How to make bouquets of sweets with your own hands step by step. Crafts from sweets - a master class on creating interesting ideas for gifts (80 photos). Organza-decorated candy bouquet

Often, the question of how to please a loved one is very acute, so interesting and original gifts made with your own hands have recently become very popular. The recipient of the gift will certainly be delighted with a bouquet of sweets, complemented by various details and elements.

Unlike flowers that can stand in a vase for a week, such a bouquet can delight for a very long time, and evoke pleasant memories of a memorable day.

A DIY bouquet of sweets will help you surprise the recipient of the gift, touch him, and cause sincere emotion. With all this, the preparation of such a surprise will not require large material costs from you, and in just a few evenings, having invested a minimum of money and maximum warmth, you can create an exclusive gift for a loved one.

What materials are needed

If you decide to make a bouquet for the first time, but as a result expect to get a real masterpiece, in appearance resembling the product of experienced craftsmen, carefully study the step-by-step guide to actions that we will give in this article.

It will not be superfluous to watch master classes on how to make a bouquet of sweets. Video tutorials will allow you to more fully immerse yourself in this process, understand the main tricks, spy on the creation technique, look at successful ways to complement compositions, types of flower decoration, successful combinations of shades, etc.

The first item in the instructions for beginners will be the selection of tools and materials necessary for the creative process. Of course, sweets will be the most important elements of the composition. To create a gorgeous bouquet, it is necessary to choose sweets that are not only very tasty, but also brightly, beautifully packaged.

It is also necessary to prepare corrugated or colored paper, lace, foil, satin ribbon, beads, beads, beautiful laces, ready-made figures and similar materials that will serve for an interesting design of the "flower" itself, or rather its petals and composition as a whole.

You can't do without the material that will be used to create the packaging for the bouquet. To do this, use a special mesh, suitable fabric or flower packaging sold in stores.

In the case when flowers are planned to be made on long stems, stock up on thin sticks, toothpicks, wire, etc.

For fastening "inflorescences" foam rubber, polystyrene is used, it is possible to use hardened polyurethane foam. To make the job easier, you will need a glue gun.

Adhesive tape is required to fix the composite elements. It is advisable to purchase several of its varieties: transparent, colored and paper.

If you plan to make a bouquet of paper and chocolates in a vase, wicker basket, flower pot, then be sure to prepare the desired container.

The list of the above materials is approximate, at your discretion, having studied various photos of bouquets of sweets, you can select the desired design elements for yourself, and with their help build an exclusive composition. For decoration, bows, butterflies, birds, berries, fruits, etc. can be used.

The main tool that you will need when creating a bouquet: regular scissors, paper glue, and pliers if you plan to use wire.

Creative process

Having prepared all the necessary materials and tools, you can start creating. To begin with, we advise you to experiment: practice creating simple elements, individual inflorescences.

So, at the first stage, the candy is attached to the "stalk". After that, it is necessary to prepare and cut out petals of the required quantity and required shape from paper or fabric.

The method of attaching the petals and the design of the "flowers" themselves takes place depending on your desires and preferences: let your imagination fly or look at successful ideas in numerous photographs of candy bouquets.

After the candy flowers are made, start forming the base of the composition - arrange the flowers in a vase, basket, pot or wrapping paper using the material chosen for fastening (foam rubber, foam, polystyrene).

To make the bouquet truly original and chic, make additional decoration by decorating the finished composition with interesting elements: beads, ribbons, butterflies, tulle, figurines of berries and animals, perhaps even small soft toys.

A bouquet of sweets will be a great gift for any occasion. Having conceived to do the composition with your own hands, choose the design you like as a sample, prepare all the necessary materials, be patient, put your soul into the creation process and you will definitely succeed!

Photo of bouquets of sweets

Sweet candy compositions are very popular lately. Each needlewoman can master the art of drawing up such bouquets, if desired.

In this master class, sequentially and in detail with step-by-step photos shows all the stages of creating a bouquet of roses in a basket with your own hands, from the technique of attaching the candies themselves and ending with the moment of assembling all the elements into a single composition. Using this description, even craftswomen without experience in this area of ​​needlework will be able to easily master the basic techniques of "candy" floristry and do their first job.

How to make a bouquet of roses from candy and corrugated paper?

Here is a list of the materials you will need:

  • Floristic corrugated paper (it will depend on its color, whether it will be white, red or pink buds);
  • Threads;
  • Skewers or wire;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Candy box;
  • Kraft paper;
  • Sisal canvas;
  • Sisal fiber;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Floristic organza;
  • Decorative items (beads, ribbons, artificial leaves);
  • Hot melt glue.

Manufacturing instructions with step by step photos

    1. At the first stage, we glue each candy with the base to one of the ends of the skewer.

    1. From corrugated paper we cut out a rectangle with a width of 2 corrugations and a length of about 10 cm. We fold the rectangle into 6-7 folds "accordion". When folded, we round the upper part of the paper blank with scissors, dissolve the paper.

    1. Then, between the "fillets" we make cuts with a depth of up to the corrugation line. Stretch the upper edges of the petals slightly.

    1. We wrap the candy on a skewer with the resulting blank with petals, while the paper should wrap the candy tightly enough. At the base of the candy we fix the assembly with a dense thread.

    1. Stretch the corrugation at the base of each petal slightly. Thus, we straighten all the petals, starting with the extreme ones and gradually moving inside the flower.

    1. Next, we cut out a blank from paper, similar to the first, but only about 15 cm long.

    1. We make 5 petals from it and also thread it around the base of the bud. We slightly stretch the petals from below.

    1. Now, using a toothpick, turn the edges of each flower petal on top outward.

    1. Then we proceed to decorate the sepals and flower stem. To do this, cut off excess paper at the base of the bud so that the transition from flower to stem is smoother. We wrap the cup of the bud with tape, slightly capturing the beginning of the stem.

    1. Next, we make a 5 * 5 cm square out of green paper.On one side, cut out long thin triangles with scissors. Twist the tops of the resulting sharp leaves with your fingers. We wrap the base of the bud with this paper and fix it with a thread.

    1. At the final stage of making a flower, we cut off a thin horizontal strip of corrugation and wrap it along the entire length of the stem. We fix the ends of the paper with glue.

    1. Closed bud is a little easier and faster to make. To do this, cut out three rectangles from paper with a width of 2 corrugations and a length of 3-4 cm.

    1. We round each rectangle with scissors at the top, and make small side bevels at the bottom.

    1. Then we sequentially wrap the resulting petals to the base of the candy. For the bud to be truly closed, the paper must wrap around the candy filling very tightly.

    1. Stretch the upper part of the petals slightly to give them a more natural look.

    1. We make the sepals and the stem of the bud as described above. Only the blanks should be cut a little narrower (3-4 cm), because the base of the bud is not as voluminous as that of an open flower.

Making a basket

To assemble the composition, you can use a wicker basket, but in its absence, an empty candy box can also serve as the basis for the bouquet.

    1. To do this, wrap the box with kraft paper, the edges of the paper can be glued or simply grabbed with a stapler. Then we decorate the outer sides of the box from above with hot melt glue with a sisal canvas.

    1. Next, on the bottom of the box, you need to lay a piece of polystyrene in such a way that it "sat down" tightly enough and does not fall out of the box. If the foam was not cut off so accurately, then it can be glued to the bottom. Decorate the top with sisal fibers.

We form the composition of a candy bouquet of roses

    1. Now you can start forming the composition of the bouquet. First, place the largest elements evenly around the perimeter of the box, then fill the remaining space with smaller flowers.

    1. We close the free gaps between the flowers with the help of "funky".

    1. We make them as follows: cut out two small squares from organza, pierce the fabric in the middle with the sharp end of a toothpick, drip a drop of hot melt glue into this place and squeeze the fabric around the toothpick.

    1. If you have decorative artificial twigs, they can also be used and used in the composition. To do this, cut large branches into smaller elements, attach each such segment with hot glue to a toothpick and organically arrange it inside the bouquet.

You can also do with sweets if you want to include them in a bouquet without paperwork.

The master class on creating roses from candies and corrugated paper is coming to an end. Finishing touches - we glue decorative beads on individual elements of the composition, and decorate the box with an elegant bow of beautiful ribbons.

Unusual gifts always evoke positive emotions. The most valuable are those made by hand.

Good imagination and various materials allow you to create a real masterpiece that many will like.

In our material, detailed instructions for beginners are presented on how to make a bouquet of sweets. Here are the recommendations of experienced craftswomen, who guarantee a positive result.

The creative design of the sweet gift will pleasantly surprise the birthday boy. A detailed master class on how to make a bouquet includes all the subtleties of the process of creating an edible masterpiece.

Materials and tools

Bright candy packaging, decorative paper and satin ribbons will help to make your ideas come true.

  • confectionery (sweets, marshmallows);
  • a set of multi-colored corrugated paper;
  • foil;
  • wrapping paper;
  • wooden skewers;
  • foam for fixing products;
  • Scotch;
  • decorative vase, flower pot;
  • satin ribbons of different sizes;
  • wire of various diameters;
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • glue;
  • glue gun.

Good imagination and a little creativity allow you to create a sweet gift that will remain in the memory of people close to you for a long time.

Additional decorations can become a kind of zest in the bouquet.

The original use of natural materials can enhance your exquisite taste. For small children, it is recommended to add soft toys. They will be the main element in the composition.

The glue gun helps to fix some parts together. The main requirement when creating a sweet bouquet of sweets is to correctly select the elements. There should be no unnecessary decorative elements.

Master class on creating a bouquet of sweets

Many novice craftswomen often ask themselves the question: "How to make a bouquet of sweets?"

Step-by-step instructions will allow you to create an interesting design for an unusual gift:

  • The candies must be fixed on wooden skewers. This requires a small piece of duct tape. One edge of the candy is fixed to the wooden base of the stick.
  • Next, each element is wrapped in pre-prepared corrugated paper. Before starting to create a bouquet, it is recommended to carefully consider the design of the composition. The candies can be wrapped in paper flowers or colorful decorative packaging.
  • When all the details are ready, you can proceed to making a sweet bouquet. To do this, all the blanks are combined into a common composition.
  • For a tight hold, it is recommended to use an adhesive tape. The sticky base of the tape helps keep the wood sticks together.
  • The final stage will be the beautiful design of the sweet composition using wrapping paper and satin ribbons.

The technique of making a bouquet of sweets has some tricks that allow you to get a beautiful result.

It consists in some points:

  • to create paper flowers, you must use durable corrugated paper. You can smooth the contour with a slight movement of your finger;
  • decorative tape is able to create more accurate blanks;
  • the base for the candy bouquet must be stable;
  • thick cardboard is suitable for the hard bottom of the basket;
  • if there are fresh leaves in the bouquet, then their base must be pre-treated with liquid paraffin. As a result, a shiny surface appears on the surface of the leaf, which will provide it with a fresh look;
  • paper for decoration should be 2 times larger than the composition;
  • Satin ribbons are best cut with sharp scissors. To prevent the fabric from unraveling, the cut edge must be held over a burning candle;
  • to add stability to a large bouquet in a decorative pot, a liquid gypsum solution will help.

The main advantage of a sweet candy bouquet is its versatility. It is great as a gift for a birthday, family holiday or wedding celebration.

Photo of bouquets of sweets with your own hands



Sweets and flowers are a nice gift, which, however, can cost a lot of financial investments.

If you want to surprise a loved one and save your budget, you can make beautiful flowers with sweets with your own hands.

Before starting work, you need to decide on the type of bouquet, the choice of flowers, materials and treats.

Rafaello - a simple and sophisticated paper bouquet with do-it-yourself sweets for beginner "florists"

To make such a bouquet, you must have with you:

1. packaging of Rafaello sweets;

2. corrugated paper;

4. scissors;

6. Styrofoam (or other similar material for the frame of the bouquet);

7. thick paper / cardboard;

9.transparent film;

10. satin ribbon;

First, we create a frame - the basis of our bouquet. We cut out a dome-shaped figure from foam plastic - our delicious flowers will be attached to it.

We attach the frame to the handle of the bouquet. You can do two things:

Straight handle (as pictured). To do this, we make a tube out of cardboard, decorate with ribbons, corrugated paper, rhinestones - to your taste;

Triangular handle - in this case we roll up a "bag" from cardboard and attach it to the base of the bouquet.

The next step - you need to make a ring out of cardboard - cut out a circle with a hole in the middle. We decorate with improvised materials - corrugated paper (or wrapping paper), satin ribbons, rhinestones and beads look most impressive. An unusual option is to make a heart-shaped base.

We put the resulting material on top of the frame, fasten it with tape / glue.

We pack each candy (in addition to the factory wrapper) separately in a transparent film, tie it with a satin ribbon, decorate (to taste). Then we "put" on a toothpick or lance.

If you have the desire and time, you can make a base of corrugated paper and attach it to the base of the flower.

We attach the resulting "sweets" to the frame, decorate, correct the shortcomings (if any). An exquisite and delicious handmade gift is ready!

Pineapple - an unusual version of "delicious" paper flowers with do-it-yourself sweets

Another original way to present a handmade gift is to make a paper flower bouquet with pineapple-shaped chocolates!

The principle of its manufacture resembles the previous version, the main difference is only in the shape of the frame.

Materials for work:

1. 1-2 packs of sweets (for example, "Rafaello");

2. corrugated or wrapping paper;

3. double-sided tape;

4. scissors;

6. Styrofoam;

7. Whatman / cardboard;

8. toothpicks (or "lances" for canapes);

9.transparent film;

10. satin ribbon;

The frame will be based on an egg-shaped shape cut out of polystyrene foam.

Do you want to make a surprise surprise? Instead of a base, use not styrofoam, but a small vase of a similar shape, which can also be filled with candy inside. The gift will turn out to be much more weighty, more interesting and tastier!

The second most popular way of presenting this bouquet is based on a bottle of champagne (or wine). An important condition for making such a gift is the curved ("pot-bellied") shape of the vessel.

After you have finished with the frame, you need to attach candy to it. For this we use double-sided tape. We glue several chocolates on one row, considering that they should be located along - glue them along the "red line". We wrap our base with the resulting "ribbon".

It remains only to decorate (optional) the resulting "fruit" and give a loved one a great mood!

Sweet roses - a bouquet of the noblest color with do-it-yourself sweets

For those who already have experience in making handmade bouquets of flowers and chocolates, the option with roses will seem the most interesting.

In order to make such a gift, you must use the following materials:

1. round shaped candies;

2. corrugated paper of green and pink (or other, of your choice) colors;

3. double-sided tape;

4. scissors;

6. toothpicks (or "lances" for canapes);

7. satin ribbon;

8.small basket;

Cut out the base for the rosebud from corrugated paper - two rectangles measuring 8 x 7cm. We round off one end to form a "marigold" shape. Using your thumbs, stretch it from the center to the bases to give it a natural look.

Let's move on to making rose petals. Depending on your preference, you can make the flower lush or slightly open. When creating a classic rose, you need to prepare 8 pieces of corrugated paper for the petals. Their size should be 1.5-2 cm smaller than that of the bud.

We wrap each petal with a toothpick from one edge, stretch it in the center to shape it and, using glue, attach it to the base of the bud. To make the rose look neat, apply the glues in a thin layer to the non-rounded edges of the petals. They should be attached to the bud in two rows. The first row - 3 pieces, the second - 5 pieces.

The result should be such a pretty rose..

The next step is making rose leaves. To make it look as natural as possible, we recommend using green corrugated paper. Cut out small rectangles from paper - 2-2.5 cm, make veins to make it look like a "crown" or "fence". We attach the resulting figures to the base of the roses with the help of threads. Do not use tape at this stage - it will be visible to the naked eye and will significantly enlarge the base of the flower.

It remains only to beautifully put the resulting roses in the basket, decorating it with decor. Corrugated paper can be placed in the base of the basket, leaving the edges free.

The bouquet is waiting for its lucky owner!

Handicraft is now in vogue and appreciated more than ever! You can surprise a loved one, a work colleague or a small child with a handmade gift. And modern possibilities for needlework are so wide that they allow you to create in earnest original and unique gifts.

If you want to see sincere emotions in the eyes of the gifted person, we recommend trying to make an unusual candy bouquet. Non-standard surprises in this design will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also become a delicious treat for tea.

You will not spend more than a few hours of active work on making it, but you will truly surprise those around you. Oddly enough, this type of activity often develops into a hobby and even a form of earnings.

Today there are many variations of the execution of such bouquets: with sweets and tea, with sweets and fruits, etc. But in our article we will tell you the most famous instructions on how to make a bouquet of sweets on your own at home.

Necessary materials for making bouquets

Having looked through dozens of pages of interesting photos of candy bouquets, it is easy to draw a conclusion about the most frequently used products for work.

An approximate list of required materials and tools:

  • Sweets of the required assortment (can be completely different in color, shape and size).
  • Corrugated paper, simple colored sheets, it is possible to use colored foil, various ribbons, beads, etc.
  • Fashionable nowadays kraft paper for packaging a bouquet.
  • Long skewers, toothpicks are used as the base for the flower stem.
  • The gun with glue saves a lot of time and effort.
  • Of course, you can't do without a few rolls of scotch tape.

Pineapple bouquet

A very cute and creative gift can be presented to a friend or a child - a candy pineapple bouquet. Such a simple piece can be created with just a plastic water bottle - this will be our basis.

For work you will need:

  • plastic "pot-bellied" bottle for 1.5-2 liters;
  • for convenience, a glue gun or regular glue;
  • corrugated paper in green shades;
  • candies in gold foil.

The working process

First, you need to take a pre-prepared clean bottle as the basis of our future bouquet and cut it across into two parts in a ratio of 1/3 and 2/3. After separating the bottle, insert the lower small part inside the larger part. Before doing this, we advise you to shorten the overall length of our pineapple and add "plump" to our tropical fruit.

The next step is to make pineapple leaves. To do this, cut long leaves from green corrugated paper and then insert them into the top of the bottle, where the cap is usually screwed in. Well, that's all, your irresistible pineapple flower bouquet is ready!

Bouquet of snowdrops

For the flowers themselves you will need:

  • small favorite sweets;
  • glue or glue gun;
  • snow-white and light green corrugated paper;
  • thin wire.

We are starting to make blanks for our bouquet with snowdrops. To make the leaves, we take light green paper and make rectangles about 7x5 centimeters, connect in half in length and tuck the upper corners with scissors.

Now the most interesting thing is making flowers. From our snow-white paper we cut 3 rectangles with a side size of 1.5x6 cm.

All rectangles are slightly sharpened from the middle to the upper part, while the lower corner is slightly cut off. Stretch the petals in the middle part and glue the petal to the leaf, do this with the rest of the petals.


As a result, we cover the stem of our flower with green corrugated paper (the width of the strip is about 1 cm), to which we glue several leaves. Our work is ready.

In such simple ways, you can make a gift that will be remembered by your friends and loved ones for a long time, because it is made with a soul. It is worth noting that making such cute surprises does not require fabulous costs and months of work. The main thing is to stock up on a positive attitude, delicious sweets and creativity, and you will succeed!

Photo of bouquets of sweets
