Brown spotting during pregnancy. Inflammations and STDs. What is considered normal discharge in the early stages

During pregnancy, the type of vaginal discharge inevitably changes. This is due to changes in the hormonal background, with some anatomical changes in the process of bearing a child. Normally, the vaginal secret should be light or yellowish throughout the entire gestational period. Brown discharge usually scares expectant mothers. Should they be afraid and what they can talk about different terms, should be considered in more detail.


Highlights should not be underestimated. The vaginal secretion is produced by the epithelial cells of the cervix. At different stages of pregnancy, they can tell a lot about the condition of the expectant mother and fetus. Immediately after conception and up to 8-9 weeks of pregnancy discharge from a woman is normally rather meager, and sometimes, in general, is practically absent. This is the effect of progesterone, which conducts the main preparation of the body for long-term gestation.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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From 10 weeks the vaginal secret becomes more abundant, and by the end of pregnancy, not only abundant, but also watery. This is how the hormone estrogen acts on the vaginal secretion. The task of the secretory function of the female genital tract is to maintain a healthy, stable microflora. The genital tract will be the first place the baby will enter in the birth process after it leaves the uterine cavity. The health of the baby depends on their health.

The current medical literature describes normal pregnancy discharge as being light, odorless, or having a slight sour-milk odor. Other variants of the norm are also considered, but only under certain conditions and for certain periods.

Brown highlights are no exception. They can not only talk about dangerous complications, but also be a natural variant of normal vaginal secretion. Red blood cells give the discharge a brown color. This means that brown discharge is a type of blood discharge.


A small amount of blood in the secretions on the most early dates may be the norm when a fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine cavity. This phenomenon is called implantation bleeding. It occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the endometrium during the attachment of the blastocyst. One of the options for such natural bleeding can be light brown discharge in a small amount about 8-9 days after the intended conception (or after ovulation - for ease of calculation).

Brownish spotting on panty liner or underwear are not long lasting. Usually there is no trace of them in a day or two. There is nothing alarming in such a phenomenon.

Moreover, so early sign pregnancy is not manifested in every woman. You should know that the appearance of dark brown discharge with clots before the delay can hardly be considered a sign of implantation. Rather speech It's about hormonal failure, in which menstruation began ahead of schedule. During the first 2-3 months of pregnancy, moderate or scanty yellow-brown discharge may be due to global hormonal changes.

The progesterone raging in the body of the expectant mother usually gives the vaginal secret a yellowish tint, brown “notes” in it can appear due to high or low levels of progesterone, due to the vulnerability of the genital tract due to friability under the action of hormones. Normally, such discharges appear without pain, they do not contain inclusions and impurities, streaks of blood, and do not disturb the woman. Usually they stop after the body of the expectant mother fully adapts to the new situation and circumstances.

On the later dates(a week or two before the expected date of birth), a woman may pay attention to the appearance of brown discharge with streaks. Usually they are accompanied by the secretion of mucus in small quantities or a rather impressive mucous clot. In this case, we are talking about the discharge of the mucous plug, which, during the gestation period, closed the cervical canal and prevented the penetration of everything foreign and dangerous into the uterine cavity where the baby grew up.

The passage of the cork is a harbinger early delivery. He also does not need treatment.

Small brown discharge after sex or a doctor's examination is also a variant of the norm. Their reason lies in the extreme vulnerability of the genital tract of a pregnant woman. Under the influence of progesterone, they become loose, vulnerable to even minor mechanical stress.

Such discharges usually do not last long - no more than a day, they are not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations and additional symptoms. There are no clots in them, they do not increase, their number changes downward. These are the three main reasons why brown discharge can be considered normal. All other situations, alas, are exclusively pathological.

Risk of miscarriage

Brown discharge in the early stages is often accompanied by the threat of miscarriage. It is not difficult to recognize a threatening condition: a woman notes not only a change in the color of the vaginal secretion, but also a general deterioration in well-being. Severe attacks of dizziness can be observed, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is almost always present.

The pain syndrome can be expressed and intense or proceed in the form of aching weak pain. However, the very combination of "pain and brown discharge" should alert the pregnant woman and force her to seek qualified help as soon as possible. medical care.

Blood in the discharge appears due to detachment of the fetal egg. A space filled with blood appears between the membranes of the fetus and the wall of the uterus. With a small retrochorial hematoma, the discharge will be predominantly pink-brown and not abundant, with a significant detachment - abundant, with clots, red-brown.

A threat can develop for a variety of reasons. These include anomalies in the structure of the uterus, genetic pathologies of the fetus that are incompatible with its further development, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital tract and reproductive organs, hormonal deficiency, as well as bad habits, severe stress, excessive physical activity.

A developing miscarriage is characterized by an increase in discharge over time, the appearance of cramping pains in the lower back and in the cervical region, as well as pulling pains with an “echo” to the anus. The brown daub turns into a more saturated color, the consistency liquefies until liquid scarlet blood with blood clots begins to flow out.

Such a metamorphosis usually indicates that the miscarriage has already taken place, and along with the vaginal secret, fragments of the membranes and the embryo come out. What it really is and at what stage the threat of miscarriage, only a doctor can understand. Therefore, when the characteristic symptoms described above appear, you should definitely call an ambulance. In 95% of cases, pregnancy can be saved with timely treatment.

Hormonal deficiency

Hormones control monthly menstrual bleeding. Progesterone in the second half of the cycle gradually decreases, the concentration of estrogens rises and menstruation begins. Do not think that menstrual discharge during pregnancy is a variant of the norm. As a rule, this happens in the first months after conception due to a lack of progesterone.

Of course, there are rare situations in which menstrual bleeding during pregnancy can be conditionally considered normal. This happens if a woman has developed two eggs in the current cycle instead of one, and ovulation occurred twice with a difference of several days. In this case, the first egg was not fertilized, it died and descended into the uterus, and the second was fertilized and went to the uterus for implantation.

Bloody discharge will come on the day of the expected menstruation, but such periods will differ significantly. First of all, there will be few allocations. After a few days, scanty and incomprehensible periods will stop and will not be repeated within the next 9 months. People used to say about such a phenomenon that “the fruit is washed”, but in practice this is not common.

With hormonal deficiency or an imbalance of hormones in the body, the discharge resembles slight pale brown marks on linen or a thin sanitary napkin. They may increase slightly or disappear completely, after which they appear again.

A woman should definitely consult a doctor in order to be tested for hormones and start supportive treatment with appropriate hormonal drugs, which will bring the balance of these active substances in the body to the norm necessary for the safe bearing of a child.

Ectopic pregnancy

If for a number of reasons the fetal egg cannot enter the uterine cavity and implant where it is supposed to, it can be fixed in the fallopian tube or lower and be fixed in the cervix. This is possible if a woman has difficulty passing the egg through the tubes due to the narrowed lumen of the tube. The cause can be inflammatory diseases of the tubes, appendages, ovaries, as well as endometriosis, the presence of tumor formations in the uterine cavity, in the fallopian tubes.

If the transfer of the zygote, and subsequently the blastocyst, is impaired, then the development of the embryo outside the uterine cavity is not excluded. An ectopic pregnancy before a certain period may not make itself felt. There will be a delay, tests will show a second strip (slightly paler than during uterine pregnancy, but this is an optional sign). And only when the embryo becomes quite large, the pathology can manifest itself.

Rejection of the fetal egg, if it is attached in a place not intended for this by nature, is inevitable. This process, at best, will begin before the organ to which the fetal egg is attached is seriously injured.

Rejection is accompanied by severe cutting pain in the abdomen, rather profuse brown discharge, which quickly becomes a brighter red color. In the worst case, a rupture of the fallopian tube may occur with massive bleeding into the abdominal cavity, which can be fatal for a woman. The exact place of attachment of the fetal egg is quite well determined by ultrasound already at 5–6 weeks of gestation.

Women with a history of ectopic pregnancies, as well as miscarriages, inflammatory diseases of the gynecological profile, operations on the reproductive organs, after which scars and adhesions could remain, with a positive pregnancy test, should visit a doctor as soon as possible and do an ultrasound scan to rule out incorrect attachment of the fetus. At ectopic pregnancy there is no other option than the removal of the fetal egg.

With rarer and more dangerous types of such pregnancy - cervical and isthmus pregnancy, it is usually not possible to save the uterus. With a tubal ectopic pregnancy, if there is no rupture, it is most often possible to save the tubes, and the woman will subsequently be able to become pregnant and give birth to a child.

Placenta previa or abruption

If the placenta (or chorion - its predecessor) is low in a woman, then a brown daub or discharge of all shades Brown color may be a sign of placental abruption. The most dangerous are brown intense discharge that occurs with complete and incomplete placenta previa.

With full presentation " children's place"located at the bottom of the uterus and completely blocks the entrance to the cervical canal. Incomplete - the entrance to the cervical canal is closed by about two-thirds or less. Any negative impact and even the most common stress can cause severe bleeding in a woman with such a pregnancy pathology.

With any form of chorion previa (placenta), sudden movements, emotional upheavals, sex, physical activity, jumping, shaking in transport, leaning forward are prohibited. In some women, episodic bleeding recurs until childbirth.

If such a diagnosis low placentation, has already been delivered and confirmed by ultrasound data, a woman should be very careful. If there is no such diagnosis and the placenta is located normally, the woman still risks experiencing her abruption. This becomes possible when falling, especially with an abdominal injury, a sharp jump in hormone levels, severe emotional shock, lifting weights, or taking certain medications prohibited during pregnancy.

Vaginal discharge during detachment is usually quite profuse, although pain may not be present. The age of the problem can be judged by the shade of the discharge. Fresh blood that has just separated and come out is always bright, scarlet. If, after detachment, the blood did not come out for some time and was in the space between the "children's place" and the wall of the uterus, then it will have brown shades varying intensity.

Other gynecological problems

Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary system during pregnancy are not at all uncommon. The immunity of the expectant mother is significantly reduced (and this is also the merit of progesterone!), which is why any fluctuations in the balance of microflora can cause local inflammation.

If a woman before the onset of an “interesting situation” had chronic diseases of the genital organs or organs of the urinary system, then during the period of maximum decrease in immunity - by the middle of pregnancy, they may well make themselves felt. Many inflammatory processes of non-infectious origin proceed with the release of a vaginal secretion of a yellow, light brownish hue.

Allocations are always accompanied by additional symptoms, for example, with adnexitis - pain in the right or left side, pulling and cutting pains in the appendages, with cervicitis - unpleasant sensations in the depths of the vagina, as well as the appearance of mucous impurities in a brownish vaginal secret.

Diseases of infectious origin are not excluded. These can be sexually transmitted infections, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. Many of them have a rather long incubation period, so at the time of registration, the examination may not reveal pathologies, and real symptoms will appear later.

The most dangerous are brown and brown discharge, which have greenish purulent impurities, as well as with an unpleasant and pungent odor. They indicate the bacterial origin of the problem, which, in case of delayed treatment, can result in intrauterine infection of the fetus and even its death. Brown discharge of a smearing nature can manifest problems with the cervix, inflammation of the cervical canal.

After IVF

If a couple has had to resort to assisted reproductive techniques, such as IVF, you should be prepared for the fact that the discharge will be significantly different from the discharge that is normal for the pregnancy that has occurred. naturally. So, after embryo transfer for almost two weeks, brownish discharge is considered a variant of the norm. This is the reaction female body on hormonal therapy, which she underwent before and after embryo transfer.

As well as brown spotting discharge from the vagina may indicate successful implantation. If they are a sign of implantation, brown streaks or scanty spotting usually appear 5-6 days after hatching. For a third of women, a change in the color of the vaginal secretion appears only 8–10 days after replanting.

If the discharge of an unusual color lasts more than 14 days, doctors regard this as an alarm signal - not everything is in order with pregnancy.

But there is no need to despair, because after an analysis of the concentration of the hCG hormone in the blood, a treatment will be prescribed that will help maintain the pregnancy and bear a healthy baby, maybe several babies. In the worst case, brown discharge after two weeks from the moment of replanting may indicate that the embryos have stopped developing and their rejection has begun. After treatment, an IVF attempt can be repeated.

What to do?

When brown discharge appears, a pregnant woman should in no case engage in self-diagnosis. All of the above is nothing more than material for self-education for reference purposes, and not a guide for making any diagnoses to oneself.

There are not so many options for the physiological norm with this kind of vaginal secretion, but there are more than enough options for pathologies. For this reason alone, a woman should immediately see a doctor. Ultrasound scanning, a vaginal smear, as well as blood and urine tests will help to find the exact answer to the question of why blood impurities appeared in the secretion of the genital tract.

If the discharge is scanty and not accompanied by pain, you should consult a doctor at the antenatal clinic at the place of residence. If brown discharge is abundant, with clots, pain syndrome, then you should go to bed, avoid standing or walking and wait for the ambulance immediately called.

Arriving doctors need to inform the gestational age (from the first day of the last menstruation), describe in detail all the symptoms, including even the most insignificant ones, in your opinion, and also tell about all previous pregnancies and their outcome. All this information will help doctors quickly guess the cause of the bleeding and take you to the gynecological hospital or the emergency department of the maternity hospital with the most accurate formulation of the problem. Every minute can be decisive, it is necessary to help doctors understand you correctly.

If brown discharge recurs sporadically, you should tell the observing obstetrician-gynecologist about this so that he can give the most complete and accurate recommendations regarding the lifestyle of the expectant mother, the daily routine, work and rest, the opportunity to have sex, and also prescribe the necessary supportive treatment depending on causes.

With the threat of a miscarriage of low placentation, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed that relax the muscles of the uterus, do not allow its tone, as well as vitamins, drugs to improve uteroplacental blood flow and light herbal sedatives. With placental abruption after inpatient treatment, a woman may be prescribed hemostatic drugs. With hormonal problems, a lack of progesterone, certain dosages of hormonal drugs are recommended, which completely compensate for the deficiency in the body.

Any problem that arises during the bearing of a baby, including one manifested by the appearance of atypical discharge, will be resolved faster and more correctly, if you follow simple safety rules, such as:

  • it is worth monitoring the nature of the discharge daily throughout pregnancy;
  • it is necessary to use only hygienic thin pads, tampons cannot be used during pregnancy;
  • responsibly it is necessary to treat the issues of intimate hygiene in order to prevent inflammatory processes due to its violation;
  • you should not change your sexual partner during pregnancy;

  • you need to take care of your reproductive health, avoid too harsh and rough sex, trauma to the genital tract and cervix;
  • it is necessary to regularly attend a antenatal clinic and undergo all the necessary examinations and tests;
  • you should stop smoking, do not take alcohol and drugs during pregnancy;
  • avoid stress, conflicts, do not lift weights and limit physical activity, which can provoke a threat of termination of pregnancy.

The first trimester is considered a responsible and anxious period. This is the time when the unborn baby is very vulnerable to the impact of adverse factors. That's why future mom should be especially attentive to her condition in the first weeks of pregnancy. One of the landmarks of potential well-being (or disadvantage) is discharge in early pregnancy.

The type of discharge during pregnancy can vary significantly. In some cases, secretion becomes abnormal, which means that the normal development of a small life is endangered.

In this article, we will consider which discharges are explained by natural changes occurring in the mother's body and are quite acceptable, and which ones signal a danger to the health of the woman herself and her unborn baby.

Expectant mothers are usually concerned about similar questions, we will try to find answers to the most common of them by looking at the stories and reviews of real women.

Allocations during early pregnancy: normal options

The influence of progesterone

Inna T. (Samara): “About 18 days have passed since conception. The test is positive. . I didn't notice this before my period. Can there be such discharge at 2 weeks of pregnancy or not? What can they mean?

There are two options for the occurrence of rich yellow discharge during pregnancy in the early stages: inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system and the reproduction of infection (ureaplasmosis, gardenelosis, chlamydial infection). In parallel, a woman may experience pain in the abdomen and sacrum. Itching and irritation are also sometimes present. Such discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous, as it can provoke spontaneous abortion, slowing down the development of the fetus and its intrauterine infection, in the future - premature birth.

Yellow-green Dark yellow Yellow Abundant yellow

Brown discharge early

Fading of embryonic development

Larisa V. (Sochi): “When there was a delay of 2 weeks, the test showed two strips. It was a stressful period at work, so I didn’t immediately go to the doctor. Discharge at 6 weeks pregnant made me come to my senses. They were brown, smearing character. Involuntarily, doubts arose: maybe the first test was wrong? I bought a second one and it gave a negative result. Is it possible? The daubing does not stop, the toxicosis has completely disappeared. Did I come up with everything, and there was just a delay?

In some cases, a brown secret may indicate a fading of the development of the embryo. If a woman initially had all the signs of gestation, and then they stopped abruptly, and brown marks appeared on the underwear in parallel, then perhaps there was intrauterine death embryo. And its gradual exfoliation from the walls of the uterus provokes the appearance of a brownish secret. To dispel doubts, you should undergo an examination.

Smear Daub

Cervical erosion

Anna Z. (Kirov): “. This is a brownish tint. It was all gone in a couple of hours. Before conception, she did not have time to cure erosion. Can discharge in the fourth week be a consequence of chronic erosion?

Indeed, erosion can cause a brown secret, which is explained by mechanical damage to the surface of the affected area. A similar secretion can be observed, for example, after examination in a gynecological office. Erosion treatment is not provided during the period of bearing a child, it will have to be postponed until the moment of delivery. The details of the upcoming therapy should be discussed with the doctor.

Dark Beige WB Spotting

Dark discharge during pregnancy

Yana S. (Voronezh): “Suddenly, dark discharge began at the 6th week of pregnancy. Not very strong, with blood clots. At the same time, it hurts right side. Weakness appeared. My husband insists on calling an ambulance, and I don't like to panic. Maybe it's not so scary? Could dark color discharge be normal?

Discharge at the 6th week of pregnancy, which is dark in color and supplemented by sharp pains and general malaise, can hardly be considered natural. Such symptoms are characteristic of the ectopic localization of the fetal egg, that is, the condition when it is implanted not in the uterine cavity, but, for example, in the tube, ovary, or even the peritoneum. Such a pathology can be extremely dangerous for the health and life of a woman, since as the fetal egg grows, the likelihood of organ rupture and heavy bleeding increases.

secretion of green

Kira D. (Sevastopol): “I am in my seventh week of pregnancy. I had an unusual secretion of a greenish color with some kind of nasty smell. It hurts to go to the toilet, everything itches and hurts. What could this discharge be at 7 weeks of gestation?

The appearance of a green secret (pus) may be a sign of diseases such as trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. These sexually transmitted infections can cause spontaneous abortion. If such symptoms occur during pregnancy (itching, burning, swelling of the labia, traces of pus, repulsive odor), you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo appropriate examination and treatment.

Green Purulent

White grains in the vaginal secretion

Natalya S. (Kolomna): “Now I am on the twelfth obstetric week. A couple of days ago, the usual whites began to change and turned into some kind of grains. At first there was no discomfort, but then severe itching joined. What caused such discharge at 12 weeks pregnant? Can this somehow affect the condition of my unborn child?

Similar discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy occurs with the same frequency as, for example, on the sixth or thirty-ninth. Candidiasis can occur at any stage of pregnancy. This life stage is characterized by a slight decrease in the body's defenses, against the background of which such an unpleasant disease as thrush very often develops.

At first, the secreted mass looks like white flakes or grains of cottage cheese, which are easily separated from the mucosa. As the disease progresses, the flakes turn into gray films, which, when trying to separate them from the mucosa, leave small wounds. This greatly increases the discomfort. The disease is accompanied by itching, swelling, hyperemia of the external genital organs, as well as a characteristic sour smell.

These do not pose a threat to the unborn child, but cause increased discomfort to the woman herself. Therefore, it is important to undergo antifungal treatment, which should be prescribed by a gynecologist. Most often, during pregnancy in the early stages, local agents are used.

With flakes Secret for thrush Like cottage cheese for Candidiasis

As you can see, in the first trimester, the secretion of the vagina can be very diverse. In the vast majority of cases, it is difficult for the expectant mother to independently understand the symptoms that have manifested. Therefore, it is extremely important for all the doubts and suspicious signs to seek the help of competent specialists.

Most women are absolutely confident that with the onset of pregnancy, no spotting will bother them for the next nine months. There is some truth in such reasoning.

Pregnancy without pathologies should not be accompanied by unnatural discharge.

But there are isolated cases when the discharge of light brown shades during pregnancy can be attributed to the body's natural reaction to certain processes.

Causes of light brown discharge during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, the structure of the mucous membrane and the flora of the vagina change dramatically in a woman, which occurs under the influence of hormonal changes. Therefore, the volume of permanent allocations increases significantly. If they are practically transparent and do not have an unpleasant odor, there is no cause for concern.

The appearance of light brown discharge during pregnancy always indicates blood impurities, which, mixing with natural vaginal discharge, give such a shade.

Blood appears only in cases of damage to any tissue. Situations where such a symptom does not confirm pathology are rare. Therefore, when detecting light brown discharge during pregnancy, it is not worth guessing on coffee grounds whether this is a norm or a pathology. Seeking advice from a doctor will be the most right decision At such moments.

Why do light brown discharge appear at the beginning of pregnancy?

implantation bleeding

At the very beginning of pregnancy, literally 8-10 days after conception, the embryo is introduced into the muscular wall of the uterus. In this case, damage to small vessels may occur, which are accompanied by minor secretions. For most women, the process goes unnoticed and is not accompanied by any unnatural signs. In some cases, when a woman does not yet know about pregnancy, such discharge of a light brown hue is perceived as menstruation that did not start on time.

Unlike menstruation, implantation bleeding:

Slightly in terms of the volume of secretions;

Has a creamy texture;

Not accompanied by smell, sharp pains;

Not long in time.

The color of the discharge can be not only light brown, but also pink, beige.

Risk of miscarriage

The appearance of light brown discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy may be associated with a slight detachment of the endometrium. The process occurs against the background of progesterone deficiency. It is this hormone that is designed to counter unwanted uterine contractions during pregnancy.

With an insufficient level of the hormone, the uterus tries to get rid of the foreign body, the fetal egg may begin to exfoliate, which is accompanied by damage to the vessels and the appearance of blood.

Allocations in this case may be insignificant. Concomitant symptoms may appear in the form of nausea, vomiting, pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Ectopic pregnancy

In cases where the fetal egg is fixed in the fallopian tube, there is a threat to the woman's life. With the growth of the embryo, the tube is stretched and injured. The process is accompanied by light brown discharge, abdominal pain.

If the pathological formation is not removed in time, the tube may burst, which will cause internal bleeding.

bubble skid

There is a pathology, fortunately, quite rarely. With such an anomaly, which appeared due to a chromosomal failure, a benign tumor is formed, in which there are vesicles with liquid. Such a tumor can grow and penetrate the walls of the uterus. In this case, lesions occur, which are accompanied by light brown discharge with the presence of small watery bubbles. Such a pregnancy is urgently terminated, as it threatens the woman's life.

frozen fruit

With the death of the fetus, spontaneous rejection does not always occur. A dead embryo may remain in the uterine cavity for some time. The most dangerous thing is that such a condition may not be accompanied by any signs. With partial rejection, light brown discharge appears, the woman feels weakness, nausea, abdominal pain, and signs of intoxication appear.

Discharge in later pregnancy

The selection of light brown shades for long periods clearly signals the pathology of pregnancy. Such signs may be present:

With placental abruption, which in the later stages is not treated with conservative methods, but becomes the cause of premature birth;

During fetal presentation, which provokes minor damage to the vessels of the placenta and is an indication for a planned caesarean section;

With isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is expressed by a shortening of the cervix, which can provoke premature birth.

Allocations of various colors, including light brown, may be harbingers of childbirth. Before the onset of labor, the cervix is ​​freed from the plug that clogs it. In this case, particles of blood can be observed in the outgoing mucus. The process is absolutely natural and does not pose a threat to pregnancy.

Pathologies not related to pregnancy

Despite pregnancy, processes inherent in an ordinary person take place in the body of life. Exacerbation of some pathologies, both acquired and exacerbated during pregnancy, may be accompanied by unnatural brown discharge. This sign occurs:

With cervical erosion;

With an active ovarian cyst;

Under the influence of fibroids;

Due to mechanical damage to the cervix or vaginal walls;

With andexitis;

During endometriosis;

With polyps.

A separate group includes some infectious diseases, in which not only brown discharge is present, but also bad smell. With such diseases, itching, irritation of the mucous membrane may appear.

Diagnosis with light brown discharge during pregnancy

The situation, when even slight light brown spots on linen are found, should not be left to chance. You need to try as soon as possible to visit a gynecologist to dispel all doubts. If, in addition, there are inexplicable pains, the temperature has risen, you will have to hurry.

To determine the cause of spotting that has a light brown color, the doctor will have to:

1. Interview the patient to identify concomitant symptoms and find out events that may have triggered the discharge.

2. Examine, if necessary, the woman on the chair, which will determine the condition of the cervix.

3. Listen to the fetal heartbeat, determine the correspondence between the actual size of the abdomen and the expected date.

Ultrasound remains the most informative examination. It allows:

Determine the location of the fetus;

Find out the status of the placenta;

Examine the fetus for developmental abnormalities.

Laboratory tests will also be required. A pregnant woman with light brown discharge will need:

General analyzes;

Hormone analysis;

Analysis of flora materials to determine the presence of infections.

In situations where emergency surgery is needed, additional surveys do not carry out.

How are light brown spots treated during pregnancy?

The gynecologist selects the methods of therapy, depending on the reasons that provoked the deviation:

1. If there is a threat of miscarriage against the background of hormonal abnormalities, the patient is recommended to undergo treatment with hormonal drugs. This will restore the balance of progesterone and signs in the form of light brown discharge during pregnancy will disappear.

2. If the discharge is provoked by implantation bleeding, no special therapy is required. But the doctor may recommend donating blood to determine the level of hormones, hemoglobin. You will also need to exclude problems with blood vessels and blood clotting.

3. In case of ectopic pregnancy and fetal fading, an urgent operation is performed, during which the fetal egg is removed. If this is not done on time, the consequences for a woman can be disastrous.

4. Bubble drift is removed unambiguously. And it’s good if the tumor that appears with such a pathology is benign without metastases.

5. In case of placental abruption, the issue of urgent delivery by caesarean section is resolved.

6. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is eliminated with the help of hormonal therapy, the installation of a retaining ring or suturing.

Problems with pathological gynecological formations in the form of erosion, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, polyps, giving light brown discharge, do not cardinally solve during pregnancy. The doctor may recommend supportive therapy to keep the pathologies from progressing. Surgical or minimally invasive methods are resorted to if the disease threatens the course of pregnancy.

The situation is quite different with inflammatory and infectious pathologies. In these cases, emergency treatment is required. Because various infections negatively affect the development of the fetus and can even cause its death.

To choose the right treatment, determine the type of infection that provoked the pathology. After that, treatment can be carried out:

Safe antibiotics;

Antiviral or antibacterial drugs;

Antifungal agents.

Most of these drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy. Therefore, only a doctor can choose a safe combination of medicines. In these cases, it is necessary to prescribe potent drugs, since the consequences of infection for the fetus are worse than the possible side effects of drugs.

How does light brown discharge threaten the unborn child?

Allocations during the implantation of the fetal egg and the discharge of the cork are natural, therefore, in these cases, worries about the health of the baby are unnecessary.

Situations when bleeding begins with hormonal disruptions, with placental abruption, during problems with the neck in the form of its shortening, the pregnancy itself is at risk of termination.

If the question has become about the removal of the ovum, we are talking about the health and life of the mother. In cases such as fetal fading, ectopic attachment of the embryo, developmental anomalies, the pregnancy is interrupted artificially.

With infectious diseases during pregnancy, accompanied by fetid light brown discharge, the fetus may experience developmental anomalies associated with the formation of vital systems and organs.

The best prevention of pregnancy pathologies will be interaction with a gynecologist. Timely examinations by a doctor, ultrasound examinations of the fetus, which are so important during this period, analyzes help prevent possible deviations and, if pathologies are detected, respond in time, avoiding disastrous outcomes.

The body of a pregnant woman is full of mystery and unpredictability. The processes taking place in it are striking in their scale and are often even inexplicable. But they also scare expectant mothers. After all, this is a temporary home for a child, it is a mechanism that supports his life, and when pregnant women observe certain processes, phenomena, changes in their body, this, at least, alarms them.

Particular excitement occurs when brown discharge appears from the vagina. In some cases, this may be the norm, but more often it poses a threat to pregnancy. Therefore, if you observe something similar in yourself, you should contact a gynecologist urgently.

When brown discharge is normal

On the 6-12th day after conception, the egg reaches its future place of residence and begins to attach to the wall of the uterus. This period is called implantation, and it may be accompanied by small vaginal discharge. Often, women who do not suspect the onset of pregnancy perceive them as an early onset of menstruation. True, it should be noted that implantation bleeding is accompanied by secretions of a creamy consistency, predominantly beige or color. If they change to dark brown, this can be a warning sign.

It also happens that a brownish "daub" appears in the following months on the days of the alleged menstruation. This is due to hormonal imbalance.

Risk of miscarriage

However, most often brown vaginal is a clear sign of the threat of its interruption. Due to the ongoing detachment of the fetal egg, blood leaks beyond its walls, which is observed in the form of brown spotting. In addition, a woman may feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen, often accompanied by dizziness and vomiting.

In such cases, the pregnant woman is prescribed treatment aimed at maintaining the pregnancy, and strict bed rest is prescribed. This helps to avoid unwanted.

Ectopic pregnancy

Rejection of the egg is always inevitable when it comes. Therefore, brown spotting can be one of the symptoms of this pathology. In this case, you need to act immediately. And the sooner the diagnosis is made and taken necessary measures, the more likely a woman is to maintain her reproductive system.

It is often possible to identify a uterine pregnancy during. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations.

Sign of the disease

Many gynecological diseases can be accompanied by spotting, including brown. This happens with some infections of the genital tract, with. Pregnancy is not at all an obstacle to the progression of sores. And often, on the contrary, he is a good provocateur. Of course, ideally, all ailments must be dealt with at the stage.

placenta previa

The appearance of brown discharge at a later date may indicate placenta previa. This happens due to the very close location of the placenta to the cervix, when it (that is, the placenta) is lowered low enough. The growing uterus can break the integrity of the vessels in the upper layers of the placenta, and there is a slight bleeding. In this case, it is advisable to examine the placenta for ultrasound on the days of discharge.

harbinger of childbirth

If the pregnancy is already expiring, and you notice a brownish discharge in yourself, this is most likely a mucous plug. So, it's time to prepare for childbirth: very soon the process will begin. But when exactly - this is already individual. It can take from two hours to two weeks from the moment the cork is released to the onset of labor.

What to do

In general, only one thing can be said for sure: in order not to risk your health and pregnancy, you need to see a gynecologist in any case and immediately, as soon as you notice brown discharge in yourself. There is nothing to guess how normal they are, because most often there is nothing in common between brown discharge during pregnancy and the norm.

Especially for- Elena Kichak