How to grow on leg hair for hair removal. Maximum hair length for Shugaring: Master Tips. Is there any contraindications for wax epilation

With the help of Shugaring, you can quickly and effectively remove your hair. When performing all conditions, the skin is cleared of the hair from the first time and remains smooth up to 2 months.

Hair length before the procedure

To remove the hairproof, it is necessary to perform such conditions:

  • Relieve hairs to length 5 mm.
  • Spend shaving or hair removal, if the hairs are more.
  • Short them scissors If you need an urgent procedure.

It takes a few days to grow hair to 4-5 mm. It depends on the color, rigidity, hair growth rates. On average, it is recommended not to shave for 7-8 days. If the procedure is performed for the first time after shaving the machine, you need to wait 10 days. When using products that slow down hair growth, the interval increases to 2 weeks.

The transition from wax depilation to Shugaring is easy. The hairs are already growing thin and easily removed. After vacciping, you can grow any length of hair. If they are shorter than 7 mm, the efficiency of shugaring is sharply reduced.


Before carrying out sugar depilation, preparation is needed. It includes such steps:

  • Plate.
  • Scrabble.
  • Cleansing.

The day before Shugaring, a scrub is applied to the skin, which removes organized cells. It also eliminates the ingrown hair that is formed after depilation with cream or electric epilator.

Shugarring regions

The procedure is carried out on face, hands, legs, abdomen, bikini zone. The optimal length for each zone is as follows:

  • podmychi - 5-6 mm;
  • hands and legs up to 8 mm;
  • region bikini - 3-5 mm.

If the length is insufficient, untouched hairs or some of them will break. The skin will have to apply sugar paste several times to capture the entire hair cover. After the procedure, the hairs will soon appear again, as half will be in the process of growth (in the upper layers of the skin).

In cases where their length is greater than the norm, they are confused and not removed from the skin. This length increases pain, as the cover is removed with small beams. Another complication is the appearance of ingrown hairs that are inflamed and create cosmetic defects. With short hair shigaring, a very dense paste is used, long - medium density.

For Shugaring need preparation for 1-1.5 weeks. Hair must be a certain length, and skin cleanings are clean and without inflammation.

Smooth and velvety legs without signs of vegetation in women have long become a bearer of beauty. What only the tricks did not resort to the "Soviet" times to give the legs and other parts of the body smooth and smooth surface! It was painful, but the result justified - the removal of hair allowed to enjoy smooth skin for several weeks. Those times when epilation delivered pain and easy sensations, long ago, in the past, since the removal of wax allows you to make it quickly and not so painlessly.

Waxing preparation for wax epilation

This procedure is also called the term "Vaxing", which occurred from the English word "WAX", which means "wax". For vaxing, a specially prepared composition is used, containing wax, which is pre-slightly heated, and then apply a thin layer on the surface of the body.

Using the method, you can remove the hair on all parts of the body, even hard to reach and with a low threshold of pain sensitivity. These are legs, hands, bikini zone, armpits, area above the upper lip, belly and other parts of the body. Epilation wax is carried out on pre-prepared skin. Why do you need training? In order to remove dead cells of the epidermis.

During the day before the epilation, you can handle the body scrub to obtain the desired effect of the hair length should not be less than 3-5 mm. In the day of the procedure, the skin must be processed fruit acid Or tonic, which not only clean the skin from dirt, but also prevent the subsequent rustling of hair.

Types of wax for epilation

Wax epilation is carried out with several types of composition in which there is wax:

  1. Solid Wax - Used in cosmetic salons. The wax has a form of briquette or granules that are heated in a special device for this - Vaxlava. The duration of melting of solid wax is about 30 minutes, and the temperature of the mixture is up to 50 degrees.
  2. Soft wax - Sold in the finished form, the consistency is soft. Used in salons and at home. The hair removal procedure is approximately the same as with solid wax.
  3. Wax strips. In addition, to remove hair at home there are special paper strips with cold wax, which are heated by their hands and use about the same way as the usual strips with solid or liquid wax.

The epilation of hot wax is carried out only in the cabin by experts, and the epilacation of soft wax and finished stripes can be made even non-cellionals.

How do wax epilation?

  • Hot wax epilation. For this, the heated wax is obtained by the spatula, then slightly becomes slightly (up to 38-40 degrees) and applied to the skin with a thin layer for hair growth. After soaring the special plate in the form of paper strips, the hairs with wax is removed by a sharp movement against hair growth. This technology is simple, but requires certain skills of work, therefore it is carried out only with cosmetologists in beauty salons. Hot wax reduces pain and well reveals the pores, which facilitates the depillation process.
  • Epilation with cold wax. The wax before use is heated slightly, applied to the skin with a spineering or roller along the growth of hair, and then applied to the surface of a paper or tissue strip. To remove it is sufficiently tightly pressing the strip to the skin, and then removal is carried out with a sharp movement. If the skin remains on the skin, the same strip can be used several times. As part of a soft wax, there are resins that are insoluble in water, so after the procedure to remove the residues of the composition you need to wipe the skin with oil.

Video of epilation hot wax

If pain sensations appear during epilation, it is better to carry out local anesthesia with a special spray M Lidokain. The skin on the face is more sensitive, so the wax temperature for hair removal on the face should be slightly cooler than when used on other parts of the body.

Contraindications for wax epilation

For epilation, there are some restrictions, these include the following states:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities.
  • Inflammatory and purulent diseases of the skin in the processing zone.
  • The presence of pink eels.
  • Moles and warts at the place of epilation.
  • Reception of some medicines (anticoagulants and antidiabetic drugs).
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Peeling, spent less than 2 weeks ago.

Often emerging questions

  1. Hair length for wax epilation? The optimal is considered the existing hair length of at least 3-5 mm.
  2. Is it possible to do vaxing during pregnancy? No, like any other procedures. Be patient for several months, since the birth of a healthy baby is more important than smooth and beautiful legs. During pregnancy, it is better to remove hair with blades.
  3. What to do if irritation arose? Immediately after removing hair on the skin (especially sensitive), irritation may occur, which passes the maximum in a day. To accelerate this process on the skin, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing cream.
  4. What is better - sugar epilation or wax? Sugar epilation Less painful, as the mixture does not stick to the skin. Although many notes that the effect of epilation with wax and sugar mixture is approximately the same. Choose you!
  5. What wax is better? The selection of wax depends on the thickness and amount of hair. Removal of hard I. dense hair It is better to spend hot wax in the cabin at the beautician.
  6. How long is wax epilation? Legs remain smooth and velvety for 2-3 weeks.

Get advice from experts about what you should expect from your first wax epilation session.

In the past few years, wax removal has become a popular service offered in beauty salons and spa centers. Many people choose wax hair removal in order to long-term hair removal on different parts of the body, such as eyebrows, upper lip, armpits or some more intimate places. However, for those who have never done wax epilation (or, by making one day, received unsuccessful experience), this procedure may seem a bit frightening. If you are thinking about trying wax epilation, then it is for you that we have collected detailed information and recommendations of experts regarding each aspect of this procedure - from the preparatory stage and possible pains before what results should be expected. Thus, you will be well theoretically grounded before the time comes to say goodbye to unwanted vegetation.

Wax epilation is an excellent alternative to removal unwanted hair With shaving. This procedure is recommended for people of all ages and both floors. Although it is advisable to start resorting to the services of wax epilation in young ageWhen the hair is even less dense, and it will be less painful to remove them, but anyone can resort to the help of this procedure, regardless of age.

Wax epilation or shave?

Wax epilation has an advantage over shave, because with its help hair is removed with the root. When you shave, you just cut the hairs, and in a couple of hours you can already see the disgraceed hair or bluish shadows from the hair follicles under the skin in the shaved area. In turn, the effect of wax epilation not only lasts up to one month (editor's note: on average 2 weeks), but it is also more permanent: over time, hairs are thinner, and their growth slows down. Plus, due to wax epilation, exposed skin cells, thanks to which the leather remains soft and smooth.

Waxing preparation for wax epilation

If you are frightened by possible pain, you can take an anesthetic drug per hour before the session. It is also recommended to apply the exfoliating scrub a day before the session and not to use body lotion on the session day. Also, for the armpit area, it is not recommended to use an antiperspirant not to reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.

How often should wax epilation

If you recently shaved, wait about five days. Although the time intervals between wax epilation sessions may vary depending on how the hair quickly grow and what is their density, the most optimal interval is about a month. It is advisable to wait 3-4 weeks, but in some urgent cases, for example, when you have a new boyfriend or you are going to go on vacation, you can sometimes reduce the gaps between sessions, and visit the new session in less than three weeks.

How is the session

To begin with, your wizard clears and disinfect the area on which hair will be removed. After that, he will appline wax and will gradually remove the hair from small sections of the selected area. There are two types of wax epilation: soft and rigid (editor's note: on the Russian cosmetology services market, these types are called heat wax epilation and hot wax epilation, respectively). Soft removal is made with paper or tissue strips, and during tough epilation, the wax is removed without strips. Basically, rigid hair removal is used to remove hair in the bikini area, and soft is used for more extensive areas, such as legs or armpits. After removing the hair of the wax, the master removes the wax remnants from the skin and shakes cream.

Pain factor

Wax epilation is not painless, because Hair breaks out with the root. Of course, with the ways of epilation, when the hair is not removed with the root, discomfort is minimal, but the results are also minimal. Several uncomfortable sensations, although they are present, but pass immediately after the end of the procedure. In order to make sure that everything goes well, you can ask the wizard to show you the used strip with remote hair. Breeding with the root of the hair has a small dark bulb at the end.

Skin care immediately after epilation

Although the pains pass immediately after the wax epilation session is completed, a plot that has been influenced by this procedure may remain very sensitive for some time, so it is not recommended to use any scrubs within 48 hours and not exposing this section to the exposure to solar Rays for at least 24 hours. To reduce irritation or redness, purchase a cortisone ointment in a pharmacy (Editor's Note: This name of the drug was specified in the English-speaking source of translation, we personally do not recommend the use of any drugs) and apply a thin layer on the skin.

Further care

After the redness has passed, it is recommended to take a shower (editor's note: no earlier than 24 hours), and remove dead skin cells so that the pores are not clogged by forming ingrown hairs and hasty traffic jams. If all the same corks or ingrown hairs appeared, do not extrude anything and do not pull themselves!

Hygiene during wax epilation

First of all, make sure that you turned to where the complete sterility of the procedures is ensured. The wizard that will produce the procedure must have a certificate (Editor's Note: In Russia, this is a medical education, at least a nursing case, and a cosmetologist certificate, at least "nursing in cosmetology") and not apply the materials used and the tools are secondary after the previous client. We are not sure that you would like if the master attached you wax to the upper lip of the same spatula, which he puts wax to the bikini zone to the previous client.

Epilation of bikini zone

There are certain fears regarding the epilation of the bikini zone, but they do not differ from those that are observed relative to the epilation on other parts of the body. However, despite this, the epilation of the bikini area is one of the most popular procedures at present.

Bikini and Brazilian epilation

Why Brazilian hair removal is more preferable?

In a number of reasons why the clients prefer Brazilian epilation, the most weighty - purity, convenience, and, of course, sexuality. Oddly enough, most often for the service of Brazilian epilation, it is men (the editor's note: in Russia it is not so, for 100 female clients accounts for 1 man). But not only sexuality is the main reason why most customers choose Brazilian epilation. When you sit on the beach or by the pool in a bathing suit, you feel as comfortable as possible, without experiencing the need to worry every time and check if intimate hairs do not look out from under your swimwear or melting.

Is the epilation of the bikini zone?

Some women do not tolerate epilation in the field of bikini, but they feel excellently, plucking their eyebrows. Some customers can absolutely carry the epilation of the bikini zone, but they cannot endure hair removal on the legs. It all depends on the characteristics of each particular person. But the pain lasts for a second longer after the immediate completion of the procedure. In the end, with the constant use of wax epilation, the hairs becomes weaker, and the procedure becomes less and less painful.

Does the value of the monthly cycle make the epilation?

Experts argue that wax epilation is perfected more painful during the week before critical days, so the most optimal will do this procedure within a week after. But what if you are pregnant? It should not think that the sensitivity of the skin is significantly changed throughout the pregnancy. During pregnancy, there are also days when we are more sensitive to physical exposure, and when less. Therefore, pregnancy does not affect the increase in the pain of the procedure.

In conclusion, it can be said that wax epilation is terrible only to those who are afraid of pain and uncomfortable sensations, but it is worth only once to try this procedure once, as all fears will immediately be forgotten.

The endless buzz of the epilator is terribly tired, and irritation from using a razor machine led to a patient of the skin of the skin? Do you dream forever get rid of vegetation on the body with all this have smooth and healthy skin? In this case, the high-circuit is specifically for you.

Now the introduction of a razor and creams for depilation are becoming the least useful, such methods remain in the past, because the modern lady tired of kneading bristles, irritation, well, it does not want to waste a lot of time for the constant removal of hairs.

Vaxing in home criteria is saved not only tools, and even time that spent on hiking to the cabin

Epilation wax in the cabin is one of the most necessary procedures. But not all colros have the opportunity to visit it, because the cost of similar services in some salons is very high. But, there is nothing to despair, because everything can be learned to do it with your own hands, the more the difficulties in the holding of the Vaxing there are no completely none.

The most important thing is to take into account all the rules, because the subtleties strongly much. If you are new, then you should not carry out the function in sensitive places - it is better to work better on your feet. ABOUT ALL aspects of Vaxing in home criteria, read on.

Features of wax epilation

1st time spend the function only on the legs if you are new to this case

How much it is necessary to grow hair before epilation with wax, how to apply wax, how to break the strip - such questions appear practically in all the ladies that spend the function for the first time.

There are really a lot of subtleties and if they do not take into account, then the result, the upcoming condition of the skin will be able to be able to be mad.

  • The length of hairs for hair removal should be approximately 5-7 mm.
  • The main rule - the wax is applied in the direction of the growth of hairs, and the cardboard or tissue strip breaks against the growth of vegetation. Many ladies allow a short-paned mistake, making everything opposite.
  • If the procedure was carried out according to all the rules, then the question is how much wax epilation is enough, we can safely answer - for 3-4 weeks about unnecessary vegetation, you exactly take care.

Wax selection

Vaxing without wax to spend unrealistic, because it is fundamentally not easy to buy it, and you know how to get it from his species, because there are several varieties. About them below in the table.

Variety Description
Cool wax Cool wax for epilation is not the most successful choice. The 1st, the whole process will take a lot of time, and in 2nd, everything passes very painfully.

Usually cool wax advise to use to work on sensitive areas of the skin. The advantage of such material is that it is able to get rid of the thinnest and small hairs.

Hot wax The epilation of hot wax is unsafe for health - this is the worldview of most professionals.

Explain why - because of highest temperatures material can burn the skin to the same specifically the burning mixture is capable of expanding the vessels, which is very unsafe when varicose expansion veins. Plus similar epilation in the fact that it is the least painful.

Warm wax Warm wax epilation is the most balanced option for an independent procedure. The mixture is comfortable in applying, hygienic, gently affect the epidermis and is actually appropriate.

The cost of the product for comparison with hot and cool varieties is higher, but the quality is worth it. Usually, this product is sold in special banks or cartridges. Most professionals insist - warm wax is an ideal option for its introduction of the house.

Arsenal tools for epilation with warm wax

The successful conduct of the procedure predicts the presence of a follow-up tool arsenal:

Cassette Vajoflave will help apply a mixture with a narrow layer

  1. Cassette Vosoflav. - a special device for heating wax consistency. The device is wireless - with a special base-base and wired - works from the network. Such a device helps to apply a thin layer with a thin layer, with all this eliminates the risk of getting burns, because heats up a mixture to a maximum of 60 ° - for the epidermis, such a temperature is completely non-hazard.

You can also use canximos, but for applying wax, in this case, you need to use woody wand. Some types of such devices do not have a temperature controller, therefore it is possible to obtain burns, and the applying wax with a stick is not particularly comfortable - a large layer of consistency can lead to injuries of the epidermis.

Never warm up the wax in a saucepan with hot water or in the microwave.
In this case, you can earn the tool because of which you risk burning the skin.
If the mixture, on the contrary, is not sufficient, the roller will not be able to spinless because of which the tool simply does not apply to a uniform layer.

  1. Wax cartridges. Their color may be the most different - everything is dependent on the presence of additives. For example, if the mixture is greenish, means, a hanger is added, a blue-millennium with a chamomile, brown - cocoa, snow-white - vanilla, etc.

Cartridges with different additives

The choice of cartridge is depending on the sensitivity of the skin, density and rigidity of vegetation. Annotation for use that usually attached to the cartridge will help you in its correct choice.

Rolled and cut-cutting paper for epilation

  1. Special paper for Vaxing. Released in the form of a roll or cut strips.

For epilation in home criteria, it is more convenient to use strips with a maximum length of 12 cm.
Width in all standard -7, 5 cm.
If the length of the strip will be, for example, 20 cm, then in this case you may not have enough stem, so that it can be broken, because all your past acts can go to the Nammark.
The result will be unlikely to please you in this case.

Simple method remove wax residues - use olive oil

  1. Butter. To remove wax residues, at least some kind of baby, linen, olive, coconut or massage oil is suitable.
  2. Talc For the best fastening of wax with skin, leather cleaning lotion and soothing milk for use after the procedure.

Phased Waxing Process

Before starting the function, certainly spend the test for an allergic reaction. Trace the length of hairs - very unnecessary may not be removed. As mentioned above, the best length is 5-7 mm.

Annotation of removal of epilation in home criteria:

  1. 2 hours before the procedure start, take a warm shower. Well dry the skin and do not apply any cosmetics.
  2. Trace the air temperature in the room. If it is below 23 ° -25 °, then the wax can froze in the application step.

Warm shower reduces painful feelings

  1. Heat the waxofab with the inserted cartridge. You need about 30-40 minutes - the heating time is depending on the device model.
  2. Apply a disinfecting lotion to the epilacable area, also Talc.
  3. In the direction of hair growth, apply a layer of wax with a length of 10 cm. Immediately cover the plot with paper and give away everything to the hand.

The process of applying wax with cassette wax

  1. Wait 5-10 seconds, so that the wave grabbed with paper.
  2. Select the edge of the strip in one hand, and the other pull the skin slightly. Sharply tear off the strip parallel to the leg against hair growth. Do not pull the strip of swell! Unsured hairs remove the tweezers, as it is not recommended to apply wax to the same area a couple of times apart.

The head of the cardboard strip is the most nasty in the conduct of Vaxing

  1. Remove the remnants of the wax with a napkin impregnated with oil. Apply a sedative milk to the site.
  2. After the procedure, several hours cannot be taken shower. And the 1st two days can not be visited by a bath and sauna. To prevent the emergence of ingrown hairs, it is necessary to systematically hold a comprehension - 2-3 procedures per week will be completely pretty.

Under no circumstances, do not spend Vaxing if you have at least one of the following contraindications:

  • Cuts, wounds, rashes, warts, irritation on the skin.
  • Sensitivity to wax products.
  • Aggravation of acquired diseases.
  • Sweet diabetes.
  • Varicose extension of vessels.


Having learned to spend Vauksing in home criteria, you will be ready for a trip to the sea at least what time of year

Unnecessary vegetation on the body is one of the most pressing problems of the modern maiden. Therefore, methods of combating hairs a lot, but not all of them are effective and non-hazardous. Therefore, there are still new and new ways to combat vegetation.

Earlier so popular shaving machinesThe cream for depilation and the machine already remained in the past. More efficient methods have come to replace, some of them are a self-aged epilation, in the advantages of which millions of lands around the world have already been made.

It can not do not merge what is possible to carry out similar function in the home criteria, which significantly saves not only the home budget, and time. The main thing is to get acquainted with all the subtleties of the epilation process - exclusively in this case everything will go smoothly.

Very hopes that the above information, also the video in this article will assume you to join the happy owners of perfectly soft, affectionate and smooth skin.

Specialists of the Magnolia clinic conduct a laser epilation procedure oniodine laser .

    How is the procedure of laser hair removal ?

At the first reception, the doctor talks with you, conducts an inspection and tells about the procedure itself, how the laser affects hair and what results should be expected. Then the actual epilation is carried out, which takes 10-30 minutes, depending on the selected zone. After the procedure, the doctor will process the neuropiled areas of the skin with a soothing agent.

    How to prepare for laser epilation procedure? Do you need to grow your hair?

The laser epilation procedure on a diode laser does not require complex preparation. It is necessary to shab hair on the eve of the procedure, because hair removal is performed on smooth skin. This is one of the advantages of the method, as it is completely absent nasty smell Paved hair. Between sessions, the growing hair is best shaved or cut. It is also recommended not to sunbathe within 14 days before and after the procedure.

    How painful laser hair removal is and is it necessary to the anesthesia?

The procedure, of course, is sensitive, but at the same time sufficiently comfortable.Diode laser combines such advantages as:

    built-in cooling system;

    cooling gel, which is simultaneously conducted by a laser energy conductor and improves the efficiency of the procedure;

    the ability to fine-configure the parameters of the device individually for each client, depending on the structure of the hair and skin features.

    with increased skin sensitivity, an anesthetic cream can be used.

We successfully remove unwanted hair from such gentle zones as, for example, the upper lip in women, the line of bristles in men, an armpit area, a bikini zone and a deep total bikini.

    When is the result from laser hair removal?

The result from the laser epilation is noticeable after the first procedure. Within 10-12 days, there is a "false growth" of the hair: the hairs, the follicles of which were collapsed, pushed out the skin, as far as they grow. After 10-12 days, these hairs will be completely raised to the skin surface and fall out. You will notice that the hair on the processed area has grown. Thin hair Faster, tough and dark become softer and light.

    How many procedures will need for full hair removal?

The required number of procedures is determined individually and depends on the characteristics of the growth and structure of the hair, from the thickness of the hair, from the age of the client, its hormonal background and overall health. From experience, we can say that a course of 7-10 procedures is needed, after 4 procedures you can already make forecasts for the total duration of the course. The first laser epilation sessions are held once a month, in the future, as hair growth slows down, once every 6-7 weeks.

    How long does the result of laser epilation hold? Is it possible to get rid of the hair forever?

In the human body, a powerful ability to regenerate is laid, and the word "forever" to any type of epilation is not applicable. After the full course of laser hair removal, the result remains for a long time - the skin will be smooth for 5-7 years, perhaps longer. Then the hair may appear, they will be much lighter and thinner, and in much smaller quantity - about 40% of the initial volume. It depends on the state of human health, individual hair growth features and, to a large extent, from changing the hormonal background.

    Is the epilation of bikini possible using this technique? A deep, or total bikini?

Epilation of intimate zones in our time at the peak of popularity and laser hair removal is the most painless and fast method Removal of unwanted hair from a bikini zone. Even the total epilation of bikini (complete hair removal in the bikini zone, perineum and between the buttocks) will be comfortable for you, and the results are visible after the first session.

The laser leaves no irritation and burns on the delicate skin of intimate zones and solve the problem of ingrown hair. Bikini epilation procedure takes less than half an hour, and after passing the course of procedures, it becomes possible to get rid of unwanted hair for a long time.

    My skin is very dark, and the hair is dark. Is it suitable for epilation on a diode laser? Will there be a rapid epilation procedure for me?

The epilation method by a diode laser is equally effective on dark, light, red hair, on bright, dark and tanned skin. The sensitivity of the procedure depends on the individual characteristics.

    My problem is grooving hair in the bikini area. Tried different methods epilation, the result is one. Will the laser help me?

Indeed, the hair in this gentle intimate zone is often rotating, it is inconvenient and hurt. Laser hair removal, perhaps one of the most suitable epilation methods for solving such a problem, and not only in the bikini zone. Already after the first session of laser hair removal, the hair becomes thinner, softer and less prone to rustling, after the course of the procedures, the problem of ingrown hair is most often solved.

    Is this kind of epilation of men suitable? What parts of the body can be epilation for men?

Of course, suitable! Male hair removal in recent years is very in demand. Men often face the problem of reinforced hair growth on the back, shoulders, in an inter-fodder area, this problem is successfully solved by laser hair removal. Also, the method is suitable for hair correction on the face.

    I'm going to the sea, I want to remove the hair in the bikini zone and armpits. How many days before the vacation do I need to make hair removal? Is it possible to sunbathe after it?

Laser hair removal on a diode laser is a procedure sparing for the skin, so it is carried out in any season, even in the summer. We recommend protecting the skin from the Sun within 14 days after epilation, then you can fully take sunbathing. And, please, remember the need for sunscreen - cosmetologists recommend using them no matter whether they did into epilation or not!

    If you remove your abdominal hair, is it safe for internal organs?

The laser beam affects only hair, and penetrates the skin to a depth of 2-4 mm., So any impact on internal organs completely excluded.

    What are there any contraindications for laser hair removal?

Absolute contraindications are: skin diseases, infectious diseases, diabetes, malignant skin neoplasms, acute form Herpes.

Relative contraindications are pregnancy, breastfeeding period, blood clotting disorders, reception of hormonal drugs. In these cases, the admissibility of the application of laser hair removal is discussed with the doctor on individual consultation.

In other cases, laser hair removal is carried out quickly and without additional recommendations.

There are contraindications, doctors consultation