How to wish an internet friend a birthday. How to wish a friend happy birthday in an original way. How to wish a friend happy birthday in an original way Unusual birthday greetings to a friend

Your friend has a birthday, and you are already fed up with the standard congratulations “I wish you happiness, health, good luck!”? Then give your friend a holiday for new, interesting and original ways! From our article you will learn how unusual it is to congratulate a friend so that he will remember this birthday for a long time. Here are 10 illustrative examples of how to make this day unique.

Organize a party for your friend!

It's not just a matter of giving him a gift and inviting him to a restaurant. It is necessary to organize such a holiday for him that he would not guess about anything. Call all of his friends and family in advance. Agree with them about the time and place of the meeting. It is best to choose a restaurant where, after a surprise, you can continue celebrating the event. Warn them that this will be an absolute surprise for the birthday boy.

Buy a big cake, put party caps on each party, inflate balloons, firecrackers and confetti. And remember - no congratulations until the cherished time. Let the birthday boy think that everyone has forgotten about his birthday.

Choose one person who, under a plausible pretext, can bring the birthday boy to the appointed place. Let it be a colleague who tells a friend that they are waiting for him in this restaurant during business negotiations. And at the most unexpected moment, let all the guests greet the birthday man with jubilation and applause. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time!

Numerous congratulations

There is another way to surprise your friend with numerous congratulations. Ask all your acquaintances, friends, colleagues, family members to send a simple text with congratulations to a friend, for example: “Happy Birthday! You are the best friend and comrade! " And even if your loved ones do not even know this person. It is very pleasant and surprising to receive a huge amount of SMS from unknown numbers. The birthday boy will not be able to understand to the last who all these messages are from, and who was the initiator of this idea.

And in order to increase the number of pleasant messages several times, you can post a request on social networks. Usually strangers respond to such messages very sensitively. However, make sure that your friend does not see the publication ahead of time - then the whole surprise will go to smarck.

Congratulations from the idol

This is another unusual and rather difficult gift, but if you can organize it, your friend will be in seventh heaven. Surely you know about your friend's idols. Try on the website or in social networks on the page of this person to find out about the touring schedule and plans. Perhaps, during the birthday of a friend, your favorite artist will be in your city, who knows? Try to chat with a famous person, perhaps he will not refuse to congratulate your friend personally. If he is far away, you can, as an option, offer him to call the birthday boy or send a voice message. Such congratulations usually do not leave the hero of the day indifferent.

100 notes

For your friend's birthday, prepare a pack of note paper containing a hundred pieces of paper. And on each write a reason why you respect him and what you value him for. You shouldn't write that you respect him for being smart - it's too commonplace. Here are some approximate reasons that you can write on each piece of paper:

  • "I respect you for the fact that during the fight you did not run away, but fought with me back to back."
  • "I respect you for being a professional in your field"
  • "I am extremely grateful to you for introducing me to my wife."
  • "I am very glad that I have such a fair friend and loyal comrade."
  • "I appreciate you for being able to catch 5 kilograms of carp."

Think back to stories from your shared past. Surely they have different situations and cases that can be described in this way. Believe me, even the most callous and serious person will feel deeply affected by such a gift.

Think about what your friend has been dreaming of lately. You can, of course, give him a technique that he has dreamed of for a long time, but it will be trite. Think about what he would like lately, perhaps he wanted to go fishing or hunting, maybe he has long dreamed of jumping from a parachute? Or maybe your friend is an avid fan or a go-kart enthusiast? Organize for him the leisure time he has been thinking about for a long time.

If he loves hunting or fishing, rent a house by the river, buy food for the festive table and bring a friend to the prepared "meadow". If your friend is an avid football fan, get tickets for an interesting match and present the coolest soccer ball. Try to organize a day for your friend that they won't forget for years.

Find a gift

Modern quests are very exciting and interesting. So what's stopping you from coming up with something similar? If you've already bought a gift for a friend, don't just give it away. It will be better if you hide a few notes, hints and riddles with which a friend will have to find his "treasure chest". However, make the game fun and interesting, otherwise your friend will get bored with this adventure.

Congratulations on huge posters

It seems to many that on huge advertising banners you can only declare your love or make an offer. In fact, this is not the case. It is very pleasant and great to receive such huge and public congratulations. Your friend will remember this day and such an unusual gift for a long time.

If you are planning a fun party in the evening, try to organize something interesting, not just a feast and toast. Talk to your friends, maybe each of them will prepare some kind of art number. Dances and songs, even if they are not entirely skillful, will delight and amuse the birthday boy.

If everything is in order with your imagination, you can act out a small production scene. Tell the guests and the birthday man that his gift was taken by an evil fairy and in order to return it back, you need to fulfill several of her conditions. These can be interesting contests and tasks that should be passed with a laugh in a relaxed atmosphere. Here are some contests that can be interesting for a fun and perky company of young people.

  1. All participants are divided into two teams - boys and girls. They will participate in a dance battle. Different incendiary music turns on in turn, and representatives of both sexes demonstrate their dancing abilities. It is very interesting and exciting.
  2. For the next competition, you will need boy-girl pairs and a set of clothespins. A lot of clothespins are attached to the guy's clothes in the most unexpected places. A blindfolded girl must find all the clothespins by touch. The couple who did it the fastest wins.
  3. Another interesting competition. People are divided into pairs and squeeze a balloon with their bellies. They must dance and hold the ball without using their hands. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Surprise your friend!

In order for the gift to be unforgettable and interesting, you need to surprise your friend with something unusual and non-standard. Try to write a poem or a song for him - such a gift will remain in your memory for a lifetime. You can also check out the unusual gift shop. There you can buy a running alarm clock, a heated mug and other interactive gifts. If your friend loves to listen to the radio, congratulate him live - it will be unexpected. You can also write congratulations on the pavement with crayons. When your friend looks out the window in the morning on his birthday, he will be happy!

Be sincere!

Pure, light and sincere congratulations are better than any gifts. Whichever way you choose to please your friend, remember that congratulations should be sincere. And then even a simple postcard will be accepted with understanding and gratitude.

It is not easy to congratulate a friend in an original way, because it is much more difficult to surprise a man. If a girl is delighted with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a trip to a restaurant, then this will not work for a guy. However, if you approach a friend's birthday with imagination, you can organize a grand congratulation. The most important thing is to know what the birthday person wants and what he dreams of. And then this unusual birthday will be remembered for a long time!

This is the mega-twisted and most natural tea a bunch of bags
The latest and only declassified only in 2011 development, in which Nina was directly involved, collecting herbs.

The bouquet smelled delicious and, as it turned out, it turned out to be a very fragrant pleasantly relaxing tea.
There was candy in a small box, and the package was the main gift.
I LIKED IT VERY MUCH))) Nina, once again you MANY THANKS!

photo 7darov

And check it out again - as soon as I have a DSLR, I will be able to delight myself and everyone around me with such amazingly harmonious photos!

photo 7darov

Immediately in the context of this tea gift, let me remind you of the idea to write congratulations and wishes on improvised tags for tea bags instead of a postcard.
Read more about this gift idea.

Photo for collage

Congratulation gift idea number 2. And here is a gift presented to one good person, with whom it is always pleasant to go on a hike.
We wanted to buy him a new mat (travel mat) to replace the lost one. And by chance it so happened that the idea of ​​a carpet intertwined with a man's long-standing dream of an airplane carpet.
Anyone who still does not believe in the existence of this phenomenon, please take a close look at this photo. And this is a real flying carpet! Without Photoshop!

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 3. Go ahead. The photo shows a gift to Olya, who gave me a starry sky (that's how it was)

It is a pity that I was in a hurry and the gift was not covered by photography in the process, but I'll tell you everything now.
Inside, the gift is wrapped in several layers of paper (the Diamond Hand is somewhat reminiscent of how the main character was made plaster of paris with jewelry), each of them has postcards with wishes.
The pictures were selected on the Internet, this time all from your favorite blog
About how and where to select pictures and ideas for wishes, I am in detail
You can also use your own photos, which is much more interesting, because something so beautiful can come out of them ... a mega gift)) About this in detail

And back to the gift for Olya)) The key idea of ​​the congratulation was embodied by a specially purchased toy - here it is in the photo.

photo 7darov

You've probably seen these: you hit it or shake it hard and it starts to glow.
And the wish is this: "Whatever happens, let it only make you stronger, wiser, and perceived easily internally! Let everything go to the growth for the benefit and increase the light of your smile and your soul! Rain - do not go to the sea, and okay, then something else more interesting will turn up, and so on "

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 4. And here is how this time we congratulated a wonderful person and friend on Happy Birthday Maxx, with one of the gifts to which one very interesting story is connected

Maxx knew what he wanted this time, so TS the main theme of the gift was determined - these are two strips of RAM. Boring. In the sense that you can’t scare a pear and don’t give some big and useless nonsense (just kidding, just kidding!)

What have we come up with? At the suggestion of my colleague Oli, whom I just told you about, we came up with the following. I'll tell the story from the moment of donation - it will be much more fun.

As a gift, the birthday boy received a torn up incomprehensible box (by the way, as it turned out, tearing a box of high-quality shoes turned out to be a more difficult task than we expected)

photo 7darov

I opened it, and there is a bunch of pieces of paper, from which in turn all rubbish is fished out, strange things, boards, halves of the keyboard (we also "crumbled" the keys into the box)

On each subject, wishes and jokes - I like to write little notes, then what can you do - if the creativity stops hard

photo 7darov

photo 7darov

Item by item and ... hurray! power supply unit (while we are technically silent, of course)
But Maxx figured it out himself: "I hope the gift is not in the power supply."

photo 7darov

However, hopes did not materialize

photo 7darov

The power supply was disassembled and a long-awaited gift was found in it! Ta-da-am! CONGRATULATIONS!

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 5. And this is one of the "ingredients" of the gift that the girls with whom we practice wushu gave me. Meet the chocolate angel.

And although angels are unusual creatures in themselves, this one is of a special kind. This is a guardian angel. He needs to be eaten and he will guard it from the inside, in general, more reliably))

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 6. By the way, by the way! I have long wanted to lay out a congratulation from large letters. And it came true))

This is what a gift for Marina looked like: congratulations and a little candy

photo 7darov

In the photo, the happy owner and eater of candy))

photo 7darov

Perhaps some of our readers still remember those good times when jeans or Polish lipstick, a box of insanely exotic German sweets or "imported" alcohol were the best birthday gifts ... The main condition for an excellent gift was to have time to get it. Times have changed, and in a society of joyful and tireless consumption, now it is not so much a gift-thing that is appreciated as its unusualness. Therefore, the problem of how to originally wish a happy birthday to the one for whose health you will drink and eat today or tomorrow never loses its relevance. Below we will try to give a few tips, we hope that they will help you to get and keep the rolling pennant "the best gift" on any occasion.

Congratulations to your girlfriend or friend

And let's start with the idea of ​​how to congratulate a friend on her birthday in an original way.

Your friendship probably involves some kind of communication with the team - a school class, a group at an institute, mutual friends, etc.? Great, you can make as many people as possible know about the holiday, and congratulate your friend globally - make a banner in the school corridor, a poster in the office, record a congratulatory song or video.

It doesn't even require special financial investments:

  • choose a hit,
  • come up with a suitable text,
  • find a minus one on free resources on the network.

Here you have to fork out a little for recording in a professional studio - but what will be the result! A unique gift that will be proud of for several more years!

If you want to make congratulations more personal, but just as original, think about an individual master class that allows you to master new skills. Origami or rock climbing, braiding skills or riding lessons - who knows better than to please a friend?

Congratulations friend

How to congratulate a friend on his birthday in an original way? No, not a loved one, just a close person of the opposite or of the same sex. Originality again implies courage in the choice of congratulations.

Is he an athlete and does he have any idols from your country / city? Perhaps a joint training session with idols, or at least an autograph with congratulations will support his fighting spirit. Does he like nothing more than a sofa, beer and silence? Give him a walker along with a message about how soon they will come in handy.

Jokes aside - if you want to congratulate your friend on his birthday in a truly original way, first of all you should not:

  • look for congratulations in verses in Runet. Badly rhymed lines will delight no one. Although it can be amusing, but you will have to think over a clown image.
  • use sexual themes for congratulations. Jokes "below the belt" are funny, but unpretentious, and your friend will hardly be able to remember this congratulation in the morning.
  • You can think of a funny prank, but you have to direct the script up to a minute, so that the gamut of emotions “surprise-bewilderment-worry-fear-bewilderment-delight” develops without missing a single stage. Yes, about "loading into a car and taking instead of a police station to a restaurant" is no longer funny and not original.

Congratulations to the wife

Next in terms of the frequency of requests on the network are two vital topics - how to originally wish your wife a happy birthday and its logical and understandable continuation - how to originally wish your husband a happy birthday.

Here, on the one hand, the situation becomes a little more complicated, since the married couple, presumably, have been together for quite a long time, and it will not be easy to amaze with something. On the other hand, living together has a huge number of possibilities. For example, you can prepare a congratulation gift. If your half gets up in the morning much earlier than you, then try to surprise her like this:

  • prepare all the necessary props in the evening or at night, and early in the morning
  • hang congratulatory and comic sheets or postcards around the apartment along the entire route of the morning
  • prepare a festive breakfast (not necessarily with wine and cake, your favorite dessert or other dish is enough)
  • well, and upon reaching the peak of delight, congratulate personally, expressing the most tender feelings.

How to congratulate dad

Since we are talking about close people, let's think about other family members. For example, how to congratulate dad on his birthday in an original way.

Dad, as a rule, is not very young anymore, and you automatically think about whether he needs surprises and original gifts and congratulations? Don't even think about it! Spiritual youth does not depend on age. Give him an unexpected holiday. The whole family will have to do the preparation, and one of its members will have to distract Dad by taking a walk or urgent repairs to anything in the garage or shed. And upon your return from these resorts for real men, meet your dad with a streamer, confetti, a huge cake, gifts and funny congratulations.

How to congratulate your sister

How to originally wish your sister a happy birthday? Even easier than dad or spouse / spouse. Firstly, she is a girl (at any age, yes), which means that all cute and adorable girlish gifts will come in handy, and secondly, close family relationships will tell you what your sister dreams of.

Give her, if not a dream, then the possibility of its realization - a photo collage, a small "model of a dream", a certificate for the "fulfillment of one wish." T-shirts, mugs, posters, puzzles with her photographs - these gifts can hardly be called original, but if you manage to find an interesting shot or a creative artist, it is possible to create a true masterpiece.

Congratulations to your beloved or beloved

Girls in the status of “in a relationship” (thanks to social networks that have enriched our language so much ...) are usually asked about how to originally wish their loved one a happy birthday. All of the above will do, here, rather, advice on how not to congratulate will be appropriate.

  1. Your gift, even the most original one, shouldn't be very expensive.
  2. Your gift or congratulation, even if he loves you more than life and cannot breathe, should be intended for him and only him. It is already unoriginal to give him a fur coat or new lacy underwear on your figure, as well as to tie a bow and take poses. Although, in combination with the above scenario for the husband, such a congratulation has every chance of winning the nomination.
  3. You can give not only things, but also impressions, emotions, new skills. Paragliding or hot air ballooning, a lesson in making clay calabash or blacksmithing - the main thing, do not hesitate to fantasize.

Thinking about how to originally wish a boyfriend or girlfriend a happy birthday, you can use all the above recommendations, come up with something of your own, ask your friends and family for advice. Horseback riding, romantic or fun and festive dinners and cocktail parties, congratulations on your favorite pages on the network, on social networks, on radio stations, on banners and banners that hang on the streets of your city, cars that drive through the streets during the day, and through the speakerphone they inform all residents that today the most wonderful and wonderful person on the planet was born ...

Don't be afraid to dream, fantasize and make those fantasies come true.

We just want to remind you that originality is not synonymous with the concepts of "doroHo and boHato", it does not have to be accompanied by an adrenaline rush, and can be completely different. The kind that you and your birthday people will like. Can you tell us about the most original congratulation you received in your life?


Come up with poetic congratulations. It is not enough to buy an ordinary postcard with someone else's poem inside. Congratulations will be remembered for a long time if its meaning is close to both you and the birthday person. Try to compose a poem in which the features inherent in the hero of the occasion will be clearly present. Do not forget about your sense of humor, otherwise the original congratulation can turn into something banal and boring.

Divide your gift into several parts. If you have prepared several presents, you can give them in turn. You can hide them in different places throughout the apartment or room, and give the birthday person clues - notes that indicate where to look for the next part of the gift.

Congratulating the birthday man, give him such a thing that will cause him bewilderment, but will be somehow connected with the main gift. This rather original technique is best used if the hero of the occasion is distinguished by its emotionality. It is also appropriate in cases where the birthday person knows what you want to give him. For example, if he is fond of classical literature and has long asked you to give him a new edition of his favorite work as a gift, give him a low quality love story packed in. The emotions that arise in the process of receiving such a surprise will be remembered for a long time. However, do not delay the delivery of the originally planned gift.

Take off with congratulations. Here you can involve friends, relatives and close acquaintances of the birthday person, if you are on good terms with them. A musical congratulation can become quite original, where all participants honor the hero of the occasion by singing his favorite songs.

Tips on how to congratulate a friend in an original way:

You can always call a friend on a mobile phone. Fortunately, now there are mobile phones that simplify life qualitatively. You can call at any time convenient for you and wish whatever you think of.

Many guys love sports, especially football. If your birthday person is one of them, then as a birthday present you can present him with an original gift. And they will be - a new soccer ball, on which you write your sincere and sincere birthday greetings for your friend. On each piece of which the ball itself consists, write down your wishes and compliments for it. Try to make them original and funny and make the birthday boy smile. In addition, you can present tickets for a match of his favorite football team. He will be grateful and just happy.

Phones, tablets, laptops, the Internet are things without which modern life is practically inconceivable. And thanks to the available opportunities, you can pick up a cool and unique gift for our birthday boy. One of the options for such congratulations is voice greetings sent to the phone.

Remember that an important element of congratulations, in addition to the gift itself, which will be given to a friend on his birthday, is your congratulatory speech, which you will certainly make when giving the gift. Therefore, it is worth pondering over the words that you are going to say to him on this holiday, what most of all you would like to wish him to achieve or do. Perhaps you decide that a comic toast will be the most appropriate, by the way, and will not only amuse the guests at the table and the birthday person at the table, but also surprise everyone with your originality.

It is even more convenient to congratulate a friend using SMS. After all, you may not know your friend is busy now or not, and late in the evening or early in the morning SMS will come in handy. It will not hurt and will pleasantly surprise you.

If you and your friend are fans of jokes and laugh with or without reason, then prepare a funny and original birthday greetings for him. Long before the start of the holiday (at least a month), start in a separate notebook or notebook your slips of the tongue, reservations and funny incidents that happened to you, the jokes that you joked at this time. Then, choosing the best and most fun, compose an original greeting card. Your friend will be incredibly surprised, this turn of events, for sure this kind of postcard, is given to him for the first time. As you reread the contents of the card together, you will laugh heartily again.

If you can't come up with a suitable joke toast, then you can simply say a few warm and pleasant suggestions from yourself. The main thing is that you say exactly the words that will show your sincere attitude and joy for your friend on this holiday. Perhaps he has certain goals or aspirations in something that you know about, wish him to achieve and achieve them.

Prepare a surprise party for your friend. This is certainly a gorgeous congratulation that requires a lot of time and effort, but it's worth it! You can arrange it at home, or with a friend. You can take him to a club or cafe and arrange an event right there.

To wish your friend a happy birthday, team up with your mutual acquaintances. Instead of the traditional congratulations, give him a collage of photos in which you and your friends depict different letters with your bodies. All these letters add up to words of heartfelt wishes and compliments for the birthday boy. In order for the photos to look original, dress everyone in bright clothes, tie bows on your head or build interesting hairstyles and do not forget about a sparkling smile. Stick all the photos on a large sheet of Whatman paper, and around each write your congratulations or draw a cute and funny picture.

"What's in your name ?!" - the words of the great poet. There is a secret hidden in our names that accompanies us all our lives. And on your birthday, you can use your friend's name to congratulate you on the greatest success. Nowadays, many services have been created that allow you to send various audio greetings to your phone. Here is one of them for you.
Select below, musical greetings with your friend's name