How to take care of your skin. Proper skin care Skin care

Regular facial care is the key to maintaining the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. Acne, blackheads, facial wrinkles and freckles will not disappear by themselves if you do not make any effort to do so. Well-groomed skin will look great always and everywhere, despite the complete absence of makeup and weather conditions.

Determination of skin type

Competent facial care begins with the individual selection of cosmetics, preparations and procedures. A cream that fully meets the needs of dry skin will cause an “outbreak” of acne and blackheads in the owner of an oily epidermis. Lotion for the combined type will cause allergic rashes on a sensitive face. If you want to solve the problem of cosmetic imperfections once and for all, carefully read the labels on tubes and jars in the store. How to properly care for the skin of the face and at the same time be sure that the product is chosen correctly?

You can find out your skin type on your own without resorting to the help of a cosmetologist. Cleanse your face thoroughly with a neutral cleanser or baby soap. After 2.5-3 hours, take an ordinary paper napkin and press it against the T-zone for a few seconds. Are there greasy marks on the paper? Your skin suffers from excessive sebaceous glands. If you are concerned not only with a greasy sheen on the forehead and the tip of the nose, but also with a feeling of tightness on the cheeks, you have a combined type of epidermis. Normal skin leaves barely noticeable traces of skin secretion on the napkin, and the contact of the paper with the dry type generally remains completely invisible.

Each skin type has its own set of typical cosmetic problems. Oily epidermis is usually "accompanied" by enlarged pores, comedones and large inflammations. Normal skin can easily become dry or combination - you just need to make a mistake with the choice of tonic or not wash off your make-up a couple of times at night. The dry type is also called sensitive - it is characterized by allergic rashes, redness, age spots and early wrinkles.

Cleansing is the first step in skin care.

To keep your face always fresh and beautiful, you need to cleanse your skin daily of dust particles, excess sebum and makeup residue. Start your morning by washing with cool water using foam, gel or emulsion. Owners of oily and combination skin often try to cleanse their face “to a squeak” with hot water. However, boiling water only activates the sebaceous glands, so the oily sheen will not only not disappear, but will appear twice as fast as usual. If you want to deep cleanse your pores and get rid of acne and blackheads, it is better to choose a product that contains antibacterial and drying components.

By cleansing your skin in the morning, you prepare it for the application of other cosmetic products (for example, a mattifying cream or foundation). In the evening, use a gentle milk or hydrophilic oil to remove make-up. The remains of mascara and shadows are removed with a special liquid for removing make-up from the eyes. It does not cause lacrimation and does not sting the sensitive skin of the eyelids. With this liquid, you can also remove ultra-resistant lipstick or gloss from the lips if necessary.

Owners of normal and oily skin can use a daily scrub to deeply cleanse the epidermis and exfoliate dead particles. It should contain small polymer particles, since dermatologists advise using a large fraction exfoliant no more than 2-3 times a month. The scrub is applied with massaging circular movements on previously cleansed skin, and after a few minutes it is washed off with cool water.

Rules for the care of problem skin involve regular mechanical cleaning of the face. Ignoring this procedure, you will not be able to get rid of acne and blackheads. First, the face is thoroughly steamed over a basin of hot water. You can add a few drops of rosemary, eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil to boiling water - they have an antibacterial effect. The index fingers are wrapped with a clean bandage or a thin cloth to prevent bacteria from entering the open pores. Comedones are alternately squeezed out with one sharp press. After cleansing, the face must be wiped with a pore-contracting lotion.

Dry skin can be cleansed with warm milk, olive oil or curdled milk - just moisten a cotton swab with liquid and wipe the face with it. At home, it is easy to prepare a universal liquid soap for the care of any type of skin. Take 2 tbsp. shavings of "Children's" or "Glycerine" soap, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp aloe juice and 200 ml. boiling water. Combine the components and stir them in water until the components are completely dissolved. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator and used instead of a gel for washing.

To cleanse sensitive skin, it is good to use medicinal herbs. Pour 3 tbsp. chamomile, yarrow or sweet clover with 2 cups of boiling water. Let it brew, cool and wipe your face as needed. Are you worried about age spots and acne marks? Wash your face with a decoction of flaxseed or St. John's wort - such care will allow you to quickly get rid of post-acne.


During the cleansing of the skin, the pores open, the remnants of makeup and sebaceous plugs are removed. After washing, it is necessary to narrow them to improve the complexion and protect against the penetration of dirt and the appearance of pimples and acne. This tonic does a great job. In addition, it moisturizes the skin, eliminates redness and irritation, and prepares the epidermis for a more intense treatment in the form of a mask or cream. The basis for tonics intended for oily or combination types of the epidermis is usually salicylic alcohol. It dries up inflammation, eliminates greasy shine and brightens "black spots". Alcohol tonic should not be used for the care of dry and sensitive skin. When choosing a tonic for this type, give preference to those that contain silicones or shea butter.

If you have oily skin, it is easy to replace the tonic with red wine or light beer. To minimize pores and improve complexion, it is good to use a moisturizing toner that is easy to prepare on your own. 2 tbsp cucumber pulp and 1 tbsp. put the pulp of aloe leaves in gauze and tie. Dip the resulting "bag" into a glass of boiling water and insist for several hours. A tonic for normal dry skin can easily replace an ice cube. For this purpose, you can freeze herbal decoction, cucumber or apple juice. Ice made from orange or lemon juice has good tightening properties.

Special Care

How to care for facial skin suffering from inflammation, acne, age spots, freckles, age-related changes? After all, girls are very rarely completely satisfied with their reflection in the mirror. To solve dermatological problems and eliminate the existing shortcomings, it is necessary to apply means of intensive therapeutic effects - masks 2 times a week. The composition of this cosmetic product is usually "overflowing" with vitamins, valuable extracts and other active ingredients. If your skin is far from ideal, it is impossible to take good care of it using only lotions and creams.

A universal component for hand-made masks is cosmetic clay. You can buy it at any pharmacy. White and blue will help to cope with the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, green and yellow have a lifting effect, and red eliminates peeling and inflammation. The principle of preparing the mask is the same, regardless of the color used: powdered clay is diluted with warm boiled water to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied in a thick layer on a well-cleansed face. You can add calendula tincture, milk or herbal infusion to the resulting composition. As soon as the mask begins to tighten the skin, it must be washed off with plenty of warm water. Due to the pronounced cleansing and disinfecting properties of clay, be sure to use a moisturizer at the end of the beauty procedure.

Dry skin needs nourishing masks like no other. With a bang, ordinary oatmeal copes with peeling, redness and lack of moisture. 3 tbsp flakes must be ground in a coffee grinder or blender, mixed with cold milk and left on the face for 15-20 minutes. Dull skin is well refreshed by masks made from the pulp of strawberries, grated carrots and boiled potatoes. Hot oil compresses have the same properties.

Preventive care for oily skin involves the use of antibacterial and drying masks. Whisk 1 egg yolk with 10 drops of tea tree essential oil and 2 tsp. soda, apply the resulting composition to the skin for 10 minutes. Tea tree is an excellent natural antibiotic that destroys almost all types of bacteria that are the main cause of skin problems. Baker's yeast will also help eliminate oily sheen. 4 tbsp dry yeast dilute 2 tbsp. yogurt or whey, leave the mixture on the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To care for red spots left after subcutaneous acne, use badyaga. The powder of this sea sponge stimulates the acceleration of skin regeneration. The thinnest needles dig into the epidermis, irritating it, so you need to use the badyaga very carefully.

Last step: face cream

There is no better foundation for makeup than a properly selected day cream. It moisturizes and smoothes the skin, promotes even distribution and minimal absorption of tonal products. For dry skin, modern manufacturers offer creams with a dense texture with the addition of microcapsules and thermal water, for normal skin products with a low content of silicones are provided, and for oily skin - light fluids, gels and emulsions.

Night facial treatment involves the use of a rich cream. While you sleep, there is an intensive cellular exchange, so at this time of the day you can safely use products with potent components. It is the night cream that will help to defeat early wrinkles, eliminate freckles and “dissolve” black spots. It is applied, as well as daytime, with a thin layer on clean skin. A thick “mask” of cream clogs pores and provokes inflammation.

A hand-made face cream is no worse than a store-bought one. Problems of oily skin will be solved by a remedy based on honey and medicinal herbs. 2 tsp mix liquid honey with 20 drops of ginseng tincture, 2 tbsp. nettle decoction and 1 tbsp. glycerin. This cream must be stored in the refrigerator. Dry and aging skin will benefit from a nourishing cream made from lanolin and cottage cheese. 1 tsp fresh cottage cheese carefully rub with 2 tsp. royal jelly, add 100 gr. lanolin, mix and pour into a glass jar. Normal skin will "like" almond oil. To prepare a night cream, mix 20 gr. heated oil with 3 tbsp. orange juice and 1 tbsp. cocoa butter.

You will achieve amazing results if you combine the use of facial skin care products with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercise and be outdoors more often - your skin will thank you.

Talk 6

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Facial skin is an open part of the body, which is constantly exposed to external factors. And there are a lot of reasons for creating skin problems, these are weather conditions and various kinds of pollution. Today we will talk about how to take care of your skin.

Facial skin care is a very complex process and it is individual for each person. To properly care for it, you need to know what type of skin you have, as well as adhere to the basic recommendations, and of course, pay attention to age recommendations.

How to properly care for your skin

In order to properly care for the skin of the face, two rules must be constantly observed:

  1. The first and most important rule is regularity. Basic skin care procedures should be performed twice a day, morning and evening. This procedure will not take you much time, it takes about 5 minutes, but your face will always look great.
  2. The second, no less important rule is the correct application of cosmetics. Absolutely all cosmetics must be applied along the lines of the least stretching of the skin, they are also called massage lines. If you do not adhere to this rule, you will provide daily stretching of the skin, and the appearance of wrinkles cannot be avoided. It is also very important to apply cosmetics with your fingers, without creating pressure on the skin. The hand should be in a relaxed state, and the fingertips should, as it were, slide along the massage lines.

If you apply a thick cosmetic product, such as a cream, then you need to “drive” it into the skin, with smooth and light pats. It is best to do this with the ring finger, because it is considered weak, and it will be difficult to create excess pressure. But if you know how to control the force of pressing your fingers, then it is most convenient to do this with the middle finger of your hand.

Remembering how to properly care for facial skin is quite simple, all massage lines move away from the center. Only in the eye area everything is exactly the opposite, from the outer edges to the inner ones. Yes, another neck. On the front of it, you need to apply cosmetics with vertical movements, and on the side, on the contrary, with horizontal movements.

Of course, these are not all the rules for facial skin care, but some of the main ones. Whatever cosmetics you use and what salons you go to, always stick to them. Such actions will help you save on regular trips to the beautician.

How to take care of oily skin

The question of how to care for oily skin worries all girls who have this type of skin. It is necessary to follow the basic rules, as well as to adjust the mask on the skin. All you need is kefir, it must be applied to the skin, and washed off after 15 minutes. Protein nourishes the skin, and also dries it a little, clogging the sebaceous glands.

How to take care of problem skin

Not all girls have perfect skin, so the question of how to care for problematic facial skin always remains relevant. Acne and oily sheen on the face become a panacea for all girls, but not everything is so bad, you can fight it at home. Never squeeze acne, otherwise you will not avoid scars on your face, and also constantly apply purchased masks for problem skin on your face as indicated in the instructions.

Skin care at different ages

Girls of all ages want to look beautiful. And well-groomed skin on the face is the first sign that a person takes care of himself and tries to constantly be on top. But almost everyone knows how to take care of their skin and do it the same way. What is not the right step.

Every skin needs individual care. And even more so at different ages. For teenagers, facial skin care will only contain cleansing, but older girls will already have to tone their skin and apply various masks. Let's take a closer look at how to care for a face at different ages.

How to care for the skin of the face of girls after 25

Starting from the age of 25, the skin of the face gradually loses moisture, which leads to the appearance of acne and dryness, and of course, its tone changes. The skin loses its volume and elasticity due to the lack of collagen, which is produced in much smaller quantities. With the destruction of collagen fibers, small wrinkles begin to appear and the skin loses its elasticity. If you notice this on your face, then immediately contact a beautician.

For facial skin care after 25, there is only one universal and effective advice - always wash your face using foam. You can apply atraumatic cleansing, which will reduce pores and even out skin tone. You can do peeling, but not desirable, only if necessary.

What is the best way to take care of your skin after 30?

After 30 years, the first wrinkles appear on the skin, this is caused by physiological characteristics, the skin simply loses its elasticity. At this age, it is necessary to take care of the skin of the face constantly and most importantly correctly. Never experiment, there is no room for error and no time for testing. Follow the two most important skin care rules and everything will be in order.

How to take care of your skin after 35

Taking care of facial skin after 35 becomes more difficult, and often one care is not enough, you still need to visit a beautician and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. If it seems to you that you look normal and you don’t have wrinkles, then it just seems to you. The process of skin aging has already begun, but each woman manifests itself with different intensity.

How to take care of your skin after 40

For facial skin care after 40, it is recommended to use this solution: you need to mix 1 tablespoon of herbs (dill or parsley), 1 teaspoon of chopped oak bark and 1 tablespoon of lime blossom, then pour this mixture with boiling water (2 cups) and let it brew about 2 hours. Now strain everything and add a small pinch of citric acid. Wipe your face with it morning and evening, using the infusion as a cleansing gel. It is stored in the refrigerator.

How to take care of your skin after 50 at home

Taking care of facial skin after 50 years becomes much harder, and simple cleansing or moisturizing is no longer enough. We need to act more decisively and stronger.

  1. To cleanse the face, it is better to use mild products, such as avocado, sesame and hazelnut oils.
  2. When toning the skin, make sure that there is no alcohol in the products.
  3. The best way to moisturize your skin is with avocado oil. And for day care products with wheat extract are better suited.
  4. It is best to nourish the skin after 50 with ginseng root extract.

Rules for daily face care

Even the simplest facial treatments can positively affect your natural beauty. How to do it correctly and delicately, we will now tell you.

  1. To keep your lips always well-groomed, rub a retinol-based cream into them daily. During winter colds, it is better to use a cream with SPF - this way you will prevent chapping and cracking. Apply hyaluronic acid to your lips to slow down the aging process.
  2. To keep your skin healthy and beautiful, try to eat salmon, mackerel, tuna, and nuts every day. Sweet and salty foods should be excluded from the diet as much as possible.
  3. You need to wash properly. In most cases, girls wash themselves in circular energetic movements, and this spoils and even stretches the skin. First of all, you need to wash your face with cool water, massage the skin with soft movements, starting from the chin and moving towards the forehead. Don't forget the neck too. In general, you should treat your skin like silk. After the end of the washing procedure, forget about the towel - let it dry naturally.
  4. If you have dry skin, it is better to cleanse your face with a product containing seaweed, and if you have oily skin, you can add grapefruit or papaya extract to the water with which you wash your face. Wipe your face occasionally with salicylic acid. If you are the owner of sensitive skin, it is better for you to use products without any additives, colors and flavors, children's cosmetics would be ideal.
  5. To quickly get rid of bags under the eyes and swelling, use witch hazel or lavender extract, wipe your face with it with a cotton pad. For these purposes, you can also use brewed tea bags, they need to be kept in front of your eyes for 10-15 minutes.

I hope we have dealt with all the questions and now you know how to care for your skin. And if not, then we can discuss it in the comments. Thanks to all.

You probably know these basic rules. We list them for the sake of completeness.

  1. Wash twice a day with a gel or foam with a pH of about 5-5.5. This tool keeps Natural skin surface pH is on average below 5, which is beneficial for its resident flora protective skin barrier.
  2. Definitely before bed.
  3. Use cosmetics that suit your.
  4. Use two different products for day and night care. Moisturizing during the day, nourishing at night.
  5. Once or twice a week, deeply cleanse the skin with scrubs or peels.
  6. Pay special attention to the area around the eyes: use special creams and serums marked “for the eyelids”.
  7. Give preference to sunscreen. In summer or at ski resorts, it is important to use special products with an SPF of at least 30.

Keep in mind that skin changes with age. What you could do without at 30 becomes an urgent need at 40. And moments that are not critical at 20 will be extremely important at 50.

Facial care in 20-30 years

Between the ages of 20 and 30, the body and skin experience a real flowering. Teenage pimples most often remain in the past, wrinkles seem like a far-fetched horror story from the distant future, and the goal of care comes down mainly to prevention. However, not everything is as smooth as it might seem at first glance. These four rules must be observed in order to enjoy clear and youthful skin for as long as possible.

1. Don't forget to wash your face thoroughly in the evenings

Dry skin at a young age is rare, but normal with a tendency to oiliness - in a wide range. This is due to high levels of sex hormones. Birth Control for Acne, a side effect of which is increased production of sebum. With age, the level of hormones, and with it the skin, normalize. But while you're young and hot, fat can be a problem: it's a great breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria that cause inflammation and irritation.

In order to prevent the infection from multiplying and spoiling your appearance, do not forget to wash off the grease, dust and dirt accumulated on your face during the day. Of course, using products for your skin type.

2. Clean your pores

Facial care in 30-40 years

By this age, you have already experienced a lot of stress and hormonal explosions (pregnancy, childbirth, reception, and so on), and this is reflected in the skin. Even if the changes are not too noticeable, they are. And for obvious reasons, they will increase. Therefore, do not lose sight of the following important points.

1. Pay attention to pigmentation

Uneven color is a bright age sign that can add at least a few years. With age, pigmentation becomes more pronounced, so it is important to maintain an even skin tone. This can be achieved by using whitening creams, masks or using soft (without large abrasive particles).

But the ideal option is to consult with a beautician. He will not only offer you whitening products that are selected specifically for your skin, but may also recommend a series of professional peels.

Yes! The use of cosmetics with SPF is of particular importance. Ultraviolet provokes the production of melanin and thereby exacerbates the problem with pigmentation.

2. Try not to use products with ethyl alcohol

Alcohol dissolves and washes away sebum. When there is a lot of fat, as is often the case in youth, alcohol wipes can be useful. They help eliminate excess sebum with accumulated bacteria in it and thereby prevent the occurrence.

However, as we age, sebum production decreases. Meanwhile, it is necessary because it moisturizes the skin and protects it from the external environment: high and low temperatures, wind, and so on. Alcohol-based products damage IS ETHANOL IN SKIN CARE PRODUCTS SAFE? this already thinned and time-consuming barrier to repair. And thus deprive the skin of the necessary moisture and protection.

After 30, it is advisable to choose tonics not with alcohol, but, for example, with green tea.

3. Start using anti-aging products

For example, creams and serums with retinol (vitamin A). Proven Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety that retinol improves cellular metabolism, stimulates collagen synthesis and even helps to reduce existing wrinkles.

However, this remedy also has side effects. For example, vitamin A can cause skin irritation and increase photosensitivity. Therefore, you can use such creams only at night.

Given the side effects, it makes sense to contact a beautician. The specialist will help you choose products with a suitable concentration of retinol for your skin. And also, perhaps, he will advise other anti-aging products and techniques, including salon lifting procedures: massage, microcurrent and mesotherapy, and so on.

Creams and masks with collagen and will fit well into home care. By the way, facial massage can also be performed independently.

Facial care in 40-50 years

They say that modern 40s are the new 20s. And this is true. Medicine, cosmetology, a healthy lifestyle allow many women to look as attractive at this age as between 20 and 30. To help the skin retain youth and freshness for longer, it is important to follow these recommendations.

1. Hydrate your skin intensely

We have already mentioned that over the years the skin becomes less oily. As the sebum barrier becomes thinner, it becomes harder for the skin to retain moisture. And where there is not enough moisture - there comes a drought with its characteristic cracks, wrinkles, creases ... Moisturizing the skin should be a priority in your care.

Refrain from washing with soap and other drying agents. Switch to nourishing foams with a creamy texture or no rinsing. When choosing a day and night cream, also focus on maximum hydration.

2. Include salon treatments in your care

Even if you've been doing just fine on your own before. With age, the skin requires more and more attention and care: the volume of the lips decreases, nasolabial folds appear, the oval of the face floats a little.

Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of anti-aging treatments and works wonders. Properly selected peels, massage techniques, as well as all kinds of beauty injections that moisturize the deep layers of the skin, fill wrinkles and return, allow even at 49 to look as delightful as at 25.

Consult with a beautician about professional care. It is important that your specialist has a medical education and undergoes appropriate training. In this case, the therapy will be as safe and effective as possible.

3. Pay maximum attention to the skin under the eyes

With age, thin skin in these areas requires more and more nutrition and more and more dense creams and serums rich in antioxidants and vitamins. It is advisable to select them together with a cosmetologist who will give recommendations, focusing on the characteristics and condition of your particular skin.

Please note: you can not score on care! Even if it seems that you are already lucky and mimic wrinkles safely bypass you. Time is relentless, and if you do not help the skin under the eyes recover, unpleasant changes can one day overtake you in just a few days.

Facial care after 50 years

The legendary Coco Chanel once said: “Your face at 20 is given to you by nature; what it will be like at 50 is up to you.” We hope you did not leave your skin alone with stress, and it continues to delight you with health and well-groomed appearance. You are probably already a master in facial care, so we will note only three key points.

1. Use retinol

If you haven’t used vitamin A products before, don’t delay: they really help your skin stay young longer. If retinol is already in your favorite creams and serums, consider increasing the concentration.

2. Add Hyaluronic Acid Serum to Your Care

This substance is present in the skin and is also involved in the preservation of moisture in the tissues. With age, there is less and less natural, and the skin becomes drier, slowly turning into parchment.

But it's not just the loss of moisture. Hyaluronic acid is actively involved in cell regeneration processes. With its deficiency, the skin simply loses the ability to effectively recover. And this accelerates aging.

Therefore, after 50, it is extremely important to additionally nourish the skin with hyaluronic acid using specialized anti-aging serums or even injections.

3. Once every three to four days, make masks with a lifting effect

In terms of rejuvenation, they have proven themselves well. However, cosmetic brands offer many other options for masks with a lifting effect based on “branded” active ingredients. And you will certainly be able to pick up something of your own - exactly the remedy that will return elasticity to your skin specifically.

And let us remind you once again: unlike our mothers and grandmothers, we are lucky to live at a time when beauty and youth are in many ways really in our (and an experienced cosmetologist) hands. This magical fact must be used!

To remain the most charming and attractive for a long time, you need to make a lot of efforts - regularly visit a beautician and carefully care for your skin at home. After all, she needs proper “nutrition”, training and drinking regimen.

What menu does our skin need, how to care for it in the morning, afternoon and evening, experts told the site - Gulnara Akhmetova, head of the Pure Line Institute, Yana Drobysheva, cosmetologist at the Linline clinic, laser therapist, specialist in injection techniques, cosmetologist of the clinic "Doctorplastic" Irina Ivanova.

Skin care in the morning

Skin care in the morning

Simple rules with which to start the morning work for the benefit of the health of our skin. Therefore, as soon as you wake up, follow the following program.

Start with fitness

Your parents probably advised you to start the morning with exercises. And they were right, exercising in the morning not only helps us wake up, but also our skin.

“Sports loads improve blood circulation, complexion, sleep, mood, promote weight loss, keep the body in good shape, strengthen the immune system, optimize the work of all body systems. All of the above, in turn, also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, ”says Gulnara Akhmetova, Head of the Pure Line Institute.

Most importantly, you need to do exercises in the right environment. “Charging should be carried out in loose, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement and in a ventilated area,” notes Yana Drobysheva, cosmetologist at the Linline clinic, laser therapist, specialist in injection techniques.

drink some water

You have probably heard and read more than once that when you wake up, you should drink a glass of water, and there is a rational grain in this advice.

“As you know, water makes up 65-70% of the body weight of an adult. The amount of water that the body loses due to the natural processes of sweating and transepidermal evaporation (evaporation of water by the skin) must be replenished to maintain the composition of the internal environment, which ensures optimal functioning of the skin and the whole organism as a whole. Therefore, you need to drink water, including in the morning: immediately after getting up, it will be useful to drink 1-2 glasses of water. This will allow you to "start" the digestive system after a night's rest, improve your appetite and help the body naturally cleanse itself of toxins and decay products. Saturation with moisture allows the cells of the body, including the skin, to perform their duties optimally,” says Gulnara Akhmetova.

It is important to observe the drinking regime during the day to maintain the balance of skin hydration.

“Skin is well hydrated when the whole body is not dehydrated. And for this you need to drink at least two liters of non-carbonated clean water per day, ”advises Yana Drobysheva.

Clear your skin

Skin care in the morning

Some believe that you can neglect the procedure for cleansing the skin in the morning. After all, there is no makeup, pollution on the face, which means that it is enough just to rinse your face with water. But this is a big mistake that can harm the health of the dermis.

“In the morning, the skin must be cleansed of the secretion products of the sebaceous glands (sebum) accumulated during the night, dust, and also the remnants of night care products. These substances are able to block skin pores and influence the appearance of blackheads,” says Gulnara Akhmetova. Therefore, in the morning, the ritual for cleansing and skin care should be divided into three stages.


“The fact that you don’t have to remove your makeup in the morning makes your morning cleanse a little less thorough than in the evening: it will be enough to use the usual cleanser, selected according to the type and needs of the skin, for example, a foaming cleanser, if the skin can be classify it as normal, combination or oily type, or as a gentle foam cleanser in case of dry and sensitive skin,” advises Gulnara.


“After cleansing, you should use a suitable tonic, which will not only complete the cleansing procedure, but also prepare the skin for further beauty manipulations. The lotion-tonic gives the skin a sufficient amount of moisture, which is then “fixed” in it with a day cream,” notes Gulnara.


After toning, apply a moisturizer to your skin to help prepare it for makeup.

“For dry and sensitive skin, choose creams with nourishing, soothing ingredients (vegetable oils, bisabolol), for normal skin with moisturizing and refreshing ingredients (allantoin, aloe vera extract), for oily and combination skin, with absorbent and sebum-regulating ingredients (kaolin, plant extracts). etc.),” recommends Gulnara.

By the way, it is worth using products containing vitamins in the morning.

“In the morning, the skin absorbs vitamin C perfectly,” says cosmetologist of the clinic "Doctorplastic" Irina Ivanova.

As for textures, when preparing for makeup, it is best to use products with light textures - gels, emulsions, fluids.

“They are quickly absorbed without a trace and do not roll off after applying the foundation,” says Yana Drobysheva.

Experts also do not exclude that instead of a day cream, you can use fashionable two-in-one foundations with a care function.

« An alternative to a day cream can be a BB cream, which not only exhibits caring properties, but also allows you to correct skin tone and hide cosmetic imperfections, thereby eliminating the need to apply more “heavy” tonal products,” notes Gulnara Akhmetova.

Your helpers:

Beauty assistants

  1. Moisturizing facial toner "Angelica" and fluid Immortelle L'Occitane
  2. Hydrating Cranberry Toner June Jacobs
  3. Moisturizing protective day cream Pulanna
  4. Anti-aging transformative care "Magic care" Garnier
  5. Daily cream "Instant Hydration" Olay Anti-Wrinkle
  6. Cream for daily use Fillerina
  7. Lifting cream that gives radiance to the skin Declaré Age Control Lifting Beautifier

Beauty assistants

  1. Refreshing cleansing tonic Bright Touch Lumene
  2. Moisturizing serum 24 hours "Sea Source" Thalgo
  3. Moisturizing Gel Wash (25+) Face Wash Gel Noni Care
  4. Moisturizing day cream Cell Dynamic Day Performance SPF 20 NuBo
  5. Moisturizing cream that keeps skin youthful Youthful Moisture Cream Day And Night Ioma
  6. Cream "Self-rejuvenation 26+" "Black Pearl»
  7. Facial Cleansing Foam Gel "Chamomile and cranberries" Green Mama

Day skin care

Day skin care

Do not leave your skin unattended during the day. After all, she constantly needs care.

Wash your hands often

Do not touch your face or fix your makeup with dirty hands, this habit is one of the main causes of inflammation on the skin.

“It is better to touch your face with your hands as little as possible, or wash them before touching. Hands are constantly in contact with many surfaces that can be contaminated or pathogens, they easily get from the hands to the skin of the face. And decorative cosmetics, present on the skin in excess, creates a favorable environment for their reproduction and further development of inflammation, ”says Yana Drobysheva.

Careful with makeup

“During the day, many women like to powder or touch up their make-up, liberally applying layer after layer of powder or foundation. You can't do that. If you need to correct makeup flaws, it is better to wash your face and “draw” everything from scratch. Since “multi-layered” makeup clogs pores. If you notice a greasy sheen on your face or if you have excessive sweating, use matting wipes. They are thin, like parchment, quickly absorb sweat and sebum, do not spoil makeup, ”Yana notes.

Do not apply medicated or skin care creams over makeup

Day skin care

“For example, in the treatment of rashes, drugs are often prescribed that need to be applied several times a day. You can not do it over decorative cosmetics. First you need to wash, then apply the product, let it soak in and after that “restore” the makeup, ”says Yana.

Use skin moisturizers

During the day, our skin does a lot of work and needs additional hydration, especially if you are in a room where air conditioning or heating devices are working. “You can refresh your skin with thermal water. This is one of the few products that can be applied over makeup, ”advises Yana Drobysheva.

If you want to provide the skin with long-term hydration with a care product, choose creams with special marks. “Such funds contain notes - “moisturizes 24 hours,” says Gulnara Akhmetova.

Your helpers:

It is important to follow the steps of facial skin care: cleansing, toning, softening, protection, special care. This chain must not be interrupted or

sequencing. Otherwise, useful, each individually, procedures will not give the full desired result.

The choice of facial care products is determined by the type of skin - dry, oily, normal, combination, problematic. But according to doctors and cosmetologists, there are universal tips that will be useful to almost all women.

General rules for the care of any skin

  1. Treat your skin with care. It is not the back and shoulders that are vigorously rubbed with a bath towel. Massage your face gently, along the massage lines.
  2. Don't forget to moisturize. And if the choice of moisturizer for each woman is individual, then all skin types will benefit from visiting the sauna and sufficient (eight glasses a day) fluid intake - just water or in the form of juicy vegetables and fruits.
  3. Take care of the elasticity of the skin, which decreases over the years. To do this, foods containing estrogens (green vegetables, especially broccoli) should appear on your menu. Get a cream based on hyaluronic acid or glycerin, which will provide the skin with additional moisture and make it supple. Based on the instructions that come with the cream, make a plan for using them, since only their regular, and not occasional use will give the effect.
  4. Protect your skin from ultraviolet rays. Remember that the sun is not only in summer, but also in winter: January or February, for example, can also dry out the skin from the sun's rays. This means that special creams or lotions are needed to protect it from ultraviolet radiation, as well as from wind and low temperatures.
  5. Do not abuse sweets. From them, it turns out, not only the figure suffers, but also the face. According to cosmetologists, sweet foods cause inflammation and damage to facial skin cells and accelerate the aging process.
  6. Tips for caring for normal facial skin also suggest eating foods rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated acids (they are found in fish, vegetable oil, seeds and nuts). Using these products regularly can give you smooth, firm skin.
  7. Different skin types require different care products. But the approach to choice is a general one. It is advisable to use preparations of one, maximum two lines of cosmetics. Carefully monitor the expiration date of the drugs: outdated even for a month should not be used. Apply funds regularly, and if you are afraid to forget about some procedures, outline a plan and stick to it.
  8. According to TV presenter Elena Malysheva, there should be a common approach to applying makeup: the less it is on the face, the better it is for the skin of the face. In addition, a thick layer of "plaster" not only dries out, spoils the skin, but also ages the woman herself, especially when using dark tones.

Rules for skin care at different times of the day

Morning steps:

  1. Washing (water should be cool, as hot water expands the pores, leads to dry skin).
  2. Facial mask (make a plan to do it regularly, 4-8 times a month).
  3. Apply a toner or lotion to your skin with a cotton pad.
  4. Apply day cream to your skin.
  5. Make up.

Evening care steps:

  1. Cleanse your face from cosmetics, wash yourself using healthy herbal decoctions or.
  2. Do a peeling (to make the procedures regular, plan them at the rate of once a week).
  3. Apply a tonic to your face, and then a night cream (an hour before bedtime).
  4. Do not forget about the eyelids, lubricate them with cream very carefully, with your fingertips.
  5. Lubricate your lips with any emollient.

Comprehensive skin care: what is it?

Caring for normal facial skin cannot be limited to one or two procedures and consider your plan completed. You will need a set of different procedures, the sequence of which must not be violated.

Start with PURIFICATION. And if in the morning it’s just washing, then in the evening it’s a longer procedure: you need to clean your face of makeup, and for this water alone is not enough, it’s better to use a scrub. Advice from the famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva: do not wipe your face with a terry towel, it is better to get it wet, and with disposable wipes.

The next step is skin toning. There are many different tonics, it is important to choose the one that will help you take better care of your skin than others - restore the necessary acid-base balance, reduce pores.

Then comes the turn of MOISTURIZING. According to cosmetologists, this task is within the power of various ready-made lotions and creams. Moisturizing masks are also very good. At home, you can achieve a spectacular result with the help of ice cubes from healing decoctions.

Comprehensive facial skin care includes its NUTRITION. Moreover, if during the day women, as a rule, limit themselves to moisturizing, then before going to bed they try to feed the skin properly: these are useful masks (you can use sour cream or yogurt), and a nourishing cream.

Completes the cycle of procedures PROTECTION of the skin from the negative effects of the environment. In summer - from hot sunlight, in winter - from frost and prickly wind.

If you need to quickly put yourself in order, it is not necessary to resort to the services of a beautician, you can do express facial care at home.

Facial cleansing is suitable for different skin types. Start it with a mask: mix one tablespoon of olive oil with a spoonful of honey and one egg yolk. Keep it on your face for 20 minutes. After that, rinse gently with warm water.

Take a shaving cream, beat it until a fluffy foam forms. Pour soda into it (a teaspoon is enough), and then apply the resulting mixture on your face. Next, dip your fingers in salt (we take not large) and gently massage your face for several minutes. Rinse everything with boiled warm water. Immediately after the procedure, the skin will turn a little red, but its morning appearance will delight you with freshness.

The banana express mask also has its secrets (half a banana, a teaspoon of honey, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream and an egg yolk). The mask for 15 minutes will well tighten the skin of the face, if it is pre-steamed.

You can quickly take care of the skin with the help of a regular baby cream, after adding vitamin A (10 drops) and E (5 drops) to it.

It is not necessary to take care of your facial skin in a beauty salon, you can do it at home, this will be the so-called budget option, it will help you save money and will not disappoint you with the result. Here are the secrets that women share on the Internet:

  • to remove makeup, you can use, for example, unrefined vegetable oil (applied with a swab to the skin, and after a couple of minutes, wash off with a swab, only now soaked in milk or warm water);