How to adapt as a woman to a male team: detailed instructions. What happens to a woman who works in a male team Women in a male team

The only woman in a male team... Many ladies secretly dream about this. She is surrounded by attention, she is showered with compliments, she is given all sorts of concessions. This is great! Or not?

It is believed that it is easier for a woman to work in a male team. There is no gossip, no difficult situations associated with envy. But in every case there is a second side to the coin.

A woman in a male team must be prepared for heavy workloads. This is due to the fact that men manage to do one and a half times more things in a day, and can complete 75% of overtime work. The woman will have to keep up with them. And you need to understand that, working among men, she is exposed close attention. It should also be remembered that work comes first for men. They don’t waste time chatting; all conversations on the phone are focused on work topics. Women sometimes like to chat about this and that: children, family, new clothes…. This is how women usually relieve tension accumulated during the working day.

Do not forget that a woman who works among men is closely monitored. At first it may be pleasant; it gives you pleasure to catch interested people men's views, feel like a goddess. But you should start love affair at work or even just think about it, start flirting with someone from the team, then you will understand how men can gossip and joke evilly. Therefore, you still shouldn’t practice affairs with colleagues, don’t flirt with anyone, give up coquetry.

Also, do not try to join the male team from the first days of work. They sense falsehood very well. You should not give advice or discuss your personal life. Be natural, devote more time to work, if you are in a bad mood, try to control your emotions, and then success will await you.

It is better to choose a business style of clothing. Don't try to impress your colleagues with your curves in a miniskirt or dress with an open neckline. It will look out of place in a work environment. Stylish business suit, a skirt of acceptable length is what you need.

Yes, you are the only one they have. They value you, look after you, and show gallantry. But a male colleague is still more likely to climb the career ladder, not you. This is explained by the fact that gender stereotypes are triggered that it is more typical for a woman to create home comfort and raise children than to achieve career heights. All this, of course, is prejudice. But, unfortunately, they still live in modern groups. Therefore, if you want to show yourself as a highly qualified specialist, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to defend your rights and prove that women, on an equal basis with men, can occupy high positions and feel great there.

In a male team, it is sometimes difficult to remain feminine. This happens because the lady unconsciously begins to copy the behavior of her colleagues, since she has to spend a lot of time together. The woman begins to speak a tone lower, walk wider, laugh louder. Over time, you will begin to understand which tires are better to drive on, which motor oil is better... And perhaps this will be useful to you.

It turns out that being the only woman in a male team is not so easy. But a woman can always find her advantages in everything, the main thing is to want to. Over time, you will get used to each other and begin to understand your colleagues better. In this situation, it is important to remain feminine, look good, and not become “your guy.” Then the attitude of men towards you will remain gallant and polite, and they will value and respect you as a valuable colleague and a pretty woman.

It is generally accepted that it is very easy and pleasant for women to work in a male team: men supposedly happily take on some of the responsibilities, act like gentlemen and pay a lot of attention to the girl. Representatives of the fair sex even believe that the female team is a den of snakes, and choose places of work where there are more men. However, is everything so rosy? What to do if you have to become a “new girl” in a male circle?

How to behave on your first day of work?

  • First impression, as is known, builds a reputation for many years. You shouldn't think that men aren't inclined to look at the details of your appearance - of course, they will study a colleague with interest. Indeed, their gaze is not as intent as a woman’s, but this does not mean that they will forgive you for an unkempt appearance.

    ADVICE! When choosing an outfit for your first day at work, give preference to more businesslike and formal things. Clothing shouldn't turn you into a blue stocking, but you don't need to demonstrate femininity and sensuality - this is not a date.

    If you would like to receive serious attitude to your own person, avoid flirtatiousness and vulgarity. Give up bright makeup. You may have a subconscious desire to please men, but remember that you are at work.

  • Be confident. As a rule, the new employee is introduced to the team on the first day by the boss, so it will be a little easier for you. Act as if you are not worried at all. Be sure to say hello, smile, and introduce yourself again if someone forgets your name.
  • Your behavior should be friendly but neutral. You should not focus on the fact that you are a woman: do without demonstrating your “weakness”. workers, business relationship they will only suffer from this. Don't expect concessions because you belong to a different gender - your colleagues will constantly experience inconvenience because of this. But don’t overdo it with harsh behavior. Otherwise, you will be perceived as the new “man.” In short, you need to find a middle ground.
  • If you don't understand something, don't be afraid to ask. Men rarely refuse help; they like to explain and show their professionalism. IN in this case It only benefits you.
  • Don't hide your potential and don't be modest. Colleagues are curious about where you came from? Tell us a little about your previous victories. Very important from day one.

Pros of working as a woman among men

Disadvantages of being in a male team

Useful video

In short, working in a male team for a woman is not always easy or fun. It is not easy to describe all the nuances in one article. However, there is a large number of examples where a representative of the fair sex quite managed to take root in such a social group.


As you know, people are always greeted by their clothes. And in the subsequent process of working in a male team, your appearance can work in your favor or ruin everything. Flirty blouses and revealing miniskirts are best left in the closet along with shoes with dizzying heels. It just so happens that for men, striking beauty and intelligence are incompatible concepts. Keep your clothes simple but tasteful. It is advisable that your image include some detail from men's wardrobe, for example, a jacket, vest or neckerchief tied like a tie.

Forget about flirting. Control your behavior both during work and at corporate events. Inappropriate behavior at an informal party can destroy your reputation once and for all. Try to avoid physical contact unless necessary and do not bring up personal topics in conversations.

Don't blame your mistakes on the fact that you are a woman. Once you find yourself in a male team, you lose all the privileges of the female gender. Colleagues regard you as an equal member of the team, in some ways even a rival. By batting your eyelashes and making excuses, you risk finding yourself in the role of a narrow-minded girl who is not trusted with anything serious.

Don't become a caring hostess in the office. Homemade pies and cookies are a good thing, but occasionally and in small quantities. Leave the generally accepted ways to win the favor of the team or don’t win it at all. Do your work quickly and efficiently, follow business ethics and have your own position. In a male group, this will work much better than treats.

You shouldn't go to extremes either. Copying men's style behavior, manner of speaking and demeanor, you still won’t become your own. Men are great at feeling falsehood. Don't neglect the help of your colleagues. The main thing is to find a balance between what you can and should do on your own, and what you really need a man's help with.

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No matter how strictly you behave, there will definitely be someone (or those) who will make backhanded compliments and make salty jokes. Make it clear right away that you consider such things unacceptable at work. If you have a fan with flowers and sweets, correctly but categorically explain that you are pleased with the attention, but at the moment it is unnecessary. Do this in private so as not to hurt your colleague's pride.

Helpful advice

Your position should only be in the interests of the company. Don't single anyone out or take sides. Office intrigue can lead anywhere, and if you are caught in insincerity, you will not be forgiven for it.

Once upon a time, many professions were gender-specific, so it was almost impossible to get into a purely male team - there were really only men there. Nowadays, most teams are mixed, and that is why the risk of joining male colleagues has become more likely - the law of large numbers applies. Moreover, in some specialties, so you can get into the “male office” somewhere in the construction business, IT or metalworking company without any problems. But whether you will be able to exist in such a team without problems is a separate question.

In fact, many managers like to deliberately “settle” women into men’s teams in order to slightly dilute the atmosphere and defuse the situation. So if you find yourself in such a situation, then be prepared to monitor your behavior so that stressful and conflict situations do not arise. This does not mean that you need to remain silent and obediently follow those rules within the team that you do not agree with.

Don't play any role

If you want to present yourself as a different person, thinking that it’s easier this way (for example, to be a friendly guy), then it’s better to immediately abandon this idea. Even if you have the skill of a semi-professional actor, sooner or later you will get tired of playing this role, especially if it does not correspond to your real image. Forget about the “iron lady”, “seductress” or any other image that you might think will make your life easier.

Be yourself. First of all, you are a good specialist in your field, let that be the image. Men are not at all straightforward and simple creatures, so they are able to recognize falsehood and appreciate naturalness.

Avoid manipulation

Don’t try to change employees in a way that suits you more, but at the same time don’t bend to their expectations. If they ask you to carry short skirt or take on a certain occupation (for example, caring for plants in the office or organizing feasts because you are a woman), then you have the right to correctly remind them that this is not your responsibility - of course, if you yourself do not want to do this .

For your part, do not impose comments on others about the style of their work and communication within the team. You can tell them if something is really unpleasant, or gently give them work tips on how to better organize the work process, but under no circumstances impose changes as an ultimatum.

Don't ask for easier tasks

We hope that your professional pride does not allow you to use stereotypes and ask for concessions or easier tasks, however, just in case, we additionally remind you of this. In fact, there is a second important aspect here: do not ask for the most difficult tasks either. If you pull the blanket over yourself, this will not give a very pleasant effect, because if you succeed, some men will be hurt that you solved the most difficult thing, and if you fail, they will definitely blame it on your gender and not on your professional skills.

However, you can take on difficult tasks if your boss offers them to you. But if you feel that the task is too easy, then it is better to say so right away and get rid of possible professional stagnation in the future.

Say “No” to any flirting

Even innocent coquetry will have to be left behind if you want to perform well in an all-male team. Men won't be able to take you seriously. For the same reason, refuse gossip and questions about your personal life. Of course, many men are also gossips - but they will never admit it openly, so if you are really interested in something personal, then just wait, sooner or later they will blurt it out on their own.

Don't be ashamed of your femininity

If you want to show your femininity, put flowers, pink frames on the table and read romance novels at lunchtime, then don't let the fear of seeming too "girly" not do it. You have the right to love whatever you want and express yourself however you want, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your work.

Avoid competition

In many men's groups, a competitive spirit reigns, when all men compete with each other, sometimes turning this into a real competition with bets, disputes and the greatest excitement. Until you have worked in a team for enough time to become close to it, do not enter such “Olympic Games”. As with the most difficult tasks, both success and failure will turn against you.

Be professional

Follow business etiquette, then no one will be able to say a word against your gender. Usually, such strictness also attracts the men around the girl, since they also want to show that they are not bad and are professionals.

In addition, if you yourself follow all the rules of corporate culture, then you yourself can make comments to those who come to work in an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt or tell obscene jokes.

In a neutral form, of course, that will shame the culprit even more than aggression or irritation.

Don't go to extremes

We have already advised not to be an “inside guy”, drink beer, talk about football and discuss the secretary’s legs, if this happens in the team. There is no need to go to the other extreme, pretending to be “ caring mommy”, who will always help, treat you to cookies, stay to work longer and take on all those responsibilities that others will be happy to shift from their own shoulders.

Find an outlet

If you absolutely cannot live without communication, then study the entire structure of the organization and look for possible friends. They can be your outlet during your lunch break. If this is not possible, then turn to virtual communication, but do not abuse it during working hours, but simply let off steam.

The HeadHunter website conducted a survey of its users to find out how comfortable they were working in a male or female team. The responses of 4,690 men and women surveyed showed that both were more comfortable working among men. And if everything is clear with representatives of the stronger sex - they are in their element, then how does a woman feel in a purely male environment?

To find out, staff at Indiana University in the USA conducted a study. They chose women who work in a team where at least 85 percent are men. Throughout the experiment, the women had their levels of the so-called stress hormone cortisol measured. Studies have shown that it is much higher than the established norm.

What put women into a state of stress? Russian scientists and psychology specialists would be among the first to name the factor of disappointed expectations. Boris Masterov, candidate of psychological sciences, program manager at the Institute of Professional Growth, expert at the Open Society Institute, considers one of the main mistakes of women who go to work in a male team to be their desire to remain special, requiring help, male attention, etc. in the workplace. And he makes a huge mistake. According to Boris Masterov, a man at work and outside of it are completely different personalities.

The further course of events depends on the woman herself. If she quickly adapts “through the looking glass,” then she will not bring her rules to this monastery. No coquetry, hints at helping the weaker sex or other feminine tricks. Psychologists who study business relationships claim that men welcome this style of behavior. And in this case the woman feels more comfortable.

Boris Masterov gives examples when a woman, finding herself in an all-male team, makes another serious mistake: she immediately takes the bull by the horns, begins to develop frantic activity, take on everything, show herself everywhere, demonstrating professionalism and skills. She feels out of place already on the second or third day. After a short time, the lady realizes that she will not be able to work in such an atmosphere. The explanation for this, according to the psychologist, can be found quickly if you understand male nature well.

Since a man comes to work to realize himself, to make a career, he will not tolerate competitors in either trousers or skirts, and certainly will not help if he sees in a woman attempts at career growth. There were cases when male colleagues simply “set up” such a zealous employee in order to demonstrate to management her professional incompetence. As practice shows, if the work of such a team fails, the “gender Varangian” will be the first to lose his job.

Is it any wonder that, according to HeadHunter surveys, 55 percent of women consider the difficulty of career growth to be the main problem of work among men.

No matter how strange it may sound, women who, from childhood, have been able to be friends equally well with both girls and boys, fit best into a male team. When they become adults and find themselves in a male group, they see their equals and behave accordingly. It’s like a children’s team game – the rules are the same for everyone. And if something doesn’t work out, you are responsible for your mistakes yourself. And if you need to help out the team, you are the first to lend your shoulder. With this line of behavior, a woman soon feels like she is in an ideal team. The HeadHunter company, as a result of a survey of men who worked for a long time in a women's team and women in a men's team, found that 49 percent of men and 84 (!) percent of women consider the atmosphere among employees to be comfortable.