Innovation changes human life for the better. The mask show continues. What's in fashion now. How to buy an N95 Which mask is 95 percent safer than others

Fabric masks! Raise your paws, those who have a strategic stock of these cool things exceeding a dozen, and always want to try something new? I bet there are a lot of you! I am no exception; I absolutely need fabric masks everywhere. On trips, at home, visiting. They don't take up space, replace serums and creams, and are easy to use. However, they are not as simple in their element as we used to think. There are at least five common stereotypes about these things, and accordingly, possible errors use. And it is precisely them that I would like to talk about, because at one time I also fell for the bait of these incorrect judgments.

1. Sheet masks can be used 2-3 times a week

In fact, there are no restrictions on the use of fabric masks. You are limited only by your own desires and means. Although one mask is inexpensive, using it every day can cost you a pretty penny... Although who ever stopped that?
However, there are many wonderful masks starting at 29 rubles. For example:

2. Sheet masks are all the same and can only moisturize

At one time, to my shame, I also propagated this myth. However, nothing stands still, and the development of this industry has led to the appearance of matting masks, mud masks, and foil masks, which serve completely different purposes. Therefore, if you need hydration, take moisturizers. The rest will reward you with additional special effects depending on your goals!
For example: mask with hyaluronic acid

3. Sheet masks are self-sufficient

The myth that a sheet mask will replace your toner, serum, lotion and cream is very common. And he is partly truthful, but you only need to focus on your own skin. For example, toner is absolutely necessary, and avoiding its use will reduce the effectiveness of the mask. As for serums and essences, it all depends on your desire. You can safely apply your serum under a fabric mask, because the concentration of benefits in the mask is still lower than in a full-fledged ampoule product. Use the cream when you think you need it. Listen only to yourself and your feelings.
An excellent toner that will enhance the effect of the mask, with a valuable ingredient - Asian centella -

4. Fabric masks can be used periodically and randomly

Can. However, there are a number of masks that simply need to be done in a course. In case you have special indications. For example, masks with vitamin C for skin renewal, or collagen for elasticity. This rule works the same way as with alginate masks.
For example, kiwi extract contains a large number of vitamin C: Innisfree It"s Real Squeeze Mask Kiwi

5. Sheet masks can be used twice

No. It is forbidden. In no case. Even if you still have gel inside the package, and even if you put the mask in the refrigerator. The seal is broken, the mask has been on your face and is no longer sterile. You don't use the same cotton pad twice, do you? The same goes for masks.

6. Fabric masks can be kept warm and are airtight

This is also completely untrue. Even though the masks are packed, elevated temperature, direct sunlight can cause damage even to a closed product. More than once I opened a “fermented” mask, the aroma of which hinted that it was no longer fresh. Better put it in the refrigerator or at least in a dark, cool place

7. Sheet masks can be used in the morning

Yes, you can, but these products will work much more effectively at night. At night, our skin perceives external influences much more strongly, rests and renews itself. Using a mask in the morning is nothing more than a pleasant ritual that you don’t have to cancel, but it will only work for hydration.
For example, a restorative face mask

8. Fabric masks should not be applied for 20-30 minutes

No, that's not true. 20-30 minutes is the time recommended by the manufacturer. However, leaving the mask overnight will also be effective. Usually the impregnation of masks is very rich, and you can easily fall asleep in it and wake up in the morning with perfect face, because the mask had been working on it for several hours.
One of these “thickly soaked masks” - Petitfee Silk Amino Serum Mask with silk proteins

9. Cellulose-based sheet masks are more effective than woven ones.

This is the ultimate trend and fashion; manufacturers are experimenting with shape, offering either whole-cut, cotton, or cellulose fabric. However, this does not affect the efficiency at all. The only exception is a foil mask, which creates something like a sauna on the face, and the impregnation under this “cover” penetrates deeper into the skin.

Do you recognize yourself? Have you made any of the mistakes listed above, or maybe your own?

The ancient inhabitants of the American continent used smoking in their shamanic rituals back in the fourth millennium BC. Three thousand years later, tobacco was held in high esteem by the healers of the peoples of Central America - healing properties were attributed to it, moreover, it was used as a painkiller.

Tobacco was also used as a form of currency between Native Americans and colonizers since the 1620s. In the 16th century, upon returning home, the latter introduced Europeans to tobacco. Even though the newly converted hobbyists were accused of being associated with the devil by the Inquisition, the Portuguese and Spanish continued to introduce the plant to Europe, accelerating its spread across the continent as a result.

As with the Native Americans, tobacco in the Old World was initially considered a panacea - it was used to cure a wide variety of diseases. During the First World War, tobacco was included in the mandatory diet of soldiers: doctors recommended smoking it to calm the nerves. Tobacco received the status of a strategic product during World War II, and in the 40-50s. In the 20th century, cigarettes became an element of the image of many successful film stars. It was during these years that people first started talking about the dangers of smoking.

In 1950, British epidemiologist Richard Doll published a study in the British Medical Journal that showed a strong link between smoking and lung cancer. Four years later, the so-called The British Doctors Study, which followed 40,000 doctors over 20 years, confirmed this assumption. Based on the results, the British government made an official statement for the first time that smoking is directly linked to lung cancer. Long-term statistical research by doctors was carried out until 2001, the results were published every ten years, and the latest findings were published in 2004. The final verdict is that smoking leads to lung cancer and myocardial infarction.

In the 1970s, tobacco companies began experimenting with cigarette designs and textures. The industry hoped to create a "safer" cigarette that would appeal to health-conscious consumers. The addition of filters was the first major modification to the product - later filters became an essential element in the development of "light" cigarettes (lights). Because filtered cigarettes were marketed as relatively safe and less harmful, smokers concerned about the negative effects of tobacco were convinced that by switching to filtered cigarettes they could minimize the harmful effects of smoking on their health.

In addition to promoting filtered products, the tobacco industry has simultaneously invested in developing cigarettes that would produce lower tar and nicotine levels when subject to mandatory testing by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These efforts led to the introduction and intensive promotion of "light" cigarettes in the 1970s. New type cigarettes now had a special perforated filter, which supposedly compensated for the concentration of inhaled harmful smoke with clean air. Most importantly for the tobacco industry, however, these cigarettes exhibited lower tar and nicotine levels when tested by the FTC.

However, according to a 2004 report by the US Surgeon General, "smoking cigarettes with lower tar and nicotine levels as measured by a smoking machine does not make smoking less harmful." Moreover, the tobacco companies' own internal documents also showed that cigarette manufacturers were aware of the differences between machine reading levels and the actual doses received by smokers when actually inhaled. Tobacco companies were also aware of the existence of compensatory behavior that causes consumers to smoke more when switching to "light" cigarettes. As a result, this type of cigarette may have become the choice of a certain segment of smokers, but it had no effect on improving the health of consumers. In 2008, the US Federal Trade Commission recognized that machine testing did not provide reliable measurements and eliminated this method of analysis.

From the middle of the last century until the beginning of the current one, all major changes in the tobacco industry were of an evolutionary nature - attempts were made to improve products and reduce the content of harmful substances, but success was minimal. However, in the 21st century, a new category of tobacco products appeared, significantly different from their traditional counterparts. In 2003, a Hong Kong pharmacist invented a prototype device that, a few years later, replaced traditional cigarettes for millions of people around the world. Electronic cigarette (or vape, from the English ch. vape- “vape”) works on a smokeless principle - a special cartridge with “e-liquid” is inserted into its base, which usually includes a mixture of glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine and flavoring, which heats up, releasing steam. Today on the vape market there are a lot of product variations in the form of various forms, device designs, as well as a large selection of scents. The legal status of electronic cigarettes varies greatly in countries - from a total ban on sale and production (in Argentina) to the assignment of "e-liquid" to the official status of a medical drug (in Germany, Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands).

The popularization of vaping products among smokers can be called a revolution, since thanks to electronic cigarettes, an impressive portion of smokers around the world were able to give up cigarettes and switch to smoke-free nicotine consumption. The fact is that the vapor significantly reduces the content of harmful substances and impurities that are found in tobacco smoke. These data are supported by numerous studies, including a report from Public Health England, in which scientists state that vaping is 95% safer than smoking regular cigarettes. Moreover, the agency has officially recommended the use of e-cigarettes as an alternative drug for nicotine replacement therapy, as reflected in the recently published UK National Tobacco Control Plan 2017-2022.

Nicotine itself is not a particularly harmful substance. There is no doubt that high doses of nicotine are hazardous to health, but not in the quantities found in cigarettes or vapes. There is evidence that nicotine can lead to changes in adolescent brain development, especially in areas responsible for intelligence, language and memory. At the same time, Western countries have already begun to introduce restrictions on the sale of electronic cigarettes containing nicotine - in countries such as the UK and Canada, sales to persons under 18-19 years of age are prohibited by law.

When nicotine binds to receptors in the brain, it releases dopamine, which plays a role in important role in regulating attention, concentration, appetite suppression and movement.

These properties explain the fact that nicotine can reduce the symptoms of a neurological disease such as Parkinson's disease. Patients with early stages Alzheimer's disease also shows some improvement with the use of nicotine patches, moreover, American researchers have also reported the possibility of restoring the balance of brain neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which ensure the transmission of information between nerve cells) in patients with depression with the help of nicotine.

In another long-term study, a group of British and American scientists tracked the health and levels of carcinogens in five groups of participants: regular cigarette smokers, former smokers, and long-term (usage time equal to or greater than 6 months) users of e-cigarettes or nicotine replacement medications (NRT), long-term users of conventional and e-cigarettes or conventional cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy. As a result, experts found that the level of harmful substances when a former smoker completely switched to electronic cigarettes dropped sharply to the level found in users who exclusively used NRT drugs (nicotine patches, chewing gum, etc.).

Thus, we can say that electronic cigarettes can truly become an alternative to smoking, and, with a complete refusal of conventional cigarettes, can positively affect the health of the consumer. However, not all smokers like vaping - some note that e-cigarettes do not bring the same pleasure, others complain that they do not get high, and still others point out the taste differences.

In this regard, several years ago, a new type of product in the form of tobacco heating systems gained popularity on the world market. This method Nicotine delivery differs from traditional and electronic cigarettes - the fact is that there is no process of combustion or evaporation of nicotine liquid. A special tobacco stick is placed in the device, which, when heated to a certain degree, produces a nicotine aerosol with much lower levels of other harmful substances found in tobacco smoke. Users note that such devices most accurately reproduce the taste of tobacco. And this, in turn, contributes to the transition from cigarettes to alternative products.

The technology for heating tobacco first appeared on the market in the late 80s, but early versions were not in demand - users complained about the inconvenience of the design and the unpleasant taste. Moreover, the developers were unable to completely eliminate the combustion process, as a result of which a significant reduction in harm to health during use was not achieved.

Today, a number of large tobacco companies have in their product line their own versions of products based on tobacco heating technology. Their operating principles are somewhat different - in one case, the device heats tobacco in a special stick to a temperature not exceeding 350 degrees. In another, a hot aerosol passes through a capsule containing granulated tobacco leaves. And, although all the developments of competing tobacco companies are based on different technologies, it is important to note that due to the absence of a combustion process, the level of carcinogens in device aerosols is reduced, therefore, they have less harmful effects on the body compared to cigarettes.

The development of innovation in the tobacco industry is in line with a global trend in which new technologies are being introduced into many industries in order to reduce harm to people's health. This trend is especially noticeable in the consumer goods market - the popularity of farm-made “organic” food without chemical additives is growing, manufacturers of household chemicals are beginning to produce phosphate-free washing powders, and manufacturers of plastic products (especially toys) stopped using harmful chemical impurities (for example, the use of the chemical Bisphenol A as a hardener in the manufacture of plastic is prohibited in a number of countries due to possible harmful effects on health - it can provoke endocrine system disorders and oncology) . The auto industry also keeps up with the times - electric cars do not emit into the atmosphere harmful substances, thus positively influencing the health of city residents. Finally, innovation has led to the development of less harmful alternatives to smoking.

All these examples show that the reduced risk product industry will develop in the future as there is a growing demand for it around the world. Thus, innovative companies have the opportunity to continue to improve their products and at the same time change the world for the better.

American scientists were the first to study the filtering capabilities of cheap cloth masks, which city residents use when the air is heavily polluted or smoky. The effectiveness of this protection turned out to be almost zero. The authors write about this in the article, published V Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.

Cheap and convenient, cloth masks are a common means of protection against smoke, smog and other air pollutants. They have spread widely throughout the world from countries in Southeast Asia that are particularly affected by this problem. They are not uncommon in Russian megacities, which are sometimes covered in smog from forest and peat fires. Meanwhile, there is very little reliable data on the effectiveness of this protection.

University of Massachusetts Amherst professor Richard Peltier and his co-authors note that standard industrial, rescue or medical respirator masks can be considered sufficiently studied. By American standards, they must meet level 95 of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) filter capacity scale and filter at least 95 percent of particles 0.3 microns (300 nm) or larger. However, such respirators are not always at hand, and when there is serious air pollution, people more often use the first protective masks they come across, which can be bought on the street.

Based on this, Richard Peltier and his colleagues conducted experiments and assessed the filtering capabilities of cloth masks of four different designs. All of them were purchased from street vendors in Kathmandu, where residents use such masks quite often. It was folded like an accordion medical mask; two simple rag ones and one more complex one - conical in shape, with an air release valve at the end. For comparison, Moldex 2701 and 3M 8200 respirator masks certified according to No. 95 were selected. The authors tested their ability to retain monodisperse aerosol particles with sizes of 30, 100 and 500 nm, 1 and 2.5 microns, as well as diesel fuel exhaust suspended in the air.

Scientists note that the effectiveness of cloth masks has proven to be extremely limited, especially when it comes to trapping particles 2.5 microns in size and smaller. Particles of this size are considered especially dangerous because they can penetrate deeper into the lungs. The simplest cloth masks retained 39 to 65 percent of particles and did little to prevent diesel exhaust particles, retaining only 13 to 40 percent (by weight). The most complex and expensive mask tested, with a plastic exhaust valve, performed better than the others, retaining 57 percent of exhaust and 80-90 percent of monodisperse particles - that is, at the level of certified respirators.

“Unfortunately, the most ineffective masks are the cheapest, most accessible, and most widely used in developing countries,” the authors note.

95% safer: vapers are among us

Photo: Liya Garayeva / Kemerovo Newspaper; flickr

Today it is impossible not to notice on the streets of Kemerovo the appearance of a cloud-man with an alien stick in his hands - the so-called vaper. The excitement around vaping is growing before our eyes: every day a huge number of memes with “vaping” people are posted on the Internet, specialized stores are opening in cities, and places have already appeared where such guys can easily “bring heaven to earth” in the company of like-minded people.

The Kemerovo Newspaper correspondent decided to find out what the unfamiliar word “vaping” hides, how legal it is and how safe it is for health.

Evolution of the smoker

Today, a vaper is any person who consumes nicotine using a special type of electronic cigarette that produces steam instead of smoke.

The first “smokeless cigarette” was invented by Herbert Gilbert in 1963. This device made it possible to do without burning tobacco and paper, but it was not particularly popular for one simple reason - smoking tobacco was allowed everywhere.

Active sales of electronic cigarettes began in China in the 1990s. At that time, the Celestial Empire represented the main sales market. And it was Hon Lik, a Chinese inventor and physician, who carried out a revolution of sorts. Despite the fact that he himself was a heavy smoker, the scientist hated his habit because his father died of lung cancer due to this addiction. So Hong Lik decided to invent more safe way smoking. His electronic cigarette, consisting of a battery, a plastic cartridge, an ultrasonic atomizer and a mixture of nicotine and propylene glycol, was introduced to the public in 2003. Afterwards, “soaring” found its fans both in the Middle Kingdom and throughout the world.

The principle of an electronic cigarette is quite simple. The atomizer (evaporator) contains a coil through which a wick is passed. Liquid is supplied to it. The spiral heats up when exposed to current, and the liquid evaporates. The resulting vapor is inhaled by vapers. The “liquid” (liquid) contains glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine and flavoring. There are also refills without nicotine.

I don't smoke, I vape

Gradually, the fashion for vaping reached Russia, and then spread throughout the regions. Nowadays, compared to ordinary smokers, there are not so many vapers, but they do exist. For example, a 20-year-old Kemerovo resident Nikita Radchenko has been “soaring” for a year now.

“It all started when I tried an electronic cigarette on vacation two years ago. I wasn’t particularly interested because the vapor was the same as the smoke from a regular cigarette. Then, gradually, the history of vaping began to develop, various photographs appeared on the Internet or some information about new products in this area. Electronic cigarettes now produce more vapor and come in different flavors. So I switched from regular smoking to vaping. I no longer feel that disgusting taste of cigarettes, my clothes don’t smell, and I don’t cause inconvenience to others. Only small clouds that people usually look around at. Psychologists believe that those who soar are addicted to them. No one will get high on the taste without exhaling a lot of steam. I myself work in a vape shop and I can say that it is quite an expensive pleasure. But if you make the liquid yourself, it will be cheaper than cigarettes. Everything you need for it can be easily purchased in the store. However, there is one drawback: there are no long-term technologies yet. The devices are not suitable for repair in the event of a breakdown.", says the vaper.

According to Nikita, vaping is much safer than regular cigarettes. During his five years of smoking, he often woke up with headaches and suffered from shortness of breath, but now, he says, all this is gone. This is why many people switch from smoking to vaping.

In addition, there are already several places in Kemerovo where the clouds never seem to dissipate. Usually, vaping enthusiasts gather in vape shops: there they can exchange liquids, no matter how strange it may sound, and also buy something new.

When 5% turned out to be dangerous

So far, vapers are floating in rainbow clouds, and there is a completely logical explanation for this. A Public Health England report from August 2015 stated that e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than cigarettes. But is everything really so rosy? We decided to find out this from the chief narcologist of the Siberian Federal District Andrey Lopatin.

“This process of nicotine use has practically not been studied. I don't think there's anything here that radically changes the concept of smoking addiction. It's just technologically more modern. And it’s probably not vitamins that are formed during the use of an e-cigarette. And these substances will most likely have negative impact on human lungs. Therefore, talk about how it is harmless is for the naive. Previously, cigarettes with filters and light cigarettes appeared, which promised to make smoking light and easy. Now even a child probably knows that there is no lightness or lightness. The negative consequences of tobacco are always the same. Of course, it is harmful to be around a vaper. The liquid contains substances that, when vaped, turn into far from useful substances. A certain period of time will pass, which will provide an opportunity to study the negative consequences on human health and his psyche from the point of view of addiction. Here we see precisely the negative aspect of a gentle initiation into smoking and the subsequent formation of a regular smoker. They start with pampering, light cigarettes, such vaping, then they move on to something more conservative, and then the traditional scenario. With regular use of nicotine, a person essentially becomes a drug addict.”, says Lopatin.

Of course, sometimes vaping helps you quit smoking. But the opinion of narcologists confirms that this is simply a psychological substitution, and the harm that nicotine causes to health is not reduced by the vapor. Meanwhile, manufacturers, sellers and consumers are trying in every possible way to position their hobby as something harmless, easy, good and even useful. However, this is nothing more than another marketing ploy, and if you call a spade a spade, then vaping is still the same old and not very good addiction to nicotine, wrapped in innovative packaging.

Not prohibited by law

If vapers themselves adore their aromatic vapor, then people who are not associated with such breathing exercises, have ambivalent attitudes towards him. Passers-by may mistake the thick clouds for tobacco smoke, and the volume of smoke increases the level of aggression.

Electronic cigarettes are indeed not prohibited by law in Russia due to the fact that their effects on the human body have been practically unstudied. However, in some countries the anti-tobacco law still affected vaping. For example, in Italy, Canada, Denmark and Norway, not a single upstart will snort: “It is not prohibited by law!” And in the United States, you can no longer soar on board commercial flights.

“This is a definitive solution as it protects air travelers from unwanted exposure to aerosol vapors that are released when using an e-cigarette.”, - US Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx snapped.

Whether vaping will be included in the Russian anti-tobacco law - time will tell. In the meantime, people who can do without a dose of nicotine will have to soar in the clouds along with vapers. But, at least, not tobacco ones, but with the smell of strawberry or mint.

The Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development warns: smoking is harmful to your health