training. In his intestines, the primary stool - meconium - is formed. It will depart shortly after birth. In addition to amniotic fluid, meconium contains mucus, which is produced by cells of the intestinal mucosa, and dead cells.

In general, the body of the unborn child is already formed. Now it continues to grow, mature and get stronger. The nervous system matures especially actively. New connections are formed between nerve cells. Nerve fibers are covered myelin- a special shell that accelerates the conduction of nerve impulses. Movement, hearing, sight, smell, sense of taste are improved. The child hears better and better how the mother's heart, intestines, the speech of the mother and the people around, various sounds from the outside work. The fetus is still relatively small, so it is spacious in the uterus, it continues to roll over, somersault, and makes active movements with its arms and legs.

The appearance of the fetus is increasingly reminiscent of a newborn. His skin ceases to be transparent due to the formation of melanin pigment in it and the growth of the subcutaneous fat layer. Hair grows on the head, but if you could look at it, you would not understand what color it is. The arms and legs are elongated, and the legs to a greater extent.

The skin of the fetus is covered by a special cheese grease. During pregnancy, it protects the skin from maceration by amniotic fluid; during childbirth, it facilitates progress through the birth canal.

Fetal movements in the mother's tummy

How to eat right?

As in the previous weeks of pregnancy, the nutrition of the expectant mother should be as healthy, varied, and complete as possible. You need approximately 350 additional calories daily. But avoid "empty" calories, junk food, foods that contain harmful additives, can be contaminated with intestinal infections.

Make sure your body is getting enough calcium

At the twentieth week of pregnancy, this mineral is especially important for the fetus, because bones are actively formed in it, soft cartilage tissue is replaced by stronger bone. If X-rays could be performed on the baby now, most of his skeleton would already be visible in the pictures. In addition, calcium is needed for the normal formation of teeth, heart, nervous system, and muscles. It provides a normal rhythm of heart contractions, blood clotting.

The body of the expectant mother also needs calcium: it helps to reduce the risk of hypertension, preeclampsia. If the fetus does not have enough calcium, it will "extract" it from your own bones, and this will not affect your health in the best way.

The needs of a woman's body for calcium during pregnancy:

If the expectant mother is 19-50 years old - 1000 mg per day.

· If the expectant mother is 18 years old or younger - 1300 mg per day.

Here is the approximate amount of calcium in different foods (more accurate information can usually be found on labels):

The product's name


Plain low fat yogurt

Partially defatted mozzarella cheese

Sardines canned in oil with bone

Low fat yogurt with fruit

Skimmed milk

Soy milk fortified with calcium

Whole milk

Cottage cheese, fat content 1%

Sliced ​​raw cabbage

Sliced ​​boiled turnip

½ cup

Ice cream

½ cup

White bread

One piece

Usually a complete diet helps to fully meet the needs of a woman in nutrients and minerals. But sometimes a doctor may prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes, including those with calcium and vitamin D necessary for its absorption.

In vitamin-mineral complexes, calcium can be presented in two different forms:

· Calcium carbonate. Provides the body with the largest amount of "pure" calcium, but for its absorption in the stomach, an additional amount of hydrochloric acid must be released. Therefore, calcium carbonate supplements should be taken with meals.

· calcium citrate. It is absorbed more easily and does not require an additional amount of acid, so such vitamin-mineral complexes can be taken in between meals.

Trying to provide yourself and your unborn child with a valuable mineral, it is important not to overdo it. Your body should receive calcium from all sources (food, water, dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes) in an amount not exceeding 2500 mg per day (3000 mg if you are 18 years old or younger). "Calcium overdose" leads to the fact that the mineral begins to be deposited in the internal organs, this threatens with chronic constipation, kidney stones. With excessive intake of calcium in the body, the absorption of other valuable minerals - zinc and iron - worsens.

The right diet for bloating

At week 20 and in general throughout pregnancy, many expectant mothers experience such a symptom as bloating. The hormone is to blame progesterone. It relaxes the muscles of the intestinal wall, slows down peristalsis and digestion of food. As a result, an excess amount of gas is formed and accumulates in the intestine. There are discomfort in the abdomen. Over time, as the uterus grows and squeezes the intestines more and more, the problem only gets worse. Here are some dietary tips to help you deal with it:

· Drink more water. The fluid is needed in order to soften the stool, facilitate its passage through the intestines and prevent constipation, which leads to increased gas formation.

· Eat more foods containing dietary fiber: Legumes, fruits, leafy green vegetables, whole grain bread and pasta. If you used to eat very little fiber, then you need to introduce such foods into the diet slowly, carefully. They help to activate intestinal motility, reduce constipation.

· Eat more often, in smaller portions. Every time you fill up, a large amount of air enters your stomach, and in general, the load on the digestive system increases. It is better to eat small portions 5-6 times a day. This will help prevent not only bloating, but also heartburn, stomach discomfort.

· Eat slowly. When you rush to eat, more air enters your stomach. Insufficiently chewed food is worse digested. Remember the old adage: "the longer you chew, the longer you live."

· Do nothing while eating. When you eat on the go or try to finish some work during meals, review documents, think about future plans and to-do list for the day, we are not talking about the normal functioning of your digestive system. Stress, worries, tension while eating are unacceptable. The meal break should become sacred to you. Food should be taken in a calm state, in a calm environment.

· Limit legumes. But you should not refuse them at all: beans contain valuable protein and other nutrients.

· Limit other foods in your diet that lead to increased gas formation: cabbage, onion, fried, sweet.

Physical activity

Daily exercise is important for the health of the expectant mother and baby, they help prevent some complications during pregnancy and prepare for childbirth. Obstetrician-gynecologists recommend doing gymnastics for about 30 minutes (no more than 45) daily. If before pregnancy you led a sedentary lifestyle, then you need to start small, from 15 minutes a day, gradually increasing the duration. It is useful for a future mother to perform three types of exercises: aerobic, stretching and special Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor muscles.

With some complications of pregnancy and concomitant diseases in the expectant mother, physical activity should be limited or generally contraindicated. Therefore, before starting, it is worth consulting with your doctor. In the second and third trimester, exercises are contraindicated during which you need to stand for a long time, lie on your back.

During pregnancy, various types of physical activity are useful, ranging from housework to yoga classes (it is advisable to enroll in a special group for expectant mothers), and the pool. Sports are contraindicated in which there is a risk of falling (cycling - it is better to buy a home exercise bike), hitting the stomach (ball games, martial arts).

Contraindications for aerobic exercise during pregnancy:

Severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, lungs.

· Isthmic-cervical insufficiency(ICN) - a condition in which the cervix cannot adequately hold the fetus.

· Pregnancy with twins is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth.

· Vaginal bleeding during the second and third trimester.

If your blood pressure has risen.

· If the expectant mother suddenly began to gain weight much faster.

· If any symptoms of pregnancy are very pronounced, cause concern.

If there are signs of SARS: fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, sneezing.

If there are symptoms that may indicate an acute intestinal infection: fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mucus, blood, undigested food particles in the stool.

Week 20 Pregnancy lifestyle - Video guide

The 20th week of pregnancy becomes such a “frontier” for the entire period of bearing a baby. After all, the 20th week of pregnancy falls at the end of the fifth month: if the birth occurs at the 40th week, then the 20th week of pregnancy will be exactly “half of the path traveled”.

Belly at 20 weeks pregnant

It is no longer possible to hide the belly at the 20th week of pregnancy: it rises more and more, significantly rounded. At the same time, the waist "blurs" and disappears. Now the most relevant is the use of special means to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen due to its increase and stretching of the skin. All kinds of gels and creams today are sold in abundance in pharmacies and specialty stores, you need to use them regularly - 1-2 times a day, rubbing with massage movements into the stomach at the 20th week of pregnancy, as well as into the thighs and chest. A full-fledged "replacement" for special products can be ordinary vegetable oil - olive or almond.


The growth of the abdomen occurs as the uterus enlarges at the 20th week of pregnancy. At this time, the uterus is already approximately at the level of the navel - the bottom of the uterus is located 11-12 cm above the womb. The uterus at 20 weeks of pregnancy can already sometimes contract: such contractions are called false contractions, and they do not pose any threat to the fetus.


Ultrasound examination at this time is usually performed as part of the second screening. Ultrasound at 20 weeks of gestation may be needed to assess the progress of the pregnancy, determine the sex of the child, the likelihood of malformations and chromosomal abnormalities. Also, ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy allows you to determine whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the gestational age, whether the condition of the amniotic fluid and placenta is normal.

When conducting an ultrasound scan at the 20th week of pregnancy, the internal organs of the crumbs are also studied: kidneys, stomach, urinary and gallbladder, liver, lungs, intestines. The baby's heart is also subject to careful examination - if any discrepancy is found, a specialized ultrasound examination of the heart will be needed. Unfortunately, heart defects are one of the most common fetal malformations today.

In addition to the fact that ultrasound will help assess whether the development of the baby is normal, ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy will also show: the baby in the womb is actively growing and developing. And yet - he doesn’t get bored at all, because his size allows him to move freely in his mother’s tummy for the time being, which the baby actively uses, turning over and somersaulting.

fetus at 20 weeks pregnant

After all, the baby is now fully formed, its growth continues steadily, and the work of organs and systems is being improved. The baby's nervous system, respiratory, digestive and hematopoietic organs are formed and fully functioning. A small heart beats audibly: you can already listen to the rhythm of the baby's heart with an ordinary stethoscope.

The baby's arms and legs have also acquired their final shape, nails grow on the fingers, and the first hairs appear on the head - lanugo. Also, the fluff is formed where in the future the baby will have eyebrows and cilia.

The fetus at week 20 is already fully aware of the sounds, so the mother needs to beware of harsh noises. The baby is already reacting to the light - even though his eyes are still closed, but the rays of light penetrate under the eyelids, which begin to open slightly.

Along with the fact that the baby's skin is also thickening, the sebaceous glands produce a special "original lubricant" - while it protects the baby from the effects of the liquid medium, and in the future it will help the fetus slide more easily through the birth canal and facilitate its birth.

If we talk about the “parameters” of the baby, then the fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy reaches a length of 25 cm, and weighs about 300-340 g. Such dimensions and weight not least explain that the mother already fully feels the activity of the baby.


The first movements of the baby are quite justifiably extremely pleasing to the mother: now she already fully feels that a new life is growing and improving inside her. Which from time to time makes itself felt with light jolts and movements - the baby hiccups, pushes off the wall in the uterus and swims to the opposite one, bounces in response to a sharp sound or mother's excitement. If at first the movements of the fetus are barely distinguishable, then over time they become more and more pronounced. However, one should pay attention to the nature and intensity of the fetal movements: if its movements are felt excessively often, it is quite possible that in this way the baby declares a lack of oxygen.

Other - less "pleasant" - are the sensations at the 20th week of pregnancy, associated with a constantly growing uterus and increasing pressure on the internal organs. It is the change in the configuration “inside” the woman that explains the appearance of heartburn, constipation, poor urine outflow, and shortness of breath. However, all these unpleasant phenomena will pass in the near future - when a woman becomes a happy mother.


Most often, expectant mothers during this period complain of pain at the 20th week of pregnancy, appearing in the lower back and back. This is a consequence of a significant load on the joints and ligaments, back muscles, due to a shift in the center of gravity. To prevent pain in the back and lower back, there are special exercises that help to "unload" the spine. But, at the same time, it is also necessary to follow elementary rules that will help, if not avoid, then significantly reduce pain in the lower back and back. These rules involve maintaining the correct posture, avoiding high heels and taking all possible measures that will make it possible not to strain your back.

Another fairly common problem among pregnant women is the appearance of leg cramps. Pain at the 20th week of pregnancy can be so noticeable that it “brings” the woman to tears. Cramps are the result of ever-increasing weight and ever-increasing stress on the legs. To minimize the likelihood of cramps, you should regularly give your legs a rest, resort to a relaxing massage of the calves and feet, and stretch your legs more often on the bed.

Pain at the 20th week of pregnancy in the abdomen is an alarming phenomenon. If the stomach hurts from time to time and not much, there is still a need to consult a doctor: in order to avoid the possibility of an increased tone of the uterus and a possible miscarriage for this reason. If the stomach hurts badly, it is necessary to seek specialized help immediately, otherwise tragic consequences and the loss of a child cannot be avoided.

Discharge at 20 weeks pregnant

After all, it is pain in the abdomen (sharp or pulling, but prolonged), and even accompanied by bloody or brown discharge, that become harbingers of the threat of premature termination of pregnancy. Also, spotting, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, may be a symptom of placental abruption or placenta previa - in any case, a gynecologist's consultation is necessary. If spotting at the 20th week of pregnancy is not accompanied by painful sensations, but occurs more and more after intercourse or a gynecological examination, cervical erosion most likely occurs.

Normally, the discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy is light in color - grayish or with a milky tint. At the same time, they differ in a sour smell and a homogeneous consistency. The appearance of green or yellow discharge, cheesy, with impurities of lumps of mucus, indicates an infection that has begun. Usually, infection is also accompanied by a burning sensation and itching in the vaginal area, and in this case, you should not hesitate to contact a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment to avoid the spread of infection and not “start” the disease.


Weight at the 20th week of pregnancy must be monitored with all responsibility: ideally, until the end of pregnancy, the weight of a woman should not exceed 15-16 kg, otherwise childbirth is much more difficult. Considering that the weight at the 20th week of pregnancy can already increase to 3-6 kg (moreover, just 3 kg is considered the “ideal” increase), the issue of weight should be given maximum attention. From this week, everything possible should be done so that the weekly weight gain is about 500 g, therefore, it will not be superfluous to develop a diet that should be followed throughout the pregnancy.


Recommendations regarding nutrition at the 20th week of pregnancy remain the same: nutrition should be balanced and healthy, food should be as natural and healthy as possible. Considering that in the second trimester (when toxicosis and the discomfort associated with it remain in the past) the appetite of a pregnant woman is excellent, it is advisable to build a diet in such a way as to extract all the useful and nutrients from the products as much as possible and at the same time not feel hungry.

To do this, it is desirable to eat throughout the day often, but little by little, have a full breakfast and lunch, preferring light food for dinner. On the table of a pregnant woman, meat (low-fat), vegetables and fruits in large quantities, dairy and sour-milk products, cereals must be present without fail.

Experts also advise to listen sensitively to the desire to "eat something like that." For example, the desire for chocolate may be related to the body's need for carbohydrates. But the carbohydrates extracted from chocolate and other sweets are completely unhealthy: these carbohydrates are “empty”, and besides, they raise the level of glucose in the body. Therefore, it is better to "get" the necessary carbohydrates from bran bread, fruits, cereals. Again, cereals will become a source of B vitamins, and buckwheat - also iron, phosphorus can be obtained from fish, vitamin A - from carrots, folic acid - from broccoli.

Food is best cooked by boiling, baking or stewing dishes. It is better to forget about smoking and frying for a while - this is not at all useful, and it provokes heartburn. In addition, the use of salt in cooking should be significantly limited: salt retains water in the body and causes edema, which greatly overshadows the happy time of pregnancy.


But sex at the 20th week of pregnancy may well replace the pleasure you get from an extra half a bar of chocolate. Intimate life is not at all prohibited, unless, of course, there are any contraindications from the doctor. That's just, practicing sex at the 20th week of pregnancy, you should choose positions that exclude pressure on the mother's stomach and not be too "zealous" with intensity. Yes, and you should pay attention to the sensations during intercourse: any discomfort or feeling that the uterus is “shrinking” should be the reason for the obligatory and as soon as possible consultation with a specialist.

Tests at 20 weeks pregnant

If until the 20th week of pregnancy, a visit to the doctor and mandatory testing were supposed to be done once a month, then, starting from the 20th week, specialist control is needed twice a month. Tests at the 20th week of pregnancy (in addition to ultrasound) may be needed to study blood, urine, to assess the increase in the uterus.

A blood test allows you to monitor the level of sugar in the mother's blood, in time to determine the presence of anemia. Urinalysis will tell about the work of the kidneys, as well as about the likely hidden inflammatory processes. Ultrasound, as already mentioned above, in itself becomes a very informative research method, which can sometimes be supplemented and "enhanced" by a biochemical blood test - the so-called "triple test". Such an analysis is done to assess the level of hCG hormones, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein in the mother's blood: deviations from the established norms indicate a high risk of having a baby with developmental defects or chromosomal abnormalities.

Frozen pregnancy

Although the fading of pregnancy is more often characteristic of the early stages, nevertheless, a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks also happens quite often. The fetus can stop developing and die for many reasons: here you have endocrine disorders, and the impact of negative factors, and a failure in the production of progesterone.

But if it is possible to diagnose a non-developing pregnancy in the early stages only with the participation of a doctor, then a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks can be “felt” by a woman personally. The reason for suspicion may be the cessation of abdominal enlargement, as well as the absence of fetal movements. However, it should be borne in mind that the baby is not obliged to move all the time: the crumbs also have their own sleep and wakefulness regimen, therefore, the lack of movement for some time may be due to the fact that the baby is just sleeping.

Usually, a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks is diagnosed without difficulty: with the help of ultrasound, as well as in the absence of a fetal heartbeat. And in this case, doctors will act immediately: the uterus must be freed from the dead fetus, which contributes to the development of infection. After curettage, the woman is assigned an additional examination, which may help to establish the cause that caused the pregnancy to fade. You will also need antibiotic therapy and a fairly long recovery time - after the pregnancy fades, it is not recommended to plan the next pregnancy earlier than in six months or a year.

The 20th week of pregnancy is the fifth obstetric month. If you look at the weeks, then 134-140 days have passed since conception. The second part of pregnancy is easier to bear psychologically, since the child is already clearly felt and the expectant mother has time to fall in love with him. The belly at 20 weeks of pregnancy becomes more and more noticeable, and the second trimester continues. The woman feels well and enjoys an interesting position.

Development and size of the fetus at 20 weeks of gestation

What happens to mom and baby at 20 weeks pregnant? The weight of the child (fetus) at the 20th week of pregnancy is 270-350 grams, and the size of the fetus is 24-26 cm. Until that time, due to the legs being in a bent position, measurements were taken only to the coccyx, but now the standards of an adult are applicable to the fetus - height from head to toe.

Within a few weeks, the baby will theoretically become viable. Almost all systems and organs are formed in the fetus, but it will take more time for them to be fully ready to work outside the womb.

The child already distinguishes between sounds and light, he can turn his head and suck his thumb. Mostly he sleeps, but there are periods of wakefulness. The skin of the baby becomes denser, and adipose tissue appears under them. Only there is still no fat on the face, so it remains wrinkled.

The 20th week of pregnancy is also significant in that at this time the baby opens its eyes for the first time, on which there are not only eyelids, but already eyelashes. He develops reflex blinking. Fetal movements at the 20th week of pregnancy are already clearly felt by the expectant mother. At this time, it is important to communicate with the baby, you can sing songs to him.

Many babies by the 20th week of pregnancy take the correct intrauterine position - upside down. If this has not happened yet, then you should not worry, since there is still plenty of time for a coup, and this can happen more than once.

Ultrasound and tests at 20 weeks pregnant

The 20th week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the doctor may prescribe a second planned and ultrasound examination. Also, a pregnant woman takes urine and blood tests. Often at the 20th week of pregnancy, a woman looks around on a chair to check the condition of the cervix. After 20 weeks, a woman should visit her doctor more often - twice a month instead of once.

A blood test is given to determine the amount of sugar in the blood, and a urine test will help you find out about the work of the kidneys or the occurrence of latent inflammation. Also, a woman takes a biochemical blood test, which is also called a triple test. It assesses the level of the hormones estriol, hCG and alpha-fetoprotein. The discrepancy between their normal value allows you to identify congenital malformations of the fetus.

During an ultrasound scan at the 20th week of pregnancy, the following is determined:

During the ultrasound, the doctor examines the following organs of the child: intestines, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach and gallbladder. One of the most common intrauterine defects is heart disease. The doctor also carefully examines it, and if any discrepancies are found, he prescribes an ultrasound of the heart.

Ultrasound photo at 20 weeks pregnant

What does a baby look like at 20 weeks pregnant?

The 20th week of pregnancy is also characterized by the fact that the fetus takes on an ever larger shape of a small person and becomes more attractive. His arms and legs are fully formed, and his tiny toes are already nailed. On the head appears lanugo - the first hair. The same fluff grows in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyelashes. The facial expressions of the baby are also actively developing - he grimace and opens his mouth.

The baby responds well to light - when light rays hit under his eyelids, his eyes open a little. His skin becomes thicker, and the sebaceous glands begin to produce the so-called primordial lubricant, which is a white fatty substance. At this stage, it protects the fetus from the surrounding liquid environment, and during childbirth, it helps the baby pass through the birth canal so that it is easier for him to be born.

The skin turns from translucent and smooth to red with folds. The ultrasound clearly shows the contour of the baby's head, forehead, nose, upper and lower jaws. The ears of the fetus increase and acquire their final shape.

What does the belly look like at 20 weeks pregnant?

The 20th week of pregnancy contributes to the distinct sensations of the baby moving, but sometimes they can be very strong. A possible reason is the lack of oxygen in the fetus. To eliminate it, you need to be in the fresh air more often, and, if possible, do fitness and gymnastics for expectant mothers.

At the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus still has enough space inside the mother's belly, so it actively moves and rolls over. He already hiccups, bounces from sudden movements or sounds, and also repels from the walls of the uterus. All these movements are clearly felt by a pregnant woman.

The child is able to distinguish between external sounds and the sound of the mother's body. He also distinguishes the voice of his mother.

Due to the fact that the fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy hears everything, the expectant mother needs to avoid harsh sounds.

The heart of a child at the 20th week of pregnancy clearly beats, which can already be heard with an ordinary stethoscope. A fully formed baby continues to grow rapidly. It has functioning nervous, respiratory, endocrine, digestive and hematopoietic systems. Furrows and convolutions form in the cerebral cortex. During this period, molars begin to form.

The baby's movements such as thumb sucking and grasping his body parts and the umbilical cord speak of the maturation of the nervous system. He even starts to yawn. The child's lungs can not yet provide him with oxygen, only after a couple of weeks he will begin to train breathing movements. The endocrine system regulates the constancy of the internal environment of the baby's body and is involved in the work of all its organs and systems.

The 20th week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the baby swallows amniotic fluid, which leads to the formation of meconium - the first feces of the baby, which passes after the birth of the baby. These swallowing movements develop his digestive tract.

20 weeks pregnant. Well-being of the expectant mother

The middle of pregnancy, as a rule, is accompanied by excellent appetite, excellent health and almost complete absence of pain. The expectant mother rejoices at half the distance traveled and is positive.

A pregnant woman at the 20th week of pregnancy may feel pain in the lumbar region. This is due to an increase in the load on the muscles and ligaments, which shifts the center of gravity. To eliminate discomfort, you can do exercises for the spine and try to keep your posture correctly. You can also start wearing a special bandage.

It comes up to 340 grams.

The skin of the fetus thickens, the hair follicles produce a cheese-like lubricant, which lingers on the surface of the skin due to small downy hairs (lanugo).

The unborn child feels quite comfortable, his skin, surrounded by amniotic fluid, is protected by a “light diving suit”.

Now the fetus quite consciously brings a finger to the mouth, and does not suck it when accidentally touched due to the proboscis.

Future baby expresses emotions: frowns, smiles, can show tongue. The auditory apparatus of the fetus is so developed that sounds are perceived not only as noises, but as something articulate and quite understandable.

In scientific terms, the fetus acquires the ability to verbal perception. In other words, he understands what he is being told. At the same time, it does not matter to the baby in what language they are addressed to him.

According to the tonality and emotional coloring of speech the fetus perceives the meaning of what was said. You can talk with the unborn child, sing lullabies to him and tell fairy tales.

Changes in the child's body

At twenty weeks the formation of the skin of the fetus.

The structure and functions of the skin of the fetus

The skin is also an organ having its own structure and function. The skin makes up 5% of the total human weight and is three times the mass of the liver, the largest internal organ.

At twenty weeks of pregnancy, the final formation of the skin occurs. All functional layers and glands are formed.

Layers of the skin of the fetus:

Functions of the fetal skin:

  • protective;
  • thermoregulating;
  • immune;
  • respiratory - the human epidermis receives oxygen directly from the surrounding air, in the prenatal period - from the amniotic fluid;
  • receptor: tactile (tactile), pain, temperature sensitivity.

Respiratory function skin outside the air is not yet developed, all the rest are functioning, including eccrine sweat.

But until the age of two, the apocrine glands are not developed, so the baby, especially the breast, always smells good.

Receptor fields uneven distribution on the skin. For example, the receptor field of the fingertips exceeds similar skin areas on the buttocks by several dozen in density.

Therefore, a finger puncture is much more painful than an injection in the buttock.

Within twenty weeks there is a laying of permanent teeth, which are located under the rudiments of milk.

Changes in the mother's body

At twenty weeks of pregnancy, you begin to feel a stir nulliparous women. In multiparous"begins" at eighteen weeks.

Spontaneous at this time, provoked by intrauterine infection of the fetus. Genetic developmental anomalies, even if they exist, no longer lead to miscarriages.

If the fetus survived to the process of placentation, then it is quite viable, and the factors of genetic natural selection no longer work.

Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the development of rickets in a child.

Washout from the walls of venous vessels leads to the development of hemorrhoids and.