Using vanish for cleaning carpets: methods of application. How to properly use Vanish for carpets, reviews about it and useful tips

Carpets are the most susceptible to contamination in living spaces. Dust settles on them, small debris accumulates and household stains appear. Therefore, sooner or later, every housewife has to use a cleaning agent. And here Vanish takes the leading position. It copes well with stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. Vanish is available in several forms on the cleaning products market: shampoo, spray, powder and active foam. To make it easier to decide on a suitable product, we will help you understand the instructions for use, consider the main features and give advice on how to use them most effectively.

Dry cleaning powder

If you have a large area of ​​carpet to clean, use Vanish powder. It will help get rid of old and stubborn stains, give the carpet a fresh and well-groomed appearance. The chemical composition of the powder is designed in such a way that the active elements absorb and bring to the surface even the most stubborn dirt.

The method of application includes several steps.

  1. Before cleaning, prepare the carpet and vacuum it thoroughly.
  2. Shake the packaging to distribute the powder evenly. Remember that it does not need to be additionally moistened or diluted with water.
  3. Apply the product to the carpet surface. Use a regular brush to smooth it out. Make sure the powder is evenly distributed.
  4. Leave for 20-25 minutes.
  5. After the powder has dried, vacuum up the residue. Use disposable bags to throw away immediately after cleaning.

Carry out cleaning in a ventilated area. Particles of powder can trigger allergies or asthma attacks.

Stain Remover Spray

Vanish spray is designed for local removal of stains on the carpet.

  1. Vacuum your carpet before using it.
  2. Then spray the product onto the stain.
  3. Use a soft brush to scrub old and deep-seated stains with gentle, light movements.
  4. Allow the active ingredients to soak into the lint for 5 minutes.
  5. Remove any remaining product with a clean cloth.

Shampoo for manual cleaning

Shampoo for manual cleaning is available in two versions - regular and antibacterial. Both products are used to remove stubborn dirt and unpleasant odors. The difference between Vanish antibacterial shampoo is the presence of additional components that destroy germs.

  1. Vacuum and prepare the carpet.
  2. In a basin or bucket, mix 100 g of shampoo and 900 ml of water, at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.
  3. Whip the water with vigorous movements until a rich foam forms.
  4. Remember that only foam is used to clean carpet.
  5. Apply it to the pile with a regular sponge. Do not wet it with water or shampoo.
  6. The foam should dry completely on the carpet, after which the residue can be vacuumed up.

Shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners

Experts from the Vanish brand have developed a special shampoo especially for washing vacuum cleaners. It is also designed to clean the carpet from dirt and remove unpleasant odors.

  1. Vacuum the carpet surface thoroughly.
  2. Mix 1.5 caps of shampoo and 1 liter of cool water.
  3. Add the cleaning mixture to your vacuum cleaner and vacuum the carpet.
  4. After the foam has dried, vacuum the surface again, but without using shampoo.

Active foam

Vanish active foam is designed to remove stains, old and stubborn dirt, and refresh carpets and rugs.

  1. Prepare the carpet for cleaning.
  2. Take a can of foam.
  3. Shake it thoroughly and spray the product.
  4. Keep the can at a distance of 70-90 cm from the carpet.
  5. Using a sponge, distribute the product evenly over the pile of the product.
  6. Wait until completely dry and vacuum the carpet.

To keep your carpet looking like new, and to make cleaning less hassle and time-consuming, follow these recommendations:

  • Make it a rule to vacuum your carpet at least 2 times a week. Carry out preventive cleaning with Vanish once a month.
  • Be sure to ventilate the room while cleaning. If you have allergies in your family, be careful, as any remaining product may trigger an attack.
  • Use Vanish Stain Remover immediately after a stain has formed. Old stains are much more difficult to remove.
  • To remove old and stubborn stains, pour a capful of concentrated product onto the stain a few minutes before applying the foam.
  • Rub in Vanish in a circular motion. This way you can capture all the dirt particles. Do not use loop bristle brushes or damp cloths, otherwise the fluff will be difficult to dry and may cause bad smell and mold.
  • Do not over-wet the carpet, otherwise it may shrink. Do not walk on the treated surface as this will reduce the effectiveness of the product.

If you are using Vanish for the first time, be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the carpet. If the color does not fade and the carpet pile is not deformed, the product can be used. It is better not to use Vanish on carpets self made and silk.

So, we have a carpet that needs to be cleaned of dirt, and a cleaning product called Vanish. How to remove stains and return the flooring to its original appearance? First of all, the existing kit should be supplemented with a brush or sponge, a container for dissolving the product in water, and we will also need water and a vacuum cleaner.

Naturally, “Vanish” has a wide variety of uses; this is typical for any product. It should be noted that most negative opinions about the product are due to the fact that it was used incorrectly, trace

Unfortunately, the expected result after cleaning was not obtained. To avoid this, you need to follow a few fairly simple steps.

First of all, you need to get rid of dust and small debris on the carpet, for this you use a unit familiar to everyone called a vacuum cleaner. You can knock out the coating on the street; this option will even be more effective. It should be immediately noted that if the front is not cleaned of dust, stains may appear on it, which will then be very difficult to remove.

Now we proportionally dilute Vanish for carpets. Reviews about it, by the way, often have a negative connotation precisely because the product is not mixed correctly with water and applied incorrectly. Therefore, this stage should be given Special attention. To achieve the desired result, you need to mix one part of the product and nine parts of water; you can use any small container for this or just take a cap from the product. The water should be warm, but in no case hot, about 40 degrees.

Now necessary

o beat the solution until foam is obtained. This is what is used for cleaning. Here, again, it should be noted that sometimes housewives do not do this and apply the resulting liquid to the coating; it is not surprising that after this there are negative reviews about the “Vanish” product for carpets.

Now you need to take a large brush or sponge and apply foam to the entire carpet. If you mean cleaning only one area, then, accordingly, it needs to be distributed only in this place. Be sure to take into account that the coating should not be very wet - this can lead to stains or shrinkage.

After “Vanish” for carpet cleaning in the form of foam is applied to the required area, you can proceed directly to cleaning. This should be done with the same brush or sponge. The foam is rubbed in in a circular motion, paying special attention to the most contaminated areas. If there are strongly ingrained stains on the coating, some time before starting cleaning you should splash on them. a large number of facilities.

After finishing cleaning, the carpet should dry. For this

o it takes about 2-3 hours, but the best option will leave the product on it overnight. At this time, you should not walk on the surface and it is better, if possible, not to be in this room. It is recommended to ventilate the room while drying the carpet.

Now you can begin the last step - vacuuming the carpet. This is necessary in order to get rid of the dried product. It should be noted that

If you have a carpet on the floor of your apartment, then you know firsthand that caring for it requires patience, strength and the use of special detergents. Many housewives successfully remove stains using Vanish for carpet cleaning. This is a universal cleaner that can remove almost any stain. However, not everyone knows how to use it, so you can find negative reviews about Vanish on the Internet. We invite you to explore the varieties and detailed instructions on the use of this unique product.

Composition and varieties

You can clean carpets from dirt and stains in several ways:

  1. Wet cleaning will cope with difficult stains. Special liquid products will help get rid of stains.
  2. Dry cleaning involves the use of powders that are scattered over carpets. The powder will attract dirt to the surface and it can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Vanish does not contain chlorine, which can change the color and strength of the product. The effectiveness of Vanisn cleaning product is achieved thanks to the following components:

  • chemical compounds that are combined with other components and are highly resistant;
  • organic substances with flower aromas;
  • phosphates;
  • acid bleach.

Vanish cleaning product is available both in dry and liquid form:

  1. Spot Cleaning Spray is designed to remove stains.
  2. Dry cleaning powder will help get rid of stubborn stains. In his chemical composition includes active elements that can bring even the most stubborn dirt to the surface. As a result, the carpet takes on a fresh and well-groomed appearance.
  3. Shampoo for manual cleaning can be simple and antibacterial. A product with antibacterial components will not only remove dirt, but also destroy germs.
  4. A special shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners is used to clean dirt and remove odors.
  5. Active foam is designed to remove stubborn dirt, remove stains and freshen carpets.

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All Vanish products have their own characteristics, so they must be used according to certain rules.

Carpet cleaning with Vanish at home

When using any of the carpet cleaning products, you must follow these recommendations:

Anti-stain spray

At home, stain remover should be used immediately after staining the carpet. In this case, the fresh stain will be easier to remove. Instructions for use advise:

  1. Vacuum the surface and spray the spray onto the stain.
  2. Dirt can be scrubbed with a soft brush.
  3. After five minutes, use a clean, dry cloth to remove the spray.

Shampoo for manual cleaning

Both regular and antibacterial shampoo will not only clean away dust and dirt, but also will remove unpleasant odors . The sequence of their application is as follows:

  1. Vacuum the carpet.
  2. Dilute shampoo in a bucket or bowl with cool water (1:9).
  3. Lather the cleanser well. It is foam that will be used, so there should be as much of it as possible.
  4. Using a regular sponge, apply foam to the surface (there is no need to wet the carpet).
  5. When the foam settles and dries, carpet covering will need to be vacuumed.

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Shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners

At home, the cleaning method using a washing vacuum cleaner and a special Vanish is very effective. Easily and quickly removes ingrained dirt from the coating and unpleasant odors.

Instructions for use:

The use of Vanish shampoo on silk products and handmade coverings is not recommended.

Dry cleaning powder

A powder product can clean large areas, refresh the product and get rid of dried stains. There is no need to dilute the powder with water, which makes it convenient to use.

Cleaning sequence:

  1. Vacuum the carpet.
  2. Shake the bag of powder and spread the product over the surface. To get an even layer, you can use a soft brush.
  3. After about 20 minutes, the powder should dry and it, along with the dirt, will need to be collected with a vacuum cleaner. To collect all the product from the pile, you will need to vacuum several times.

Cleaning with moistened powder should be done slowly, consistently and strictly according to the instructions. Before use, it is recommended to test the product on a small area of ​​the product.

Active foam

You can clean a heavily soiled carpet, remove old stains on it, or simply refresh the product using special active foam Vanish. It is applied as follows:

  1. The carpet is being vacuumed.
  2. The container is actively shaken and the foam from it is distributed over the surface. When spraying, the container should be kept at a distance of 70–90 cm from the product.
  3. The foam can take several hours to dry. After this, it will need to be collected with a vacuum cleaner.

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Like other Vanish products, the foam should not be used on silk items or handmade carpets. The room should be ventilated during the cleaning procedure. Before using any cleaning product, test it on a small area of ​​the coating.

Consumer Reviews

We cleaned the carpet all the time at the dry cleaner. But then I read reviews about Vanish and decided to try it. This remedy is literally revived our carpet. Shampoo for manual cleaning was used strictly according to the instructions. We waited almost half a day for it to dry. Within a few hours after treatment, it became clear that all the dirt had collected on the surface and simply needed to be collected with a vacuum cleaner. Vanish is not cheap, but dry cleaning is much more expensive. Therefore, the price is not a disadvantage of this product.

Tatyana, Russia

I have been using Vanish cleaning product for many years. Like all goods, over time it became less quality, but not by much. That’s why I still buy it and am always very pleased with the results. I use Vanish to clean hallway rugs or after renovations to refresh and remove stains from carpets.

This manual cleaning shampoo has never let me down. I apply it with a sponge or brush. The foam is always applied evenly and dries quite quickly. After that, all you have to do is use a vacuum cleaner, and the rugs are like new. I always recommend when using a cleaning product. open the windows or even windows. Especially if someone in the household suffers from allergies.

Ilya, Russia

I regularly clean my carpet with Vanish - clean and fresh. I use it once every two weeks and am happy with the results. However, to get the carpet clean, you need to work hard, although using shampoo is not at all difficult. The surface of the coating must first be vacuumed, then foam must be applied to it.

Floor coverings get dirty very often and require cleaning, which can be very difficult. One of the most popular cleaning products at home is Vanish for carpets, which can be used both by hand and with a vacuum cleaner.

Sometimes negative reviews regarding this cleaning product appear on the Internet. But most often the reason for a negative result is the incorrect use of Vanish for cleaning carpets.

Types of product and application

There are a number of types of cleaning products for dry and wet cleaning. They differ in their characteristic features of use and contraindications. This list includes: handmade shampoos, antibacterial shampoo and shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners; stain remover spray; dry processing powder; active foam.

The main rule of using Vanish for carpets is to use it only on surfaces with durable paint. You must first test the effect of the product on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the carpet. Before use, the cover must be knocked out or vacuumed.

Regardless of the type, Vanish for carpet cleaning exists general instructions for use which must be followed:

  • check the effect of Vanish on the coating;
  • ventilate the room;
  • clean the carpet from dust and small debris;
  • apply Vanish;
  • wait for it to dry;
  • remove the product;
  • ventilate the premises.

These are the basic principles of working with Vanish. Special cases are discussed below.

Vanish powder

The powder is designed to treat large areas of carpet, is able to remove old dirt and is easy to use. Instructions for using Vanish for carpets:

Vanish Spray

One of the methods Applications of Vanish for carpet cleaning - removing stains immediately after they occur. Vanish Spray will help with this, which is recommended to be used for removal. fresh contaminants of any complexity.

Vanish spray for carpet cleaning - instructions for use:

  1. spray the product over the area, after removing the dust with a vacuum cleaner;
  2. wait a few minutes (maximum 5 minutes);
  3. wipe the stain with a cloth.

The spray is a very active agent, so it should not be used to clean handmade surfaces. You also need to first test the effect of the spray on an inconspicuous area. For long-haired coated ones, a spray is preferable, since other types of Vanish are more difficult to remove after drying.

Vanish shampoos

There are several types of Vanish shampoos: for manual cleaning, antibacterial and for washing vacuum cleaners. Manual shampoos are designed to clean stubborn stains, remove odors and remove dust.

A characteristic feature of antibacterial shampoo is the presence of elements in the composition, which is carried out disinfection of the coating and destruction of microorganisms. Instructions for Vanish for carpets in the form of shampoo:

  • Vacuum the carpet.
  • Ventilate the room.
  • Dilute the product with water in a ratio of 1 to 9 (0.1 liter of Vanish per 0.9 liter of water). It needs to be diluted in warm liquid (up to 40 degrees).
  • Shake the solution until foam appears.
  • Apply foam to the coating.
  • After drying, clean with a vacuum cleaner.

Shampoos for washing vacuum cleaners are designed to remove old contaminants and eliminating odors. To wash the carpet you need:

  • carry out dry cleaning of the coating;
  • According to the instructions on the label, dilute the shampoo with warm water;
  • fill the vacuum cleaner with the resulting solution;
  • vacuum the coating;
  • wait for it to dry and do dry cleaning.

It is best not to use a carpet cleaner that contains silk.

To remove old and difficult to remove stains, active foam is used, without which it is difficult to clean the surfaces of walk-through areas. Instructions for use:

It should be noted that foam not intended for use with washing vacuum cleaners.

Vanish - the best remedy for cleaning old stains on floor coverings. Its use has its own characteristics, so you must carefully read the rules for using Vanish. The room must be ventilated before use. To enhance the effect, before treating the carpet with the product, you need to comb it out so that the fibers straighten out.

After drying, Vanish must carry out dry cleaning until the chemical elements are completely removed. The rules of use are simple, but require a careful approach. Otherwise, the floor covering may be hopelessly damaged. But if used correctly, the carpets will have a fresh look and a pleasant aroma.

Attention, TODAY only!

The American company Reckitt Benckiser has branches in 60 countries and produces detergents under various brands, including Vanish for carpets. The products are in demand among consumers. A good effect can be achieved by strictly following all instructions.

Vanish is very popular among consumers

Given the large number of countries, manufacturers do not describe the rules for cleaning and removing stains, but place them on back side bottle diagrams and pictures.

When using Vanish, you must strictly follow the dosage. Excess detergent and foam remain on the pile and create a sticky film. Vanish cannot be used to clean silk carpets and handmade natural wool products.

Several types of cleaning products and stain removers are available for carpets:

  • shampoo for refilling washing vacuum cleaners;
  • wet powder;
  • dry cleaning shampoo;
  • antibacterial shampoo that removes unpleasant odors from animals;
  • spray to remove all types of stains;
  • aerosol to get rid of fresh stains.

All products, with the exception of aerosol, are in plastic packaging Pink colour. They often sell fakes on the market. Therefore, on some types of Reckitt Benckiser products, membranes are already installed on the neck - tamper-evident films.

Regardless of which of the Vanish carpet cleaning products you will use, there are several general rules.

  1. First, you need to vacuum the carpet on both sides and wipe the floor underneath. It is advisable to remove dust from furniture so that it does not settle.
  2. Open the window and ensure good ventilation of the room.
  3. Test any product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the carpet before use. Similar testing should be done when using .
  4. Clean the carpet, carefully observing the dosage of products and holding time.
  5. Allow the flooring to dry, do not walk on it.
  6. Vacuum again, even if the foam or powder is collected before drying.
  7. Use only soft brushes.
  8. When working with Vanish, you must wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.

Dyes react differently to Vanish; natural dyed products may experience discoloration. You should always check the compatibility of detergents and items.

Be sure to use gloves

Family members may be allergic to Vanish. Then you need to switch to products from another manufacturer, since the main components in all drugs are the same.

Regular steam mopping and cleaner usually removes dust well and restores the color of the carpet. But over time, it can develop stains that require serious cleaning.

A solution of shampoo is poured into the tank of the washing vacuum cleaner, one and a half caps - 30 ml, per liter of cold purified water. Warm liquids should not be used.

First you need to clean the carpet on both sides with a vacuum cleaner in dry cleaning mode. In some diagrams it is even recommended to knock it out in order to get rid of dust and wool as much as possible.

Vanish shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners

Go over the entire surface, washing the carpet. Let it dry for several hours. Then use a soft brush to lift the pile in a circular motion. After this treatment, the unpleasant odor that animals leave when they make a puddle will disappear.

Vanish shampoo for cleaning vacuum cleaners, can be used on furniture if it has pile upholstery. You cannot wash floors or clean other surfaces.

Before using the powder for cleaning, you should carefully consider how to use Vanish for carpets and calculate the consumption. It is indicated on the package g/m2 or the size of the area that can be cleaned with the entire contents of the pack. Simple arithmetic and you can measure Vanish for manual carpet cleaning. Excess product will create an unpleasant sticky film after cleaning.

There is no need to wet the carpet or the powder itself; it is kept at the required moisture level in the packet.

  1. Vacuum the carpet well and do not leave dust underneath it on the floor.
  2. Shake the packet of Vanish powder several times, mixing its components.
  3. Sprinkle the stains first and rub them with a sponge. Then sprinkle it over the entire surface of the carpet and spread it with a soft brush, rubbing it into the pile.
  4. After 20 minutes, the powder can be collected with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. After a few hours, walk over the surface of the carpet with a soft brush, straightening and fluffing the pile.

Powder granules collect and “stick” to themselves fat, protein and other dirt. Then they take it with them into the vacuum cleaner bag.

Moisturized Vanish powder

After cleaning with a damp powder, the color of the carpet is restored and the unpleasant odor goes away. The product can be used when it is necessary to remove stains without cleaning the entire surface. After cleaning the dust, Vanish powder is poured onto the contaminated areas, spread with a sponge and rubbed in with light movements until the streaks completely disappear. After drying, the entire carpet should be vacuumed or brushed with a soft brush.

The shampoo is designed for dry cleaning with foam. Before using liquid Vanish to clean the carpet, you need to make a solution and beat it. The preparation of the carpet and floor is standard, as before using other cleaning products from the Vanish series.

The proportion of the solution for foam is 1: 9. More precisely, 1 cap of the product is 20 ml, and 180 ml of water, together a glass is 200 ml. You need to beat in a wide container, preferably a basin. You can use a sponge, brush or cream whisk. Each housewife decides for herself what is more convenient for her. The foam is used after it becomes thick and stable.

  1. After cleaning the dust, apply foam to the carpet with a soft sponge. Leave to dry.
  2. After a few hours, remove the foam with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner. The dirt and unpleasant smell will go away with it.

There is no need to reapply foam, even if it seems like there is not enough of it. The excess will remain on the carpet as a sticky residue even after prolonged drying.

Vanish shampoo for manual carpet cleaning

You cannot walk on the carpet while it is drying; marks and stains will remain.

If your carpet has stubborn stains, you can first apply foam to them and lightly scrub with a sponge until the dirt is washed away. Then cover the entire carpet with foam or limit yourself to only individual stains.

Vanish antibacterial shampoo for carpets is used, instructions for use are similar to washing shampoo. Only its main purpose is to disinfect the carpet, remove odors of dampness, mold pores, and microbes.

The shampoo is whipped into foam and applied evenly over the entire surface. If the foam falls off, beat it again. If necessary, you can spread the product a little with a soft brush so that it penetrates between the pile. After complete drying, after 4 – 5 hours, remove with a vacuum cleaner at high suction power.

If there are stains on the carpet, then sprinkle wet Vanish powder on them and rub with a brush or dry sponge. After treating all dirty areas, apply foam to the entire surface.

The foam is applied completely to the carpet after treating the stains with powder.

When treated with antibacterial shampoo, dirt is partially removed and color is restored. If the carpet is lying in a damp room, then it must be dried thoroughly, the dust must be knocked out and processed outside or moved to a dry room with good ventilation.

Many housewives who have small children and animals say that I use antibacterial shampoo, and it leaves a fresh smell for a long time. The kids crawl on a clean carpet and they are not afraid for them. There is no dirt from animals or microbes in the pile.

  1. Use a paper towel or napkin to remove any remaining moisture from the carpet.
  2. Spray the stain with the spray and lightly rub it in with a sponge until the stain disappears.
  3. After 5 minutes, remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner.

The spray works quickly. The surfactants in its composition dissolve fats and proteins, remove oily contaminants and traces of organic compounds.

Old stains should be lightly moistened with a sponge, blot off excess moisture and spray the stain with a spray. If you can't clean completely, use wet powder or repeat cleaning after a few hours.

If the carpet is not vacuumed before removing the old stain, dust stains may remain on the surface.

Aerosol “Active foam” for fresh stains

The aerosol is designed to remove fresh stains from the surface of the carpet. Excess moisture and grease should be collected with a dry cloth, first blotting and then wiping the stain. To apply the foam evenly, the can must first be shaken several times. Then spray the foam onto the dirt from a distance of 70 - 80 cm, this is approximately holding it at waist level.

The foam dries quickly and after 3 – 5 minutes it can be removed with a brush, or even better, with a vacuum cleaner. If the stain is difficult to remove, then you can rub the treated area with a soft brush, directing the foam inward in a circular motion, between the villi. Everything must be done quickly, before the substance dries.

The dried stain must first be lubricated with a shampoo solution prepared in the same proportion as for whipping foam. Then spray the aerosol.

Precautionary measures

When working with Vanish detergents and cleaning compounds, you must remember safety. Dirt is removed by surfactants contained in large quantities - surfactants. They dry hands, irritate the mucous membrane when a person inhales them, and cause allergies, especially in children. It is necessary to ventilate the room where the carpet is being cleaned well and wear rubber gloves. While the carpet is drying, no one should be in the room.