Leopard gel polish. Leopard manicure at home: a step by step lesson. Golden leopard manicure

How to make leopard nails: step by step instructions, photos, videos

The trendy leopard print can beautify both everyday and festive manicure. It is not at all difficult to complete it even in the absence of any skills in drawing on nails. The main thing is accuracy and the availability of sufficient time, since it will not work very quickly to make leopard nails, because we will draw every speck with our own hands.

You will need a thin brush to paint on your nails, black varnish to paint the edges of the spots, and a clear fixer varnish that will be used to coat each nail at the end to add extra shine. You will also need a base varnish of any color and varnish to paint the leopard spots themselves.

As for the colors of the leopard manicure, it can be very different, ranging from the standard brown and black in the style of an animal print and ending with any other. Leopard spots look beautiful on a white or beige background.

How to do a leopard manicure: step by step instructions

We will be doing leopard manicure in delicate pastel green and beige colors. You will need a beige base varnish, green varnish for painting spots and black for drawing the edging. A clear hardener varnish will also come in handy.

1. Cover the nails with beige varnish, wait for them to dry completely.

2. Put spots of different sizes on the nails with green varnish and a brush. They don't have to be perfectly round or oval, but rather messy for a more natural look. We are waiting for the spots to dry well.

3. Take a thin brush for painting on nails or a black marker for nail art and begin to carefully draw the edging at the spots. Do not circle the spots entirely, but draw them as if from two halves. If you will be painting with a brush, not a marker, then apply a drop of black varnish to the cap and dip the brush into this drop, not into the bottle. This is much more convenient, so you can pick up just as much varnish on the brush as you need. You will have to trace a lot of specks and the lines should be thin. By dipping the brush directly into the bottle, you will collect excess varnish on it, which you will have to constantly shake off.

4. Between the large green spots, paint a few small strokes of black lacquer to create a natural look and fill in large empty areas.

5. When the leopard spots are completely dry, cover your nails with clear nail polish to further strengthen the manicure and give the nails a shine.

Here are some more examples of leopard manicure:

You can cover all your fingernails or just a few of them with a leopard print. For example, you can paint four fingernails with pink varnish and one with white. And on this white nail make a drawing of pink and black leopard spots. You can take other colors as well.

Here's how to make leopard nails. If you find it inconvenient to draw on your inactive hand (for example, right-handers on your right), then you can ask someone to help you, or use a black marker for nail art. It is much easier for them to paint than with a brush. Good luck and beautiful marigolds to you!


Leopard manicure is modern and always relevant. If you want to decorate your nails with something interesting and original, the leopard print is perfect for this purpose. In addition, the spots can be of any color, which gives a wide field for experimentation.

Note that leopard manicure takes some practice among beginners before the drawing becomes perfect on the nails, so don't give up and try again and again.

In recent years, animal prints have always been present in designers' collections. You can see them mainly in accessories - shoes, bags and belts.

Leopard print shoes

Leopard dress

Leopard handbag

However, animal motifs prevail not only in the creations of catwalk designers, but also in women's manicure. One of the latest fashion trends this fall is leopard manicure.

The women's site will help you find out about the most common and successful color combinations of manicure that you can use when working.

How to make leopard-print nails

  • The nails are covered with light beige nail polish and allowed to dry.
  • Then, with a thin brush and acrylic paints or black varnish (or other), create an outline of the spots.
  • The spots should be different in shape and size, made with varnish or paint several shades darker than the base.
  • You can use the other available color and speck combinations if you wish.

Even for classic fans of French manicure, there is something creative and unusual about leopard prints.

Nails with delicate tones: milky white, light beige, caramel, pale coral, peach will serve as an excellent basis for a leopard manicure on short or long nails. If you want, you can additionally decorate your nails with decorative elements (stones, rhinestones, flat glass beads) that match the color of the nail art.

An original manicure with spots is not just one of the types of nail art and a way to keep your nails beautiful, such patterns on nails are available even for beginners.

Bright varnishes create a more extravagant manicure. If you want a more dramatic and less realistic effect, you can use neon polishes as a base.

Manicure is easy and simple to do at home, for more sophisticated patterns on long and durable nails, visit a gel or acrylic nail extension specialist.

Video tutorials on how to make leopard nails

Classic leopard manicure on a beige base

Minx manicure

Pink leopard long nails

Leopard print shadows

In recent seasons, animalistic nail art has been very popular among fashionistas. Special attention should be paid to the leopard manicure, which gives the image expressiveness, catchiness and sexuality. He is able to act as a bright accent.

The real trend of this season is the leopard manicure 2018. It is used by many stylists, when creating original nail art they are guided by the following fashion trends:

  • an extraordinary variety of color palette. On the eve of summer, bright saturated colors become especially relevant, while one tone or a combination of several at once can be used;
  • such design solutions that are as close as possible to natural natural shades are in demand, these are those that resemble the colors of a leopard, beige, brown, muted yellow and orange;
  • when applying fashionable nail art, a variety of design options and techniques can be used. It can be leopard French manicure, moon design, ombre, the use of glossy and matte coatings, glittering powder;
  • when creating such nail art, it is recommended to carefully think over what wardrobe items it is planned to wear. It will be perfectly combined with monochromatic things or with products containing a similar print. If the clothes contain any other pattern, for example, it is better to refrain from choosing such things, since the image can turn out to be overloaded.

Leopard manicure 2018 - trends

Leopard manicure for short nails

Short nails will look more catchy if they are neat and beautiful leopard manicure. There are such variations of this type of design:

  • the pattern can completely cover all nail plates;
  • can be located only in certain areas, for example, on the lateral surface of the nail;
  • may alternate with a solid color to be applied over multiple fingers.

Leopard manicure for long nails

You can create an extremely eye catching look by using elongated leopard nails to complement it. They can be arranged using the following methods:

  • covered with exclusively animalistic prints;
  • made in the form of a jacket, and the spots can cover both the tip and the main part of the nail;
  • a similar design can be applied to create moon nail art;
  • since long nails provide a lot of room for the embodiment of the wildest fantasies, they can contain all sorts of additional decorative elements. It can be rhinestones, sparkles, kamifubuki, glittering powder.

Leopard Manicure Ideas

Stylists, creating leopard nail designs, use a variety of design solutions. Among them are the following:

  • animal print can be located on the entire surface of the nail plate or only in a certain part of it;
  • the drawing can be combined with any other design, for example, a green cat's eye drawn on one nail will look very interesting. An image of an animal on one of the fingers can also be used as a stylish detail;
  • leopard manicure can be effectively decorated with rhinestones, sparkles, sequins;
  • a spotted print can be made in different shades, both close to the natural colors of a leopard, and bright saturated colors, for example, red, blue, pink;
  • a familiar jacket or decorated with spots looks very original;
  • the combination with gold looks extremely impressive.

Leopard Manicure Ideas

A manicure with a leopard print is capable of making an image incredibly catchy and attractive. The drawing can be done using different techniques, it is delivered in the following variations:

  • all nail plates can be speckled and contain the same design;
  • spots can be voluminous, applied with a glossy or matte finish;
  • the base and the drawing can be of the same color or be drawn in similar shades or make an effective contrast.

Leopard Manicure

Leopard manicure with rhinestones

To make the leopard print nail design even more spectacular, stylists use rhinestone decoration. The following options for their placement are allowed:

  • rhinestones can completely cover any finger, often the ring finger, on the rest of the nails they are not contained;
  • with the help of rhinestones, a certain area can be highlighted, they can serve as the border between the main part and the tip when creating a jacket, between the hole and the base when the moon leopard manicure is applied;
  • a drawing or pattern can be laid out with rhinestones, it can be a vertical line separating different types of images or coatings, original curls.

Red and leopard manicure

A leopard-print manicure with red will come out truly luxurious, it is perfect for complementing evening bows and will attract everyone's attention. Among the variations in its design, the following can be noted:

  • specks can be drawn in red, which are depicted on the basis of a different color. At the same time, it is recommended to choose restrained pastel colors as a background, similar in color, for example, crimson, a black or white base will look good;
  • some nail plates can be painted red, while others will contain an animal print.

Nails leopard jacket

A very stylish and original variation of the familiar jacket is the French leopard manicure. It can be decorated in the following ways:

  • the main part is painted over with pastel sustained tones or completely transparent, and there is an animal print on the tips;
  • it is possible to combine a spotted pattern on the tips with a bright base, in this case an incredibly catchy and memorable leopard manicure will come out;
  • the main part can be painted in leopard colors, and the tip can be made in any solid colors, often black.

Leopard manicure with holes

Moon nail art can also be performed in an extraordinary design, this is a leopard manicure with gel polish or applied using a conventional coating. Common design solutions include the following:

  • holes may contain a spotted pattern;
  • there may be a classic transparent hole, combined with an animalistic one on the main part;
  • all kinds of colors can be used to draw the hole: black, white, yellow, orange, red and other shades.

Black leopard manicure

One interesting way to create a leopard-style nail design is to use two coatings for applying it: glossy and matte. At the same time, this design looks extremely impressive in black. The following variations are allowed:

  • glossy leopard spots applied to a matte base;
  • covering the nail plate with gloss, and on top of the location of the spots made with matte varnish;
  • leopard black manicure can be combined with other elements, for example, rhinestones, transparent stripes, gold powder.

Pink leopard manicure

Leopard-print nails made in shades of pink look extremely feminine and romantic. Common design techniques that are used in their design include the following:

  • the pink base is relevant, which can be performed both in muted light pink shades, and in the most bright ones, such as rich pink or crimson. In this case, spots are applied to it, painted in red, black, white or any other tones;
  • another option would be a leopard print nail design, which involves applying pink spots to a base of a similar color or some other shade.

Leopard manicure, made in different versions, including with a classic jacket, is always popular. Knowing the intricacies of coating, you can decorate your nails yourself, and in any color scheme based on the general idea.


The design with animal print looks equally impressive on the pens of both young and mature women. Of course, it should be appropriate for the occasion, therefore it is performed in bright or pastel combinations of varnishes. Such decoration is also relevant for those whose nail plates are uneven and have some flaws: with the help of leopard spots, they can be made as invisible as possible.

Additional decorative elements are also allowed:

  • sequins and rhinestones that make nails more expressive and bright, they are mainly appropriate for festive events and parties;
  • on the other hand, the same rhinestones and small beads, when they are dosed on the nails, or even decorate one or two fingers at all, can make a manicure especially sophisticated, therefore they are suitable for more serious events, and sometimes for everyday life.

In general, nails of any shape and length are suitable for this design option, but spectacular specks look best on oval and square nails of medium and long length. Artificial and natural nail plates are suitable for decoration.

If short nails are decorated, then it is better if only a couple of fingers are decorated with such a pattern.

Color palette

By itself, the leopard print suggests a combination of black, yellow and orange specks on any suitable background, but this is the stereotypical idea of ​​"predatory" design. Other, unusual combinations of colors and shades are prescribed by modern fashion:

  • black with pink or purple;
  • silver with lilac;
  • white with black, red;
  • yellow (gold) and brown;
  • blue with different shades of blue.

For a youth party, a girl can choose more extravagant combinations, for example, burgundy and pink, emerald green and light green.

For a manicure with a print in the form of spots, three design options are usually used:

  • the traditional classic style involves the use of nude, natural shades, as well as silver and gold;
  • if the spots are made according to the French manicure, then the main part of the nail remains in a natural color, and the animal print starts up on the "smile" - the edge of the nail;
  • a variety of bright colors are used for club visits or other youth events.

Of course, it is important to observe their compatibility, but sometimes the opposite shades look stylish and expressive.

For a more effective combination with a manicure, it is better to choose plain clothes, but you can always complement it with leopard-rimmed glasses, a belt or a small scarf of the same color. If there is a blouse or even a dress in this style, the combination may look tasteless.

In addition, you need to take care of a minimum of jewelry on your fingers, at least get rid of massive rings and rings, choose simpler options without stones.

How to choose a cover?

Different means are chosen as a coating, and simple varnishes are least suitable for this, which are quickly erased, which means that the appearance of the nails loses its beauty and attractiveness.

Leopard manicure can be done with stable compounds:

  • with acrylic paint with a thin brush (No. 1, 2);
  • if the nails are extended, it makes sense to apply acrylic or gel polish;
  • the best option for natural nail plates is shellacs, which are presented in a wide range and allow you to choose any shades, moreover, such a coating is durable and will help to maintain an unusual decor for 2-3 weeks.

A leopard jacket can be easily done with a stamping kit that allows you to create any pattern. This kit includes:

  • rubber or silicone die;
  • plates with different patterns;
  • highly resistant varnish compositions for application;
  • manicure scraper - a scraper for cleaning the nail surface.

When decorating nails, it should be borne in mind that you need to transfer the drawing quickly, because the special varnish quickly hardens. With certain skills, you can also use sliders - custom-made stickers. On top for durability, they are covered with a double layer of finishing varnish.

Moreover, it can be glossy and matte, you will need to choose the most suitable one.

Design nuances

First of all, you need to choose the method by which the "predatory" manicure will be performed and prepare everything you need.

In the usual version, these are:

  • tools for creating specks - a thin brush, a toothpick or needle, a manicure pen;
  • a bath, a towel, cotton swabs and discs;
  • tweezers for cuticle correction;
  • nail polish remover;
  • colorless base coat, varnishes for base, contour, stains.

The step-by-step procedure is performed as follows:

  • at the first stage, the old coating is removed, the nails are processed, cuticles and burrs are removed, the plate is given a round or square shape, which must be degreased;
  • a transparent base is applied and dried;
  • the base varnish, which will contrast with the spots, is applied in two layers and both of them are dried one by one;
  • you can paint the spots with a brush or a toothpick, the main thing is to do it carefully so that they do not blur, it is good if the elbow lies on the table, so the movements will become more accurate and precise;
  • "Leopard" does not require special symmetry at this stage and when the contours of the spots are outlined in a darker color, because in nature, real spots on the skin of a predator are not perfect either;
  • white dots and semicircles on the spots themselves will give them a more lively, "leopard" look, so it's even good if they are located chaotically;
  • then all these strokes are also outlined with black varnish, but it is worth leaving them open, so they will look more realistic.

Leopard is a bright print that gives the image a bit of rapacity, sexuality and charm. He stopped decorating only clothes long ago, but smoothly moved to numerous details: shoes, accessories and nails. So noticeable and beautiful, for many it seems too difficult for independent execution. If you figure out how to make a leopard manicure yourself, then everything will turn out to be much easier than it seemed initially.

Basic tools for creating manicure

Before you start painting the much-desired leopard spots on your nails, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary tools that will be needed in the process.


The first is a set of varnishes. You need to immediately decide what color will become the basis, and what the spots themselves will be. Making leopard nails close to the classics, choosing brown tones, or choosing contrasting colors is a matter of personal preference. The white base looks good - absolutely all colors are suitable for it, moreover, the spots do not have to be the same color: it will be original if you make them different and bright. Besides them, the leopard is unthinkable without black varnish.

Fine brush, needle, toothpick, or special manicure pen

A large set is provided to choose from, depending on what will be more convenient to work with. All of them are required for one purpose - to draw spots and frame them in black. In this regard, a manicure pen is one of the most convenient tools, you can buy it in any specialized place, but leopard nails will turn out no worse with improvised means.

Animal print - step by step instructions

Making a leopard manicure at home is easy. A little free time, desire and neatness - and soon bright animal spots will flaunt on the nails.

If you didn't succeed in making a beautiful leopard the first time, don't despair! Constant training and accurate execution will soon help make a manicure indistinguishable from a professional one. And if someone asks the question of how to make a leopard manicure without resorting to outside help, you can safely say - on your own!