Lifting facial massage at home: video instructions from a professional cosmetologist. Lifting massage: non-functional face lift and neck effective massage for skin skin suspenders

Most women after 40 years faced with the problem of age-related change in the form of oval. The reasons for this phenomenon is the deterioration of the skin tone of the face, the lack of regular physical exertion, poor sleep, genetic predisposition. If the operational method of solving a problem, many are considered too radical, and sculpture with cosmetics can only visually solve the problem, then the massage for the chin area is considered one of the most competent and effective methods of influencing this zone.

How is the massage?

Lifting massage is focused on the effect of muscle tissue. When they are in Tonus, the skin remains stretched, there is no wrinkle on it. If the tone is lost (and this is naturally happening with age), folds begin to form, which are quickly becoming deep.

For face lift without hardware cosmetology, this is the most effective method that allows you to obtain the following effects:

  • smoothing already available age and mimic wrinkles;
  • getting rid of age-related swelling (and "bags" under the eyes ");
  • level alignment and skin relief (as a result, its smoother form and a good basis for applying decorative cosmetics);
  • improvement of the skin of the face (getting rid of the painful pallness characteristic of mature skin, pigment age spots).

The effectiveness of the suspenders can be estimated after several sessions: the form of oval acquires the necessary form, the general condition of the skin of the face is significantly improved. Massage is easy to perform at home, but it has a number of serious contraindications.

When is the lifting massage contraindicated?

  • large rashes (ulcers, acne);
  • herpes;
  • warts;
  • large moles and other education.

Among the contraindications also the presence of postoperative seams, visible consequences after the salon procedures conducted within three weeks on the eve. In the presence of hemophilia, it is also worth abandoning the tightenment of the oval with the help of massage actions.

If there are acne, warts or herpes, it is recommended to first take care of getting rid of them, and then use the massage as a rejuvenating procedure.

After chemical pylling, mesotherapy, other procedures for active physical impact on the epithelium, massage does not apply until the skin is full of healing.

Rules for the implementation of the procedure

Massage must be performed, staying in a good, peaceful mood so that all the muscles of the face remain as relaxed as possible. Before the procedure useful will be made of aromatherapy session to further relax. It is performed on the solely cleaned skin contamination.

The best time for her is the evening, with particularly difficult cases allowed massage several times a day, observing the procedure for preparing for it.

Do not drink a lot of fluid before the procedure, because She provokes the emergence of edema. Massage itself is performed with clean hands. It is more convenient and more correctly to do it without nails. The degree of exposure to the skin in each case will be different, because It depends on the painful threshold of the woman and is selected individually.

Massage should not cause uncomfortable sensations and painful consequences. After it, easy redness of the skin is allowed (since blood circulation is enhanced), which completely passes after 5-10 minutes. The leather-warmed leather in the best way reacts to anti-aging care, so after it can use the appropriate appointment cream, serum and homemade masks.

Technique implementation

After the completion of the preparatory procedures, you can directly proceed to the massage for the shade of the oval:

  1. with your fingers carefully smooth the skin on the trajectories of massage lines from the lips to the temples;
  2. the chin area is being worked out by all ten fingers (from the middle of the chin in both trajectories to the ears);
  3. this zone re-closes the palm within 3-5 minutes (this procedure is recommended to be repeated systematically as prevention from the formation of the second chin);
  4. when the muscle tissue in the chin area by previous actions is ready, you can enhance the impact on the skin using the plots of this zone in the direction of massage lines;
  5. the suspenders for oval in the program include the neck zone: it is necessary to stroke the back of the palm in a relaxed state, standing smoothly and tilt to the side.

A similar lifting procedure costs 2-3 times a week with a full-fledged course in 12 sessions. By time it does not take more than 20 minutes, the result becomes noticeable after 2-3 procedures.

For the suspender, you can use a massage cream suitable for functionality, designed specifically for modeling an oval with a mature skin. In preventive purposes, the lifting of this plan can be carried out, starting from 25 years.

How to strengthen massage efficiency?

The preparatory stage before the session does not cause any questions and is carried out in the framework of the generally accepted principles of skin care. To make the massage as efficient as possible, it is possible to use essential oils used to smooth wrinkles (rose, sage, violet) as a base (instead of cream).

Esters are not applied in pure form, used in the form of natural oils (it is pre-appropriate to carry out a test for the presence of an allergic reaction). For massage and other cosmetic procedures, synthetic oils are not suitable with additives.

After the massage, spend appropriate gymnastics: in the complex these procedures will give a stronger and fast effect.

In its pure form, the massage is performed on a slightly moistened skin with neat movements through massage lines.

Many women are interested in a face massage for the face lifting at home, especially after a similar procedure in the cabin. Those who experienced the action of such a rejuvenating method will not ask about its effectiveness. After all, the result is noticeable after the first session. But, alas, he is short-lived. Maximum - 3-4 days.

What to do to make a beautiful face with young skin and tightened oval pleased as long as possible? Experts recommend regularity and complexity. Let's deal with everything in order.

What gives the face massage?

Even those who made the procedure see only the outer "side of the medal" - that is, its somewhat modified for the better reflection in the mirror. But what happens inside and how such changes occur, it is unlikely that it is hardly thinking.

Face massage from wrinkles has direct benefits for skin:

  • improve the processes of microcirculation of liquids (blood and lymphs), which relieves eats;
  • there is an intense saturation of the skin with oxygen, since the pores are revealed;
  • there is a strengthening of the muscles, which stimulates the increase in the elasticity and elasticity of epidermis and dermis tissues;
  • the skin tone is improved, which prevents the aging processes. Oval Faces becomes tightened;
  • the possibility of skin rashes, the formation of acne, acne and comedone is prevented or minimized.

Face massage is useful not only for oval, as we have already found out. If during the manipulation to use products with small abrasive pieces (soft scrubs), you can very effectively clean the skin from contaminants, oroging cells.

In addition, after massage, useful substances from the leaving cosmetics are absorbed much better, as the skin becomes "open" and more susceptible.

Species and features

Modern cosmetology offers the following types of procedure:

  • classic - massage for the face lifting, preserving the tone and elasticity of the skin, which improves tone and color;
  • relaxing is aimed at relaxing stressful muscles. Improves blood circulation, oxygen exchange, skin susceptibility to cosmetics;
  • the lymphrenor improves the circulation of lymph, removes the edema, bruises under the eyes, improves the complexion;
  • plastic structures the contour, aligns tone and color, minimizes deep and eliminates small wrinkles;
  • chiplastic - efficient lifetin, normalization of the sebaceous glands, reducing the number of wrinkles and inflamed areas;
  • miofascial has a corrective effect on the skin: structures the contour, pulls the oval, reduces the severity of deep wrinkles and nasolabial folds;
  • therapeutic applies if there are skin problems in the form of excessive fatty, seborrhea, comedones, acne, neuralgia.

Massage techniques differ in the degree of exposure to the skin. For each there are testimony. If it is incorrect to choose a method, you can bring more harm than the benefit.

Japanese face massage:

Self-massage Person Renaissance:

Lymphatic drainage massage:

Interesting to know. There are some methods and techniques of massage, which are only a narrow circle of specialists. This is a point massage (accumuated), whose type of whose many consider acupuncture. Ayurvedic techniques provide impact on the skin through liquids of different density, mainly aromatic oils.

Making lifting facial massage at home is not so easy. Not all of the above types for the power of nonprofessional. Cosmetologists advise only the classical massage technique. And it is very careful after the study of massage lines available on the face.

And one more important point! In no case cannot be applied at the time of the procedure. The skin should not be stretched either greatly attached.

Massage for lifting an oval face requires a certain preparation. If you understand in essence, then applying the cream in the morning and in the evening is also accompanied by a certain similarity of this manipulation. So why not do the morning and evening toilet "Field for Active Activities"?!

However, it should be remembered that the massage of the face of the house should not be carried out chaotically, unsystematic. There are standard rules:

  • remember massage lines and perform movements strictly on them;
  • to make the procedure only in a good mood - the psychological aspect is not important to me, rather than knowledge of physiology and anatomy;
  • before each procedure thoroughly wash his hands and clean the face from decorative cosmetics, dust and dirt accumulated per day;
  • massage to do two or three times a week (the best option - every other day in the evenings);
  • the course is 10-12 procedures, after which you need to give the skin to relax about a month and again you can start sessions.

Why is special attention addicts the direction of movements during the impact on the skin of the face? The presence of massage lines on the face is explained by simple physiology - it is in their direction that Lymph is moving. If you do not adhere to this rule, the effect of massage will be opposite to the expected.

The main lines for the suspended are:

  • from the middle of the chin to the urine of the ear (at the lower jaw);
  • from the middle point under the bottom lip to the ear of the ear;
  • from the midpoint above the upper lip to the center of the temple;
  • from the corner of the lips to the middle of the ear;
  • from the central point above the bridge (in the center of the forehead) to the center of the temple;
  • from the external corner of the lower eyelid to the internal;
  • from the inner corner of the upper eyelid to the external.

Massation of oval faces at home must be carried out on these lines. How exactly - we look next.

The technique of performing movements is very simple. We do this:

  • index and middle fingers on both hands folded together and cautious, soft and smooth movements to smooth out the skin towards the wings of the nose to the temples;
  • then we work on the forehead - from the eyebrows to the hair growth line from the bottom up;
  • next, five fingers smoothed the face from the middle of the chin to the uches of the ears;
  • the back of the palm to obscure the chin by tapping movements towards the neck up;
  • each movement to repeat 7-8 times.

It should be noted that the lifting massage for the face at home provides for the use of several techniques that can be used as combined (alternating movement) and alone within a single session.

Here are the main:

  • stroking has a superficial action (only epidermis affects), improves blood microcirculation and lymph;
  • rubbing is a deeper effect that takes to the dermal layers. Eliminates mimic wrinkles;
  • the kneading adjusts the face relief - structures the oval, smoothes wrinkles and feces;
  • vibration is aimed at improving the elasticity of muscle tissues.

At home, as a rule, two receptions are used - stroking and rubbing. The kneading requires additional skills and experiences, since the impact force is more and can be stretched or even injured the skin.

Vibration is a special kind of impact, which at home is available in the presence of massagers.

Massagers for face

Massager for the face today is not a myth, but reality. Specialized stores offer many varieties of these devices - from mechanical to portable ultrasound. Each of them has the right to exist, but not everyone will have an equally effective effect as a lifting assistant.

  1. Mechanical roller massager - one of their simplest and budget options. Massage for the face lift at home with it will have an action even on deep layers of dermis, stimulating the internal processes in the tissues.
  2. Mostimulator is an electric portable apparatus that has a lymphodic effect. With it, you can efficiently get rid of the echoes, eliminate bags under the eyes and mimic wrinkles.
  3. Vacuum tightening massage at home will provide a vacuum apparatus. It not only structures the oval of faces, increases the elasticity of fabrics, but also eliminates pollution, rigorous traffic jams and comedones.
  4. Cosmetic massage is not conducted "on dry". With the help of leaving funds, you can increase the efficiency of physical impact on the skin, moisturize it, diven the useful substances.

    Often, basic cosmetic oils are used - peach, almond, olive.

    If there are certain skin problems, you can make compositions from basic and essential oils. Also in cosmetic stores there are ready-made products (oils, creams, serums and others) for massage.

    Remember! Such cosmetics need to be selected in accordance with the skin type, present problems, individual characteristics.

The article outlines the basic principles of massage for the suspended face of the face of the house. You will learn about the intricacies of modern manipulations, study their types, as well as discover direct recommendations of experienced specialists. In addition, the article outlines information regarding the testimony and contraindications of popular techniques, thanks to which you can clearly determine whether this technique of impact is suitable or better to pay attention to other care options.

What is this massage and principle

Based on the title, it is easy to conclude that the massage for the lifting of an oval face is a special kind of manipulation, designed to deal with serious age-related changes. These procedures are designed to stimulate the dermis cells to self-generating elastin and collagen, which will subsequently lead to a remarkable regeneration effect.

The procedure itself is the principle of complex and deep impact on the dermis. With the right procedures, you can neutralize any unwanted age changes on the face without resorting to additional financial or colossal temporary costs. Among the main advantages of popular methods of impacts with the effect of the suspender should be allocated:

  • Fast elimination of swelling, swelling and dark circles in the eye area.
  • Improving the blood circulation that contributes to the flow of nutrients to the derma and the removal of malicious elements from its structure.
  • Formation of skin relief by smoothing scars and small wrinkles.
  • Improving the color of the skin after the first session.
  • Increased elasticity by forming the qualitative work of the lymphatic storage system. The contour of the face pulls up with each session.
  • Getting rid of the selected chin and balls.

Attention!In the absence of the necessary experience, the first sessions are trying to carry out the most accurately, eliminating strong pressure. Overgrowing, you can harm the structure of the dermis, which will lead to the formation of a hematoma and other unpleasant situations.


Wanting to achieve the goals in the field of facial suspenders by massage, you should know that today there is an impressive multiple technician. Each of them has its own features. Hence, selection of variations of exposure You will have to make extremely carefully. The most popular facelifting procedures include:

Japanese massage Asahi

This technique makes it possible to feel the first results already the next day after the first session. Implies directed impacts by means of pillows of fingers and moisturizing cosmetology milk.


This technique is not as popular as the Japanese versions of the massage, but also has their own audience. The behavior of the practice was worked on the practice of a device, which laid the principle "The state of the skin directly depends on the landing of the head and posture." As a result, we obtained the methods of natural manipulation of facial skin, based on yoga, gymnastics and working with points.

Note! An important feature of technology is the fact that it includes work with internal energy, visualization and meditation. In total, the person's suspended system involves 13 consecutive exercises.


The essence of this method is to eliminate excessive fluid from the structure of the skin. As a result, the complexion is improved, toxins are completely outlined, and you get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes. The method practically does not have contraindications, and it is easily applicable at home.


The main task of this technique is to improve the tint of the dermis, raising the plasticity of the skin and the fight against small wrinkles. Basically, the method is designed to confront the first age-related changes, as well as the Mimic folds that can manifest itself from a fair sex for 5 years.


The purpose of the methodology is the formation of flawless lifting effects. Moreover, correctly performed manipulations normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, as well as reduce the amount of inflammation and wrinkles. The technique is designed for long-term chickensc, in view of what the first real results you will see only a field of 3-4 sessions.


Paying attention to myofascial facial massage, you encounter extraordinary technique aimed at working with fascia, connective shell, which is responsible for the flexibility and elasticity of muscle mass. The procedure can stimulate all the problem areas for recovery, but it requires special skills and skills from the artist. Incorrect execution can lead to a deterioration of the state of the dermis.

Massage technique

The variety of massage techniques described above will allow you to surround yourself the most practical set of exercises to achieve a qualitative effect of rejuvenation. Almost all of the mentioned techniques are easy to apply at home. It is enough just to familiarize yourself with their features and use the standard execution technique, which looks like this:

  • Preparation. The first stage of any massage. To begin with, you must choose a convenient position: sitting, midstairs or lying. It is also necessary to stay in a good mood and at rest. Manipulations are not conducted in a bad atmosphere, since in that case they can only harm. Next you should clean the dermis from cosmetics and various contaminants. They are able to cause serious irritation and discomfort at the moments of the procedure. The last step is the preparation of the hands, which involves the deposition of a moisturizing cream. In order not to harm the surface of the dermis, do not conduct the procedures with "dry" hands.

  • Start massage. Any mechanical impacts with the skin of the face are customary to start with gentle strokes on the appropriate massage lines. The force in this case is not worth it. It is enough just to heat the processed areas.
  • Paging. This is the next stage of the tightening complex. He implies soft careful movements with a careful attitude to problem areas.
  • Friction. Go from pinching to friction as smoothly as possible, without excessive intensity. To smooth the skin, use the back side of the palm or closed fist.

  • Pat. Immediately behind friction goes. It must be carried out throughout the contour of the face, paying attention to the chin area and cheeks. It is in these places that the skin most often hangs, in view of which they require additional care.
  • Stroking. The end of any manipulations by stroking the dermis, that is, the same reception from which you started. Having calmed the skin, be sure to be warm water and apply cream with a pull-up effect.

Based on this video, you will not just create an effective method of combating age-related changes, but also know the mass of nuances regarding how to apply one or other manipulations in various skin problems.


Select techniques that can affect the dermis of the face, it is necessary with special zeal, preferring aimed action techniques. It should be noted that almost all manipulations in this area are associated with solving any problems. It is for this reason that specialists are not recommended to carry out a massage for the suspended sense of wonderful sex from the age group under 25 years. The reason for the lack of necessity in the additional stimulation of the dermis at the cellular level.

To achieve an ideal appearance with such skin, you will need to look at alternative care methods, for example, by means of masks and various cosmetology procedures. As for the overall indications for the use of manipulations for tightening the facial contour, it should be attributed to them:

  • The appearance of chubby cheeks and the second chin.
  • The formation of small and deep mimic wrinkles, as well as nasolabial folds.
  • Increased swelling of the skin.

  • The general relaxation of the dermis, which led to the appearance of flabs.
  • The appearance of sagging skin after weight loss.

Note! To ensure the highest possible positive effect, all massage measures should be carried out in combination with standard gymnastics. This procedure is enough to spend not more than 10-15 minutes.


Any technique of mechanical influence has its own contraindications. That is, the pulling method is the same as the impact of the plastic massage of the face, under certain conditions it may negatively affect the state of the skin. That this does not happen, you should be familiar with common contraindications. These include:

  • The presence of major irritations, acne, urns and herpes.
  • The healing period after operations and various injuries.
  • Open wounds and superimposed seams.
  • The presence of warts, large moles and other elements, negative impact on which cancellation is capable of cancellation.
  • Hemophilia and other inflammatory processes.

Most of these contraindications are in themselves only temporary. Consequently, having spent wellness activities, you can get rid of them, while starting to get acquainted with modern homemade methods of facial suspenders by massage.

Wherein it will be worthwhile to contact the competent doctor for advice. An experienced specialist will surely tell you the effective exercises for the suspender and will indicate possible side effects from the execution of the previously selected complex.

How many procedures need to do and how often

An important value is also played by the intensity of the processes implemented. Any type of massage, including the same Spanish impact option, has its own specific principles for the time and timing of sessions. Manipulations directed directly to the face tightening, in this case they did not exception. Often, classic procedures are occupied from 15 to 40 minutes of time.

The sessions at the same time between the ages of 30 and 45 are better spent more often than 2 times a week. The full complex implies 10-12 procedures at least 1 time per year. At the age of 45+, the intensity of the procedures is better to increase to 12-15 times. The number of sessions per week is desirable to leave unchanged, but a one-year cycle can be increased to 2 times a year.

What effect should be expected from massage

If you did everything correctly, when taking into account all the testimony and contraindications, then the result will be guaranteed to delight. Mechanical impact implemented correctly selected equipment, allow you to realize the rapid rejuvenation of the skin and will lead to a complex suspender of everything oval. The pronounced advantages of the result are:

  • Improving blood flow and metabolic processes.
  • Personal contour lift contributing to the formation of elegant smooth lines without lowered zones.
  • Improving color. The dermis looks more fresh and healthy after a pair of sessions.
  • Enhance elasticity. After a responsible course, you will enjoy every touch.
  • Smoothing wrinkles. Small age changes completely disappear, and deeply acquire a minor character.

  • Reduced swelling. Circles and bags under the eyes completely disappear. Also, skin is get rid of toxins and dead cells.
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands. You get rid of excessive fatty on the surface of the skin.
  • Relaxation. Any voltage is removed from the dermis. With proper application, the technique effect can be saved for several days.

Note! Incorrect massage can lead to the opposite effect. For this reason, cosmetologists are recommended before using the complex at home several times to visit an experienced master.

Useful video

Wanting to fully explore the features of massages for the shaft of the oval, you must surround yourself as much as possible list of information. The more actual data will be at your disposal, the easier it is to choose the technique of exposure and the process of developing a set of exercises. Especially for these purposes, we prepared thematic video.

Open optimal conditions for the delicate of the face, using popular mechanical impact techniques, whose effectiveness has already been proven not one thousand satisfied fine sex representatives.

Massage for tightening an oval facial is your chance to ensure your dermis health, elasticity and attractive color. This type of influences can be used even at home, because all the techniques are available on the expanses of the global network. Choose your version of the mechanical effects of the COVING COVER. Explore the nuances of the technique and start today the first procedures that will subsequently allow you to achieve enormous results in terms of suspenders.

A flat stomach and a thin waist is not a unrealized dream, but to achieving reality. A beautiful figure can be literally cut out with your own hands - with the help of a pull-up massage.

Fat "savings" is postponed as in the subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen, so in silent "apron" protecting the internal organs of the abdominal cavity from external influence. It is not easy to get rid of excess fat - as from the flanner, saved after the giving birth. Only a targeted integrated approach that combines three important components will help:

  • changing the power system - rejection of calorie food and fast food;
  • regular execution of the complex;
  • competent use of various types of massage for weight loss.

The correct execution of the abdomen massage allows not only to adjust the fallen contours of the figure, get rid of excess weight and increase the turgor of the skin. An important bonuses will be the normalization of digestion, improving blood circulation and exchange processes.

There are several types of effective tightening massages for the abdomen, which can be done at home:

  • vacuum (cannon);
  • pinch;
  • with a brush or mittens;
  • honey;
  • water and others.

Vacuum (Roast)

It turns out that medical banks can not only be put on the back with a bronchitis or a launched cold. The vacuum principle for which this technique works, gives excellent results and for suspended belly.

You can use with equal success as old, Soviet production glass banks, and the most modern, silicone - they are freely sold in pharmacies and shops of medical equipment.

Silicone massage banks are much more convenient in use, the technique of procedures with them is simple and consists of several consecutive stages:

  1. Accept hot shower with soft gel to degrease the skin.
  2. Winterlet stomach well and apply a small amount of cream or ointment for massage.
  3. Energetic movements quickly lose the belly before lighting, without massaging muscles.
  4. The silicone bank is a bit surpassed and tightly pressing the stomach - straightening, it is approximately an hour and a half fill the skin.
  5. Slowly promote the jar on arbitrary trajectories - from the navel to the sides.

The total duration of the procedure should not exceed half an hour; The course may consist of 20-30 daily vacuum massages. For the month of application of the methodology, the volume of the waist will reducemaximum for five centimeters.

After such a session on the skin can manifest small bruises. This is a natural phenomenon, like some painful sensations. But the appearance of large hematoma can not be allowed.

Video: Roast massage

Self-massage (pinch)

Plug-in is the easiest and most affordable of all types of massage. In order to carry out the procedure, you will not need anything other than your own hands and minimal skills that are easy to get, following step-by-step recommendations:

  1. A little rebuild the abdomen during the adoption of the hot soul.
  2. Protsenger laugh with a terry towel.
  3. Take a comfortable horizontal position and try to relax the body as much as possible.
  4. The fingers of one or both hands are slightly "pinch" yourself in the navel area - lift the skin and pull it a little, then release.
  5. Continue such plugging, slowly moving along the spiral in the direction of the clockwise, until they miss all the stomach.
  6. With each new twist, the spiral massage should become more intense.
  7. Slide a slightly red-free skin with a moisturizing gel for the body or anti-cellulite cream and go to the lung strokes of the abdomen in the same direction - do movements for three to five minutes.

The session of the plug-in massage will take you a total of not more than 15-20 minutes. Procedures can be done once or twice a day after the shower. The effect you will notice in a week.

On the same lines, you can do other comfortable types of self-massage: with a rigid brush, special mittens or a strong shower jet.

Video: Plug Massage


Massage of the abdomen with honey is considered the most effective tightening and anti-cellulite procedure. Its action is based on the healing properties of the honey and the mechanical sensation of the skin with it. In addition to the purely pull-up you will receive a significant wellness:

  • the skin is saturated with valuable substances - enriched with vitamins, minerals and useful saaps of honey;
  • there is deep detoxification of the dermis - honey pulls out of the interstitial compounds accumulating there products of decay and toxins
  • the relaxing effect of massage contributes to the exit from depression and deliverance from insomnia;
  • improved metabolic processes in tissues, the movement of blood and lymph is accelerated.

For the procedure, a single tablespoon of natural honey, in which you can add a few drops of citrus, rosemary or other, your favorite ether.

Honey massage can be done on their own, but will be better if on the first sessions you ask someone to help - massage technique is very available:

  1. Preheat the body with a shower and obscure the stomach with a scrub.
  2. While rustling with a towel, melt the honey on the water bath - it should be warm.
  3. Prepare dry napkins and a glass with warm water to rinse hands.
  4. Locate more comfortably on a flat solid surface, relax and start a massage.
  5. Distribute honey with essential oils evenly on the stomach and actively scroll through it for three to five minutes.
  6. The following ten minutes massaging the stomach with circular motions clockwise.
  7. Another quarter of an hour lie in a relaxed state and take a shower.

Honey procedures spend a day throughout the month. During this time, your volumes will decrease by 3-10 centimeters, and the belly will noticeably tightens.

Video: Honey Samo massage


The tightening abdomen massage can not be done and not all - for this there are a number of contraindications:

  • the period of tooling the child - massage can lead the uterus in the tone and provoke a spontaneous abortion;
  • breastfeeding - acceleration of metabolism leads to a reduction in milk generation;
  • acute phases of diseases of the internal organs of the digestive, hematopoietic and urogenital system;
  • pathology of the reproductive organs of a woman;
  • bile and urolithiasis;
  • ascites of cardiac or liver etiology;
  • hazardous chronic infections;
  • vessel vessels of the abdominal wall;
  • monthly;
  • dermatosis and abdominal leather injury.

According to experts, massage is needed to our face as well as regular cosmetic care. Muscles hold face as a kind of frame, they are responsible for the beautiful contour, elasticity and tightness of the skin. Lifting massage will help keep muscles in a tone, smooth the relief, makes a clearer face. How to do the face lifting massage at home?


Never make a lifting massage between the case: on the way home, in the train, in front of the TV. This procedure requires preparation and care. Preparation for massage includes several stages:

  • purification of the face with the help of special means: gel for washing or milk;
  • skin tone with refreshing lotion or tonic;
  • a hot compress from the herbs that will split the skin will accelerate the blood circulation in the dermis, so that the massage effect will increase.

MAY MASSAGE IN A HIGHER WARNING WORLD. Do not conduct the "dry" procedure so you can stretch the skin. Therefore, pick up a massage tool that is suitable for your skin type.

Selection of massage

For oily skin, you can use cream. Choose a means with a light texture, without oils and fats that will provide a good sliding effect. With a normal and combined skin type, you can choose cream fluid. Buy cosmetics, which contains substances that improve metabolic processes in the skin, activating protective functions.

With dry skin massage, it is better to use nutrient creams with natural oils and extracts that will raise the skin with useful elements, a lipid barrier will restore.

Fading skin requires more intense cosmetics. They must contain amino acids, proteins, retinoids, oligosaccharides.

You can use special massage cosmetics. In addition to moisturizing components, it contains special ingredients and biocomplexes that prevent the development of inflammatory processes on the skin, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. This cosmetics is particularly suitable for sensitive skin.

Scheme Lifting - Massage

All movements during massage should be smooth and neat, massaging the face with the pads of the fingers, without squeezing the skin and not pressing on it.

Start a massage from smoothing the nasolabial folds, move from the nose to the ear of the ear. Then with light movements, spend from the center of the chin to the side and from the corner of the lips to the side. The next movement massaging the brow line, then lead from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the tip of the nose to the center of the forehead, from the middle of the forehead to the temporal area.

Work the lip area. Spend from the center of the upper lip to the temple, then obscure the plot from the bottom lip to the side of the ear. Now you can pay attention to the eye area. Start the movement from the inner corner of the eye and move over the upper century to the outer corner. Then massaging the zone under the lower eyelid along the edge of the zilly arc, ranging from the outer corner and moving to the inner.

Do not forget about the sect and neck. These zones often give out age and require no less care than face. Make massage motion from below-up on the front of the neck. Spend from the center of the chest to the clavicle. Side neck surfaces massage from above-down.


The essence of the lifting massage technique is to work out the skin and muscles of the face, subcutaneous fiber. As a result, blood circulation is improved, the lymphotock is enhanced, the muscles of the face comes into the tone. The skin begins to better produce collagen and elastin, the stagnant processes decrease, excess fat deposits disappear, the metabolism is increasing, swelling is intensified.

Already after a month of regular procedures, you will see the result. The face will become more tightened, the skin will acquire freshness and healthy color, the bags will disappear under the eyes, the relief will improve and minor wrinkles will be smoothed. Cosmetologists argue that after lifting massage, the effect of "circular suspenders" occurs, but it does not require special injections or surgery.


It is possible to carry out a lifting massage in the event that your skin is healthy, there are no rashes, acne, foci of inflammation, vascular stars, cooperosis. It is also not recommended to carry out a massage at elevated body temperature. Even the usual cold is contraindicated.

Remember to get the desired effect of massage, the procedure must be carried out regularly, at least twice a week. Start practicing the massage from 25-30 years, then you can avoid such common problems as lowered cheeks and corners of the lips, the appearance of pronounced nasolabious folds, fuzzy spreading faces. Extend the beauty of your face, be young and attractive.