Characteristics of the ideal kindergarten project. An ideal kindergarten is our common concern. Excursions to museums

In this article, I still want to talk about how I see a kindergarten that is friendly from the point of view of the psycho-emotional development of a child.


Of course, it is best when the kindergarten is located in a private house. A house, a yard, small rooms - such an environment will be as close to home as possible.

If the kindergarten is organized on the basis of a standard kindergarten, then you should try to take the children through the corridors as little as possible, use less rooms other than the group, and arrange the group as minimally as possible to resemble an “institution.”

It would be nice to divide the bedroom with screens or build a hut over each bed. So that each child has his own separate house, where he can not only sleep, but also hide when he wants to be alone. It is better to ask parents to bring bed linen from home, and it will be better if the child or parents sleep on it for several nights first. Familiar home smells will calm your baby and help him feel safe.

In the group, the child should have as many things as possible that remind him of home and parents: photographs in the cabinet, his own dishes for eating, it’s good when children bring their toys and books to the garden.

There are usually no problems with food in private gardens; they try to feed children food similar to homemade food and take into account their preferences and allergies. It’s good if the child, like at home, has the opportunity to have a snack at any time, and not strictly according to the clock. I have already written about personal dishes; it is better if parents bring them from home. And it’s better for everyone to sit at one large table, like at home, and not at several small tables.

It is better to conduct all developmental activities in the group room. It is advisable that people to whom the children are attached, their educators, work with children. If the classes are conducted by an outside specialist, then you need to remember that every time, before starting to work with children, he needs to adapt to them, “take over” (eyes, smile, nod) and only after their consent has been received. so that they are guided - start classes.

If a child is not ready to work with you, is not attached to you, and is not in the mood, do not force him under any circumstances, and do not perceive his reluctance as a challenge to your teaching talents. Leave the baby alone, and next time it will be easier for you to win his favor. Because the more you insist, the more he will resist.


All adults called upon to care for a child are simply obliged to be in the position of a caring alpha. Each child should have one and only leading attachment - his “main adult” - and through this attachment the child will subsequently become acquainted with all other adults. This adult will be a safe base for the child, a person to whom you can turn for any question, with any problem, an adult whom the child will consider “their own” (Hey, Semyonovna, yours broke his knee!). If two teachers work in a group at the same time, then it is better to divide the group into two clans (prides, teams) so that each child has his own “aunt”.

It is very important to remember that all the child’s attachments should be on the same pole. This means that in the team there should be no opposition to each other or parents, no competition between teachers. You are all from the same village, where all the children are yours, despite their origin and belonging to one or another clan.

In the group, it is necessary to create an environment free from negative energies, when teachers stand up for their children, and children stand up for each other. You just need to remember that positive energy is not possible without negative energy, and the embodiment of negative energy will most likely be one of the neighboring groups. If on a walk your group encounters a “stranger,” then conflict will be inevitable. There is no need to scold children for not wanting to play peacefully with “strangers”; there is no need to try to “make friends” with children from “hostile” groups. Just try to avoid crossing territories.

Now imagine that you call a teacher from the “enemy camp” into the group as a replacement, and invite the children to become attached to her for a while. A great way to help the attachment instinct go crazy!

Another “wonderful” practice is changing teachers during quiet hours when the children are sleeping. This is, of course, convenient for educators, but very traumatic for the attachment instinct. I have already written that a child is comfortable when he is “transferred” from one attachment to another, and with his consent, and not simply presented with a fact: here is a new person, take the trouble to become attached to him.

The mother brings the child to kindergarten, has a friendly conversation with the teacher for several minutes, and the child, looking at the mother, feels that there is no danger. After a conversation with mom (dad), the teacher sits down, trying to tune in to the child (eyes, smile, nod). When the instinct of attachment is involved, and the child agrees that now his working attachment is the teacher, you can begin your work: invite him to depend (help undress, take him to the group, help wash his hands, sit him at the table, feed him (if necessary, on his knees) , from a spoon).

When a child wakes up after a nap and sees a new person in the group, albeit familiar, but with whom his attachment instinct is not turned on, the brain gets scared, the level of cortisol in the blood rises and the attachment instinct is shaken. Such transfer of a child without warning and consent of the child has a serious impact on the psycho-emotional state of the child and on his health.

Change the work schedule of educators so that they can change with the children and one educator, as it were, transfers the child’s affection to another educator, and he has the opportunity to turn on the instinct of affection (eyes, smile, nod, invitation to depend). It is better, of course, not to change the teacher during the day. In general, the less often the composition of adults around the child changes, the better.

A few words about parting at the end of the working day. Parents come to pick up their child from kindergarten. Before you let your child go, hug him, tell him thank you for today, that you are so glad that he is with you, be sure to focus on the next meeting (see you tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week). If possible, go to the parents, talk to them, help the child get dressed, “hand over” the child to the parents. Make sure that the parent does not forget to tune in to the child (eyes, smile, nod - an invitation to depend). This will make it much easier for parents to have an evening with their child.

The rituals of greeting and parting are so important for preserving and strengthening affection that I would write them down as a separate item in my job duties.

Please make your eyes light up when you see each child. It doesn’t matter what kind of child it is, do this with everyone. Consider that the child who has just entered the room is the one you have been waiting for all your life. And never let them leave before you give them a hug.

Working with parents

It is advisable that parents understand what attachment is, what it is about, and that by ignoring the child’s attachment instinct, they risk the health and development of their child.

I wrote above about the morning ritual of joining the group. Ask parents to bring their children early so that you have a couple of minutes in front of the children to exchange a word with the parents and only then take care of the child. Do not allow parents to run away from the group without saying hello to the teacher. If parents are chronically late, leave the child in the locker room and rush to work, arrange for the parents to call on the approaches to the kindergarten, and one of the adults can meet the child to at least hand him over.

Ask parents to bring from home photographs of the family, stories spoken into the recorder by the mother (you can use headphones to listen to them), and some objects that will remind the baby of home. Magic objects often work well (this box contains magic invisible dust. As soon as you miss your mother, open the box and sprinkle yourself with dust, this will mean that your mother kissed you).

Try to remember your child’s parents with a kind word more often throughout the day. Involve parents in kindergarten life: for example, someone’s mother can come once a week for half an hour and read books to the children, and someone’s dad can help make boats. The more often and willingly parents appear in kindergarten, the more comfortable their child will be there. Have informal holidays, celebrate birthdays with your parents, have picnics and clean-up days. Such joint actions are much more important than official reporting and demonstration concerts, where parents are just consumers.

Olga Pisarik, mother of four children. Lives in Canada, writes about the psychology of parent-child relationships, free education and homeschooling.

Prepared by I.O. Head of the kindergarten “Solnyshko”:
Kravchuk T.N.

Kindergarten of the future... You can dream about it, you can argue about it, but
I know for sure - it should be a place of joyful communication between a child and the world
peers and adults, a place of bright discoveries where a child could
independently realize your internal, creative needs.
Our time is a time of change and modernization in the field of preschool
education. Our country needs people who can accept
non-standard solutions, able to think creatively. After all, only such
individuals will contribute to the development of science, culture, industry and
thereby raising the country’s prestige to the proper level and continuing
traditions of our fathers and grandfathers.
In my opinion, the kindergarten of the future is a kind of scientific
methodological center, where professionals work, this is -
a self-organizing system capable of revealing the potentials of its
development through:
early identification of children's individual abilities in conditions
freedom of choice of activity;
taking into account the needs of parents and forming the most important relationship:
children - parents - teachers, in conditions of confidential communication;
creation of scientific and methodological creative groups
kindergarten teachers and representatives of pedagogical science,
allowing you to practically implement the principles of personal development
spheres of the child, educational activities, creation
health-preserving environment.
Thus, in my opinion, the kindergarten model of the future will be
determined by the following components:
organization of subject-development environment;
creating conditions for optimal pedagogical interaction with
modern educational and correctional
development space;
involvement of parents in educational and correctional
developmental process.
You can ignite your imagination for a long time with what it will look like
building of the kindergarten of the future: in the shape of a flower, a fairy-tale miracle tower,
or it will be made up of huge colored transformer cubes...

Let's leave it to the architects of the future to decide. Of course it will
built from environmentally friendly materials, it will be bright, cozy and definitely
security. The most modern security and
fire alarm, autonomous climate control system.
Not unimportant

We are all very familiar with the problems with children’s adaptation in kindergarten.
garden. Therefore, when “building” the kindergarten of the future, I would really like
address the early socialization of children, make the dream of all teachers come true
and parents: kindergarten - without children's tears! This idea is not new, it
suggested by the famous French pediatrician, psychoanalyst and
writer Françoise Dolto. This is the so-called “Green House”, where
the child gradually, at an individual pace, acquires the first
social skills and “split off” from parents, in addition to the fact that
speaks of the impossibility of this dream in the near present, the idea
of this “home” implies absolute freeness for the parents of this
project. The child adapts to the new situation by visiting “home” with
parents. Thus, this is a place of communication not only for children, but also
parents. In Russia there are only two “Green Houses” - in Moscow and
St. Petersburg. But...since we are talking about the kindergarten of the future, then
Why shouldn’t such a “Green House” appear here in Kazakhstan!
Each group in kindergarten has its own individual access to the site
petal-shaped. The sites have safe, mobile
designs - transformers that allow children to actively move
and develop according to their interests and age characteristics.
Children move along an ecological trail to a natural laboratory in
shaped like a butterfly. In the middle of the butterfly is an observatory, and the wings are
experimental beds where children carry out experimental and labor
activities (life, ecology, energy, water).
When designing the territory, a design approach is used. Trend
modern times, the creation of an eco-garden “mix” involves joint
accommodation on the site of an orchard, berry garden, phyto zone, flowering
plants colorfully combined with each other. There is a corner on the territory
forests with a river, a corner of the Babiyagi, an apiary. Decorates the site with a folk corner
everyday life, in the design of which they were used as small sculptural
forms and objects used in everyday life. The alpine slide is pleasing to the eye,
mini pond, flower beds, rose gardens.
Pupils of our future kindergarten will not need
go to the clinic for an appointment, because the whole block of our garden will be
given over to medical specialists and offices with modern medical

equipment. The most modern technologies
health savings will be applied within the walls of our kindergarten! ­
Health and conditioning activities, therapeutic exercises, yoga and
etc. How I would like all the children to grow up healthy! For this purpose in
every garden must have not just a gym, but also
sports complex with the latest equipment, swimming pool, outdoor
stadium. Equipment, in sufficient quantity, for most activities
various sports. modern aids and attributes,
children's musical instruments, audiovisual aids.
Morning. Music is playing. Children are greeted by animators dressed as heroes
favorite fairy tales that wish everyone a good day. Every child
The “Mood” badge lights up on your chest. Yellow color – mood
beautiful, green color – calm child, blue color – child
anxious, and red - excited. The teacher sees everyone's condition
child, and can immediately carry out corrections in the rainbow room using
"rest capsule"
In the foyer, there is a large touch screen monitor on the wall, telling
for the baby, what he can do during the day. After active charging
fairy-tale characters, kids go to the “Vitamin Lounge”
path painted with rainbow colors, where tasty, healthy and
healthy food.
Next, children are invited to the intellectual complex “I want to know everything”,
where interesting travels in a time machine await them, meetings with
amazing, beautiful and unusual. Enhance the “immersion” effect in
an imaginary situation is helped by an experienced teacher who uses
multimedia presentations and clipart. “Awaken, and then not drown out,
develop a source of light in the soul of every child” is the credo of every teacher.
In this complex, children experiment, engage in creativity,
using only natural materials and safe toys.
A modern kindergarten, and even more so, a kindergarten of the future, should be
fully computerized.
Coming to the kindergarten of the future, the child must enter
a small, magical and unknown world, preparing him for the modern
information technology world.
How can I imagine a new, equipped kindergarten in 5
- 10 years?
Firstly, each group should have not just a screen and
a projector, and at least an interactive whiteboard that allows you to expand
methods and techniques of educational and cognitive interaction with children, go beyond
framework of traditional visual forms of learning. Develop creative

the potential of a teacher who can create his own games and
educational and development materials. Involve children in the creative process and
Secondly, an interactive floor, which will include games like
general and with respect to a gender approach. I don't under any circumstances
I urge you to give up traditional games in the fresh air or
gym, but we are talking about an educational organization
future, and modern children must play modern games.
Thirdly, this is a sensory room, new toys, as much as possible
more different construction sets, busy boards thanks to which children
will be able to realize their own ideas and develop their
creative potential.
Fourth, equipping with new, easily transformable furniture.
Thanks to such furniture, children and teachers will be able to constantly change their playground and
educational space at your discretion and create new zones
for games and learning.
Speaking about a technical breakthrough in the education system of the future,
We should also forget about the teacher of the future, who, in turn, will have to
be able and master all modern methods, techniques and technologies
working with such equipment.
To summarize, I want to say that the kindergarten of the future is
a huge house in which all the innovations of modern
information technology society,
providing an opportunity for
full development of personality and preparation of children for life in a new scientific
a technical world that is developing and does not stand still.

My choice, the profession of an educator, lies primarily in the feeling of eternal childhood and youth, the possibility of constantly being in the world of fairy tales, fantasy, goodness and love. And most importantly, you are always close to the children. Watching them, you feel how they are waiting for you, copying your gait and speech, hoping for help and advice. And although these children are not relatives, you start talking about them

say “my children.” I am a teacher. I am the first teacher after my mother who met kids on the path of life. And if I am a real educator, then in my soul there is a love for children, pride in their uniqueness and imagination, a desire to see, be surprised and understand them.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement in working with children?.

The highest achievement in working with children is when I became an integral part of the child, his mysterious childish world, which is full of love, tenderness, warmth and care, his thoughts, happy eyes, air, warmth and coldness, successes and failures. Achievement in working with children is every step. The kid met me and said hello, showed his skills, smiled with a generous human smile,

I even played a little kindly prank - that already means a lot to me. All this helps me believe that life is wonderful and amazing, and the achievements with my amazing preschoolers continue.

Your basic principles of working with children.

Answering this question, which is not difficult for an educator, of course, you can immediately open the Internet and cleverly copy down the answers to the principles in working with children - this is “normativity”, “systematic correctional, preventive and developmental tasks”, “compliance with diagnosis and correction”, etc. . All this is of course true. But the inner meaning of all principles is to find a unique path for the development of each individual, no matter how small; this is a warning of difficulties

the development of a child and the enrichment of his childhood is necessary - a life position; This is an effective variety of methods and techniques for a child’s personality, for the formation of independence, initiative, responsibility, arbitrariness, self-esteem, but also such as: social competence, self-awareness, legal awareness, the formation of a value-based attitude towards oneself.

How, in your opinion, can a preschool educational organization solve the problem of the shortage of kindergartens in the area?

The role of kindergartens in our modern society is simple and clear. The child goes to kindergarten - the parents work, move the economy forward with its tasks of modernization and innovation, and plan the next addition to the family. No kindergartens - no economy, no additions to families.

Our MDOU proposes to solve the problem of shortage of kindergartens with the help of variable forms of preschool education for children from 2 months to 7 years:

short stay group;

child play support center;

advisory center;

early intervention service;


family kindergarten.

And most importantly, to solve this problem, there must be our initiative and desire, understanding and support of others.

How do you imagine the ideal kindergarten of the future?

They usually say that kindergarten is a second home. The ideal kindergarten of the Future should become a home not only for the child, but also for his family. Where you can show parents that love for children can be expressed in different ways: communicate together, play, listen to music, argue and win, create and fantasize. The Kindergarten of the Future is a home of positive emotions, smiles and joy, where every child recognizes himself as an individual and knows how to rejoice, not only in his own, but also in other people’s achievements. Kindergarten of the Future

should be happy and have happy people working there. It should be modern and accessible to everyone, whether they are gifted children, or lonely children, with speech impairments or the disabled. We adults, parents, teachers must be able to build this Future. The seeds of this future are in our hands.

My approach to working with children.

Recently, many new programs and methods have been created in preschool pedagogy, and developmental technologies have been developed. But no best program, no methodology, no most modern technology will work and will not give results if there is no main link - a modern professional educator. I found approaches, methods and forms of organizing work with children: innovative, pedagogical, health-saving, interactive, gaming and information and communication, which optimally correspond to the goal of developing the child’s personality.

  • Email
  • How we imagine the ideal kindergarten of the future

    The slogan “All the best for children!” brought to life. A kindergarten is a bright, spacious, comfortable, modern home-palace for children, where every child is understood, accepted, and loved by the adults around them. The building is equipped with a Smart Home system, which automatically selects the best microclimate for children. On the roof there are solar panels and windmills for environmental energy sources. At the entrance to the kindergarten there is equipped: underground parking for parents, sidewalk paths for pedestrians, modern lighting. The preschool has its own large, comfortable bus, which allows you to travel with your children around the city and region. On the roof of the kindergarten there is a mini-planetarium with a telescope, a laboratory and a huge 3D screen.

    Each age group has an attached illuminated walking veranda, which has a system of transformable windows that can be closed during the cold season. The veranda is equipped as a large winter garden, where there are: a solarium, a corner of the winter forest, a terrarium with reptiles and freshwater, decorative fountains, a herbal bar, comfortable wicker chairs, and mini-centers for research and basic work activities. On the territory of the kindergarten there is an arboretum, a mini-zoo with young domestic animals, an interesting landscape has been created: flower beds, alpine slides, artificial streams and waterfalls, sand courtyards, health trails; There are a large number of playgrounds for children's fun and development.

    The preschool educational institution has created a modern health-preserving environment: physical education and gyms, trampoline room, swimming pool, children's bowling alley, exercise therapy room, medical and massage rooms. On the territory of the preschool educational institution there are: a sports stadium, a bicycle path, equipment for children’s sports games (football, basketball, table tennis, playgrounds, etc.), an indoor skating rink; equipped with a modern traffic control corner with working traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, bridges, tunnels and a children's car park. The preschool educational institution operates a system of children's cafes, where children and parents with a nutritionist and pediatrician have the opportunity to choose a menu based on their health and taste preferences.

    Group rooms have a large area, their design takes into account the interests of boys and girls, they are equipped with modern developmental equipment and toys made from environmentally friendly materials, play areas have multi-level podiums, and all development centers are modernly equipped. The preschool educational institution has a large number of additional halls and premises. In the psychologist's office there is everything for the relaxation of children and staff (lights and music, massage chairs and a cozy place for communication). The nature room is a 3D cinema in which, according to the teacher’s plan, you can see an elephant, a whale, or find yourself, for example, in the jungle, on the ocean shore, and hear the sounds and smells of nature. The kindergarten has a sensory room, a toy library, a film studio and cinema hall, a children's art gallery, a theater workshop.....

    Children living in this kindergarten are given freedom to choose children's activities, partners, attributes, in games, in classes, and in moral actions. The number of children in preschool educational institutions is normal. At the entrance to the kindergarten there is a large display that shows all the groups and additional rooms, as well as the schedule of classes, games and additional education systems for the day and week ahead. The child, together with his parents, chooses the type of activity he prefers. Parents and representatives of the surrounding society are full participants in the educational process, thanks to which a unified socio-cultural educational space is created. In the family living room, parents and children come together to create art, spend recreational activities, watch and discuss movies, and sum up the results of their day, week, month. The kindergarten operates as an open, self-organizing system.

    A team of like-minded people, happy people who create a friendly psychological climate around the child, works with children. An adult is a playing, interested partner. He uses modern educational technologies, including effective communication technologies. The teaching profession is becoming prestigious. The basis of the activity is the love for the profession and children. The teacher receives a decent salary.

    The kindergarten of the future is a competitive institution. It has created conditions for the development of innovative processes, monitors the population's needs for educational services, and created an attractive image. The activities of the preschool institution are focused on the spiritual and moral education of all participants in the educational process; conditions have been created for the formation of a holistic personality of the child, capable of taking an individual place in the world and self-realization in the future as a mature personality.

    My ideal kindergarten

    All parents want the best for their child. The same applies to kindergarten. Nowadays, kindergartens are divided into many types according to their areas of activity. But more than half of them are traditional kindergartens that teach children old Soviet program. The life of children in a traditional kindergarten follows a strict schedule, where it is literally written minute by minute when and what needs to be done. On the one hand, this makes the teacher’s work easier, on the other hand, it completely excludes his initiative, where he could express a creative or individual approach to the child.

    Ignoring the child’s individuality and lack of a creative approach to education - main disadvantage traditional pedagogical system. Also significant the disadvantages are:

      Large numbers in groups (from 25 to 30 people);

      The teacher’s inability to keep track of all the children;

      Lack of individual approach;

      There are no modern games, equipment or teaching aids available.

      Poor quality of child care and activities;

      Lack of variety and choice in the diet. A child who does not like a certain dish remains hungry;

      And of course, very low wages, which leads to a lack of modern qualified personnel.

    As practice shows, most parents want their children to attend a modern kindergarten, which is filled with developmental equipment, modern programs, where the child would not “get lost” among other children

    .What should an ideal Kindergarten be like so that the child feels comfortable in it, and the parents are calm about the child? And does such a thing exist? Yes, for example, there is such a kindergarten in the city of Omsk “Fidgets”, which is located on Tchaikovsky Avenue, house No. 27. Let's take a short journey through it and consider the learning process in a group of 3-4 years old.

    The theater begins with a hanger, and the kindergarten begins with the adjacent territory. Let's look at what is on the territory of the kindergarten "Fidgets".

    1. Adjacent territory

    On the territory there are real garden plants: viburnum, jasmine, lilac, chokeberry, which are always trimmed on time and beautifully decorated. There are also beautiful elegant flower beds: they not only decorate the area, but also instill in children a sense of beauty. Children, under the guidance of teachers, are allowed to water the flower beds. On the site, the paths are sown with decorative grass or covered with sand. An orthopedic pebble path was made for the sports ground. In the summer, kids run barefoot on it to prevent flat feet and harden them. There is a gazebo on the playground where children can take refuge from heat or sudden rain. Gazebos painted in bright colors. Inside there is a wooden table and benches, where children also have educational activities, for example, making crafts from natural materials. All structures on the playground have bright colors. Swings and other structures are made of durable plastic, designed for ages from 3 to 7 years and are located at a safe distance from each other, without preventing children from walking.

    2. Interior

    The child spends most of the day in the garden, so he needs an environment as close to home as possible. The environment allows for independent basic skills even for children 3-4 years old: hangers, light switches, toiletries, bookshelves are within reach. The kids have personal cubicles where their things, toys brought at home, and some personal items are kept. The hallway is always clean, despite the fact that parents come to the kindergarten in the morning and evening: the floors are always perfectly washed. Kids are often clumsy and can stumble and fall, so clean floors are the main rule for kindergarten hallways.

    Game room quite free (for 15 people in a group). It contains a sufficient number of toys, educational material, books, board games, etc. Not a single child in the group is bored! Every day, teachers conduct developmental classes according to the age program in the region visual arts, mathematics, speech development, design, music, movement, the environment, etc.

    Also in the room there is sports section for outdoor games in inclement weather, equipped with a gymnastic wall (for 3-4 years), a mattress on the floor, a slide, a pool with balls, etc.), a soft carpet in the center of the playing area. In this room, the child is allowed to scream, run, climb and jump, and splash out his energy.

    There is a small kindergarten pool - a great addition for an ideal kindergarten. Kids love to splash in the water! This is not just pampering, but educational water games, learning to swim, where children are not only interested, but also useful! The pool includes a toilet, a nurse's room, a water sampling laboratory, and locker rooms for boys and girls with showers. The pool meets the standards for pool area, water depth, air and water temperature. The lesson is attended by an instructor (he is in the water with children 3-4 years old, 3-4 children in the water) and a nurse. The pool is equipped with equipment: inflatable toys, arm guards, boards and circles for learning to swim, etc.

    Music hall – develops emotional well-being and aesthetics in children. There are no untalented children; some of them will be able to sing, dance, participate in a play or puppet theater. Musical classes will help your child discover his creative abilities. Moreover, celebrations, competitions, and creative meetings can be held here. But, the child also has the opportunity to be in a quiet relaxation area, where he could retire from a noisy group, play independently, and engage in “quiet” creativity. This is a specially made quiet corner, separated by a screen from the entire group. Also in the kindergarten there is a spacious bedroom, made in light colors.

    3. Educational process in a group of 3-4 years old

    The main developmental goal of work in the younger group is the socialization of the child. Here the emphasis is not on the introduction of didactic games or training programs, but on the development of socialization. The task of the teacher of the younger group is not to leave a single child unattended, not to compare him with others, to be able to interest him and cheer him up! The personal example of adults here plays a significant role in education. They treat the child as an equal, respect his personal space and opinion, and answer their questions as clearly as possible, taking into account his age. Staff regularly receive advanced training in certain courses!

    In the first days, parents are not only allowed, but insist that they visit the kindergarten with their child for two to three hours. Gradually, when the child gets used to being in a group, parents can leave him alone for half an hour or an hour. And only when the child is completely comfortable in the group, parents will be allowed to leave him for half a day, and then for the whole day. Here, first of all, they care about the comfort of the child, and not the parents, who sometimes on the very first day of the visit want to leave the child for the whole day.

    The requirements for staff working with children are quite high! Young children need consistency. The kindergarten staff in the younger group does not change throughout the whole year, because a new face for a child is always stressful, you need to get used to a person, get to know his character, etc. The head is in the kindergarten throughout the day to solve emerging problems and any unfolding situations. Teachers in the junior group are not only highly qualified specialists in their profession, but also morally stable, friendly and open people.

    The development of social skills is one of the main goals of the Fidget kindergarten. The child here not only finds himself in physically comfortable conditions, but also develops into a mature social personality. The teachers help him:

    - learn to communicate with peers and adults, the ability to love, feel another, interact with others, build good relationships with peers and surrounding adults.

    - analyze conflict situations, be able to admit one’s guilt, but also express and defend one’s opinion, feel like an individual,

    - create an atmosphere in which you can open up, show your abilities, teach him not to do to others what you would not want done to you.

    Children 3-4 years old are very mobile and cannot sit in one place for a long time and focus on the lesson, so the duration of the lessons is no more than 20 minutes. The main developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old are aimed at developing:

      fine motor skills,

      speech, mathematics,

      development of logical thinking,

      development of sound culture of speech,

      getting to know the outside world,

      creative activities (drawing, modeling, appliqués),

      training in everyday skills.

    For all these activities there are the necessary manuals from 15 to 20 types of educational games. Due to the fact that each child receives an individual approach, none of the children lags behind in development. Children are always interested, because Kindergarten "Fidgets" has an atmosphere of support and mutual assistance!