How to sharpen a disposable razor. How to sharpen a razor at home: instructions for different methods. Sharpening disposable razors

Sharpening razor blades will seem to many to be a useless and unlikely task. Why sharpen a razor when you can buy new cassettes or a disposable razor in the store? This is what almost all adherents of wet shaving think, but the efficiency of blade recovery is high, and the procedure itself is easy to do with your own hands.

Why sharpen your razor?

Wet shaving remains the most popular hair removal method for both men and women. A quality razor is not cheap. It is not always possible to buy new shaving cartridges or even a disposable razor. In this case, skills on how to sharpen a razor with your own hands will come in handy. Sharpening prolongs the life of the razor, thereby saving the budget.

Razor sharpeners

When demand is born from the consumer, you can always expect the proposals of producers. So, the RazorPit company (Denmark) has released a special device that allows you to sharpen razors at home. A more affordable analogue of this device is produced by the Ukrainian company Zattoch.

The devices are a plate or handle with a strip of plastic and an abrasive applied to it. According to the reviews of users who processed the razor blade with these devices, the life of the machines increases by almost three times. Sharpening occurs as follows:

  • a small amount of any shaving gel is applied to the working surface of the device;
  • the cutting part of the machine is carried out along the abrasive surface in the opposite direction to the movement of the machine during shaving;
  • perform 25 - 30 sharpening movements;
  • the working surface of the device and the machine are rinsed with water.

The procedure takes no more than 10 minutes, and your razor is ready to use again.

Improvised method - sharpening with jeans

If you do not know how to sharpen the blade of the machine, and you need to shave urgently, old jeans will solve the problem. Sharpening with jeans is the easiest and most affordable way to restore blades. It will take a little longer than processing with ready-made devices, but the effect will not be worse. You will need denim, a small rounded bar and a directly dull razor. A round bar will successfully replace a cardboard sleeve from food foil or a school ruler. Further sharpening occurs as follows:

  • denim is placed wrong side up;
  • a cardboard bar is placed under the fabric;
  • the razor is passed over the fabric against the shaving movement;
  • 100 - 150 movements are performed, after which the blade is rinsed with water.

Processing with denim increases the life of the razor by 2 to 3 times.

Alternative method - sharpening in a pyramid

If you do not want to buy a special device, but the question of how to sharpen shaving blades is relevant, make a pyramid device. The pyramid is simple in execution, it can be used repeatedly. The pyramid is made according to the size of the machine and has a small size. The device can be open, in this case it is made of ordinary wooden slats, and deaf, when the four sides of the pyramid are sheathed with any material at hand.

Sharpening razor blades will seem to many to be a useless and unlikely task. Why sharpen a razor when you can buy new cassettes or a disposable razor in the store? This is what almost all adherents of wet shaving think, but the efficiency of blade recovery is high, and the procedure itself is easy to do with your own hands.

Why sharpen your razor?

Wet shaving remains the most popular hair removal method for both men and women. A quality razor is not cheap. It is not always possible to buy new shaving cartridges or even a disposable razor. In this case, skills on how to sharpen a razor with your own hands will come in handy. Sharpening prolongs the life of the razor, thereby saving the budget.

Razor sharpeners

When demand is born from the consumer, you can always expect the proposals of producers. So, the RazorPit company (Denmark) has released a special device that allows you to sharpen razors at home. A more affordable analogue of this device is produced by the Ukrainian company Zattoch.

The devices are a plate or handle with a strip of plastic and an abrasive applied to it. According to the reviews of users who processed the razor blade with these devices, the life of the machines increases by almost three times. Sharpening occurs as follows:

  • a small amount of any shaving gel is applied to the working surface of the device;
  • the cutting part of the machine is carried out along the abrasive surface in the opposite direction to the movement of the machine during shaving;
  • perform 25 - 30 sharpening movements;
  • the working surface of the device and the machine are rinsed with water.

The procedure takes no more than 10 minutes, and your razor is ready to use again.

Improvised method - sharpening with jeans

If you do not know how to sharpen the blade of the machine, and you need to shave urgently, old jeans will solve the problem. Sharpening with jeans is the easiest and most affordable way to restore blades. It will take a little longer than processing with ready-made devices, but the effect will not be worse. You will need denim, a small rounded bar and a directly dull razor. A round bar will successfully replace a cardboard sleeve from food foil or a school ruler. Further sharpening occurs as follows:

  • denim is placed wrong side up;
  • a cardboard bar is placed under the fabric;
  • the razor is passed over the fabric against the shaving movement;
  • 100 - 150 movements are performed, after which the blade is rinsed with water.

Processing with denim increases the life of the razor by 2 to 3 times.

Alternative method - sharpening in a pyramid

If you do not want to buy a special device, but the question of how to sharpen shaving blades is relevant, make a pyramid device. The pyramid is simple in execution, it can be used repeatedly. The pyramid is made according to the size of the machine and has a small size. The device can be open, in this case it is made of ordinary wooden slats, and deaf, when the four sides of the pyramid are sheathed with any material at hand.

  • 1. What is important to know
  • 2. Methods and step by step guide
  • 2.1. Sharpener RazorPit and cheaper analogue Zattoch
  • 2.2. Denim
  • 2.3. Leather belt
  • 2.4. Pyramid
  • 2.5. Sharpening with a stone
  • 2.6. Sandpaper sharpening
  • 3. Features of sharpening a disposable razor
  • 4. Features of sharpening Gillette
  • 5. Features of sharpening straight razors

What is important to know

The main accessory of men's daily care that requires attention is machine tools. Mostly used - disposable, T-shaped or reusable with replaceable cassettes.

It happens that the blade is dull, the replaceable cassettes have run out. You have to shave with unsuitable material, which causes - severe skin irritation, abrasions on the face, hair shaved poorly.

Home tricks will quickly restore the original appearance of sharp material, extend the shelf life, help save money and help out in any situation.

Methods and step-by-step guide

Specialists, barbers and men who practice self-care of the machine use several methods.

Sharpener RazorPit and cheaper analogue Zattoch

The Danish company RazorPit has developed a blade sharpener. This method is proven and has proven itself among users. There is also a budget analogue of the Ukrainian company Zattoch on the market.

An oblong leather plate on an adhesive tape, the surface of which is treated with diamond grit and is itself sharpened.

Using RazorPit (Zattoch) the blades are sharpened as follows:

  • A few drops of shaving gel are applied to the surface of the device.
  • Then the razor moves in the opposite direction.
  • 25-30 movements are recommended.

One procedure per month is enough to turn the machine into a reliable shaving tool. The video shows how to sharpen 3 different blades with a Zattoch sharpener.


You can sharpen your razor at home on jeans. The underside of the denim is dense and rough, and does a great job with a dull blade.

Step by step instructions:

  • Jeans are turned inside out.
  • Under the jeans you need to put a solid thing made of cardboard or wood. A ruler, a bar, a sleeve from plastic bags will do.
  • The razor moves across the fabric in the opposite direction of a classic shave, without damaging the jeans.
  • Enough 30-50 times.

As the machine is used, the procedure is carried out regularly until the material is completely thinned.

Leather belt

You can also sharpen your razor at home with a leather belt. The procedure is similar to the method with denim. The belt is selected durable from thick leather, turned inside out and 25-30 movements are made in the opposite direction. No less convenient and affordable way.


Some sources claim that the Czech engineer K. Drobal invented the pyramid for sharpening the blade. It can be bought or made from improvised means. Cut out a square from chipboard or cardboard, and the edges are parallel to each other (the size is indicated in the pictures below). Secure them with tape or glue in a pyramid shape. Further, according to the instructions:

  • place the pyramid on a hard, flat surface;
  • the design is oriented with faces to the cardinal points;
  • place the blade inside the pyramid on a cardboard pedestal at 1/3 of the height, in the direction from south to north (or vice versa);
  • keep the cassette in this condition for a week.

The surface of the blades must not touch anything!

Sharpening with a stone

Sharpening shaving blades with a stone, not everyone can succeed the first time, it also all depends on the material. For the procedure, synthetic stones without lumps with a uniform surface are used.

The procedure goes like this:

  • The stone is wetted with water.
  • The razor is carefully moved along the stone in the opposite direction.
  • 25-30 movements are enough.
  • When sharpening a straight razor, the blade is carefully held with the thumb and forefinger. It should be sharpened first on one side, then turned over and sharpened on the other side.

Sandpaper sharpening

Sharpening on sandpaper is a simple and uncommon method. Sandpaper with a grit of more than 2000, water and a flat surface are suitable for this.

Features of sharpening a disposable razor

If you find yourself in a place where your machine is not available, then disposable razors come to the rescue. Therefore, sometimes it is not necessary to immediately throw the machine away. You can rinse it thoroughly with water, then use one of the already known methods, and the machine will serve you well.

Features sharpening Gillette

You can sharpen your Gillette razor at home using a pyramid or denim. Mac 3 machines have advantages over others, as the company has been producing razors for a long time and knows the needs of consumers well.

To properly sharpen a Vest razor blade with denim, see the description above or the video.

Features of sharpening a dangerous razor

Sharpening a straight razor at home is not easy. Caution, practice, as well as proper technique are required.

Sharpening features:

  • Use sharpening methods with a belt or stone.
  • Observe safety precautions with a sharp object.
  • Observe the correct sharpening angle.
  • During processing, it is not necessary to press the device strongly.
  • Sharpen first on one side, then on the other.

An electric razor is no longer a novelty, and those males who prefer this device to conventional razors know its advantages. Electric shavers do not require any water or special shaving products, due to which they are more mobile, which is especially valuable when traveling. When shaving with an electric razor, the skin is less irritated and the possibility of cuts is excluded. Those devices that have a self-cleaning function are considered almost ideal.

Razor blades may require sharpening during use. Now devices with self-sharpening blades are being produced, but even they, although later, fail. To solve this problem, it is not necessary to contact a specialist or purchase new blades. You can sharpen razor blades yourself. By choosing one of the sharpening methods and strictly following the instructions, you can extend the life of the blades for at least another year, thereby saving on the purchase of new ones.

How to sharpen your razor at home

Electric shavers are either rotary or mesh. Regardless of the type of device, stainless steel knives are coated with a layer of titanium or ceramic to avoid allergies. Of course, if there is any doubt about the possibility of self-sharpening knives, it is better to contact a specialist, or you can use one of the "folk" ways to solve the problem.

Sandpaper Method

To sharpen the blades, you will need sandpaper with a grit of 1200 and 2500. To sharpen the knives, you need to remove them. First, the knives need to be treated with 1200 grit sandpaper. To do this, they need to be put on paper, insert the razor shaft or cardan, press and turn on for 10 seconds. Further, the same must be done using sandpaper with a grit of 2500. After the manipulations have been done, everything must be cleaned and assembled in the reverse order. For greater efficiency, it is better to take sandpaper without a soft backing.

Reference. This sharpening method is suitable for those razors that cannot be sharpened with GOI paste, for example, for the Era-100 electric razor.

Method using GOI paste

GOI paste appeared almost a hundred years ago, and all this time it has been successfully used for polishing metals, including steel, ceramics, stone and some other surfaces. The popularity of this polish is due not only to excellent results after application, but also to its affordable cost. GOI paste is available in 4 types:

  • for rough polishing;
  • to give the surface a matte finish;
  • for finishing and polishing.

GOI paste cannot be applied directly to a metal surface; you can use a soft cloth for this or pre-dilute the paste with any solvent.

Sharpening steps:

  1. Using any dishes, the paste is diluted with vegetable oil.
  2. Add available solvent.
  3. The knife block of the electrical appliance is immersed in the solution.
  4. Turn on the electric shaver for the period that shaving usually takes.
  5. After all the manipulations, wipe the knives.

After such treatment, the razor blades will be like new.

Important! If the blades have recently been changed, then before starting operation, it is necessary to polish them with GOI paste.

Sharpening method with glass and a screwdriver

To sharpen knives in this way, you need ordinary glass and a screwdriver or a drill with a reverse.

Important! To sharpen the blades in this way, it is necessary to use the reverse reverse - clockwise movement will only dull the knives even more.

The blade previously removed from the razor must be placed on the glass and, using a triangular nozzle and reverse reverse, sharpen. The screwdriver should work at low speeds, the whole process will not take more than 5 minutes.

Summing up

Using one of the above methods, with certain skills and patience, you can sharpen the razor blades yourself, which will extend their service life for a long time. The results of sharpening carried out at home, subject to all the rules and recommendations, may not be inferior to the results after professional processing. Practice shows that when sharpening blades using GOI paste, they will work flawlessly for at least a year.

Numerous manufacturers of men's accessories and shaving accessories offer disposable and reusable razors with blades made from quality materials. But sooner or later, any blade will begin to lose its properties, especially if you do not provide the machine with decent care, proper operation and storage. In this regard, experts offer many methods for sharpening machine blades, many of which can be used at home.

Many men know how to sharpen a razor at home, as several old methods have been practiced for many years. To date, many new ideas have been invented that also quickly and smoothly sharpen blades, extending their life. It is only important to follow all the subtleties and instructions, otherwise the sharp cutting surface may be damaged.

Razor sharpening at home: what is important to know

Many men believe that sharpening blades for a machine tool is an unlikely or completely useless task. Especially considering the fact that there is a huge assortment of new blades and cartridges on sale in stores. In fact, high quality razors cost a lot of money, as do blades for such models. Therefore, experts recommend saving money and sharpening blades, unless, of course, you use a cheap disposable razor.

Have you ever sharpened a razor?


Only a few types of razors can be sharpened in this way:

  • disposable machine;
  • reusable razors with cassettes;
  • T-shaped machines.

If, in addition to proper use and care, sharpening of the blades is carried out, a man will be able to provide himself with a high-quality wet shave and save money on buying a machine or blades. Otherwise, the blades will not only cut the hairs badly and pull them out, but also scrape off the top layer of the skin. An important condition for sharpening is to follow the instructions for all stages, otherwise you can dull the cutting surface even more.

For reference! If a man does not have the skills and knowledge of how to sharpen razor blades, you can contact a specialist who has a razor blade sharpening machine and other tools for professional sharpening in his arsenal.

Step by step guide

To date, the most relevant request from men in forums and communities is as follows - how to sharpen razor blades Vest. This manufacturer offers quality machines with interchangeable cassettes, which you can easily extend the shelf life yourself, without the help of a specialist. Most often, two devices for such an action are practiced - a pyramid sharpener for razor blades or ordinary denim.

The pyramid can be made independently from a material that is unable to magnetize, such as plexiglass or cardboard. It is fixed with glue or adhesive tape; metal fasteners are prohibited. Further sharpening is carried out as follows:

  • mark the pyramid on a hard, straight surface;
  • then the pyramid is oriented to the cardinal points;
  • razor blades should be placed along the pyramid in the north-south direction;
  • the blades should lie in this state under the pyramid for 6-8 hours.

In the same way, you can sharpen blades for cassette razors, such as Gillette and other brands.

Many men have been successfully practicing the technique for many years, noting its ease of use and high efficiency. Using a special device from RazorPit or Zattoch, blades on a cassette or removable blades are sharpened as follows:

  • a little shaving gel is applied to the surface of the device;
  • further along the abrasive surface, but in the opposite direction, as during shaving, machine movements are performed;
  • do 25-30 such movements at a time;
  • at the end, the machine and working attachment will need to be rinsed with water.

Only 5-10 minutes of such manipulations will be enough to reanimate the blades of the machine and give the shaving tool a second life. This will not only save money, but also provide a man with a high-quality and effective shave of stubble and mustache without irritation and other consequences.

Handy tools to help

If a device such as a razor sharpener is not suitable for a man, you can use improvised tools, such as denim. This is one of the first methods that was invented by men many years ago. It is enough just to turn the fabric inside out, and then run the loom with the blades inside against the line of direction of the fabric threads 30-40 times, but without pressure.

Another handy way is a leather belt, and the blades are sharpened in the same way as with denim. You need to choose a belt that does not have frayed areas and creases, otherwise the surface of the blades will be broken. You need to move the blades along the belt from its wrong side. This will preserve the integrity of the painted side of the belt while improving the functionality of the machine.

Is it important to use special devices?

In fact, any selected razor sharpener must be approved by specialists, such as a leather belt, pyramid or denim. Other unfamiliar techniques and untested tools at hand can easily damage the integrity of the blades, since we are talking about a metal plate with a thickness of 0.5 mm or less. Despite the fact that there are many razor sharpeners for sale on the Internet, only a few really do it.


Shaving accessories all have their own service life, which depends on the materials of production of the machine itself and the quality of the blades in it. Disposable razors are used no more than 1-3 times, but T-shaped razors and reusable razors will last longer if the cutting parts are changed in time. And in order not to spend money on buying new "feathers", you can sharpen them in a timely manner. To do this, you may need a special device, as well as a pyramid of improvised means, a leather strap or denim.