Tablets what kind of pregnancy time. Medicines and pregnancy: allowed and prohibited drugs. Varicose veins and hemorrhoids during pregnancy

It is very important before applying any medication during pregnancy to explore all possible options for the influence of this tool on the body of the future mother and the body of the child himself. After all, pregnancy is such a period in the life of every woman, when another life is developing in its body and at this time need to be very carefully related to the reception of any pharmacological preparations. The process of organogenesis begins in the first trimester, and the growth and differentiation of tissues continues and continues, which also requires increased attention For reception of any medicines. The fetus is an alien to the body of a woman agent, because 50% of the information it contains from dad. The immune system of a woman perceives it, as an antibody in some extent, so until the formation of its placenta with an individual barrier and blood flow, the state of relative immunosuppression develops. This is especially true of the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is still no placenta, as an individual protective mechanism and the fruit is very vulnerable. Such a condition of a pregnant woman contributes to changing all reactions female organismthat before that could be normal. That is, the pharmacological transformation reactions of drugs also occur differently, which thus can significantly affect the child. Unexpected allergic reactions to drugs that were not previously not there may be. Therefore, the question of a differentiated approach to the choice of drugs during pregnancy is very important, and it is necessary to carefully familiarize themselves with the instructions before applying the medication.

There are cases in which the appeal to the doctor is not always necessary, and a pregnant woman does not know whether it is possible to take this or that medicine. In such cases, for example, with a headache or dental pain, or at elevated pressure as a drug for salvation, there must be some kind of cure for an ambulance hand, until it cannot be counted for the doctor. In this case, it is necessary to know some features that need to be taken into account and drugs that can lead to the least harm.

Permitted pills during pregnancy

It is very important to take pills only with the permission of the attending physician, but of course there are cases when there is no possibility to consult with the doctor, so you need to know which pills can be taken under certain states. And a frequent problem that occurs is painful syndrome, which can be caused by dental Pain, cold, headache, but in any case it is a very unpleasant symptom. Very often, women during pregnancy worries the headache, which can be associated with the lability of blood pressure or with hormonal functional changes. In any case, the headache refers to the fact that it is difficult to endure and the need to take an analgesic agent. Naturally, it is important to find out the etiology of such a headache. It is necessary to measure blood pressure, and if the headache is a symptom of its increase or decrease, then the treatment tactics are different. But the means of first aid, prior to the diagnostic measures may be the reception of drugs. What kind of painkillers can be drunk during pregnancy? These include two main groups of drugs - nonteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and antispasmodics. Among nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory means, the advantage is given to Paracetamol, as the least harmful drug from this group. But there are some features of the use of paracetamol on different timing Gestation.

Paracetamol on the early timing Pregnancy, in particular in the first trimester, should not be taken. During this period, the process of forming the basic vital bodies of the child, as well as the formation of the placenta, which is a barrier on the path of harmful factors. Therefore, the reception of any drugs, including paracetamol, in the first trimester of pregnancy is categorically not recommended. Although it does not have a pronounced teratogenic action, but it is possible to harm high. As for the reception of paracetamol during pregnancy in the second trimester, there is also an increase in the fetus tissues, but there is a formulated placenta, which in some way protects the child. Therefore, if there is indications, paracetamol is possible in the second trimester. Paracetamol during pregnancy in the third trimester has the least harm, since all the child's bodies are formed, and it is already about the fact that the intense pain syndrome has a stronger effect on the fetus than paracetamol. Therefore, the reception of paracetamol in the third trimester is the most favorable option. It should also be taken into account that the children's paracetamol during pregnancy has less risk of complications due to a smaller dose, so it is necessary to prefer this preparation.

If we talk about an anesthetic effect, then with a headache more efficient and less harmful can be considered a drug from the group of spasmodics - papaverine. The drug has a myotropic antispasmodic property, which is implemented due to the action on muscle fibers of arterial vessels, and also leads to their expansion and pressure reduction. This is so implemented by an anesthetic effect of papaverine with headaches, as well as with other spasmodic pains. The additional effect of the drug is its tocolic effect, which allows it to be used in comprehensive therapy in pregnant women. Also, papaverine is not harmful during pregnancy, since its active substances and metabolites do not have direct toxic effects. Therefore, in the event of a question, which pills can be drunk from headaches - the advantage must be given to antispasmodics - papaverine or its counterparts.

When the headache occurs due to increased blood pressure, then it is necessary to first stop the high blood pressure, since it threatens the emergence of pregnancy complications. Therefore, it is necessary to know the level of pressure and how much to decrease it. Tablets from pressure during pregnancy, which can be taken - this is the advantage of antihypertensive means of central action. These include clonidine and driving, and the survey is a drug selection. The drug takes 250 milligrams, starting with the lowest dose, that is, one pill. Nifedipine can be considered the preparation of the second row and the means of rapid assistance with an increase in blood pressure. It manifests its action in 40-60 minutes, which can be the initial stage of therapy, and then will show and operate its action, maintaining pressure throughout the day. If there is no nifedipine, then the beta-blockers may receive a labetolol, but as a reserve preparation. Thus, nifedipine will show the most pronounced effect, so it can be recommended from pressure at late gestosis of pregnant women.

Tablets from allergy during pregnancy, which have a proven effect and do not affect the fruit - these are not all drugs, more precisely, there is no anti-hystamine drugs allowed during pregnancy. But in the third trimester, an antihistamine drug can be used, as a last resort, and preference must be given to the preparations of the second or third generation, which do not have side effects in the form of drowsiness. Erius - This is an anti-allergic drug that is used to treat allergic reactions. The mechanism of action of the drug in the treatment of allergic cough is due to inhibiting receptors for histamine by blocking them, which does not allow histamine to show its activity. Thanks to this there is no swelling of the fabric, increased secretion of sputum and possible skin rash. The drug does not cause a sleeping pills, as its predecessors, thanks to which is widely used. During pregnancy, this drug did not experience quite widely, so it is not recommended to use it in the first trimester. Erius is produced in the form of tablets and syrup. Syrup for adults, as a more pleasant form, can be used on one teaspoon twice a day. The side effects of the drug are possible in the form of dizziness, headache, rapid heartbeat, liver function disorders with increasing hepatic enzymes, dry oral cavity and throat. This drug can be recommended in the case of a pronounced allergic reaction, but not for system reception.

Tablets from cold and throat pain during pregnancy are widely used, because diseases of breathing in pregnant women have the first prevalence in prevalence. It is recommended to receive those drugs that, along with a pronounced effect, have the smallest effect on the fruit.

Pills from throat pain during pregnancy, which are most recommended - these are lollipops that have a long local action. Pastili for the throat is well unfolded by the mucous membrane of the epithelial cover of the respiratory tract, and therefore improve cough severity during its wet character. Similar pasteings are used, the same as syrups - Dr. MOM, Faringosept, Mukaltin. Such pupinels, due to the rich vegetable composition, have an expectorant and bronchoranty effect, and also remove the swelling of the mucous membrane, reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction. Thanks to the effects of the sputum, it is better to go, converting a dry cough into wet with the faster resolution of the situation. Isla-Moos - These are pupbles that have a pronounced local action when coughing and contribute to reduction. This drug is designed on the basis of the extract of Icelandic Moha and, due to this, it additionally acts on dryness and throat. Also pronounced local immunomodulating effects of this drug, which increases its effectiveness in the treatment of cough, as a symptomatic agent. The drug is produced in the form of tablets for resorption and is used throughout the day when a coarse cough is sensing or disappeared in the throat, it is possible to receive every two hours, but no more daily dose in the volume of twelve tablets. Side phenomena of the drug is not found, the use during pregnancy does not have a teratogenic effect. Therefore, as a pill with cough during pregnancy, it is possible to recommend tablets on a vegetable basis - Isla-Moos, Faringosept, Mukaltin.

When a woman decreases common immunity, local protective forces decrease, which helps to reduce the activity of beneficial microorganisms with the reproduction of pathogenic. So it develops one of the frequent diseases, which worries pregnant women - fungal vaginitis or is also called the thrush. This is a pathology that is characterized by reproduction of the fungal flora of the vagina with the development of appropriate clinical manifestations. The thrush is the most frequent pathology, which is found in pregnant women and is characterized by damage to the genitals. This requires as quickly as possible treatment, but at the same time the drug should be safe for the child. Tablets from thrush, which can be recommended as treatment - is vaginal Clotrimazole candles. The drug has no systematic influence on the body even during pregnancy due to its minimal suction. At the same time, the drug is contraindicated in the first trimester, because in the process of laying the fetus organs any influence, even with local treatmentmay be teratogenic. Therefore, Clotrimazole can be used during pregnancy, since it is very effective in many fungal diseases, but it should be used only in the second and third trimester.

Another representative for the treatment of thrush is nastatin. The drug of nystatin in the form of candles used to be the "gold standard" of the treatment of candidiasis, but over time, the standards were revised in connection with the formation of the resistance of fungi to this preparation. To date, it is returned to him due to the fact that microorganisms are a little "forgotten" this drug and it has high efficiency. Candles with a nastatin is a drug that owns an antifungal effect, which is especially expressed in relation to yeast-like fungi. The mechanism of action of candles with a nastatin is the destruction of the cell membrane fungus. This happens due to the fact that the molecule of Nistatin has many substances that are suitable with a ball of substances in the membrane of fungus, and nystatin is embedded in its membrane, while disrupts the work of cell pumps. Due to these processes, a normal ion warehouse of cell and extracellular structures is disturbed, which contributes to sodium ions penetration into the cell, and then water. At the same time, the cell disrupts its work and the lysis of cellular structures occurs, and then the fungus dies, which suspends the reproduction of the fungus. Candles with Nistatan have only pronounced local action, not absorbed into systemic blood flow. This makes it possible to assume the possible use of candles with a nastatin during pregnancy. Considering the non-complete safety of the drug, the "gold standard" can be considered pimafucin. This drug is considered more secure and wider in pregnant women.

Pills from nausea during pregnancy have a wide demand because nausea is one of the symptoms of early gestosis. Therefore, it is necessary to approfficiently approach the selection of the drug in this period.

Preparations that have a central direct mechanism of action - Cerukal - in the early periods, and later are contraindicated for use in order to self-medication, they can only be used in the hospital. In order to unload the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the severity of symptoms, you can only take sorbents and some hepatoprotectors.

Smekt - a sorbent of natural origin, which is capable of adsorbing viruses and bacteria, and also has a protective effect by stabilizing the mucous-bicarbonate barrier and increasing the amount of mucus. The drug reduces the symptoms of the bloating and heartburn. Produced in bags of 3 grams.

The drug can be applied during pregnancy and lactation, since it is not absorbed, but is removed unchanged. Its use can reduce the severity of nausea, so at home until consulting with the doctor, it can be taken independently.

Heartburn - frequent symptom that can occur on late time pregnancy due to improving pressure in abdominal cavity and pressure on the stomach of an increased uterus, which contributes to the reflux of acid into the esophagus and causes its irritation. This is due to the fact that the digestive system during the tooling of the child due to the influence of hormones - prostaglandins - changes in such a way that hypotension occurs gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the lower esophageal sphincter cannot normally be reduced and its atony arises or involuntary relaxation arises, which contributes to the reflux of sour stomach content. Strengthening reflux in late pregnancy also occurs due to an enlarged uterus, which presses on the stomach and intestines. This is accompanied by complaints of heartburn nausea, vomiting.

Tablets from heartburn during pregnancy, which are recommended in this case - These are antacids to which Renny applies, Gaviscon, Maalox, Phosfaleugel, Almagel. These drugs are practically harmless during pregnancy, since they do not have a systematic action, but only neutralize the acid in the stomach. They also create a protective film that protects the mucous membrane from irritation and the feeling of heartburn disappears. One of the representatives is the drug Renny. The form of the drug is the pills chewable with different pleasant fruit tastes, which further inclines to the choice of this drug, although it is a subjective characteristic. The mechanism of action of the drug lies in its protector effect on the stomach and in its antacid property. The drug contains in its composition active substances in the form of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, due to which the effect of the drug is expressed. The active components of the drug after the stomach are in the stomach, contribute to the compound with hydrochloric acid radicals and as a result, it is neutralized to the formation of calcium and magnesium salts. So the neutralizing ability of the drug is detected. The additional Renni effect is a protective. It is explained by stimulating the synthesis of bicarbonates in the gastric cavity under the influence of magnesium, which contributes to the protection of the mucosa from aggression factors. The direct teratogenic effect of Renni is not detected, it is able to penetrate the fetoplacentage barrier only in the slightest concentrations in the form of composite calcium and magnesium, which proves that this drug can be taken during pregnancy. But often there is a side effect of such a type of drugs - the opposite effect in the form of amplification of symptoms without receiving drugs, so the ongoing acceptance of their reception is not so effective as an episodic.

Tablets from worms during pregnancy should be taken only after the preparation of the body of a woman in the form of disinfecting the gastrointestinal tract, so immediately use at home any drug is not justified. But it is recommended and most often used by Pyrantel. This drug has no proven harm to the fetus, but it also does not have an evidence base for use during pregnancy, therefore, in the first trimester, its use is not recommended.

Permitted antiviral tablets during pregnancy is a very limited list of drugs, since owning an antiviral effect, drugs simultaneously have a pronounced effect on the fetus. One of the most acceptable antiviral drugs that can be taken during pregnancy is Erebra. This vegetable antiviral drug based on sea buckthorn extract, which is very effective with different viral diseases - influenza virus, paragrippa, adenovirus, respiratory syncitial virus. Therefore, due to a vegetable basis, such a drug can be recommended as antiviral and its effectiveness is most pronounced for the prevention of influenza and when treating in the early duration of the disease.

Tablets that can be drunk during pregnancy have very limited use, since it is important not only to cure a particular pathology in a woman, but also not harm this child. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful with self-medication, as well as take only drugs in extreme need. Thus, it is better to prevent the appearance of pathology to pregnancy, than then with danger to her child.

Many people love to be treated. Tablets are eaten by hand and without the joy of pharmaceutical companies. Sometimes enough enough television advertising or consulting the seller in the pharmacy. Of course, there are such patients who, without receiving the necessary drugs, cannot live a full life. One by during pregnancy, these medicines are accepted with you and your future child. Even aspirin in these nine months can provoke irreparable problems with his health, not to mention the potent substances. Therefore, remember the main rule: now any drugs you accept after consulting a doctor.

Many seemingly innocuous chemicals, during pregnancy can have other impact on the body. First, your liver and kidneys began to work otherwise. Therefore, it is possible that now drugs fall into blood in a more concentrated form. Secondly, all these pills with you eats your baby. And they can have an irreparable impact on it. It is especially important not to engage in self-treatment in the first 12 weeks when there is a laying of all life support systems of a small organism.

Therefore, before putting another pill in your mouth, you must have an official recipe from your doctor in your hands. Yes, yes, it is official. This drug must be recorded in all medical documents. Otherwise, the doctor is not responsible for all possible problems with your health. This rule applies to self-treatment.

Moreover, it will be worthwhile to check the drug yourself. Good help in this business will be the site encyclopedia of drugs . Here you can find indications and contraindications to the use of any substance, prices for drugs, as well as information on the interaction of drugs with each other.

Many, even the most innocuous drugs, during pregnancy are prohibited. For example:

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and analgin

It raises violations in the work of the kidneys and the heart of the child. Doctors recommend to shoot down the temperature and pain with paracetamol during pregnancy. And the Analgin WHO does not even recommend adults. The fact is that the drug negatively affects the blood of a person. First of all, small.

Some antibiotics

This group includes: tetracycles, streptomycins, sulfonamides (bispetol, sulfadimezin, sulfadimetoxin), Levomycetin (chloramphenicol). So, tetracycline in the early deadlines can provoke malformations in the development of the fetus, and in the later - strong caries in the kid. It negatively affects the dental enamel, and, as you know, the descent is laid in the womb. Levomycetin, in turn, poorly affects the hematopoic organs of the fetus. Streptomycin in large doses can provoke deafness at all.

In general, antibiotics during pregnancy and breastfeeding Doctors are prescribed only as a last resort. These are the drugs of the so-called penicillin row (ampicillin, amoxicillin, Salute Flexing, Flemoclav Solutab and a number of others), and (from the beginning of the second trimester) cephalosporins. This does not mean that you can assign them yourself. It is believed that they do not bring negative harm to the fetus, but, nevertheless, they penetrate well through the placenta.

Antitussive and vasoconstrictors

Codela and Torpinckode. Codein generally refers to narcotic drugs. Its and healthy people should not be applied. From cough it is better to dissipate lollipops with sage, and in the extreme case splashing with steplegin and hexoral aerosols. In the second half of pregnancy, the use of a tone.

The vasoconstrictors from the cold are prescribed only "if the benefit is more risk for the child." These include Galazoline, Xilomezoline, naphtizin. Otolaryngologists recommend it more often to rinse the nose with saline or drugs with sea water, and from the loss of dripping Pinosol or smearing the ointment Evanolar.


From the first pregnancy day, the immune system of any woman works "in sleep mode". So intended nature, so that the body does not reject the child as an alien element. Therefore, the decrease in immunity in future moms is normal.

In general, the influence of most immunomodulators (Likopid, Ribomunal, Bronchomunal, IRS-19) is not studied for pregnancy, but doctors recommend abandoning their use. They still will not help strengthen the immune system. Better to tempt and walk more on fresh air. It is categorically contraindicated by the drug Remantadin.

Hemorrhoids and constipation

Weakness of intestinal activity and is another consequence of pregnancy. The intestinal peristalsis is depressing under the influence of hormones, as it can provoke premature contractions. Doctors recommend that future mommies observe a diet and drink more liquid, but in extreme cases it is possible to prescribe drugs.

Thus, during the child's waiting, you can take, to take, for example, drugs to increase the volume of intestinal content (Mukofalc, Fayberlax). However, it is necessary to do this in the absence of contraindications from the urinary system, since together with the drug it is necessary to drink a lot of water, which, as you understand, can provoke swelling.

It is best to take preparations of osmotic action (Forlax, Duhalak, Transipeg). They are not absorbed from the intestine, but only soften the feces. More aggressive tools from this group, for example, the Karlovyskaya salt or magnesium salt, can provoke a threat of miscarriage due to excessive stimulation of intestinal peristals.

Similarly, a substance causing chemical irritation during pregnancy is also prohibited. These include Regulaks, Bisakodil, Senna, Sennade and so on. First, they can cause contractions, secondly, addictive, thirdly, dehydration, loss of salts and even violations in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Herbs popular treatment and dietary

Also destructive can affect your pregnancy. St. John's wort and Zhen-Shen are able to raise pressure, coltsfoot and sprinkle - to provide carcinogenic and mutagenic effect, Valerian - to coal the digestive system and glue the liver, and even garlic can enhance the tone of the uterus.

Thus, even the most innocuous, from your point of view, chemicals are capable of negatively affecting the baby or pregnancy in general. Therefore, remember: self-treatment during the expectation of the baby is strictly prohibited. If you do not trust your doctor, contact another specialist, but do not swallow without parsing everything that you have recommended in the pharmacy. Your child's health and your well-being depends on your prudity.

Publication author: Olga Sergeeva

The time of increased responsibility, the time of reassessment of values, the time of changing the addictions and the usual lifestyle is a period of pregnancy. For any woman, the occurrence of pregnancy is new stage in life, because from the very conception, almost everything is changing, starting from hormonal background And ending with habits in food. You learn to live in a different way, be responsible for two lives immediately, get used to the future role of parents.

Women during this period of time will have to face many trials associated with both the psychological side of the issue and physiological. To adjust your familiar lifestyle under the new family member - the task is also not a lung. After all, if before pregnancy, you could afford to be treated with the usual drugs, there is a familiar food for you, to conduct physical activity, then after the occurrence of pregnancy has to get used to the new rules.

If the power mode and physical activity can be adjusted, then how are things with medicines? After all, we are hearing daily in advertising that the pills can be all other than pregnant moms.

Than dangerous pills in early pregnancy

Due to the weakened immunity and the transformations of the body, a pregnant woman is extremely difficult to protect themselves from infections and the awakening of long-time chronic diseases. Not always, pregnancy itself goes smoothly - sometimes to maintain and prevent the threat of miscarriage to women need urgent drug treatment. As a rule, such questions can be solved only after visiting your attending physician. it only personwhich can weigh all kinds of negative effects for your future kid from the treatment used, and determine what needs to be applied and what can wait.

The danger of drug intake in the early deadlines is in principle of their action. The active substances of the majority of forms of medicines (in particular tablets) fall into the blood and through the blood on the placenta can fall into the body of the fetus.

During this period (on the first trimester of pregnancy), the child is just the formation of all internal organs, nervous system, Motor Systems. At the stage of its formation, the toddler's body is especially vulnerable, so the appearance of pathologies of congenital defects is possible.

The duty of the doctor remains to tell the future mother about possible risks and side effectsWeigh all the pros and cons, and will determine what will be more dangerous for the child and his mom - a course of treatment or further disease.

Nevertheless, statistics are more optimistic: only in three percent of children whose moms have taken medicines in the first trimester of pregnancy, pathologies caused by this admission are detected. But I don't want to risk, naturally, I do not want anyone, and if there is a possibility of drug treatment to avoid - avoid.

In no case do not resort to self-medication even if caring relatives and girlfriends are confident in the one hundred percent challenge of the drug, it is better to discuss his reception with a doctor. If you are prescribed any medications already at the reception, do not be lazy before the reception carefully examine the instructions.

Pay attention to the pharmacological properties of the drug, indications for use, possible side effects and contraindications. If you are embarrassed, feel free to say this to the doctor prescribing the drug. After all, your health depends on it, not it.

Remember that if before pregnancy you used any drugs and they were moved well, during pregnancy everything could change. Do not experiment.

Bring your home first aid kit, throw away all medicines, the shelf life of which has long expired, re-read the instructions of the drugs that remained and determine for themselves that you can really help. Forget about the rest. At least until your child appears on the light.

Pregnancy, of course, is not a disease. Nevertheless, this condition often requires the use of certain drugs. In addition, the usual means of dealing with illness can now be unwanted. Therefore, the usual composition of your home first aid kit should be replenished due to the following components.

1. Polyvitamins

A pregnant woman needs more vitamins, and even rational food during this period cannot fully satisfy the need of the body in vitamins and trace elements. It is best to take multivitamin preparations calculated on pregnant women. To choose the drug will help the doctor. However, in the event of various complications of pregnancy, the doctor may appoint you the following drugs in addition to the received polyvitamins:

  1. folic acid - Vitamin B9, which is recommended to take before the 12th week of pregnancy, since its lack of anemia, blood clotting disorders can develop, fetal hypotrophy. A sufficient amount of folic acid will ensure the correct formation of the nervous tube of the fetus, from which the baby's nervous system will be formed;
  2. vitamin E. Performs an important protective function in the body, struggling with free radicals - products of metabolic products that destroy cells; In addition, it contributes to the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy, thereby preventing its interrupt;
  3. during pregnancy, the need for iron because This trace element is part of the hemoglobin that ensures the delivery of oxygen into the body not only the mother, but also the fetus. Satisfy this need is quite difficult through simple diet correction;
  4. calcium Provides the right growth and formation of bone fetus. If calcium in insufficient quantity comes with food, then it "takes" from the bones of the mother, which leads to a violation of their structure - osteoporosis, deterioration of the state of the teeth. Therefore, pregnant women in some cases are recommended to take calcium preparations. Often, such drugs contain vitamin D, which contributes to the improvement of the assimilation of the incoming calcium.

The necessary dosage and the time of reception of these drugs will be insertion to you, because they are individual for each woman and depend on the degree of severity of pregnancy complications

2. But-shp

it antispasmodic drug This is used during pregnancy when increasing the tone of the uterus. The effect of the drug is based on the relaxation of the muscular muscles of the uterus. Clinical studies have been proven that but SPAP does not adversely affect the fruit. Doctors recommend to have this drug with them and apply it in signs of increasing the tone of the uterus (painful sensations in the abdomen area, when the uterus becomes solid and dense, is not relaxing for a long time). It is recommended to take no more than 6 but-shop tablets per day. Before the start of reception, no-shops should be consulted with a doctor, since this drug cannot be taken with the phenomena of exhaustic-cervical insufficiency.

3. Candles with papaverine

They have an action similar to the but-joint, and are used to enhance its action, since both of these drugs interact, increasing the duration of the therapeutic effect of each other. Candles with papaverine - rectal, i.e. Insert into the rectum, the multiplicity of their application is determined by the doctor.

4. Laxatives

During pregnancy, problems often arise with a chair, which prevents the normal digestion and the exchange of substances. If the corrective diet does not help, you can use soft laxatives, such as Guttalaks. This drug is not contraindicated during pregnancy and does not affect the fruit.

5. Preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Often arising during pregnancy constipation can provoke the development of hemorrhoids - varicose veins of the rear pass and rectum in the form of painful nodes and cones that begin to bleed during the intestinal emptying. You can use after 12 weeks of pregnancy rectal candles and cream Hepatrombin Candles with Novocaine. Against the background of the reception of these drugs, hemorrhoidal nodes will become less, pain passes. In addition, hepathersbin will also have a preventive effect: against the background of its use, the risk of recurrence of the disease is sharply reduced.

6. Means that increase immunity

With a cold you can use increased immunity. These include, for example, a drug containing interferon, which helps to deal with bacterial and viral infections, Viferon. It should be noted that the dosage of 150 thousand meters is suitable for pregnant women.

7.Solin ointment

For the prevention of ARVI and influenza **, especially during epidemics, you can use such a means as Oxoline Ointment. It in a small amount is laid in the nose, lubricating its mucous membrane. The effect of oxoline oxis is based on the fact that it prevents the introduction of the virus. It is recommended to use an oxolane ointment in front of the planned visit to the places of large cluster of people, as well as in the autumn-winter period. Similarly, you can use balm Vitaon.

8. Mounting means

In the first half of pregnancy, given the peculiarities of changing the excitability of the nervous system, such as increased federation, irritability, and in the second half of pregnancy - considering frequent insomnia, you can use it sedative. In this capacity can be recommended Valerian and Petcher (They can be used in the form of tablets, extracts, decoction of dry herbs). You can use the preparation Novopalsit which is based on herbs and does not contain alcohol.

9.Ships from heartburn

In the second half of pregnancy often appears heartburn because Increasing in the sizes of the uterus "supports" a diaphragm and stomach, resulting in a bile outflow: it is thrown into the stomach, the esophagus. This trouble can eliminate the reception of tablets. Renny or Almagel.

10.Sternships from headaches

Often the question arises: is it possible to take medicines from a pregnant woman headache? It should be remembered: to tolerate the headache is much more harmful than to drink painkillers (of course, if the head hurts not regularly, but episodically). If you are bothering frequent, painful headaches, they can mean the development of any disease, and you should consult with your doctor.

If this reason is excluded, you can take analgesic. The most studied on the effect on the pregnant woman and the fruit paracetamol and drugs based on it (for example, Panadol). In small doses or with a short treatment period, it does not have a negative effect on the fruit.

11. Antihistamine drugs

During pregnancy in connection with the change in the immune status, the likelihood of the manifestation of certain allergic reactions is great, even if you did not have to meet with this ailment. In this case, such well-known drugs will help as Supratin, Claritin.

In conclusion, we recall: apply any medicinal products Only after consultation with the doctor and with extreme caution - up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Nadezhda Zaretskaya

Obstetrician gynecologist, Ph.D., doctor of the highest category