The power of affirmations. Magic power of affirmation. All my solutions are initially correct.

Affirmations are allegations to help change our way of thoughts and form the future to which we strive. But not only ... affirmations are thoughts, words, feelings, emotions that each of us uses in everyday life. At the same time, as we all understand, we use not always positive, but also negative statements. So first of all, if you want to change your life for the better with the help of affirmations, then you need to use them only in a positive form.

So how does it work?
Think about what you say? Consider how many times a day, for example, you or the people around you will utter the word "Nightmare !!!" And "horror !!!" These words must be forgotten! Every time instead they say "Hurray!" If it is difficult to do aloud so much, you can talk about yourself. The main thing is to replace each negative impulse to positive.

Or, for example, the phrase of a surprised man "Wow!" Does not withstand any criticism at all. Remember once and forever - "all yourself." And only so, then the well-being will walk for you on the heels.

Our thoughts and emotions form our life and remember that this attracts only like that. Negative thoughts attract negative events into our lives, and fears and fears will definitely embody, since we ourselves did them. What do you think about the same thing.

From the above, you can make a wonderful conclusion: "The positive thoughts and emotions of love, happiness and pleasures will be attracted to our lives happy events and people we need."

Well, for those who are convinced that it does not work. I will explain that affirmationsmay not work only in one case - if there is a conflict between what you say and who you are actually. That is, if you think one thing, say another, but imply the third, then your guardian angels, especially the more you can't understand what you want to get in reality. That is, if you say every day, "I want a suitcase of money," and the subconscious responds in response "Yeah, Hee-Hee, now I will repeat 10 times and get two suitcase ... this theory does not work", of course, nothing will work . Because there is no specific purpose. There is a simple "want."

The main thing is your positive attitude, faith in what you will succeed. Come first to harmony inside yourself, and you will immediately notice that the world around you has changed. Changed as much as you wanted it.

So, first, any positive statement Formulated in the present time or as already accomplished fact. Secondly, there should be no "not" particles. Third, it should only be aimed at a good cause and in the name of good and love in the whole universe.

And one more thing, not the desires that you think about what you want are coming true. And those of whom the fulfillment really wants your condiction. So, do not be surprised if something you will come true, but even afraid to think about it ...

Of course, I can not not lead to the example of the Great Louise Hay, which is the founder of the theory of affirmations. Despite the fact that she was born in a very poor family, he was subjected to bullying from the outside and many other things that I will not tell, she changed her life with the help of positive thinking, which was the creature of her life (who wanted to read it Books where she talks a lot about the path of this change). And everything that was able to achieve Louise Hay, it reached without extreme assistance by active use of the method of positive thinking and even improved by it, based on it unique affirmations. This woman has restored its destroyed health (got rid of the uterus cancer without drugs and operations, but only the power of thought) and set up her fate!

Another important remark. Affirmations can change your life, so, first of all, think about whether it is worth changing the life that you have now. As they say, do not need to repair what it did not break. If you firmly decided that the changes you need like air, then forward. We are waiting for great things.

The contact of affirmations is an effective way to achieve its goal, happiness, love, internal harmony, health and well-being. Work with them every day, uttering them out loud or about yourself, and the result will not make it wait!

And the last advice, before you begin to apply affirmations, ask for forgiveness from my own body for the fact that you used to think about someone (especially about yourself) is bad for experienced negative emotionsAnd promise yourself to think and speak only positively. And fulfill this promise.

When your life is fill in only positive thoughts, feelings and emotions, then together with them will come and will remain with you the world, mutual understanding, sympathy, the ability to forgive and most importantly - love.
I wish you to learn to see good in everything, with what you meet, and believe me, the world will answer you the same. Positive bright thoughts will lead you through life and will reveal all the doors in front of you.

Based on the materials of the Sun House.

I am often asked how I manage to always be in a good mood. I will be honest - I am a person and can not smile 24/7. But it is very important for me to fill yourself with positive energy, just like watering the flower in the apartment.

The journey was long, it continues, but the starting point was to familiarize with affirmations.

I realized that each of us has the strength to change your thoughts, you only need to start this power to use.

I will say even more, thanks to affirmations I managed to cope with the fear of public speeches.

At first I used ready-made affirmations. Then he learned his own.

Affirmations help to fill their heads, not fear. Love leads to growth, the fear turns it off.

But let's be honest. Life is not always a rainbow and pink flamingos. There is a lot of negative, difficulties and problems in life (usually we create them.) Affirmations are not intended to get rid of suffering. This is not a magic tablet that hesitates wounds.

Affirmations help rebuild your brain so that look at things under a different angle. These are small reminders of who we are and who we should be. We came to this world to be happy, and not to complain, suffer and be unhappy.

Our beliefs were formed since childhood. And not always these beliefs help us get positive experience in life. Some limit our strength and potential. Our thoughts or pull us back or help grow and develop.

Our thoughts are our emotions.

Emotions are our actions.

In my head, we constantly scroll through the same scenarios and are not always those that make us happy.

Here is the choice for us. Or we program ourselves, or program us.

We have many fears. We are worrying for the future, for yourself and for our loved ones. We are afraid to leave the comfort zone, even when is in the comfort zone disgusting.

All we think is growing, so you need to think about what I want from life.

As the owner of the house one click includes light in the bathroom, and you be the owner of your life. Program yourself success and create rest energy inside, because only in such a state you can make effective solutions.

I have been using this technique for more than 10 years and I have dozens of stories in stock, which confirm that the technique works.

Affirmation is a positive statement that helps to change the image of thoughts and form the future to which we strive.

True, there is one point.

Technique works when you work.

(any technique)

After the list of my favorite affirmations, I will tell you how and when to use this technique.

13 affirmations for increasing energy, faith and self-confidence:

I am healthy and full of energy.

I love and accept myself what I am. I see beauty in myself and the world.

I'm ready to look at things differently.

I decided to expand my perspective and look at things at a different angle. Similarly, as I turn the diamond and see the reflection of the light that I have not seen before.

I am a strong man and confident.

No danger. Everything goes well.
I can cope with all your tasks with ease, confidence and grace. I have enough courage to take myself completely, even my drawbacks.

I'm safe. I trust life and the future. My future is light and safe.

This is one of the biggest reasons for concern. This is a tender reminder that your needs will always be satisfied that life will always support you. Trust and be open to miracles that can happen to you.

I trust myself and your experience.

I always accept the best solutions for myself. All solutions that I accept serve my good.

I listen my body - it knows what I need.

Allow yourself to relax. Slow out and tune. Listen to your body wants to tell you. Trust yourself

I easily find time for training.

I organizing my working time in such a way that I get the opportunity to eat right and regularly.

All my solutions are initially correct.

IM proud of myself. I am wonderful by the very fact of your existence.

Life is joy and self-development.

I go to my goals playing. My job gives me only joy. I plan my activity and enjoy the fact that my plans come true. I get joy from my success.
Any difficulty on the way to goals gives me the opportunity to develop. I am grateful to life for your attention to me. The world is diverse and I do not take to judge people for their actions. I enjoy my dedication.

I forgive others. I forgive myself.

I have freedom to love and enjoy life.
There is no limit to everything good that I can achieve in my life. Every day I take with a good mood, because every day I can do something that will make someone happy. I offer this world.

My past taught me a lot and gave me a lot of strength. Everything that I had to survive, good and bad, was for me preparing for this day, and therefore I can cope with all my tasks. Now I am very strong, I'm stronger than ever in the past. I was completely healed from my past. My consciousness is not concerned. My time came for happiness.

It's time to shine. I'm ready.

I have everything to be happy, loving, the best version of myself. All I have to do is decide. The time has come. I'm ready. Go.

My thoughts create my reality.

I choose happiness. I like the feeling that gives joy.
It is a great honor for me to choose how I wanted to feel. I choose a positive, because it helps me feel better and better.

How to use affirmations

Use affirmations as a tool to increase their energy and fill the days with bright colors. Remember that it is not about ignoring problems, but about reprogramming your brain to ask yourself: how can I look at this situation differently? What is good here? What is really true?

Each uses affirmations in different ways. Find what is suitable for you.
You can make wallpapers on your desktop, make a list in notepad or in the phone.

Play, experiment, find what will work for you. You can read everywhere and always until you believe that you speak every cell of your body and do not see changes at the action level.

Create your affirmations. To begin with, keep track of your negative beliefs for some time.

Do you feel bad?

Write down the answer: what did you think about how bad feel?

And then instead of negative belief, create a positive. Before use affirmations in a positive key and in the present time. Repeat, repeat, create new ones. After a while you will see what effect this work will have on your whole life.

And in the final, the wisdom from the Luban Hay, who during the lifetime generously shared this technique with the whole world: "Selling affirmations is only part of the process. The most important thing is that you do in the rest of the day and night. The secret of making affirmations to work in your life to prepare the soil for growth. Affirmations like seeds planted in the soil. Bad soil, bad watering - bad growth. The more often you choose the thoughts, from which you feel good, the faster affirmations will work "

I agree with this thought.

Now your turn: What are your favorite affirmations? I am always in finding new ideas for spiritual development.

All peace and positive vibrations!

With love your wellness-coach Olga Ryabushenko

21 days to learn how to keep self-esteem in tone

Those who practice the tool called "affirmations" is interesting and useful will read this material and finally understand how it allworks and why it does not work.

Today, we find out 4 key rules for working with affirmations, which many do not know and therefore do not believe in the effect of affirmations.

Let's talk about:
  • does affirmations work;
  • how to apply affirmations correctly, important skills;
  • what is the power of affirmation;
  • what affirmations are the best plus my personal selection of powerful affirmations.

And let's start with the fact that we will give the definition of the word "affirmation".

Affirmation comes from the English verb "Affirm", which means to consume anything, what is true.

This implies the essence of affirmations - everything that a person says and all that he believes is that it is, what he believes and is a kind of affirmation.

Endowed with powerful power, affirmations are given to us to help to change their beliefs, and therefore also their reality.

Affirmations can be used in different ways.
  • you can compose them yourself or combine already known affirmations among themselves and thus output their own;
  • to write down / rewrite already ready-made affirmations and pronounced it yourself;
  • listen to audio / videos.

The power of affirmation. The rule is first.

When the affirmation of affirmation is extremely important to track what is called underwater thoughts. These are thoughts that have absolutely different meaning, which we would like.

For example, When you say positive affirmation, resistance, the inner protest and the underwater flow of your thoughts may say that it is not that it is absolute nonsense.

So the first rule says:

If you want the affirmations to work effectively, track your underwater mental flows and ignore the thoughts that the background arise or as an echo in the trail of your affirmation.

Here the main thing is to simply repeat affirmations and not pay attention to the internal resistance and non-acceptance, doubt, distrust. At first, this is a disbelief in affirmation will and it is just necessary to take.

It is important to believe in them in fact. Mind should agree that there are affirmations and they work. If there is a mismatch of mind and affirmation - it will not work and the expected effect will not come.

For example, If you teach yourself to the idea that wealth is available to everyone and everyone that you always have any amount and live in your pleasure, then you don't need to go away by dear things from her, with envy to look at it and especially talk to yourself: " I will never be like that. "

Better go to an expensive boutique and feel yourself there at home. If you are embarrassed to think about money or pass again by the expensive boutique and envy on that cool car - this means that your affirmations in no way leaked into your reality and did not change your perception.


Affirmations are designed to help us change reality and create new beliefs.

Their main mission is not easy to raise us a mood for five minutes, but help start to experience yourself, peace, people and the one of the situation that you work on, using this essentially powerful tool, affirmation.

Allow yourself to pronounce / listen to affirmations as many times as you need. Even if you simply include them as a background - will already benefit.

What happens if working with affirmations?

You fall into a certain stream with those forces that begin to lead you along the path of least resistance. This is a high-speed strip on which you are waiting for a minimum of obstacles, maximum results and pleasure.

The method of affirmation works.

If you believe in the power of affirmations, I offer you your selection. At its basis affirmation Louise Hay. For me, they are best, easily remembered and really effective.

So 48 affirmations in front of you and two more new affirmations I fell a couple of days ago. I liked it and I immediately included them in my magic list of affirmations.

  1. Today I love myself more than yesterday!
  2. I know how to become a winner!
  3. I allow welfare to enter my life at a higher level than ever!
  4. I will expand the circle of my love to cover the entire planet, and multiplied many times, love returns to me!
  5. I live a worthy life, calm and joyful!
  6. The source of my good is all and all that and who surrounds me!
  7. I have an unlimited choice! Opportunities everywhere!
  8. I love and appreciate myself!
  9. I begin to conscious what I am a wonderful person!
  10. Life loves me, and I feel safe!
  11. I live in full consent with the world around!
  12. I am always in harmony with life!
  13. I am healthy and full of vitality!
  14. I sleep healthy, strong sleep! My body appreciates my care for him!
  15. My body is doing everything possible to preserve excellent health!
  16. I love every cell of my body!
  17. I love everything that helps to keep excellent health!
  18. I always admire and admire himself!
  19. I feel safe in the business world!
  20. I easily make a career!
  21. My income is constantly growing!
  22. I can easily find a job!
  23. All I do, brings me success!
  24. At work they love me!
  25. I am happy that I have this job!
  26. I always work with those who respects me and pays well!
  27. My business develops, surpassing all my expectations!
  28. I constantly feel connected with the source of creative potential!
  29. I deserve the best and accept the best now!
  30. I enjoy everything I have!
  31. Thoughts about good - the key to excellent health!
  32. I think clearly and easily express myself!
  33. I trust my intuition! I always listen to the inner voice!
  34. I shine joy and beauty!
  35. My good thoughts help me create a mutual relationship full of love and support!
  36. I am a stunning person!
  37. I love, and I love!
  38. I ensure myself with everything you need!
  39. I live in a loving harmonious, rich universe, and I am grateful for it!
  40. I fill my life with love!
  41. My heart is open to love!
  42. I deserve all the best!
  43. Every every day is filled with meaning!
  44. That's what I love myself, so it's for everything!
  45. Each cell of my body is loved!
  46. The law of attraction brings to my life only good!
  47. Life is good and I like to live!
  48. Everything that I need comes to me on the right day and an hour!
  49. I like that I live here and now!
  50. All my life is a great adventure!

Affirmations Louise Hay on the background of colorful, positive pictures

Today, it is no longer a secret that you and your life depends on your prevailing thoughts. In the head of a person, about 50-60 thousand thoughts sweep every day. Many of these thoughts are not realized and have no influence on our lives. But 1-5% of thoughts are repeated. They are prevailing. When the thought is constantly repeated, it becomes belief and constantly affects the decision-making process. And often these beliefs are limiting.

Here to the aid and come affirmations. - These are conscious thoughts that a person thinks intentionally in order to replace already formed beliefs.

By and large, this is nothing like thought. You can repeat them out loud or to yourself.

Perhaps, like visualization, affirmation is the easiest and most powerful way of influencing the subconscious mind. You can use them anywhere and ever. Just choose the one that expresses your desires, and repeat it several times. And with no matter where you are now and where to get away. It is important to correctly compile affirmations and work with them and the effect you will notice very quickly.

How do affirmations work?

Affirmations work on the principle of substitution. At a certain point in time, the mind can hold only one single thought, therefore the essence of affirmations is filling and retention in the minds of thoughts that your desire support.

Imagine a glass with muddy water. You take this glass and put it under the crane, turn on the water and start pouring clean water into it. Muddy water begins to move across the edges, and the net enters the glass. Over time, all the muddy water will be replaced by clean.

The same thing happens with the human brain. Now the brain (glass) is filled to the edges. When you work out a new affirmation, it replaces the old one. But the replacement does not occur immediately, but with time. The stronger the affirmation you wish to replace, the more time and effort will have to spend, to replace.

The essence of affirmations is to surround yourself with mentally positive thoughts that contribute to the achievement of the desired result.

If a certain thought is held sufficiently for a long time, it begins to cause emotions that activate the work of the universe.

Affirmations have nothing to do with the provision of current affairs. They are based on what you would like to see the position of your affairs.

Emmerson said: "We are becoming about what we think throughout the day."

Use affirmations every day - this is the easiest way to change the desired situation for the better

50-60 thousand swears in our brain. Thoughts daily. Why only 1-5% have an impact on us, and the rest just disappear in the stream? Because these 1-5% cause our emotions!

And now let's look at how to compile affirmations.

Criteria for proper affirmation:

1. Affirmations should always talk about what you want, and not about what you do not want.

Affirmations should talk about acquiring something, and not about getting rid of something. Affirmations should talk about achieving something, and not from leaving something.

You get what they concentrate!

Wrong affirmations:

I do not want to sleep so much

I do not want to earn so little

I do not want to go to work so far

Proper affirmations:

I sleep in hours a day, it's perfectly hurt and feel great (x - replace the desired number)

I earn XXX per month (x - replace the desired numbers)

I am a XX km to my work (xx - replace the necessary numbers)

Affirmations should be in an affirmative form, and in no case in negative. The use of a "not" particle is prohibited. If you want to succeed in a certain case, affirmation may sound like this: "I won a success in ..." And in no case "I did not lose ..." or "I didn't fail." Negative affirmations on the subconscious level act quite on the contrary, which we believe. They destroy you. Since you say lost - it means the defeat is perceived. If we talk in simple, then the "not" partial is ignored by the subconscious. If you want to receive positive results, you need to create positive images. Negative images lead to negative results.

Avoid use in affirmations such phrases like:


Stopped (a)

Get rid of (las), etc.

2. Affirmations must be formulated in the present time.

When you repeat the affirmation, you must feel that what you claim has already happened.

The brain does not understand the past and the future. When you say "I will have a house on the ocean", your brain understands this "I don't have a house on the ocean." When you say "I will", you indirectly argue that now you have no. Your subconsciousness does not understand such words as "I will", "Soon", "Tomorrow". It understands only what happens to him right now. Depending on how you take a certain idea now, it depends how quickly it is implemented in the future. When you speak your subconscious, that you already have it immediately proceeds to implement it. When you talk about the future, the subconscious mind does not know when to proceed with the implementation and whether it is necessary to start at all.

Wrong affirmations:

Next week I will have a great hairstyle

Tomorrow I will have a wonderful day

From Monday I will completely stop drinking alcohol

Proper affirmations:

I bought a new home

I have a great hairstyle

I have a wonderful productive day

I always and in any situations by 100% sober

3. Affirmations must be concrete.

Must be concrete, because only specific formulations can cause strong emotions. The whole point is that the affirmations have created emotions, and the stronger the emotions they create, the better these affirmations will work for you. And what emotions can fuzzy, general formulations?

Compare, for example, the two following wording:

"We bought a new beautiful house" and "We bought a new three-storey white brick house with a football field and this house is located on the seashore"

Do you feel the difference in emotions?

Exactly thanks to this difference, your desire will be fulfilled.

Want to buy a car?

Compare these two wording:

"I have a new beautiful Lexus" and "I have a new snow white Lexus GS 460 with an automatic transmission"

Do you feel the difference?

You should have noticed that in the first wording of emotions weak, and secondly strong. All this thanks to the paintings that draw your brain in the first and second cases.

4. Affirmations should be prepared using the words indicating emotions.

We have already spoken earlier about what the effective affirmations differ from the invalid, and came to the conclusions that effective affirmations cause strong emotions. That's it precisely to make our affirmations even stronger, we will add emotional words to affirmations. When drawing up affirmations, you need to take care, so that they cause joy and enthusiasm with us. Any words that cause you strong emotions will also greatly affect your subconscious. The rule is simple: the stronger the emotions, the faster your belief will change.

Find such words that create movement in your brain that cling to you and cause emotions, words, very bright words.

Here are good words:





With tremendous joy

Simply and easily

With pleasure

With admiration

I will say that affirmations that support your most important life values \u200b\u200bare enormous. Think over your values.

Examples of emotional words in affirmations:

I am easy and with great pleasure I build my own business

30 minutes. Every day I am with great joy visualizing my future

I am with trembling and admiration and I treat my wife (husband)

I am pleased to charge every morning

I love to think about promoting your own business.

5. Affirmations should concern only you and the provisions of your affairs.

You can make affirmations only regarding yourself and your affairs. Affirmations that are aimed at improving anyone will not work. We cannot engage in affirmations instead of someone.

If you want to help someone change, think what a change in you will help that man and send your affirmations to these changes in you. Remember, with the help of affirmations you cannot make someone do something.

The following affirmations will not lead to anything. You just spend time:

People love me and respese

My boss considers me the best worker

My boyfriend / girl loves me most in the world

My mom recovers

What would not be good affirmations that belong to other people, I do not recommend using them. You can not significantly affect other people, your surroundings with your thoughts. Therefore, it is better not to waste strength and energy and deal with yourself.

The secret of the work of affirmations is to repeat them simply and conveniently. Imagine that your approval is more than 10 words. How many times can you repeat it? Optimally, it is 3-4 words. For example, "I am a successful person." Only you should clearly know that a successful person means for you. These repeated affirmations can significantly affect your life in a very short period of time.

Try to find such affirmation, which during one-time repetition already causes very positive feelings. Very good if she is.

Why may affirmations may not work for you?

Often, people admit very rough mistakes in the construction of affirmations and therefore do not receive any effect.

Here are some of these rough mistakes:

Building affirmation using the word "can".

For example, "I can be a successful person." Your subconscious and so knows that you can, so it will not even start doing anything. And then, with such affirmation, you do not even take responsibility. - Work with affirmation is not regularly.

Affirmations are decorated in the future.

Affirmation causes great resistance to you

If you argue that you will have something, it will be perceived by the subconscious, that you do not have what you say. And so you will always "be" and never gain in the present. If you are engaged in affirmations every day, but each time you repeat different affirmations, the effect is strongly weakened. You can bring the following analogy: If you take a magnifying glass on a sunny day and send it to one place, thereby concentrating the rays of the sun in one place, you can easily light a bonfire, but if you take the same magnifying glass and constantly drive it, concentrating at different points You can't succeed. This is because the energy is dissipated.

And the biggest mistake of people when working with affirmations lies in the fact that they lack patience. When you just start working with affirmations, you need to break through the concrete wall of your current beliefs. This may take a month of stubborn work, and people tried a couple of days and say: "They do not work." Of course, they do not work if you have already rooted such powerful beliefs, for example, as "I do not see the success of my ears," these all books are written only to make money. You are not interested in anyone, and no one will teach you anything, "I do not believe in the subconscious, only my logic is real." What happens if a person with such convictions will begin to apply affirmation: "I am a successful person." This affirmation can come against the entire system of belief.

That is why it takes time to work in the affirmation. How long it will take, it depends on how much you believe in our current affirmation.

Examples of affirmationsYou can use (although I strongly recommend making my own affirmations, according to the rules that I described above):

Every day my confidence grows

I am a genius and in everything and always I apply my wisdom

Now I have more money than before

I need all my desires to be

Every day my business flourishes

I am surrounded only positive, funny and prosperous people

The universe always leads me to my dreams with the most harmonious way.

Everywhere and in all I achieve success

Every day everywhere and in all my business go better

Every day I get better and better

Every day my income is growing, regardless I work I or rest

The universe leads me in life the best and harmonious way

I deserve great happiness, excellent relations in the family and wealth

I live a stunning life and I attract only the best in it.

Stunning ideas always come to me on time

Every day I start with love and gratitude

I attract successful people to help me build my business

Affirmation of the day:

My world cares about me

Every day my life is getting better and better

Every day more and more money comes to me

Every day my business go better and better in all respects

Every day I get better and better

Every day I get better as a person

Learn to work with affirmations, feel their influence on your inner world, and then you can start creating those that are most suitable for you. Just do not forget: it is necessary to be extremely attentive when creating a new verbal formula. Create your motto in one, two, three words. Then you turn it out with images, paint in pleasant colors. Affirmation is a plot magic formula. Ideal affirmation is perfectly rhythmically and phonetically built phrase.

If you have found a mistake, please select the text fragment and click Ctrl + Enter..

that small article on affirmations, for visitors of our website and the club "Keepers of the Secret," to those who support us, shares their success towards their happiness, for those who believe in the healing power of gratitude and love. Your messages to me even more fill my heart unconditional love. Let me show one of my favorite affirmations ...

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!

"I choose the path of truth. I understand that I have a small control over the outside world. And I also control my reactions ... "

Victor Rodvaev

Affirmations are very effective and deep

One of my favorite tools to cast out fear and other negative emotions from your life are positive affirmations. I use affirmations for a long time and during the day I find inspirational and soothing thoughts arising in my mind, which allow me to be in a raised and loving condition. And if I find a frightened or instranged some kind of situation in my life, I just start repeating the appropriate affirmations again and again until I feel myself as if under a warm blanket. Delicious!

Feeling fear or indignation Apply affirmations anyway, because the affirmation is very strong and positive statement saying to us "everything will be fine", "everything is now good", "everything is already good", despite all those negative thoughts that can visit We are from time to time. With constant repetition of inspiring and soothing statements, the voices of anxiety and pessimism, which permeate our mind, are replaced by thoughts about the world, our inner strength and love. Yes! .. Everything is good!

I believe that one of the arguments in the incredible effect of affirmations is that replacing negative thoughts positive, we actually carry yourself from one weak state of the spirit ("I'm weak"), to another, more powerful, strong and loving condition ("I am strong"). I can't even think about the best condition for myself.

There is another reason for which affirmations are so effective. They are much powerful than seem at first glance. Although affirmation is a small statement, but it has a very deep meaning and subtext. It seems to me…

In affirmations, all the wealth of life-affirming thoughts, which remind us that we are essentially very loving and very strong and therefore nothing is scary to us.

Let me give an example: on my desktop there is a small frame where I captured one of my favorite affirmations ...

When I feel the bouts of fear or feel a confusion or annoyance on any situation in your life, I notice my "reminder" that are right in front of me, and I begin to repeat this affirmation again and again. When I do this, I begin to feel like my body relaxes, negative feelings disappear, and I am really sincerely covered by thoughts that everything happens the best for me!

Of course you might think, "Victor, how can everything happen in the best possible when so many things do not work, since we want?". Good question. And if we run in the deeper sense of this affirmation, we will find the answer. For me, this affirmation is a short version ...

My mind can not see a big picture of a huge designer of life. I know, why in life it happens exactly that way, I just believe that in all this is happening there is the greatest meaning. Even when something goes not as I want, I try to relax and focus on what a lesson gives me life, and what experience I will take with me to the future. So I become a strong, knowledgeable and loving person.

Yes… Everything happens the best for me!

You will see that with such a deep meaning and frequency of repetitions, everything really happens only the most best for you, uttering such affirmations you can create a wonderful feeling of peace and love around yourself.

By the way, you do not even have to believe that the affirmations that you say possess such a positive effect for the body, mind and soul. Perhaps you do not even feel that everything is happening the best for me! The main thing is to know that it has a deep meaning for you. Amazing ...

This shows that speaking, thinking or writing, positive thoughts make us stronger in any case, whether we believe in these words or not.

Incredible, it's not true ...

Most recently made another interesting and important discovery for myself ...

If you pronounce affirmation quite often, you will inevitably begin to believe in them.

It is easy to explain, since affirmations have the property "acts as is". That is, they do not need additional explanations. In the phrases themselves and affirmative statements are contained. If you "act as is" long enough, your mind allows you to penetrate this statement inside you and your ability to increase, without the accompanying effort. And, ultimately, you accept the fact that it really is.

Another examples: there was a time when I really did not believe that my life could be another that she could be different. I had a very low self-esteem. To somehow help yourself, I began to study literature and, even sometimes, attended a self-help group. And just on one of these groups, I received tools how to use affirmations. At first I was skeptical. But then, thought: "Attempt is not torture." That affirmation, which I started to pronounce daily, once over time, "My life has the highest meaning," although I definitely did not think so.

And one day it happened, it was so exciting that to this day I perfectly remember this moment. What happened? I was shrouded with events changing my life: "My life really has the highest meaning." Tears rolved in my face from joyful awareness that my life is in motion, it is constantly changing, she really has the highest meaning. It is this deep awareness that was placed in me so many years, until I focus on all the good things that was in my life. And if you think about it, all this begins to work when we repeat affirmations, despite the fact that you may not believe in their magic power.

Do you believe in affirmation or not, I will touch this topic in the future, but this is a simple statement creates a colossal change in energy, in being inside us, thanks, love and a comprehensive desire to create.

As soon as you begin to repeat affirmations again and again, keeping their deep meaning in mind, your interaction with the outside world will begin to change on a thin plan. For example, when you quite often utter an affirmation "I have a huge power of love and bravely go on my way", you begin to act differently, the events begin to occur otherwise, you react to the outside world otherwise. You become more loving. And the most amazing thing, you are treated quite differently. You look more healthy, and loving energy completely envelops you and your life. Affirmations are really very powerful, not.

You can, of course think, "Oh, Victor, I'm so busy to add another action to my routine." No worries! Proper use of affirmations absolutely does not take away your time. How is this possible? Because, …

All you do is replace the negative thoughts with the healthy and positive thoughts of the world, our inner strength and love.

Read it again! Such negative thoughts that we are more than replacing positive, with the help of affirmations, we can repeat when we dress, we accept souls, we make urgent things while you eat in transport, and of course when we go to bed.

The key to a happy life is to remember the powerful power of affirmations and pronounce them!

To do this, I propose to write out your favorite affirmations, for example on the tearless sticky leaflets, and place them where you are more likely to appear in the car, on your desktop, on the mirror, in the hallway, on the refrigerator. It will be much easier for you to remember that any negative thought can be reailed to a positive, life-affirming motive, and affirmations will help you. You can approach this procedure very creative. Important! So you have done this work with a feeling of sincere joy, it is important.

I will share with you ways of some participants of the Affirmation program - the path to the wonderful change! ". One of the participants getting to the university for about an hour, spending in public transport, made records in notepad, on each page on one affirmation, and while she spent time on the way, read affirmations, repeating each of them ten times. And so every affirmation has been driving to the university, day after day. And at the end of the trip, she always felt in a raised mood, was full of domestic forces and radiated the unconditional sense of love. I could add that ultimately, she was able to dramatically change his life.

Bad habits are difficult to break (and negative thinking is definitely one of such habits), and most importantly here that we can overcome such habits. And for a start, the best thing to do is more intensely use affirmations until they become a daily part of your thinking. Again it is very easy, because You already know that the repetition of affirmations does not at all take off you from affairs, they do not take time and do not require additional devices. All you need to do, replace negative thoughts positive, simply repeating certain approval - affirmations. Very good exchange, not so!

And now let me introduce you to ten affirmations with their deep meaning, as I see them. Since you can see the actual meaning of affirmations, you can create your affirmations yourself.

And as an experiment, I urge you to repeat each affirmation, quiet or silently, ten times after reading its deep meaning. It is very important! I tried to make it more convenient for you, having organized every affirmation and its deep meaning on a separate sheet, in the frame. You can cut them out and place the place in a visible place for you so that affirmation is constantly at your hand, it's easier to start them to pronounce and start moving along your way of happiness. And now let me make a forecast:

After reading ten affirmations ... I understood their deep meaning ... And repeating them of them ten times, you will definitely feel raised, the energy of the whole of your body moves to the direction of the world, internal strength and love.

I believe, one day you will see their positive importance, and make affirmations part of your daily life, as I made them part of mine. In the end, who can resist, replacing the echoes of pessimism in consciousness, thoughts about the world, internal strength and love?! Neither I ... Hope and not you. Forward!