How to light incense sticks. How to choose incense sticks to attract love and wealth. Is there any harm

Sandalwood - the scent of spirituality, depth and sensuality

sacred aroma of meditation, brings you closer to the divine, reveals from within, restores the aura, relieves stress and depression, gives a feeling of well-being, aphrodisiac, increases sensuality, excites passion, cools after meditation, cleanses the room

Sandalwood famous for its wood, which gives a woody, resinous, rich aroma, with a hazy musky undertone. The aroma of sandalwood is not strong, not flashy, without harsh notes, but very persistent. It has practically no analogue in nature. This is a classic, erotic, expensive scent. In India, everything that is most beautiful, expensive, and best is called the word "chanda" those. "sandalwood".

In Hinduism, sandalwood is an integral part of religious services and rituals; it is used in meditation, “transfers” the believer from the material world to the subtle world, brings him closer to the divine, purifies the mind, helps overcome obstacles on the path to enlightenment, helps open the “third eye” , directs consciousness inward.

The scent of sandalwood is considered sacred, and in Indian culture there has always been a clear connection between sandalwood scent and religious life.

According to Indian mythology, Paradise is filled with the scent of sandalwood, the gods love it, so it was “offered” to the gods during puja (worship) - they used incense sticks with the scent of sandalwood, and added sandalwood oil to smoking lamps. They cleaned holy places with it, and smoked it in houses to ward off evil spirits. Interestingly, the scent of sandalwood attracts snakes. In Indian illustrations you can find an image of sandalwood entwined with snakes.

It is believed that the scent of sandalwood allows the soul of the deceased to reach God, as well as calm the mourners and reconcile them to the inevitable.

In addition, sandalwood aroma has excellent antiseptic properties, cleaning the room and killing bacteria and germs.

Sandalwood scent - One of the classic aromatherapy scents. This is a complex philosophical scent. It has the following effects:

- on a psycho-emotional level- relieves anxiety, stress, depression, a state of fear, relaxes and warms, gives the opportunity to open up from within, removes barriers, lets go of the imagination, opens the springs of creativity, helps to adapt to change, protects from impulsive actions not related to the nature of Good and Light, removes obsessive thoughts, gives a feeling of well-being, eliminates tearfulness, helps to face unpleasant life surprises with dignity, in stressful situations and conflicts

- at a therapeutic level- normalizes heart rate, nervous system, relieves irritability, gives sound sleep, treats sexual disorders arising from psychological problems, relieves sexual tension, helps to realize any love desires and fantasies, makes sexual intercourse exquisite, increases sensuality, helps with neurotic loss voice, difficulty swallowing, menopausal problems, hiccups due to nervousness, skin inflammation, irritation of the throat and nasopharynx, relieves tension after intense mental activity

- on a magical level- excites passion, a “spiritual smell” used for meditation and harmony, personifying the balance of day and night, cold and heat, masculine and feminine, spiritual depth, develops intuition, restores the aura, gives clear dreams, helps to concentrate during meditation and “cools” » after meditation

Incense sticks heal the body and soul - this is what they believe in the East. Aromatherapy relaxes, relieves stress and tension. It’s convenient that for a relaxation session you don’t need to buy an aroma lamp and essential oils - you just light the stick and inhale the aromas.

Is this always beneficial? Always, as long as you use incense correctly.

Choosing a scent

The aroma of sticks, like perfume, is individual. The effect depends on the correctness of its choice:

  • The aromas of lotus, sandalwood, and jasmine are great for relaxing after a working day. We recommend using them during constant mental or physical stress.
  • Rose scented incense sticks awaken sensuality. In the East, they often fumigate rooms before intimacy. Vanilla sticks are also considered an aphrodisiac.
  • The smell of lemon has a beneficial effect on the immune system. It is advisable to use such aroma sticks if you have frequent headaches and nausea.
  • Coniferous aromas kill germs and bacteria, invigorate, and improve your mood. They are used to prevent colds.
  • Lavender calms and calms. This aroma helps to cope with emotions and overcome stressful situations.
  • Lotus is one of the most effective scents in aromatherapy. It is useful for chronic fatigue, insomnia, stress, and the initial stages of depression.

What types of incense sticks are there?

The most popular are aromas produced in Tibet, Nepal, China and India.

One of the main principles of the art of aromatherapy is: “Do no harm!” That is why it is important to use each fragrant element of a pleasant ritual strictly for its intended purpose, and the huge variety of which is simply amazing is no exception.

The science of aromatherapy is ancient and mysterious. It is in this industry that aromas and the characteristics of their influence on a person, his psychological and physical state are studied. Even during excavations of ancient civilizations, archaeologists discovered many vessels and bowls intended for storing and using incense. Such items had no less price than gold among the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians.

When the plague epidemic raged in the Middle Ages, the air was fumigated using various means. In some cases, such methods were indeed effective. It is interesting to know that the plague was fought with all possible aromatic remedies and plants known at that time. But today, when we breathe dirt, soot and chemicals, we consider aromatherapy something secondary.

The most popular type of therapy is incense sticks. Their popularity lies in their ease of use and affordable price. To make the smell pleasant and healthy, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the filler. It is strongly recommended not to burn multiple sticks at the same time.

In India and China, incense sticks are made from bamboo. At the first stage of production, bamboo straws are immersed in an aromatic mixture and then in aroma oil - finely ground aromatic herbs. If you buy synthetic products, then in addition strong odor there will be no effect, and, as is known, obsessive odors cause headache and general
unsatisfactory condition. To light a stick, light it and gently blow it out. It is better to place it on a special stand, since during smoldering ash will form and fall off.

Unfamiliar incense should be used with extreme caution. It is always important to remember such a concept as individual intolerance. That is, if your friends or loved ones do not have an allergic reaction to a particular type of incense, this is not a guarantee that it will be ideal for another person.

Some put forward versions that light-colored incense sticks are made from exclusively natural and safe

materials, but black sticks are harmful chemicals. This is an incompetent opinion and an erroneous judgment. The color of the sticks is not a criterion for their quality. Primary attention should be paid to the composition of the product: synthetic components will only provide a strong odor, but natural elements are a guarantee of an excellent product.

The use of incense sticks in our country began at the beginning of the late 20th century, just with the advent of new trends in Eastern culture (Feng Shui, yoga, etc.). The product is used for various rituals, relaxation, treatment, magic rituals and simply as a means of aromatizing the air.

What are incense sticks?

An incense stick is a base made of natural wood in the form of a stick of small diameter, which is impregnated with an odorous mixture, namely essential oils. To feel the incense, you need to set the incense stick on fire. The emanating aromas are designed to create a unique mood, heighten the senses and change a person’s state on the physical level.

There are many legends that such incense was used only by sorcerers, which is why they were banned in many eastern countries in the Middle Ages. In fact, modern scientific research has refuted the idea of ​​the otherworldly or magical powers of aromatics. The effect on the body is carried out through the influence of essential oil, which emits a smell when burned.

Why are incense sticks so popular among other aromatherapy products? The secret is simple - ease and convenience of use, low cost, and the ability to combine with any interior style. Plus, they are easy to make at home.

Types and purpose

Sticks from India

Made from bamboo. This is the most popular type, as it has the most pronounced aroma.

The fact is that during the production process, Indians initially apply an odorous mixture to the base and only then soak the sticks in essential oils. This makes it possible to get double flavor.

In their homeland, sticks are used for meditation and temple rituals. The most popular oils: eucalyptus, patchouli, sandalwood.

Incense sticks from Nepal

The production technology is different: herbs and minerals are used. The collected raw materials are subjected to long-term pressing, resulting in a stick shape.

The peculiarity of these sticks is that they need to be set on fire for a maximum of 3 minutes. This time is enough to completely fill the room with aromas. The smell is rich and lasts quite a long time.

Nepalese use red or white sandalwood, jasmine, lotus, pine, geranium, and cedar as the main material. In their homeland, the products are used for relaxation and treatment.

Incense sticks from Tibet

They are made according to the type of Nepalese remedies, but one stick can contain up to 4 dozen herbs, which are collected by hand, and in the Himalayas. Tibetans adhere to special rules: herbs are collected at a certain time, not only manual collection, but also all subsequent work, including packaging. For this reason, such aroma sticks are expensive.

The remains after burning the stick can also be used, for example, for massages or acupuncture treatment. Another plus is that as the sticks smolder, their smell changes. These sticks can be ground to a powder and then added to your favorite cream or ointment.

Products from China

They always have the shape of a spiral, boat, barrel or basket. Such products act identically to sticks. The shape is thought out on the basis of Chinese philosophy - the lit spirals resemble the coils of life, thanks to which any problem or question can be resolved. Combustion occurs exclusively clockwise.

Today you can find many counterfeit incense sticks that are not produced in these countries. Their danger lies in the fact that they do not contain natural raw materials, but synthetic ones, which are harmful to the body. It is easy to distinguish them: for example, in China they never make straight sticks, and many would-be manufacturers produce just such sticks, indicating that these products are from China.

Watch our video to see how incense sticks are made:

What types of aroma stick scents are there?

The smell of an incense stick directly depends on the raw materials used. For example, almond sticks smell like almonds, mint sticks smell like mint, sandalwood sticks smell like sandalwood, and so on. These can be sweet, tart, bitter, sour and other aromas.

Each scent has its own properties:

  • Herbs of mint, chabra, oregano, lavender, myrrh, jasmine and almond. These products have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and act as adaptogens.
  • Tea tree, marjoram, chamomile, sandalwood, lemon balm, geranium and frankincense have sedative properties. Smells neutralize depression, calm, restore sleep, and eliminate fatigue.
  • But with the help of cinnamon, orange, lemon, rosemary, cedar, fennel, magnolia and camphor, you can, on the contrary, gain vigor and recharge your batteries. These smells have a positive effect on brain function.

How to use?

To light an incense stick, just use matches. But there are also special rules:
  • Take care of fire safety. Do not place incense sticks near flammable objects.
  • The tip of the stick should be set on fire. Immediately after it lights, blow it out a little, as it should smolder, not burn.
  • Remember that ash will fall off the product, which can burn the tablecloth, paper and other surfaces. Therefore, it is advisable to place a fireproof object under the stick.
  • Do not light several incense sticks at the same time, especially different ones. Remember that even one stick can fill the room with the smell as strongly as possible.
  • If there is no window in the room or you do not have the opportunity to ventilate the room, then it is better not to use aromatic products.
  • Do not buy analogues that are too cheap, they will do harm instead of good.
  • It is not advisable to use such products daily.

Useful properties of aroma sticks

Undoubtedly, there are benefits from using aromatic devices. They have antifungal and antimicrobial properties, which will allow you to disinfect your home.

When the plague “walked” around the world, residents of cities and villages lit pine fires. Their acrid smoke acted as a bactericidal agent. Incense sticks work in a similar way. Therefore, their use for colds is completely justified.

Incense is also beneficial for human health, especially for nervous system. Some herbs can kill insects, such as eucalyptus, mint and lemon. If you are afraid of the evil eye and damage, then it is recommended to use juniper, tangerine, incense and lotus.

Is there any harm?

If used incorrectly, aromatic products can cause harm to the body, especially if used more than 2 times a week.

Scientists conducted studies that found that smoldering smoke leads to lung cancer, because it is this organ that filters harmful substances coming from the air.

Many people have an allergic reaction to some herbs, which is manifested by severe headaches, watery eyes, sneezing, and itchy skin. Therefore, at the slightest discomfort, refuse to fumigate the room.

Please contact Special attention for quality indicators of sticks - purchase them in specialized stores. Remember: a high-quality product in a dry state should not have any strong odors, and low-quality counterfeits contain synthetic harmful impurities with a pronounced odor.

How to make incense sticks with your own hands?

If you want to save money on purchasing a product or want to be sure of its quality, then make them yourself. To do this you will need:
  • buy a natural bamboo base or regular kebab skewers ( maximum length– 30 cm, minimum – 15);
  • choose the right essential oil;
  • choose a beautiful vase or bottle (to match the interior);
  • Prepare refined oil and alcohol.
Connect vegetable oil with the ethereal. You need enough liquid to cover one third of the stick. On average, you can take 50 mg of essential oil per 200 ml of regular oil. If you want a more intense flavor, add a little more. 2 teaspoons of alcohol is enough (it will make the smell more stable).

Pour the resulting mixture into a beautiful container and insert a bamboo base. As the stick is soaked in the fragrant mixture, the room will be filled with a pleasant aroma. The advantage of this stick is that you don't have to set it on fire. Therefore, the aroma will be gentle and your lungs will not be harmed.

Another option for making incense sticks without the need to set them on fire is presented in this video:

Now you know everything about aroma sticks, all that remains is to choose the desired aroma. Employees of specialized stores will help you do this. You can also determine the smell on your own, but on an intuitive level: if the aroma gives pleasure, there is no discomfort, then this smell is yours.

People burn incense sticks for many reasons - for relaxation, for religious purposes, or simply because they like the smell of incense. It is important to know how to use them correctly.


Part 1

Choosing chopsticks and incense burner

    Consider purchasing incense sticks with a core. These sticks consist of a thin wooden rod (usually bamboo) coated (except for 2–3 centimeters at the bottom) with an aromatic substance. The aromatic substance can be either smooth and smooth, or grainy in appearance. The aroma produced during combustion is usually quite intense, consisting of the smell of the aromatic substance itself and the burning wood core.

    Consider purchasing solid incense sticks. Such sticks consist entirely of aromatic substance and do not contain a core. They have a milder scent, so they are good to use in small spaces such as a bedroom or office. Since these sticks do not have a core, their aroma is uniform, without the smell of burning wood.

    Find a suitable chopstick stand. Such stands, also called incense burners, have many different forms and sizes. The type of stand you use will depend on what kind of sticks you use, with or without a core. You can purchase an incense burner that is suitable for the chopsticks you use, or you can make one yourself from available materials.

    Consider making your own incense burner. You can make a stand for sticks from clay yourself, or use a cup and fill it with something crumbly and non-flammable. Here are some options:

    • Make a figurative incense burner from clay. Take a lump of natural self-hardening modeling clay and roll it out into a flat sheet. After this, cut it into the desired shape using a craft or pastry knife. You can leave the cut out figure flat, or bend its edges, giving it the shape of a vase. Take an incense stick and stick it into the clay, making a hole in it. Remove the stick and wait for the clay to harden before using it as a coaster.
    • Make a censer from a bowl or cup. Take a container large enough to hold the ashes that fall from the burning incense stick. Fill it with grain, rice, salt or sand.
  1. Light the tip of the incense stick. This can be done with a match or lighter. Bring the flame to the stick and wait until it lights up.

    Let the stick burn for about 10 seconds. The flame will go out on its own. When this happens, look at the tip of the incense stick. If a glowing smoldering light is visible on it, the stick is burning properly. If the glow is not visible and the tip is covered with ash, you need to light the stick again.

    Gently fan the fire. Fan the fire so that you can see a smoldering flame with a thin column of smoke rising from it; however, you should not see the flame. After about 30 seconds, you will feel the aroma coming from the stick. These signs indicate that the stick is burning correctly. If you do not see anything and the tip does not glow, having an ashen appearance, this means that the wand has completely gone out. In this case, light it again. This time, cover the tip with your palm, gently fanning the flame.

    Place the incense stick in the holder. If you are using a cored stick, place the wooden tip, which is not coated with aromatics, in the holder. If you have a stick without a core, it does not matter which end you secure it in the holder. In most incense burners, the sticks are attached vertically or at a slight angle. If the stick is positioned at a slight angle, make sure the burning tip is positioned above the stand. If the top tip extends beyond the stand, cut the stick or place the incense burner on a wider fireproof stand.

    • If you are using a bowl or cup of grain, rice, salt or sand as a stand, carefully insert the tip of the stick into the bulk material so that it stands on its own when you release it. You can insert the stick vertically or tilt it slightly. In the latter case, the top of the stick should not protrude beyond the stand so that the ashes from it fall onto the stand and not onto the table or floor.
  2. Wait until the stick burns completely. Most incense sticks burn for 20-30 minutes, depending on the length and thickness.

    Take precautions. As with other burning objects, do not leave a lit stick unattended. If you must be away, extinguish the wand by immersing the burning tip in water or pressing it against a fireproof surface. Place the incense burner on a heat-resistant surface, away from curtains, drapes, children and pets.

Part 3

When to and when not to burn incense sticks

    Use incense during meditation. Their aroma will allow you not only to relax and escape from extraneous thoughts, but will also help you focus on the subject of meditation.